Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Jan 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Jonsary 11, 1967 : [7 Bloor, Albert Streets Trustee Is Accused ' : | Rezoning Is Refused Of Smear Campaign WF = 4 tans ese same dma oh. re ee att gn FRE Tuesday might, after a public way renming alongnde i$ fg of the i ie Mack from Kl- he ' al é RE 4 > vim ¢ or ok 1 will ha s of oon in ta Adelaide sires The fast "special meeting" of voted in favo «law the former title and | { vole i ; ; hearing and month a" « BOUND 70%ING V on will he taken op ah the 195080 Oshawa Board of seemed to agree that they for §f (FRtion, turned coun @ request oy 5 WA Wend ' f whi . that . § wore ] itd. and Board Chatiman ' application for rezoning from Fhwantion enfed on & Witter note wnderstood Wh Wh : by BM. Mackie 14 R & said s his opinion Tuesday evening, # the OCYI renamed aff rest oiiy AES RECORDED YOTY. y a Douglas Leasehoids id, to "0% S06 F Was FHS SVE 13 by James Rodd, 99% b wom, when rifle that ' ho F $0 that there may be a per ; : 4 the ty rezmmed as DW vie Board should look # hE giro street north honed 1 : ye fhat he Shia ! 2 wt reed of what may well have pid propos ¥ 162 sithation from a 70Mng view ' ' etiial prem . 4 2, rela ' i Rp Wh on {6 Tristan hoard wold an wnenviahie place in the 7 2, Comme Le cio OIE AA howid only recom TO DEFEND REFUSAL 4 AE NEW BOARD VOTED bowrd's minutes, § ask for & re With the refusal to rezone (he wong io council what i its opin. The board voted unammously In 8 lettey written i the hoard Trustees Wery Britton, corded vote, ¥ the vole is of property from Bight indestnal ion oon send sound 10ming to have representation at the by Trustee George K odiipu Sparkes Minett, fok wad firmative, this hoard has opened to commercial, a gasoline sef- Maser Christine 'T ho m & 5 Commitiee of Adjustment to de which was 15ad to the @ by Flesaher voted in (avor of the the way for & series of resol vice station recently construed oo. .q with the chairman and (end its refusal for extension of aiid Seongh A Nustehat resolution. Trustee Sh aw. tions clarifying hoard eonduet on the property will not be abI¢ aia if the board felt it was in a non-conforming wee described and abied in ha hoa WL rneill, Armstrong. and Coffey Furthermore, from. the vole on to open for husiness hie interests of good Zoning 16 by the members @s "an eye ne ated i Is a opposed the motion, Trustees this motion, | shall find out whe : Planning Directoy Bert Wand change the zoming, by all means sore and a mess cised of putting hig pl Saywell and Brown abstained are my friends and whe are 4 less told the board Mr. Mackie to do so. But, she seid, the N. Dryiw, $11 Harmony reed hou IO Tename ws of iy from voting pgainst me. This is one motion applied for rezoning from MIE hoard may be making a mistake south, will appear at the com- primase for Fans hi "/ Truster (Neill was principal on wieh § can't Jose , to M2 in order to install an wh- if it rezoned the property 16 miles of adjustment for exten: and ne iipage pA ne pis of the Oshawa Vocational Col Trustee Mrs, CC, Law sald Aergrownd storage tanks for gecommadate a building which sion of a non conforming use i" gv " of he lowest legiate Institute from 1995 til "On seconding the motion | had gasoline and fuel for a truck ser is thers to wild a shed on what appear: 4 4 "4 dg ed. "8 brick 1950, He was coordinating prin no feeling of reflection on Dr view station last July. He said +p quite sure Mr. Mackie #4 10 be a wrecking yard, on eder, fhe cipal of Oshawa Wgh schools (7 Nell) 4 4 ; p Mr. Mackie was told al that me wooo when he went inte this Wires shown at the meeting rinsily unknown in Canadian 0% © # A WE knew when h ia f sities. the negative shale