Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 6 Jan 1961, p. 13

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tds 45--Resl Estate for Sele A5--Resl Kstote For Sole (48--Reot Sotote Vor Sele (87 Automobiles Vor Sale (47 Automobiles Vor Sole (50---Articles for Sele ok / AWENTAL work, for sole, TREE SA Brick bo CRIVROLET, con be seen beside 9) EVROLEY ed dois Wh 99% Piers ho, wll, £5 METC | F Ha i i sei lor Ya 2 fn 0 eh But X Fud Eo, ri Tor livres rokommation Ry gg A lol Ls d ' roy ftdaicd -- Hie, he agents, BA $4 VA ESWAGEN, ls = /~ in re 1g, BW es ey i Ul Ti eka v REAL ESTATE LIMITED Vor, Vite Ta pre fr [108 FORD Fuirione, mimetic toa ne AVIIN Heviey Sprie'"; oz TOWN os a Ag 40 KING STREET EAST DIAL RA B-4678 lt eaten wots rept CE ----t hha, JNA J, ((zomia vin sc -- wi or Wy 4 ll po BROOKSIDE ACRES WACK. us" hori, oh Hp Maden ond specious broom ranch bungslow with double BOLAHOOD Leash vest Sharp, $105 down, ER Wotan (Ty) ie iz i Ere ortached gorage. This home 15 © jewel with its mony fine #5y on King its Hy we 4H sata. aS AL x, ve 0 fT ¥ TN modern cpponiments puch os Jalouse windows, twindow in LIMITED {1061 omy ATR Wonia living raom and builtin stove end oven in the lege bright b SH white, red nig 1 4 [#4 7 tere built-in bookeases, ond broadcom bn the "iin ond REALTOR INSURANCE (ira Will sesoph sash or Leims, BA tt es he), Ww BA, Ani The 3 bedrooms sre lerge with (66 pr c e : A E---- Eo i rvh Crv x Wo oh 4 board space, the large family size dining room end the Hving 167 SIMCOE §, (58, YONTIAG ry Ve, Fou TWO wisiks, 197 € ari iy arson, vamos hoor 2% % 13 with netwd fireplace éomphment this home RA 5 6544 dos 11110 rr 5 yi rod $y. oor | Wirt, role hed rr a ae a, Wasons This home is tostelully decorated thoughout with finished ol | mare Inform | - lgundgry room end recrestion room in the basement, Moy we 44 THA AN hepier JH ive Hr BE oth 4 vir & hamin wt 77] Wee on early eppointment to inspect this fine home. COURTICE i covers, Kect mm iin iy Dodge Phy moth, : 4 Yorn, is foe oe ner yd we, WAL | rh Sm ; . 2 A WISE INVESTMENT Vent 10 move 6 the country? (loss ; New modern tri-plex completely furnished gd rented, Des: Wa have 8.5 ni wil poe eka Jos, 7 a of bres, 1 rl 254 A, orted ond landscaped, belconies, stoves, refrigerators, waher HB sical : A find washers i ond dryer, Blin tiled bathrooms, panoramic seshless windows 696, situated on Picery land Priveie BA $2918 i SALL CASHS fr og J fs, we Lr Ey: Mn, Co yh phasis | ., rs, . scoped oA, Weoted by forced |= poRy™ Veiiane i, piiimaiis, with storms nd screens = built 19 Give MINIMUM MOINEnence oir oil, lose 19 shod, 16rms ade, Wm Immsesinie Eondblion Inside | For cleon cars we des) up or down Sree or riawrer, HM cost, A reel investment for § couple g retirement, or for on § 4 Im -- rx re anyone Poi pig a rent free ol en $25,000.00 reasonglle, Poggi Aude 1 rd" jor hash Miter, Liens poid off, BANKRUPT oy) AAT thas A Ax i od dn wor ham wiih down payment 1 bs arvenged, now 10. ves this dream house, 1060 WILE Jah ons VAL J vhes| NICOL'S MOTOR SALES 1) Bock Biioh For id rr w ag ogy lg ma HARMONY HEIGHTS Honan McCabe, WA 5-6544 amid Ton oration (oa 512 BROCK 5T, N, WHITBY v ae on mie Jory Mrs, Raion mes wna oe and 34 n-------- nd M $V -room brick bungelow, well decorated, lendscoped, Loundry o i 7 whol i . pe ¥ ; | Mr committes, Mrs, Frank Dis: Ni FV. sntenns, rR with aluminum screens, storm Member of Oshawe ond gig A AA C ASH Ll CRA oA ot oy ane, ® deorwone" rah Xe 7 ling Mrs, George Wilson; person. the home of windows end doors, Full price $14,200.00 District Reg) Estate Bogid 7 service pt your home, eal