Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Jan 1961, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrbey, Jomvery 7, 1961 wm Ei, ad oo Ng 4 'Gordie Howe's Own Haunt Him? 4.3 te ' ONE WAY TO GET YOUR: PICTURE IN PAPER This Is "goMing the hard way' but Charlie Lavoie of Pembroke won the doubtful honor of being the first man on | Golf Club, in 196] of snow, Charlie is shown hey e SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' FIDEL CASTRO isn't really expecting International War, Oh sure==he's erected machine-gun nests and some anti-aircraft gun blockades, but he knows, like every» hody else that his great danger is from within If you need proof---then look at the sports pages, not the front pages, Castro is going to let all his Cuban baseball stars return to their American and National League elubs and all others who have a chance, can join the American eireuit at anytime, If you took a political look at this situation, especially if you were in politics, you'd likely come up with a suspicious eonclusion, But look at it from simply a sports outlook and you suddenly get the idea that mavbe Fidel isn't too far off base either, In letting all the Cuban ball players return to the US, for their respective contracts, It becomes evident that the Cuban situation really isn't an all-out warfare campaign after all TORONTO LEAFS, in the past 24 hours, have made much of the fact that movie films of the game the other night prove that Shack didn't hit Gordie Howe with the stick-~that Howe suffered a 10-stitch eut when his head hit: the ice, They haven't yet actually published any pictures, In the same game, Coach Sid Abel insisted Mahovlich seored his goal by kicking the puck in the net, We haven't seen any pictures of that play either Actually, all we have had is a lot of talk and not too much evidence, Pictures can lie--this has heen proven for vears--and just maybe this time, Eddie Shack is hiding behind something that didn't show in the camera We like the way Howe and the Detroit elub is acting in this case, There's no wild sereaming--such as we would expect from the Toronto press there comes a payoff----we hope they hlame as is their present attitude and if-and-when, aot just as free-from ¢ BRIGHT BITS:~8arnia Golden Bears are insisting that the Senior ORFU League be enlarged, In view of the faet that half of the four-team league already has had trouble 'staying alive'=-this is quite an attitude , +» MRS, WOOLLEY of Toronto Granites, will represent that area in the Provineial ladies' single-rink curling competition, She beat out Mrs, Ah Simmon of Toronto Roulevard 14-10 yesterday their district playoffs , BRANCH RICKEY will up the York National League ball elub, according to latest reports , +» TRAINERS, the competent variety, now listed and recognized, as a very important part of a professional sport team's set-up NORM VAN BRROCKLIN, ace forward=passer of Philadelphia Eagles now announces that he was promised a head coaching job when he signed up with the Eagle If this is true, there's no over recent developments , , are already reporting good returns from their ice-fishing trips to Lake Simcoe , , , IT'S THE SEASON for Outs door Sportsmen and already we are hearing of major success by same of the local and distriot hunting enthus iasts, who enjoy chasing rabbits, fox, "jacks", ete this time of year, in head New are heing three ears ago he's a bit annoyed , OSHAWA FISHERMEN wonder y At HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS Amevican League WhkT PF M1 01m 1917 ony 1781 1 U8 1717 11 1718 114 Rochester 1418 3191 Providence 1 3M 012 Friday's result Springfield 4 Cleveland 1 Tonight's games Rochester at Cleveland Auffale at Hershey Providence at Springheld Sunday's games Cleveland at Roohesters Hershey at Butfalo Springfield at Providence Eastern Professional WLYT F APs 3 7T 31M 2 194 31813 4 ERIE Rr BEE HH ANTI IIR 21MIN 23 Rk MIND Friday's result Sudbury 1 Kitchener 1 Saturday's Sault Ste game Marie at Kingston Sunday's games Sudbury at Montreal Sault Ste. Marie at Hull-Ottawa Kingston at Kitchener OHA Senter A WHT ¥ 18 1 130 11 7 