Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 6 Jan 1961, p. 4

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§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Jenuery 6, 196) "There is much talk of fthe|capital needs, They will have to Measures Organization i powers of County Councils | be debentured for, {tee for 1961 ~ Cousetiors Weth. . extended. Towns like ours | Has Ajax reached the stage in erall, Ashley, Roberison, Reeve! xX tive other urban snd semi-urben mu- is dey where 8 munici-| Mackenzie, and his Worship the . . | nicipalities which pay very large pal bus serviee should May . i 3 be A : i sums into the county must exam- lished? As the Southwood Park) Kins Reerestion Commities and Win, 13-3 * i fue very seriously the returns we Subdivision develops Jie get More] Comunity Caetrs Board for] Holds Meetin 3 3 el : A A : A get our money fiom more people further Messrs Goldie, g $ COURTICE ~ Church friends eounty, Our townspeople must be ther awsy from the "8, Baldry, RB. Hen made more aware of thc prob- ire. As well, people who live in shaw, B, &onie, Deputy lems of the County Council or. North Ajax have long distances P, i | ganization. Reforms are needed to travel to the centre of town. I Noland. in the duties, organization, sres would like the Council to consider, Mr. Jack Brooks wes re of control and method of election this, | appointed to the Ajax Library oo h 3 hid A very 400d) dl 'eome up with constructive ax, | fo you what | consider are 8OMe 40g reforms we will he financing suthority that the first person tol Zany puobigms, ta , Aneist 3 heavier and heavier cost an move into Alex was Mr. Eldon challenges year ht the, Put-moded ox-cart form of gov. Deggeit on. her 25, 1941. all hore ernment {To mark our twenty years as # obligations lies 5 Seaponst. The Department of ays community, the Council, Service| ie A eam 'has aw Salles venders ges mere and the Chamber of Com om made a comprehensive oon oir, wo new bridges merce should Sheehan Finance study of the advantages to ASX! ouer Highway 401 and the CNR mote an Mex Od Home Week from the Plekering| yi ny of say, The tenders for this some time about the end of June| STANDING job will close on January 18,| We eould make this 8 great eele- 1961, This is a project that past bration. Perhaps the celebration leouncils have worked on with of this could be held in comjune-| great patience, Our patience has|tion with the official g of |been rewarded, There are sever: he Svimuping ov) the new ters in conpee with 4 a County Council. The bylaws tol® 'AWers in connection wihi™riir our thinking and planning and Works Committees will have] must be tempered by the tax rate. Contingen- take up at once, We must spend wisely, We must| cise, Pearce, Wetherall and Rob- |" This year's Couneil and in par- choose the most essentisl expen-ierison, County | vio iar "the Parks and Property| dives, It may be wiser to spend| The first named of each com mittees, was a year of real y represent finance Committee must study the prob-|some money Row than to have to! mittee to he the chairman, His achievement for Ajax, A few of td / committee to fake up Bt once. on" of the sequisition of park spend much more in the future. | Worship the Mayor to be ex these achievements were; The The new councillors should vesd| 4 oreennelt land within Kiax | When you sre planning | urge all, officio member of sil eommittees, Private Bill approving our steam the suditors' reports on SePaTA-\wuece are two aress of special commitices, hoards and commis-| A bylaw to permit the renale vik Tari eos RS AER 4 ric, ences bp iv <r [i ss 10 59 #47 8 0 05 ug of Stith or tn, 0 ' atiol e : #7 g j lon, 5 Fale, poses until 18 sre a Southwood Park Subdivision Le Sb possible, All the reports showed Freq" anmical roud. nd Bay] The following appol 10! ons Dosed, Tro meg, 6 ein Fs PRI i, Mo's epuoi wok ve "Fi a hoi hb mee were" adr, re ot Entre, | WILLIAM A. PARISH : / | quired by the town and cleaned) ene, A | TAXES NOT ENOUGH the extensive remodelling of the \ [harm our neighbors, up and frees should be planted.