4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Jonwery 7, 196 WHITBY PERSO Charletts Wants (Veils Vanish : roe RSONALS __ Bight Contemial As Moslems Among those who siiended i Mew Yesr's Eve Frolie held in'held st the Regrestion Building OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadien the new room of the st the Municips! Airport, Oshaws, centennial ceichrations in 1067 F eedom ie Hel were Mr. and Games were played at intermis- will have to include something { Wee. Suck Dorey, Port Perry: Mr ion 4nd the Kemps were ihe wi. more nan, 8 16 SORETIOS| pROMAWAR. (Bosore) -- The and Mrs, 'Bert scGuire, ir. and ners, Later in the evening lunch- "cooked up" by tourist not yet 8 merk of old Pakistan's Northwest , but even in this strong Moslem conservation NIGHTS WEEKLY FRIDAYS Conada's top Record Hop Continuous Denc- ing to the Lotest and Greotest on WI-FI entering thy an an SATURDAYS : DANCE PARTY Bid emancipation process has [veers OI od ns the see Bl The most Donce - In- ond World ducing Music Ever! army officers DON PIERRE {new ideas after service in other the Earl of Mans parts of the world ond his ORCHESTRA Featuring LOVELY {field os the next Lord High Com- The process got 8 boost In 1956 missioner to the General Assem- when Canadian engineers storied JOAN WRIGHT JUBILEE PAVILION Mrs, Harper, Mr, snd Mrs. Dowe, con was served by the social ers, Moyor Charlotte W - Ken Swallow and group. said Friday, Rauchert and) : She noted thet while 1867 is Richard Ruddy, Migs) During the halidays Eiesnorisey of Canadien Vona Carrigsn, Mr, and Mrs, E (00d Chuck Kemp entertained! oo op "oon mary the Mr. and Mrs, David members of the Ontario County Com dsm Inge, Mz, snd Mrs. W. Muntesn, Fi7ing Club, Guests were: Myrie |, "sian" book, Das Mr. ond Mrs, Kelly, Mr. Harold ond Earl Fowler, May and Perey on "gy Ue "ah Comme Mise None Pate, ar Gots, Davy nd certe he Hob OUARY, and Mrs, Wm, Groves, Mr, Austin ' yo event, Miss Whitton seid, (84a would have to avoid Soming wp with something at the Smith, Miss Jean Walker, Mr, and Oshawa and Mildred snd Doug Mrs, David Morton, Mr, snd Mrs, Peses of Whithy, Christmas visitors st the home minute "or we'll be the laughing of Mr, and Mrs, W, Burton Smith, stock of the world," Wm, Sneigrove, Mr. and Mrs.| Colborne $t., were: Irma and Bill roe on, Mr, Arthur Rom Mr. and Mrs. Asron Crap, Mr, woof 0n MP BA JE RAT commission 0 xm and Mrs, Jerry Gray Mr. Bob Komp, Whitty and Mr, and rs.| LONDON ~ Prime Minister Debosky, Miss Pat Taylor, MY. sinert Macintyre and daughter Macmillan has ansovneed the ap- Tom Elrick, Miss Joyce Findlay, ' 4 Mr, John Muha, Miss Welen you Mr and Mrs. John Clay pointment of Ferencz, Mr. Prank Fawcett, Miss Cathy Curran, Mr, Bernle! New Year guests at the home of Debosky, Miss Joan Starr, Mr. Myrtle and Earl Fowler, King §¢ |My of the Church of Scotland, building 8 dam end hydro-electric Jack Ricketts, Miss Betty Wallis, Ww Oshawa, were; Ada Pr During the General Neon atom in the tribal ares a fow {Mr, Don Hercis, Miss Joy Fertile, | George Puckett, May apd Percy meetings in Edinburgh in May, wiles north of Peshawar, Mr, and Mrs, Neville Lawrence, Griffin, Dean Kelly, Oshawa, and the Lord High Commissioner le Canadian colony, Mr, and Mrs, Jerry Allen, Mr. Eleanor snd Chuck Kemp, Whit.