Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Jan 1961, p. 3

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A COMING EVENTS FEE del SL vin BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, JAN, 7th PM EA oii Wome wd We ir any Contin Sine pw, AR invitation ie aT (Richare Bnd PRTOniE Tn VaR INNYSIDE Pork ation are evi 750 pm. i8 DARLINGTON RATEPAYERS Will Hold 8 od wnuery §, Eid $8 SHARE- THE- WEALTH t= 3h 0 So -------- NIGHT OF CARDS Golden Jubilee Cheprer 10D E, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, UAW, HALL 8 P04, Tickets 75¢ OSHAWA NEEDS A STRONG PROPERTY OWNERS AND RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION If you ere interested, plan to attend the meeting of Hampton Municipal Building: -- 8 PM, -- SATURDAY, JANUARY 14th PROMINENT SPEAKER MR, R. M, CHITTY, QC. President of Ontario Property Owners Association Woodview Park Neighborhood Asociation TO HOLD ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1961 SEASON SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY EB, AT 2PM 4 IN Woodview Community Centre, Cadillac Avenue North Your Association needs your help as on exscutive member, bingo helper, ball coach, etc We hope to ses you on Sunday efterncon to essure us het yeu hove on Interest in your children's future YOUR EXECUTIVE Hampton Municipal Building OM JANUARY 14th, 8 Uiscussion on the $400 lend seperation Tex. Question ried, Plen to attend ond ng e friend, BINGO EVERY MONDAY, 8 P.M ST.GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING E. AT FAREWELL y Schont | . whi Ez Wedding Scene GENERAL MEETING AT ! als PROMINENT SPEAKER y Ajax Church Is AIA -- The marriage of Miss Eaman of Wish pom, D.C, Mise Beverley Joan Yi, degen of Foy Vorvel, of Credit and Mr. snd Mrs, Bolton Cu Miss DI Faloy, sister of the Falby, to John Victor Selby, son bride, T carried Christmas of Woh Seiby, of Toronto and the houquels of dark red carmations fate Clarence Victor Selby, (ook and English holly, The grooms place in Bt, Paul's United Church rasn wes Hi. Mathews, of Ottaws, of Cansds, Ajax, Mondey, Dee, Mrs, Kenneth Wright, of Mon- , 1060, Rev, T. Rex Norman tres, The ushers officiated were Kennet The bride was given is mar. VOTH of Winds: riage 4 her father, She wore ap riging 5 of white satin bro- , bell-shaped at the front, with & flowing chapel train and 8 V-shaped neckline, Her head dress vas 4 pearl tisre with od, of the bride, The Feptption was held of Guildwood Hell, Guild Inn, where the bride's mother received wear ing an Uglian green silk frock finger tip ik Wusion veil and she "700 Wiie hat end sccessoros carried & cascade of White roses, | orion mother mesisted Mes, Norman Alban attended yearing u beige gown of pes de her sister ns matron of honor. ele with & rnd overskirt Her gown was op) hire bie de-\yith brown accessories and a eor- fustered satin wl & portrait sage of talisman roses, neckline and hells skirt and After a honeymoon in the Laus- # matening softly veiled hat |entians, Mr, end Mrs, Selby will The bridesmaids, similarly at reside in their home on Banbury tired, were Miss Elizabeth' road in Don Mills of Toronto sod Bob Falby, Wrother| 1 THE WEATHER OFFICE | says the current mild spell throughout Ontario snd Quebec will end during the weekend, In mild weather will be windy with a chance of a few light box olay, rain showers, Intermittent rain WEATHER FORECAST OBITUARIES GEORGE WM, JACOBS The desth occurred suddenly following & heert attack, at his (home, 5 Rossland road east, Friday, Jan, 6, of George M Jacobs, A son of the late Mr, and Mrs | Robert Jacobs, the deceased was born in Oshawa snd was & life long resident of the community | Sales director for Robson Lea ther Co, Timited, Mr, Jacobs \was an adherent of the Chureh of England, Active in sports, he {was a paet president of the Osh {awa Golf Club and & member of ithe Oshawa Curling Club, He was also a former member of the Oshawa Skating Club | A member of Lebanon Lodge [AF and AM, the deceased was also a past principal of Peutal |pha Chapter, No. 28, Royal Arch {Masons | He is survived by his wile | the former Ruth Walmsley; a daughter, Mrs, G, H, Elliott (Laurie), of Oshawa and two grandchildren, Michael and Cin dy Elliott | The