CAPSULE NEWS U AR B | From Kenya LONDON AP ~Britain Thurs day night was reported to have (barred the United Arab Repub le from opening consiste in the east African eolonies of Kenya {Uganda and Tanganyika and Aden on the Arabian Peninsula | Informed sources say the British fear the UA R, wants to use the consular missions to promote anti-British activity TWO TOOK REFUGE BUENOS AIRES (AP) ~The Ar gentine foreign mipistry sald | Thursday Angel Begurs Busia | ante swyer of Cuba's Bu ipreme Court, »pd Fidel Idlesips | secretary general of the Fedérn ition of Cuban Fleetric Power | Workers Unions, have taken po {litical refuge in Argentina's Ha vana Embree) WILL PROBE DEATHS na veteran Turkist diplomat Peli Sarper as foreign mi nigter WiLL LOSE CHARTERS TORONTO (CP --Twe Teronte social clubs sre to have their charters cancelled following con vietions on common gaming house charges, Provincial Secre- tary John Yarembko sanounced Thursday night. The clubs, to be dissolved as of Jan. 21, are the Sorauren Social Club and the Glenbrook Country Club, Tneor- porated in Windsor, the Glen brook Club moved headguar ters to Toronte REBUILD LATER TORONTO (CP)--The Mann facturers' Ballding, destroyed in Tuesday night's fre at the Ca " Fuesds : | SKIES WILL BE generally nadian National Exhibition, w § y throughout oat not be rebuflt this vear, General "OM Rrovghout mos Hiram MeCallam Ontario and Quebec today and | eratures above the freezing of | Baturday the weather office | mark, will preva in most says. Mild weather, with temp- | areas Wirephote) MONTREAL (CP)~The pro- Thursds CKFE President , vineial fire commissioner will in i aid destruction CITY AND the Dec, 20 ofl stove Bi-yesrold struciure wil a WEATHER FORECAST and fire that caused 12 room for # moders bullding fn) DISTRICT id one family at Novan, time for the 1967 centent I » iN Que ss learned Thursday, bration M 1d WwW t Mrs, Abel Voshurg a Ii of her » A f VE 1 Sot i en REJECTS RED CHARGE ne TIRERIS CLOSED ed er 15 ehfidren died in the fire following stree 5 VAS A ' AF their tar-paper shack, Noyan is To ¥ © closed to traffic today: Cadillac 3% miles south of Montres) 5% has Rejected bBo sve, 8 from Crerar to Olive . » \ i that an American Ave, Stevenson road south, from OFFICER APPOINTED er "harassed a Russian gel' res pe the CPR: Steven ls WA (CP fd 74 TT. on the { IFTAWA #}. o ' ' yu " south closed at the CNR MILITARY BALL PLANS UNDER WAY Members of the Ontario Regl- | Oshawa's biggest social events | of the entertainment commit- | Brown, serv member 1 y Dot o. duos ay . ut A Ack nogline €pu a ' 1 0 month ago # 4 2 " N 2 g ¢ ' gson, Is pect Seated left, is It, B, O ¢ ati 14 y logis Vv d Whenever possible these streets! TORONTO (CP -Forecasts is. southward over Northerr Ontarie elati 'arte of the sessor expecied to | tee €a sentative, L-Cy A. La arn hi rela or 3 tT ' plomsi i fa us ment Association have started ! army p eat riment said & diploma will be open to local traffic sued by the weather office at'Saturday olone A nstive of preparations for the Annus! attendance, Major W. Clarke, | W, Evans, decorations commit » Sehr with the Tineoiens the Sc waedl Ao May i uy 4 yy < B vale fv and Mess rep ents tions offic ith the Fmergency k 3 " vessel to den v " Toda Fai Military Ball scheduled to be | sented centre, Is shown as he | tee, Is seated ot right, Stand i a eas. Woasures Orangizations. detence:iiy = liseli. whi soot on NO ACCIDENTS Synopsls--Today, all of s0ulh- agers Lake Ontario regions, held in April. The Ball, one of | discus plans with members | ing are, left to right 2] yshawa Times Ph headquarters announced Thurs. practice for ps Mov in in Although street conditions re. © and central Ontario will have