Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Jan 1961, p. 13

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CAPSULE NEWS ' Textbook Is ! il EE ---- heey 19, 9-3 Ballet Gets Written By NG Ea a = i Big Welcome (Oshawa Man BER" R07 ae AYA Gi a j Calvi hd ada - " you seve . Bigir, graduated from the 4% A YORNTO (CPA capacity that laws fortidaing suk mar: Neill Collegiate and Vocationst is ' ; SA money much mors . . , with hundreds sudience of 3700 first-mighers riages "are contrary tn Chie Instivste, In September of this - f / o y 4 of low prices then with & handtul of spthasiastically welcomes [on Lian eahing. natardl laws and sear Grade 10 students at A , 159 ; ba 5 ' b 7 X (f ar advertised "Specialy, Thet you mey not Aon's Royal Ballet ack to Tov: the comet tution of tise Son OCYE and every Wigh school in BB 4 / / , #2 ; 4 32 Pa? weed or even ike so ove money the swe ots Tuesday wight. The and 07" The Edlecopil Baciety 107 Optario will he studying hooks. E Witt g f J ES , A wr, Sars By tence; including Ontario [lew Cubtursl and Racal Unity Be of "uiicks Mr. Blair Is en i 2 / 7 . y ge ; " f=; | 4 wey right " tenppt-Governor and Mrs, Kell: cided to wok the Bouse of Bish | comin bs a dl : ! . cantul of yowr favorites fonds and sot ler Mackey, called the princioal ops to study and to sate in is MB Calvin Blair has een iE 2 Gi i 7 La 4 ih : $ . better ot # lower cot dancers Margit Fonteyn and next pastoral letier the position a Tan wr Tn - y ; : Michael Sommes back for sev- of the church concerming mar ooo eight years. He Is current ere! persons] curtain calls after Viage between persons of differ. | ad 4 " f ont ly the herd of the geography the performance of The Sleep ent color i AR i 5 : J ; ing Beauty {department at the Thomas 1. F / . 4 EUROPEANS NEEDED Kennedy High School in Cooks Sis hal ' te 4 : 0 da QUALITY HEMWINGWAY TLL, TORONTO (CF)--Arica will, "Ie. He was bom In Oshaws ; Blussd / MEATS ROCHESTER, Minn, (AP) lapse into primitive tribal states 04 Wved here with Wis patents ; ; ; f : P Author Ernest Hemingway has ¥ European eolonizers sre ur. 2nd Wn. I. 6 Blatr, 22 ; ROAST | heen ® patient #t the Mayo driven out, Foland Michener, "IESORIE RYERIE. Clinte here since Boy, 1, u Speaker of the House of Come, The if fig a i : A - FRIENDLY 34-AYG, Loin End Roasts clinic spokesman said in an mons, oid & meeting of the BeogTRphY texthook covering / FIC etic wf thern On- y, Skies will be general) igi "'e wry Trace The English - speaking Union Tues |e industrial development | nk A ATHER Ai eo Som Bovthers. On. i iAP ih Quehee A ny PIRSOMALITID 53°1h Wich 63° spokesmen 8a id Hemingway Aay night, Mr Michener, whe well as the geographical B51 oil over most of Ontario snd | and will affect both provinces | with cloudy perinds in On SERVICE n . we would not permit the nature of Visited Mrica Vast fall, warned positions of the countries Wh! og cree today tit & surge of | with colder weather by Thurs: | tarin CF Wirephotn N : bis flinese tn he discl He against seizure of pithority by Europe and Asia. It gives A 1 = is expected 19 he re n 18 irresponsible native leaders short outline of each country's WEATHER FORECAST days 10 two weeks. The writer : commercial importance and fs) OBITUARIES " AREA SRR Se SR haba PORK LOIN SALE Rib Pork Chops a i & SR ar Ne NES LSE NERY travelled here under an @ NEEDS INTEGRATION well iustrated with maps and SWIFT'S EVERSWEET sumed name, i was learned SYDNEY, K.8. (CP)~Citizen pictures, Vernon T. B. Rout is . of auth UNERAL OF + | . ship Minister Fairclough