funeral service will be held at the Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home at 2 p.m, Monday Jan, 9, followed by interment in Oshawa Union Cemetery, Arch deacon NH. D, Cleverdon, rector of Christ Memorial Anglican | Chureh, conduct the ser Vices (held st the Melntosh-Anderson ¥ugersl Home at 2.50 pam, Fri dey, Jan, 6 The service was very largely attended and a profusion of floras! tributes bore mute testimony to the bigh esteem in which the de censed was held ev, Dr, George Telford, min ister of Bt, Andrew's United Church, conducted the services Cemetery The active pallbearers were James Gower, Wills Hart, Jumes Jackson, Douglas Trivett, Keuneth Hutchison and Harold Phillips The honorary pallbearers were Thomas K, Wade, past sovereign grand commander, Bupreme Councl," Ancient and Accepted Beottish Rite for the Dominion of Canada; R, C, Berkinshoaw, lieu ard B, Moore, grand master of ceremonies; Arthur L, Bckce, past presiding officer of the Yoronlo laxige of Perfection; Harry 8, Parkinson, past presid- ing officer of the Toronto Lodge of Perfectivi; Ernest Call, grand secretary of the Toronto Lodge of Perfection; George A, Mar tin, past presiding officer of the Toronto Chapter of Rose Croix; Max C, Purvie, past presiding officer of the Toronto Chapter of Rose Croix; J, Cuddy, of Hamil. ton; E, ( will Interment was in Oshawa Union will tenant grand commander; How:| Beythes, of Toronto; | | Shopping Centre ' Company Bought TORONTO (CPy Foreign Power Becurities Corp, an Hl filigte of the Montresl based holding company, Power Corp. ins mesumed voting control of United Principal Properties Lid I Yorome nich ong ghapping centres across Ontario An announcement Thursday sald Principal Investments Lid sell "substantial" blocks of United Principal shares to Vor eign Power, Amount of money in volved was not announced Voronie Peterborough TORONTO (CP) Official fore casts issued at 4:30 a.m, ESI A ' ' 0 Synopsis: Today will be the 3 sonton last day of the current mild spell fy Er A storm over upper Michigan North. Bay early this morning, will cross Stab dal i » ' f . Wary United Principal owng four To ody. Outariy diiring thy doy. Fariion shopping centres in Toronto ae I A aad Kapuskasing well ns centres in Windsor, Port|#Pread over all of Ontario # White Ri er Arthur, Sudbury, Kingston and Lake Erle, southern Lake Hu Moosonee Oshawa, It also has shopping ron, Ontario, today's fins) day of | will persist over most of Que | Finish Of Mild Spell In Sight THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Jonvery 7, 968 § COMMUNITY INC. Name Committee To Present Slate and reported given oul, of Com-| Mrs, Gray status Welfare Counefl Commi planned in the spring and a defi Guiding Is In full swing in Osh {nite date would be named later, 878 ide House wes an espe L i nomi comm (elally busy place with many pare P Wirephoto |, A mo at ing ney WOE ies during the festive season. Nelson, Yrs, McLellan and Mr, Brewster, Since the resignation of Mrs, WL. who will present 8 slate of offi|*on Mrs. DR, Gunn wes ap- cers for 1961 ®t the January Pointed Division Commissioner. magting (ciation wil me pak a Fob s0, _ The following reports were um, in Guide House, Jt wis stats wen led that camping was extreme TB ASSOCIATION = Mrs, Col-ly active this past year, with line veporied on the successful many Oshawa Guides attending progress and enthusiastic sup- both the Division and the Ares port of the Mass TB Survey in Comps, Guiding ls growing in Oshawa in December and stated Oshawa and severe! new Packs tut 14,780 persons hed been #nd Companies are being form wrayed through the various in ed and registered, dustries | YWCA = The Merry-Go-Round | RED CROSS = Mrs, Hinds re- VElr on Rov, 19, in aid of World poried that & new secretary, Miss Service was very successful, al |Mellan, had been named by the though It was not ss successful Homemaker Bervice, Mrs, Murty financially this year, The "Hang stated that the Blood Donor Clin. 0g of the Green" at Adela & had been very successful and House was beld on Dec. 14 snd also pointed out thet there was Wis preceded this year by the always the need for more donors, | Residents Christina dinner, The CARS -- Miss Winter reported or Adessise He