Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 6 Jan 1961, p. 6

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The Oshawa Times £6 King 5t. E., Oshawa, Ont. . Fridoy, Jorwary 6, 196) Belgian Strikes Climax Of Years Of Suspicion Some news reports from Belgium tend to ereste the unfortunete impression that the strikes and violent demonstrations there are Communist-inspired and in- volve religious differences, These reports refer to "leftist troublemakers" and "non- Catholic unions", The fact is thet the strikes are the culmination of long dis- satisfaction by the Socialists and others with the conservative coslition headed by Premier Gustaf Eyskens, Belgium is a Catholic country, in the French-speaking south es much as the Flemish-spesking north, The differences sre those found in eny community -- enthusiesm or indifference in the prac- tice of worship, If unions can be tabbed ss Catholic or non-Catholic, it is only by reason of differences in name and offilia- tion, The right-wingers crested hostility when they sought, efter World War 11, to reinstate Leopold as king of the Belgians, There was much criticism by those who remembered how Leopold had suddenly sued for peace with the Germans and the become fairly chummy with them, The opposition forced the Social Christians, Eyskens" party, to accept the present. King Beudoin as 8 compromise, Postwar events did nothing to soothe the opponents of the conservatives, While other countries, like Britain, were striving to equalize the burden of recovery smong sll classes, Belgium followed & laissez-faire policy of permitting prices to run free and hardships to fall where they would, Then when the Congo crisis suddenly broke on en unsuspecting Belgian public, there was & widespread feeling that the government had either been blind to what was going on or had kept impor~ tant information from the public, It be- came evident st thet time thet the Eyskens government was in for a lot of trouble, With Congo revenue no longer avail- able, the Belgian government had to readjust its budget, That is the imme- diate cause of trouble, What is proposed is & lengthy set of susterity measures. The strikers do not say, however, that a belt-tightening is not necessary; their objection is to the method, which they claim will pinch the poorer people far more than the richer, The Eyskens "reforms" include tax increases and social-security cuts, Death And C. D. Howe C. D, Howe was well into his seven- ties when he died, but his death still came #8 a shock to many who knew him, His eraggy strength of mind and tough personality were such that one could scarcely imagine him accepting the final defeat of death, But his physical passing will not remove him from the memories of Canadians or from the pages of Canadian history, for there his name is writ large. Few Canadians in our time have left such an imprint on the face of Canada, and no Canadian except perhaps the man whose leadership he pted, Mac- kenzie King, aroused so much harsh criticism or inspired so much fanatical praise and loyalty, That was the nature of the man: his virtues were magnificent, and so were his favits, : He engineered the tremendous indus. trial development of Canada for war purposes in World War II, and then did the same thing for the reconversion to peacetime, He fashioned great crown corporations -- Polymer, TCA, the CBC out of the old broadcasting commission, Chalk River, As minister of trade and commerce, his was the leading role in the exciting drama of postwar boom that played on into the Fifties, He had imagination, en incisive mind, grest energy and a genius for administration, But he was also a pragmatist, a man concerned with the day's problems to the exclusion of yesterday or tomorrow, One of his phrases was, "Never look back" He would have been a greater man had he paused from time to time to look back and shead, He then might have better understood the workings of parliamentary democracy, instead of barely concealing his contempt for "in- conclusive debate"; he would not have led a tired government into the un- happy battle over the building of a trans-Canada gas pipeline -- a battle that helped to lose his party an election; and he would have moved with more caution in binding Canada so closely to the U.S, economy, For a dozen years after the war Canada went throught what has been called "Howe's industrial revolution," It was a spree of development, but had it