Tye Oshawn Times Published by Conadion Newspopers Limited, 86 King 5, E, Oshows, Ont. Togs 6 TYuesdoy, Jormory 10, 196) Turkey's Greatest Need Now Sound Government It may be too early to predict s retum to the democratic path by Turkey, but *. ot least the military junta thet overthrew the resctionery Menderes government lest May hes brought together s consti- tuent essembly, This assembly is not intended to be a legislative body, Its job is to draw a per- menent constitution and electors law, measures which will be voted upon by the people snd which, if adopted, will govern subsequent elections of & grand nations! assembly snd a president. The present sssembly is composed of 23 members of the military juntas, with a lower house chosen not by the people st large but by organizations ~~ political parties, provi- sional governments, judges, lawyers, edu. eators, labor unions, the press, ete, It may not fit out ideas of what is democratic but ot least it should be representative, The Turks seem to have a weakness for "strong" men, and it may be that they are needed, Ataturk wrenched Turkey out of the Middle Ages into the modern world, His successors were largely auto- cratic, And the man who engineered the coup egeinst Menderes, General Gursel, Warning Of Latin America has 200,000,000 people and territory two and a half times that of the United Btates, At least half the population is illiterate, People are under- hes kept a firm grip on the nation's sf fairs while steering towerds a gosl of et lesst limited democracy, One cannot envy Gursel his task, or thet of the national essemblyto-be, Tus. key is the strongest military power in the middle east, but it is also one of the weak est politically and economically, There is great unemployhent, inflation, 8 huge foreign debt and s runawsy birth rate, There is no doubt thet the present state of effairs worries Turkey's NATO gllies, who have been moving to give the coun try further help, The United States will advance $6.5 million for the first section of the projected Turkish-Iranien railway. Britain will take $9 million worth of tor bacco as partial payment of a $10 million debt. The Development Loan Fund will advance $130 million for a steel plant, which will be Turkey's second such estab- lishment, The Internationsl Monetary Fund snd the Organization for European Economic Co-operation will provide cre- dits to cover this year's $90 million for. eign payment deficit, The help will mean nothing, of course, if Turkey does not obtain honest, stable government, History tremendous support, It carried over when he kept up an attack on the United States, No matter that most of his prom. ises have not been kept a large percent~ nourished, diseased, existing to a large sge of his followers still believe in him part in almost feudal conditions, and what he calls his program, And we This was extracted by the Milwaukee should not be surprised," said Watson, Journal from a recent talk by Thomas J, that they don't believe much in us, Watson, Jr, president of International That brought him to his major point, Business Machines Corp, Discussing Cuba The U8, needs a new formula for desling and the constantly deteriorating state of with underdeveloped lands, he thinks-- US. relations there, Watson read the not only in Latin America but over the warning of history, world, When the U8, supports dictator. For years the United States was inter- ial regimes that are not much interested ested in Cuba almost solely to the extent in their people, it invites new Cubas, Wat» of wanting a stable regime there that was son said not opposed to the U8, whether or not "I think we have a duty, wherever we that regime was interested in its people, are assisting an slly or friend, to assure Under Batista, for instance, about 5% ourselves that its government is dedis of the people ruled the country, Most of cated to improving the lot of the average the rest were poor and hungry, typical citizen, The government should represent of millions of others in Latin America, the will of sll the people and should be To those who thought about us at all, the chosen, wherever feasible, by popular and United States was hardly a big brother, secret ballot, If we do not work toward When Castro came along and prom. these things, we are not playing fairly ised more food, better housing, a vote with the concept of freedom upon which in government, land redistribution, got our country was founded,' Guarding Against Fire During 1960 more than 500 persons died in fires and a large percentage of these fire victims were killed in their own