Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Jan 1961, p. 13

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rT TTT THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sererdey, Jenwery 7, 1967 13 Driving with only one head Han showing is flegsl, and dan fhe gorows. But 1 ls wiih dome, The! Christadeliohions Ontarlo Safety Longue sugaestel oop og susvimen - 4 to drivers who take fis selfish iti wew TAs Ly risk, they should mt least flash § (nye seekers otter Truth on their Wigh beams momeniar | to apply tor Free Bible Hy when appronciing oncoming | literature 2 | tralia (5 hoth lamps pre working NO UBL IGA 1 ION ion Wgh beam) to Indicate the | Write | CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA Pot Ottige Bow 17) Csrowe Origne SOUTHMINS IER United Church 1109 CRpar © € & Levis, Student Minwrw 1100 AM MORNING WORSHIP The songregetion eee "DOES GOD HAVE A PLAN FOR ME?' 11:00 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL A HEARTY WELCOME To AU WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH FLOYD 81, AT GIBBONS Marie Tevier, ARL.I,, RMT, Gf @ Ch oe | REY, PRANK MH, WARD, B.A, 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP tiursery Care during the morning , Bree 10:00 AM Junior & Senior Sunday Senhec 2:00 PM Primary Kindergarten, Mursery EVERYOIIE 18 WELCOME BYNG AVENUE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Telephone RA B.24.6 Poster' BLY, 6, A, CARROL "This beginning of miracles did Jems) and manitested forth His glory; snd Wis Meciples helicved on Wit." John 2:13 GADENR TEXT Jom UN "When they wanted mother saith wnte Wim, They have no Iasi wine," Jesus them to fil the snd knew containers with water, and when hey otlied the ohn 3:48, 'Phere was 8 marriage in Cone of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus wie tere, snd both Jesus wis called, and His disciples, 10 he marriage.' - John 2:04 BIBLE LESSON tasted if, ft was wing J i Sn 7:00 $M i Evangelistic Rolly Vasioge "IHG CAN BE SAVE 10:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOO! 11:00 AM, HAORMIMNG WORSHIP F/ERYONE WELCOME Gout Paton [Samuel Pointed ' Ww T | t Jesus P redicts i wn -mmm YVVAY 10 Victor i A WARREN KE, and orve Hn only; and! This beginning of miracles Ad Jess In Cann of Callies, 8 8. MROIAY VARY Lo will deliver VO Dey of the and manifested forth Wis gory, and Wis disciples helleved on . S ff ' were grented s total ball of His u ering Donald Graham decides whether, The moral eondition of Issel and of the Philistines," (3 Bum Wim --John 2:31 $75000 Friday wtih Magistrate) 4 (was at low ebb, Hopimi and °F pe . . i "On the first dey (John they whordd be sem back to Kind iL LL TL CP Tous Ki, vel chapter 1), They howded the ro John wiinesses 10 land to fees frond snd COMIAT | re Grendy and covelous, tak. VTERChing of Samuel and put and commit ourselves wholly to! Tid you ever have & sandwich on the nest day (7084), guy charges 101d In London I0|ine" noe" the offerings to God, *7%Y Banlin and Ashiaroth and God in ohedience and the (aith of for breaklast? A sandwich of served the LORD only, Jesus Christ, we have French Toast slices snd hanspas also sommitied adultery ay pHoY iseivh f p tod wil will " A oi lir wa there: and both Jesus was the doy nile He Cg M0 oe Tne magistrete's hearing wos with fhe women wi cme to the All Veruel gathered (ogether | God will he our help. He wil "in Kin 410 Yost at lon Dress. Rosy tatcall ARI | ACL salad 2 i 21d bo the She pa edding y "Cane told John Boline sid is (minnie, Their (nther reproved Mizpeh, They powred om water 14 fall we slices of French 1 Py The run) Organist ond Choirmaste marriage John 2:14 ni GRY [ie Wed y 4 "A (hem but did nd restrain them. hetore the LORD as & symbol sli French Ten | ai sil in "Pelouhet's Select Notes takes place partner, Henry Rapfen, 56, went co CC the battle with the of thelr vepentance And Wnlesiel] YORPIGN INVENTMEND way, Bo "one tice While hot, the Rev. Withur M. Smith ex- Now an bankrupt in England In 1054, piligiines and Ternel wes de their sin, The Philistines drew| ok on va tag 00 tii slisen ot hanews. std a GOLDEN TEXT came to Canada and now have'fested, The elders of Israel de near. The people asked Samuel A fa hy Rios of flied anotiut slice, of lol, yout "nis beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, good furniture store businesses, eided to wing on the ark of God to pray fo then, He first offered 000 In holdings in South Arias. sandwich, and manifested forth His glory; and His disciples belleved on to save them from thelr enemies. a lamh 68 a burnt offering as a é Him, Jon 2:1) Th ? i, aiw, wore defeated sign of thelr dedication to God J But, sles sales between June, 1034, and again, Hophini snd Phinehas were Then God thundered op ~~ Justice 1s the Key to the Age a -- January 1986, and involves WB, Lr oi ihe ark of God was the Philisintes and they fled with ¢ 4 f the of ons ses, B/N . Albert Street United Church pr . y Whatsoever He saith to 400 worth of furs, i J y ! { happens When they wanted vants, W) - bo wor taken, When Eli heard the news the Tsvaelites pursuing, Here on wine, the mother of Jesus saith you, do i doin 2:5 The men left England before (Too ards broke his neck the seme hattleflold where thes be of hi ¢ REV, 5, C. H, ATKINSON, Minister MRS. BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Chelr-hecder The marriage feast HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rov, M, T Holmes. B.A BD Aner By NEWMAN CAMPBELL plains, "And on the third day there 1428) was 8 marriage in Cons of Gallo Christ lee: and the mother of Jesus he points his disciples to Christ) 1959 victory 10 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM, KINDERGARTEN CLASS 11:00 AM Tie Socrament of the Lerd's Supper and Reception of embarrassing thing they Member A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL untie Wim, They have no wine! And there were set there six the charges were 1nd, Their law: and died. Phineas' widow gave had suffered defeat, they were Jesus saith unto her, Woman waterpois of sone, after (he man ver sald although the alleged of- Birth 10 # son Whom she Dated victorious, Samuel raised s stone whet have I to do with (hee? ner of the purifying of the Jews, fence is criminal In England, it gos saving, "The gory is monument, naming it Ehenerer, Mine hour is not yet come containing two or three Hiking (5 not recognized as such in Cone departed from Israel: for the a k saving, "Hitherto hath the LORD John 2:84 (apiece, desus saith unto them, gap, [ie sald the men were pre: God 18 taken," Then she died, helped 5" It wes 8 memorial These words may sound harsh, Vill the walerpois with waler pared in hand over thelr pass: " : Christ, but i to the It was a dark day in Israel of the past and an omen of hope spoken by our gentle Christ, ib And they filled them lo the oon to ensure they would be A for the future, The Philistines they were not meant to he, "His prim John 2:87 available for trial, | Bemus! whe had been trained sd og ne ale AY ' whi " d pen time' was the suffering He knew | ang he saith unto them, Daw The magistrate sdiourned the In the tabemacle hecame the "VET CAINE AR adi f 18, ind way 1 o's Ine wap coming to Him beciise OF WIS out now and hear unto the gover hearing to consider whether they udge of Israel, le pointed out the days of Bamuel livay todo mesigs 9 Or citi unto the sere 1OT Of the feast, And they hate should be retirned under the| lo tein the way to victory, He, yg (he heart's attitide thet ------ His mot her saith unto aki John 2:78 Pugitive Offenders Ast, Which #4 , "If ye do return unto the really counts in religion, We may For further information Please Write 11:00 AM. --MORNING WORSHIP | Christ had turned the water into appifes to ali countries in the'lord with al your hearts, then yave gil the symbols of (rods 9 GLADS RA 5. ad " . | wine and the governor was mys- Commonwesith and is similar to Put away the strange gode and Presence it if " are not serv 29 GLADSTONE PHONE RA 5-7578 a Subject: "WHEN PRAYER BECOMES POWER [4 acnine | 7:00 P.M ~BROADCAST CKLB Welcomed | tified extradition, Ashiaroth from among you, and {ua (fim from the hesrl, we are NO SERVICE IN THE CHURCH -- w= |Prepare your hearts unto the defeated, If we turn from our sing - | poo - G45 AM. Primary tg Senior Sundey Scheel TORONTO (CP)A new Bril 11:00 AM. s=Nursery, Kindergarten Beginners shut wray device demon sthated hy the Toronto General 10H Hospital Friday may bring an immediate revolution in heart surgrey techniques, dootors sald The $50.000 reachine enables efficient movier to be taken of the body prorsesses and yet greatly redu jens the possible me #788 00a net | wie, ! fing this doom Lebour and of find it because It js the #hie Bs WA theusanas of aw ened the sense of justice * PENTECOSTAL CHURCH PIERCE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH 64 COLBORNME £7. EAST §7, Dial 5:-3872 Branch of The Wether Chursh, The Fire Church of Christ, Ssient in Boston, Mos jonite - | rece METHODIST CHURCH | SUNDAY SCHOOL-- 1100 AM $ " ENT ION ! i a oo 0 ire SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM, --SUBJECT; 10.00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL REY, W, A. SMITH OF INDIA SUNDAY "SACRAMENT" 10 AM ~BUNDAY SCH ok F in Ath 0 number Nadrsidoy avaning meeting at 8:00 o'clock (nsludes 1 AM~REY, N. £ CO NDIA "THE GODLY WALK AND 17 ERIE REY, W, A, MeMILLAN, Pastor 245 SIMCOE STREEY REV, IAS MINISTER Tele ne RA 3.4477 St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REY, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A. D.D Orgenist end Choirmasters MR, KELVIN JAMES, A. T.CM 5.4558 - Transportation 11:00 AM, ="MY TALENTS" 9:80 AM Senior, Intermediate and Junler Classes Ro vr + VAR FRR 1 {TV testimonials of healing through Christian Secisnce flog Mr, WA Smith READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Monday 7:00 p.m, ta 9:00 p.m 11,00 AM harmful effects from radiation The device uses mirrors and television eameras Lo project on, a screen an amplified Image] 2000 times brighter than that Tuesday ond Thursday 2:00 pm, to 4:30 o.m EXCEPTING MOLIDAYS ITS RESULTS" 7:00 P.M "PLAYING WITH DAMNATION" 11 am ==Nursery, Beginners end Primary Classes 7:00 P.M~JOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH REV, J, K. MOFFAT WILL PREACH possible with sonventional x-ray equipment This allows doctors to work in i i a lighted room Instead of total 1 " 7 oA R | THE Christian and Missionary Alliance w darkness, gives them a con ' A wo tinuous x-ray photograph as it Is 4 ' Pdintngviou rx heing taken, produces a clearer ! | Se -- image that can be magnified at ! | He idol ish Presenting "JERSEY JOE BAKER" GRACE of TRI COUNTY Y F.C, LUTHERAN toa rg, a me CHURCH Plus Soloist; Miss Pat Barren All this -and more at Y.F.C. § A Lavell School At 7:45 P.M, Saturday, Jan, 7th, 1961 Rev: Carl A, Kartechner " ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH South «= Oshawa o extend a cordial invitation te worship with us Cadilign = Vv. Frasman, Paster CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH «ing s. PENTECOST AL cHurcw Ko Waren 6. Okan, BA, Ww RK. Kellington, Organist:Cholrmaster 611 KING ST, WIEST - Rev, J. M, MacKnight--Pastor 10100 A M =-Sunday School 11:00 AM, ~~Mission Band RA 5-166 Residence Church RA 8-537) 11:00 AM. ~NEW YEAR'S COMMUNION SERVICE 7 P.M. SALVATION . 7100 P.Mi=Young Peoples Union HEALING MEETING EVERYBODY WELCOME Yestorday == Today == Forever 11:00 AM, & 7:00 PM, THIRTEEN YEARS IN CUBA Mirsienary tells of God's protection in the recent revelution Piatures of Cube In the svening servis 10100 AM, -~SUNDAY SCHOOL Wednesday, 8:00 PM Midweek Service SUNDAY SERVICES 10:30 AM 2:18 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL THE LIFE Y OM THE SALVATION ARMY SIMCOE AND JOHN £75 lo Jesus MAJOR AND MRS, MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers Simcoe St C Christ the same PRAYER FOR THE SICK In this service NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD For Transportation all RA 3.0318 MINISTER w= REV. H. A, MELLOW, B.A ORGANIST == MR, J, R, ROBERTSON 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP - - . SUPERVISED NURSERY TINY TOYS CHURCH ws IN 80TH SERVICES | AMPLE OFF-STREET PARKING I COMING SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 194) "YIME AND ETERNITY" Scientific Filme in soles Moody Institute SUNDAY 11:00 AM HOLINESS MEETING 7:00 PM ~~EVANGELISTIC RALLY 2:00 P.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES Tuesday, 2:30 P.M.