|the Queen's direct representative; % Wilt, Hewitt, Miss Carol Jamie: hy, {and oecuples the Palace of Holy-|© ub y son, Mr, Garry Chute, Miss Beth! roodhouse, lines with swimming pool, dance Smith Mr, and Mrs, Ken, Prost,, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Wilson and| hell and howling alley, | J / tre of 8 new social life, , |daughters, Wands apd Margo " the een man, Lindsey; J. ®, Warrls, |Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Corelton, Mr Ehters, | THEATRE GUIDE The Reighboring Pakistani gentry Welland, snd A. E. Clouse, |and Mrs, Douglas Haid, Mr, Bob have returned from a two week Windsor, executive members, |Sutherland, Mrs, Mary Matheson, | vacation spent touring in Florida, . Fe 27 SLIMY GLOB OF DOOM ENGULFS WORLD { uy p , Chizen, The guests danced to the d A p 1 CRAWLING, CRUSHING (CP Wirephoto (Mrs, Evelyn Palmer; Mr, Douglas | They also spent & week in Miami, ; 9 - fn M o pis si =~ Dinniwetl, Mr. snd Mrs John R, 8. Langlord, former musie of the "Rhythm Aires' valescing at her home in Rich. Lest complete show at 9 pm, | re {headed by Mr, Ken Boulton, mond Hill after a four weeks stay Regent -- "G1, Blues" 1,90, 3.90, \ " mr i . . |Bitida, Mr, and Mrs, Martin C0 To Whithy, Is now eon-| Church Mission at the Oshawa Geners] Hospital, | SHERIFFS' SLATE J. Haley, Toronto; secretary- { R. HW. Sloan, Ottawa, vice. treasurer; G, A, Welsh, Whit president; back row, W. B, El- | ciation elected today are, front | by, president; G. D. Campbell, | Jiott, Bracebridge, R, M, | row, left to right; Donps | Brantford, past president; | Bcott, Cornwall; Jasper Fore. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES LONDON, Ont, ~ Officers of the Ontario Sheriffs' Asso By PAT GILL {your fingers crossed that our ex BOWMANVILLE ~~ This was pectations are right! "Back to School" week st Bow-| manville High School and what a SUPERSTITION SHAKE : 1 Initial plans are being drawn ow Coming ta we were up for the next Student Council y dance greeted by the unhappy faces of ' i ' the students of the Courtice shift/to be held ¥riday, January 3 en's who were on their way home, | Superstitious or hut you're we We soon realized that what we Some to come, That is, if you nad dreaded was upon us, Exam. 06re ASHBURN ~~ Mrs Missionary Boclety Burn's Church on Jan, 4, | Mrs, Demming, president, had "the Superstition Shake", Heron was hostess to the Wom. which was of business portion of the meeting {was being taken Plans were made for the at. charge of the meeting and read tendance of the ladies at the an- their daughter Group Meets F.dgar Mrs, Heron served 8 cup of oa the enjoyed while A very gay and successful the result of an gecident, | dance took place last Saturdsy night at Bt, John The Evangelist parish hall and the New Year was ushered in with tooting horns and floating balloons hy 150 Knights: of Columbus, Whithy Council No, 4885, members and | friends Mr, and Mrs Ben Phiemann, : | Barbara and son, ®ign-exchange rate for the Cana-| | | Banker Urges 'Rate Stability | TORONTO (CP)--A stable for.| 5.35, 740, 9.45 pm, Last com. plete show st 9.25 p.m, Bilkmere tal 10.25 pm, 621, 907 pm, Last complete "Caltiki the Immor- Monster" 2.13, 4.56, 7.09, "Tormented" 5,38 show at 8.57 pm, Marks ~ 12.90, 3, "Journey to 1.43, 4.85, 7.28, 10.18 p.m, Last "The Jol! Breakers" 610, 9.00 the Lost m a ity" Cael COLOSSUS of TERROR ! complete show at 9.00 p.m, Plaza ~ "Inherit the Wind" 1.00, 2.55, 12 pm, Last complete show at 9.20 pm, A ADULT by the SHE GHOST OF HAUNTED ISLAND! wees RICHARD CARLSON 1001 Arms SUsaw GORDON LUGENE SANDERS. J0F TURKEL = 7 7 BILTMORE A AA -- THE 1%" SPARKLING SHOW WITH THAT 6I6/ GLOW] MAURICR JOHN LOREN CHEVALIER GAYIN r= ) 7 N Released fry UNITED ARTISTS LILERS NOW PLAYING FEATURE TIMES 1100 « 2:55 « 5:00 « 7:20 Last Complete Show 9:20 Growing up for marriage, the best climate for your heart, and holiday teeth prob. lems are subjects this week with a focus on health, as poor ELVIS omy; PRESLE American J SUNMCHRR Y.W.C.A. | Winter Program Dancing Tonite : | x 0 Bo 4 p T ins ent sev. dian dollar was urged Friday by {nations had been marked and ' {the Creed of the WMS to open nual Presbyterial meeting at/ Douglas, of Timmins, spen . g were being distributed! [rors PASRETPALL Bantam the meeting, {Lindsay on Jan, 12 eral days at New Year s aL thelr 7 Lambert, president of the Tuesd | F, SUBior An 8 Mrs. Russell Batten read the! The Ashburn Ladies are tak- home of Mr, and Mrs. A, J.