homes, according to the All Canada In. surance Federation, The best way to prevent a fire death in your home is to take every precaution, but if a fire should start, you must act promptly to protece against loss of life and excessive property damage, The Fed. eration, which represents more than 220 Canadian fire, automobile and casualty insurance companies, makes these recom. mendations for safety in the home; When a fire starts, have everyone leave the house immediately, Do not wait to dress yourself or chil. dren; simply wrap yourself in a blanket or a coat, As soon as everyone is safe, call the fire department, Use a neighbour's telephone to call for Phe Oshawa Times TL WILSON, Publisher and General Mansger 6 GWYN KINSEY, Editor The Oshawa Times sombining blished 1871) and tha Whitby Gazette and heonicle (established 1863), ia published daily (Sundays and statutory holidays excepted), ot © Daily Newspapers Publish Association, The Canadian bres, Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Ontaria Provingial Dailies Asses shation, The Conadian Presa is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all ews despatched In the paper credited ta © or ta The Associated Press or Reuters, and alsa tha latal news published therein. All rights of pesial despatches are alse reserved. Offices: Thomson Bullding, 425 Univensity Avenus Yoronta, Ontarie; 640 Cathcart Street, Montieal, P.Q SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carriers In Oshawa, Whithy, Alex, Pickering, Bowmanville, Brookin, 1am Perry, Prins Abert, Maple Grove, Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, Verpool. Taunton Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen, ona. Lessard, Brougham, Burketon, Claremont, Columbus, Greenwood, Kivale, Raglan, Blackstock, Manchester, Pontyposl and Newsastle, not ever de POT week By mail (in provings of Ontare) outside carriers delivery areas 12.00; ehewhere 15.00 per year Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 The Oshawa Times help rather than waiting in your own home, Do not attempt to fight the fire yours self until the fire department has been called, If you have time, close all windows and doors and turn off the electricity at the master switch, Buy a fire extinguisher for your home (your fire department will advise you as to the best type) and learn how to use it properly, Always leave complete instructions with baby-sitters on what to do in case of fire, Keep exits unobstructed by boxes or furniture, Other Editor's Views COMMON SENSE (The Winnipeg Tribune) Public apathy to medical progress can be responsible for the deaths of Manis tobans who fail to take advantage of the disease presentive measures available, This was the essence of the warning this week from Dr, R. M, Creighton, preventive medical services director, in regard to 10 provincial residents who have contracted diphtheria, None of the adults and children, including four fatalis ties, have been immunized, To the plea for Manitobans to protect themselves against diphtheria, can be added a similar plea regarding polio, The warnings are not scare treatment --- they are only common sense, Bible Thought We should remember the poor, Gals atians 2:10, The hallmark of Christianity has als ways been charity = concern = love --= whatever you may call it, the love of Christ effects a concern for the person of low degree i [ - OW. AND LOSE HIS AMATEUR STATUS? OTTAWA REPORT Cabinet Starts my eels and enjoys himself, Publicity Drive By PATRICK NICHOLSON ¥Yrime Minister John Diefen- baker's cabinet colleagues are blanketting the grassroots this month, in a coast-to-coast plat. form and handshake blitz of a scope never hefore essayed out side a federal election campaign Recognizing the abysmal fail: ure of their party's hired help to put across to the public the achievements and the underly. ing: policies of the Diefenbaker government, the ministers are all getting out to tell the story themselves, The 23 members of the cabinet =excluding only the prime min- ister himself--will log nearly 100,000 miles in total, as they deliver some 180 speeches in 90 constituencies, GRIT IN GRIT MACHINE It is probably no accident that this meet-and - tell - the-people marathon is timed to coincide with and overlap the big rally being staged in Ottawa this week by the Liberal party, Local visits by Conservative cabinet ministers will jostle this Liberal news for the headlines and the coffee chatter, Each minister's engagements have been largely made in res sponse to specific invitations by MPs or local groups, Thus in general each