Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Jan 1961, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Janvery 11, 194 7 - New Pension Plan wr 'Would Build . One Bridge | Each Year | A Reese Neil Smuh, in ms a4 LR dress Bf the inaugnral meeting! See of the Fast Whithy Township EL (his week, urged (he member ta consider the seniosness of the questions which will he com ing heinre council during the year He reviewed the achieve ments of the 19 conncil and emphasized that the 1961 coun cil should give serio thaught tn mounting 13% Arrears | The township had made siderahie progress with Ws road program last year. However traffic was increasing each year and, as A result, some road work amd al least one hide should he hl each year. he sail. A number of the road are maintained hy the county During the the rconnty with the township. had bill a new hridge OVERSPENT BUDGEY In 1960 the comncil- had #8 bid $50.50 and sy "49 4k Ihe Year a new visiem of fieeprond om iN # ws FRr nf whi rom hall Board Wen nes ard Fide A tall. police of Work have a plan n ork # Standard "commissions pany Mr. Camphell withdrew his re aquest, saying he fell the decision in accept lm as agent of record hould he unahimons entlert com et of ent ance Dain ralwa #rriey ard | man fe | INSTANCE wr Insurance Depity Fieeve Walter Hallide . " E ] ke EEPIRSEINE ther rani] For Civic mp ovees work dilhgently wn ie intereste unanimous acceptance of three already paid wp hae a Crown Life heence ) This Exreeve Willred Pascoe, Vi: day mht assures shout 430 oily (0 p00, eligibtity penod. re He would receive the company & GROWTH TRACED will date from Jan | of this plan); lifting of the $300 yearly Mayor Christine Thomas said conducted the devotional fiemer #10 pension toward recommending hridge was constructea al a cost late Paul Purves, reflects the Edinhmrgh-haced Stand the plan in an effort to come up PUPILS HOLD CARNIVAL his year council will have Pointing to the fa ki} ho from trust and For Civic Workers township record and the other councillors as welll dence in the fitnre of the 1own Council s plan for two years as they are od that he be named agent of during the year wension recommendations by is THREE REQUESTS ps BBR Bl ag Hi reeve Walter Beath and Fu employees of a new and more duced 10 siz months (hefore De: commission. s SHralght $7608 per Rev. BH Lave, minister a contribution ceiling; and WORE che did not feel that the eon mented thal the township office Parl With Mi Fleming Hggested Life should of $6200. Fast Whith hare of pride residents of the area take the largest pension with a more suitable plan tment companies even hefore Evie Rec additional dehentire intallin # there were only Improved Coverage OFFICIALS SPEAK ! as various civic officials also) ship and pledging themselves to The Oshawa (i record for Standard Life. (He (hers wha spake briefly were labor relations committee Mon Ba they asked for three things plan in Oshawa for the company Feave Bier Fowq betieficial pansion Vian, Penatits ing able In take part in pension year aver IN years Columbns: United Church eu MIE of the $1206 & year MaxIMum cuiiant who did much of the now located in the home of the Hana a5 study of the 4M employees from that 4 / the new structure was 8706 52 in their municipal company in the He flooded with request Aralted Camphell thie with money py ve the and employee each econtribitin ni of the emplinyee"s sal ADELAIDE McLAUGHLIN SCHOOL and skating the first of the / ! rd by ds inn hy serving refreshment festants in fume nf the afternoon al Ade 3146 f p , ff eli 1 ent at | hin Publi The Caught bh amera. alte ALE memher of the and Fime SIX COURSES |Cites Cost Extension Work Spiral In Interests Many costume conte school association added mich # and Elaine Ars Agn Wass fv oily pecificalions were ne als Allway the il fee popiiar Oshawa's | ng the ichonl which Arena Board Names New Chairman arm Are vith hi of 1h har ge were SERVICED FROM TORONTO ih companies. Neil A letter from 1. 