i for one year, them retired ir Trustee ¥, BK. Britton said he vf ' A Wo gasoline retail service sation gino thet a gasoline retail ser- and which can plainly be seen on "ing i he yoo Ain 1950, A member of the Oshawa stpporied the motion hut Sid not 4 ' ie eowid not be built on the prop vice station was not allowed jn the east approach (9 the eity ihniten fobders at the Geers) Boned of Education for the past elaborate y erty, Dit @ (Fuck SERVICE GATRARE (hay grea" Mis, Thomas said from Highway i, fotors plant naming the eight "or years, his former charge Triiee 1. M. Sparkes said 4 was within the provisions of the si, man Sisen said he didn't members who were running "5 renamed the (Neill Col") support th motion, While i roving bylaw ike the whole application for re 2gain and asked the electors not Ente Vocational Institute jn 1s unloriunate that it might be SERVICE, STATION BUILT 7oning. He said if the zoning by: . we taken to hurt any individas!, | y Mf ' v could be contravened eithe i y woe for them. "Nothing is i : § ' Mr, Wandiess continued that 18Y could be contravened either oo Tow for O'Neill, his entire, POeRking of maton pave a ghd go il he a second application was receiv. by accident, or misrepresenta- " 4 rei hoard rn ng seh 5 aft 11 . { e campaign was one of distortion Fristse Rr A I be aming schools after peo ed from Douglas Leasholds 144 bo ihe " "ud be Tuber p Can exEpre eng I Ls a Sery sf at PT stamped and (nanged iis no ohana wea cave eos cigs hn LL CUB RECEIVES HIS 13TH BADGE 8 ser salon was ree, amped ind 1% ho f 1} 4 / 4 vi id Frustee (Neill is accused aaninst avon is the question is in very on the site. A We ser timating 10 the board, through ie Po oa / ta vartiediariy pes a i. son of Mrs, Ross Godfrey, Akela meetings of the p (1) tation was built, Dougila MOTION PUT ustee Rev, P. Colley and SOFFY " i nT, on that trust and Mrs, John Calder the 14th Oshawa Cub Pack, is the second time in the pack's 1 £asHO0s appned for rezoning Norman ( Millman moved Trustee 8, G, Saywell, that i P9777 | ou 215 Drew street, was present to C2, commercial, Wn order that oe after further study of the e school was renamed for Wm xo COMMITMENT WERRY EXPLAINS STAND ed with bis 13th badge in cub- | LT nding wolf cub. | the pack was awarded the 'Pe sof rae station coma De aren and after a public hear: hat he would not seek re-elec Trustee (Neill said ) Trustee W. T. Werry said: "1 bing Tuesday night al a meet operated, he said ing, the hoard recommend 10 on 10 the board . reports reaching me of conver- would like to take this oppor ing of the pack at Holy Trin. = More than 35 Oshawa hos 1th badge . Phot Ald, Finley M. Dafoe, who was council that the zoning on the } " h ! ' ' P , p ar Tuesday night shaw i imes ol : . a BYLAW PASSED sations in public places, private unity to explain why I dis ty Anglican Chureh Hall, | attend regular Tuesday nigh shaw Tm Wa lin favor of the rezoning, argued south-east comer of Albert and The sion and the shuse Nomes, clubs and perties approved of the renaming of the that 875000 has heen spent by Bloor streets he left as it is { ISCUSSION L 4 4 certain trustee reS6n OCYE and yet voted for # ™ . the British Petrolium 144. 