ThA (New Treatment | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange perenne, | Voluntary FORA IA FIRS by # E ff a UP r ope , see Wap tw rk MINES rs aves mpnton sil le | LONDON, Om (OP). -- ren The froibn " Jen " " ish bok 4.50.44 44 vw i $s v " ¢ " Went WHR 7 chemical known # BT 4 56 $e is 10% $4 : ' Seine High bow om CR F8 firm I metheiresaie of tumor of the TORONTO (€CF)~8i% associa: : 3 ' ¢ "1 wo ¢ Fit om placenta, & Tare and WEY tions representing the medical Fn aeias Adis A : : 4 f " 4 . MaRERant (orm of cancer. gives profession. hospitals and Ine INDUSTRIALS V4 a { Aim : atinie Jil Sl iy iam se of mew RAY RICE supers have formed an organ 0 is : y A 4 od A against the disease, & Mees ation to promote (he cause of baler Wigh bow 2.4 Pigs <i 2 4 3 . # . / 8 way i! p § withorty seid Tuesduy wa ary. health Insurance in w priv ren yw " i : o . oe we A 3 Fart Piunkett, posistant Canada iin § ' 0 125 # ' ; : , . A y y y ew gf whessor wm medical research Formation of the Canadian ' : A of the Umversty of Western On Conference mm Health Care was ie tod of medicine, and announced Tuesday at #0 Na g ROARS o # v7 : 4 . . ; p i : wh research fellow with the Ontario wal meeting. Foaming mem: Aamo any. 4 : ; y "ow : ee Cancer Foundation, was ad: hers gre All Canada Insurance wre of A Bathers 4 PY i #4 # A ol Ee np Loa J ; dressing members of the Sa Federation. the Canadian Fife re loheiie, on Monde: Ss ay a 4 or / y ? yo iy 4 tional Commeil of Jewish Women. (HNicers Association and the Ca A Viti woes (or Dimegine wad Ro "Hom r #0 #5 whe on is 4 y : . / "9 4 A ¥ A fe suid patients with ad. Median Medical Association any Babies An / y p ! ; : ] 4 / anced stages of the disease be. J. A MeMillan of Char / : after being treated with the '00etown, the conference's first ; LIZ . ' 4 Mee 4 y a : 2 4 7 ; 2 ys chemical. he CRANman #id he sponsoring fein bukier (hee 4 : : A 2 4 . 7 4 1 ' 4 A " b : % ok HE Tela after five Yew FEA tions "Rave & COMmon 2 the Bele pias. A bp A a 4 A / 2% # : ' 4 f 4 4 oy 1 4 merest wn extending yolniary : p i # " # i wepald medical care and insur i Ed i : ob, iE BY ww i" CHURCH NAMES 'nt vin INTERESHING ' a 7 he 7 BIER ® wae 119 he (HEB w 4 4 h pb A ¢ ' ' 4 7 7 Wy : : 7 i feMiilan said Macission AAA : 2 | : : {OUT OF DBTE [hoger tore me muda uid / 2 " : : : : ie of requently overlook the extent # Ihe Classified (wis ls ' ' ¢ J . y " on 4 9 LONDON (Rewters)~The of protection already enjoyed Tae Oohens el 4 ll d y 4 " " 4 ; 4 4 4 ; 1 #0 i Aeehitishop of Camerbmry, He vid a survey showed that Gemtfre Fisher sad 10 1058 some §000 000 Canadians DEATHS "7 2 § . $ brie Whe 4 ' py ' : "2 day that the words Were enrolled in voluntary med ; wh . : : : i : i furbie and Prot #1 [hah : " ; | wm' are completely out of in wim of the new organ zation will he the advancement Yhey are almost # of the vase of YoOlUMArY pres ssed now purely for rons wid medical care and Insure ance plan ee shore n ho Lh LOOK anda purpose ne man famed hat § why 4 wie con vr Saal Mart i a ul Nea wn word jist 4 id "i'w High Reac to the Pope FORONTO (CP )Trading on the Toromin stock exchange PRECAUTIONS PAID ie Pope | have eno 5, hug aa pf An yr abled evervhody io see that PY hed hy hea LB, buying in J i" ) eden ' f Prof Canadian oil and gas stocks fad only one (raffle fatality du he wards Catholic ang Frol welled Tuesday 10 the greatest ng the holiday period, Officials extant as ordinarily weed gona value in mare than # belie ives weve saved by the are completely out of date gh peed imi imposed he! Jnoan pathing " al Phe total exceeded $10,000,000 0 1 ui HEE did for a 1060-6) peak. Industrial 10 or 15 road deaths during hol Hative Tne prices rose ta their highest aye ny period erage since August 195 hope that Wh mng n Ihe norm ah Ji : i: . BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ' Canadians Most | Boat-Minded By FORBES RHLUDE Canada Year Book. A Canadian Press Business Vdilor lease sa Canadians are the mos! hog Exiensive revision wed wie n the world. heen made on the 1extugl and h ane | evel H) owning h | Heal material particular! hou i he department with regard to the machiner ol rade and OMMEerce nao government native people honklet entitled Canada Pre: of Canada, public health and ents elfare cientifie, medical and The booklet, préiiared for use Industrial research, power gen Meet the car that's so much a part of '61, Pontiae in connection with the Canadian eration and utilization, min y 1 i i J 7 ; exhibit at the International eral production, manufacturing dl 4 i v ' with its shim, trim, sleek exterior that moves you ow Boal Show al Karls Court, Lon: transportation and communici i miles ahead of the rest in elegance and sensible "don, Jan. 4-4, add tons, domestic marketing o } 4 / : ; hand i commaodities, foreign trade, na . i : taste , , . a balanced combination of dignity, press . BF 8 \i enormous fleet of near! y . a 44 Ag fashars (Ch Funeral Chaves, 000.000 pleasure hoats and onal A one and expending % j ' 3 bh Higl T tige and youthful good taste that tells you that t El ie chapel # | aft { 58 3 ane Anda s investment po # Bowmpnvile: series in the chopel on other craft sonal acre nH ', 4 " " , Pontiac is undoubtedly the finest ear in its field, € Lemeler ada's thousands of lake river ind sIreAMS each summel New [ealures cover such Eoniskitien More Canadians own hoats than subjects as the national parole Wi, Feed piay golf, curl or awn-how! sysiem SPACE Te eAIen and a Rone and the spend mare maney controls over the pricing and ire. huving and sailing their hoats marketing of farm products! WE than on any other form of pec. other than grain y reagtion Minnesota and Ontario Pa In 1060, some 3500 Canad per Company announces a V [ an varking in 224 factorie tile | 1 all M . " pT . F hi dusk a J turned out 40.000 hoats and POW HIE hg | calls It Mar v " Here's a ear that's soundly engineered from the mare hian 60.000 nuthaard mo Flags Circle and describes I" 1 ) tires up! You're eradled in comfort and seeurity GERROW FUNERAL liars. One of Canada's leading #8 "8 decorative tile that y » HAPEL boat builders says the industey Combines sound-guieting gual . ' ' 4 because Pontiac's rugged frame foundation means now 1s intraducing annual Hes with an attractive de . : ' ' y , a lower centre of gravity for saler driving Kindness beyond price vet within reach of all smoother handling and cornering. And Pontiag's model changes combined with "EW facilities for purchasing on ea I'he Warld Bank has arted credit term Is annual general training pro RA B-6226 Some. of the models come HMA It consists of a six superh suspension gives you a jolt-free ride on any months' course designed to give a 1 , Lerrain, voung nationals from the bank's i " member countries an apportan Hy to study the hank's opera farting buttons to eliminate Hons and its methods of deal) tiresome rope:pull stan ng with economic development h ) % $ p t < VA S} ( WRING The Ruginearing Snatiiute problem The program, nang: J i ¢ \ 5 ) \ 0) \ urated in 1040, with this year : ior. : . | ) | EN {1 R of Canada and the Canadian d : group will have included 111 1 % . i J | f f f Eo Iastitute on Sewage and Sani | k p F, parteipant fram 58% countrie | 190 KING TREET equipped with such accessors as remote steering wheel for LOCKE'S FLORIST vard - neutral - reverse geal eal Jements 3 motarieed hatling and electri RA B:6555 tation are making & Joint She hank Country wide study of all M 0 " phases of the use, conserva an narteipan mn nl y p tion and pollutioncontrol of PATIEE PIOEFAMS have risen 10 B farther so you ean slide into luxurious deep foam» | n A SERINT positions in their awn \ . ¥ . f : : pon So \ i \ Seats are h comments Step into