6G. Hall $2.000.000 pa smphell was retained tandard Life regional group will he After comparisons, investment Manager, was read to council i and trust companies were ruled Stating that as a private con nut. The Ontario Municipal Act sultant did (he work, for which CHANGED THREY, Times "ut The tintaria Wunicipal Ae paid, "we dn nol eon The old plan was underwritten quired with a trust-administered 'emplate paying any commis government anmnbies and sion adversely affected when was considered a Mr. Hall smd the plan would 20VEI MEN! interes! rates went service (no the ely serviced from his Toronto down Between Jannary, 1946 Briefs were narrowed (on three office and 10457 changed Bus Service SUNY aout. whether pastoral the! 1200 1nday ert : mn Mr love ad th Was an In 4 ol gnd near mime $200 Hin th nwih nf the shill dication of e growth n LAP # in pay | meniher fie Identical in of races of tn the eninyment of the neca of the ran specification ment wil deh the additional Asse ared with ent mu thie additional aArrreas are mounting £16.000 in 1060 ta Reeve Smith fm EALNAN WA rem winter Fas roll, hnid the iH Schonl pad in pete in home the contests, are nah Raine 1ichaw Photo Agl sald ppl He the tha! wold hiring greater AIEA need hope 1961 to the township h nwing He urged comsideration OCCI Announces growth Wa that "on also SEIN he gi in pro oF rostly he April rales ime ance Co, Manufacturer's Life life Insurance Co, and Standard Life Officer Dan Assurance Cn Standard plan Personnel ane At a recenl of the I'he Nshawa Children's mission, William elected chairman mission for 106] take nver the from RB 1} Wilson the position for five Wilson remains as a_memhel the commission Mr Kureln i sporting circles, having held the pst of president of the Osh awa Minor Hockey Association for eight years. He up this position last year he Al Ih remains on the » meeting Com. Hon '] amm com: distriel Kureln fact thal Are nem Oshawa the wn Arena Kureln we Ie of the My chairmanship who held Mr. | of and Kingston The 1 opened i i8f Veal well known in course | 10 Have Howe eotive J] of cil edie the realer of Oshawa and course fr ent Hustrated bh six Four | extension en iniver encouraged #desncialion Mr. Kurelon member of the dren's Arena Commission five wears, two of those as program chairman, and las! year as vice-chairman of (he commission finhert Andrews was elected fn the position of vicechatr man for 1861. He chairman of the Neighhorhood Association sports enmmittes which ales the sports program in cif park The arena commi also has two new members Roh ert Dionne who replaces the late Alec Reid and Hay Yeo, who fills the unexpired term of lan (ireenway who resigned from the commission last vear Ald Murdoch and Ald. Albert V. Walker remain on the commission as the cit council appointment vhile H | Tripp 1s and Bill Smith is man nEey The commission fo hold tts meeting { f al as pn the Course Chil! fny Alan sey Oshawa esi W...J hiisiness fures on hoped tha is tension the nent OPT yg HR Carlton got 1 G1 nev for the ad the ful of tended the entire on sf Havward ture OTHER Mi treasurer eeretag will continue Thursday on the first arena \ fourth Monday enrolment O'Neill Collegiate ard _Vogation title h husiness UNIVERSITY FORERUNNER Trivell, a man ruil ol I'm Are i" Queen ers ition official the re in husine ned to counsel the aver on al man is 4 Business if i" ufficient 15 shown in these COTS forerunners that mn Univer the Haohert who handles application extension eoursey turnout {7 people ih paid the $20 fee for COUTEE expected tn join at the next le anxious in hear | in lake ¢ sihjects marketing purchasing higher knowledge educa wa er peaple withing mn en neh reonnmie Taxa! public relation winter in office management given (ther Umversity of Tore Toronto Extension Courses now in o ion OCVE are account industrial legislation and trial and mane {he Crs hi heing of Universi il of Toronin organization tension' ment nght with gypEEN'S COURSES tudents al the Queen's ¢ in aperatinon at Publie Sct and politi in have h 17 irrentl On Corse mn Phillis halon and In eh gre mich, nse In I (re law whirh nu PRIS CIRIEse ind philnsoph the school In umversi Universit § fn Lectures Queen tarted in Oshawa in 1057 then, hetween 40 and 50 denis have allended each ture. Mast of the students tending the lectures tar chonl teacher si le Lecture polities are Frida hie and endin Hire course 1a the 12 to fon fram I'orantn the ler It is interest ving [aw Are SEEKINg | mversity | they will A perma hawa Ottawa Ime Wa principal of ret in psycholo held on allern mnnin il 7.00 p al 9.80 pm. The runs from end of March 15 lectures in ¢ fon 0 hey re CONTE T'wn fessni Prapfs Gunn 1 in politics and Dy vell 1s the psychology ol term sueee who very Queen's University | ire on al the P.C I pro (Mhey are COURSES POSSIBLE the Hoberts also WILL MEET DEMAND Asked if 'additional from Queen's University he expected next yea CM. Ellintt, director of sald that he co io" he month al Indus elemen and Septem There giving the lectures lecturer mw Gordon ¥ adininist rato Board of of the thi ref nl Fducation dollars and pirating cost Mon mn inker dd the Bokwa Cherka Vie Giles Horne hiisine Oshawa inn § othined ane y fact rent of education of Helen Bogoon fanle Richard Burteh, Irene David Clark, James Davi taria Dove, Barharva Wayne Haas, Lawrence Rohert Johnston Peter Kilistoff Cheryl Laxdal Arlene Masse Biisanne Pine hannr hist Central Col Following 15 the students at the legiate Institute who secured first class honors in their De cemher examinations The following students headed han their ide Grade § Ariens He said the population Massey, 85.2 per cent; Grade 10 growing ramd| iddition Haber, 81.8 per cent nece eter Moffat, B26 fon Grade 12 Tudith Broad, 85.8 per cent; Grade 13 Suzanne Parkin, 78.7 per cent The following students oblain ed first-class honor standing (73 first per more) the fall dehen. examination recent! oom in pleted at the Central Collegiate ne GRADY the Yadour, Linda Bedding nme mn in (shawa min jer dinner da al a ftestimomal i Barry Kor Carl Marshall Inhn Mullen ilenting Puntu Lorraine Bmyth, Sophie Tara futa, Ruth Tave William Whit bread, Brian William GRADY Darise Bilendiike ler, wymn Cuthhert Giatimen Filsie Haher Bert Jalasiaa Kozyriachyy, Lynda Linton Betty MeVachern, Willi Moore, Larry Plancke, Bell) Paloz, Martin Rohn, Kaid Beeey hegovie Valentina Wdorow Carnl bleak Ing honl ind vill he Carnie Givade 11 rent } TL al ¢lassroom Ary from year Ome per time to come. Oshawa can ¢ growth dm than In ten the nn! In hi nen greater in ecards hii in the ald had heen pad commencement program in 168, a de henture debt on the new eollegi fle and the additional to Rit school. Payments an the dehen deh 1054 were $160 000 paid off last year was 16 about $500. 