10 Seconding the motion, Ald, John accompanying Jui irom & election to the board a a First 1 considered serious l abor yl 'ouncil Officers Of build the station and the board Dyer said the board could un- wv. M sugges the Dee » meet. School was renamed in my repercussion political and ¢ | should recommend to council derstand and he assured of what ay ard "that no school | Donor 1 must conclude this mo otherwise, which could develop gu Wi & | that the property be rezoned stand he will take on the issue very subt) uke within the hoard, the teaching * in order that it may open or hoard of education building on 18 not a very subtle rebuke RD AMM ficial hat uf iy e Ie yo in council he named after ® trustee sitting|'® Me. § made no commitment stall, and officials (hat coi Ql 1 106 1Cers He sald the petrolium com- Ald, Dafoe still protested the on the board". The motion on fo het off the hogrd in retum get ously affect our school sys pany Jos cleaned the area up area could be cleaned up and ' g aving y 4 letters on tem and i the service station was devel d hett fit / the yh u led to Tues OF DAYINE ny name in : develope N er if it was TRIN i d yl b Ry tabled 10 7 the oldest seconds chool Secondly, 1 do not bel re or. The 1 jor Slicers Rd Ti Dormitted to open, the city ed for commercial use rather ] ays # ree in i 1 8 2 a ( awa Aan ¥ ' b n & Pp Pp The motion was moved by shaw agree In the program (or efuca (hava of go lected by ould get "a fair amount of than for Hight industrial use CLUB SECRETARY ' 4 However, if a sufficient num- tion that Dr. O'Neill has con- Council were Tel ' Wor. Bro. M. DD. Jacobi was lax ' revenue from it A Bp 6 rd y 4 > > H 2 . . . Trustos Minets and Socom d by ber of the trustees are sore tinually expounded acclamation at the regular § : installed as master of Lebanon Ald, Dafoe said if he lived in PUBLIC HEARING During the meeting of the You # p wil in the : ' p mp {Oshawa Kiwanis Club, at f d at my ing and heing You ask then why did I sup- meeting of the council ; fodge, No. 130, AV and AM s BIO ) a athe The board voted to hold & 4 . The only sitting member of CNOUEN &t my runn t f 4 di port the renaming of the school? Steelworkers' Hall, Tuesday a the "officer of fhe lodge the area, he would far fathes wblic hearing at the February Hotel Genosha on Tuesday, the hoard who hes a school re-elected fo repent of placing Oddly enbugh it was George night f an ' 1 d an ioisce 4 clean service station op | f licat byl 70ck Rupert was installed as 3 q ssonsnl 1 yas » MIEN ' were inves ing # (4 ; " p 0 J named for Wm Is Dr, A, B,|my name not too conspicio ree Clifford Pilkey, of Loca) 222, 8 were Invested GUEING an MRDECS erating there than a small in. DeCUNE On 7 _APDECAEOR WI Couretary of the club for the , on the building where 1 labored Vietcher who induced me to be 4 y ' sive ceremony Tuesday night at! gustry . Dr. JP. G, Maroosis for re A O'Neill, Board members who 4 faithful ving kind to Mr. O'Neill, Look how UAW, is again president. Thom- ; the Oshawa Masonic Temple ustry pounding Us head off zoning his: property, st 195 Sim.| "NEWINE Year, The clith offi- long and faithfully in (rying kind J Ee as Pdwards, of Local 494 Rub- § : he Oshawa Masoni I and making all kinds of noise Ing Ma- property, MM cers, who were elected re- times, let them offer a motion to Neill ty d The stall f invest y : A y | viee-presi- BI . The installation and juvesture Mr. Datoe protested that he ist ™ street north, from R3 to | cently, were also installed, | : , y herworker is first Bs of ected hy V. Wor J o : Sh Slides iiss Bi i "E10 SYMPATHY AROUSED dent; ¥red Beckstend, of Hach . y HA dprted A was assisted NOL In complete agreement that a we id ur ow DJ "My sympathy was aroused 397 Hodearriers, is second vice ' by a number of the past mast- 811 the south side of Bloor street! (o2 doctor's or dentist's offices. | OVERSEAS POSSESSIONS ! hy Father Coffey who gave the president, Keith Ross, business A ers of the Indge as well as the should he zoned for light indus: dir oo Portugal's e mp i ve contains " entire hoard his solemn assur-|@gent for the International A 58 masters of the three other Osh Fwo proposals will he made than 23 times as much Of ardens # 2 ance in good faith that Dr. | Steelworker is secretary 7 FB