a new Pontiac doors are wider, open Canada's water resourees RO cushioned front seats with greater ease, committee: has heen formed consisting of 16 engineers and higher with all the headroom, legroom, feotroom hig] hoa - -- Pilot Rules | AN gE ' "oN and shoulder room you could wish for, Sparkling min | 5 } hi ' \ v, Wie, upholstery excites the admiration of all, Yet these I'he Bureau of Natisties ha oo ; i . Rk - : : released its 1060 edition of the Under Attack o, N, : \ featur harely start to spell out the Pontiae i _ Th uAury story, AND (AY) Ship 3 nn : oo: "i thd NET BRRNINGS ving representatives voiced si satisfaction Tuesday al & com ARRBOTY 3 department hearing avel By THE CANADIAN PRESS MOT ' ' : i , ' > new regulations requiring all % 5 , § YS vear ended Sept. 400 1866. net rie af the Great Lake 0 % " ) / in BIT 00, THAR, net profit pave an board a piel registered , 0 : oo Ml ol I bl ¢) WAN ATH { # b]| either in the United Mates ol Mansi Ferguson Lid vear Canada ended Oct. 310 1060, S13 83004. Cpitioism expressed by some ! y Critical engineering, quality construgtion, superior Wy { a ahi Hal | % 1 a " cents a shave: 1000, $21,008. 50 persons al the hearing, which \ : 4 5 a! new materials and finishes combined to make il, $1.63 continues today and Thursday 3 | 3 h " Overland Express Lid, year paised these objections te the 4 : ) g " : Pontiac a car that will give you better performance ¥ 3 Mid A ¥ 4 3 " . ded Oct 21, 1960. 5203498. yegulation : X i ; 8 longer with less maintenance and great gasoline RROWN A | A LELER AELILLY I. The three districts Presi dent Kise nhower designated economy, You'll never realise how much value a "ey patand A Ad y FORONTO (CPy=Enthusiasm vo 1 AY IRL TR A was toned down somewhat in a Hee 33 sll leave a need. for) ; ; ear ean give you until you own a '61 Pontiag A lake trained pilnts in othe noderaiively active sinek mal Rut \ \ hazardous lake paths and por Laving new i P| kot Tuesday, although all se and Edith tons closed an the upside Arba Jo Administrators did not con On index. industrials weve u Anonvy Serato: Chiof 2 Door Sedom BELOW Lawreniian 4 Doar Sport Sedan BROWN A A \ wit with enough UN shipping Prop 1 pay seheduls ) a The proposed | N J Whitewall tires are aprional at exiva vont LARGE ule A aviRg wew and the Bh vear age mit is an i, ) WhILFATY POSTIICHOn raded Manda Hecause of the increased num 84 al ALB hey earlier hit a Ana lan thy new high for 1960-61 gold 1 A far plats employed under the Sadly wm als ON at 16736 and Western OF I ' hid tase Volume was 2581000 share A 4 p her of foreign ships on the lake Bale 4 | 5 Nave Canada jumped a {tl vd 3 LR \ Ax . i M Ww + ! ! 3 . { at BA ail went ahead: 8% # resi the N Awrencs A Aris veil wf Seaway apening. the UN. and V . | \ and Imperial (i 3 hi on. A grand ¢ { Canada devised navigation sal ' ( y neasures were needed. Can A A y Coada is te de te those areas SR po Uanadian waters where oy CA a, neon + Uarporaliv y 1A v3. Shay hail " " Abb MUTTON N N Wo inigan up 3 3 XN | an af V maihes, A R ¥ men on the arden : 1 x o Were up 4% al MAT, base mel ails 1-08 al A698 regulations (x not igh enough. 4 aENERAL MOTORS VALUE Ian compared with the 2 947 000 des SRE 4 friends of Cedardalel Golds were led hy Giant Ye TRAVEL CONTS Vand members oF Osh Hawknife With a half-peint MANCHESTER, England ar heir axpreasens fo ian pane went abe OP)=-Fined £3 for making the == For the best in drama, see "General Motors Presents' weekly = check local TV listings for Nme and channel he toss af Wy belaved Gearging ¢ Myitian LH Smile rail woumey from Pres on a Cay © WI paving PLINTER | \ y hac p/h a | } ) eRa Ey dead nel CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED \ i 9 : \ JB eM Ld ol had a a p from London ta Edinbuigh RET REAR: ARN +4 iy ai ~ land the fine was enly £4 v 266 KING ST, W,, OSHAWA WHITBY, ONT,