Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Jan 1961, p. 12

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Boturdey, Jenvery 7, 196) PASSES CHECKED IN Longniese soldiers heck the presse pass of Bernard Du fresne, Canadian VP tall writer, in front 120 Livestock Bought By Cuban Agents Florida purehased animals from | sed Lo ( i hn poldyille radio station fresne, Just returned to | after 4 Bays mmmtn } The of ie ida of i Congo Suen seruting hile shipments ol i FORONTO (LP { Agenis in Canada ghoul MM hi several hundred WH) cattle and han in have United Biate en JURE { ha » about Canadian buys in the they reported sock HITE { onal ea Aer (otal sold to al for M0 Halstéin eaitle left hy Iiehasel trick tn be (ransferred 10 8 heen gon dali ghip ot West Palm Beach, Via Another shipment of 48 Holsteins was due to leave Lomdon, On and distriel farmer William Bra dish sald he would ship another 120 animals ales Earlier, Ontario dealers the Cubans 41 Ayrshires amd mixed shipment of ahont 20 Ayr shires and Holsteins. A shipment of 38 Landvace and Yorshire swine also left Toronto for Cube Friday Fxporiers and they were nol supporting ire Ie Canadian Hivesiook n " 1.200 Mis in date have producers, Prices have heen Averag I'here are the Cubans In tnlarie from the southwestern part ravines ne have seit Provinee h 1A a ought A few Aherdeen Travel Costs Irk Plumbers Also Indications that will heel patil Hevelurd of the alieaiy Anis hi IAI gely wali the farmers find and Me Assnelation arrested Castres regime hy making the LONDON, Ont, (Op Alm sales; They sald Canadian Ive gvery working plumber stock usually had to wall is turn isisamiitter in London stayed away from work Felday, appar ently In protest st a change In $10,000 Recovered arrangements for paying travel Hing easts to men working outside ' In Police Raids ~~ ™ I'he Master Plumbers MONTREAL (CP) Police Fri ehanleal Contractors dav recovered $10,000, helleved old the plumbers union Tuesds to he loot from two recent hank that the association will in future robberies, In a series of valds Inipay travelling allowances only east-end Montreal outside areas of neighbouring Four suspecis were lawnships annexed hy the ell Poliee sald the arvesis are ex- Jan, | pected ta solve the 87,000 holdup! Union. members met Friday of an eastend branch of the | moming at London Labor Temple Provinelal Bank of Canada 188 and none went to work, About 300 Wednesday and a 88.210 robbery plumbers and steamfitters are Ir at another Provineial Bank volved . branch Dee, 44 he work stoppage wis Friday's valds also resulted inj cuded by ponteactors as the selpure of & submachine gun legal, Brie Gresnbeok, chalrman and a revolver, of the Masier Plumbers Associa ton, sald eontractors will not dis |euss a settlement unt the trades men return Canadian Vehicle Production Down tp ( SUED FOR KISSING CINCINNATI (ARM) thi O'Tople, 42, one of Clnelnnatl A hods' most promising pliehers Friday was sued for 558,000 a8 a result of an automobile aeeident Tune 1, 1060. Carole Sleurella, $0 she was Injured seriously the haseball player look hands from the steering wheel of his ear and tried to hog and Kiss her, The was O'Toole 4 With 1% for in 1H TORONTO Jimmy molor vehicle production veek 18 estimated at ABED units compared with 7.00 the-previou Lenk Canadian Auto mobile Chamber of Commerce sald Production for the when made up of A008 oars compared jis A0R1 last week and 1067 trucks compared with 1.973 Potal production 1060 WA 032 vehicles compared ol, 482 in EAD. anadian save Ihe ek wa With ear hit a pole won games and lo the National League "eds MISSING Nothe A Win in wer of Ma PRAY rT sale They The parents of m waka Kasserer 18 pray fo Al MmOraing mass APY h have fer sale relura 'fe are 'LEOPOLDVILLE ; DAUGHTER 0.5. BUSINESS Keynotes 1961 (AP 1 --Blforis w Diales REHNARY ihe keynote gs hEW Bye the # I became i961 pened YORK {mites 4 WER he tile iis iy RELORD LEVELS The UA bad 8 wrong B Pak to tin Hing Bad Faith Claim EITCREBER (CP)=Thke Kaul