Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Jan 1961, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwidey, Jenvery 7, 196) Coll The Dirsct Classified MWumber RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS BAM, te 5PM, MONDAY 19 FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 12 15--Instruction BARVEY PANSECE MA ADEMRY Baton Boni Balle H Begiuer 1 Accountants alld CLANCY'S olin are ' wer pind sipess. 184 Bond Offien RA 640 beadien pow. 424 Bing Wes #0 Hien hi Re ' ' PEIYATE biosdad {44dus HOSTEITR EH 44 id Hh years 14 J : oq Acetunt ants, BA 7 Aut Row shin an rvigrs | BA Wes oe Finn fA aa did ew on fener Th stiden eaphes « mas 1p KA wrth AVANIN gu Fearpled y # os, Hen Wisthy . WE BYE WEWAR Arr upt anise m Ea J ¥ md Cp Glen Bidg Osnawe, Opiane y ailabie dance ehgepln baton, pe Fras RA 3 ING | i, greatest Mar Marsh shoot, ballet, Lap pre-schon, ¢ Masonic Tempe Sireet ALLIAN Ane ng ahatis arin #222 WHAON pod BURROWS EIR RIE, Vy Bimege Brest Boulh awn Renaia F. bh Wises, £4; 6 of Burrows, CA. KA B25] YALE, FRIEDILASDER. WENTER and £8, Are Bis and suditors, Licensed sige in Bankruptcy, #4 King Bier Fast awa; B. 1, Yaie, CA ¥riedipnder, B win, CFA oy HOPKINS Company, (# f y > 1 Write Mervel Heir 4 iT Bing . " » v Branch Hemiit HA 4 ; ¢ ( ada's | Chartered Ae wearin Osh 1 2) satin 7291 Jd LEARN HAIRDR v/ GPP er #1 rer plea free poy argh . and iressing Ontario # (shawn letiona 2-~Barristers THOMAE M_ RENDLE wid Va V16--Insuranr~ OSHAW A'S Insurance Agen: SF ARCE Renl Fo Jnseph Bos Kewltn oy REWES e RA FRASER FREIGHTION DEYN AN iEROOLH, B * v I ALISTATE 0 pes I Th WIRFHY ' 4 y 4 nan Mar DONALD DONALD BLAKE CENTRAL INVESTORS IOHN A ser Bg h HA CAMERON BOX 706 OSHAWA TIME! 12 Dressmaking ALTERATIONS women and ng md pr ned r Bar imene Re 19---Personal WANTED Hers Street Salis South paanes 8: Te [BL of a children KALPRH Thomas H Ban and Soli. EVE treet § RA B6246. REVERSIBLE " plies ations on lad ra ante i -_-- ---------- ATEN {A IE] 3A--~Chiropractors AB ig ABBY 13--Gardening 8 My Supplies ANY King of garden work ny expert easonanie rates RA 81584 AURORA SAND & GRAVEL BA. and ter ONES tn skirts # specigit es wear corner of Elmgioyve Noctor of Chir RROWNLEE A i Road ei n Park 6--Optometr RICHARD BLACK 10th ar on of nent 3 HH RA 14101 no al downtown [1] treet ¢ Dial RA aplometrist. Please -- Dominion invalids » 1h f wo-- Wom VALLEY FARM RD, 70 war pre org «eM e ( AT JOHN'S Moving ahd lEmple 9 2541 Jhithy: Neasenably 21--Personal Service PETER PAN ears fonda 7--Surveyors BONEVAN AND FLEIRCHMAN and Sup or Bioo ICE MEL Street irsery Behoo Ian East | ape, Ontario Adelaide A o--Buiiing Ta SNOW REMOVAL | ag IDEWALKS FAST ates HORTON : BAR.B-QUED ( re ALL} nin Piane KA nd heating LEANED Nia Bro alng Whith SERVICE OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING RA 8-6366 WARD 14--Household Repairs DIGGING BY YOUR focal HIN ova | es. HA J We. HA 3 NTARIO FURNITURE topaiie HH SAMSON {Bi a T.V. TOWERS RA 8.81¢& QS} AWA 1 VY. ST CHENTERFILLDS 161 GIBBONS roofing Ar de Ma epBirs firey A B-0800 Gordon 8 hail A768 and for 