minister will be heard by widely separated au- diences, rather than concentrate on a compact area, This is made possible by air travel, but is in marked contrast to the speaking tours hy headline politicians even as recently as the 1058 election, While it is agreed that Mr, Diefenbaker is in a class hy himself as a platform spell: binder, Labor Minister Mike Starr from Oshawa and Agricul. ture Minister Alvin Hamilton from Saskatchewan rate as two of the Consevratives' best cam- paign speakers of the next grade, They have heen in great demand for this cross-Canada oratory, and both are travelling far to speak often. Mike Starr, for example, will speak at the opening of the new technical institute at Moose Jaw Jan, 11; at Regina Jan, 12; to a Ukrainian gathering at Hamil ton Jan 13; and to magazine ed. itors in Ottawa Jan, 16th, On Jan, 21 he will address the Ukrainian - Canadian committee in Montreal; on Jan, 23 the Winnipeg Chamber of Com: merce; on Jan, 27 the Vancouver Board of Trade; and on Jan, 30 he will open the new Unem- ployment Insurance Commission building in Edmonton, QUEEN'S PARK Lighter Moments In Welfare Dept. By DON O'HEARN TORONTO-Hon, Louis Cecile, Minister of Welfare is a cordial and a kindly man, He is ideally suited by temper. ment to administer the depart ment he does, There is large discretionary power in the administering of the various allowances he handles, For instance in Mother's Als lowances there can be a pays ment of up to $180 a month a family, But the payment is based on a budget of need, which sometimes calls for ex- tremes of judgment balanced with sympathy, There also are pressures, which sometimes can be very trying, At other times, however, these can provide their lighter moment, An instance is the following typed letter received by Mothers Allowances from a northern cen» tre, The names, of course, are ficticious: Dear Sirs: I'm writing in conseron about Max) or Maxmillian Ridiculosa those people now thier own home farm and own a couple other houses those they rent at a high price year after year they have a flock sheep cows hens pigs and have all there own vegetables eggs meat fish, why do they get both disabled and Mothers al lowances and both are strong and health and are not dis. abled in any way and can both work and make a living for there family, Max goes out fishing all night lots times and brings home many more fish than allowed they have a big canner and can it up in 20 Ox tins right now they have three hunderd or more cans in the house and they have over § hunderd pound of meat in the house beef pig hens ete inclouding wild meat Max goes out at nights to hunt so the welfare people wont catch him, he warks at leather work and carpenter work at nights to so the welfare wont catch him, then he staves in bed all day and tells the welfare people that he has a bad heart and cant get out of bed and. they both told me and many other people that theere not a thing wrong with hisheart just he 8 to lazzy to work as he says he can use his head good enough that the welfare can nenver that the welfare can never prove hes not sick and hes a good liek also her and two beggors as well, all the cloths ing those 8 kids wear are donated to them and what left over they sell also make ear rings and many other things and sells them all and she works out in town at nights to 80 no one at the welfare knows it and three of the children baby sit every week end and every evening for wages, and the Mrs tells fortunes and realy hasa good steady bus- seses and good income, all or most of thier furniture eot, blankets sheets everything is donated to them as they keep begg ing every one for every» thing and right now and for maney months this govement money is spent foolish and she gives lots of it to nabours and friends and runs alover in taxis northbay and alover, she says well the govement gives it so I might just as well havea good highhold time with as much of it as 1 can, and 1,v never whent in their house yet and found pants on the girls or bays they all sit nakde no matter the age on front of dozens offf people as thier house '1s always full of people as they have all kind licours beers wines ect, and theres drinking up that money Max is most always drunk and hte money thats given to help children he drinks it up bes sides the Disabled allowance its hte funniest thing Lv ever heard of a strong healthy man geting disabled allowance and working all night Yours truly" Records show the man con cerned had a thrombosis and probably would be permanently unemployable therefore "Mrs" gels mothers allowance, This