4 8 1101 8 WwW 04 1 8 WN Galt ha Ww Strathroy 613 5 TH 100 Friday's results Chatham 2 Woodstoek & Windsor 6 Galt 3 Tonight's game Stratford at Strathroy Sunday's game Woodstock at Windsor OHA Junior A Pls 108 Aa 13 8 146 8 LEE 1 1H 17 1 19 38 Springlield Cleveland Quebec Huffalo "Hershey Windsor Chatham Stratford Woodstock Lh) Wr A H. Oilawa 8 8 Marie Nitchener Sudbury Ningsion Montrea Lueiph N. Falls 81. Mike's Peterbora Hamilton St, Cath IMaribharos 115 119 A Pis A] on 30 13 the fairways of the Pembroke | at the 8th hole, with an upiden Undeterred by nesr-zero cold and six inches tified friend, He used skis and # tennis hall instead of golf shoes and #& golf hell CP Wirephole Joe Wary Of Future With Lane KANSAS CITY (AP) Joe Gordon, who ean't seem to keep from working for Frank Lane told Kansas City hasehall fans Friday he would have to wait a while hefore he eould discuss the prospects of the Athletics "With Lane around, you never know who is on your club," |eracked Joe, Gordon, the field manager, and Lane, the newly appointed gen |eral manager under new owner {Charles Finley, were guests al an Optimist Club luncheon, Gordon who was hired, fired, rehired and traded to Detroit hy | (Lane during a three-year stint in| (Cleveland; fold the e¢lub he al {most fell out of his chalr when {he heard Lane had followed him {to Kansas Cily, "Frank and I have lots of fun { kidding," said Joe, "You noticed {he didn't use any flowery words {when he introduced me, I won't | get many compliments from him | But don't think Frank and I don't get along." Lane promised would see some changes "We can't guarantee any cer. {tain place in the standings but we will improve the club," Lane sald Last year the A's finished eighth Rickey May | Head New | NY.Club NEW YORK (AP) Donald Cirant, a major stockholder In the New York baseball team which will operate in the Na tional League In 1068, hinted strongly Friday that Branch Rickey will soon succeed him as club president While refusing to ddentify the former head of the Continental League hy name, Grant acknow ledged, In a prepared statement, that such a move may he in the works "It's no secret! the statement read, "that when and if we have completed our other organiza tional arrangements with the National League and we are ready to organize our baseball team, we: will undertake to ae quire the services of some well known expert in the field or or ganlging teams, We have nol completed negotiations with any one yet," Rickey, 7, veached al his home in Pittsburgh, said he had not heen approached hut indi cated if he were he would give the matter serious consideration, Friday's results St. Michael's & Niagara Falls Hamilton 3 Guelph Tonight's games St. Michael's at Peterborough Guelph at 8t, Catharines Sunday's games Niagara Falls at Marlbovos Hamiion at 8t. Michael's Western League Partland 3 Vancouver 4 Seattle 4 Edmonton | Nava Soatia Senior New Glasgow 3 Brookfield & N, Ont, Senior A Timmins-Sohwm, 4 Rouyn:Nor, 6 Abitinl 3 Kapuskasing a Saskatohewan Junior | Melville 4 Regina § Ontarie Junior Windsor & Chatham 17 Detroit ¥ Dresden 4 Stamford 1 Dundas 4 Intercollegiate Exhibition MeMaster 2 U. of T, 4 Niagara Distriet J B Catharines & Welland Ont, Intermediate A Dundas § Geargetown 7 1 ] 1] N Words By IACK SUTAIVAN Canadian Press Ball Wiker Gordie Howe says in 8 CWT (5, sports megarine thet Eddie Shack has heen "BORIGIRE IE holding we, WERSICKING WE for three years, But, pdds the great Detron Red Wing right winger, 1 can't fault Shack lor checking me herd oi the time" "dish It out mysei, so | have odds YENeiE io he able to take #," he in the article, ghostwritien by Stan Fischer, » Dew York sports wrier, The megavine had hardy repched the newsstands when Gordie found Bimseil wn hospital with # slight concussion and # stitch gash on his forehead The villian in the plece was Toros Maple Lesls FKEddie Shack, » goof sort of guy Whe skates as though he has hoops hetween his legs, Howe probably is pondering thet article, mithough i is wh likely he is having second thoughts about the herum-scarvm Lenl left-winger whe hasn't heen known 19 dodge » Light since he broke into the Nationsl Hockey League with New York Rangers % 108. The Sudbury, Ont. Rative Bas besn flaming Ws mescies sacs he Wt the Wg Lime GIVEN MAJOR in Wis first season he spent 109° minutes in the penalty box, last serson It was 116 and so [ar ts year, with iutie more then hell the THgame schedule COMmpeie the (oth is #5, He's wmost on Shack received # fvesmipute maior for 16mg Howe tn Wed nesdey wigh's game tt Toroms because, as referece Dalton Me Arthur explained i, » face cut as result of B Wigh SLICK MeRns an automatic mer, Bt movies oA the game show that Howe was Wit by Bheck's glove and thet the gash resulted from Wie hess #riking the ice One thing is swre, the Bed Wings aren't Bkely 8 do much on the ike without the Wi-year-oid native of Florel, Bask, whe has heen the heart of ihe team pimost since the dey he joned them back in 1946 as an 1B-yesr-md A proud and dedicated athlete Howe is probably one of the most durable men In B EAE WHETE odily comtact (6 aR RECEPAEA PRT of the gay. 1 le remarkable how he has sash Bp WiAeT i, PRIVE warty since he is fair game for PIER E PIRYETE WRG FRGst Fevihint im because of Wie PIERRE SH EE SELDOM OUT He hes missed omy 15 games in the last 10 seasons wey % mn bis entire 15UeRr career, Three of those games were this sepson When he missed (he first tg schedisied coments hecaise of # leg iniery and the other op Thursday wight st Detroit in the second game of 'the Detron/ Tor ote hackAnback doubieherder In 16 of bis 15 sersons he has played the entire schedule, By bis own sdmiesion, he re calves more than $5000 & yes from the Red Wings, He has interests in # couple of busi nesses in Detroit, & wile and four children I'm the happiest Buy WH Ihe world, all because of hockey," he SAYS IB the CUITERL TNRERTINE article whieh, appropriately enough, is titles Nohody Can Knock Hockey to Me." Sam Etcheverry Has 'Em Guessing | HAMILTON (CP)-What gives with Sam Eilcheverry" Montreal Alouettes of ihe Four Football Union don't nm Hamilton Tiger-Cats do, Bo do $i, Louis Cardinals, New York Giants would Jf 8, Louis didn't Other professional foothall clubs are reporied to have east covetous eyes on him, I reports emanating from various National and American League cenires from all points of the compass are correct, Sam is the most wanted quarterback on the eon tine From the TigerLats who own him---Canadign foothall commis sioner G. Sydney Halter of Win. nipeg says they do there's not much to shed any light except the assurance that they're on the friendliest of terms with the great signal-caller TRADE THAT STUNNED Etcheverry, 8, rated hy many the most brilliant passer ever lo hit Canadian foothall, was (he central figure in a stunning Big Four trade last fall that sent him to Hamilton after nine greal sea sons with the Als With him went Big want his top pass catching end Hal Montreal got import quarterback Bernie Faloney and Canadian lineman Don Fagueite in return Eicheverry let if he known he would do some thinking about go ing to Hamilton, The December deadline hy which he was 10 make his decision came and went, Jake Gaudaur, Hamilton manager, said and Elche verry had friendly talks but has not indicated definitely that he expects Lo sign him Halter has said a frade clause in Montreal contract apparently feels is an "oul for him, has no validity as far as the Canadian Foothall League is concerned and that he expects the National League to ahide hy the CFL ruling under a gentle men's agreement OFFERS REPORTED There have heen reports of of fers to Etlcheverry from Dallas Cowhoys of the National League and Dallas Texans, Boston Pal riots, Buffalo Bills, Los Angeles Chargers and Houston Oilers in the new American loop The Cardinals figure they have a claim on Etcheverry in view of contract negotiations dating no-eut, no Eicheverry's which Bam 8, Louis conch Fop Ivy ng cated something is in the wind We have talked with him and indicated an Interest in Soining us," lvy said, "We plan another talk in the near future," The Giants would like some quarterback insurance with the impending retirement of Charley Cone have B8ak