ma ih 3 dire hy the board at that time They |More han : O'Neill would not run for the treasurer 4 awa mason ) Lodge; Wor. Bro, C, M. Elliott, are the rezoning of the corner land as does (he republic her The meeting of the Oshawa y We EA hoard again, 1 thought this EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE p =H LODGE OFFICERS master of Parkwood Lodge RB. lot on which Dr, Maroosis' pro- self Hortieultural Society was held © 8 # b. would he good for education and! your people were elected to ot A ' Other officers of the lodge Wor. Bro. K, FV. ¥ Arrow and V - on Monday evening in the i #5 Father Coffey put it, good the executive eommittee, They ? v for the ensuing year are Wor, Wor. Bro. B. 8. Fdmondson \ i ' ¥. A. Lovell Public School y for the health of Dr, O'Neill vere: William Rutherford, of ' & Bro, Walter Famme, immed: TOAST PROPOSED With the scheduled speaker Ji (Neill broke his word and Local 222. UAW, Douglas Lind inate past master; Bro. George In the banquet hall the toast VER BIL Tohn Budd of Toronto, unable ies : t lconducted a dishonest, smear say, from a lof al of the Na- i Werry, senior warden; Bro to Grand Lodge was proposed to be present hecause of a last NT campaign and | believe the pub-| tional | Mion_fof I While Berviee / Frac ey Glaspell Suhior warn; by Bro, Ross Bell with V. Wor minute appointment with a ga 4 i lie should he aware of if Employees, William 14/8 d : {Wor, Bro, Walter Houston, chap: igre =n' gpa ondson making rage mechanic, his absence wus A: : Trustee Monty Brown, who re:|of Local 397, Hod Aarriers an 7 lain: Bro, KE, W. Jackson, reas: | suitable reply, The toast {6 1 4 i frained from voting on the ques-| James Brown, Loc al 2784, Bleel- 4 urer; Wor, Pro, ( harles Temp: | | y filed In by | voting o 1 | og f | } . 0 the visitors was proposed hy IN H tion, said; "I have only oled Workers od cvtod tr tha Pah u (lar, secretafy; Wor, Bro, A Bro, Tracey Glaspell while the) | y THE DIGESTIVE TRACT Me " rete o ' ; > f 5 p pe ies: A A Committee were: CINFPORD PILKEY Rats pracy ol Ceremonies; toast to She installing board was " 0g cal 1500 Stee . . ' 3 proposed George ry th or hil ifi res i commentator the audience en- y ever voted was for the Vincent Bid Burges Ts Lo i) 1300 Steel Harry Topham, of Local 1817 Bro, Gordon Pierson junior ig oe Bi H ge ey pi 14 amusifias tae [1 formula uF vegriabie nredionis He joyed views of the beautiful y 4 Massey School, where 1 felt he Yorker p ! by r 2a on UAW. | Bteelworkers; and Thomas Sim: deacon; Bro, William Boorman [plied to the latter toast, {| tively. At the same time, it setually Edward Gardens and the Allan os ano? deserved the honor, 1 think my|James Lee, of Loci Yin 1417 | mons of Local 222, UAW inner guard; Bro, Garnet Tubb bo is added to fatty solids, the fat improves the flow of liver bile needed Gardens in Toronto, also some actions were correct, I'd rather A To Leonard Arp, of | In his remarks Wor, Bro.| broken down and form & smooth, to break down fats in your digestive 4 rvman Campbell senior steward; Bro, William! / A : : of the picturesque gardens of A not make a decision than a had|Sleeiworker Wyman Camp Jacobi voiced his appre iation| oy living it + 4 f Local 1817 Steelworkers, and Austin, Junio steward and Bro. |" In your digestive traet, liver bile So when you feel sluggish, head: our own Col, R, 8, McLaughlin g one . y In a hi yo al 846 In CELEBRATING George Taylor, tyler of the honor conferred upon him| ' helps break down fate the seme way, schy, nervous and ned. 1 Outstanding floral arrange. Trustee I. B, Armstrong sald [16 rnational Chemical Worker: Assisting in the ceremony|and remarked that it was 30 Many of He foods you ant Fane the fake CFF Little Liver Pills p "ye y ashe 