will be rechecked but it would seem Mrs, should stop telling those fortunes, She obviously told somebody something he didn't like, Alvin Hamilton's typical #0- minute off-the-cuff orations are enjoyed and persuasive, but they are often outshone by the sub- sequent 99 minutes of questions ond answers, at which he ex- At meetings arranged by Conserva- tive MPs at Selkirk, Man, on Jan, 9; at Outlook, Sask, on Jan, 10; at Andrew, Alba, on Jan, 11; end at Chatham on Jan. 12 he will probably assure farmers that he will champion their cause and present their prob: lems before urban Canadians, while nlso describing what this government has done to assist farmers since 1957, He will also reassure any worried farmers that there is no intention to curtail trade with their big and growing new customer, Japan, On Jan, 17, Mr. Hamilton will speak to the Dairy Farmers of Canada at Vancouver; on Jan, 18 to the B.C, fruit growers at Kelowna; and on Jan, 23 he will take part in a CBC farm forum program at Charlottetown, where he will also address the Federation of Agriculture, Other ministers have gener: ally lighter programmes for their speech-making, such as Fisheries Minister Angus Mae Lean billed in PEI on Jan, 11:12, while the audience-draws ing minister of justice, Hon, Davie Fulton, is addressing three meetings around Toronto this week, in Winnipeg on Jan, 26 and in Quebec City, where he will be "president d'honneur' at the annual law school banquet, on Jan, 27, The ministers will all bring eagerly awaited reports back to their leader and their colleagues in Ottawa, describing the politi cal temperature as they find it from coast to coast, PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM We're not having a depres sion, a recession, a downturn in business, a leveling off, a period of readjustment or anything like that, An eminent economist tells us we are experiencing a "'business-cycle contraction', Historian Doubts Cabot N. Atlantic Trailblazer OTTAWA (CP) ~ Was John Cabot merely i pre viously travelled rowte when he is celebrated voyages 19 the New World around end the Azores named Juan Fern whdes He suggests thet Fernandes, in company with an Azores land- owner - adventurer, Pedro de Barcelos, sighted Greenland in 106 while under the of King Henry of Port The first Oshawa Nursing Division of the 5t. John Ambu- Prevention, held in Centre Street School, W. J. Hare, Whithy barrister, was elected president of Ontario County Law Association for the year 1941, Members of the Auxiliary of Oshawa branch, Canadian Legion, held their an nual banquet and installation of officers, Mrs, C. Vermoen was installed as president, The local branch has the largest auxiliary membership in Ontario with 189 members, The 1940 licence plates of Osh- awa and district, to be salvaged to raise funds for the Canadian Red Cross, were transported by a local trucking orgamzation to Toronto, Howard Werr was elected president of the Kiwanis Club for the year 1941, Reeve J, M. Roblin defeated Rev. A. M, Irwin and Deputy Reeve Lawrence Agg defeated Dr. ¥. 8, Mills in the Whitby municipal elections, The Second Battalion, Ontario Regiment, resumed its training after 10 days of holiday festiv- ities from military routine, The Signalling Platoon, under Lieut, R. H, Lundy, held its first par: ade of the New Year, Mr, and Mrs, William Cook, Port Perry, received many guests on the occasion of their both wedding anniversary, General Motors let a contract bling this map, he said, The Por. for a one-storey building, 60 by tuguese word labrador means, 200 feet, to be erected on top of the Maintenance Garage on Richmond street east, The local Unemployment Ser: vice Office, under the manages ment of Rae Halliday, assisted by Mrs, Hawes, placed 4868 per- sons on johs, as far west as office, flag to foundiand and Ci historian whe enjoys prow the nooks and cranmies of tiquity, says his theories were developed during nearly 12 years of laborious snd exacting research, BLAMES LOBBY' He Is careful to make clesr i for himself and says that for too long a powerful Cabot lobby" has deliberately downgraded the significance of late 15th century Portuguese ex- plorations in the North Atlantic, Mr. Layng, a native of Smiths Falls, Ont,, who holds an hon- orary history degree from Queen's University, outlined his views in a paper he presented to an international congress in Lisbon last summer, The congress was called by the Portuguese government to help mark the 500th anniversary of the birth of Henry the Navi- gator, Mr. Layng represented the Canadian Historical Associa- tion, He said