Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 6 Jan 1961, p. 7

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eR EEE 28. eco L fi "k de adis IN THE. ADMITTING Depart | ment Miss Joan Goode instructs Vi 4 5 3 l/7 78 MRS, WILLIAM BADOUR.| Mrs, B, W, Wingrove, Reg. N, takes the pulse of Carl Brewer | ohserved the technique, of the Toronto Maple Leafs, E Korczynski-Press ich Rites Solemnized At Northminster | The marriage of Charlottelas hest man, Ushering were Frances Pressprich of Oshawa! Messrs, Maurice Korezynski and and Torquato Korezynskl of Whit:| Edward Zots, Whithy, by was solemnized recently in 8 A peception was held in candlelight setomony, at North! church parlor minster United Chureh 4 3 | The bride is the daughter of As the couple left for a wed Mr. Arno Pressprich of Akron ding trip to Muskoka the bride I, Arno 8 ho ' Yar 8 ae New York. and the bridegroom is| 88 WeATING & moss green and : ald Kerenynaki black overplaid stroller suit with the son of Mr. Ronald Korezynsk matching hat, black accessories the u Whithy and the late Mrs, Kor. sng" aardenia corsage, The FYNSK newly wedded pair will live al The Reverend 11, A, Mellow; a 0s Mficiated, The wedding music iY Aelde Avenue west, Sh was played hy Mr, John Robert son and Mr, Mitchell Glecoff sang 'Because and "The Lord's Prayer." SOCIAL NOTICE (Given in marriage hy her fa ther, the hride wore a full-length ARISTA FTE ERIRH princess gown of white chiffon ENGAGEMENT velvet designed with lily-point Mr. and Mrs, George Stone sleeves and a hatean neckline announce the engagement of encrusted with pearls and erystal their daughter, Georgina Lor heads. A jewelled crown held her raive, to Mr, Donald Alexander fingertip veil and she carried a Laing, son of Mr, and Mrs cascade houguet of white poin-| George Laing, all of Oshawa. The seftia marriage will take place at King Mi Ann Pressprich of Wil-| Street United Church on Satur liamsville, New York, sister of day, January 14, at 6 pm the hride, was maid-of-honor in | cherry red velvet featuring a | v-neck line, long light sleeves HOUSEHOLD HINT | and a soft flowing kirt, Shel To keep marble surfaces clean, wore' a matching bow headdress wash occasionally with luke and carried a white fur muff warm water and a cloth, Wipe with a bouquet af ped poinsettias Mr. Carl Wels of Whithy acted dry with a chamois to prevent spotting and streaking | #1 ie ] | | | | | TO LIVE IN CALGARY, ALBERTA A wedding of interest ta Osh: | bride, the former Miss Laura awa and district was salemniz | Elleen Spicer, is the daughter ed in the Chapel of Central of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H, Spi United church, Calgary Al herta, when Mp. and Myps, 00 of Bowmanville and the George Arthur Joseph Giroux | bridegroom is the son of My exchanged nuptial vows, The ! Arthur J, Giroux, of Calgary, | Neer map White spd Mes Perey | Colborne in procedure Mrs, lan MacKay, Mrs, Nor Sl. 0 we SHES MISS DORIS GUTHRIE, cen- | tre, shows Mrs, Garfield Cle- | First-Hand Experience Gained Live Resolutions By Working On Hospital Duty b : i £ 5 § : ¥ EXPERIENCE COURSE AT TORONTO E. GEN. HOSPITAL Wing 420, RCAF Association Welcomes New Year at Gay Party wi 429 BCAF Association Mr, Bey Cowan, Mr, sud "Mus, was the scene of # EoY Mr. snd Mrs. y on Saturday wight, Decem- FEEL = yEpiEe x FRESE, T FEN J i i Bit ; ; i H 5 i gS 5 BERL, fEeel 5 IE hi 3 i < i i ; 4 REF g SEEpESES I i a BH i -< ¥ THE STARS SA By ESTRELIITA ' hh i ~ 5 i 3 ment and Mrs. A, H, Northeott | surgies] trays, prior to sterilize. the proper method of arranging | tion, For The New Year Siatistics show that an average of more then 2000 persons are FOR TOMORROW "a person who has been a "pest in the past, istend in gs, partievlerly where ley, Mr, and communications sequaintances, FOR THE BIRTHDAY your horoscope you should siteck major objec. MEny others, tives with confidence, especially ; RIES Fe 5 § Fe i NE iF This is & day to sieer clear of aon, Evens, Mr, Avoid misunder- | Evans, Mr, i ¥ fi 1 i i ere concerned) Mr, Don't put too much faith in pew Mrs, Michael Cox, Ronald Commings, Mr, Han, Mr, Fred "sr { tomor : | Mrs, Romen Littwing, Mr, If tomorrow Is your birihday Willem Swarbarich 5 EF 331 it rm--------- indicates that Mrs, Thirteen members of the Osh swe Division of the $t, John Am- bulanee have completed a forty four hour ""Hospitsl Experience' course, as recommended by the Federal Emergency Health Serv ices, The course held at the To ronto East General Hospital, was supervised by Mrs, B. 