Windsor, London, Hamilton, Tor ---- fl ' Wirs- pra ? } . iernoon temperatures above 4, 1oudy becoming sunny . Heute dice Department reported no treesing. Colder air will edge this morning, Partly eloudy to- Winnipe we has bee arm REPORTER FREED acidents from Thursday 9 a.m night and Saturday, continuing rus ee Xp al public lations for the 16, HAVANA (AP)~Cubsn wu o this morning . mild, Winds southwest 15 tary investigators Thursday re | Georgian Bay, Haliburton re CALL ' FUNERAL OF triet High School, the youth wa WILL, ASK DIVORCE. ber of the Associated Press staff The Oshawa Fire Department day, continuing cold, Winds west. JOHN BURCH, SR a member of Whithy United t wW HOL 1) WOOD (AP Actress in Havana, His wife, held with! enorted no fires in the erly 15 The memorial service for John Church, He was also a member QAI( dine Chir ants lo ik er ' in roy ve ays. . ase vas period ending at 9 am today or e d Kirkland Lake Timmins - Kap- byear marriage to actordiree. freed noug B BNed One routine ambulance call was uskasing regions, North Bay, died a the Oshava General Hos gud wa etary of the Whith AL the most recent Oshawa the dd i He Ho olor said 1 A i fe van mor aera rig gl answered by the department pita! Tuesday Jan 3, in bis 73rd Junior Brass Band Board of Fducstion meeting the shawa boy a larg Bet Of gh ba Set 4 ' wi : rags The al oe. he wa q Na ' ; urday, Occasional light snow er yesr, Was held at the Armstrong Besides his parents hb sur: controversial Holshaws Board land for subd on purposes, si J ovems od ey 4 this to n sald erels hat "the ATTEND CONVENTION iquor d e freezing drizde this morning, a FPuners! Home at 2 pm. Thurs yived by three brothers id, of Fduention land swap of lost uated northward from ¢ works. HA i' 4 re . ¥ # | eharze np ted" Pave i on Delega from the Osha few light snowflurries Saturday. fle J ¥ M fiat L Ler : . nents ¢ : ; district attend ng the provine al John Kobe nak 37 of 81 Continuing mild, winds light v, John K. Molla ninisle sl se ¢ ' of Dre v known as e ole f course HE) sgembile ar " . a A 2 United Chure af abd £4 " Hpi A ta » ! : mhly of the Ontario Public pocrsld avenue, was fined $200 Forecast Temperatures of Bimeoe Sireel United Chureh ( we committ ¥ netry 4 ' p School Men Teachers' Federation onducted the services, Interment y . tl or quite ' ( ABINET NAMED CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Ont ruth aeration and costs, or two months, when Low tonight and high Saturday 1 ANE, " ¢ al 3.4 p.m proc ne ' 4 4 arie Board of h ANKARA (AP Turkey chief BONN Reuters Chance onto recently included Ron he pleaded guilty before Magis Windsor 28 tery, A Royal Canadian Legion thy Tie ¢ lowned land adiacent to the prot y : t ov bod : A snd Warrer p Cobourg . service was held at the eceme id Un hig po hail land adiacent to the pro) is of Alice | " Le Thus sda night named & new fith _ birthda Thursdey | ghd mn Outs bo A " Soh a charge of selling liquor, His home London oer set Le known & Adelald " The cabine neluding 11 ministers spright bantering manner that : } x am ax an "Weiwas declared a publie place for Kitchener 25 : rence Ha y an uests in | Sutton secrets while WOZ :. 4 5 have more then 400 guests in to . ary, J snd LC tirell. Men's been appointed public rela. not at the destrover merely p FST . " a.m. ES Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Nb as been promoted to ternational waters aly wet and slushy the Oshawa % : leased George Kaufman, 8 mem I AMBULANCE gions: Cloudy today and Satur. Bureh, Br., 63 John street, who of th i y Junior Rifle Club t f ¥ I J f or Dick Powell, lawver Jerry for investigation man sald , 7 y AWYE err | g na ald Sudbury: Cloudy today and Sat day, Jan, b Seph d Gregory summer us resurrected when street embracing most of what is © " we proved way In the Oshawa Union Ceme Ken ith sitle " f ar Whithy oss Wrda ? smith | sequisition Y owned a proper mth hoof state, Gen. Cemal Gursel, Konrad Adenauer celebrated on: Waitby: Ross Moffal|trare ¥, 8, Fbbs today to a St, Thomas ....... 