onicy tras held on the desirability of having this nd was largely attended, The w Lake Ontario, Niagara re centre sites, commercial and of gions, Windsor, London, Hamil fee and some inactive ton and Torome; Sunny becom ing cloudy this afternoon, Bnow | flurries tonight and Sunday, Mild yilan, mine interests AJAX PERSONALS service more widely used, since Planning Meeting of the Y Con it was felt that there sve many (vui Ontario Teglonal Conference who could benefit, but who Bre was held and delegates from |today, much colder Sunday, | [Winds southwesterly 16, increas: yey {northwest 26 this evening | | Northern Luke Huron, - Geor i | glan Bay, Haltburton reglons:|the evening | 4 | Cloudy today and Sunday will be ning this afternoon, changing to| vation Army {smowflurries this evening Mild er and Mr By GRACE MILLS 4 G i th 7 ing 10 25 by noon, and shifting tol ATAX Gllests at the Sava. Commissioner Wycliffe Booth, service at Oceans Byvervone Is Invited to hear this! PLED {sional light rain or snow begin. widely known leader of the Sal-|wenzie reported that the Peter: was held early in {not presently making use of the gio associations together with service Miss Stewart of the Nations) Stats "| VON=~November, it was stated oitended, ss well as two repre this Bunday yy Miss Sorley, was. 8 record sentatives from the Menta) WIR pion with 401 visits being paid, Health Conference who will conduct 7 pm,| ONT, SOCIETY FOR CRIP: CRA =~ Mr, Brewster reported CHILDREN--Miss Akl-|the annual meeting of the CRA cernber and The Commission. borough District is being made that participation in CRA pro Booth are making into a two-nurse district, and also grams is up by 24 per cent. Also, |today, much eolder Bunday, | thelr official visits to many points (het the new treatment centre in expenditures were up by 16 per {Winds light {northwest 25 by Saturday even | Congratulations go to Mx Beukeboom, | ing Kirkland Lake Mrs, John region, North Whithy, (north southerly becoming in Canada at this 'ime. Toronto, which was started Ini cent, He also stated that pro and June 1960, will be ready early in gress is being made towards the RR 1, 1062, use of school facilities in the of the Alax blin-| SIMOOE HALL = Mr, Nelson Fecreation program, Bay, Sudbury {Sunday ehanging ROBERT REID The death occurred at Oshawa General Hospital, Friday, Jan, 6 of Robert Reld, of 1706 Bond street, Whitby, In his 7Ist year, {Mr, Reid died following a three week {liness, Born (n Balley Mackledoff, Ire land, he was the son of the late Johm and Sarah Reid, He has 7 been a resident of Whithy for the ALBERT EDWARD BELL pat. 34 years, Prior to coming! The Memorial service for Al 0 SHARE THE WEALTH ADMISSION CARDS 50 CENTS (io Withy, Mr. Reid ived ln fre pari Edward Bell, who died a Howard Felt, of Barrie; A, G, Storie, W, G. Bunker, T, L, Wil gon, Dr. D, E, sturgls and E, ¥, Cuthbertson, all of Oshawa A masonic service was eon. ducted by Temple lodge, AF and AM, at the ¥uneral Home at 17,80 p.m, Thursday, FUNERAL OF $100.00 JACKPOT 59 NUMBERS CONSOLATION $20 20 GAMES - 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 Cloudy today and er light), parents of the first baby eported Occasional light mow to be born in the Ajax and Plek Teporied ou the Tuniag 9.50) Sas wm Mr. Lewis 3 K of \ Dy' 5 ha to snowflurries this ering Hospital on New Year's Iv evening, Milk today turning Day, John William was born st/ Mr. and Mrs, Tom Sanderson, Clemence as a soclal worker, and her experience as a nurse With much colder overnight, Winds 1.30 pam, Jan, 1, Mrs, Beuke.| Fine street [Hight, becoming northwest 20 to boom was the former Tina Kea,| Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, graduate study at the Allen {80 this evening of Admiral road, Ajax John Victor Selby, nee Beverley |Memorial Institute In Montreal, | Timmins Kapuskasing: Cloudy Valby, who were married recent. mn psychiatric nursing should The first baby born in Toronto) Audl with occasional snowflurries to- was to a couple who moved from |i 0 St. Paul's United Church, [prove vel valuable to the Chi) dren's Ald Boclety, day and Sunday, Mild today turn.' Ajax only last month, Mr, and by Rev, T, Rex Norman, ing colder overnight, Winds Jght Mrs. Ivan MacMillan are thel | becoming northerly 20 to 30 late proud parents of an 8 1b, 3 oz, today | girt Damed Sabrina, They former. | {ly lived in King's Court Apart: | ments here LAC Willlam Glichrist, RCAF, Bugotsville, Que, is spending a imonth's leave with his mother land family, Mrs. ¥B., Glchrist,! {Maple street lI | Cpl. Joan Sanderson, RCAY, also stationed in Quebec, is home for the holidays with her parents, ¥. 