been a little more restrained, we might not now be suffering as much of a hangover, In the sum, however, we must still agree with Jack Pickersgill, who called Howe *Canada's greatest immigrant since John A, MacDonald," New Use For Old Pits Old mine shafts scattered about On. tario may yet prove to be useful, In the United States old mines, wells and natural caverns have been found to provide cheap, safe storage for many things, from natural gas to microfilm records, The Westinghouse Electric Corp, has put 2400 tons of paper records and 44,000 rolls of microfilm in an old mine 50 miles north of Pittsburgh, according to the Wall Street Journal, A Colorado utility is spending $5 million to convert a depleted mine into an underground storage tank for natural gas. In five years the number of customers renting underground storage space ha has The Oshawa Times TY. & WILEON, Publisher and Generel Monager €, GWYN KINSEY, Editor The Osh awe The Oshawa Times (established 1871) ity Gazette and Chronicle FRA RL 1863), is published daily (Sundovs go Statutory ig axcepted), Times sombini and the Dal N Publishers Association, Me Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Ontario Provincial Dailies Aso: ciation, The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all ews tehed in the paper credited to it or to The Amociated Press or Routers, and also the local news published therein, All rights of special despatches are alse reserved Offices: Thomaon Building, 425 Univenity Avenus Toronto, Ontarie; 640 Catheart Street, Montreal, PQ. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by coriers In Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Bowmanville, Brooklin, lort Perry, Prince Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, i TA Dunbarton, Enniskillen, Brougham, Burketon, Claremont, Columbus, Greenwood, Kinsale, Raglan, Blackstock, Manchester, Pontypool and Newcastle, not over 45¢ por week, By mail lin provinge of Ontarig) ou de carriers delivery areas 12.00; shewhers Average Daily Net Paid as of April 39, 1960 16, 999 increased by six times, to current total of 673, In some respects, US, business is following the Swedish example, Sweden has put key utilities and industries in new underground -- usually under rock quarters as part of its total national defense program, Plants and offices have been equipped to sustain and protect personnel for many days of complete confinement, American enterprises have not shown much interest in preparing elaborate, specially planned operating plants and offices underground, The trend has been to utilize depleted wells, mines and quarries or caves pretty much as they are and for storage mainly, One of the few business operations thriving in such quarters is mushroom raising All this has been a windfall for owners of secondhand holes who had no further use for them, The Milwaukee Journal thinks it raises interesting possibilities for the future whether there has been extensive underground mining, quarrying or extraction of cil, "In the Upper Penin. sula of Michigan, for example, and around Hurley, Wis, final exhaustion of paying copper and iron ore may not spell the economic blow that has been feared, The worked out mines may take on new roles that will yield jobs and profits." Bible Thought Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, Romans 12:19, Grudges and bad feelings toward someone who has wronged us are wrong and useless and may ruin our health, Better leave him to God. UNEMPLOYMENT MAY THEY AVOID THE ABYSS QUEEN' $ PARK Answers Desired To Many Queries By DON O'HEARN TORONTO-Well at least it will be interesting That's the first thing to be caid for 1961, With the number of key prob lems facing government it has to be that And there's a good chance the year also could be both exciting and significant, Keeping a mental score-card on how much is done and could be done slone will be interesting. Will an answer be found to un- employment? Will necessary new revenues he raised and will there be a sales tax? How far will we go in trolling municipalities? . Who will hog-tie who, the hog producers or the government? Will the Yankees win again? HOW FAR? Will the great new drive for economie development make any real strides? Will it go far enough to give some promise of breaking the sound barrier on unemploy- ment? What directions will it take? How much money will Premier Frost get out of Ottawa (one would say, not too much)? And