Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Jan 1961, p. 8

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§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwriey, Somwery 7, 196 "THEY CALL ME LIZ" Brimming over w MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Inconsiderate Customers Upset : | Desr Mary Waworth: My hus band is an executive with bis ompany and | dow't need 5 work, as my eastomers know But because | enjoy G0ing some that | do well, | operate { My business hours are § aim to 1 p.m., Mondays through Fri- days. | keep the sfiernoons free lor, rather, | try to--on dociov's lorders--io sllow myself a daily rest period and sufficient time for cocking, cleaning, shopping, sewing, # bit of volunteer work in the community snd so on Ji takes good tf and presumptionsly (resting your home as # shop, snd your private fife as the patie domain DRAW CLEAR LINE As | see the picture, i seems 2 simple matter to cope With) their attempt to enforce (heir whim of ion, Just bear in mind that your business howrs sre Bi am (eo | pm and that yowr| policy is } Woman Who Runs Home Business During business howrs, yowr| © tomers have access either (0 home is your shop to which fr make or to keep appointments, | planning to have dinner prepared land myself presentable by 5:30 when my husband gets home And my doctor warns me BEainst over-exertion, as tiredness aggre. yales my asthma and cold cause another breakdown, STOP INTRUSIONS Now for the problem: Certain id customers whe have household help, no Job snd no family fo cook for want to come by in the tatternoon, | have asked all my customers to co-operate with my 'schedule and most are gracious December 27 She is the grand. and considerate, bul some few daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo- aren't A i a A After b howrs, you have no hostess obligation (oe firest bumptions Intruders as guests, Rather, they should be handled so firmly, on the threshold, that) they back away apologizing for) © thelr blunder if, for example, they appear in mid-afternoon, bringing work to he discussed or seeing additions! fittings on 8 given order, greet them civilly at the door with the pointblank statement: "Oh, I'm so sorry, Mrs, Jones (or Mrs Doakes!, If you've come shout work, | just can't see you, V've made it a rule, an unbreakable rile; doctor's orders, you know," | am iH AT THE RECEPTION CHILD GUIDANCE Jealousy May Be The Cause Of Quarrels Between Children By G. CLEVELAND MYERS | Suppose you are the mother of The mother of twe, three orlseversl little children and one is move growing ohildeen hardly (he the child | have described sees # day of total peace and] You have (ried so hard (0 insure tranquility, wstice and to provide domestic Where two or three of them | ranguility are sil under six or eight, shel First of all, you should expect may often feel worn owt or driven| a lot of Wekering, quarreling and almost to distraction with the fighting ameng your children, re noisy conflicts and contention: ize "That's how they act", and among them, | nssure yourself that "Things will Yet if mo one child is con get hetler farther mn stantly the underdog, each off When the conflicts and confu these youngsters may get inval-liions go heyond your power 16 usable experiences at lesrwing lo endure, just separate the antag et slong together as well ag they wists for a period without trying 0 ito find out whe was the aggres Each child strives for stiention sor. If, however, you see and from his parents and other hear (he aggressor, desl with § each strives for power Wim as you see fil adults; Af worst, there will and & sense of importance, Fach come # tL ehild tends to he angered if hoiperiod of calmness and tranguil- thinks & brother or sister is win- ity. Pause then to enjoy it and ! ning more approvals and allen try to find ways lo extend it and | tion than he is himself, and may have it secur more often, suffer a lot from jeslousies CULTIVATE RESPECT PROMPTED BY JEALOUSY As you and your spouse think One of these young children and (alk over your problems with may de more things to he pun- these children, you will conclude ished for, heeause of his feeling that, first of all, you need lo cul: that he does not stand ps well in tivate In each child respect for the family as the other children, your authority when it must be and because he feels jealous (exercised, Then if he Is more often pun-' Consider the following: that hed than any brother or sister, each child has a right te his own Mother Of Four Enrolls At College TORONTO (CP) ~ Mrs, Arnot Parrett, & mother of fowr Young children, has gone back to #5 & "hedge against stagnation." She's # first-year student af Vietoria College, University of "University is such #8 heters Toronis geneous group," she said "1 never enjoyed studying so much before," Mrs, Parreit says (he move has inereased her children's sense of responsibility, They have learned (0 tidy their rooms every morning and they pre more interested in thelr own stidies "Why Ktis morning Rod Aiphed down at 7 ta study social studies with me." as every other child in the fam. ¥ y PARENTS QUESTIONS From whom does 8 child whe steals wally begin lo do A. From his parents, Prevention and may come best through mere under: | standing and love of him by them, FOR BEAUTIFUL | th happi- spss is Elizabeth Kathleen { daughier of Mr, and Mrs, Td ward Woodward, Fimgrive av enue, Liz was one yesr old on Mrs. J. F. Kennedy Chosen As Leader Of World Fashion By HENRIETTA LEITH NEW YORK (AP)--Mrs, John ¥. Kennedy has been elecied the first lady of world fashion and, unlike her hushand, she won in he will feel the more sure he isn't possessions and (0 have (hese | aved as much, He will feel more rights respected; that when the jealous and be prompied to do children are old enough for as more bad things, causing him to signed chores, these chores he punished still more, Bo up should not overlap; and that each may go the spiral child wants to feel as important ter, the bride is the daughier of Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Baller and the bridegroom is the son Pictured following their wed ding recently in Simeoe Bireet | United Church are Mr. and | ou "ond sive George Wood Mrs. Lorne Eimer Wood, ¥or- | of Baie Verte, New Bruns merly Miss Eleanor Nettie Sal- | wick Photo hy Sneyd refused two of these afternoon appoint came in without an which completely when she visited here last year, Upset my s¢ hedule, These women Those who have appeared on Brent soc isl friends; they are the list three years or more have Siri tly business sequainiances been retired to a fashion hall of How can | cope, without heing feme to make room for new- rude someone i my own comers, Those who elevated this house" year are the Duchess of Kent, J 1 were in business &l a aunt of the Queen; Mrs, Bruno business address | would deal with their intrusion by explaining bluntly that I work by appoint Paglial, also known as Merle Oberon; Princess Grace of Mon- ment, but being at home presents g problem. I hope you can help nard Simmerson and Mrs, W. J When 1 Simmerson, all of Oshaws Women an Photo by Hornsby | ment, they appointment TAKE IT OR LEAVE IY Don't ask them in if their mis sion is plainly business and you have housekeeping irons in (he fire, Try to dismiss them right on the doorstep by saying con cisely: "Please call me hack between 8 and 1, any day, if you decide to come hack." Leave it at that, Let them (ake it or not. Don't angle for their work if they sim to walk over you If they contrive io get past you into the house, just refuse to talk business at that hour, Don't se 40 King ERA 5015) to aco, nee movie star Grace Kelly, and Mme, Arturo Lopez-Willshaw of Paris, me solve it wisely. R. § # landslide The New York Couture Group Incorporated, which annually asks some 2600 style experts and society leaders to pick the world's 12 best-dressed women, said the beautiful wife of the president. elect of the United States went to the top of the list hy "an over whelming majority It was her first appearance on the list Anbther wife of a chief of state also appeared on the list for the first time, She is pretty young Queen Sirikit of Thailand, who pamazed New York with the muted perfection of her costumes The official 1960 list of hest- dressed women of the world in cludes, after Mrs, Kennedy, the following Vicomiesse Jacqueline de Ribes of Paris, Actress Audrey Hepburn Mrs, Norman K, Winston New York and Paris, Donna Marella Agnelli of Turin Italy Mrs, Leon Guiness and Palm Beach Mrs, Patrick Guiness of Lau- sanne, Switzerland, Princess Alexandra of the duchess' daughter, TWO-PURPOSE PLACK Dear R, 8.: As for these women who have help at home, no Job and no family to cook for, don't let them upstage you with their hiand assumption that you exist to serve them at their conven ence Don't let them confuse you into forgetting when your house is a place of business temporarily and when it is your castle, your citadel and sanctuary into which cold commerce may not intrude It was a mistake for you to he worrying about dispensing gra Kent, cious hospitality at the