HA! FOR SOUT CAR OF AiR + Sond lin, poor Whar Seis "cy pA toe, Mrs erey ones, ig S---------- iE 0 fortes, Kelvimoior refrigerniors," fete: machine op ophes, ¥ 7, #0 Jones, Mrs sriron; BEAUTY SALON VR yr Bd ina VAN HEUSEN ty Widget Vien RA 544, ie: Shrest or Bouin AW, Ph A tors, Mrs, Charles Fiss ond Mrs, § 1 Ji ¥ $1,000.00 will ger you started In this modern, flourishing tires, Con be inaneed thrmogh honk ot VACUUM clamor repwirs sl " dali | Lewis dons, i butiness, Fixtures, eqipment and decor very modem end the $ Jor vont ViATh or ois, Wh Elgin pans, puschments, | rt Li Wx, wo sails $10; Peovles Union clientele very go od, Downtown location with living querters, its fv oon pap preggo MOTORS Renisls ua Clasner. Bepwis 2 ed pot 1 |, WARES went noun J caroling and eal. i. en Lheviglet panel, fair son KA $09) anytime, hes! W rlegmore ed on the Br, citizens snd Shown by sppeintment enly, ; a Feira 2 We, (Fg Bd wt 149 KING 5T. W, in sore ond redaniant Hp ny lunch st the PINE AND MONTRAVE AVE ! REAL ESTATE late, HA 576% ment, We by snd sell, new or weed. | FREE ; 4 { wilh this iy v heels or Empringham, broom, | Yi-storey, do garage, § warm house, ides! for | W OHEYROLIE Bel Air sep shore AB-- Automobiles Wanted _{aey. terme Avrihing nb Wade Led! its with every a of hall soles ol r, and Mrs, Cecil Jones were " c v8 ( blet tir king $9, oe 0 with 000.00 down RA 5.2993 cornl and greyeione beige, exirn 8908 LARERHORE Auto Wieckers wan bred. men's or ladies, time pied, ' { the Beech - Shepherd OS ANGELYS AD) Comed, subletting. Asking $9,200.00 with Ld w | condition, MOhawk BBA alter T pm, cors tor wiseking, Highest prices paid, Wh ENCYCLOPAEDIA, orth Vs 5 hoe Service, 418 Simeon Breet guests a ian Hope, complaining of AFTER 5:30 CALL Wi OVREMOBIVE. One awner ear, HA S118 volumes World Alles, V1 on bois newt to Boron W | Wedding st Lenside on Friday dizziness and fatigue, dropped John Kemp, RA 8.2392 Dick Barriage, RA 5.6243 | 7:reom brick home with fine isaenfic: for cash: In good condsiion - eri DOAeAss, ha Aa, |UsEn Waris wid repair Toy WI makes OVEnINg, out of & pro-amstenr gol tourna. 5 624 f 4 4 | Everett Eller, RA 3.9290 Joe Mags, RA 5.919) ished rucrestion room, Shun For more inom ation (elephone ol SPOT CASH AWNINGS Fr or i [eA of wrksr WOR WAthert, Ye ho moors ment Thursday in the middle of num storms Gre ak 1.7] BEFVIEE, es » Order pow ', nds Marion Drew, RA 6:7610 if drive, newly decorated, [10% BUICK hardtop, mechanically A) PAID FOR Chal, tabi rem Cleve Fox, #12) Hemptan, y/) an bid Hots COLUMBUS ome' of ie bunt rom he ovr p ¢ #lmost new lires, no rust, 8755, Will Simeve North Asking $12,500, Vendor will i fom ai Good cleen cars, Trade wp DOMINION App { vison of 9 take trade, Yelephone HA 54192 4 ances (x di ere was one report that id one open mortagoe, TF or gd ; SELLING furvitire! We'll uy 0, Wie. | / The, Hope OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR hald 1 ne iq re i Wa Chey, mow Spon radi sie" HA wr down, Liens peid ol LES iniuerstors, TV's ( Mj Ay pinnae, Pnish, Jon) tow Ha wl COLUMBUS ~~ Mr, James aolisnced after driving from the ter olf King east, €I058 16 |0HS or shay 100 Mamie armas) POPP MOTOR oA faves, we. Yor lop oth vier son I Giinees #6 hard to hes prices 0) Stark hon felurned home from the sixth tee st the Rancho Country swt off King east, clon | PARK RD, §, ER ---- -- hospital after 8 minor operation. Ciuh course, But Hope said this 130 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY, ONT, schools end shopping, Call 50 CREVROLER station wauon, 1adia,| My WE why Whol prides in the ely for | -- WM. Lome nt ann Wakon, pada RA 3-942) hig + Bott do Fretho's Used" Burn rs, Arthur Hepburn and Mrs, was not true, anytime. TH RE dition, Tele ph rrT-- ---- ag : e hospital . MO 8.5653 pi Tn 1», 1 FNS whl" Wiad" IOURTON'S, GARAGE "fd 11 4 Sel OFT THAT, ly rawr a Wook 5 na wt vp couple of wiis Tul , , {¥ tion 5 | hoe on og pi : . : ! 