0 3 y : k : Sarg digestive trae ii a } ) ments, others of individual I'm preity ashamed to be sit| "phe elected Municipal Com BIRTHDAYS vere Wor, Bro. W, J, Bargant,ivears ago that his father, the| solids, Your golden liver bile helps lieve irregularity, but setusily ime bloom which were entered for] CHARLES ¥, CORNELIUS [Ung on a board that is accusing) ies | composed of Alice IPM; R, Wor. Bro, W. G. Bunk late Morley Jacobi, was install hreak down these fats, , , for easier prove the flow of liver bile, Get competition at shows, through a member for promises not ful: Reardon, Tocal 27, Ladies' Aux Congratulations and best |er, senior warden; V, Wor, Bro | and more complete digestion, Carter's Little Liver Pills today | out Ontario, were commented filled, I'm very happy (0 be on jjiary, UAW, Victor Ayling! wishes to the following resi- (8, FF, Hyerson, junior warden ed as master of Lebanon Lodge, on, The bus trip to Haliburton, | ent the other side of the fence," Local 404, Rubberworkers and! dents of Oshawa and district |Wor, Bro, Charles Templar, see which was taken by many so . tb A Leonard Arp who are celebrating their |retary; Wor, Bro, Harry Taylor, ciety members last fall at the HAD somy ASSL RANCES ' I The Farm Labor Committee birthdays today treasurer; Wor. Bro. W, 1, Pier: stee i. Baywe (4 time when the fall coloring was t d includes Clifford Pilkey, John Mrs. i. Hoskin, 1084 Ra- son, director of ceremonies; ' at 11a best, wad relived. Mans Tomo 9] erved the right not to vole a5 Greenwood and William Ruther:| vine Rd.; Carvie Brown RR (Wor. Bro, I, Mills, chaplain; Store-Wide BUY beautiful scenes taken by My he said; "I'm going to have 10rd all of Local 222, UAW Wor Ii 3 ' J h these . 1, Oshawa: Janice Van De | Bro (i, Harris, senior and Mrs, MacMillan on a re] TORONTO Appointment of WOrk with these men next year,| A now resolutions committee Walker, 200 Huron cres- (deacon; Wor. Bro, W. 1.,, Hous cent trip to British Columbia) Charles I, Cornelius as hranch and 1 don't want to raise their|wag sot up this year, to organ | cont; Mrs, Clifford Lucas, {ton, junior deacon; Wor, Bro ANUARY Now was enjoyed-hy the group {manager passenger sales for Animosity, However, 1 had SOME! jze and prepare any resolutions| 628 Olive avenue: Bruce |R. 1, Saunders, inner guard; President Lloyd Johnston an. Canadian National Railways at assurances that Dr, O'Neill wasimade hy the members, Thel go soon gag 127, port [Wor Bro, T. I. Wilson senior AND nounced that Mrs, Earle Sand.|Oshawa is announced hy Rob hot joing io run p member of this fonts ee Perry; Carolyn Johnson, [steward and Wor, Bro, A, ( ford would appreciate cactus|'® Blmmons. passenger . snl Lo Col | ph p Shay Sep Wilham Rutherford Is y of Townline south, RI 4, Osh: Hall, junior steward | SAVE! cuttings for the use of the Jun | Manage! Toroto ' po out o order and exclaimed; | Pilkey Jind Gordon Nilson, 2 MM awa Tohn Vandan Heuvel, Also assisting were the follow or Garden Club and those hav:| r nrne 3 Tog ) on ely m tharos iy disgusted | Lae J Ly! hi Ol rae] RN I Oshawa: Bud Rodd, ling past masters of the lodge Vi { and city ckel agen \ i # i § (ion | ( (f \ JO ing any could get in touch with passenger an 4 | ve | WOUgh many women ondehile ) on 04 Simeoe street north {Wor Bros, H, B, James, C, 4 at Oshawa since 1054, In his meetin but I've never heard national Chemical Workers ; y Radie, N. A, Rae, A. GG. Coppin, Vrs. Sandford w post he is responsible for " The bers of the audit John Tregunna, RRR 3 Osh ¢ Plans are under way for the| yi Ww }o J | Jini of of anything so low A (to Lily I Derry and H direction and wwromaotion o Ns ( i " n a wlcommitiee are ay er annual banquet of the society ana i / hilrman George Fletcher | awa, Mrs. J, Verson, 108 O. Flintoff, J. H. Hunter, W.