'W, Win grove Reg, N, from the Toronto Corp Participating members spent four Baturdsy sfternoons, Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings at the hospital, giving geners) nursing care to the patients, as well as becoming familiar with the Admitting, Emergency and Central % ly Departments The work of the kitchen staff was also observed, mass feeding being a major task In civilian defene: some of the class aided the staff in the recovery room, while others assisted and observed In killed by ges anpushy 12 in the case and delivery rooms A lecture on oxygen therapy; and 2980 step on it, The Opltario and demonstration on bathing and Department of Transport offers eore of a newborn haby was also some included Mrs William Dennison and Miss! and alive; conservative for most of the year E, Murray, Toronto corp officers Make courtesy your code of the ahead, This whole period discour- praised the members for their yoaqd ages extravagance but ti is, perfect attendance and Interest, "Phe more patient pedesirions, nevertheless, one in which re: and presented each with a 161er (he fewer pedestrian patients AL the completion of the course to start the New Year safely of recognition of their services, The lone male taking the course from Oshawa was Mr, Geor 8° Don't depend on the other fel be under beneficent aspects dur Clark, others were Mrs, William joy -- he may be depending onling July and August, and both Badour, Mrs, George Clark, Mrs, | yo, May and June favor romance, Garfie Id ¢ lement, Mrs, Perey ( oh Good brakes on CATs ATE 10 PIo-IPhose in creative lines should horne Mrs, I. Coombs, Mrs tection against had breaks in be- ke ! strides dnd th Henry Glecoff, Miss B, Hodgson, haviour make greal strides uring the those connected with your job, Don't expect too much in the way of immediate recognition, but do look for pice," bresks" mn March and April Where financial matiers are concerned, you will have to be hale it, eight light matches in it suggestions to motorists and pedestrians slike who wish sourcefulness and ingenuity will pay off in long-range terms Travel and social mnterests will Drive earefully and don't insfst on_your rights first three months of 1961, Look Mrs, Lloyde Masters, Mrs Iam| A rep " cone ' reckless driver is someone MacKay, Mrs, A, H, Northeoll,| who passes you -- no matter how for some good ne we of a business ASK FOR Mrs, Ernest Spear, and Mrs, Nor| fact vou are going Bature early in February . man White Drive right -- and be left to ep, A child born on (his day | | Don't drive the high" way A complete service - falls just a shade below 60! 8 ' Drafty conditions or dry roots Invitetions ! Christmas Plants meh have similar results, Feed Announcements MR, GEORGE CLARK is | under the supervicinn of Mrs " poinseitia every two weeks with shows doing. 8 urinalysis lest | B, W, Wingrove, Reg, N And Their Care a complete fertilizer, They may Serviettes ; he carried over for next year, in Wedding Coke There were so many Christmas (he following way, After flower Boxes cherry and poinsettia plants sold jug place the plant in a cool lo- will be emotional, sensitive and highly persistent In the pursuit of goals joy the holidays Drive with reason this holiday | season this year that you may have re-\cation and let the soll dry out ( oO (0 (lr / (01/14 {address on carols al GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES| v1." 