Vid Fup £2mpeny %@ As awitied Fridey of & charge of fall ng th bargain in good faith 914) of the United Rubies Workers (CIA Wogistinie A, J. Yak of Hambiion sald he spion wine We. Bewlmom requesting #8 Tr her mesting during the fourth Lacs) There seemed 0 We Benet hosed from wel to resume a Week of g strike lest summer and solidence tht Tusiness pnd Evermment, working agether wold get 1EInEs IN An EVER re] helore the year 16 wver | President . dect Kennedy's 5 leaning administration Imekled down to the task of Aeciding how ithe government cod spar the wen y. Bis copie advisors Ad hin the recession might get Wah {| Proposals Included sddiiionsi unemplay ment ompensition, in creased defence and foreign aid spending, move money (or sehom LimstEnetion, expanited urban re BEWARE ProgERME, BUWIE Works programs and hesp Ti Gietressed RrEas Representatives of the Steel workers Union and ' steel com panies got 1ogetner Wn lion Companies Sue Union, Eaton CHATTANOOGA Oh wi il} s 4 Venn, (AP COMPanie Uulted Mine Tenne Valley Au industrialist Cyrus Faion ind Nash $3) 000 0h) rough in US the antidrust Bigteen small Friday Workers thority sed the " nd the Low ie piirond tor he petiom wi wide mall ope southenst Wentifiestion papers frequent riet court 8 night and nepy hulldings a mem wlors from the Tennmties aves i h sed CF from Nation field he i ae congpived to control pro ion and price of eos) in the withern Appalachian region It contends that this has re Athletes' Treatment Gir filme Criticized rove by WITS NE, a. 1 Toronto Stock siti' vit Inquiry Ended reales Block Exchange Inve ol depre i Defence |, the contends that fend ams Ai operator Jug provided hy VANCOUVER n Vaneouve 0 pe cent imhila jured are n by petent trainers Hoy Athleife ald Iw stances whore ath heen further injured helped, bh wi elves trainers fquslified only huekets,' he Toronto sald Friday is fending In Burns nded and "ne head of the BAL Association several In | and Co BLES NAVE Co tior aotion will he laken Last fall the stock Jumped to $16.25 a share from about 812 on the basis of rumors that the Ca hased meat packing firm ould he taken over hy Unlied NR Bates Interests tompetent After the price dipped to helow $18 Burns directors ent the guar Cavell Fralners ol Hall he stock ha han them rather "men 0 CH bt in reall in ean A former ill there are gualified men' in organized ama teur sports in BL He sald Canadian general are 1h years nowiedge of how Jurle eity Athlete, Ca "low trainers behind in real "sells {8 3] has ended $5.25 #001 tern olls shares 4,080,000 wa Ww {erly dividend to 12% eenis from Incompetent In even such ele. Actions, A spokesman sald the ers 1s really disgusting," he sald Dion Eoehiren, an American phy TORONTO A financial he trainers In it and fre. Stock this week for less than LiL] panied the Canadian Olymple Toronte-Dominion Hank and the know how to tle a bandage, They ereases this week while (he stock of TAT has Dominlon Glass Co, Lid, vear offer had misused' the inform TORONTO (CP The stock hase metals 114 at 106.98 and 12 points at TH lonowing the offer Among other trust houses Can | Anglo + Canadian Paper, the in 20 and shares dropped again In reaching $11, Burns stock now al about 811.25 The THE surveyed its member Cavallin said most trainers are Hrms on details of Burns trans mentary skills as taping and that eheek showed "there Was no most high school coaches are of evidence of anyone taking ad no help to students Injured In vantage," nier-high competition Ye whale situation an train U " Off several trainers in Toronlo en q dorsed Cavallin's views { "What he sald ean he applied In Stock Deal fo the United States fon sald therapy graduate and {ralnep E100 Which offered 873 a for Toronto Argonauts of the Big share lor all slick of the Toronto Four Foothall League teneral Trust Corp, has agreed Poo many fellows who played 10 make up the difference to i sport feel they are qualified to those shareholders who sold their quently do the wrong (hing he. & Share cause they