Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Jan 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Being tranquil is fine, nt B WRILED B Man CARL Lick withowy tension Price Met Over 16 Canty Por Copy gs VOL. 90--Me, 7 i ww ROYAL WEDDING AHEAD 15 the son of Prince Fri Hohenzollern-Sigmarin: gen, West Germany, when it was announced that they will | von he married sometime after | gen mid-May this year, The prince Princess Birgitta of Sweden snd Prince Johann-Georg von Sigmaringen are shown at re | ception Friday in Sigmarin Liberals Lay Down Easy Money Platform odors fram 1} Winter Val tahle-like Ollawa By ALAN DONNELLY reports weren't pul up 1o 8 vole Canadian Press Stall Writer because the subcommitiees cent OPTAWA (CP)=The Liberal haven't finished their work, and linger party, seizing on unemployment the convention ended its first, The chore as the nation's biggest issue, Is day without having given final committees facing hese was typified fashioning & policy of tax culs approval tn a single policy work of the one on uner and easy money as one of its statement ment Monday i win main platforms for the next! The committee work of sort: through a score of resol election ing through some 400 resolu That program was presented tions, aided by policy statements later debate, and finally ta the party's national rally prepared hy party officials, con: interim approval to an Monday night as the first fruit tinues today in committee room point program drafled | of the convention's three-day|in the Coliseum annex, where vance hy party officials task of chaning a holley path Baer power. ALAN ROSE INQUEST Miner's Death government power Paul Martin, Liberal spokes man in the Commons on un employment, hung the label ot Umismanagement" on the Pr: aromive servalive govern: ment and declared the Liberal party "8 on the march" hack to office His speech brought more than 1,000 delegates ta their feet ap lie Osha Times (AF Wirephotn) putting most of them aside for Ruled Accidental Much milder weather is expects ed to prevafl over much of south: ern Ontario for the next two days, g Second Clos Mew spariment, EAiens "SIXTEEN PAGES OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 196) ra WEST DOUBTS RUSSIA HAS TROOPS IN LAOS | Vientiane Claim Not Confirmed VIENTIANE (Reuters) -- Thelto retake the strate pres, [right-wing Iaotian government captured hy pro Communist | chimed today hat Russian forces Jan. 1, roops have entered Laos andi are fighting alongside North| CLAIM CONTRADICTED Vietnamese and proCommunist) The government claims were guerrillas in the strategic cen contradicted hy French military {tral province of Xieng Khouang. [mission officials who returned This was announced at & press day from the lain of Jars conference hy Information Min y . ister Bouavan Norasingh, He They said only leftist fosces {said he had these reports from Of Me vehel paratrooper Hh Col, Khamkhone, commander of Kong 14 were seen In the plains operations hy the right - wing '* government in the province Bouvan said one division of The-- news - drew incredulous Vietminh also was marching t0- reactions from Western oh Ards Ban Ban mn fhe CARE Wervers here Tore or a one Bouavan said it was reported jn the division that there were three battalions) Another 2,000 Pathet Lan composed of Russians, Vietminh troops and Vietminh were on (Communist North Vietnamese) | the Plain of Jars itself, he said 'Martial Law Grips Cuba HAVANA (AF) Annuglships of the manoewvie force % manoeuvres hy the US, Navy will call from time to time at and Marine Corps in the Carib-ithe US, Navy hase on Guan: hean gave new impetus to Fidel tanama Bay, the navy said, the Castrn's nation - wide invasion exercises were planned some alert today, A high official said time ago and it is a coincidence all Cuba 15 under the equivalent that they are taking place dur: 8 of martial law ing Castro's invasion alert, Mobilization of military and The government - controlled £3 labor forces throughout the is: Cuban press denounced the land was speeded as Castro's navel activity as Warmeongering regime prepared for an Invasion and provocative iL insists 1s coming from the Prensa Libre said the ma |United States by Jan, 18 nocuvres were designed no en | Mare soldiers took hatlle