they'll respect the Cards' elaim to Eilcheyverry LEAVES A QUESTION Where does that leave ton? It may not mean anything, Gaudaur sald Thursday night that the Ticats have signed an other quarterback whe will re main nameless for the moment He was equally secretive shoul the other half-dozen or so United States ciotlege stars signed by Hamilton to date Gaudaur conceded that com petition from the American pro leagues has heen tough this year as far as college players are con cerned hut 'I think we'll get one of every three we Were " he has who Hamil ont after And ahout the Bt, Louis inter est in Etcheverry? | "Nao comment," sald Gaudaur Olympic Games |Good Crowd Modernize Tokyo TOKYO (Reuters)--1f all the dreams and plans come true, by the time the Olymple Games open here in 1964 Tokyo will be a wonderful eity There will he new super-high the Athletics ways, flush toilets for all, ample| Ww estern-style hotel accommoda tion, seores of pretty hoslesses, stalwart policemen and obliging taxi-drivers who speak English, a monorail to whisk air traveiers from Tokyo International alrport into the city, and extended sub way system, heautiful parks and sports fields, swimming pools ' But if the plans fall, Tokyo will he remembered as a nightmare hy the thousands of foreigners expected to come here that year There will he Inadequate walter supplies, insufficient hotel accom modation, uncomprehending Jap anese in the hars, on the streets and in the restaurants, half-com pleted sports facilities and a con glomeration of traffic whieh even now threatens to hecome a per manent blockage To make (he dreams come frue, Japan needs, according to the Olymple authorities, shout £,000,000,000 yen (about $16,200, 000) for immediate requirements But the question is; Where is all that money to come from? Using the people's taxes lo pay for it has heen frowned on, It 1s a delicate point which could he come a political Issue The governor of Tokyo, Ryu: tara Azum, returned from the Rome Olympics and suggested that the Italian toto calcio het ting system might he introduced based on professional hasehall and sumo, Japan's traditional form of wrestling, Meantime, construction for the Olympic Games plan have passed the blueprint stage, They (eague's top point producer, got 1817 vs Palice provide for an enlargement of the (wo goals and three assists, Only p.m principal sports arena from a solid work by Bud Blom in the §.00 p.m, capacity of 55,000 persons to ahout 100,000. An indoor pool with a seating capacity of 25,000, a sneeer stadium and a small gym nasium will be built In the Tokyo (he first period, added the only Greenwood, Local 3784 Area Big M Could Top 60 MONTREAL (CM) If Frgnk Mahovlich maintains his amas ing scoring pace he will have a total of 63 goals for the season and bust a National Hoekey League record wide open The way the hig leftwinger of Toronto Maple Leafs has heen slamming in goals, he may #o even beyond that figure, He has scored 35 goals in 30 games The NHL record for one sea: son is 80 goals, It was made in the 104445 season by Maurice Richard of Montreal Canadiens who retired before the current campaign, He accomplished his feat In a Agame schedule a goal-a-game clip Frank's present pace--figured to three decimal points at B06 goals a game--would give him 44 goals after 50 games, On the | same basis, he would have & for | the Th-game season . should Mahoviieh falter, twa of Richard's teammates have a chance to better 30 goals for the Iseason but are well off a goals a-game pace, Bernie Gealtrion has scored 268 goals and Diokie Moore 25, each In 3 games Gordie Howe of Detroit Red Wings has come closest ta the Roeket's 50. Howe scored 49 in the 1933:53 season, Both Howe and Beliveau have reached «7 Howe tn the 198142 season, Rel vean in 1955.50 There's one ison hetween chard striking compar Mahovlich and Ri Frank will be 38 years old xi Tuesday, ¥ Rooket throughout his record season Mahovlich 8 behind Richard's J wa Goals pace al various stages, Big Frank scored his 20th goal--and also his 21st=in his 36th game Richard's 20th came in his 21s game In paint of date, Branco