Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Jan 1961, p. 11

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CM HOME 0 ay F THE WEEK HAR yw | i Dr. R. B. Green (Guest Speaker | ESnNiskii ry Year and Veime Wiss Laverne Serviees got olf to & Pine sant Crehard, Bowmanville were Bew with Dr. BB. Green, # former Year guests at WW. SLamion's miwister, as guest speaker. The Mr. wnd Mrs. Allan Yartin and (WEE CORGIEERIIONS Burketon, lamily, Mr. and Mrs, Cart Brants Entidld and Enmisiciiien met tor and (amily, Bon manviie, were 'naniher a Enmskitien with Mr. and Yrs. A. Brust Chireh with Burketon choir and Wis, 8. Yanvotkenbrg, Mi. and Header Mr. A. Torniisi providmg Mrs. F. Eiiis and [eimly, were i beaut itidl mathe with Mr. and Wes. Gordon G#f Over fifty enfoved # delightful VRE (CREERIER . Wesew. a evening at the home of Wr, and Ar. and Mrs Avan Werry Ling Wis, 4. Russell Ormiston Friday 'ARIlY were with Mr, # Fé Dew ad dads 4 . r PAO . #1 i 4 470 IGN NO, 439 | minted with Mo HOME DES Like » [res this plan sparkle Willing Aka patin with priviey velrigerator SARCLK NAF. IRFEE QIRIRE Foam: HVing room located for minimum (ral fie and & three bedroom sleep Ing wing Note convenient loci tion of lavatory and ine deluxe ise haw) Aniary Blandard Builders Costing 8.7% a set are obiginahle in Canada for this Design 40 a this News from address cin Bla front fn ange MARIN hall in OVER freee Briek wall bil Blueprints in Avalianie paper Office REIOW I & new and enlarged 1960 Book of House Designs entitled "A new Selection of Low Cast Now n NEW HIGHWAY AMMAN (AP ARFREMENL With United Blates 0 for highway Dead Ses Under & new fardan, ihe will supply $2,100 ruction of a 17-mile lerusalem tn the con from Real Estate Douglas L, Gower ® REALTOR o For all your Real Estate Needs PHONE RA 8.4651 LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING Wa ars Experts in all Plumbing problems RA 5-1044 Sheet Metal MODERN SHEET METAL 313 OLIVE AVE OSHAWA RA 60163 RA $8163 IF IT'S RUGS . ," CALL NU-WAY Wallsta-Wall Breadloem Carpets Stair Runner, sts 171 Mary St RA 8.468) vs... McLaughlin Heating tor o FUEL OIL « STOVE QI\ * Prompt Delivery 104 King W, RA 3.340) IT'S DIXON'S Far the BEST in FUEL and Heating Ruuipmene A DELCO by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert 51, RA 3.466) | Building Supplies : \ NARLEIGN SUPPLIES (OSHAWA) LTD, PIHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.3012 Bn -- ---- FOR THE FINEST IN FLOOR COVERINGS cal ROSS E. MILLS 20 SIMCOE ST. N, RA 86210 | | hronge clock fiee. M0, in honor of Mr, and Yrs Rorrondiie, shane, Graham Hughes, formerty dune WE, And Yrs Vora Womre, Werry, daugier of Wr. and Wis, Trenion, Mostyn Howells, Quenee {Garden Werry Toromin, Aso a HE Bennie Dorrell, whe retired mrthaay surprise (or Wise Myrtle wame from CGEFmany vised wis Tamion, of Toronto, Wr, Wiltan Coniins, the W. Howells Siainton, In 8 CAPANIE HARREY Wise Maureen Wi called on the (How IBE Program one Ay [asl WEE which Wghly pleased all present: Shirley Avery | Piano music wy Mrs, Everett Mr. and Mis. Boy Langmaid Brown, Oona; vochl solos by Wr. and Mrs, Charley Langmaid Mrs, George Carson, Orono, ae- ond family, Baling, Mr, and Mrs, companied by Mrs, Wilton Blaine Hlovd Preston and boyy Bowman an, Enwiskiten; reading, "Bt, ville, Jim Bineman, Courtice, Mr Peter at the Golden Gale" hy and Mrs, Keith Mell and hoys virilea Mis VR with w -- 71% EQ FT, fomes foi 10h, Contains nding | storey Lore and plus much Canadians price 4 designs in storey, 2 homes information J ' f L20 sit le useful fre, Ivan Sharp, Enniskillen; were New Year's guests at | cornet solos by Mr, Cantos Tam: MelGill's Wyn, Orang secompanied hy Mrs Vim and Douglas Billets, Bear LE. Brown, Orono, A $ng-song by horn, spent last week with Roy |# VETYOnE was then led Wy Canas MeGilVs afl Aecompanied Mis. BE. ay Brown " hy were Rome Wr. and fa Mrs fam with {he Year's Lorne Lamb Recent YEW Mrs on FEab Enniskillen AR RdavE hg Willred Bowman behalf of the consing, to the ride My, and and bridegremn. A (nlig Boor Mr, and iamp and table was presented 10 and Chri them hy Mrs. Ross Ashton and Wi Mr. Ray Ashion, Graham and family June