INSIDE YOU cons oh will Mr. Frost he able to avoid a sales tax (likely not)? Will the province bring down a morality code for municipal of fieials (most unlikely, but at the end of 1961 there will he a stronger public demand than ever for one)? Will the hog-producers still be as defiant as ever (probably no, The government's case is based on principle, and a strong one)? HOW WELL? Not as much will be accom. plished in any field as anyone would like (except In tax where it will be too much) Looked at in terms of - hopes now the end of the year undoubt- edly will show disappointment, But that, of course, Is the way of government--and of society, We start off optimistically with brave goals, We expect to reach them overnight, But what looks like a sprint usually turns into a marathon, This always has to be kept in mind in keeping a olitical score card With this eaution--that we won't make as much headway as we exect now, and shouldn't he dis- appointed because we don't--1061 should be a very good year, Doctor Answers Readers' Queries By BURTON H, FERN, MD Dear Doctor: Skin tests show that I'm allergle to wool and cottonseed oll, Can I wear cotton clothing? Mrs, BY, Y.: Skin tests show not a proven Dear Mrs a possible allergy one, Pip cotton Is beaten, thrash: combed and washed, prob iy little, if any, oll remains, Test yourself by taping a small square of cotton to the skin for a day or so, A rash under the square suggests you may be al. lergie to cotton or the bleach and dyes In the material, RARELY TROUBLES Allergle patients are usually advised to wear cotton clothing because the fabric rarely causes trouble, What kind of sheets do you sleep on? Dear Doctor: My 8oyear-old father eats bacon and eggs for breakfast every morning, Is this good for a man his age? Mrs, J, C, Dear Mrs. C.: He's certainly done well on this diet so far, in spite of the animal fats which heart specialists frown on LET HIM HAVE THEM Taking away his bacon and eggs might stir up an emotional storm which can pour more fat into his blood stream than his daily bacon and eggs Why not let him have his breakfast and keep his sunny side up? Dear Doctor: Is there any way to develop my thin, spindly legs without exercise? Exercise seoms th thin them more, Miss Tp Dear Miss P.: Standing and walking on your toes adds sub. stance to the calf muscles whieh shape your legs. Meanwhile, low shoes magnify their size, while high heels emphasize their slim, ness NEED EXTRA FAT? Perhaps you're underweight and need starches, milk shakes and other rich food to supply extra fat, Why not cover your legs with your personality? He pleasant Girly who don't needle are pre ferred to anes with beautiful pins Dear Doctor: My four-year-old daughter has a bad-smelling yel- lowish discharge which stains her underpants. What can 1 do? Mrs. J D Pear Mrs, D.: Your daughter Jronably has an infection caused y several germs, CLEAR UP CAUSE You must first clear up the underlying cause, It may be itch. ing eczema, pinworms, tight underclothing, Improper washing or even poor nutrition if she's a picky eater, Then, the discharge may clear by itself in six or eight weeks, although antiblotic germ - killers may hasten recovery BY-GONE DAYS 85 YEARS AGO Robert D, Preston was elected Mayor of Oshawa for 1026 by a majority of 461 over Alderman George T. Morris, The bylaw asking that the ward system of electing aldermen be abolished was defeated by 108 voles, Aldermen elected on the five wards for 1026 included, J, 1, Whattam, G, Hart, 8 Jackson, E, Marks, R, R. Clarke, M, Mil- ler, E, H, Bradley, D, F. Johns ston, F. P, Guscott, A, 8 Me. Leese, P. A, Macdonald, W, J, Holland, E Jackson, D. J, Rion dan and .C Harmon, The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Great War Veterans' Association gave a New Year's Entertain. ment a the children of disabled soldiers " The Daylight Saving bylaw was presented and passed by a vote majority of 1138 Dr. E, J, Pratt, of the Univer sity of Toronto, delivered the first of a series of seven lectures on "Modern English Literature" in the YMCA, under the auspices of the Oshawa Literary Club. December was the heaviest month for calls with a total of 123 made by Inspector Nelson Baird of the Oshawa Humane Soctety, since its inception last June, The Royal Bank moved into its newly owned premises at Bond and Simcoe streets, formerly oe cupled by the Union Bank Presentations were made to Rev. R. A. and Mrs, Whattam