28 of Oshawa 2 it £Y Wooleoek, Le p . ony We a ne J ill be in Grovesid Ld Ie CIty « A nC. Ww Al : B dd Btopent owe t ' 100] from the administration that re 'made clear to his opponents thi oe one year and 232 pints of beer, a Wingham ay The palibearers were DJ |= mately five acres acquired 150m the street. west of the Cornacold Gurerl wil rorve op Loyear. he considers himself hit for an pypoRys APPRECIATED [2:-ounce bottle of whiskey and a Hamilton ._...., 2 Iverson, president of the Royal FUNERAL OF he Holshaws company this sum: tion schoo Brfiid Linrsel vii erve as premier other tough election eampaign Durine Jankary: many of there 2H bottle of wine were con. S atharines ... 28 Canadian Legion Branch and sys ALFRED PROCTOR mer in the new government. He re-|later this year churches of Oshawa will be hold: tied by the Crown Jetonto G, F, Brant, W, R_Flliott, W, ¥ . . Trustee George Drypan who Trustee Drynan said the boas rene o wh i be hold | Constable Charles Gallogley Peterborough Beaton, 1, R. Skelton, Jr, and ihe funera rvice for Mr egotinted the land swap for the 1 | . . | 1elr annual meetings Bl guid he purchased a 25-ounce Trenton N, H, Wircock, Jr. past presi. Alfred Proctor, John street, who --o awa Board of J duce on W MH area which fell off 0 4 hy hie i progress made during the pile of whiskey from the ae- Killaloe .., dents died ut the Oshawa General Hos- Col RE oi Bo Crimes deep ravine. It not deemed 1SS1 eo 0 es past year will be reviewed. The oysed at Starr's Garage, Satur- Muskoka pital Monday, Jan, 2, was held at " Mudy ¥ the O i is p euera) suitable for school building pur 3 Oshawa Times would appreciate) gov Dee, 17 North Bay .. MRS, THOMAS COOK the Melntosh - Anderson Funeral TepoOFier A re ra pi eASTar ng | Poses / receiving reports of these meet-| qy." orfioer testified that later Sudbury : Epa 167 i veri Ings that night he went to the Emerald Earlton home of the accused, Kapuskasing , Y ¢ ome 2 40 y. Thursday A resident of Columbus prac. Home at pm Thursday rom Injuries received in an auto- EXTENSION BLOCKED AV ene CERTIFICATE GIVEN where Def, 8gt, Ken Young iden. White River , . \ | ' from injuries received is it ; ut Adan, EE men nace, FOF The Year The Jersey cow Crescent (ified him as a police officer to| Moosonee Cook died at her home In Col He M. A Bury, minister of traddled i blocked t umbus Thursday, January 5, fol- King Street United Church, eon. REASONS CITED rade hed and po ha he exten lowing & short lines, She was in ducted the services, Interment "The following are briefly the 5on of C nisl Park boulevard By HOWARD BENEDICT vill beam weather forecasts from y R J rrurs Blvet ent | the accused -- was shaw Inite o vv re sie vnan gay VEO) olshawa pr CAPE C VE { . clagsifiec upreme Excellen 1 | or a Whithy Township | nt oe Oshawa, United Comores), reasons Trustee Drynan gave for| "0 "oe eres ry to obtain vi A ANAVERAL is, (AY space snd may lead to actual bred and Whi) by W. FV. Batty | a onstaie Galogley uid "| IMPRESSED BY CABINET Ge eased. Was the {OFEE Loan po BETS Meron Mo the Central Park Blva road al-| pioneer V sails around sun, Fcho,| Howe - at and Son, Brooklin, has just been) ang 85 bill, He repeated the seri] PETROIT (AP)~Henry Ford ' Jy =. owance, culting the sehoo aE. Trans '11 Howey: year's end, the | a 4000 ind certificat w Mary Jens Jord, She was al Lean, Cocll Adams, william Bur 1 Tax board property To tre I'iro: Transit Midas, Explorer, goviet Union apparently Toes © awarded a 000 bound oy ileate numbers of the bills he used and | president and hoard ehalrman io Ward Re ng red " Since the sel board id Courter whirl Into orbit. Atlas the race to put the first man Into 70 a2 Ih . { milk oy 4.217 which Sgt, Young gave him at the of the Ford Motor Company, sald | y ¥ Chon WIure Vou gt . i les N " "8 " al L] a treaks 9000 miles, Space cap-iorhit, The next 12 months will 1bs of fat wb whl home of the accused, Thursday he was impressed by Mrs, Cook had taken an active MRS, ANNIE ELIZABETH SILLS eventually have to bulld a school gle re , > ¥ E El I SIL i 100! | sule recovered see a quickening of this vital According to the officer, he sav Dumoctati President-elect John {10 cases of beer, and a bottle part in the life of the community Mrs, Annie Elizabeth Sills died ! oo . ed twas considered These were the major Cape sweepstakes , She served as postmistress for). codons Nursing--ome, E 8 8 t 0 sSwer betier to trade with Holshawa for Canaveral headlines in 1960, What Ries ari wine at the accused's home te F + Kennedy's cabinet appoint B Bew prope table for 4) 4 Usean d€lentists apparently or orce the bottle ments, Ford, in a talk in which property consisted ¢ the village for 45 years prior 10 whithy Towns! " y r ill they be in 10617 The | y hi ownship, Thursday, Jan 7 d ey be in J 18y COC ; A sald 232 pints of beer, her retirement In April, 1960, Bhe|s gi 0 12d made her home w 10¢ an to make an outright pead are akipping a short ballistic { §, She h wade h ome with' WINDSOR (CP)----Mavor Mic . fig} dA {of wine and the liquor he had he called on industry to take an was a member of ( olumbus her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. el Paty Thuretay Hoa a ton an American astronaut orbits flim it faves of rot keting a man purchased earlier in the day were ry United Church and was devoted i Mrs Harold Brown. 504 or cent sales: tax he suggested Trustee D in and several earth, Saturn, Centaur super 0 : rom the start, They seized to her home and her family Front street. Oshawa ey mot anew an ie MuBReSTS school board members tramped rockets launched, Instrument] 9° pin raled 3 y have the ca ncrease The officer sald nine cases of Nelp America and the world in Bani sated. Oy " husband " I'he former Annie Elizabeth greater municipal revenues ver the Holshawa property look. package lands on moon, Titan Foi hed iy pn gn acy 24 pints of beer were found be. trying times, added that "there FUATY, i, rs 00) 4 4 2 ibid " g for a suitable schoo! site, operational, Minuteman hits tar. b dog il other an i k . J upport . of "mals into orbit and returned hind a ar in Kobelnak's base. is no evidence as yet to 8 ment, Sixteen pints of beer were the fear that we are in for care active part in public affairs te Hi the deceased was & t i T survived by two daughters Mr, Ww wh Ae dex 4 bi Py ROR 4 But he sald it has started peo. They found a parcel of land in get /. Suthe (Hazel) Ys V: ? #* ple thinking 1e north east end of the deve ac v Ca (them safely to earth, However, A Ww Sth and, Has "pol | dent of Oshawa for over 80 years, ple J the hort} east end of the develop-| U.S, Space technology came of | Pi # fight tailed in Drover a n ana a found In a refrigerator behind the less or radical economic aur. yshawa an rs, G. Bren hy Was predeceased by her hig Mayor Patrick made the sug (ment that Trustee Drynan sald age in 1060 as determined bands when at tmel. fila cemauer thar and the wine was selzd gery." ora) X Raglan and a son Devoe band. the late James Sills, April Bestion In hls Inaugural address| Would be admirable for their pur. of scientists, technicians and en soll A gv nak filled spaceship