5, WOTTON 'Will Address Kof CGroup ii F_§ Wotton, coordinator of the Emergency Measures Organ | ination for the County of On tario and the City of Oshawa will be the speaker at a meeting lof Bt. Gregory's Council, Neo a Knights of Columbus, next CITY OF OSHAWA CHRISTMAS TREE PICK-UP In order to facilitate the dispose! of Christmas Trees discarded after the Holiday Season In the City of Oshawa, the City Works Department hes arranged « special collection during the week of JANUARY 8th to (3th INCLUSIVE Christmas Trees should be put out during the above. mentioned week only and at the same time and In the same place os the garbage for the regular collection Forecast Temperatures Low tonight and high Sunday: | Windsor 1 [8t, THOMAS erseees 16 | London seennnnes 1B |Kitehener ,viveeees 18 | Wingham ,.. n {Hamilton J we 18 {and D. JAMES A. MacDONALD and RUSSELL J. MURPHY wish to announce that as of De- cember 31st, 1960, the firm of GREER, MURPHY & MacDONALD will be dissolved, Tuesday night Mr, Wotton was born in Osh \awa and served overseas with |the Ontario Regiment tank corps, | eo. during the Second World War, He a Was commanding officer of the Regiment from 1053 to 1057, Dur Wotton federal TEAM 3 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION -- TUESDAY, JAN, 10th JAMES A. MacDONALD will continue prac: tice at The Commercial Building, 286 King Street West, Oshawa, Ont., RA 5-4716 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE Super Bingo MONDAY, JAN, 9 $100.00 DOOR PRIZES NO CHRISTMAS TREES WILL BE COLLECTED AT TIMES OTHER THAN AS DESCRIBED ABOVE, GOOD PARKING For a number of years, Mr.js, 4 in his 84th year, w Reid worked as a car salesman paid af the Armstrong ¥un Ad,, plant ia Oshawa late { jcted the services, He was a Royal Black Knight" yo one was in the Oshawa : 20 - $20 GAMES {the Ontario County South; Past McAuley $150 Jackpot-=$20 each line plus Commander of the Royal Boar MeAuley, and for the past several years, was treasurer of LOL, No | 0 | SEES SNOWY OWI was 8 member of Branch 112,| i Roya! Canadian Leglon, Whithy | Neal Boyle, 164 Eastmount av : loved hy the | Church, Whitby south, near the driven theatre {Yas amp . yh arvived [¥ a cousin, |He sald the bird was quite large, department of labor | service in the Chapel, Monday {poluted full time emergency measures co-ordinator in 1057 ~EXTRA BUS SERVICE in Whithy, Prior to his retirement, sr. Friday, Jan, 6, at 2 p, : he was employed as & security| "ney' M.A Bury, minister of CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED uard at the Duplate Canada King Street United Church, con KINSMEN BINGO in The Chosen Few, Royal Black, 70%" N gq | Union Cemetery | Preceptory, No. 703, Oshawa Pallbearers were James Boyd, Senior Past County Master ofix"y once Sandy Bowman | let Chapter of Ontario South; $50 Full Card | Past Worshipful Master of Vimy S330 Games; 23250 Jackpots [Ridge Orange Lodge, Whitby CITY AND Extra Buses-- 2070, Whithy. DISTRICT In addition to his connection with the Orange Order, Mr, Reld and a former member on the nue, Friday afternoon, sa¥ Whitby Town Council, Tle was a Snowy Owl, perched on a tele' OI i's. ST member of 8t, Andrew's Preshy phone pole, on Thornton road NE the late y's, Mr Robert Reld, of Toronto about 18 inches high, baving a' For four years, Mr, Wotton | The remains are at the W, ( five-fool wing spread vorked as an importing and Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for manufacturing agent, He was ap Ihe subject of his address will be "Emergency Measures, What It Means to the Individual RUSSELL J. MURPHY will continue prac: tice at 6 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario RA 8.2971, Dealer's leftover stock of trees will not be taken jan, ba 4pm, wpement 2%) CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Church