made suliphle response appreciation of the gifts Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mis, A. MeKinnon and fouie MeKinnon rye aver might guests st J. R y IRs WeREK WHR Larne Lamb were Ciiflord Hetr, Faith Fairview, Penn Roy Aver Were Aver isitor Yrs Mrs Ling and Mrs Tilbury WW guests at Clarence Wir, and Mrs. bi Fie Lutes and Gary ETE BUnday rs A and New Year's on Building 1erme ana ments. Order your cap Also included in this Book is full information a order the hlueprints require tay Design mn how Mrs BEANO H Mr. and Wn Lae Werry Miss Friday Ormis callers at { ery's The Building Editor, Oshaws Times, Oshawa, Ontarin Enclosed please find 81,00 Howse Designs entitled "A Homes For Canadians," (Ple to The (shawn Times.) Name Address fan's My Were and BARGAIN BLY In 1870 Canada purehased 1,00 0 square miles of land from the Hudson's Bay Compan ala price of one dollar #8 square mile Mrs. J. RB. Ormiston New Year's guests of Mr Mrs. Liovd Ashton, Haydon Wr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs visit ed relatives in Lindsay - and halem Dr. and Mrs B. Green and family, Kingston, Dr. Roy Clark Misses Betty Knox and Jeannelie | Bayder, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs KR, Knox, Mrs. Lk. D. Bykes Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. W, Bow (man and family, Miss Lois Ash ton, Mrs, H, Millson and girls were New Year guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Blemon ana for which send me Book of New Selection of Low Cost ase make remitlance payable h Don't wait for success MAaKINE It HEN how LISIBE YOur DUsIness Service regu larly in the town's most read ad section the dependahle Oshawa Fimes Classified Pages Stan hy adver FIRST AID TO By ROGER C Mrs of Mrs manville Miss Judy Green, Kingsion, spent the New Year's holiday weekend with Miss Lois Ashion M. J. Hohhs was a gues Walton G. Pascoe, Bow AILING HOUSE WHITMAN ¥s ' SWEATING CABINET WALLS QUESTION: My house | have a problem kitchen calinels swealing during the winter and food Wn them be coming moldy, Could this he caused hy there heing no insula tion between the wall and the cabinet hacks" The cahinels are made of plywood. They are on the north wall. Would removing the hacks of the cahinels solve this problem" ANSWER: The cahipels are sweating during the winier mosl likely hecause of damp kitchen air whieh cannel escape due to closed windows during this sea When this damp alr comes with the cold (north) vals of the cabinets i condenses causing the sweating condition Removing the hacks of the cab inets wouldn't salve the problem the molst air should be drawn aut of the kitchen hy installing an exhaust fan, vented to the oul doors, or keeping Kitchen win dows open at the top to allow the moisture 1a escape 1h with is years old son in contact GILT ON BRONZE CLOCK | aver a solid vears old have LU QUERTION THE HOME WORKSHOP CHILD'S ROCKER PATTERN 4 30 Rocking with musie is a spe elal delight that any Home Workshapper may give & small girl or boy. Pattern 430, which has actual-size cutting guides and divections, will he mailed for 50 cents. A list af sources of supply for musical move ments 1s included. This pat torn alsa is one of four in the Furnishings for Childeen Pack el 61 for $1.78. Address anders to The Home Workshop Dept, I'he Times, Oshawa DRY-SINK PATTERN 259-N 5 Your plants he al their host sing on mast pebbles the well af an aldiashioned sink. And vou do aot have to vail far an antique dealer ta fing 1-18 2asy 1a make a on with Pattern 23:N Be malied to you tw his pattern alsa is ane A the Old-Time Furaishi Packet No. 8 all for 51.93 Address. orders ta The Home Warkshop Dept, Times, Osh ana TE A house will in ary one for you repraduct whieh wil Wcents of tour The Someone painted over the bronze! Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Button | fs . vith cheap gilt, | want to remove Ovone, Mrs, Ken Gra And this and have a polished bronze Pa ia! ig W No Na: i ( 57 Teg AYES JdiM Al AIFF in i i Sow in | do yi gilt with Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs, Keith a prepared paint remover, avail Ferguson and family, Bowman able at paint and hardware Ye. Mr. and Mrs, Don Lee, and stores, following manufacturer's AMI Oshawa were with Mi instructions carefully. Use the #nd Mrs, Walter Ferguson nonflammable kind, if possible David and Brian Ferguson For a highly arnamented surface, Bowmanville, spent Xmas hol use a small hrush or steel wool 10 days with Walter Fergusons y MN gel nto the depression Mr. and Mys, Roy Hope and ode Then polish with good metal family, Port. Perry, Frank Bey: ja bo polish, applying a thin coat of mour, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs, | & special lacquer Keith Cryderman, Enniskillen were New Year guests of Leonard Blanton's Ray Dillahaugh, John Wiskin Oshawa, Miss Mary Griffin, Row.| ** fram the distributor to replace the Manville, Mr. and Mrs, Wallace gasket around a refrigerator GION Heather and Dale were door? Ov can It be ohiained at| With Russell Griffin s hardware dealers according to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm iength needed? Pyrone, were New Year's Eve A al Jahn Grifin's, Mr, and Mrs ANSWER isitors at John Griffii's. Mr, and With specific gaske Mrs, John Griffin and family Heular refrigerator i were New Year's guests of Lorne course; this is usually available Griffin's, Blacksinck fram the refrigerator service. But! ™genh Rogers and Will Bentham alisfactory replacement material Bowmanville, Dr. R. BR. Green for adequate re-sealing around Kingston, were callers al Mr. and the door, can he purchased hy Mis. W. H Moore's the yard ev in packages contain Miss Clara Page ing pre-cut lengths, fram hard with her mathe ware dealers, This is an adhesive Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beaumont and hacked material Tames, Toronto, were weekend guests of My. and Mys. A, Lead heater 3 Me, and Mrs, & RH were New Year guests al My Mrs, KE. 0. Pethick's, Toronto BK bh fn i uv GASKET REPLACEMENT QUESTION: Is it necessary to obtain a specific sige and (ype Best replacement is gasket for the par you have, o | / ~ Foronio, was Mrs, E. Page ROOM CORNER CRACKS QUESTION: A comer in m Hyving room eracks constantly fram the vibration of IYUCKS pass Pelhiok and alsa ' 8 3 " Pp, 204 op Mo po TOPW, ~ Clarence Slain Elwyn Digkoy and Mps room ave atl open; | dread have oosie and Mrs. F. Darld § vou could recommend that would Mr, and Mrs, J, H Borvowdale's ANSWER: Painters' musing ® pupone, My, and Mrs. Adam (This material is available at wall: ginner "guests at Mr. and Mrs quently used to over badly: UNG Gnd Mus, Flayd Beekett, SOUNDPROOFING CEILING inn Oshawa Hospital, Mrs, Gea, | family home and iL seems as iF ooo 0 ANSWER: Acoustical tile, in Tams Mr, and Mes soundproofing. Fallow manufac ing. No patching has held; the ag and Mrs. Stanley Turner, ol papey cracks badly MY hawa, Miss Elsie Oke, Mp. Al 3 foyer, living room and dining bert Oke, were New Year guests! A ing the corner torn oul, a wire Mr, J. A. Werry, Mr, and Mrs angle inserted and veplasiered 18g A Werry amd family were there any kind af cloth material ests al 4 New Year's party al {keep the plaster and paper from' shawa. | ANSE nthe earner Mr, and Mrs. Harold Skinner close woven fahrie, aver the Sharp, Mr, and Mis, Ivan Sharp, | wall might salve the problem. Linda and Janet were New Year's paper dealers and is applied like Ross Sharp's, Mr, and Mrs, Clem | wallpaper 1t ean he painted oF gam and family, Haydon, were |Rpered as desired, 10 is 100 gaied 1a the supper guests cracked plaster walls and eel aug family, were New Year's nas guests at 0, Beckett's, Tyrone, | sorry to report Mes. W. Howells QUESTION: How can | 8 frwin and Mrs, F, Tams are in ahout soundproofing a eeling? | \yomanial Hospital, Bowmanville, | | live (nthe lower part of & Wo we ish (hem all a speedy ve the ceiling is paper thin, 1 PAR "Ned gaviney Graham, Miss ta put tile on, Would this sound: yo coe qraham. Me. Wilbur Tams, proat it Purple Hill were callers al Ms stalled on furving strips out of Mi contaszt with the present eelling, ton will he an excellent method of urer's instructions, available fram your tile dealer, cavefully for hest results MASTER Today's Spe TOP QUALITY ARBORITE (Ne, 111%, Slised Walnut solar enly) hy i While present