3 bedraom bungolows in geod locations In Whithy from $650 Jon Miller RA 52993 (VIA "FEY HOUTH, AT cindilion, new | AND SERVICE STATION ite i rower ritevinon." I Mrs, M. McVarlane, Nations! goes, i" "site it dizzy, 1 sof down with ene N.H.A, Mortgage. Call our office for further tres. Wl secept trade, Con finance, BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. |ERCeS 60 4 On thet worn out bethroom |Btud Farm, who has been in # gerd nd waited tor thy to St "Look for the sign with the IRA 5.5152, RA 1-562 PLETE BRAKE SERVICE today, phone wheel chair for sometime Is now a earl fo drive me back to the information wi, Fun j big M and R' 1058 VOLKSWAGEN, top condition, new! MOTOR TUNE-UP AND RaNEARY Tvroiture iy WLLL in the hospital with a broken leg clubhouse," Semi-detached 3 bedrooms $500, down battery, snow tires, sparifice W150, 493) GEMERAL REPAIRS Thies piece bedroom ° sulle, double Guscott Plum i Miss Carol Webber spent New doer $395 DOWN 14 dri Mr an 67 KING BT W ry A tate bey Shtlomar. hai _RA 6:5132 207 6 bing. Year's in Guelph with Mr, and n., er on ove was 105 FORD, in very good order, hady | RA 3.7822 Held mite, arr foam snton ai ans 192 207 Simeos 5. [nies George McKenzie and fom. 0, LoT SOR BEL wrong with n first gl andition; wisn "52 Meten mm ------ in ood ' a hn Phone HA 1] oe, | - holstery, hall price $10; Wo-plece ily. She returned home with Mr, OSHAWA ¥ hestertleld sulle, fi ter, - f f --- 4 : 9 rooms, 2 bethreoms, beautifully finished rec, room, all large DETACHED--=OIL HEAT |Simeoe arth CASH enero suse, dour os toy ow 1, ominum Modes and Mrs Grant Wether and fam |" "My doctor would have ieked raoms, on King Street East, Call our office for appointments 16 $66.00 MONTHLY ISABYAN MOTOR] [ipaes Vk weds, comiete, with mat] @wnings, TV towars, paving. yh y nd Harold ory, Roehos. me Hight in the pants if he'd view ONE N.H.A, MORTGAGE | For any choice clean car |liesses, $56; continentsl beds, single] One contract, nothing down, toy hy ol New Year's ! weekend | ¥1OWn I was going out there, Trade up or down {see, ios wiring Olid mattresses, 8) For freq estimates €all wo vi nd Mrs, Wiltred fan. Hove sald, "Live heen havin We have commercial sites, 3 plexes and 5 plexes Pen't wait till prices go awey SALES LT D, (panel Why erie. melf Prive I oe a. i " 4 "| elreulation problem, 1 just didn't Whether you are interested In buying or selling, call any one of up, A limited num ber of +4: STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN | MACKIE"S MOTORS (filed rib miiresset. Wait price, "#8 Aluma Seal Co. aon dh Mrs. Loo 2. Laviolette want anything to happen, so 1 our sales girls for courteous, efficient service golows sti fel gif have one oo JALES and SERVICE KING ST, E, VARCOE'S RD, |duced 1 ae A foots unpainted Tuenivare RA 85-9365 ANYTIME and Bteven, Ottawa spent New, " "I was playing better thas 1 ' See 1 Models 9M choice of 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH RA 5.5743 [rently ratnsen, Five mars chramy Tif | ------ ------------ Year's weekend with Mr, and! Ia - I had Just knocked Mildred Bilida MO 82167 Rita Snow MO 82430 | constructed in your ehvice © ky yr $1 irianryy "rome Vitehon chai o/orioty of 15" car wheels | Mrs, Edward Lavidlette and fam: (in 8 Thfoot downhil put," Audrey Moore MO B:4068 Phyllis Thorndyke MO