sta- courage counter revolution tions along Havana's seafront. aries "supplied by the Penta § Militigmen dug still move gon and Central Intelligence trenches in public parks and Agency' in case their enthus gardens along the ocean iasm had heen dampened hy UB. afficials in Washington Cuba's display of military might drich and pro-Communist Laotian Pa:| "He added (hat government ie re. #0 Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, de na Jge parade in Havana thet Tao guerrillas in the east: forces were advancing towards stil nied there was aggressive intent Jan, 2 : ern part of Xieng Khouang prove|the plain from Vier'iane hut hehind the manoeuvres that The manoeuvies would serve ince at Ban Na le were finding the going slow he- sub Staried Monday af Wenig play or Ships The government says it 1s cause of trees chopped down hy anda plant ) i dL hy the nploy nowed CLAIM COINCIDENCE Planning to launch an offensive the retreating enemy, The marines will the newspapers charged, train on: Phe gemi-official Revolucion Vieques Island, off the coast of charged the United States is Tr y . ONS, | puerto Rico and about 1.878 mining Guantanamo Bay and rints ue Miles east of Havana, While uploading large quantities of aah medicine at the hase n od | n ad From Washington, Associated [1.8, AIRCRAFT CARRIER IN CUBAN WA "ERS D 1 Press corvespondent John Beall, 1 au e reported the Eisenhower admin istration apparently decided Plans Trip Flown Here that calling off the manoeuvres might encourage Castro (0 he To Algiers ALGIERS (Heuters) Offi Neva he could Toree the United By DAVE OANCIA | Early today, new search war cial sources said Monday pres {eve ne coud late the Yollod . . Canadian Press Staff Writer [rants were issued to senior Beols alates ¥ | | ' an base South University LONDON (CP) == The finger.| 141d Yard special branch ofh ' | Belgian Troops rr an ident Charles de Gaulle infentls of to fly to Algiers in the near fu dh al iniat (the authority to search more charged under Britain's Official A : KeTAN APY were flown tn Cane BE ios ethels. in aaiaation i The doors Hunter, 18 and Hamilton ada during the night for a check valving base uniry's Wi of Kigorgia) Holmes, 10, hoth of Atlanta, hy the RCMP in Oltawa, "ihe five were arrested durin the were to have hegun classes atl Phis was the latest in a series R org prints of twa men and a woman (67% the warrants give them | the University were slammed shut today in Rush To Mons o|faces of two young Negroes-- 0 a.m. today as the first Ne:\of Beotland Yard investigations the weekend following mere ! p , ture to launch new moves tol . plauding in the smoky, echoing) TIMMING (CFA coroner's) The jurors urged that more end (he six-year war Against and 7800 white students--while| groes to break the color harrier|that culminated in the appear: an in Mmonie o intensive in hall of Ottawa's Coliseum jury inquiring into the mine than twa pony sets--harizontal| pavionatist insurgents BRUSSELS (Reuters) = Bel: state officials wrestled with the at any school in Georgia ance Monday of five persons on {ht ries hy British security Party Leader Lester B, Pear collapse that claimed the life of hars at right angles hetween| "pp" soiroes said de gaullel @an troops, vushed overnight| dilemma of state segregation) Vandiger, in tossing the hot|esnionage charges in Bow Breet eams, arty R y : § : | espionage charges in Bow [my " Alan Rose ruled Monday thatthe steel beams and wooden wace to the from Germany, today mounted laws versus federal court inte:| political potato into the legisla [magistrate's court, The section of the secrets act son followed with a call for a the young English immigrant's| supporting posts--he use aims at bringing fA 00 North African terviotey by next| guard in the strike town of [gration orders ture's lap, speculated the doors {under which the five were Jane ' ie } } Three " 10 | (} A i hg Holgnce policy: death was accidental spans of such a length (July, They said the president) Mons, scene Monday night of al Governor Krnest Vandiver eutlof the university could he ye:|, Thice o he Reeuand- fore charged hiovides for & sentence fey \ thd lf the Nopth! The Jury of five miners at: Hose, a plumber who wenti gon "wake the approach to! Strikers' attempt fo seize public/ off funds to