14 Chagles & e ®POve 1 T--Business Opportunities 1 Modern auth, ( oy PHILCO-BENDIX re Je dh a EQUIPPED COIN OPERA ED DODD & LAUNDERETTE PAN CONTRACTOR all BA A641 es 1ehiil Hand Steel Upholstery Dial RA SEL UR GALVANIZED DID YQU NEW ALL RADE TOWERS SOUTER ATING Featurina mmercial Type Double-Load Double-Profit d Dryers s Lon Qperated Dry Cledning Mac hines ner T.R.1.O, TELEVISIO N FURNACE SALES | BOND ST. § AND SERVICE RA 8-678] MMe RA 5 488 SEGFR ' | -59¢ 94 LEN & LOU AR CITY T.V AJAX THAT'S ALL RA 8.5103 RA 5.784: AIAX § t | NSTRUCTION LIMITED All CALL EPAIR A} 22~TY - Radio Repoirs TV TOWERS Jaranteed f Aisy p TV Enterprises Drew § YEG! Unpt sel sEry WHEN YOU wa DAY OR NIGHT | RADIO iT T.V CALL RA A ang 28, Nork Guargntesd OSHAWA ELECTRONIC SUPERIOR APPI IANCE SERV Teley PH 49 23--Women's Column Pe Il pe For an RA 37 25--Pets ond Livestock FEBKEBEED Ge ered. RA BEAGLE wd Brag LN ISTERED HOARDING y aiiheni BEAGLE pup ered field BEAUTIFUL meg t 26--Farmer's Column DEAD 1a ' Phane iH sill Fur b 27 --Fuel & Wood PLOWING INOW " RA 487 32--Articles Wanted SHAW AUTO WRE( RA 5.2311 B89 BLOOR | 35---~Employment Wanted win hi NCERD EAPERI AI I't EXPERIENCED on La V ehild YOUNG all selon) An renul niflee wa ) Wyihing id Make money al in Hotter Hay il he o WM We full be partion phone LADY od aparts vod, | APEC work Hime W Ca 0 S10 per oe hawa 1 MATURY LABORATORY TECHNICIAN A QSHAWA CLINIC SECRETARY STENOGRAPHER ROX 1338 OSHAWA TIMES 36---Female Help Wanted (37 Male Help Weonted EXPERIENCED howsekeeper 19. fond of &h FERAFERIFENCED ve. / Aphy i" aad hae salesman Fiagdman, ve in me My { Telephone BA $4411 tor farther in WY 15 BE REL IARL # ¥ typist » BWR Pandwrting ddA dad VEFVESH nnd wf & LARIES INTERESTING WAITEY Wion ahs "dh Ld oe and SERN Wes ABLK # Wildes ake friend "fest ey money fm oh ha R IDE BRERESH » Bos ped ma Wine ghied gener i RAPE IERER Bondi CED venogrsphe e. Please slate oft for Friephone We oh, phone Bienes fake bran sala 2i and Ar - A Sree FEVER EXMCELLEN ¥ Foy ALTE AI Pl SENIOR DESIGNER FOR MI EDUCATIONAL HNC ISHAWA (44 ATI ne» a NG CRIES pRrY ABE nee wanted VIDE training 50 £s qn ' ars i Fad Fast SHOP FOREMAN 5 YEAR REQUIRED \EW PROJECT |! NIMUM OF YEARS EXPERIENCE QuiIpme nachi oh RATING of WRITE PENG ie BOX 342 IME 5 YOU'RE MORI v QU OSHAWA T WORTH | THAN i THINK MES Bowsew mr Wust he some and peighhors Howse Wieering" nd tn oifice pre Fog we Leshmieclon reRw red Facetiont personnel po ARIF PLA Geneinl Bosprtn LARORATORY March 1, 146 cies App Pickering #r "#1 --Room & Bo fp Bux hopraers home FaokIng cepienl, Bens Dorth Wires snk Baspie RA 5700) GENTLEMAN ome, eaeelient anol hes ne BOOM snd hopin, lise inches packed, bome TT Granergl Molors and 94 ROOM and mepls, he Vignt. Apphy GENTLEMEN ame, - TY lupenes rene pl Cotbwrne Fast BA DAB pried # Intin " ipo awiet, Eurnpesn Bome sovked megs LRT Park Bi Park Rand South clean how yaw free de oe KA FRIIS Wis wt Baw dave CRIBE clone 19 don piannp » week contin bapath fia ladies £ Bot Aes fied app od. MW yen of age af Beh roohed North honid, good home wines fs A 247 Wing Fas BOOM