Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Jan 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Jenwery 7, 1961 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN KING TRACKS LITTLE USED NOW This is no gag: City Council really has started the ball rolling to have that main-street eyesore removed, Similar attempts have failed (dating back to grand- mother's day) but City Solicitor Edward McNeely has been given the green light to apply to the Board of Transport Commissioners to have the King street rail- way tracks removed or diverted, Before you older citizens kill yourself with laughter ~there are those who think that Mr, McNeely will succeed where scores of others have failed. Times have. changed snd the once-busy tracks (built in 1890 and extending over seven city blocks to eur rently serve three firms) are being used less and less (only three times in a recent nine-weeks period and then before 8 a.m.) Don't be surprised if the board orders an early hearing, The tracks may have sentimental value for some because the city has grown r around them, but they EDWARD MeNERLY have been more than a ser~ fous impediment to after-dinner speakers at the Hotel Genosha; they have also represented an antiquated, grotesque eyesore to one of our main thoroughfares, Good luck, Mr, McNeely! If your mission succeeds, you should be named citizen of the year, and the city would be eternally indebted to you. -- BN LIBERALS OFF FOR OTTAWA POW-WOW Several Oshawa and district Liberals will take off this week-end for Ottawa to attend the National Lib» eral rally, January 9-11, including Dr, Claude Vipond, John Cameron and Mr, and Mrs, Everett Warne (all of Oshawa) and William Lawson of Pickering . Release date for the PUC's new bus schedules (wherein the night service will be reduced to one hour on all routes) has tentatively been set for January 9 , Hon, George Hees, minister of trade and Commerce, will be guest speaker at Orono January 9 at a meeting of the Durham Progressive-Conservative Riding Asso ciation . . , . Archie Wilson, coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs beseball team, will be guest speaker January 12 at the Oshawa Kinsmen's Club Sportsnight, OCI HAS A NEW LOOK NOW There were some understandable shrieks of sure prise, and anguish, too (audible for blocks from the City Hall) Tuesday night when City Council's 1061 appointments fo the Oshawa Industrial Commission were made known, The names of former Mayor Lyman Gifford and Alderman Sydney T, Hopkins were understandably mis- sing because they had retired from municipal life; but what about the third missing member, Alderman Edgar F, Bastedo, the OIC chairman for the past three years? Mr, Bastedo (who is also chairman of finance) had been deliberately axed from the OIC by his long-~ time political opponent, Mayor Christine Thomas, She was taking advantage of her perogative, as chief magis- trate, to appoint two 1961 sitting members to the OIC | | : HopeHog Ordered To Pay Epidemic Costs To Union To Abate TORONTO (CP) The Su from union funds--$18142 of preme Court of Ontario Friday after the bond was exceuted, ordered the General Accident As : a ew : OTTAWA (CP)---Hope was ex surance Company of Canada to PIGNED A CONFESSION pressed Friday thet Coensda's Pey $000 to Local 107 of the Mr, Justice Ferguson noted worst hog cholera owthresk since London, Ont, Civic Employees that Kdwards signed a confession the 1940s is abating in Quebec Ui of his defaleation May, 1, 199 and Eastern Ontario ion The action siemmed from em. Union member s subsequently So far, 15792 hogs have heen voted not 10 prosecute and on 107 owthresks, bez tof $16,216 from Wn May # Edwards signed » prom funds by a former traesurer, Wil- ry Tr en a w A Hom James Ydwards payable st $43 as month, The amount was raised io $0 a month in August snd Mr, Justice Ferguson noted Fdwards hes made payments from time (0 time as arranged Ferguson i the insurance company, He also gave judgment against Edwards for the balance out standing at the date the writ was: He found the promissory note issued, with interest, but less was given lo stifle prosecution, whatever he has paid since then, thet it was not delivered as pay. He granted the union cost of Ment and was clearly an exten the contagious di the agriewlture depsriment"s an imal hesith division, This compares with a fing) slaughter some 4000 hogs during the 1940s, he said, Hog cholera is 8 virus disense,! | Minister {asked the Ontario Federation of "FIRE Raymond German, 62, in | whose room police say the fire started which swept the Suggested TORONTO (CP) Agriculture Goodfellow Friday a committee to sit in on discus sions between the Oniario Hog Producers' Marketing Board and Ontario Farm Products Mar keting Board The suggestion was made at a special meeting called by the minister at the request of the OF to study current farm marketing problems William Tilden, OFA president, replied that the federation would {give the suggestion serious con- sideration and would do what it| STA RTED IN Francisco, killing af least 18, | early Friday, gels a cigarel lighted in an emergency hospi REGINA CP)--Chief Justice federal royal eommission on who has combined years of hos pital-hoard and Red Cross work with a distinguished legal career|liament when it reconvenes Jan in Saskatchewan Chief justice Court of Queen's Bench since 1957, Mr Hall was a class-mate of Prime| Minister Diefepbaker at the Uni n HIS ROOM? to police headquarters and booked for suspicion of man slaughter German suffered from smoke inhalation Hog Dispute Hospital Worker Discussion (And Fine Lawyer penetrating grey-blue eyes, how long the of reference which he under stands will be announced in Par 16, The commission will study, he stration, the police guard outside $50 each for their efforts, and| the hotel was reinforced and un health) gy thorized diag:| af the door, indicated, the adequacy availability of personal services for prevention, - the reach him, Emmett M, Hall, 62, head of the}chief justice said he has no idea health inquiry willl . y p ding: rom under their clothes reading health plans, is a Quebec nativellast, He has not seen the terms Welcome to our police state,' | the section, He directed that Ed. on of time for payment of a wards pay costs of a third-periy Sue debt, No binding bargain has action the insurance company Deen made between the union brought against him and ruled ond Edwards, he said, thet the company he entitled 10] The insurance company argued ada the. costs i" pays 2. Uh it hed not received notice of the Dr, MeCinesghan said there' A OWR COStS, 0 T€ claim by the union as required TM to be 1 "orimery" oul Cover them from Edwards, 'hy the fidelity bond, that preof | breaks---widely separated -- and| The union sought fo recover of Joss was not filed within spe that the rest were extensions of $9,000 from Edwards as princi- ified time limits and that the those. The 12 were in the Granby pal, and from the insurance com- upion had dealt with Edwards {Like the foot-and-mouth outhresk in Western Cangda cattle some |years ago, there is no danger 10 {umans, The method of control is to slaughter animals exposed {10 the infection, district of Quebec, in and around pany as surety, on a fidelity bond to the prejudice of the company,' Mr, Justice Ferguson held that the company had received notice of the elaim in 10 days from the dute of discovery of the defales. tion, and that the company had failed to send out a form on which to file proof of loss Montreal Island, two in the Of dated April 14, 1954, Between| fawn vicinity and one at Wake |July, 1952 and the end of April field, Que., in the hearny Gat|1959, Edwards embezzled $16,216 LL Contest Ends Other officials indicated (he outhreaks could be traced to im ported American pork, whose 'volume has expanded as Cana B 1 { F rt | OFPTAWA (CP) ~ The Oflawa rock-a-Athon--a rocking chair eon | ne ' u ive [test originally scheduled to last Pl d Sh | 72 hours--was called off hgre Fri dian farmers cut hog production {day after two contestants went info eonvulsions as a result of PRETORIA (Reuters)-- A fup:|'0:And-fro swaying tive erowd of Negroes Friday Hospital authorities who re staged a brief demonstration out. CEIVe Fdward Gaudrean of Ot side the hotel of United Nations /awa and Ronald Charette of Secretary-General Dag Hammar. nearby Rockland said the men skiold on his arrival here in 8 bid | were "not In Jured-just eon ot South Africa to give up| fused rl South Air p Mr. Gaudreau succumbed after - 43 hours in his rocker and Mr. intimidating Benjamin Farrow, # The demonstrators BULemplad) cy ype after 47 [eompany employee, and of wil e fre sidewalk outside the hotel Fariier V riday, Darby Mal- fully damaging Farrow's car, but he walked swiftly and entered | DEVS, A satlor on leave from On the first charge he was or the building before they could | IMCR Hindae om JhHalifer dered to