B:-4743 color Teli RAndolph 3-346) | 81.00 Hundreds of fabulous hargaing 1dolp 3. CASH FOR YOUR CAR [Wilson Furniture, 26 Church Street each ily Hope said he has heen working $3 each, also body solder | is, ana Mrs Cyril Shaw held |, "wours, cutting film taken on or Call our office MO B-5853 WE REPEAT vi , ANDY NAGY'S Trade Up or Down \ : amily reunion, New Year's 4 Member of Oshewa and District Real Estate Boord One NH.A, mortgage carries BODY SHOP Liens Pod Off ONE ONLY and plastic solder bo "tor Mrs, Hgh MeCulloch M8 recent holiday tour of Unit - - for $66.00 monthly SAVE $107.98 SHAW AUTO WRECKING ' States military bases in the Ca- MERCEDES - BENZ 10" radial arm sew complete and relatives, ribhean, The films will be used WE REPEAT DKW WILBAK MOTORS | J, "nial arm saw complete 89 BLOOR EAST Mrs, Nobert, Sauelch, Oshaws| oy ii (oteviston show next week, It y sia tes ile ; 137 King W RA 6:0732 brand new, for heavy duty RA 5.2311 spent New ) ears Day at. the "io pro-am tournament was & 4 reom compact bungalow, centrally located, extras, $8500, These bungalows are detach ALES AN DSERVICE service in your home er shop prelude to the Los Angeles Open ed with private drives | § Articles For Sale ; h Sanderson, : ' WE REPEAT | 408 RING Ys OSHAWA 3. oil bin heaters, like new, rea: Mo 4 {i "Wes 77% BEST QUALITY Bunday evening dinner guests] V1Io0 saris today, Solid brick, 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows " 5.7132 (sonable, one small and one medum| now only $269.95 of $14 a FURNACE FUEL OIL at the home of Mr, and Mrs 8 different styles to choose from These homes are oil heated, -- wide, Apply S14 Celina Biro! month, Call now RA 5:4781 George Dennis were; Miss Dian GREENWOOD six rooms and decorated in BUYING on SELLING SEE THIRTY volumes of (he Americans| or RA 5.6927 or R 5 STOVE OIL Dennis, Mrs, Esther Lane, Mr, D t | 27 or RA 5.9654, own payments as low as oils, Sewers, schools, shop Encyclopaedia, 10 volumes of Fapilar " Derwin Dennis and Mr, Andy! TED CAMPI N Belencesi 7 volumes of Lands and Peo EXPERT SERVICE Murdoch, all of Oshawa, GREENWOOD ~ The Christe ping at your doarstep. ert Holliday were New Year's din- day School was very well attends $3 IS THE FULL few in leather case, #50; Universal met - a Hc yf 607 KING 8T, == OSHAWA World reference encyclopaedia, 15 va Special Reduced Price, ner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Kenled, AND By rer nn oh, on redo wid ALUMINUM DOOR DIXON'S Mr, and Mrs, Walter Holliday mas concert put on by pupils ef . MOTORS waiving maine TEs AND WINDOWS! RA Seaded and Gord and Mr, and Mrs, Robe the Public School and the Sune I nkiease, 850, RA BR044. . | one NHA mortgage only, carrying fo Gust East of Wilson Rodd) |Smemmemeintt hookense, ip j Holliday, Brooklin, | On Tuesday evening of last NHA dil Yi Sanyng or N PAYMENT] RA 3.4494 Res, 5.5574 47--Automobiles For or We Sell, Cosh PLAN Mrs, Norman Lagorton and week frineds and neighbors of D and Garry, Gale, Toronto visited Mr, andthe Closson family met at the $70, 72 MONTHLY RA A.883] FOOD & FREEZER Mrs, Walter Dowse, Wednesday, church in the Sunday School CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE You may have tried the rest, |Dec, 28 (room, Vollowing a program of Ne open ditches in this generously planned and so conveniently W. T, LAMSON REAL ESTATE Now try the best, Eat betfer Miss Donna Ratz returned to contests and a sing-song, Mr, and ) ALEX VAJDA for less, BO% groceries sup. |Huntsville, Monday, after spend Mrs, Closson were presented with located Subdivision with new schools, shopping end bus line LTD Mr. (a platform rocker