and bowrd ber. eareient meals WRIEE IB RYELY 100 space and TV. La Mowlin Fontise Inn). Lai wa for unlimited pum Mol and cols Full parking Rouge (In A BAI) ior full time Beslan winrmat BOOM and board, gentleman of meals and beds es packed en parking. Kepsonahie rales Ply Toh Carnegie Avenue Kooy ad 0 Cean home ed meals, ghotwiners only. Bus stop Telephone BA 51398 and care for Lise I elephone wanted hoaid wt Hon Room anil gent) lunch parked J elephone wen, single pRIking. #7 KA BS Albert tyes Koom Street aol hoard, in es. App telephone AMEOMMONATION Ie dies Ale DOME, BEpAYRLE THOME ery central, MOhawk 84365, Whith NILE clean warm rooms, sded, gentlemen onl sre. Pa Apply Albert PEIVIE BA for twa elder bosrd In single and Saturday king alte) 97 Street 44--Houses For Rent FURNISHED th ilities ve good Telephone BA # Apartment 550 per paid, | Incation NEW rent good local Ap street tore for # Sout 71 Simin wo adiiits, # plurnished CORYERIENCR parking EVENINKS sriment ran cential YB §4h4h spRLE RA Fon ani roam apartment EDIEARCE, PATKING, FRIFIGRF BLOF use of washer, diver, close tn Ceptre. Avaliable February i private hath Vopping old three glow to sub for # Gardens aniacaped hedroom hun ht month " Garage paved 50.94 andview Way, SEVEN ah house, gas heated Reasonable ren RA cen no Telephone able tenant gre pRItienlay 0 hedrooms ts ene » Foi 418 mare particulars HA hone ering nodern | RRIENCES, |RIKE Some finituie ot W 0 will care fo i ofl pecessui B Times MOBERN n north nies sige | bedrooms howe vent Shopping pile three and churehes al ng hasement Feb. 2 0am carpal sublet io lease. 8110 RA 82853 oil heat, available June | 464 Fernhill Bou ard Hol 3 pacious apartment 3 heat Fight ndings vlog EAS Ange, love Canrtive. Telephone OSHAWA fou nil heat, garage, « Hea hun chen house, rent nm (BUT) anahie Telophone HA IMMEDIATE three Possession, spacious and bath, pri ground elo aiart entrance, pple Went include ih King IN AJAX room hun alum starma, three 5 old. attractive deenratin I] | { y. 3 Willow 1-066 P00 en parking nates Btieel East we 0a heat tren iow A nyent luchson 1 all ¢ Apply 220 hing now Vacant (ir RENT naul-h th aption 1a hay L1EY ventral, low Telephone' RA hn Streel ol alg i on Elgin | how MANVILLE el, Will decorate ne. Lo Apt, 1 Heated 1) prt RTT stare. Main sill 1enant 0 par Walker, 61 ng Wes! eres nn Fehiuary 1 THEY ounhng ' hey AMA ay Btyeel self-eantioned, velvigerato outlet, adults onl Available RA 3.85280 atier 6 p.m tuple thiee Apartment wirin hath Available J house pparale en tn Shop 8 RA nom new Anes ale clone Py A ANAL Also Breet for rent Drew raam apartment nm. Aj i HA B0026 puArAle [ Pelephone SIN dn POASRESION, 010 Velepl NONS ron house ann laeation oiliale Childven welenme ) helaie A p.m STORY 195 (Suitable drug Aimee South TA 30410 r Street Apply 1-7064 Aouth "i Simeone store.) HA roam brick bungalow, in Bow manvilie, goal furnace, hathroam, elese school, S60 per month reliable tenant, MAvrker 4.4023 THREY able for tn bus Warren Avene HOUSE aw at for Street 0 J tn tn unfurnished clean rooms, suit Business couple, ahstainer