said #160 co-author F 11s wns wo wawmens 1 Mine Fain wi CNL gy HOMER BODY older Again Sl (| [ WILLIAMSBURG, Va (AF) dB iat the Mary Street Public , The funeral service for Joseph ida's Indian problem w 3 a adds axharough street An Interracial organization in "0° nen promiem Wont We gonial and attended the Neil P; Boddy, 85 Roxborough str solved until there is integratis 7 the Protestant Episcopal (An pid 4 , M Collegiate and Vocational Insti wha died Saturday might, Jan. 7,| " hetween the Indian and nonin was held at the Anglican) ghean) Church' declared Tues nti A tute. He glso atiended Western $ RES . at 1 ere urs a aay night there are neither the Mian populations of the coun Umer A i dd Anderson Funeral Home at 2 MILD CURE CRYOVAC 3 to LB | try. Bhe told a women's club! . p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10 n J J al harriers ' ef Surat a ' Hogles) nor biological barr CFE chat "his solution fs going to CONERe of Education and the!" Tre service wes conducted : : AVG lo Interracial. marriages and remain heyond our reach until University of Toronto hy Rey, John K. Moffat, mis TORONTO (CF) Forecasts able cloudiness with . few snow LB _-- our Indian - citizens have re, He has travelled extensively ister of Simeone Street United issued by the weather office at flurries apd much colder today ' ¢ . eived the education and tech. in Europe in 1056, and in 1080 Church. Interment was in Balti-# a.m. EST Mainly clear and rald tonight al ed For nical training that will permit! When he visited 11 countries. more Cemetery Synopsis A surge of aretic and Thursday Winds RATER E81 them to take their places in in- Mr. Blair was working on "Fu The palibearers were Vincent gir moved into Northern Ontario 20 today light tonight and istrate Tell Kio Lake Erie region, Windsor MOR 2seevseteer | In failing health for some 0 Kitch 20.9: ¢ ih id oudy intervals and KIehener ,..., y 2 BEANS K gis Ia e e 3 vears Lucy Valentine, widow of Sunny with cloudy intervals and Wingham " Time ke p ths 3 gy " two months for helping 8 man A daughter of the late George Ontario regions, London, Ham ing Kenneth Brymer, 22, es 4 \ sked Hold X08 yest 9 ' ' Sa ig Kenneth Lrymes r SRCRDE as men who asked him to "con pléase no cheques--we prefer\marriage, Mrs. Crawforth was Winds light, except west 20 thi Earton i++» f YORK FANCY Austry, business and the profes- racia"' for about two years MeGahey, Gordon Elliott Gor this morning, dropping temper Phursdag ) ea lone im equal terms with other prior to publication, There are don Boddy, Garry Boddy, atures to near zero, The eolder Forecast Temperatures KING'S CHOICE WEINE 1n n Canadians." 25.000 copies on order now Charles Todd snd Maurice weather will continue slowly Low tonight, high Thursday TOMATOES 5 ho 1 00 KETCHUP 110 1 00 | southward today, reaching the Windsor .ireeeeee 20 1] Tine ' Bre ' af Not much change In tempera Matthew Crawforth, died af 7 ow aod if v Hamilton VE Fairview Lodge, Whithy, on! ture today and Thursday, Winds) CamPEGn : KING'S CHOICH escape from the cells at city y 4 Trénton ,, reer ' REME SWEET MIXED TORONTO (CP)~ Industrial: builders an A and Mary Valentine, the de-|iltom, Toronto: Sunny and mild J, A 4 SUPREM hall here--a man he claimed he li ang Benerois minded and Variable cloudiness with Killaloe lawful eustody, and was sen; 4 p tenced to two months Vl oinite something to our Witlelit in #100 bills," by Linden, (a member of All Saints' Angli- afternoon Kapuskasing +vvrs JANUARY BROOM 15.08 i fund" when he attempted lean Chure Georgian Bay, Haliburton, i / an Church [5 White River " Thompson | . ' 2 a lower area late tonight Bt. Thomas ,ree0es 2 85 E MRS, LUCY CRAVFORTR |'OWer area late tonigh : Pi KING'S CHOICE -- GREEN NU-MILK == POWDER INSTANT TORONTO (CP)--Roland Ra Of ' i Tight 8 Catharine 4 py SCOTTIES WHITE -- 400% at She p Oop eine, 84, Tuesday was jailed fr Tu 0 1Tuesdn Jan. 10. Bhe was in 'mane CAFO £i:i5sste4e 1 ] . y was Jailed fo Cor on ir Bo Lake Huron, Nisgars, Lake bOIOM0 ooooiiinne i | WAX BEANS 3 7." 