Hop vath of Boston Brains holds record of sorts in reaching Goal No, 20 earliest in a season Aroneo seared his 20th last sea son on Nov, 26, but it came in his 2th game, He finished the season with a total of a0, Mahovlieh's 20th this season was Dee, 4, In the shorter 1044.48 eason Richard's 20th came Deo, a Mahovlieh scored No. 80 on Dee, M. In points of date that was the first time a player has reached 30 goals hefore Christ mas, so far as NHL records show [But that was In Frank's $ied game, compared with No, 30 for Richard in his 30th game, After 30 games Frank had 27 goals Compared with M ah ov leh's present mark of 35 goals in 8 games, Richard had 43 in 3 actually 4 in 3, He failed soare in his 3th game Here are the victims teams and goalies--in Mahaviieh's run of 35 goals to date Against New Yark 1 against Lorne Warsley, against Jack MeCartan Against Chicago against Glenn Hall Against Boston Seven; against Bruce Gamble Dan Simmons Against Detroit three al against Terry Sawehuk Against Montreal-- Three 0 eight five Nine; all LIA ane twa Sees Royals » Beat Wings nena Bantam, Midget and Robinson, Local 222 By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Guelph Royals, unbeaten in 18 straight Ontario Hockey Associa: tion Junior A games, were cheered hy the first sellout erowd at Guelph Memorial Gardens. in 13 years Friday night as they downed Hamilton Red Wings 6-8 The league + leading Royals, who have had 12 wins and three ties since Nov, 26, now are 10 points ahead of Niagara Falls 'Ivers, BI, Michael's Majors erept within two points of the Flyers Friday night by whipping | the Niagara Falls team #2 A crowd of 4,150 watched as (Guelph out-shot the Red Wings 46:26 and Rod Gilbert, the Hamilton net kept Royals from running away with the game, TOOK EARLY LEAD Guelph opened a 81 lead In two goals in the second and then split the four third-period tallies | with the Red Wings, Don Diber- arding also scored twice for Guelph and singles went to Mar cell Labelle and Jean Ratelle Boh Dillahough, Dennis Ribant and Pit Martin scored for Ham ton In Niagara Falls 2,710 disap Rointed fans watehed while Bruce Draper fired home three goals for 8, Michael's, Including a 60dont golfer, Dave Draper and Pete Jackson got singles, Billy Knibbs and Nelson Le Clair were the lone scorers for Niagara Falls despite the fact the Flyers enjoyed a wide edge a In territorial play and had a 81:80 margin in shots on goal Flyers, playing their fifth game in elght days, went into the thing trailing 8:2 and launched an all-out attack, However, Draper's long houneer broke their spirit (one of and one against Charlie Hodge them in an open net) against Jacques Plante, {A CREDIT TO CANADA | Winnipeg Maroons Lauded For Showing PRAGUE (CF hs Winnipeg Yaipons hepded (or home Thiers day, Cech wad Chnpdinn of Gils crdered thew eam Work #Rd Actermmination for & fine Showing Aurng & 16-game ow oA Crechosioy ania They wise agreed on the vilue of the tour Wn promoting hockey hth Wn Creshosiovakin snd Con ads, Playing hetore 116500 en thusiastic fans In 10 dillerent communities, the Maroons ran up # record of even wins, two ties and one loss and they did i while travelling hundreds of mies by bus and Plane jst is days, W. A Hewitt, Toronts, regi sirartreasurer of the Canadian hmaeinr Hockey Association dared: "These hoys wre ll friends In private life and they curried with them oni the ice the very finest of team spirit They mre a very fine senior hockey team with plenty of shi ity but i was thelr spirit which was most outstanding "The Maroons are 8 great SPORT FROM BRITAIN de ponents' territory and ther sli Canadian hockey we wanted them ta see. WADE AN IWPRESSION "Your ch hes left impression on the Creech fans hockey Pavers, hechuee showed that hockey ed paved in the regsed syle withowt Becoming # : game." Hewitt, whe Cana disn Olympic 1epms Wn 1009, 194 wd 1018, wes impressed with the passing, hackehesking and fore: checking finesse "They have speed and condi. tiomng and never once did sy of them quit," seid Hewitt, i the Maroons had pn weakness, he added, it was lor i way in front of the net