sesh LLIN McCULLOUGH LUMBER a= RVICE MADE US 1270 SIMCOE AY, WN Iron Ore Quota Suggested For United States WASHINGTON (AFP) A mem her of the United Biates Howes of Bepresemtatives suggested Pharsdey the Enifted Bales a impose AR Import GER MR WOR WE fon Bennett (BR. Wick.) intre duced & WI In the Howse (hat void restrict Smporis of Won ore. one of Canada's Wg exports 18 the United Siates. The Wil was referred (o the ways and mews ermmitier Fhe United States imports sib stantial quantities of rom ore from Yenerneip, Sweden, iver' end Brazh as well ae Canada hei i fé uv MAITESE MIGRANTS More than 25000 Linger ants from Malta have heen Resisted to move la Australi since 1946 p RICH IN RICE Indemesian rice crops lor 60 were estimated st 8000 500 1 14mis PREMIER PRESBYTERIANG # The first Preshyvierias congre. ! gation in Canada wae niganiied il Guehee aAhost 1706 'Talks On Aged | Begin In U. S. i CRiafliah AEF Ers da] White Homise comlevence on Eng, whieh opens here Monday fh EE REO #eross the the proviems of Eder) whi he shed Reurance tor the aged and how PETVices; James Band, Onane Canadian Emhaesy, fo Move i to pay tor it ERRTEEE That stacked in tavor of husiness pnd helical . grappled hal 1990 ance lor the aged he paid out of OVFOSED BY AMA ohn that the medical Rssociption | THE GMAW A Tims, Sotwrdey, Jonwary 7, 1961 11} { 1eptly IRiser of we " Hankins ir oA ial Biraaton th (hs " BGT TH ata 30 Bellamy, menisl and Wellare ( (HRey EET ES By HAROLD WORKISON Fmg with the private Insurance Canadian Press Mall Wiker [gompanies and the Chamber mi WASHINGTON (CP Vem y | Commerce, exeried Pressure 1s 4 ViEp oF. Holmeried Crone, Trwomio got Barge mmner of IREF O98 (ord Aciegaias Bl Lhe ronlerence | Among (he Canadians invited | Estimate 1 cost wont 52000, 0re Dv. E. A Watkinson, princi Aging thie Lanlevence grohiity will Pel medical officer of ihe 1eaeral sceretiny Agim 2,70 egsies (rom VERE AERRITIRER s ERYITARIHEN nadian Welare United States dig two 181 health division; lan Camphels, Dy, Ian Macdonald y Eien National coordinator of the fed Medical Associa | can West ETRE Vahor AepRrtment's evil re- Humphrey habitation Wank; Dr. J. BN. epecipl studies, Cem i Crawlord, director-general of (64: and Housing Corporation veteran affaive treatment and Pat Conny Rak wlitend the (owidey Ontario hes Wis, dean divector, Yoramtin i" Farmvie 7 Hamat, flag, Chr (ripwe; a CARH Cine EL anid Yimamtayg or om Awl dagm Ont igh Wasnimgion, ah Carver, Ad they EVE Fgaest how i y Biggest and most COMER ETHR sue 15 the auestion of herith Fp Lahr fa Ld (ne delegate, Pre, soir Wilbur 4. Cohen of the miversiy of Michigan, has he conlerence » IEEE GUPORIRG COM WIBOVY IRs RICE President - elect has ddd Kennedy COAT aE IEREF S0CIRl BEEHTFILY lanes Medical Asoc Rikice wih proposal. Thane mainiain he American nas gi Kennedy's side wih Bennedy Wm En nt ® 6 Ib, 36¢ ® 26 Ib, Tbe 16 CELINA STREET "ICE SALT" Remove Ice and Snow the Easy Way oper Smile Don't be dismal See us now for 8 heme 10 ® 50 Ib, 1,36 ® 100 Ib, 1,99 needs end your budget you $V Iincanvenience by Realtor You Can Depend on A Realtor OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD a Uy RA 3.2312 | REacroR + 3 Pes iL " Rl ani Fgh The Times Will Use Larger Type Starting Monday Next Monday The Oshawa Times will make another major move in its continuing effort to present its readers with a mare readable, more interesting and more informative newspaper. The mass of news in a paper is set in what is called bady type, the size of which is measured in points'; the larger the size, the greater the number of paints, On Monday, the body type of The [imes will be larger, and there will be an increase, tao, in the depth of tha line af type itself. For those interested in the technical terms, the news will appear in 8-point type on an 812-point "slug", replacing the present 712 point on 8-paint slug, There will be no reduction in news content to acct modate the larger type, The change is being made te make The Times just that much easier to read \ Me The Dshavon Tunes ore Than 17,000 Homes Every Day RA 8.4088 LN ao a a 4 UEUIRITE

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