|, ? Tuesdny and Wednesday were| goo Bockethall teams have al re, Huss atten r b Horaek, 506 Euclid Bt, They also| F oronto-Dominion Bank, In an) spent in serounging for eVery| eady heen chosen, They had a Scripture, Mrs, Deeming gave ing part in the program in the hat o EC Hair eli address to the Toronto Retary| possible mark, The final results| poioeq oractice Thursday night/the meditation on the Seripture evening at the Presbyterial alled on many of {6 | | ! 4 4 . Mr. and Mrs. Phiemann are for- Club, { will he issued next week In the ong sos now ready, we hope to and led in prayer Plans were also made for the| or renidents of Whi"y pol form of those feared words, re- |p es Pickering, Three teams are| Mrs, W. Anight took the study World's Day of Prayer program|Mer res od The fluctuating rate, hy which port ecards coming from Pickering to play|the second chapter of the study and for a Family Night Mr, and Mrs, George Matheson, the value of the dollar Is allowed JENIOR BAND lour teams, book, "How to spread the Gos-| Mr, Perry installed the new (heir daughter Miss Susan, and '0 Eo up and down in terms of fe AN o¥ y and bad i 1b il Let's all eome out to the pel Into all the World" members for the year 1061, (Miss Roselyn MacArthur, of To other currencies mn accord with : ie gon of pas ¥ 0 a | games and cheer for our schooll Th Hymn, "The Church's] Mrs. Death thanked Mrs, ronto, were holiday guests at the demand in foreign . exchange] Practice of the lew Tear, Lu | students! |One Foundation" was sung [Heron for her hospitality, home of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence markets, may have served a def. YT" A day night from 7 to 8.30, Musi- "7" ---- MacKinnon of Centre St, § inite purpose at one time, Mr, | lans were a little rusty after be-| ladies on, of Lo : A ' { ny ware 4 8 Susty ater' A) On Bund 3 8M AE Lambert sald 1 ng away from er § mn PY . M n Bunday, Jan , Mrs ' 'But a ip for a month but soon Mr, Peters, | Baby Claimed {Luke of Mary BL, and Mrs, W. F.|, 0 hg added, it seth to leader, was able to unplug nl T1S mas ain {Luke, of Gilbert Bt, W,, are cele 1 PuSEEsl We Row begin to wal a 2 Jul Wer ude' werent: fn By Stri Ir tet, DEE Tot wet in nicunton ais ev | | jo GENS ATIONAL After practice the band had its * Y pper many happy returns of the day, (gressively Narrower limits, with Christmas party which lasted un. a 4 z { the idea of eventually re-estab i N | MEAN til 9.50, Games were played and {| TORONTO (CP)~Cindy Rich-| Mr, and Mrs. William Roach, lishing a fixed rate at a realistic | pop and donuts served dl |ardson, 19, phoned police Friday| Colborne a asported agi els level le h we must be prepared ATI NA |99 A junior band will be organiz y rancisughier Lieanor Remp, al-lto Gefen. SENS 0 L in he digi hing "y By JOHN HEATH (meet the cost of buying and and told them she ls the mother icogeq" she' Christmas party for| wp think it constitutes the most) BRISBANE, (Reuters) ~ Tor. frelghting fodder from coastal of a five-month-old baby who Was the blind held at Christ's Anglican om Mt amile al : dl «Mew York Dally Hews GIRLS BASKETBALL rential rain Christmas weekend) areas, have been forced to feed|ioft at a city home five weeks Church, Oshaws, A delicious tug. poriant siglo slap ue foal Tryouts for senior and junior has brought new hope to sheep) their stock on the coarse mulga) (key supper was served and later| J ds . shing th girls' basketball began Tuesday and cattle farmers in northwest: hush which thrives in any cond} ' [a sing-song and concert was en. | COMpE itive ness of Canadian in- [dd night at 7.00, The two teams are