4 wery eussed were the arrangements The first meeting of the New | for rerfeshments to he served at Year of the WCTU was held at/the forthcoming eongregational Simeoe Btreet United Church on meeting, § Tuesday afternoon, January 3 Fach member present exchang Mrs, Clayton Lee presided, The ed a small Christmas gift with worship service was presented another member and refresh: by Mrs, Harold Parrott who! ments were served by Mrs, Wil spoke of the hymn "We Have a liam Grant and Mrs Story to Tell to the Nations." Mathews Mrs, Lee introduced the Rey erend 8, C, H, Atkinson who ad dressed the group on the chal lenge of the New Year, My Atkinson accompanied hy Mrs Lloyd Pegg at the piano sang "0 How I Love Him." He wa thanked hy Mrs, 4,"M, Hartman The January general meeting Mrs, Lloyd Pegg in giving the of the Kinette Club of Oshawa secretary's report gave a report was held in the Fleetwood Room of the Reverend J, K, Moffat's| at the Hotel Genosha on Tues he Christ: day, January 3 mas meeting, The treasurer's re-| A welcome Kinettes Plan "March Of Dimes" was exlended to Rent was given hy Mrs, Fred mpgs, Boris Melch by first Viee| Hams, It was announced that) president Mrs, Douglas Lowe, prizes will be purchased for Mps. Meleh is the newest Kin: "temperance in Sunday school" aie winners Prior to the HOLY CROSS WA draw prizes were won hy Mrs The Women's Auxiliary of Holy Anthony Goepfrich and Mrs Cross Roman Catholic Church Richard Donald, Mrs, Earl South held its January meeting on Tues- ern, chairman of the forth com day evening, January 3, in the ing "March of Dimes" reported| parish hall, Mrs, J, T, Mullen that final arrangements are now presided being made, Mrs The secretary's report was will act as chief marching mother! given by Miss Anne Kennelly and throughout the campaign the treasurer, Miss Mary Pitz Due to the recent transfer of gerald, gave the financial report Kinette, Mrs, lan McClure, a new » Mra, ' Mrs, JI, Il, Lyons, welfare con-ldiveotor, Mrs, Paul Pautler, was vener, stated that 26 hampers of | gjeoiod groceries had been sent to the . ¥ y WR Mrs, Arthur Stone reported on needy at Christmas, also clothing had been supplied Mrs, Lyons thanked the members who so gen activities at Hillsdale Manor in the ahsence of the chalrman,| erously donated clothing when jt| M8, Morley Robinson, Mrs was badly needed James Henderson reported on Several projects raising the Qhiristings aguvities roy Wed money were discussed, The week ty § ihetles hroug ou A iy ly socials will be continued, 1t|MONh of December for the res was decided to have a penny sale for dents at the Children's Aid So at a social evening to he held in|®etY: the parish hall, Mrs, Ernest Spear, Mrs, Paul Pautler announced will convene the penny sale, that Mrs, Earl Fielding, Mps, was Ronald Wilson and Mrs, George A letter of appreciation will help in the Tuek read from the Red Cross Society Fleming thanking the group for its past Shop at Hillsdale Manor on assistance, Thursday, January 19; between Mrs, Ernest Spear, Mrs. Don: the hours of 2 and 4 ald Logan and Mrs, James Hickey! The meeting was then turned volunteered ta work at the tuck quer fo Mrs, John MacLean, shop at Hillsdale Manor for Feb: entertainment chairman for (he ruary ovening. The next executive Refreshments were served hy|ioaiing will he held at the home Mis, James Hickey and her com: | ¢ "ine president, Mrs Arthur | Stone, on Tuesday, January 17] | 81, LUKE'S GUILD The Guild recently held its lasi meeting of 1960. with the presi dent, Mrs, Melville Henry, pre] VANCOUVER (CP) School siding, trustees here have agreed to a Mrs, Kenneth Mathews led the CRC proposal to make radio quis| devotional period assisted hy kids out of high school students, QUIZ KIDS Mrs, Melville Henry who gave a A series of contests among Grade message on the theme "Peace Included in the WIXEXIT students will test their business dis: knowledge of various subjects, | A FINER BLEND YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE! Michael Starr THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, January 6, 196) y 4 Dial RA 3.3474 ceived one for Christmas, If so, ee | DEThAPS YOU are wondering how totreat it, or even how to propa-| gate ii after it has finished flower: Editor PERSONALS ling, Vor the Christmas cherry plant, horticulturists with the On-| tario Department of Agriculture Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Kimmer- Kenneth jy, RR 4, Bowmanville, recently ough; Miss Lois Peterson, Buffa- be too anxious to fertilize it, or celebrated their 20th wedding ah