shooting "ht V've seen some relly good © viesslonsl foams ith the save vepkness" Pigg ero Gordon Simpson credit tn Winnipeg and Canada and ther (nendly, gentlemanly spirit made them great fayorites of the people here" CIECR COACR SATISFIED Edward Fardu, Crech Nations CORR, SHIA he Wis "Very sRiis fied" with the Wingipeg cab be cause they fliiied whet we Were REpecitng of them." "They showed wr eames # simple, but strong end efficient game, The Lows wie # great help 19 some of ONE YOUREET PiRyETS #5 potential members of mr Na tions! team for the forthowming tovenament nm Switzeriand. Ferdu termed the Maroons whility to forecheck in their op at gelling the puck ot of their OR Lone ps impressive features of the tower, Their more foreefwl use of the stick for checking wae #slo mentioned by the Creech credind tye van with "1000 per conch cent efvat," noting that the only Mirosiay Subt, head man of the loss came In the Creech ice tour, seid the Maroons when We boys were he J "showed our people the kind of the condition of the lee st Pilsen, Basilio Tries Attendance Spurs Nearing Records LONDON (CP) Attendance Patterson, hack tn 1066 and Thursday MEN ai this season's English 1eague matches certainly won't break any records hut several other marks are in danger While Foothall League gates are showing 8 marked decrease for the third yesr running, fans are pouring inta North London to watch Tottenham Hotspur at tempt to rewrite the record hooks Al sOLrer Christmas, the recognized halfway mark of the season Spurs had dropped only four points of & possible 44 and were 10 points clear of thelr nearest rivals with an excellent- chance of beating Doncaster Rovers' re- cord of 77 Janis in & season The powerful Spurs atiack was also eracking in an average of more than three goals a game Another B0 goals in the remain ne 2 matches will heat Aston Villa's record of 128 goals in & season set in 1631, Talk now begins on whether the mighty Londoners ean win the Foothall Association Cup and the league title in one season, A feat that has not heen performed this century, Most experts agree that the double target is heyond reach un der modern conditions, entalling OSHAWA MINOR HOCKEY STANDINGS -- STATISTICS Listed helow are the weekly team standings and top ten seor- ing in the Oshawa Minor Hockey Juvenile leagues as of Saturday Jan, 7, compiled by league statis: tielan Jim Bhaw, BANTAM LEAGUE WLTFAPTS fi 240 10 14 80 20 14 27 14 1 22 28 21 21 80 20 25 17 18 1 16 82 116 20 Local 2764 B'Nai B'Rith Local 208 Houdallle Loeal 1817 W. Kiwanis Police Assoe, § Duplate b] Can, Tire 2 Civitan 0 FUTURE GAMES Monday, Jan, §: 5:00 pm Canadian Tire vs Westmount Ki. wanis; 6:00 p.m Local 2784 vs B'Nal B'Rith; 7:00 pm Local Assoelation; 8:00 Local 206 vs Duplate and i TA SD 7 7 7 0 1 -~ Industries TOP TEN SCORERS Gi A PTH, 10 10 20 10 6 16 Waters, B'Nai B'Rith # 613 Neate, W, Kiwanis A All Hayes, Houdaille 7 810 Lloyd, Local 2764 410 Caltord, Houdaille alo Zaporagan, B'Nal RH, § 10 Dionne, Loeal 206 bE Clapp, W, Kiwanis i90 MIDGET LEAGUE WLTF 2 36 Solpman; B'Nal B'Rith A PTS, 18 28 22019 10 19 20 10 2718 0 11018 7 01680 0 Legion Rotary Kinsmen Local 232 Lions | Kiwanis 0) FUTURE GAMES Wednesday, Jan, 11: 6:30 pm . Looal 288 vs Canadian Legion 7:80 p.m, = Rotary vs Lions and #180 p.m, -- Kiwanis vs Kinsmen 70P TEN SCORERS i 4 4 4 Love, Legion Kitehen, Kinsmen MoGraw, Local 222 Seton, Lions MeNamee, Legion Fair, Legion FU McLAUGHLI IT'S AN EASY WINTER When you depend on McLAUGHLIN'S * Quality Buming Oils o Qualified Oil Bummer Servicemen ~24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE "There's Na Fuel Like An Oil Fuel A Division of Mclaughlin Coal & Supplies Lad, 104 KING ST, W,, OSHAWA -- RA J.3401 EL OIL SERVICE N HEATING |H, Macdonald « Civitan va Houdaille Duley And Points, |For Comeback NEW YORK (AP) = Carmen Basilio, former wellerweight and middiewelght boxing champion, reaches the cross roads of his 12 year pro career tonight in 8 16- a program of 42 league matches round televised bout with G plus seven arduous rounds of the Oriega at Madison Square Cup, However, with their 10- den point