ern Australia, an area turned tions, This only helps survival, The baby was left in the care joyed, (dustry, If this involves some| to be chosen next week in readi | Into a huge dustbowl by four| Many sections of Queensland) Mrs John Silee by a girl who {costs and some risks, I am sure Ey ness for inter-school games the! years of drought have been declared "droughti did not reveal her identity but| Eleanor and Chuck Kemp, 601 the benefits will more than jus. following week, The downpour brought six! areas,' enabling graziers to qual: gave a $60 cheque to cover ex-| Dundas St, members of the On-|tify them in the end,' | Tum ; Hereafter, juniors will prac.|inches of rain in 24 hours to|ify for. concessions in the MOVE nenses, A second cheque given|tario County Flying Club, attend. - v-- : tice Wednesday nights, and sen. | several drought-stricken districts mont fodder and tock of|10 Mrs. Silec at Christmas was| } vs Thursd ights with x. of Queensland but the storm| Lack of rain in other parts of| Kis Thursday, Digits m {again skirted the most parched Queensland has caused heavy returned by the bank BOWLING NEWS ; " ' i o p 3 ? N " or. industries too, Cindy says she has taken a job A game between the senior district of all--Heartbreak Corner) losses in other. industries, to toten SHA the nurses of Oshawa|on the border between Queens: For the first time in eight at a theatre as an "exotic LADIES CIGARET LEAGUE nN General Hospital is being organ.| 1nd and South Australia | years, Queensland has imported dancer" to support the child, She C J MOST BRILLIANT' {7ed T his pon be something|. Where the rains fell, they butter, The drought cost the dalry/made her debut Friday, Elliott] High triples over 6570 and to see "8 | brought the new peril of floods to| indusiry £10,000 ($22,400) a day|Abels, owner of the Lux Theatre, singles -- G, Morressey 721 (207, F han caitle herds and sheep flocks al- for several weeks, [sald Cindy will earn more than 236); C, Watts 710 (206, 245); M DISPLAYS 0 CHEER LEADERS ready badly depleted by the ex-| Bushfires in the normally rich|the union seale of $137,50 a week| Sturgess 603 (315); M., Belida 656 If a strong cheer-leading squad | tended drought, Calves and sheep pastoral areas about 260 miles! sor her work as a stripper, | (261, 200); B, Backett 646 (303); ACTING EVER has anything to do with winning were drowned as the Rankine northwest of Brisbane have tald| The baby is still In the care! @ Wiles 638 (245, 231); A, John- You are invited to accept af \ games, we'll be winning them| River in northwestern Queens: waste thousands of acres of lush| Mra. Slec: Who has: aamed) 8 573 (208), trial privateVs hr { WITNESSED | 99' this year! At least it sounded land overflowed Its banks, pastures, Several lives were Jost Butch. is fate will be de.| High Singles -- G. McConnell F va hr, 1 00 like it at thelr first practice] Some 3,000,000 sheep and cattle and hundreds of firefighters" i by the Children's Aid So.|210, J. Reed 22, P. Brown 228,!lesson for aE . Now York Times Thursday after class, Just Keep died during the drought, which| fought raging blazes across mile.|clded by the ren"s W. Dodd 222, B, Hudson 210, B.! : . hE ualutl extended over an area of 140,000 wide fronts, elety, Heron 208, Yes, for a limited time Arthur Mur.