49° | pACIAL TISSUE 2. 53° ; ' 13. ' LESTOIL ist hell J. May Tuesday iden (people willing to helf ceased was horn at Greenwood 10day USKOKR » os he ES 16-08 ¢ : " w kno is tified Magistrate Frederick W 4 Mr. May said he visited Lin and was married there in 1000.8 few snowflurries and a little My Mata "a ' PICKL Jar 23 LIQUID CLEANER hog 789¢ eine pleaded guilty to help fail, 67, and Harold Iinderi, 34, den in his office and was told|A resident of Whithy since her|coider tonight and Thursday Sudbury h ) Brymer, whe four years ago obiain a building permit TOLD THE CROWN Predeceased by her hushand Kirkland Lake regions, North srooconee ,, : B SALE Ym fied through & swamp from a He was testifying at the trill Earlier, special Crown Prose: some years ago, she is survived Bay, Sudbury: Variable eloudi- PABLUM Florida prison gang and has'of Hall, former reeve of sub. eutor Arthur Klein, in SUMmMINg py a son, John, of Whithy, Also ness with a few snowflurries oun evaded extradition in Canada urban York Township and now up the evidence to he presented surviving are a sister, Missland furning colder today CLEAN SWEEP 4 string CEREALS 2 eo, 83 since then, posed as another chairman of the Metropolitan at the trial, said Mr. Mav in Mi ] d colder 10 . g EN Abily i oe ad ' Elizaheth Valentine, of Windsor Mainly clear an colder ) mer prisoner, had his fine paid by Toronto licensing commission, formed the Crown attorney's 23d twa hrothers, Thomas Val- night, partly cloudy and cold % BROOMS Velvel ip OATMEAL RICE MIXED Racine, and walked to freedom! and former town hip councillor office nearly five years ago of entine, of Arcola, Manitoba and Thursday, Winds west 20, be: B iil RED & WHITE with him Linden the conversations he was hold-\wijliam Valentine, of Kings-|coming northerly 15 today, then Sergeant of Detectives Wil-| Both pleaded not guilty to ing with Hall {ville, Ont light tonight and Thursday ! 79 1.29 BOOK MATCHES og 10¢ Wam Myers testified someone Charges of municipal corruption) Mr, Klein sald Mr. May first| The funeral service will be Timmins Kapuskasing: Vari y Phe telephoned Racine and asked 'ald after a 1060 judicial in-isaw Hall in March, 1056, toljeld at the W, C. Town Funeral / him to pay a $10 fine for Don wr y ite Jowns np land deals ohtaln ® building permit for an Home, Whithy, at 2 p.m. Thurs ald Genge, 21, At city hall! Wil 18 charged with offering addition te his tool plant day. J 2 erment will he Brymer, in the same yl as lo meeept a bribe from Mr. "The reeve then suggested dex, Jan. 18 perme Bron) CITY AND ! ig, COUNTRY FRESH Genge, identified himself as the May to ald in obtaining a bullds might help matters if he (May) iin. Rev. Stanley Armstrong I / unger man [ing pevinit. Linden faces the contributed to a certain fund." | s Church C ; WAM 4 Rg 2 told the court he knew M8 { harge, and another of Mr. Klein said [rotten o M hy A " hurl DISTRI T 7 ? GRADE "A C WGI CAEL TE BUEN | accepting a bribe from Harry! On Hall's sugeest e said |" WHERE He £8 i DOZ Brymer hy sight and admitted Cel Ld I Hall's