from the bar - of Oshawa She was predeasec i » 1961 | poses gineers transformed research and of UP Curing re-eniry DETROIT (AP) Indefinite ) y 7, 1047 ( i coun He sald the he Search and A ndefinite| Magistrate Ebbs, when lookin, by three sons, Morley of Col | 2 byt sau. | [AX ON luxury items would raise He sald, if oo ere built development into significant! The Soviets hold 8 commanding layoff in the auto Industry {over Kobelnak's reeord puis ow a 4 ad | borne, Arthur J. of Brooklin and { Bat M % in NE Pi about $2,000,000 years on this property 't would be ideal- space and missile achievements, '¢ad In exploration of the moon. mounted past the 25,000 mark! mented: "This record dates back Lorne T, of Oshawa a i neph A ATI0 NE Yue announcement hrough y located for students in the Hol. The first steps were taken to. They launched no lunar vehicle Thursday as manufacturers re-|quite a while, It would appear yon Also surviving are a brother are fasmiiton; 18 4 150 ie nso on y i ® shawn subdivision and those In ward making space useful for In 1960, but the previous year vised production schedulse down have graduated from each place," Levi Ward, of Oshawa, 16 grand-| Ambrose (Mary), Oshawa 8 forty of H ) n from Windsor| the subdivision to the north military operations and for man they hit the moon and took the| ward His Worship said : P ' hil 1O0TER ougle 5 16 an rea nyo q 3 { ' ehildren and 25 great-grandchild. George Pods 1 {Bertha 'n Osh Be 4 area n rs and PROPERTIF n his everyday life first pletures of its hidden back! With 1.000 000 unsold new cars Ass t( A ren EWa ane a 0k rown \ i ' hd TRADED Courier Is the forerunner of a Side. Two US, attempts to hurl| in dealers' hands, factory output SHigtal town Attorney, W The remains will be at the Mc Rub ) ind three son Perhaps the F ax sr fie properiies were traded this military communications system, & satellite around the moon In Is being trimmed sharply Most Bruce Afleck sald the accused intosh-Anderson Funeral Home Edward, Jar and Norman, the answer," Putriel |d,| summer and according to Trustee Midas will lead to a system of 1900 fizzled because of trouble of the companies hope to reduce has been sushected of bootlegging for service In Columbus United all of Oshawa wt at least as started peo pr RAR HN lool board came detecting an enemy missile the With the Atlas.Able booster rock: | (heir assemblies to the same i Church at 2:3 pm, Monday,| Also surviving are 20 grand: ple thinking." ( ghtly to the good on the instant It 1s launched, Transit ets level as their sales, or below the evidence here ® Dyoing end Repairing 4 yi proves that suspicion was eor fanuary 9. Rev, R, Love, min: ohildren, 12 great-grandchildren des He sald The is w board Prop igventually will provide ships, The US, plans an extensive] Present industry plans call for rect" he ald erty lg about the finest site in the ad 4 : f o 1e sal planes and submarines with ac-| assault on the moon starting next| about 450,000 cars to be built jh ister of Columbus United Church, and two great - great - grand |g. | i { A Dy A . ath followed a prolonged! city suital ) p | 9 will conduct the services. Inter chiidren h Witabie for a school. The ourate, all-weather navigation month, the lowest figure for Jan * Mothprooting illness t , f ment will be in Groveside Cem fhe body is resting at t land fronting on the proposed summer with the first flights of ; body Is 1 £ @ he He was the ' ry since 1953, Production Yan 4 as jon of the late Mr. Central Park Blvd, extension is al COMMUNICATIONS AID ' seraft designed t {aly 3 Ne PLE OF U. S. A L extension is a All A spacecraft designed to land onl ihe current week was estimated atery, Brooklln Armstrong Funeral Home, with