|ering General Hospital Board for TORONTO (CP)--An Ontario Town Hall, th Hocati y anehis " oB " 961, J y own Ha e redocation of the bylaws, steam franchises and| wy iq quite evident to me that The area can be both a play area Xr 4 IL P. F. Sheehan government official says compul- ed up the first goal for the Com- Police Department in much need- subdivision agreements may seem 0 i i and a beauty spot for all fe i i i a new Suarters the publication dull and uninteresting but they the Provites 9 Guinrio will Sot enjoy, The A is 7 lake: as 5 wy Fepresentative on gory omtHbusey inoutanee may sis With an assist from Camp-| v the Industrisl Commission of are the foundations for Progress couneils to make extensive capi- front, 1 believe we should begin| the Metropolitan Toronto a f " ff Login | A 4 a very fine brochure adver ising in an orderly and planned man-|ta]l grants to hospitals, Ajax foo) 0 sequire some of (his land tof £00 Conseivation Authority for lie _wellars, expindifures, in, shel nm Again unnasist- penalties, goipg to Melvor and Sah nas Sard . OS Crovlens and the fois pve Agger urn jou. Hie hig where maintained oll slong that the( be developed os a public park. : , yoat | all {ter James 8, Band, in his de- to on A 8 soul for gone Linguan, for miseonduet. Misadventures of Mr. Pickwick William, A, Parish Water Purif owned by one company, the other|2%\9 Of hospital capital expon-| I again urge the Finance Com-| Councilor Edwart Wetherall partment's annusl report re Tim Olinsk) 4 anaugh Referee Iven Locke; Lines-|. "oi the Unity Theatre, cation Plant, These fecomiih owned by one company, the other | sion should not be a tax on land, mittee and the Council to begin) town's representative on the FRCS, br Rew Fl sour. Jim. Olinski snd Cav man, Ab Barnes, Sallon Hak. ol pis i prerequisite for progress is a de- The property owner has enough work on 8 capital budget which|South Ontario County Health Unit) Anat direct: taxation ean con. | "mt, a at 112 for TONEhING | WMANVILLE LINEUP ful and comprehensive ---- velopment company that wants|isx burdens to endure without the| will attempt to forecast eapital for 1961, Itinue to carry the burden of| ye Same vigh , iL Goal, Vanstone; Defence, Olin: I So: ngive sty y by to de velop. We are all very pleas. addition of a tax for hospitals, development needs for the mext| The town's appointments Lo the|,igape Maintaining and esring fhe ye 62 on & brea ey an Ronee, rd i 4 ' Fee id {However, if County Councils are five years, As I have indicated, Planning Board, Mr, Elwin Smyth ' 4 A, : joe, rd, thay officials, 2 vis ol done Limited has begun active de-\going to' make grants, I believe money needs to be spent on parks| and Mr. K, Blackburn, for three|/r €hildren and the aged re | Bowmanville split the game bott; forwards, Cowla, Magters, hy ip a fo dhe regular soutine velopment in a responsible and (hat our council must work tol and greenbelts; an addition is|year terms, Councillors 0, G.| wide open by scoring seven goals Hamilton, Majerrison, Sherridan, from 5200 entries at 8 contest ative tasks, |considered manner. This com-|win a county grant for the Ajax needed to the Sewage Piant;|Ashley and W, B, Robertson, for ar NOI [in the third period io the Comats le, T, Fairy, B. Fairy and 0 . The general post of- N Lane. seorel' Ly "3 fice was awarded & gold medal, i 1h § I; ) ¥ i Fel 13 . ih 1h i: ih i i 1 | : § i Ho i 5] i gE 3 4 i 1 i 3 | : HH i iff ih | ] ; i's H i ig HY if 3 {1 5 i E | i i with DICKENS WITH ves, pL ONPON a | Bart's iver » Russel Pecos, two more Dickensian me- | sicals have opened in London, A 3 : "The accomplishments mention. pany and the council working to-| snd Pickering General Hospital, | watermain need replacing; | 1961 ed above show that Ajax is pow gether with the town's hest in-|[f the Ontarte County on is! trunk mans sewesr are hi iid Industria! Commission for 1961, LONDON (CP)--Captain Nor. 13 16 mark, le u NEUP on the move, Each year we have terests in