stop, central, Apply 3 AA 54807 New six:room hun degnrated BAY ta hath separate shopping and hus fay rent gnmpletoly duly wiring, Close andl publ e sehonls orviee. HA K1303 THREE - oon witahle fay ont} | CENTRAL ant Apply for furthey unin nished apartment eon le. Apply 175 Athel aller & poy stove for vent eavanahie MN Pringe Street, RA 3-4. infarmation APARTMENTS let equipped ili electrically large, and one ntarmat RA 5: 3815 ol RA 8-6485 NEW STORE FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT THE TIMES BUILDING Prone RA 3.3474 wanted. good : SPECIAL haine 4 84--Houses For Rent ATTRAC ad A hetier cipse Bvetoom Snpaon, wih FPL. 2i0min 8 ASTRACTIVE furmiohed Wasement. Paved Arivens BarR le % praise home Dimas Breer Porn, Felephone Sort, 57 pm, RA S407 9 » ® THEEE wnivrmohed BACRELOK Appitment, povpte #0 flonr. Reavy Winpg tipmen, Parving per month. BA pewnily Secorsied 167, Wahudes every ing sm we be ate NEW modern ton Wedivgm spaiime Vine ats Pry a £LEGRTR 0 aR Bry = , PRES parking. pe Wack tn of Obawe Chine Hopping, WE 6 mosibly Westmount Avenve. Bh SHIH EVEN wih Ear pewiy Arins pied candic AVTRACEIVE (hice Qimawp Boyiernid Tele 1HiRel Apartment. Bepvy Auty phone BA 30084 PRGA IE WRSHEE, Bi) Beating, wit k Bess couple. Available ¥ehrvary APARTMENTS, sores, Aupies. Bows, Roivi alter 5 Imes pie possesnion, reasonable |ept For further intormation ral Aack USVERNISHED praise Applets, BA B48 pr D468. Job A. 4, RVRILIBERL, FRBEFIE Bolonond 144, Bit EIR ORE, WW Rshe ¥ yHI46. BiH Ed 0s pode BOWMAN VILA ' sorm Bors And windows ge, FUREY Heated i yard, reasonibie rent wad ha wom » ison Bond South. BA S041 or BA 1108 8A BIA GA Sing West, Bowmanville CLEAN, hepied furnished theese rooms, TY putiet, p trance apd hath, Byedlsiie ¥, nduits only, Apply 27} S4A-~Apts, & Flots Yor Rent Baad Park # Euan ome, Brown EPRI IE ER api W erry 1we weeks Telepmone Rh aim idea SPP Apher self PRT: Chas Bing Fast it Baise 5 good 2outh om Week somes sei ran oi "Ba heating, TV ad ad beavy Buty WORE, MNIIRSm bungalow # wo Fire rept hire Khon nha in Tors o BPRFLIDER we #9 5 sbi ae Prev Slieet 5 MONTHLY in Bisokhin four wom house, Lue bedrooms, RERVY Wi ok, BY outlet, garage, shstpiners, Ya cant. 0, bh 4isk er of rigs theese + room SPECIAL self-contained 1h oom seiriges ator, PRRINIDEI BRoH aon plenty. of HOVE The juded, TV ou EA oe ¥ Pld mmediatg Doers Son self comtpined good lneation ded, TY outiet, WDIMEMIRLE POISESHOR wo appitment nly slave nel parking, $145 RA rom ate bath spRItment FOR BENT oo peas ow. Bpetiess condition, In ; 5A 543 KH Fi Ld 641 Five om hse heating, lan: iv tubs, heavy ® close to Shop. Vr ROOM con 0s Tele, hope ent, BY putiel 4345 for # Por mation DAES, oR RAY shin Iheimied N 7] bn MONTH Y aT Wino y new brick bungs FOUR Sale pos. TOOTS, B wl Bean Valls on. Telephone pig HA ey oom hans fuimpee. wi y Felephone RA " sR 28. Alsw intw, 0 ' ory KER tral, PAYER ehone RA 5ih eve FRESHLY nak HA Bis ld ' Ld ' Ww bath, self contained no THREF astered Ome Velephone wl deen pred Cent ppRit densal ot, | Sleven "on LL hediogm bungalow % |e kitghen