post a $260 hond and to (aeved oul of the con'en keep the peace for six monhis rs fy yw On the second charge he wa 4 § fake A rocking ship T can ake," fined $25 and costs and lad od to pay $18 for damage to the 'Union To Appeal In Striker Case BT. THOMAS (CP)~A union official said Friday an imme: diate appeal will be filed against the conviction of George Arnold Rowe, 39, a striker at the Ca padian Timken roller hearing plant here, Rowe was convieled Friday of 4 ha They whipped out placards he said, "But this is ridieulons D The rock-a-thon was sponsore {Dag don't forget Sharpeville," ny a local furniture company "land "Dag demand Bouth Africa whose officials decided to call it] Rowe was charged afler Far implement UNO resolutions, off after the second person col row's car was scratched as he A short time alter the demon lapsed, Six survivors were given passed through a picket line at the plant gale Teansport Hearings ( Completed OTTAWA (CP) =~ The Mae Pherson Royal commission ¥ri day wrapped wp His fined publig hearing on new evidence About Canada's transportation troubles, The move cleared the way for the sixman commission te plunge back inte the Ini scien of the cost of MOVING Wes .eIR 8% port gran by reil--the last public phase of its prolonged investiga. tion, The commission has 8 diffiewit dash to 8 Mareh 31 deadline for its report, a deadline made Im- perative by Prime Minister Die: fenhaker during the raflwey strike crisis of last month, Mr, Dielenbaker set the target date for the commission's report so the federal government will have six weeks in which to set to lift a freeze on freight rates, implement some of the commis sion's ideas, and avert '8 new rallway strike thre at ened for May 18, There sre indications the eom- mission may bring down 8 "van. guard" report, spelling out iis views on major Issues raised dur. ing its 16-month study of trans portation, It would then follow up later with a fuller, more detailed document, FEABY 6 *f5 BETTER HEARING Fite BGOKILET It you have a severe or slight hearing loss, whether you wear 8 hearing aid or not, this informative new guaranieed 10 help you enjoy Wing through beiter hearing. Send goupon, pomm---- . MAICO ( HEARING SERVICE f 850 Yonge $1, Torente ( WAInut 4:2317 | NAME | ADDRESS | city BORER RRRR RARER ener nn ' oT/MV/NT Ie) Iw wr wr ---------- persons were stopped versity of Saskatchewan, They! nosis (reatment and rehabilita hoth graduated in 1916, [tion as well as existing deficiens Mr, Hall was defence counsel cies, ways they can be met, and for truckers charged in connec-| other matlers concerning a na- tion with the 1935 Regina unem-| tional health plan, ployment riots, He was a mem-| Mp, Justice Hall helped draft her of the conciliation hoard (he CCF government's repaid, Guelph Speaker Blasts System eould to keep marketing plans on the rails, Assuring the federation govern ors that he still believed in the, Chief reduction In the number of Ca-ihegan in 1048, The plan, which nadian Pacific Railway firemen pays hospital expenses for an on freight and yard operations. | annual premium, was at that Justice Hall learned time the first In Canada, Other principles of the hog marketing| french in his St. Columban, | provinces followed later plan In spite of difficulies beng| Que., childhood and says "every. |= "ool tive mem experienced, Mr. Goodfellow said| one would he betier off In Canada|," JE0Vei. EXOEULIVE Member however, that the sales method! if he could speak French, Lo ewin Tor Ioan, a ale Was open lo. suspicion because " bh sales at present are! HAS FEW DETAILS ha penn ote Rational [ from the ranks of Council (Aldermen Dyer and Dafoe got the jobs), as well as occupy a commission seat herself, Such a deliberate snub to Mr, Bastedo by Her Wor«~ ship was regarded as being little short of treasonable by many, especially Mr, Bastedo's hard-core group of Coun~ cil supporters who regard him as an integral (and irre~ placeable) link in current industrial expansion plans for the city, Well he might be, but the snub can not seriously he regarded as unexpected, Mavor Thomas (as an alderman) fought a relents less campaign for months against what she often term« ed "the closed-door policy" of the Oshawa Industrial Commission; which cut some councillors off from "ade~ quate information" about the OIC and its activities, She also protested strongly when the commission attempted to "pressure" business through the Council (such as the