niversary when 25 friends and relatives gathered for a turkey | dinner, The couple were the [recipients of a number of beau tiful gifts among which table arrangement of red roses and carnations from Mr, and Mrs, Robert Hicks of Newcastle, | Was a Teas, birthdays, parties, wed ding anniversaries, coming and going of guests, and your own holiday plans are always of inter est in this column, Write, tele: | phone or visit the social depart-| ment with your jtem of news for {which there is no charge, Tele: | business session! Phone RA 3.3474 Mr, William Rahme of Rex dale spent the holidays as the guest of his mother, Mrs, Wil:| llam Rahme, Burk sireet, | Miss Sandra Hardie, RR 1 Hampton, and Miss Shirley Ir: win, Gibhons street, are spend| ing a three-week vacation In Mexico city, | Out-of-town guests al the Kor: ceynski-Pressprich wedding were Mrs, Mary Burns, Columbus, Ohio; Mr, and Mrs, ¥, Bingham| ead, Port Huron, Michigan; Miss Ann Rogers, Toronto; Mr, and] Mrs, Donald Collins and Mr, and WIFE PRESERVERS| Apply a thin coal of furniture wax to painted furniture to keep it free of scratches and Rosi fading; It also makes cleaning easier, In a Hurry ? CALL MERCURY TAXI RA 5-471 Oshawa's Largest and Finest Taxi Service 45 KING E,, OSHAWA d good light and tem Bearbor:| peratures in the low 60's, Don't] rec Mrs, Joseph Durband, {pot too much, though, since the |done, place in » larger pot, waler | WALMSLEY & MAGILL 9 KING 57, EF, 4 stems shouldn't become so dry that they shrivel, When this Is | and put In 8 warmer room 165. | 70), Cutting the plant back slight-| ly just before re-poiting is sug-| OSHAWA RA 5-3506 gested, | lo, New York; Mr, Karl Weihs, excessive foliage will cover the) Mrs, Fdward Zots, Mrs, Carl berries, Propagation is done hy) Wels, Mr, and Mrs, Foy Gorham,!sowing seed in January or Peh:| all of Whithy; Mr, and Mrs, ruary and the seed needn't bel Richard Avis, Mrs, Walter Avis dried first, When the new leaves and My, and Mrs, i, I, Cook, all first appear, transplant them in| of Pickering, flats (2" apart), As they pro-| . danny ; | gress, they may be placed in 24" | A New Year 5 guest al the pots and kept at lak 55:60 des! ome of Mrs, William Rahme, |}, P. When frost d ap al Burk street was Miss Marilyn grees £ hen Fos Anger 18 Board apo a8 past, set them 16" apart in the : garden, Bring them back in be fore the first autumn frost, f | Poinsettia puls on its fines! {show under good light and Mid. 60 temperatures, The plant is quite sensitive; leaves yellow| and drop off if the temperature] | Sf 79°, ASPIRI TRADE MARK Ris, 2 | Compared to buying ASPIRIN In tins of 12 Yablen y iran A OI BRIDE-TO-BE | Family Size 87¢ The engagement is announced | 100 TABLETS | today of Miss Georgina Lor. 2 TABLETS 20° 24 TABLETS 32 raine Stone and My, Donald FAST RELIEF [ Alexander Laing, The bride-os be who Is a graduate of Class '60 of the Oshawa General | prom HEADACHE, DISCOMFORTS OF | Hospital is the daughter of Mr, COLDS, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA and Mrs, George Stone and her AND RNEUMATISM. flance is the son of Mr, and Mrs, George Laing, all of Oshe awa, The marriage will take place in King Street United Church on Saturday, January MITCHELL'S ogi KA 33401 - Photo by LeRoy Toll TWO STORES IN OSHAWA J Comfy sleep-right pillows filled with tiny particles of shredded foam rubber covered with dain. ty floral print quilted rayon, Zeller's Thrift Price |, . | 1.67 Avy Jil ire I WA [7 et { ee - LLL i " C.R.A WINTER PROGRAMME What are you doing in your leisure? Call C,R.A, at RA 5-1111 and register in an activity, Classes in the following will be conducted if there is sufficient registration ADULT ART BOX-LOOM WEAVING POTTERY LAPIDARY COPPER TOOLING LEATHERCRAFT ALUMINUM ETCHING WINTER GOLF SCHOOL call CRA, at For information and registration RA 5.1111, UR i Reg. 4.98! 90 x 103 ins, Wavy chenille on heavy sheeting, Bedroom beautifying colours, Special Sale Price . . 3.97 ANOPPING CENTRE 336 STEVENSON'S RD, §, PHONE RA 3.3200 POWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE §T. § Phone RA 3:2204 ZELLER'S LIMITED wy

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