and Ain: pished 895 monthly. APY Read ier 6 THREE roam three hed: ment apartment Whithy cluded, North ve Wi Owhava MODERN four em Shopping Centre; refs hambon Brapes, parking 14374 or KA 5-018] CENTRAL #rartinent 1 level pie floors, § wnkIn HE compination or shed a or ME Blevenson's Road NEW Dams telephone Five and cold North seil-compined hase heat and hyde 9 Jorors, Appl th alter Bungalow rent heal and water, wn Bowmanvilie MA 3 [ry Genera Bowles prd Boy folumbus, hot heavy wir BE. AVE HA 31-9997 HOUSE 10 rept or spie new iL ome, $85. Phone WA 4-162 ar write ws Brosdview Avene, Toronte STORE (wn street. Fata or suit nthe 494% mites A4A~--Apts, & Flats For Rent pLartment clean ideal tor couple with ERI Ake Eulalie Avepue, Tele 00 p.m SECOND binek four rooms and 112 Steven APARTMENT sell contained CIIge alo duty range, couple pieierred ent tg South Generel Motors soace, RA 5:3700 Fon wale house cupboards Jan. |. Phone wl BPRELIEN, NEF nye RA alle rac Ave hie ple' seii-coniained and pri thiee rROMS ef and onl hath hed small business 5 p.m downtown Simcoe barbershop Jocat on Hest phone RA Phed, kitchen sir Pho tankers. KA 55676 FURNISHED kentieman in RA B27 or THREE rom RpRriment, two reoms and kitchen, private 82 Drew slreet, RA B-2272 after save erator a cuphosrds, ah room, sulabie fi quiet home. 'Felephane 130 Celina Btrept one hed ITHREE ream bathroom ashing facilities child, Apply 235 phone BA B77 TWO + yom completely furnished hase En. ARAIUMERL, FAERIE. relviker ator, furniture, very warm, heat, lights ingluded, washing machine, $13 HA B1748 fram Shopping private hath on Road Centre Parkin North ne le clean three oom hes CORVEn) second floor Parking self contained, private en Auty wiring, immediate youn central, Telephone RA GOOD dep) JRE FON hes apartment FAN e 00m and ref Private Entrance Telephone Hon Apartment ground NE, VEIY ven 664 for further luding possession, 33240 APARTMENT LiL or ND Hoo 00m stove Be RLOY flon and pi with private |1i#l RA Bimeoe INtorma RA 54462. NEW modern apartment. ment, in new apartment buildin and refrigerator, heat, Jight and frigerator and stove parking pplied, Also two cap heated ve minuies wil joins RA 3.7088 589 month) KA HOTA four month phone RA roms North 32118 or GROT Love wo bedroom girage. Telephone Ialaga Koad GROUND | with tour 1arg om vnlored hath, modern k Pid od NEWLY decovated One block from hus. Telephone RA ment, electrical 4221 home, central GRENFELL Street PRIVATE apartment, three OOM Apartment washer, aerial pak NE, Near ring, hutitin euphosrds Centre, Available Janupiy ping Centre, Privale entrance Apply 212 Blevenson South hot water PAIR INE Wo THREE furnished rooms, near Shop: |Yacunt Centre, parking, avallahle now j1ences Apply 107 Fernhill Blvd. or telephone [Wer Bi p.m RA 64878 after 5 p.m TWO nicely PRIVATE apartment, four vooms and VINE room Bath, twa minutes from ety limits, rea: (euphoards sonable, parking, Available now. Tele. Telephone phone BA 55019 mation FOUR (large) roomed basement apart: | VNFURNISHED nent private hath and eptvange, ment hath entrance ater