Friends are asked not t ll memorial services in the chapel and Mrs, Peter Bremner and tableland falling of af the edges) Echo will open the way to as t Ca 56 " 3 moon \ at the funeral homa before Sab-iyio d4a0 yan, 9, at 2 pm Inter- married the former Janet Brem. of the property world-wide radio, television and the fn ; 09 load of scientific) by 03 cars ap io MORE TRANQUIL urday evening n il he fn Gahawa 'Union ne n Wickeaithness, Scotland At the north east corner of the telephone networks. Tiros one day 'M¥truments 71,00 cars or he : me ! during 1620 approximately five acre site, is a the first week of last year. At A recent survey by Abb JON EDWARD MAUNDER | cemetery Mr: Bremner wa resident! 1:33 acre parcel of land owned by [ that time however, the ar. Al Yakora! v 3 y ott Fatally wounded by the dis Friends are asked not 10 0all os Whithe for Hy b L dent the city, The eitvaed tov oy T il Fi nies were trying to eateh up w ith| i fil ore : Jone that pi shatge of his rifle, John Edward al the funeral home before Sat: gq" work (0 Tan BASES YORI) ompletely land locked and of no al or rm u an Ia e | demand foll ving the prolonged] jn oe ptions are for Maunder, 200 Lee avenue, Whit: urday evening the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, for| value to the city, but would round 1 0 f 8, | le pits = fo 1 . . 'ercome business fears hy | ny, died at his home Thursday 10 years. Before coming to Whit-|out a better property for the | » Ne Indefinite layoffs have heen Y y 3 I a . I 4 getting the important Oshawa svening. Jan, 5 Te was In his ALEXANDER BREMNER by, Mr, Bremner lived in Scot. School board t {announced by all five manufac] . - ved | ¢ 4 nnounces 0 1SIn turers, Additionally, many plants| Times Classified Ad habit. | . » 17th year I'he death occurred at Oshawa land rustee Drynan pointed out that | : i re working short weeks or alter-| You get action when you ad A son of William Edward Geperal Hospital, Thursday, Jan He wi he city-owned parcel of land was . Pp A 1 3 an. was a member of St. An I and wa HAVANA (CP) Inquiries iin op | vertlse In the hard-hitting | Maunder and the former Mar: § of Alexander Bremner, of 3027 grec Proshvierian Chureh ® ary to the construction about trade nate weeks to curtail output § ip a 1 R 174 MARY STREET . 4 toast T Whithy hil og rade with Canada have Classified Pages. Call RA forle Allee Pearson the de Colborne st ol east hOY. | whithy and a life member of St. of @ new school, but since it was slowed slightly in recent weeks, | v , 3-8402 now for Inf th ceased was born in Toronto Born in Wick, Scotland, Mr. pervs Matonlo Lodge, No. 466 '40d locked the eity would prob TORONTO (CP)--Plans for x Allan C. Anderson. 1 | An official of General Motors] W% 0 ormation A student at the Whithy Dis. Bremner was in his 68th year. sv and AM. Wiek Senil ably consider selling it to the rang: A SO 6, on, Canadian am-|¢ Canada, Limited, commented a , Wick, Scotland, In sotool Board a merchandise display mart were bassador to Cuba, said Thursday that no layoffs are anticipated in| addition he was a member of the #¢H00l board at co nnouneed Thursday by Tip Top| "Our commercial section Is Canada , o ¢ COMING EVENTS htar bt otal Ou io BOARD STATEMENTS Talon ad adil ver its all reasonably busy but not so In fact, he sald, work sched: mtario Hospital Quarte entury The above explanatior ny SIx-storey building near the Calin lv . y Clut d Branch 112 T tA a NY nadi 4 | usually so as about a mouth les been increased and the o bank » aneh 1 Canadian Trugiee Drynan of the board of "dian National Exhibitionior more ago." the ambassador! wie have Ie o } Seated and gu hy The deceased had education's decision onthe land ® winds for the new