suggestion, he said, | i; > Ter pM ni PIERO David Payne to ald in obtain |Mr., May then went to see Mr | GEORGE (DEL) COOK | CORRECT FIGURE LARGE Was nol \ ing a permit for Mr. May Linden | In poor health for three weeks| The total number of appli Genge Ir. Linden" sald Mr. George (Del) Cook, #38 Somer: oants istered for employ Brymer was remanded to! VISITED OFFICE Klein. * An registe ) plo : At w ARRAN AY Mhz A i \ spoke of ntribut i shay . a : PR Soh AUN BA RRR EN Jan. 18 without bail on a charge, Mr. May testified he had be bb poke of & contribution ville street, died at the Oshawa ment at the local Unemploy WN % A SAS " LSA RD, SA iN \ 2 1s Also COM desperat Vo A rund, some multiple of General Hospital this morning.|ment Insurance Commission of of Sscuping sted, He i by 4 pri al 2 ARMM tn Hi $00 Me oh y pi] th hia on He was In his Kith year fie e Poy of Det bl] "1960 was a CANNON CANNON g AKIng In + solicitor's office and then to the 0 5 87 7 " 1 sling s valued tool plant had been delayed!" hdd A son of the late Mr, and Mrs. [5087. This compares to 4471 for house and stealing furs valued ik " he visited Hall ie his crown attorney's office," David Cook, the deceased was Dee 1, "1060, Nba BENT] for Der : ! BED SHEETS PILLOW CASES township office born at Deseronto, July 27, 1876|24 1056. Due to a typographical RX o d a \ ne sotton, double hed " " | He was asked by Hall whe land was married there in 1808 |error the latter figure was \ Sine 108" x 817, Reg, 4.35 LJ 42" x 36 COMING EVENTS {ther he had contributed any 8 e ence A resident of Oshawa for 41 shown incorrect In 8 recent § os J5 [thing to "our litile election ears, Mr. Cook was a former|ne y | i | ' Years, J [ne ws story THEM P AK R 5 with erder with erder fund," Mr. May said Chi { P t resident of Deseronte and Belle BINGO. Bathe Park Eulalle Avenue, | J ; ; Phurads \ Bus HA Satu Vi ff Mr. May testified that Hall 1€ u g ville, He was a retired employee] LETTERS PATENT Rev. Kenneth MWilthews oh 2.99 oaley 1 29 pm. W onday 8 pom explained that "people who get of the parts and service depart:| Letters of patent have been| minister of the §t. Luke's | BINGO Unlon Bond Street Wed: | elected to these political joh h | t ment at General Motors. He was issued to three Oshawa firms, | P i | { RN A } ! ( | i reshyterian Church, who is . \ pro iH FL «the Wealth. B YHA Pl spend quite a bit of money get as n rus a member of Local 222, UAW|It was reported in the current] . | J AR MRAM MEANS AIAN AA SERA, NERA pots ting elected and the only way 10] WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. land an adherent of the United/issue of the Ontario Gazette,| he preacher at the Week of get this money back was from ators reported Tuesday that! Church {Firms receiving letters of hi Prayer service being held in NOVEL BINGO [Robert McNamara, 44-year-old) Predeceased by his wife, theltent include the A, R Jeffery the Kt, Matthew's Anglican » STORE HOURS W ROSE BRAND THREE FRUIT THURSDAY EVENING 8 P.M T T d Miionalr designated as the|former Laura Topping, in 1084, | Construction 14d, the DX Oil} Church, Wilson road south. at | C Ki d Rit 24.02 ¢ ET f TR ALL Al {new i. secretary of defence, (he is survived hy two daughters, |1.4d,, and the Oshawa TV Sup 5 todi MARMALADE bert a Jataon 30) | races i1ren (proposes to put more than 81, Mrs. R, Hull (Lena), of Belle:|ply Ltd } pin. today orner King an son $6 § {200 000 into & trust outside his|yiile and Mrs { A. Weldon| | OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY SAVE S4e | Jome 3 ' b a » control while he holds office, (Ruth) of Oshawa and two sons. | $110 JACKPOT INCLUDED | H g He hioRe ol to but into the William of Orillia and Ross of $ Worry of AND SATURDAY NIGHTS ge Dar pas 41 R TIOUSING |. fi hi hi kes, fo we nse 775 Damage FALSE TEETH TL 10 UeLeek GIANT FAB i MAR SLATE) = AL|24.708 shares of stock hes. J 3.8 VHITEY BANI heh Banfield pi oy a A f ky Motor ( hil ot | PERLE mber, 1060 In Collision | Slipping or Irritating? Corner Simcoe and mil MINCED SOCKEYE ! Als ET) BINGO h he was president, The money| AS0 surviving are 22 grand wa construction firm, gave a y (re 1y Don't be amEarTassed be 1oous | YW CLUB BAYVIEW talk on Housing at the Monday cold be invested, but McNa. Children and six great-grand:| a two.car collision at King| semitone "AFnaning or wannin OPEN THURSDAY SALMON 4s 4 » inasd whi 1 meeting of the Bowmanville Ki. Mara would not know what it children {and Prince streets caused ani when Jou wat Wh of lash. o b AND FRIDAY NIGHTS G J i wanis Club vas Invested in the funeral service will be estimated §776 damage at 3.2) Aten This pies ant powder give | Si sell held at the McIntosh « Anders Tuesd: , { added etmfort ' Alter presenting a rundown on, Senator Richard Russell held at the Mclnto Manian p.m. Tuesday Fite "hy holding Miktas More ® AMPLE PARKING ® ' | FARMER'S WIFE PREPARED FORMULA the first homes known to mar (Dem. Ga) chairman of the Funeral Home at 2 pm, Friday,| Avthur Charles Nichols REA In RUMMY, RORY, PASLY taste teenees, igloos and the nel Senate armed services commit-|Jan, 13, Interment will be in| prince street, the driver of ane or fealty SLs Alka Ine. (ROR acid) DELIVERY AY 2 VAS, 43 log home -- Mr, Banfield voiced | '#¢, told @ reporter that "we willl Oshawa Union Cemetery, Rev.iof the vehicles, sald he was, Get FARTEETH at any drug counts NOMINAL CHARGE TINS ST MARY the preference of homes selected! @Xamine Mr, MeNamara and all!H, A. Mellow, minister of North | travelling east on King street hy people today other defence nominees very minster United Church, will eon: west and was making a left] BINGO He said: "Na longer. are. i} Ciretully on any possible conduct the services [turn on to Prince street when vVvVveYyYw hd od ot of interests | ? h [the accident accurred tarey homes popular, People 10) "Sonators sald that President INESD. J 1 day are more concerned with] Risenhawer. brio : John Patrick Fitegerald, 7 WEDNESDAY AN th snlit-level and the RE alone Fisenh rid prior lo taking of New Seaway Wellington street, Lindsay, the - fice in created a similar 8PM home, which 18 becoming in| {rust on his holdings so he could Contract Talks | ives of the other vehicle, said Ll 24 FRESH PACKED SUNKIST AT §T MARY'S b creasingly popular in the urban nat know how they were in was pulling away ORIUA cent ' 1 asia . {parking meter when the acel AU gh wel nee t anstirug van 4 Wile he by i Me nt, CORNWALL (CP) = Ropre dent happened RUG ] CARPEY 3 3 N N adh A BLA La Mal 4 n addition to his 24,705 shares! sentatives of the St. Lawrence 1 MAF ton of homes, Mr, Banfield note| or ord stock, MeNamara said Se AWAY Authority and the Ca SALES 2 SLA ON th | hriek veneer, instead of exX-iya hold options for purchase of nadian Brotherhood of Railwa R T x 3 § BAG t at terior Mieco walls, was the best ynather 50,000 shaves and would Transport and General Warkers B I IN AC EP " 4 Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Broadloom wall method of con iriotlon i Milose an estimated $3,000,000 in| (CLCY have resumed talks i R Many areas due to tire hvaws, | neafits