Malloy appointment) before some council~ lors had an opportunity to study important items, Some may question the wisdom of removing Mr, Bastedo from such a complex and important job where he has served for three years, some may even call it "playing politics" (as Mr. Bastedo and his council col» leagues are so often accused of doing), but there's an- other aspect to the case: Mayor Thomas believes one of her strongest cam» paign platforms was her pledge to open the doors of City Hall wide so that the taxpayers can see, with reasonable accuracy, what is going on inside, Perhaps she did swing the axe pretty hard, but this is her way of opening up the doors of the Oshawa In- dustrial Commission, LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Herman Kassinger, city subdivider, is due home January 12 from a 17-day business-pleasure trip to West Germany , Oshawa's population is now 60,1468, which figure is up 2451 from last year + 51 percent is residential, 41 percent industrial . , Mayor Thomas played the host role at a small lunch eon in the Hotel Genosha for City Council and ecivie dopartmental heads following the inauguration, She also pickd up th tab , . , , , Harold Hudson is the new president of The Oshawa Minor Hockey Associ~ ation, replacing William "Bill" Kurelo, who held the post for eight years (Longest on record in the 28-year old league) the loop now has more than 600 players and 30 teams. DON'T NEGLECT ICY SIDEWALKS This is just to remind all good citizens, especially owners or occupants of property, that according to con= solidated by-law 2365, passed in 1040, sidewalks in front of their homes or places of business must be kept reasonably clear of snow and ice, It is the duty of city police to see that this bylaw is enforced ~ first infractions will not likely draw a summons but rather a polite letter of warning to remind the recipient that a fine of $10 can be levied, plus costs, Convictions have been rare especially in the case of elderly or infirm persons unable to get outside; how- ever, there have been some glaring infractions in bye- gone years, especially on main thoroughfares such as Simcoe street south where business firms allow the sidewalks to remain covered with ice for lengthy | periods to the great physical hazard of passers-by, The police are asking for the reasonable co-operas don of all ' | not recorded Distinguished greying with! R Saskatchewan campaign commits INTERPRETING THE NEWS ¥ He is the father of two, His son, James, Is an ortho: pedic surgeon at Toronto's Hos pital for Biek Children which in 1056 recommended 8| compulsory hospital plan which | GUELPH (CP)~The capitalist | system is "immoral and un. ethical," the president of the Co. Operative Union told the Market. ing and Co-Operative Association | of Canada conference Friday, Ralph Biaples, speaking in a panel" a. tacked the government hecause legislation {that would help form a national co-operative was lacking, He sald the co-operatives are unable to get Ottawa to even recognize the existence of the co = operative | movement, The week ended Friday, long conference U. S. In Rigid Stand On Laos By HAROLD MORRISON The UB, now appears to he Canadian Press Staff Writer wooing India in the hope that In The United States apparently dia would shift jts support in fa TORONTO (CP) When Dr, w | HERE'S FLOATING STEAK FOR ISOLATED GOURMETS R. Smithies gets to work on | outposts will he able to chew on stews--in slab form---or tuck INVESTMENTS HE WENT TO ALLIED FOR HIS has decided it should support the vor of American policy in Laos a raw, succulent steak the re. | a pork chop into their pockets sult is rare---it floats, and has the same weight and consist ency as balsa wood, At the defence research med ical laboratories at Downsview, Ont,, Dr, Smithies has devel view that a truce commission for| Appearing before the Senate for. Laos should be revived, but onleign relations committee in the condition such a commission| Washington, State Secretary Her deals directly with the newly-/ter was reported as praising In constituted Loatian regime under dia and saying how important a before starting off on a hike, The department of national defence has commissioned J, H, Lock and Kons of Toronto to build a $50,000 machine to be installed at Essex Packers in LOAN pro-Western Premier Boun Oum role it could play if it went back {need of "getting the commission | back into Laos to prevent the lo-| | other However, Russia