| square miles, EE ---- Points to date - Exports 18,|ray Is offering o 1 Recent rainfalls, totalling Cameos 15, Winstons 11, Bucking: | half « hour trial Rjax PS. nearly 11 Inches, have started mel FOCUS ON HEALTH hams 10, Players 10, Black Cats|jesson for only grass growing again, however, 8, Winchesters 6, Kools 2, $1.00 Here' reviving farmers' hopes that the -- res Oar eets area again will become the pros . . your chance to perous cattle. and sheep-raising see. how quickly i Th an et se ildish Needs [Canada Urged ing of the Ajax Public School| Many cattlemen and grazlers ii Hoard was held in 8t, Andrew's| have left the area, Those sticking . €an become on School at 7.30 pm, Jan, 2 it out hope that the green needles . To uit NATO expert dancer, A The Reverend R. W. Wighton,| now thrusting their way through chance, teo, to B DD, gave the dedication and an ihe dust and clay will grow into u : an join that gay addres [lush pastures, ; OTTAWA ( P)-COF Leader aroup of popular i Officors for the year 1061 are| Such hopes have been raised] Coastal Florida is also good [FTazen Argue called again Friday) '0 = FC" 0 follow afore. ' ban night for Canadian withdrawal |F . hefore----and dashed, | in the winter, hut too hot in , To Wi have 'l Mr, Henry 8, Polak, BA, chairs] In February, 1056, rain fell summer, And Los Angeles itself (from the North Atlantic Treaty wave have aoa man of the board; Mr, Francis steadily for three days only to be should he avoided DOCAuse of [Organization and North Ameri: times But don't walt == come In| J, Smith, vice-chairman followed by searing winds and 4 # can Air Defence Command, now and get started ' Addie smog, they add, STANDING COMMITTEE temperatures of more than 100 He sald NATO has developed A THUR MUR AY Manage Mr, D. C.ldegrees. Grass ad thrust ; : ' CHEWIN " A [| pg Mrs M I, f green, Grads whieh } ga LOVE AND MARRIAGE ROLIDAY h HEWING into a purely military organiza Rk Devolin, Mr. H, F Philp Fi tur ned brown and brittle almost Do most marriages fgil for De Hyioe om We Hon Which refuses lo PuRake in W. Marks, Licenses nance -- Mr, D, J, Reid, Chair:| before it was clear of the ground.| 1ack of love, or understanding | Don't. rin jour teeth to ope serious debate a Jue erts 5 Open Daily -1 to 10 pm, man; Mr, H, F. Philp, Property| HERDS CUT or understanding of mutual | Wek nell Jou ( reel o Bren | Plans for disengagement Loy " Air-Conditioned Mr, ¥, J, Smith, ehalrman;| Official figures show that the| need? gh hoy ! Such as wa huts armament In central Jur l ! 1114 Simcoe 5, 5, RA 8.1681 A : ' | or pecans, If you eat holiday NATO 2 ha military Mr, D. C, § Reid, Public Rela: sheep population in southwestern) Perhaps some do, But, for the sweets and cakes, brush Your |. Was 80 much a ay -- tions Mrs, M, L. Devolin,| Queensland has dropped 15.2 per| most part, marriages fall bes | tony son Wi y U' |organization that Instruments for ons h in, | A ' | ' J teeth soon afterwards to pres | ifiain a' io © sratl chairman; Mr, D, J, Reid, Spe-|cent since the drought struck In cause one or hoth partners still | ve t decay. Duct trv to. al efficient economie co - operation | clal committees: Planning and 1056, The sheep population then pa , . ods | YENL decay, Dont try lo 8hOW Ipaq to be developed outside the Devel t «= Mr, H, F', Philp, | totalled 12,147,000 pely oh the attitudes: and needs | off in front of guests by epen: alliance evelopmen ) i", Philp, | totalled 12,147,000, { of childhood, Their personalis "0 our tee 0 chairman; Mr, D, J, Reid; Pro-| The beef caltle population has | Hen Aidan, X" SY pis ask Ing hottle Caps with you! teeth, | NORAD was a "waste of time, cedural Mr, D, C, 8 Reld, [dropped by 1,000,000 to 5640,000,| ae oN : / Don't use your teeth to bite energy and money" because d 8 | gests Dr, N,Q. Brill of the | gipring 'or ribbon from Christ. AT chairman; Mrs, M, L, Devolin, Most ranch owners, unable to] {rniversit f Califor | 8 there was no alr defence against Re . a is Buble bos pit Bata ornia med: | mas presents, All of these acts |i ormonuclear weapons | i) pal school, NL ye bid 8, [ 3 CAPSULE NEWS Divorce 1s ofton an escape, | °° invitations to teeth damage. | "My, Argue was speaking on the| DNIPRO HALL not a solution, When the di- | LEAN, HUNGRY LOOK CRC's free-time political