have no background! The mave has heen ealled In physieal medicine, or knowl unprecedented in the annals of edge of what eaused the Injury." the Toronto stock exchange Charlle Godfrey, who avoom. The group, which inoludes the team to Rome last summer [Dvestment house of Wom ngreed Vihere are only a handfyl Gundy and Co, Lid, sald 11 was of qualified trainers In Canada,' Making up the difference to sell Most of the men handling ®% who hind taken advantage of sandlol and schoo! teams don't earlier amd smaller price In should have medioal supervision! The shares closed on the ex for an organized training pro. Change hursday at $60, up #0 gram and Jumped another $18 Friday I'. Lamberl, president of the "Toronto Dominion Baik, sald that NET EARNINGS Jumped this week, only a nomi Ny THE CANADIAN PRESS hat Humbe of shares had heen He sald he did not think any Bept, 907 1600 82,410,805, lane with Inside knowledge of the A share; 1089, 88 Bod, 100 atlon but "Just in case' Ms grou had deeided to make up the a ference to early sellers, {Cl Market Closes market closed strongly across the board Friday after one of the most active sessions in months On index, Industrials were up LAR at S2060, golds 2.68 at #6 Wi 0 alt WA Valume 1,100,000 onmpared Ith the traded Thursday Povonto General Trusts Jumped to take over | company's aut standing stock, Toronto » Domine im Bank, a member of the group that made the offer, wel hs at 6% ada Permanent Marigage was up A at 63, Crown Trust gained four points at 8, and Natlopal Trust went ahead three points at LL most active In Ha group, gained oat A, while the biggest loss went te Great Lakes, off a point Moa Golds wen MONE i nast of the sailor proslueers more than a dollar while, among hase metals, Hud son Bay was the pacesetier with a gan Bains of of M4 at 48% RULER Monaen w Wat a constitutia 1a ARSOLUTY n on Ne Tale arching for the \ hs of TY leaving her hom \ mas i promulgated June § soaring gener Beanie dmb, Na tional income, personal Sspos wile income, gross nationsl pro Auct Bnd persongl vonsamphion ERDERAures were Tweaking pes WHS BF Were Remy reer d levels Betall trade esiatiished a nes veemd in VO, slightly exceeding the previews Wh of 199 The putomomis industry ew production sharply this week partly heeause of the New Yewr's Wiliday it misiely because Awl ers have 1000008 unsold cars None of the plants worked mre thin fowr diye snd ell ht ine of Chrysler Corporation's plapls were closed. The number of workers 18id off wis expeeied to pase 000 this month. Outpt whe estimated at TION pore compared with 86.573 last week and 108,248 In the first week of wn ot the same time decided 18 sp py for lesve tn prosecwie the CAV PRIVY Yagisirate March suid he eviid nt Bio the wwion was acting vy god [eith or thet the emppany was meting Wn hed Teith wader these ebrewmet ahurs The industry looked hack on # yenr in whieh SIN B21 cars were produced, & B per cent inerense wer 19%. Sieeimakers expect wtp 0 rise five to 10 per cent pier De cember early tWs year with more shstantial Improvement Wn March or April The vommerce Aeparimemt re poried husinkss Inventories de clintd another $100.00 00 and ales tell $0000 In Novem her J |Requit Company | Now McNichol | Economy Boost | Leaving Als MONTREAL CP fetensine en Dong ReSioht of Wontresl Moneties seid Friday Ws om nayers wre transierrng wm 19 Fon and he womis In We trided by the Als or Be will re tive from Big Four (wth som pein The Bh-popd, Bghyesr vé wren sod Alouelle sificials promised lo see whet they eons da shot EITRRERE B trade with ether Toromin Argomanis or He mitiion Tiger ats Vie (raneler eke pipce Rest Me Nich is expecied WW Wii B wes traded to Ham Wom early in the 1960 season. for end Harry | Ampman Mecha refused to report 16 Hamilton as omg ss Wis Joh wes Were, Alouettes wound wp wih Will, ENTER TEAMS MONTREAL (CP Canada will enter lovin eams-Aow tn the two-man reces and two in the pir man vhers in the world bob ged ehamplmships ot Lake Placid, Feb, 11-12 and ¥ eh, 15-19 The