enterprise, said in an Interview lin Oshawa and Windsor by 300 BINGO BINGO tan ai EE au Was prompted by statements| Tip Top sald it has formed a qu, United St i «n during the past month, Fh anding war record when he made at the Thursday, Dee, 29, ew company, Canadian Interna Lomi iy ates imposed an men during ¥ HARMAN PARK ASSOCIATIC CORONATION served hi the Ru al Engineers meeting of the board 'of educa. tional Display Mart Ltd, to op:|a) og shipments of Almost during the First World War, Heltlon at Adelaide House srate the A " ¥ 0 a late last au . E l onse erate the mart, A new factory T JOHN'S HALL ORANGE vas awarded the Military Medal] At that time Trustee A will be built for Tip Top's opera tum ORGANIST Corner of B N TEMPLE MM) and the Belgian Decora. (O'Neil said, "I think there were tions, but company officials de.| Anderson said the recent C ang Jim | tion Militaire, both distinguished grounds for thinking ti p United States severance of dip ; ¥ AN 7 ¢ inguished '# nking this was a clined to say whether it will be States severance of diplo 9.12 NIGHTLY Friday, Jan 6th, 8 p.m ATUR RAY 5 y n service medals very unbusiness lke move, when in Toronto. matie relations with Cuba "has 2 G He is survived by his wife, a/We have to acquire more land fo not affected inquiries in any Johnny McMann The mart Is expected to open " 20 games $6 ond $10 20 Games $8 daughter, Mrs, W. Lee (Dorine) make use of our property." 2 vear ft} way TEL | ANCASTER . AD « of he © any § : NO Five $40 jackpot yHARE-THE-WEALTH of Oshawa and three sons, James Trustee Margaret Shaw sald Patioieg afte " Phin _ "The American hreak did not ! ¢ " ot 1 A 'We were told at the » 4 $40 Jackpots To Gc and Peter, of Oshawa and David d a we time of " ake v difference ' of Whiths the exchange of property that MAN In Chicago, it will lease ™ ake any difference, oLD TIME DANCE $130 Jackpot To Go Three sister Mrs FP Gunn his new land would be suitable Space 0 Tauactarey for per i ----- EY EY ps Porcelain for building a schom. anent Isplay of furniture Isabella), of Scotland s At Tharmton's Corners NIGHT OF CARDS Rog 42 Tite t ta Ry hk Chariman George Fletcher 'Ousehold equipment, fumishings Community Mall Golden Jubilee Chapter | and Mrs. W. Fle Allee) of New Geo Sh ay dt Tat th a UPS 4 weorge rynan should be at the JAMES A MacDONALD ' and RUSSELL J, | | JA fopland; three brothers, Pete SATURDAY, JAN. 7th | WEDNESAY, N L { Scotland ree br 0 Re Tek eatin to answer the question: S---------- ® Binding and Fringing Wall-te-wall carpets in your home ay HORS TRADING DE aa pr, DEW Sed TRADING: © All Current Stock MURPHY wish to announce that as of De- SIX DESIGNS -- TWO SHAPES MONTGOMERY'S ORCHESTRA 0. and 13 meant hil ia y v ha bi 5 UAW, HALL and 13 grandchildren A150 10qst one trustee was disgruntled AT cember 31st, 1960, the firm of GREER, Adults $1 Students 50¢ Wave done more , Vv neral Chap ithy horse trading, from. their ad Wear ( ) i be fn Oshawa. Ula remiss. and sad that eed tus 8 Drastically Reduced JAMES A, MacDONALD will continue prac PRICE for [ 4 8 P.M, Tickets 75 survive, . because he thought the school p remains are at th Co board should +} for : 2 Nesbitt's Ladies' MURPHY & MacDONALD will be dissolved e trading during our tice at The Commercial Building, 286 King SPECIAL! UKRAINIAN on uel he ice ; bn wa ely Satistact lo the JANUARY SALE Street West, Oshawa, Ont., RA 5.4716 CHRISTMAS PROGRAMME grave -s -- : dealin ag Fd ae Po Nn ; JT RUSSELL J. MuRPHY i gantinus prae 2 STORES T0 SERVE YOU BETTER C.K.LB. 7 P.M Lava, | a: during uta 8.2971, A DOWNTOWN OSHAWA MRR EE: tink his thy land that J RA . and Business Men's Club of Oshawe Eh state by the UN In 1949. te thers} kd v Budget Terms Available $i count