000 hall a milhon. In 1661 dent the dehenture deht will creased hy Approx imatel | $2.000.000 or a total of move william than 7.000.000 Keitha The total expenditures, main: 4 ' tenance and debentures for 1060 Norman Power was nearly $4,000,000, The total leila post for education in 1068 was Anthony S110.620. In 1040 It was KI87 644 or about a 20 per cent Increase The increase from 1050 tn L060 was ahnut five and one half man times. The intal cost in 1HA0 Ksmits was 8730683, double the 1940 janie expenditures In 1006 expendi: ay pia tures were 1,601,082, or dauble . Yourkevich courses will be started this win. the 1950 figure. In 1060 the ox wld ter, next hould see Denditures §1,500,000 oy GRADE 1 Dr, mare such courses operating in/morve than double the 1853 ex Carl Ahbot, William Dorke ele Oshawa penditures Suzanne Parkin, Heidi Schulze cf even hye the last Prior In nest Par of The cent om mm andra Bal the chonl honl dehl oily the hulding Grenrge, Carole om len of f are Tanel nee ti ler al hutlt in amount ahoul 1067 in cluding ne hutlding on 1060 60,822. The Ire the I'he in OW and Intal I Paul Peter im GRADY pona heski he dehentinie in Dorke Huzar Moffat Master, 1 Panter Rahert Rankin Stallihra fle m. | mentary ed "If en the demand for more extension COUTRE adequate 1 would certainly feasthle that more COirse introduced Queen Universit | 1150 conducitng various pther courses in the Oshawa District. At Port Hope, a course in English is he ng on Al Peterborough eolirses in history and psychol ngy are given and at Belleville [eourses in religion and history Although no mere extension ion il TY he he Amith, Carol Stones GRADY Hohert Rahe Tudith Patricia ach 1? leanor Rroad Findlay leyes Skochkn, "nn Row Mareis nd K! fas Hoherta Oley Peter Sk cason were Education Honor Students |. Mara Olgu Fred Gordon huys money and helter mortal more pension for the same interest rate iy lahles Another effect of the new plan is that it will he possible in Mr eliminate the 81200 per inl 1D come limit established the Produce government apniities year hy the $300 maximum yearly eon! ?) tribution hy employee and city the three recom council gave the commitiee per mission tn consider the removal of the retirement Inenme yearly contribution limits The other recommenda tions formally transferred the pension plan to Standard Life In passing mendation lahor relation wn ture PLAN ACCEPTED Letters of acceptance plan have heen received all four locals: Local 50 of Worl Local BI, cit tafl, alice Fire A Lian of the from Board '® # ind Oca Al plan 1s the result of months' of investigation hy the representative four-man labor relation committee, chaired by Ald. Hay Murdoch; City Personnel Dan Fleming and inde Neil Ciy's wad Mr Officer pendent pension consultant 8 Camphell A change came 1080, when 17 em Demands for n September ployee the maximum 81200 pee nal. purchase Some haven't mare pension paid into the has better RECOMMENDATIONS Standard Life's plan was ac cepted on the following recom mendations of Mi Fleming Standard annuity branch. 11 lar than either of the other two will alse he possible to eliminate "OMpanies Probability Blandard Life. It is an accepted fact that over the past 1h years Standard Life has provided one of the hest annuity rates in Can: and ada Due to its volume of busi ness it will he ahle to offer high ly competitive A) Standard Life contracts to determine the yield of long term Canadian!the Taunton road east city lim published 118, The buses have heen going by the Bank of Canada. Oshawa 0ut as far as Wilson road. They sured of annuities consistent have heen doing (his te pick up and take them annuity government bonds a hall With interest yields in Canada DEADLINE PASSED Wednesday's Lh commitiee meeting, a ter than this In a letter Campbell and will dnl Life rates per of service extensions Bus Kervice limits Kimeoe street in lake Camp Samar m rates in the fu rates hy service has heen school children home in the afternoon hese extensions couneil franchises held hy Toronto|lines in the area Manufac This of presentation at the | hearing. Trustee Transport Extensions In Balance The Ontario Transport Board preferred 8! A hearing in Toronto foday