Cemetery, Port Whitby, | Rev, Stanley Armstrong, rector Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi F. & Crome, PI. ing, of All Saints' Anglican Chyreh, City Engineer, Whitby, will conduct the services | The Chosen Few, Royal Rlack Preceptory, No, 703 will hold al service in the Chapel Sunday at 7.30 pm = | Branch 113, Royal Canadian | Legion, will hold a service at the graveside FUNERAL OF 1-$300.00 JACKPOT | LESLIE F, McLAUGHLIN GF WON IN 32 NOS, OR LESS, $150, CONSOLATION MUST GO) | The f al service for Leslle 20 GAMES AT $40 Is MeLaughiin, chairman of the (IF WON IN 17 NOS. OR LESS. $20 CONSOLATION board of McLaughlin Coal and 8 GAMES AT $30.00 | Supplies Limited, who died at Ithe Oshawa General Hospital JACKPOT NOS. 54.58 2-$500.00 JACKPOTS (IF WON IN 32 NUMBERS OR LESS, IF NOT THEN GAMES ARE REGULAR $250 GAMES, NOS, 54.58. CONSOLATION $25.00 dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth days this weekend [hose who celebrate today are Jimmy Nichols, 227 Cordova road; Wayne Chris tie, 78 Fisher street; Fred Avers, 442 Adelaide avenue west; Louise HL 840 Myers street; Kdward Groat, 374 Jarvis street; Jeanette Phal en, 1370 Lakefield sireet; Lorne Nancekivell, 118 Burk street; Trevor Ellsmore, 330 Huena Vista avenue SMALL CARS BIG BUSINESS Nearly 70 per cent of Na tion's auto dealers now are selling compact cars, Hy next vear, #5 per cent will' prob ably have a compact car In the showroom Oshawa Times Classified Pages has the town's hest second ear buys, When you need & car always check this complete marketplace first INFORMATION CLASSES regarding THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND ITS TEACHINGS When: EVERY MONDAY and WEDNESDAY Time: 8 P.M. Beginning: MONDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1961 Where: ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM 194 SIMCOE ST. N,, OSHAWA was Those who celebrate on Sunday are Clifford Wannop, Brougham; Lola IeRlane, 463 Colborne street east; Robert Cross, 4 Lloyd sireet, RR 3; Patricia Snud den, 840 Thornton's road north; Catherine Jackson, 8 Sherwood avenue Ihe first five persons to in form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The ourrent attraction is Elvis Presley in "GI Riues" in Technicolor, Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of & am, and 10 am Phone RA 3:-34T4 $2,350.00 PRIZES [last Wednesday morning "THE JSES HE RED BARN EXTRA BUSE NEW" apmission $1.00 | Small Business ADMISSION TICKET GIVES YOU FREE CHANCE ON $100.00 'Loans Ready Soon -- -- - ---- ] | LE DOOR PRIZES 48 | | TORONTO (CP)=H, J. Mac Bumey, supervisor of the new Monster Bingo Finds in a speech Friday funds under| the new legislation should be avallable for distribution by Jan 19 16 PRIZES OF $10 | EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH SATURDAY, JANUARY 7th ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 CHILDREN UNDER 18 NOT ADMITTED PRECOCIOUS YOUTH TONBRIDGE, Kent Donald Gregory Stephens, a 15yearold schoolboy, has sent the staff of his school reeling by winning an open scholarship to Oxford Uni versity, He ls sald to be the voungest hoy who has ever won an entrance scholarship The wvwwwy NU-WAY ¢ RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners. he aot offers a maximum of $25,000 to firms who do a $230,000 volume of sales annually, The government - guaranteed money | must go to improving equipment and expanding premises and is repayable within 10 year WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY Wedneday, Jan. 11th, 8 p.m, Bus Leaves Oshawa Termina 25¢ Return SPECIAL GAME OF $200 (Must Go) $20 seach horizontal line $100 a full gard ADDED EACH WEEK, NOW WORTH $175 IF WON IN 53 NUMBERS 5 games at $30; 20 gomes ot $20 TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES Wer83; 2nd---53; $30 Con ADM { INCLUDES Installation by our own mechanicr 174 Mary Street RA 8-468 Those who wish to learn more about the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH---both Catholic and non-Catholic are invited---no charge or obligations involved, PHONE RA 35-8444 FOR MORE INFORMATION a For: $25 4 4 < 4 : W at oF ¢ \ f CARD Doow Prizes w= Procesds go wo Building Fund

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