and parking free. Can he |\E paid, S65 seen e 5 Vacant Fehpuary | Ap: Sut Telephone ply Apartment 6, 68 Wayne Street LOVELY three ream COMPORTARLY apartment, business couple central apartment Would couple, ahstainers ymediale large warm furnished vom, (Raney, Telephone RA 51065 for only, not provided. Would suit (NOrmation pefined business lady or couple, gwo wedroom apartment in hi apaitment building, avail Telephone MOhawk B-3002 after 8 or dupe furnished ehuipned Apart in Telephone TA B8402 OOM a Shopping adults Mis. Pace heavy duly near Shap contin 164 three In LL earh mm pl 860 a month middle of January, all gor furnished or unfurnished, Aj 197 Rosehill Blvd apartments Png roams, hedsit vefrigeratny ahutainers only further Info furnished and and HA kilghen sink VOTE for thee 00m apart private utilities wiring HA 66108 home furnished elder well equipped south 0 tn he shared have oy further Linen auiet HA 8 THREE nam unfurnished apartment private hath and enteance in apart: [OF 101 Craydon Road ment hillding, downtown, near Bell UPSTAIRS Telephone, handy to everything, Adults piace hath Available immediately, $60 month An's RA %7d00 heat COMPLETELY furnished ii tral, suitable for group of husiness pea te or family, Could sublets, Tele phone WA 55207 for mare particilars THEY mam Water and Apply 4 modern ne no pm anpl Apt, 4 flat, theeeraom, three enmpletel elnhna rd eloetiiplt Alert Styeet private wand men! monthly ONE MONTH FREE RENT ern onl wee of supplied home, can far pent, | LLL} apartment lights supplied Albany Stiel heal manth THRE) ranms alg neat. lights ineludod pentval 870 monthly hing, Children Telephone 100 Me room be RA 8-8676 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS New build ut $85 Telephane furnished second floor ane yvanienees apartment and r {I nA up elenme | & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS AT BUS STOP SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND s refrigerator, parking RA 5-3302 BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2 bedroom Apartments best Apply Apt love Excellent location ing or LLOYD REALTY RA 8:5123 ONE MONTH FREE RENT Only twa with with legse elec loca 498 18 equipped $100 3 North trically tion \imcoe RA 8.84 oom basement en Three r bedroom Hessly ang in a modern, sp apartment building trally located t paved parking 1e Phone MO 8-4770 44B---Rooms For Rent LARGE furnished Cupboards, sink suitable far one, | couple. Apply 206 Park) V Parking and Laundry LARGE, furnished oom hed, newly decorated LOGUE APARTMENTS [ties Apnly 19 Elona 195 KING ST. § Phane RA 8.0016 RA 292 TWO rooms PARKWOOD hiv: MANOR APARTMENTS NEWLY ON SAGUENAY AVENUE ni & KING TRICT) apartment private trance, three piece bath, laundry facilities, every hing included, $55 monthly, Telephone RA 8.6522 laundry tagili ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Frig., TY. Outlet howsekeepin stove TIN refvigel atm 0 Willing tn sha w Marquette "Avenue double fail tole with enoking Avenue ar bedroom, kitehen, far lady | ROA 10 doawntan pn. Avadl Albert Street Telephone devarated