tepms will he selected his month aiter trys ot Lake Placid pe Guerierberk Sem Ficheverry and end Wa Patlerson were (ranih bo Hamiiom, ann Hnemen well: Willy Wudeon nd BWy Sepp the have said they dow'! (mtend to ne ack 18 Wowires, WR MANA ad Leampmes WIRY TencTIng aR REresREnt with Hanmiian MeNiches »ili ie the Bifih known Alouetie tn leave Len to sultlsrers from NEURITIC, RHEUMATIC, ARTHRITIC PAIN, BACKACHE, SCIATICA Templeton's New FLAM CREAM LINIMENT GET DOVELE ACTION! Bie, 8) ard Bo ox Spacif iwatly for The rae oo Gp a a am otis 8 FREE (1m of FLAME vs ih Lor Phy ¢ #eiol 1m of yom drvgeit Wik sey of TREN WIN $300 In PRIZES, Yon might win 6 cash prize of $100 Get YRAE's and FLAMEcream Liv ¢ In he rollan ment today for full per cir for Hambeream 2 \ En br Bd FLAME groom oniernolly Vor wilibn het, M your Brugiiors HOW! McCORDICK'S PHARMACY 160 WILSON RD, §, Ph. RA B71 throughout life RA 5.3400 | RA 37002 RA 3-340 I RA 3.1044 RA 8.0412 MO 83882 # RA 3.0242 i MA 38) ba It's sany 10 soar Into apace, mp, Just leave the molid tril and But before you jumpes=learn how to land! One man ean alight gracefully and continue his eourse, Another will wrap hie skis around his head and end up in the hospital, There are Important life-decisions we often describe as "taking the leap," Going to college, choosing a eareer, getting married these are Just a few, And these "leaps" lead to happiness for soma and tragedy for others, The Church with ita program of worship and religious education maken essential contributions to our life, For what happens after our major "leaps" depends on the character which has heen instilled in us, and on the principles by which we live, The Chureh prepares us for the leaps we are going to take hy teaching us how to land happily, and to continue » right course Sodwripht 1961, Reve Adv. Jovwins, Bevaburg, Vs 208 Blom $v W, AA U4 HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE 47 King $v W RA 5.0354) § IRELAND STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY 1 Athel 1 W RA A622) LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING 58 Many Mt KENNETH ASHMORE PAVING CONTRACTOR $57 Garvard N STAFFORD BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS 118 Dundes $ £. White ROY W, NICHOLS GM, SALES & SERVICE Counties Sowmanville RA 3.045) A SN THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS KEMP'S E550 SERVICE SROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LTD, 104 463 Rites JIM HURVID, PLUMBING & HEATING 215 Wihen MAMBLY TIRE LTD. LUDWIG DEZSI Painting and Decorating Contractor 736 Eantbourms Ave R. 8, REED & SONS FLORISTS 10 Kina ALDSWORTH CLEANERS Yo a8 Athol SB GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP 70 King + § A. HEFFERING'S E550 Ne. 2 Hwy. & Thickson's Rd Attend the Church of Y THE CHURCH FOR ALL , ,, ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Chureh Is the greatest factor on earth for the building of charaster and good citizenship, tin 0 torshouss of dpiritual values, 'Without » wrong Church, neither democracy nor civilisation aon survive, There are Tour sound vessons why every person should atiend services regularly and support the Church, They aver (1) For his own sake, (2) For his children's sake, (3) For the sake of his sommunity and nation, (4) For the sake of the Church loaf, which weeds his moral and material support, Plan to go to thurch regularly and read your Bible daily, Rook Verses Pasims Day Sunday fonday uesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Baturday Chapter $34 Ritson Ra 3 NORTH OSHAWA PLUMBING 82 Wayne Ave, dd. N A. W, RUNDLE GARDEN 1018 King §. § M3 B08 HOY CONSTRUCTION 1154 Nelson $t OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL 877 King St # N, NH, EDGAR & SONS LTD, PAINT & WALLPAPER 1.735 M King ® RA Ww, now HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD, RA 3.4412 1089 Nelon $t STEPHENSON'S GARAGE RA 5.0822 15 CUhaieh 8 MASTER FEEDS 34 Chureh ®t our Choica RA 3222

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