the school under a opened within 4 week -- appar Arnald. Lonsdale, 0 yoas oof from three to seven years, and withdrawal [a the Ser tached no blame, but suggested into the mine to raise money to) bei Reet, TIE SPEER EH buildings [State segregation Jaw. then ently on an integrated hastieif|COMPany divector, 50-year-old "pha naval researeh station at Amerigan Ale = Detence LOM jh, sirongthening of supports of hring his wife and young son 10 Algiers later (his month or in| The 'troops arrived as new|asked the stale legislature to/the segregation law is repealed hookseller John Kroger and his poriland is the centre of British Mand Insofar as Jet Iereoptlarsl jo "yung" (hat collapsed and] Canada, was trapped in alot BEL demonstrations and c1a shes repeal the law so as not to without delay |wife Helen, 47--are helieved 10 nderwater veseareh, A Cana: and Bomare anti-alveraft mis panned" (he oh-year-ald miner! packet of sand and rock by the| De Gaulle has kept clear of broke out in Belgian cities and wreck Georgia's program of The four-year-old law, calling he Canadians. dian develo ed antl » submarine sles ave concerned for 60 hours collapse, Fellow miners drilled] oie S® eee "he Metumed ta] towns [higher learning, for immediate cutting off of], The other twa--=Henry Hough: (deviee said (0 he capable of RECEIVE REPORTS Hight witnesses testified that! through 10 feet of solid rock to power twa years age hecause of| Inhabitants near the German tate Attorney-General Yu: | funds of any branch of the state ON: ha, and Elizabeth (ioe, A= detecting A submarine 80 miles Their speeches Came as (he the cause of the Nav, 10 cave-n| reas h him furonean hosility ta his Algep:|hovder town of Aachen sald| gene Cook in Washington sought! university system the moment| are eivil ROFVANtS in the pay of [Away has heen undergoing tests at the 1,700-fant level of the| His condition, fivst described fice of the research station at/at the station, plenary Santon ot the fave Hollinter C ansolidated Gold as good, worsened and he 100 received intevim Feporisi ages oanid not he explained, [taken to hospital in Ts fram subcommittees drafting Mine employees sald, how: two days later policy statements on unemplay ever, that the 150 - font-deep from complications hroug { ment and nationat inde cnaf--hetween seven and 13 hy heavy internal bleeding and pendence Ifeet wide--under which Rose kidney failure He died De 15| the weekend veferendum ian self-determination policy, [more than 4000 Belgian troops to win from the UR Rupreme | 4 Negra is envalled under fod.|[31%¢ F ef given strong papular hacking in| evossed (he frontier into Bel: Court a last-minute delay, which eral court order, now is 'an| Portland, Dorset | - . glum Monday night but authori: Vandiver said would exhaust | albatross' a round Georgia's All had refused to have their) [Jacques Coup de Frejac, offi: ties heve refused to confirm or(the state's legal remedies in a neck, the governor said HngerpHniy taken before patios Alberta-Montreal hE oni al Spokesman of the chief deny the figure [10-year battle to maintain seg obtained a magistrate's order French representative here! In Antwerp, police charged a|regated classrooms in (Georgia. | The arder was granted despite) : : said IR, "1 think we can|erowd of more than 4500 strik:| Vandiver, who has frequently| Russians Offered protests from the three pre Pipeline Urged i Was wonto But these were only two of 21 had heen working, had heen ve:| His wife Shivley and their son i \ BE Ns Nl Canadians \ i » gelf-dete ws attending a socialist meet: pledged no Negro would attend sumed Canadians, 'AL subcommittees set up by the filled mainly with gravel sup:|were flown to Canada during NOY H4Y that the self-determ} ors attending i sses with white students as ' [CALGARY (CP)=R.A, Brawn t 4 | 4 ¥) nation campaign has opened." | ing As ! § ] HELD IN CUSTODY : einen and | W eanvention to draft policy on a ported hy two hovicontal steel the ardeal. They returned to "ey oot ination. would hel Harlier, strikers broke long as he was governor, called ar 4ales alte wh A fori ar, President and managing di wide array of issues, The twaiheams England soon after his death, | aovoniod in three stages: |thraugh police covdons sealing|the closing of the 178-year-ald| All