by members of the South Oshawa Church at a year end social event, Law Teacher Travels Far For Lectures MONTREAL (CP)--Dean Wil liam R, Lederman of the new law faculty at Queen's University, Kingston, Ont, estimates he will travel 11,000 miles this year to teach law The reason Is that he has been ealled in by MeGill to teach one class a week, Every Monday morning he lectures on eonstity- tional law to the second-year class "It's only a one-year proposi- tion, occasioned by the tempor. ary absence of Prof, Frank Scott, now on sabbatical leave," sald Prof, Lederman "I don't think it could be done on a permanent basis.' One of the youngest law deans in Canada, the 44-year-old Re- gina-born lawyer took his bach. elor of arts degree and bachelor of legal letters at the University of Saskatchewan, In 1030 he was named Rhodes Scholar for his native province, but he didn't take up studies atever you find them." Bug Knowledge Keeping Canadian Soldiers Fit -- Ca The entire unit was on parade '% LEOPOLDVILLE (CP) The Congo so controlling their spread. PRAISED BY' BOSS Dean as "sn extremely good hygiene assistant who has comprehensive experience and knowledge of all aspects of his work." PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM A California cultist says he is as old as the earth, There are Monday mornings when we feel several weeks older than that, Junior is usually willing to let Dad have the car to drive to the nearest filling station and have the tank filled Subject for debate: Which com. prises the greater instinet for living ~ hope or curiosity? Far too many footprints on the sands of time were made by ruthless dictators wearing hob nailed boots "Taxation without representa tion Is tyranny" -- and taxation foday with representation is ter. rible, Oxford until after the Second World War After two years there, he was awarded a bachelor of eivil law degree, Since then, Dean Lederman has taught at the University of Saskatchewan, Dalhousie in Hali- fax and as visiting professor at New York University, Does he find any difference between students in these widely. separated schools? "No," he said, "law students are pretty much the same wher. poses fwe or three times becase doubtful" conditions, pir Belgian boii, pl A "The Belgians had a wonderful yA ll over The Congo--even bush, where hey had san ary inspectors," ; Desn, a native . Virkenbesd, esr Liverpool, served with Brit; ish signals during the Second World War, then was trained in England as a sanitary inspector He is an pssociate of the Royal Sanitary Institute and holds » certificate in mest snd food in spection from the University of Lhverposl. slso holds a Car Sadian a of sanitary in- ion is wili:and oldest aon, Ronald William, 12, emigrated to Canada in October, 1948, settling in Alberta where he Worked #t # Sniary inspector J» te vincial department of health, Two other 4 born in Capada: d Camp Borden, training hygiene DURHAM COUNTY CONSERVATIVE ANNUAL MEETING Monday, Jan. 9th, 1961 AT 8B P.M, ORONO TOWN HALL Speakers: -- Dr. Percy Vivian, M.P, Hon. George Hees, P.C., M.P. MINISTER TRADE & COMMERCE ® ALL WELCOME o ROBERT SISSON----President "God Save the Queen" gas and oil like few other cars ean , , ser for sale! (WITH A HEART OF GOLD!) Vauxhall is an amazing car. A big-hearted car in every conceivable way with a few very big exceptions! Vauxhall is a real penny-pincher when you buy it and when it comes to operating and upkeep costs, 1t hoards its + goes incredible distances on next to nothing, Yet for all its frugal ways Vauxhall boasts a gifted sense of overwhelming generosity, Roomy, restful interiors that seat five people in all-day comfort and style , , convenience, huge, rear picture window , , + & spacious trunk, inviting four-door , and so it goes on and on! Why don't you go on down to your Vauxhall dealers -- and buy yourself a miser ~ today! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE EASY TO OWN~- ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE auxhall Whitewall tires are optional at extra vost HEARTY HEATER AND DEFROSTER! Yotats ater-wonderiey heater Jutsanden n next air cooling when you It, tos, 900005000000000000 MPLE POWER AND PERFORMANCE! o sls" Vau shay Hy § that nie ari 1] wll y An wning a pleasure | 000000000000000000 GENEROUS ROOM ] FOR Five! wh Mu t oh di i rough, Vouihalls 3" wh a. nla for LE RC J PLUS ALL THESE NO-COST EXTRAS... 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