rate in the future greater with "i decide the fate of two minar tindertaken hy the Oshawa Public Utilities infringe other The huses have heen going a number of yards past the city north children to the gate of A little Ianger extension of the going on al nm hus 18 the reason for the hearing. The eily turer's Life, Ivor Reid, spoke on feels il can continue the sei behalf of his company's brief Reid said it was possible to improve their offer due 10 8 goard was told Sunday good investment climate in 1060, | Council said the deadline for send twa representatives to the acoepting briefs had passed Mr, Camphell said the Stand: |o'Neill said about 40 Separate ard Life hrief was still better|gohaol children from the Sher ar a conservative 4.76 per centiwond Park area, use the extend found they had reached Bond vield figure was used in ed bus service Yea pomputations and it was known| government annuity and could {that the company would do het Highway vice if it has strong enough res hearing, the Oshawa Separate School The school hoard decided fn William J The hearing was held at the Roard chambers, A7 College street, To. | Campbell ask: 'ronto READY TO HANG DRAPERIES 2 panels wide 4 panels wide & panels wide 9.96 pr. 19.98 pr. 29.98 pr, "BUCILLA"~~Rapid Dri TOWELS-APRONS A fine drying 5 2 98 10° TOWELS 1% formerly fa APRONS farmerly to 98¢ Fach Thanks to efficient werk of your Fire Departments, enly smoke fram across the street reached us, SALE STARTS THURSDAY -- 9 A.M. 2.00 AM, Opening Hour Special BUNNY ESMOND oft and warm far the new of White, Pink, Blue, Maize with contrasting borders 40° x.4 EACH limit (Nea phone orders an these items toa custemer) 2:00 AM. Opening Hour Special WABASSO Pillow Cases Pure hinushed lovely baby. Ci Lilag muslin of 42 TT el 1.3% PAIR (No phone arders an these lems 1h a sustamar) depend 96 himit quality able or wrapped Size we twa PO. IT-YOURSELF Printed and Plain Diapery Yd i" 44 Fabries Reg valum ta 2 30 Prapesy thadm a" Sateen tlassly Rag YOO Heavy Cotten woven in hight Fewy Yd Maks your Drapes Pleats Ki you asad tn maks a p laaking ab an yaur Draperin DRAPERY SPECIALS 1.49 Lining 1 FANCY PILLOW CASES Beg V 10 aly Rag 20 salt 1.44 1.59 2.39 "an (Rl) Rag SALE Rap Male REDUCTIONS to 50% and more "KENWOOD' ALL WOOL BLANKETS "IBEX" BLANKETS RAMORESY (ERT 11,88 13.55 13.55 Ren BAMIRENY fea 130% RAMORESY Reg AW) 5.50 5.18 se, FAMOUS Reg. 18.9% FLORALTINY Rea 2250 n 19.10 8.18 DRAPERY REMNANTS 25¢ to 5.99 each BEDSPREADS sPREADS s bad Salt HOMENPUN "4.99 Ren tn 20 aneh sack CHENILLE SPREADS 1.18 VICEROY Res. 200 19.10 ARD'S RA 5.1131 For Free Delivery Simcoe ot Athol Street WARD'S SMOKE SALE CLEARANCE! Our Entire Stock of CHILDREN'S SNOWSUITS BUNTING BAGS COAT SETS Va Off Regular Prices NEW (961 COTTONS 42" "Badtard Cord" for skirts, play clothes and ks In salons of Charcoal, Brawn, Black, ; Red or Blue ¢ Reg. 1.29 yard. SALE, yard 95 34" "Dan River Gingham" Tissue Gingham in woven patterns, shesks and plaids, in 194) patterns and enlam. ¢ Reg. te 14%, SALE 9% ALL ABOVE 95¢ yd LADIES' GLOVES atten Fabri Nylon shart big selection af ( mplex Double W wsoi ted long and en Glaves and styles in plan dered , range nel amb aond cal 1 ss Ao RB Reg. to 1 98 Sale, pair * "GOTHIC" GIRDLE 3.00 on Cordtex™ fashioned of leno lastex with Save this quality girdle slightly boned front White, in high top waist 27 ta 6.99 2.99 and panel back sizes 14. Reg. 10.00 SALE, each Abn Long-Ling Bea 29 Formerly 4 9 ve SALE 300 "CHERUB" T.SHIRT n 1.29 each Reg Sale BULKIES Pullover and Cardigans fa a of W 4d Wa and ky Sweaters ame fram me factory clear Once-A- Year Waving puts » make on these auality Ve k patterns in Reg. to 14.9% Sale, each

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