mind are building and going to spend large sums of due in the industrial area; future Messrs, Richard. Fleming, R, D. man Smith, 60-year-old comme-| The Shamrocks' snipers were; COBOURG LD added more and more of the me. Will continue to huild the finest! money on hospitals outside the residential development will bring) Thompson, H. N, Hunter, W. B,|dore of the Orient Passenger fleet! D, Masters, two gosls; B, Abbot, | Goal, Linguard; defence, Me- ARCTIC FOXES cessities to give our town the Planned community in this great eounty, we as & municipality new schools; sanitary land fill to Stratton, ¥, W, Ainsworth, Coun-|retired this month after 44 years B, Majerrison, L. Hamilton, B, Kien, Cavensugh, Parnell andl Arctic foxes have » shorts basis for future growth and de. province {within the county must see that! remove the smoke nuisance from|cillors H, M. Smith and L. A.|at sea, One retirement gift was a Lyle and B, Cowle all getting sin-| Mclvor; forwards, Lawless, Wag-| haired, brownish cost in sum- velopment, Sewage plants, hydro BOARD OF EDUCATION lour hospital gets its fair share/the dump will require more| Pearce [totem pole from Vameouver re-| gles horn, Campbell, son, Sie mer, furning to the longer white ur in winter, substations, water plants, zoning! "Now 1 would like to oufline'of Ontario Counly tax dollars, money, These are some of our' Town of Ajax Emregency porters, | Cobourg _eollected - two Rr on Macklin and Dowie, n wi Li CHERNEY'S CLEAR MANUFACTURER'S COMPLETE STOCK * SHOWPIECES of 1960 DESIGN | IS KROEHLER QUALITY BUILT BEDROOM FURNITURE COMPLETE SUITES ODD PIECES - SAVINGS UP TO 50% ~ EACH AND 'EVERY PIECE FIRST QUALITY MERCHANDISE It Everyday of the year Cherney's are on the look-out for buys like this this, They are few ond for berween, (i You mey recognize this suite ot @ glgnce, It is one of Kroehler's best selling 1960 designs with ell the L mour you have always wanted, Why not take @ minute and feast your eyes en furniture masterpieces, signed to ak your home a "showplece' of good taste, This suite, featured in so many different groupings, comes In a lu Vows Borie finish = warmly mids-tone brown with features found only on better suites, including dust-proof on wary ver gloss mirrors, imported "Cathedral Grain' veneer fronts, Kroehler beauty and quality construction of price, was made possible on one condition----the balan ce of the manufacturers stock be cleared to one degler Cherney's have received the entire shipment = compl ete suites, odd pieces. As @ matter of fact every piece is on display in the King Street window, Select the suite or separate pieces you went tonight, Order them to-morrow! Be early! This special purchase cannot be repeated, SALE STARTS TOMORROW 10 A.M. Save 151.50 DOUBLE DRESSER SUITE This suite consists of 3 pieces--double dresser, chest, bookcase bed, List price 399.50 ON SALE TOMORROW AT 10 A.M. FOR $288 Save 161.50 TRIPLE DRESSER SUITE This suite consists of 3 pieces--triple dresser, chest, bookcase bed, List price 499.50, ON SALE TOMORROW AT 10 A.M. FOR $298 Save 325.00 MASTER BEDROOM SUITE This suite consists of 3 ecu mmmaster dresser, deluxe chest, panel bed, 2 night tables, List price 723.00, ON SALE TOMORROW AT 10 A.M. FOR $398 a : SAVE 156.75 SAVE 205.75 3-PCE. GROUPING 6-PCE. GROUPING Ideal for the guest room --- or re This group consists of § pieces -- fll mom, This group consists of door cabinet, size panel bed, 2 night tables, corner corner chest, bookcase bed, List price chest, door cabinet at a substantial sav. ing. List Price 411,50, _ J EE As 313.50 = dl yp? On Sale 156 75 On Sale 205.75 Take Advantage Of This Offer! TN ' Tomorrow ' Tomorrow Lowest Prices! Easiest Terms! a ovplagg' | SAVE 63.50! CHEST-ON-CHEST designed to last a lifetime, ON SALE TOMORROW . . . 63.50 SAVE 49.50! BACHELOR CHEST Sho bo dif wun ven wos ON SALE TOMORROW . . . 49.50 SEE IT TODAY pene bor th SAVE 29.50! NIGHT TABLES THE BUY OF THE YEAR mea wes ON SALE TOMORROW . . . 29.50

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