radio] ) { f EDITH ST. vorcee remarries, he or she | The fat baby Is often cute, Series, The Nation's Business, | y % Keep Fit Classes * Copper Tooling Police Identify Plunger's Body TORONTO (CP)---Police sald Friday the body of a man who, plummeted to his death from a midtown viaduct Thursday has been identified as Alexander Hugh Beaton, 23, of Toronto, GIRL LANDS SAFELY SIMCOE (CP) A young woman member of Windsor Fly. ing Club made a successful emergency landing In a fleld near here Friday after becoming Jost on a solo cross-country flight to qualify for her pilot's licence, Jeanette Seabpurne, of Windsor, ! was unhurt; KILLED BY CAR ORILLIA (CP) = Mrs, Edna Groves was killed Friday night when she was struck by a car at an intersection, It was the first fatal traffic accident in the town in about three years, MUST START AGAIN | OTTAWA (CP)-Two years of Canada « sald Friday. Negotiations wil have to start afresh because of the change of administration in Washington, Attitude of the In coming U.S, government toward | bilateral agreements with Can ada on nuclear weapons Is not known, WORK TO START TORONTO (CP)-Waork on Tor onto's new ultra-modern city hall will start by June 'at the latest", | Mayor Phillips said Friday in his address to the inaugural meeting of the 1961 city council, He sald his election victory last month was a 'clearcut approval by voters of the city hall plan BISHOP CONSECRATED VICTORIA (CP)~In a rich blend of color and tradition, Dr, William Robert Coleman Friday {was consecrated Bishop of Koot enay in Christ Church Cathedral here. Dr, Coleman, 43, formerly United States negotia- principal of Huron College, Lon: tions on nuclear weapons have/don, Ont, became the youngest gone down the drain, authorities| bishop in Canada, | merely exchapges one set peculiarities for another, Brill adds: "It 1s obvious that the flimsy excuses that are given publicly for divorces are not, the real reasons or the whole story," HEART WEATHER Southern California es Angeles and San Diego -- is nearly ideal for the heart pa- | tient all year round two New York researchers report, Since weather and the work. lng of the heart are related, it is sometimes advisable to shift the heart patient te a better climate, say Drs, Louls A. Kapp and James K, McGuire, of | Dr, | but not likely to be as healthy as the lean baby, a doctor says, Obesity Is as serious a prob. lem of malnutrition for children as it Is for adults, reports Dr, C, G, King of the Nutrition Foundation, One report Indicates that American children are on the | average 10 per cent too heavy, pecially the coast between Los | 8 " " - y One block Fast of Corner Ritson & Bloor DINE AND DANCE to the music of "THE CAVALIERS" ® EVERYONE WELCOME eo His statements were included in| a text of the speech issued to the press before delivery, | Bring the Whole Family to SUNDAY DINNER Unitarian Fellowship SUNDAY, JAN, 8th 8:30 p.m, Genosha Hotel Prayer: "To Whom jib For What" 3 FABULOUS FEATURES! "FIGHTER ATTACK" wo IN COLOR wome Cus BAY VIEW DANCING TONIGHT For Reservations Phone MO 8.3191 DANCING 9.12 $3.00 PER COUPLE STERLING HAYDEN @ JOY PAGE "WILDRIVER" we CINEMASCOPE AND COLOR woe MONTGOMERY CLIFT @ LEE REMICK For Your Enjoyment , , . Hear Nationally Famous AL DAVIS at the "HAMMOND ORGAN DINNER SERVED FROM 5:00 TO 8:00 PM, "Atomic Submarine" won STARRING woe ARTHUR FRANZ STARTS AD MONDAY LASY DAY "JAIL BREAKERS "JOURNEY TO THE LOST CITY" w Painting & Drawing * Weaving * Mosaic Tiling % Advance Bridge * Advance Sewing * Aluminum Etching Something New: A Course on the investing of money ~~ to start : THURSDAY, JAN. 19 AT 8 O'CLOCK 9-Week Course Registration and Information ebout Program JANUARY. 10 to 13 " RA 3.7625 Mary Johnson--Program Director and Ursula Stroeter~Program Assistent