his theory provoked lively arguments, with the Eng- lish historians present generally eltacking it and the delighted Portuguese defending it, Mr. Layng spun a web of circumstantial evidence to sup- port his statements, It was pat- terned principally around an old map, undated and anonymous, kept in the Oliveriana Museum in Pesaro, Italy, MENTIONED LABRADOR The name "Labrador" first made its appeardlice on one of More directly west lend is a much larger body , also unidentified the map, A possibility represents Lerritory gulf of Bt, Lawrence, The srchivist says he Oliveriana is # composite of sketches made by Fi first, and later by Cabot, To further support his theory, Mr, Layng cites Banta Cruz, the Spanish cosmographer, who wrote in 1541 that a hushand- man from the Azores' gave tidings of Greenland to Henry Vii of England when the latter sent Cabot into northern waters, And he says there is "incon trovertible evidence" that Fern- andes the labrador and Baycelos were absent from their Portu guese - governed homeland for three years during the period in question, on' voyages of dis covery, BACKACHE BOTHERING YOU? If could he of fate DEWITT S KIDNEY & BLADDER PILLS and 15 the prototypes used in assem. literally, seagoing farmer, "It now is generally accepted that the place name Labrador, so fortunately and prominently preserved in Canadian nomen- clature, is identified with Fern. andes, a labrador of the Azores." Mr, Layng says he believes Windsor and east to Ottawa, to the prototypes were the first set up a new record for Oshawa survey sketches made of Cana: dian shores, INSIDE YOU More Discovered About Cortisone By BURTON H, FERN, M.D, What is cortisone? Does it really help so many ailments? How? Cortisone is one of 30 chemi: cals manufactured by the outer shell (cortex) of the adrenal gland, The pituitary gland man: ufactures ACTH » a chemical Which whips up adrenal activ. ty Ever since the fabulous for. ties, doctors have been finding new effects of cortisone and its near relatives, It melts red-hot inflammation, It also shrinks lymph tissue, like those glands REPORT FROM U.K. Shipboard Radio Station Planned By M, McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng,) Correspondent for The Oshawa Times LONDON = The government has set its face resolutely against the establishment of a system of local radio stations, on a commercial basis, in the United Kingdom, There have been many Pleas by interested parties for the privilege of un- dertaking commercial broad» casting such as is quite coms mon in Canada and the United States, but those asking for the privilege have been given no ens Sucouragement for their propos. als, It is very likely, however, that the people of the United Kingdom will soon be subjected to commercial radio broadeast. ing from another source, The broadeasts will be beamed to Hritain from a floating trans. mitter stationed in the North Sea, outside the territorial lim. its of any country, and not sub. ject to any hroadeasting laws, DUTCH ENTERPRISE This venture into commercial radio broadcasting from a ship al sea' is the product of Dutch enterprise. Some men in the Netherlands have purchased a 1200-ton German cargo steam. er, and have fitted it out as a floating radio broadcasting stu. dio and transmitter For the last two or three weeks, this floating station has been under test, Programs have been sent out from midnight to three am. on a broadcasting band of 192 metres, They have consisted mainly of dance music without any advertising, But when the regular program start early in 1061, they will in: clude some special advertising features, interspersed between travel, adventure, drama and documentary items, The sta: tion, according to present plan, will be on the air from midnight to three am, and from six a.m, until noon, TROUBLE OVER LICENCE The station is known in Hal land as Station Veronica, but it will be broadcasting to the United Kingdom under the call letters CNBC Radio, It has had a good deal of trouble with the Netherlands authorities, which refused to grant it a licence, In the beginning of the project, the vessel was seized by the Neth. erlands authorities, but it was later released, Its owners thought up the ingenious idea of moving out into the North Sea with the floating radio sta. tion, so as to be beyond the ter- ritorial jurisdiction of the Dutch government, To overcome its difficulties, it first flew the flag of Panama, but it is now flying the flag of Leichtnestein, where the company has been register ed The Dutheh authorities, hows ever, are adamant in declaring the vessel