five were remanded for a|rector of Home Oil Co, Tid, LJ * as 0 ) | Toade: AWETY k rake ATART "HOLIDAY! CCr To Be Opp osition nw end of the nigerian Su brewery UGE ind broke After Vandiver conferred hy/the use of a site in Lachine, [George Smith, who 1s in eharge Hees Tells Local PC's ORONO (Stain I'he annual Secondly, the COR has a de: divided into two main gr meeting of the Durham County finite philosophy, and 11 1s eas: the free enterprise, repres Conservative Association was ev for it to take a firm stand hy the Conservative Parly on the issues which came before the socialist group eral Party in Canada appears! Parliament. Their's is a straight by the Labor Party destined to follow its namesake socialist philosophy and policy, als, being caught in Great Britain inte oblivion. and the stands they lake ave y and being divided het Hon. George Hees, minister of based upan that approach. the twa philosophies, fell trade and commerce, the guest "The Liberals, on the other tween them and all hat speaker, sald that he could soe hand, appear 10 he torn hetween appeared the CCF-Labor alliance produc-'the free enterprise and the 50:0 "The linking of the Cang ing the new apposition party in cialist philesaphies," said Mr. Congress with the CCF ta Parliament in coming years. Hees, "Their speakers have Wn: a new party appears 1a told Manday night that the Lib 0 The | He said parliamentary session dicated clearly that they would given that Party the strength it) light theft which Oshawa Police watch, some rings, a camera, a B have seen like ta have the best of Both needs ta became the afficial ap during the past year the CCF "he mare the effective apposition" (Turn 10 page four for ware and warlds and their speakers make position in the next eleet it diffionlt, if nat impossible, 10° Ap Hees than added tha decide an which side of an 15500 fare the question of unem ather stary on meeting they stand rebates d ment ean he corrected, the The COF vale, he found, grew In most of the debates dur ple must realize that the aut of that party's longer ex: ing the past year they have years following the World War ave \ Sed perience in apposition, its se. Alta ked the government's le OEE cialist philosophy which gives gislation and have then ended wp COP members a better approach voting far it, They simply have represented hetween the OTTAWA (CP) Montreal Officials of week and ordered held in cus: said today an immediate start construction firm [tody until their next court ap: should be made on the buildin [eonferred with a Russian trade pearance [of a pipeline to earry erude oil [delegation Monday and offered] Detective Superintendent from Alberta to Montreal, He said his company would he 4 minutes of fighting, [phone with university President| Que., as a distribution centre for/af the case, and a team of prepared {n construct such a ), O Aderhold at the eampus|Saviet automobiles detectives are examining doeu:| line through an alveady-inear in Athens, some 70 miles from| Jack MeGough, general man: ments and hooks taken from porated company, Participation Atlanta, university officials an: ager of Bousquet Construetion|the homes of the accused (by other interests could be pro. nounced a one-week "holiday" | Lid, sald the three-man Soviet! The ehavge against all five is| vided for, {in whieh all classes would he delegation promised to study the that hetween last June and ihis| A national oil policy giving cancelled, Four persons were offer. There will he another month they did "with other per: approval of the line would be Establishment of provi: off the Antwerp town centre and | institution "the saddest day of ; sional government institutions" | raced along streets overturning my life f authorized hy the vefer- garbage cans, They attacked a wal | After i | 8. A waiting pevied while the strikers dispersed of theiy| wartime passions coaled before awn aceard just hefare a sell-determination vate hy mounted gendarmes appeared hoth Moslems and Europeans. 