lead in the First Division This fight will determine whe. the Spurs can concentrate more ther | go on further," ssid the fully on the Cup then most clung S5-year-old scrapper from Chile atiempting the "double tenango, N.Y The theory that fans will stl Basilio Pridey was rated no queue tn wateh (op-grade soccer better than even money agsinst was hacked up hy a recent the (all, pggressive 25 - year-old mateh at Goodison Fark, Liver. Mexican. The former champ will pool, where a Th000 erowd cutweight his opponent shout 158 watched Everton play League to 149 champions, This was the higgest attendance at a Foothall League silio since he was stopped for the mateh In 12 years second straight time By Nations! While Tottenham races toward Boxing Association middlewel the league title, 8 minor revolu-' champion Gene Fullmer ast tion 15 taking place in the Second June 20 uy Pascoe, Rotary Sandford, Kinsmen Leach, Local 222 are having a hard time against outs, Ortega has 22 kayos to his ans tn-a& precarious perch at the Crystal Palace, are fighting a drivers will he requirde to prove Enrty blanks malled out Thurs apolis Motor Speedway, 8 dent, alse announced the § 7 7 fi tual payoff last year tof Division, Glamor elubs such 88 Ortega's record is 58 : Sheffield United and Liverposl silio's be 157, aie neh an all-out fight for promotion credit, from little Ipswich Town, Maxi mum points from their Christmas program swept the East Angi Set 135 MPH Test top of the table Down in the Fourth Division For I na lis two of the more modern-thinking ndia po clubs, Peterborough United and! INDIANAPOLIS (AP)--Rookie ding-dong battle for the lead and their ahity Al speeds up fo 186 playing a hrand of soccer that miles an hour fo get inte many First Division sides would Bolden anniversary B0-mile sute envy, race May 80, day, disclosed the change, ing five miles an hour to the top speeds in tests for d yous he have never driven at ¢ Tony Hulman, speedway presi are anteed purse will be increased to $160,000 fram $76,000 this year, "The §75,000 figure haw become ohsolete,"! Hulman said, The hes ed ¥ A PTS. $360,160, including $64,800 eash 30 83 12 Awards from sule accessory 38 15 10 | manufacturers, nee : JUVENILE LEAGUE EL] ] 4 Oszhawa Dalry Tony's T 2 0 I i I 2 4 4 fi [posers 2.8 189 5 Nefrol Tigers Sign Prize Rookie FUTURE GAMES Tuesday, Jan, 10: B30 pm Oshawa Dairy vs Bealon's Dairy and 0:80 p.m Tony's Refresh ments va Hayden Macdonald TOP TEN SCORERS GAP 10 i DETROIT (AP)=Detroit Tigers Thursday signed prize rookie Steve Boros, eateher Dick Brown and pitcher Allan Koch to eon) riacis for the 1061 season, Boros, a 28.year-old produet of the University of Michigan, al ready has heen awarded the Tigers' third base job for 1061, He batted 817 and hit 80 homers while leading Denver ®° its 1060 J IVE) pennant and heecaming the Amer: Walt, Tony's ! ian Association's most valuable Tony 8 ! | player Ma¢ B |" Brown is being counted on the Tigers' regular catcher 1061, He was with Chicage White Sox part of last season, Koeh, a honus right hander, had a 7-6 wonlost record with Is, Matthews, 0, Dairy 4 Dowe, Tony's Wredmark, H Cullen, H, Ma¢ Lutton, O, Dairy Vernon, 0. Dairy Konorowski, Tony's Mae, ahn, H FISH ORGANIZATION The International Commission for the Northwest Atlanile Fish |eries celebrated its 10th anniver:| Birmingham of the Southern Ase {sary In 1060, sociation last season, | SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m, to 9:00 p.m, PRESTON'S SERVICE STATION 925 SIMCOE STREET NORTH HOUSTON'S TEXACO STATION 67 KING STREET WEST ANDY NAGY'S TEXACO STATION 408 KING STREET WEST ROBINSON'S ESSO STATION #9 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH FOOTE'S SHELL STATION 97 KING STREET EAST WHITFIELD'S SUNOCO STATION 531 RITSON ROAD SOUTH CRANFIELD'S B.A, STATION 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH CLARKE'S SUPERTEST STATION 272 KING STREET WEST VIVIAN'S B.A, STATION NONQUON ROAD GANGEMI'S SERVICE STATION 809 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH This Is the first start for Ba: > ne "

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