very time iwhen the recent trespassers were of of Paris cept the theory that you might as well do husiness then and there or try to he sociable, Be consistent; play no [favorites Block their game Say in effect; "Dear ladies, 1 can't ask you to set down, My time this afternoon is frightfully booked-up, so I'm sure you'll understand if 1 shoo you oul Goodbye, now." Then stand waiting for them lo depart, What can they do but scram? MH Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not hy mail or personal interview, Write her in care of this newspaper), 2 Locations in Oshawa SALE JANUARY Cle 2 Locations in Oshawa / Royal Danish Meadow Rose Pine Tree Wild Rese Rhapsody Now On! @ 2 J HY shah Drastic Reductions SAVE NOW! Now is the time te teke adventege of these wonderful values new being offered ot both BASSETT Stores in Oshawa, Many many ite re being Our Entire Stock of Sterling Silver FLATWAR including: Joan of Ars Stradivari Enchantren Rose Point Prelude, ote, LJ » ., . . offered at Va Price and Lem! LOOK ! 2 Discontinued Patterns In Community Plate "MORNING STAR" and "CORONATION" Flatware HALF PRICE!! All Leather and Reduced Jewellery Many Pieces HALF PRICE! 0% China (20-Piece Set) Regular 21.00 NOW Look! "SUMMER SKY" Royal Doulton 9.95 TABLE LAMPS Reductions to , . 25% OFF! Entire Stock of | Simcoe St. S. Phone RA 3-3332 OSHAWA | risk or I Are you a careful driver? Chances are you too may qualify for State Farm's famous low-cost car insur. ance, Call a State Farm agent now! Are you a careful driver? Do you want de- pendable insurance protection for a truly low price? Call your nearest State Farm agent today! New Rating Plan! How can State Farm, well known far its low rates, now offer | even greater savings? The answer is a new rating system that results in pin-pointed, | tailor-made rates, They're fixed more precise: ly than ever to suit your individual circum: | stances, Your rate depends on how good a are, het on how poor a risk s! For axample, if Jou drive for pleasure, you'll be classified only with other pleasure drivers, and you'll pay the low rate that's fair for you, If you drive less than 7,500 miles a year, you'll be classified with other similar low-mileage drivers and again pay the low rate you deserve, STATE FARM WORLD'S LARGEST CAR INSURER CUTS RATES N ONTARIO PRESENT POLICYHOLDERS WILL SHARE TOTAL NEW SAVINGS OF $384,000... THE SECOND SUBSTANTIAL RATE CUT WITHIN A YEAR! LOOK! A FEW EXAMPLES OF THE NEW SAVINGS ONTARIO POLICYNOLDERS WILL ENJOY THIS YEAR! And his Is 98 top of the savings they've always had by Insuring with State Farm Driving Oharatteristios risks among the ca Ottawa Toronto Windsor Niagara Falls State Farm now has 108 such classifications! That's how detailed and fair the new rating plan is, That's how we can afford to offer such new low rates, ,, especially to the better classes of reful drivers, WORKING FARMERS! YOU GET AN EXTRA 20% DISCOUNT! 180 500 to to 1120 13.00 80 4.00 3.60 to to to A 100 680 900 1680 2020 1640 4.20 to 1240 Car driven for pleasure only and under 7.500 miles a year Car deiven to and fram work 10 miles or less each way, total mileage under 7.500 a year Car used primarily for business; total mileage over 12.000 a year Examples are based on full coverage for a 1960 Ford Fairlane, V-8 4 doar sedan (Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, Vimits $10,000, $20,000 and $5000, Medical Payments, limits $500; Comprehensive (full); and $100 Deductible Collision Coverages) No male driver wader age 25. Savings comparisons based on the rate information available November 1, 1960. 11 you have any questions concerning your rate, 300 your local State Farm agent, STATE FARM the careful driver's (and careful buyer's) CAR INSURANCE / State Farm Mutual Automobile Insura Note to Present Policyhelders! The new rates will be reflected in premium notices on which payment is due January 1, 1961 or after, Three out of four of you will realize new savings, If you happen not to be one of these, remember the chances are you're still paying less with State Farm than most folks pay elsewhere, If you own a 'compact' car (foreign or Canadian), State Farm gives you an extra 10%0 discount in most cases, Own two cars? State Farm's second-car discount applies to collision insurance as well as liability, nce Company, Canadian Head Office: Toronte, Ontarie SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-T161 Contact Your Local State Farm Representative: ZEN M. WARENYCIA 203 Oshawa Blvd. PHONE RA 5.5841

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