'on the s¢ene uw 3 " arvested in student demonstra: meeting in Montreal Thuvsday,|sons unknown, unlawfully con:| an opportunity for Canada to out en id Da 1 t e t tions following the midnight an) The Soviet delegation arvived spive to commit breaches of its trade deficit with the United r AN nounecement lin Montreal last Wednesday section one of the Official Se:| States by $300,000,000 a year, The Negroes, Charlayne from Russia, erets Aet, 1011" CL _'Mr, Hrawn said, Aber ---- + 'Professional Job' is Bonds and personal posses:| Bonds taken were valued at adian sions valued at $6497 were stol | ss690 Personal belongings form en from a Thomas street apart [worth about $798, were alse have ment, Monday, in a hold day: taken, These included a wrist [Chief Herbert ona professional i he play Flintoff termed | light meter, a slide projector, a inh" [flight bag, & suit case, wal No signs of forced entry was transistor radios, a mixmaster| found at the apartment of Wal-land some linen towels po- ter Bieri, 20, of 3 Thomas) "Despite continued warnings, easy street, Palice said a flexible 0b: 'noanle insist on keeping valua: andiject ar a key must have heen ihles in theiv apartments", Chief used 10 open the doo Flintoff said today, He again warned, "don't leave anything to parliamentary problems, and ha policy of their awa" its relative debating strength in The third reason far the the House COF'S growing importance as Mr, Hoes continued the effective apposition, is its LATE NEWS FLASHES valuable in your apartment when it is unattended The Bieri apartment was en [tered sometime. hetween 10 a.m. |. There are three reasons Why debating strength, compared to this party is hecaming mare and the Liberals, Although they ave mare the effeelive Appastian yolatively weak in numbers in Parliament," said the speak: they have nine strong debaters or. "the first being that the (X EF loampared to the four wha usu Raving always heen in Appasition ily load far the Lin WASHINGTON (AR) tussian call carey the | Ah catied on aare used 1a that gral apartment oiling in awa, 15 § a arals A " ¢ i : ole than the Liberal Party. He continued: "Looking back Search On For Missing Man Chiet Fintot dnd, today, he A Ja x LRU) appreciate \ d M 1 which has nol, as Yel, hoo Abie quer the Parliamentary debates SARNIA (UP) Palice continued a seareh today 197 soning Rune ATO hy to adapt self 10 Us few vaio. vou will see thal the OCF, In. 3 man whe checked inte a district motel early Monday tment bailing. acting suspi:| mast cases, has made 8 much and then disappeared. apparently leaving all Ns clothes wsiy. please call the Palice Y EMERGENCY PREM ha Arihuion hin HW behind. The man registered as Waller Andrenko of London Dep xttmant He said such CIT Liberal Party, the greal wma Ont, hut police said they believe him 10 he an unemployed OP ¥ ® arity of whose members da nol Man af the same name w take part in debates, It appears PHONE NUMBERS 1a these who abserve the pall Brakes Slip, Truck wy 5.1134 teal scene, thal the same pe POLICE RA S11 oo ass is TAKING RICH I Canada HAMILTON (CP) FIRE DEPT. RA 63TH hat took place in Great Rita coal truck driver, was k YANG YORrS As BS 0aded ruek and HOSPITAL RA S221 | 4 Yan hal couniny, 1% b 'Quiet Discussion' Over Laos shikov and Secretary of State Christian Herter had what the a quiet discussion" today about Laos AMOR. the brakes of the vehicle slipped {and 2 p.m, Monday Other tenants in the building reparted hearing someone rat {le keys in the hall at 11.30 a.m Twa men were seen leaving the Soviet Ambassador Mikhail Mea people alten pase as salesmen HON, GEORGE HEES MEETS DURHAM PCs ho lived at Paint Edward here During December a number Crushes Driver eh mo Waning | ion, ah Wah owes | hh WE, and abort ir | we Cand shod carey, tore 5 § \ guest speaker, He is shown | son, president of the associa: | trade with Cuba because "all William Moffat, 37, a Hawilion (was the work of professionals. | merce, - (second fram left) | with, loft to vight, Aloo Car | tion My, Hees said that Cans | other countries are doing ed today when crushed between They alse thous a plastic ar] pases Monday night at Orana | rathers, party member of the | ada was aol "on the auts™ | this J ® wall of a house. 11 is believed that [cellulase Voheater™ was used to before a meeting of the Duy Legislature far Durham: Dr. | with Cuba and that the Cuban APOR dears in these Instances, | ham County Conservative As: | Perey Vivian, MP far Dur | problem is wot Canada's. He (Oshawa Times Phota)

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