and {able Paved roads, curbs, sidewalks, storm and sanitary sewers in and ; | g 1.6 plied, all well-known pro. |ing a week at the home o 48) DREW.ST, RA 3.9651 duets, highest quality meats, |and Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson, {lamp Verna and Hazel received paid for! Watch for the sign on Dundas St, § blocks east of Brock St, SCHOFIELD CLOSE OuT Lifetime warranty freezer, Mr, and Mrs, McFarlane and matching bracelets and earrings, Whitby | SEWING the only one guaranteed by [family, Montreal, visited with Mrs, Closson's Baby Clasg at Sun- Insurance Associates Ltd Good Housekeeping, No [Rev, and Mrs, Ronald M, Love day Bchool gave hot A two-tier NORTHVIEW CONSTRUCTION REG, AKER---=Pres OF ALL... down payment, Call now for and family on New Year's Day, aluminum cookie plate, BILL MeFEETERS--Vige-Pres MACH NES Demonstration == ne oblige: New Year's visitors of Mr, and| Milton Pegg oT' address INCOME HOME tien, RA 5.3709 Mrs, Edward kavidielle ang fam- APpreclation of the Clos, fam" y . ily were: Mr, a rs, Walter|lly since coming to the Green CO, LTD, $10,500 ~~ $3,300 down, D AR CLEARANCE SALE Groat, Brooklin; Mr, and Mrs, (wood community 11 years ago, : two-storey brick home, has 3: . 51w=lost & Found Robert Hogle and Deanna, Colum: They have all been quite active Broker; room apartment for income SAVE UP TO LORY = Beagle female, wert of i bus; Miss Maria Hacke, Colum. and helpful in the work of the ne KA PEALER in live poultry and feathers | $16 0 PER week assures a family of Contact Jake Parker, MO 8.3644 pallect i . - J and 3 raems for owner, Han | on Monday, January 8; Telepho bus; Mrs, Esther Lane and Miss|chureh, " Sunda School, choir, H, D, Birk, MO 8 8734 AM | 8520 dv location on Clarke 5t. and AT REDUCED PRICES $150 00 BABE with any Information Diana Dennis, both of Oshawa, |WA and W. he community all in goed repair with ail ° ' LONT. Larke young hound dog ahi Mr, a Ms. Stowan Mavlaonty Wishts them he best In their heating. Fenced lot, garage, ' he 080 "New ear's dinner guests Ino new home In y, owner leaving sity, Call Den ® FLOOR MODELS Su, Al Qrawers lo aude, Lint 4000 | 0 dod Mr, and Mrs, Hoss Murk| Some of the holiday visitors Wi Stradeski, evenings RA DEM ST T ship, Howard, MO 8.5014, sane | Hh son, Plokering and Mr, and Mrs, were Mr, and Mrs, L, Annis 8.8423 1960 FORD Demonstrators, V/B's, 6:cyl. automatic transmi LJ *MONSTRATORS LADY'R Elgin yellow wold wristwatoh,| Douglas Nesbitt and family, and family of Calgary with the "MH WEST SPECIAL "Won, Tudors and Fordors 16 be pid a1 ont = mo deem | PORTABLES CONSOLE [Shopping Gonire: on' Wodnndos iia | LOOKIN, George Makes. R J n E Y ors ane de 0 be sold at cost » 0 ( | 3 me il re . " ofp four good living. This includes a heavy NORTH Y " ranch bun payments 36 months to pay, Speed is of the essence, MODELS, forward and res nt Reward Hobos RA (El oa: 8 a, ig masiing of poly Lid aun 1 ac nem ranch bi ¢ " orse lite 0.204 BEAGLE, lost, 18" female, bia ' FOR RENT -- A three roamed 1inest of fonda mr curaicier, And the] Colow with attached garage. ; $0 get here quicl verse stitch, Zig:200 rd aie Kotoko waht onto Meck| ih" spent New Years weekend family, Mr, and Mrs, Don Piatt welt contained apartment. heat, hot ers, Think of if, fair wegthar ar foul,| Beautiful lor with frail trees R fully automatic, INCLUDING ITH Oxo an vielnity of concession (with Mr, and Mrs, Oliver MeCul-|\and family of Hamilton with Wales" und Faghint aunisg Avubin ke Mh Sotht WILE Bilan! Baul lov with fruit 1rees, AORD Dilune Fairlaine $rcvl tudor, beautiful tutone mar: CHERNEY'S AND WHITE 20 Brock Township, north