| and a tentative date has |senger sales activities and cus yaid; "I seconded the motion to Grenfell street; John Kreisz, {11 Gibbie, 1. H, Mouncey, W, J el 208 Malaga road; Gordon [Salter and W, C. Famme heeni tomer contacts and servic rename the school I did ax Haga d " handel iet for March 11 A nally f Merrit Mr. |, : 0 h D I'romley ir., 107 Nassau Also taking part were Wor, Corto | Fl his hid wilh sun ihe hokrd that the cand) hb) awa river itrect; Diane Powell, RR 1, (Bro. J, FF, Riley, master of the Niagara. 8t, Catharines and ne weld nat seek re-election Oshawa ileen Leggolie, [¢ edar Lodge Wor Bro, B ( J \ the meeting, an Oshawa : 248 \ ale; N ; |Stre A aster of Templo) Planners Turonto Railway a Yharoid in Fimes reporter asked Trustee Given Remand 24 Bivins, Hredwi masiet { Yomp) ll The ANNUAL SALE Is now under y way, These. Suburban coats repre: sent but a few of the fine values being offered. Come on in now while our stock is complete you'll really SAVE! SUBURBAN COATS Group 1, All wool, Borg lined Suburban Coats in popular shades of charcoal, light grey 95 tan and Winter white LJ Reg. 29.95. SALE PRICE Group 2. A mixed group of hard-wearing gah ardine Suburban Coats | Lodenfrey" ! 29.50 10 37.50 SALE PRICE of seen making the presentation existence that a member of once on the question of rénam Duncan MacMillan as : 1 «ing & school, snd the only time 1|teal Actio Laboratory tests have mew proved Carter's Little Liver Pills' exclusive (O'Neill how he felt about the an ' M 9 " senger department at § EL NEWMARKET (CFM) ur nue, and C,H, Puck, 74 ve arines in 1023, and served sub. Whole thing. Trustee O'Neill, {iy payidson, 30-year-old Osh:| Burk street e- ect 's Special! sequently in Hamilton and North Whose hands were trembling away man charged with eriminal The first five persons {to Toda Bay, hefore his promotion. te from the experience sald Hpegligence. and drunk driving, | inform The Oshawa Times Oshawa feel good, at least 1 feel clean." was remanded Monday without! of (heir birthdays each day TOP QUALITY : : plea until Jan; 30 will receive double tickets alrman Davidson has been out on baill 14 the Regent Theatre, good T lk 0 S ince his arrest Nov, b for a four-week period. The William A, Woodcock, chair Remand Case a n tamps Constable P. ©, Gilllatt of current attraction 18 A (No. 1119, Sliced Walnut calor only) man of the 1060 Planning . Markham sald the charges were| po." of goandal." deal for Kitchen Cupboards Hoard, was Tuesday night .re Heard By Lions laid after police chased a ear) "gooie on hivthdays will any Recreation elected by acclamation to chair ree e t Bh a ' along Highway a from Jo we be received only between Room ork 816 2 hess the hoard for another year, No| . id thin Jdons | lub held lage at a heed that reached 1 the hours of 8 am, and 10 other hoard member was nom: po. Tames Cook Tuoniay Jan "10 "In the Fleer i as arrested at] Am. Phone RA 3-474 a truck driver from RR 3 wood Room at Hotel Genosha Richmond Hill near Toronto Hamilton, Ont appeared in) Lion President Robert Brown (While present stock lasts) court, on the charge of the theft inated to contest Mr, Wood 1" cock's seat al the head of the hoard 1 the al Fra a \ ; Nea of the board for ntroduced the guest speaker gigi NA McLeod, 4 805 Christmas troes from the William Affleck, a local stamp Park To Hold MoCULLOUGH who was also elected hy acelam nniskillen aren. The case was dealer and one of Canada's lead GOOD FOOD tion. Norman C. Millman, 1960) Femanded tlt Jan, 7 © ing philatelists . | LUMBER hoard vice-chairman, who was) He pleaded not guilty and told] Mr. Affleck gave the Lions a Mending Bee IBBREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER! A aT oHies the ourt, he needed the extra very intresting and informa BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12.2 RA 8.4688 again this year, declined to let NEG Nit defence, [tive talk on stamp collecting] wpe monthly meeting of the 1270 SIMCOE ST. N, his name stand for election. | FURTHER REMAND and its hgeinning in 1840 when! yanavview Park Neighborhood NOTEL LANCASTER i The third nominee for the of:| Nathan Maracle. 