and its activities illeg- al. Because of this, it has to go into a Belgian or West Gers man port when in need of sup plies, because it cannot go into any Dutch harbor without invit ing more trouble, that sometimes swell In your neck, Cortisone blocks allergic reac: tions by interfering with anti bodies that cause allergies, And #0 less histamine is produced-- the same histamines you try to block with "antihistamines" = to trigger the swelling and oog: ing of hay fever, asthma and eczema, WHAT CORTISONE DOES Cortisone can prevent sterils ity, open suffocating air pas: sages, prevent scarring Inside the heart and ward off blindness «= all because it melts inflam. mation, Inside the heart, the in. flammation of rheumatic fever leads to scarring which inters fers with normal pumping aes tion, Infection and inflammation in front of the clear area of the pupil can lead to blinding scar tissue, An infant may suffocate when inflammation swells his infected vocal cords, closing off the air passage, The inflammation of mumps may swell the male sex glands until pressure kills all the cells needed to fertilize the fe. male egg. ANTIBIOTIC GIVEN But inflammation keeps infec. tion from spreading, and so an antibiotic germ-killer is often prescribed along with cortisone, Cortisone can also destroy leukemia cells -- distant rela: tives of lymph tissue = controll: ing the disease for weeks or months, A medical round robin, alternating cortisone with other chemical controls, keeps leuke- mia victims comfortable and prolongs their lives. Cortisone also helps control other kinds of cancer, including cancer of lymph tissue and cancer of the breast HAIR GROWTH STIMULATED Sometimes masculinizing ad. renal chemicals start unwanted hair growing. Small doses of cortisone can slow production of these hair-raising adrenal chem. icals hy fooling the pituitary gland into cutting back ACTH production, Frequent fainting spells some times stem from a sudden dis. appearance of sugar fram the blood stream. Cortisone can whip up production of new sugar to flood the circulation and pre. vent that faint feeling. These are only examples; cor tisone cane do much more, But still it prevents sterility, hay fever, blindness and excess hair, No other drug can make this statement! CANADA AIR TRANSPORT BOARD Ottawa, Canade Amendment To Notice Of Hearing January 8, 1961, APPLICATION BY NORDAIR i LTD/LTEE FOR A LICENCE TO OPERATE A CLASS | SCHEDULED ~~ COMMERCIAL AIR SERVICE TO TRANS- PORT PERSONS, MAILS AND/OR GOODS SERVING MONTREAL, P.Q,, KINGSTON AND TORONTO, ONTARIO, APPLICATION BY QUEBEC AIR INC. FOR A LICENCE TO OPERATE A CLASS 1 SCHED- ULED COMMERCIAL AIR SERVICE TO TRANSPORT PERSONS, MAILS AND/OR GOODS SERVING THE POINTS: MONTREAL, P.O; KINGSTON, OSHAWA, TORONTO, LONDON, WIND- SOR, ONT,, WITH RESTRIC. TION ON 'THROUGH TRAF. FIC BETWEEN MONTREAL AND TORONTO, ALSO BE- TWEEN TORONTO AND WINDSOR, AND WITHOUT LOCAL TRAFFIC RIGHTS BE TWEEN THE POINTS TO- RONTO, LONDON AND WINDSOR; OTTAWA, KINGSTON, OSHAWA, TO- RONTO, LONDON, WINDSOR, ONT., WITHOUT TRAFFIC RIGHTS BETWEEN TORONTO, LONDON AND WINDSOR, APPLICATION BY NORDAIR LTD/LTEE FOR REMOVAL OF THE RESTRICTION WHICH PROHIBITS THE LICENSES FROM CARRYING LOCAL TRAFFIC BETWEEN LONDON AND TORONTO OR LONDON AND WINDSOR OR TORON. TO AND WINDSOR UNDER LICENCE NO. AT.B, 783/56 (NS) WHICH AUTHORIZES THE OPERATION OF A CLASS 3 IRREGULAR SPECIFIC POINT COMMERCIAL AIR SERVICE, BASED AT SARNIA, ONTARIO, 3 By Notice of Hepting dated 22nd of September, 1960, which was amended by Notice dated December 20, 1960, the Board stated that it understood that some, if not all of the applicants intended amending their applicas tion in certain respects and stated that if such amendments were in fact made, applicants must file full particulars with the Board, the Interveners, and all interested parties not later than January 2nd, 1961, In pursuance thereof, Quebecair Inc, has now amended its application set out above by deleting from (2) (a) the points Toronto and Londen and adding the point Ottawa, and deleting from (2) (b) the points Toronto, London and Windsor, The applicant has further stated that if it is granted the authority requested in this amended appli cation, it agrees to a restriction being imposed upon it prohibiting it from providing non-stop services between the points Montreal and Windsor, or Montreal and Ottawa, or Ottawa and Windsor In all other respects the Notice of Hearing dated 22nd of Sep tember, 1960, as amended by Notice of Hearing dated December 20, 1960, remains unchanged, AIR TRANSPORT BOARD, D. F. Quin, Secretany,