by taking the $23,000-8 y Bishidid CREDIT BUYING | w solid brick. or block exteriors h ; TION 8 new contract for seaway| ! to wall, ug § lef st ars 18 GAMES OF $8 were a must bal ah oy OR are being held priv | It taak some time, but now Carpets, $ tai FIRM RED CELLO 1 GAME EACH OF 310 Foreseeing the future, it was ate vithe social acceptance of buying Runners, h ately and neither side will dis on time is a retailing revolu 3 {brought to the attention of the N E t uss the sgotiat \ 3 $20, $30, $40 members and guests that the ew Xecu ive puss them. Negoli fons, hich ton in England, second only | I ---- » prefab home will eventually! continue for several da to the invasion of the super SHAR | \ ays } Installation by our HARE THE WEALTH |iake the place of the construs For Teamsters | fhe 1000 maintenance. locks] Market Y $50 EXTRA. [tion types used today and bridge workers are under However you buy---cash or awn mechanics y A dit=you can easily hoost In the United States 18 per] WINDSOR (CP) Now offi. stood to he seeking a general] ovedi 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR cent of homes now being built cers will take over Local 880, Pay increase of some 16 cents] Your income n selling your 174 Mary Street IMP TED ASHED 10 CARDS FOR $1 bullt are manufactured." Hratherhoad of Teamsters, Sun. 810 hour in a one-year contract used A na nnEet heeled OR W . Automation of these dwelling day following a seven-month de. They also want reglonal wage| household goods with qui 8 iH tion Oshawa Times Classi ADMISSION lis be ing promoted because of the ay rates and fringe benefits ad | re 1a i \) ke ! \ is \ st go \ RA 4 1 25¢ PER CARD lack of material waste, lower la./ Owen (Bert) Hrennan of De:|lusted immediately to the levell ed RA RH hi YOUR Ast, bi - #C \ bor costs and thus the savings of| Poll, international vice » presi: athe Welland Canal Where the| tall RA Hn today to start k 5 e CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT [the purchaser sald Mr. Ban: dent, will induct the new offi-|basic rate is $180, 20 cents) HAH Mi Fv Vv Vv \ 3 ADMITTED field cers. Mare than 1,000 of the lo. mare than at Montreal | -- onl A000 members are ex OSHAWA NEEDS A STRONG [on Tanaminrd of. nearhy| picture collapsed und mem Tih NE T N IP S ; le Harvaw, a truck driver, will be! The local has since become ane a \ PROPERTY OWNERS AND istic previo a, repiceaf fe wort hover in Canad « OVERSEAS IN 1961? || UR Ib. De RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION lain direciar a he Teamtar te and appointed president of the he new executive threatened : Sailing dates now {locai the last 14 years A court suit when the interna : If you are interested, plan to attend the meeting at I" Only: two former oificers sus A ' R ¢ y PI'S tonal union failed to ordér them \ er the wn voiloble-Book Early e ¢ dd | 4 | 8 Hampton Municipal Building {vived voting last June in the lo placed in office. James R cal's first free election in 14] Hoffa, internaitonal pro ident BPM SATURDAY, JANUARY 14h voars, New officers had pledged last week gave the orders SEE PROMINENT SPEAKER ik load foam is tons term, sunday tone Andres Ton | DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE MR. R. M. CHITTY, QC DE : Bad fe a WHI LY -- OSHAWA -- BROOKLIN was imposed in recording seqrelary. and PHONE MO 8.3304 FOR FOODS THAT QUALIFY AT PRICES THAT SATISFY resident of Ontario Property Owners Asiocidtion {IME when the group's financial' ald MeMasted, trustes

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