37. of Tut! SAMDS were first printed in} A ccnciation is to he held on Assad fice of vice-chairman was Noting 8 Bowmanville. was Io England. He. spoke of many ppuesday evening, Jan, 12, atl man Siseo, Mr. Sisco also de: anaed further for ane wee k an, Hove and valuable stamps and! ho home of Mr. and Mrs. H.| clined the office, He sald hely chavee of unlawfully assault the reasons for their scarcity. |juine, 17 Warren avenue Group 3. Suburban "wanted no further responsibil ine o woman last Det a Lion Don Branch thanked Mr." 4 hgonding Bee is planned Coats of popular Cot ity until he could see Whether) William R Affleck for his interesting talk ton Cord with warm (ie ) to repair the hockey sweaters the new Board of RAUCAON| charged with any. Dre, Program chairman, Lion John con hy the Pee Wee team of opu ar eman keeps our Borg lining Jan Beige | i i 3 ie p ING oc was going to exceed 180 meet| ov the scone of an accident and Gardik, reported that all "arpa aren and important busi an aoa ¥ ) bee Reg. te 24.95 ings this year with Ve a ¥ : rangements have been com ness matters will be dealt with Outgoing vice-chairman Mill. pd Stair Jrrvine. hed Ni pleted for the Lions Charter during the evening GOING SALE PRICE man said he felt his "age 18! "pha charges were laid follow. NENG a dinner and dance tol STRONG @ ® creeping up on him and Ne! ing a fatal aceldent last Oct. 31 Pe held on Tuesday, Jan, would therefore like to begin , suite x death 8 slackening off in Nit Active PAT Nancy Marin. 13 of Rit No.3 | cron CHOP AREA At Oshawa Discount Nouse Special Group ticipation on the board." | Noweastle. The ac 0 y hy Crops are grown on anty three WEEK-END SPECIAL No where else will you get such " Mr, Woodeock's. re election ed agi Th ® hocidtel acu hos som of Atria ' n 000 ' ot savings! All merchandine a wore Res of-lines The House of Style followed announcement of his!goy High 115 square miles in Africa, and one 109; off discount price, Literally ' eg, to 15.95, " re-appointment to the board for wn Highway sixth can support livestock NEW MODELS discounts on discounts! ; NOW ONLY for Men & Boys a three-year term, Mr, Sisco's| SENTENCE DEFERRED S$ P.M. FRIDAY TO See last Wednesday's Ad, If you il three-year raphulhtfent was! Sentence. against the four ae can't locate it see the copy in eur - alse announced esday night. | Toronte youths who pleaded Red 8 ? AM, MONDAY window, We're Open Thun, A Two new members welcomed | guilty to the theft of monies and SKIN $14.98 nls mileage Sat, till & pm, == Friday until 9 » ' y to the hoard are Mayer Chris: the entry of a Newtonville gar A EE 43 King St & pom, ¢ 74 SIMCOE N tne Thamas "and "AM. John age Doc. 1 was deicired to Br. | sp RAPES NEY "" 308 BUY NOW AND SAVE A" : over aa an, 13; at Agistrate vd Alhiete s Boat are quickly ole | B : TILDEN RENT-A-CAR Vice-chairman Meleod was court, Cobo : " c OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE: RA 333818 pointed the Planning) The youths Ask roe are Daniel M rN : rate out REM 1 A Board ropresontative to thejker, Thomas, I, White, Barry im vest ats Loss peter funy erat 290 Albert St. (Between Gibb and Olive) RA 8.031) MEN'S WEAR LTD. rraffig Advisory Council, Sheridan and John Ennion, A : --r a he

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