~-The Moms League Friday, 8:00 P.M United Week of Prayer Services 2.45 AM Tha first in the series © and sound by STEVE ZURBA |, "THIS 1 REGULAF Television SUNDAY SCHOOL =- 9:30 AM, & 11:00 AM 11,00 AM--"A GOOD STORY , , , LITTLE KNOWN" THE CHURCH OF SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELISM |i Baby Sitter Service by Come Double Club MEN'S MONTHLY DINNER MEETING : -- -- | 812 PM~""THE SOCIABLES" This is a new congregation for all ehureh members in Oshawa, for Adults over 20 AT MASONIC TEMPLE, CENTRE ST. FIRST BADRYIST CHURCH MONDAY, JAN. 9th, 6:30 P.M REA ne Fork Suacihemmar, 8A 9.50 PM==FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLA Minister Mi, HM, Philp, Musical Director Director; ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA | SUNDAY SERVICES oe aM ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH | Centre and Bagot Streets THE HOLY SPIRIT | Rev. Clinten ©. Cross, BA, L.Th RA 5.2304 IN YOUR LIFE" Mi EPIPHANY | «HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 AM ~=MORNING PRAYER = REV. GC. CROSS 7:00 PM EVENING PRAYER = REV. D. WILSON 2 -------- HOLY COMMUNION : % 11:00 AM "WHAT THE SACRAMENT | CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH MEANS" Mary and Hilleratt Streets Re. an - A ad: St. Luke 22; 2.20 The Ven, MH. DO. Claverdon == Phone §& $798 Anthem: "Shepherd Care' (Hewlett) SPECIAL SPEAKER DR. A. W. TOZER, formerly of Chicago ecturer and Bible Conference speaker Toronto. REV. MERVIN A BURY MA. 8.0. Minite ' eo Intemationally knawn author Rhvddid Willams Cheli Direster ang Oraanis! * o Now Pastor of Avenue Road Church Musically; HOOPER BROS. QUARTETTE, Oshawa DINNER $1.00 PER PERSON ALL MEN WELCOME CHRISTIAN BUSINESS MEN'S COMMITTEE 7:00 PM STEADFAST FOR '41" 9.00 AM C 00 A YOUTH DEPARTMENT ASER BABY GRICE a NURSERY AND CHURCH SCHOPI 1000 AM 1100 AM i 4 The Week of Praysredan 9-13 Rector i) -- ! Carvany BarTisT 8:00 AM, = 11:90 AM. = 1:00 PM Er - CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Affiliates with ha Pallowship of Evangelical Baptist Churenes w Canage THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Paster REV. W NIVEN AITKEN Come Coun and Barrie Streets and Block hast of Albart --------- Vv. H G RICHEY. L.th KNOX ST. LUKE ST. PAUL'S EPIPHANY | 9:45 AM BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 1 . 9.00 AM ==HOLY EUCHARIST KING ST. £ & WILSON 11:00 AM~=SUNG EUCHARIST, with Processor four blotks tray King 1 : an = able ehureh, corner of Nipigen | Rev. Datek Allan, BA, 16.0, fre Rav, Robert 8 ¢ A and Rossland Rd. W | Minister -------- SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Chureh In the heart of the city with the World on 1 heat MINISTER; REV. JOMN K. MOFFAT BA, Direator of Musici Mr, R, G. Geen, L.T.CM HrmMon 11:00 A M.--=SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER, AND RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS Communion Meditation; Greatest Gift 7:00 P.M.--THE MARK OF A SENSIBLE MAN" loint Service in Simece St. Chueh Communion Service following SUNDAY SCHOOL 0:48 AM Junior. Inte AM wNunery, K IV FU THYATIRA : AKAs In charge of the day: THE REV, EH, MelLELLAN, B.A, 7:00 P.M.--"DAVID AND ABSALOM" y TV AI Hollows Church, = . Meeting present e Moody Film of the Soul 11:00 AM ~""AIR MAIL FROM HEAVEN 4:30 PM EVENING PRAYER, SERMON jv KENNETH J. MATTHEWS 445 Beverley w= RA 8014 Mr, Frank Walter, Organist and Chole Master Mi, David Jenkin. Musiea owe | REV Young People's Tuesday - 8.00 p.m A Everyone Weicome Your Wea. 7:45 Sat Prayer & Bible Stuy ST MATTHEW'S CHURCH » WILSON RD SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE intumaent: The Rev. BR A Shap =~ RA 5.7084 8:00 8:00 PM. w= 11:00 AM, == 7:00 PM Prayer Fellowship a - ---- ST. MARK'S CHURCH ITEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING Avi 0:45 AM -- ------ 92:30 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL YOUNG PEOPLE'S BIBLE CLASS AT WOODVIEW PARK 11:00 AM, ¢ ) ] MORNING WORSHIP LAKEVIEW CHURCH USING PRAYER IN 1941" 1331 CEDAR STREFY : Riv, A Woolcotk «= RA 8.308% 11 AM SUNDAY SCHCOL AT 3:00 PM $00 AM 11:00 AM 700 PM WELCOME AWAITS YOU ALL WELCOME --= NURSERY TO ADULTS Nutsery Facilities ot 11:00 AM. Service Church Sel $4 AM Wows The Master's 11.00 AM The Gentle Word" n Service Brsadceant Over CKLS 7:00 PM Is Your Like a and Qld CHURCH SCHOOL JOHN THE Relig n BAPTIST Nn with a Friendly «AM MAL Invited A mediate, Young Pecpis deigarten, Primary ATTEND THE WEEK OF PRAYER SERVICES 11:00 Nurteiv Class at

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