rejects thelas commission chairman legality of the right-wing Boun Oum government and maintains the old regime under neutralist Souvanna Phouma still exists though Souvanna Phouma him oped a process called "freeze drying." It is enough to make a steak connoisseur ery; Bul the department of national de fence says it's invaluable when food has to fly---at a rale of $2 a pound Freeze « drying food cosis ahout eight cents a pound, Pro cessed foods weigh less than half of what they did when fresh, Servicemen or depart mental officers In Canada's The American position is com plicated hy the fact the U.S, seems to have made charges dif- '|fleult to substantiate, It has sug self lives in exile in Camhodia.|BO5'ed that large numbers of) The three-power international on» Laotian Communist troops control commission which was "2Ve been rushed into Laos, No set up by the 1954 Geneva Confer one seems ot know where these ence 1s composed of Canada, Po.|'T00PS are, land and India, It operated until NOT TRIGGER-HAPPY 1058 when Souvanna Phouma suggested it no longer was re: American statements fact forced subtle retractions, have . in Hamilton, The packing firm has a $10,000 contract to process foods needed hy all the federal government departments in iso lated areas And if there is sufficient de- mand for these lightweight staples, Including meats, poul | try, fruits and vegetables, they | may soon be available to the puhlie A Smithies steak needs only 10 minutes soaking to be ready | for the pan, ulred, Writain apparently has im with Senator J, William Ful. | PAY AS LITTLE AS 4 eitionl| DFIENL, chairman of the Senate pressed on the U.S, the eritieal| gonial erations committee, de nying that the US, is "trigger. happy" and excusing any e war from spreading into : Sng any exag a | & | eration of American statements parts of southeast Asia, by quoting Heretr as saying | But Boun Oum suggests it would |" re 3aying 10 m Suge | formation that the state depart be an embarrassment to him to| d | let the members into the coun.| ON. ES US from Laos ls try if they don't recognize his| "HOtChy. government, The U.S, continues to maintain India is reported to have no it nas evidence (hat Russian stomach for recognition of the planes are being used to drop Boun Oum government and it is supplies to Laotian rebels, a certainty that Poland would re-| though evidence on the numbers! fuse such recognition as long as of non-Laotians operating in that Russia - supports Souvanna country "is largely circumstan.i Phouma, ital," Fulbright says r cal MEAT SPECIALS ! Tender to sufferers from NEURITIC, RHEUMATIC, ARTHRITIC PAIN, BACK-ACHE, SCIATICA Templeton's New FLAME CREAM LINIMENT GET DOUBLE ACTION! With every B5c, $1.45 ond $5 box of T-RC's made specifically for the relief of such pain, your druggist offers a FREE trial of FLAME cream. Look for this special trial at your drugstore, WIN $300 IN PRIZES. You might win a cash prize of $100. Get T-R-C's ond FLAME.cream Liniment today for full pars ticulars, Buy. PLAME-cream Liniment in the roll-on applicator, Internally and FLAME-cream externally tor DOUBLE At your drugstore NOW! POWELL'S DRUG STORE 3514 SIMCOE ST, N, Ph, RA 5.4734 | with every box of T-R.C's and WING FRESH -MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE Take T.R-C's ACTION relief, BUEHLERS Tender EAT'N TRUE -TRIMBEEF 12 KING ST, E.--RA 3-3633 © ROUND © SIRLOIN CLUB STEAKS Ib. RIB STEAKS B51, HOME OWNERS ! , . , Why burden yoursel worthwhile purpose on terms to suit your &/ 7A No , al overseas, or a Summer cottage, MON. and TUES. Steaks ! 89: 65¢ 79¢c We Offer You . . . | * Fast Confidential Service * No Co-Signers Necessary Lh. We Buy Existing Mortgages and Agreements ? NO OBLIGATION, ~ Ib. ALLIED INVESTMENTS CO. 51 KING STREET EAST MEMBERS OF , , , And you'll be glad too ! If you are a home owner you can borrow , .. $1600 - payments when you can obtain a low-cost mortgage loan for any your present debts and reduce your monthly payments , . , re- decorate your home or make other home improvements or repairs, Perhaps to pay off an existing mortgage, buy a new car, a trip' * Free Information * Low Monthly Payments PHONE RA 3-3993 TODAY!! One of our courteous representatives will be pleased to discuss your problems with you , , , ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS ASSQCIATION $40.00 PER MONTH f with high monthly budget. Consolidate

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