thie piece bathroom SOIVicR 10 123 for furthe HOUSEKEEPING rnished, meals Shapping ponte RA R176 roams with PUIVALE ham doar. Telephone RTM alion OAM, © Ale double TO laundry tional ive, parking Steet WARM able tor ho 1] ap OAV his Seiy | or Gibbons TORI single beds Keeping if de \ M1 Colina Street eontral Wi (PARK RD ST. PIS Twa trance i manthly further FURNISHED \ {ole outlet heRRY POA Apartment heated, hyde and Telephone YUikon & infarmation private en wate JOR $40 ne residential bedros stron, Apartment We am, ane Hivls m nosed Nest UNE glean ar ine gentlemen {Road South PAI, fWERished, sail ane hus al dont, 356 Park Telephones RA 0146 ONE Ip 448--Rooms For Rent a%E Eda ATTRALTIVE wished rooms, vai whi in grate homes. Bi Perk Rod Sovik, $7 pm RA 4675 suki misiont Foon, le TREE SiR for ge rep 2% ly oom for tee gestiemen, wagie beds, sais i ocplio, Alert Sipeat. BA $2040 OBE lovely furmivied room for gentler WER, prise home. Apiy 4 Fern: Bid KA 379% CLEAN bright fur pished Aovkie rooms WIR Beds; wien MBER FROME. fuk ine BA BEIG7 0 oon Appia 22 ye ] 4 udnggpst ii Rar we KA 578% kushen and BA Hind hed - sing room 0 ciean howe, one Hine gentleman oR, "i RA 554i bitchen and trom town soply HW edd 1 IH hie Charles FURNISHED #nd kitchen ' ound | £ EDLIRRLE, FE hed hight REvOm, PRIRINE Le Appl " town 19 desired, district blsekeep. £ home hs Elgin Walors Avply 12 FURNISHED SIRE il pA hee ping If de alter 5 p wo hed gentle muh ied, Telephone em hires re BA 3244) sitting partment equiped an Bimeoe Telephone and 5 pm hedronm # A fu FURNISHED ©) Dame hed ion ale ng furthey wr rai par TAR for CERLYR nl pace. Telephone KA ier mation ONE single furnished em, En ' arth housekeeping plant, preies ably men. 214 Jarvis Street or RA SINGLY wand had. comin East or wd. bedrooms heuled MH William urn fom ' and phie. Appl Street RA 6.217 BRIGHT Apply 7 furnished blreel clean Dew ont yenm, Telephone RA 45-~Real Estate For Sele BACHE Ake Area Orone args down Kidd farm ining with $3000 Wi MeQuay and Rea 0 ile, MA 3.3583 LOTS FOR SALE BUY NOW FOR SPRING BUILDING $5 3.00 per ft, ( gnvden Aine harp th pre-paid COUNTRY LOTS mile m downtown $999. 00 DON HOWE REALTOR RA 5:7732 67 K dT. Earle Allen 7782 ity SPECIAL 6 ING Mr RA VILLER REAL ESTATE 2993 vith fin alu reens decaiated vendor e. This alle Avenue 3st, €l 1 pping Call RA 3 RA § 1440 FALR] with in the DON HOWE Realtor « Insurance 67 King St. E RA 5.7732 tone and clay bungal hedged land caped lat, 15 x 13 Qaag tastefi decorated Ne | ak tleors tained tra roam in plastered tra stool, locat shop Mr ar brick ily tim, g be ne ed | haal Please call Aller A 5.7732 RA 5.7782 DOWN large 2 atarey oil hot room ™m € and ping area Earle evenings $1,000 Verdun Rd home 10 and ms, New 10 gal mall 2 renting furnace water ] apartment now for $60.00 per month. Comes with an | good invest ideal tor a further in call Mrs at RA storms lingds elk TEP UP ep up you have fan this homes to are lr at for some mes are thowest otters you visit and tM M a Mrs land Tiemey, RA 5.5207,

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