of Nona, Calf joo © W. ©, and Alan Clark, pediately. Phane #4406 aur thee I P| a6 h N 18 Ld He h a i ' il on RENT Three roomed apart [antees Better lnm uty pf fi ne and shopping Three goad elineh this sale $1745.00 3 MALE elton Shepherd, (we years Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Sander: Mrs, Kate Wilson of Whitby Mant with hath. a Tee Jamel amare {han YAW Are ROW paving The est of | size bedrooms, "H-pe, tiled J old, 1avge load Tuesday January 5 (%on spent Friday afternoon withwas with Misses Mildred and and ght supplied, Avallan ie immed [aire ROIRY ai hu AR LS ay bath, Nige living room, with FORD Fairlaine V/8 500 sedan, sharp tutens brown end CHERNEY S Thirnton Hom orth, OF 474 Mr, and Mrs, Rupert Byres, Bow-| Gertrude Corbett, lately, Telephane MO 8.4311 all BOONOMART, M0 aia, RA| fireplace, large bright kitchen white, new motor, power steering, automatic transmission WHITE SEWING CENTRE 52--L manville, | Mra, Crowhurst of Newmarket FOR WENT -- fine partly furnished |b 4046, No Down Payment, No Onliga:| and dining room: Divided ele, Better hurry, this special will go fast $1345.00 80 KING ST -=Logal Monday, New Year's dinner, with Graham and Mrs, Crows immediately: Telephone "MO 0A hae can our food constants Wing | basement, This home fea VAURHALL 'Victor. Sed % tina . DOWNTOWN OSHAWA | F Diowiion Girard. will a Be vero: guests at' the home of Mr, and|hurst, tween & and 7 pom [O08 many satisfied customers verity up| tures het water heating and Mbigsingi 8 ioe Hedun, LT masw ate lox Big how ---- - Nhl {or iY obits ontraeted In da Mrs, Jons Hayes and Jamily in} Mr, iy Mrs, Joe nese of Osh: FAR RENT of far sais . neh Statement. There are many substity many extras, ewner leaving od i h 9 WwW, ne x eluded: ro AN Mrs rank awa with Mr, and rs, Milton wis Pinson Mi TT Salta fo. PUL You ehh be sure if is Westl ity" Sen this desirable home completely winterized Victor $895.00 | SEE HOME APPLIANCES HA ut, ny '\hiten onuvens. | Hayes, Marilyn and Beverly, To: [Peg gd naw. ° one MORawk #1182 for ir FOR RENT = hed light N x ak an -offe Ce § TD, - od | 9 y y | " ther iarm ata keeping nh Tyeuished laht | Hoste find m ke an offer, Cell 87 MONARCH Tuder Hardtop. This sweetheart will deliver OSHAWA LTD Hid Douglas Girard | ponto; Mr, and Mrs, Walter Reath| Miss Paiti Brown of Brooklin FOR RENT -- Three roamed Apart: (LEali alsa savage for vent. Telophane | T1eAry Stinson, evenings, RA close to nawscar performance, Is finish in a medium 90 SIMCOE SOUTH and boys] Mrs, Hagel Phillips, with her grandparents, Mr, and Ment, 'wilh private hath and snivanee. | NO B31T8 fr frther (nforiaton. 3:0243 grey and white with matehing interier, What a ride you FOR FRIGIDAIRE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES Whitby and Mr, Heber Down,|Mrs, Wm, A, Brown, Immediate passession, Apply Apt 1 610 FOR WENT =Spasious (wohedroam nA e ti and to ke it bet 1h hebut \ Hrooklin, Mrs, Harel Wilson spent New Dundas Street West ApAFtmant, new huliding, refrigerator, BROOKSIDE ACRES ify bi Ay on "» oh hete's puthebi fon ies SALES AND SERVICE COMMISSION OF TH Mr, and Mrs, Stafford Cosway Year's with Mr, and Mrs, Norm FOB " stove outlet, individual thermostat a 2 ¢ ra $101 imate contre f ( ni . o ' ' " 0 fan Bh phi BEL RL hauinned Inundey, adults preferred, Mo LIVING AREA 1612 5Q, FT whitewall tires; ete, Relax behind the wheel of this one, Domestie and Commercial CITY OF OSHAWA and boys had as their New Year's Burton of Brougham. bhullding), packing, refrigerator, stave; bh 2 FIREPLACES You'll be glad you did $1295.00 CR 8. 5332 evening dinner guests, Mr, and| Mr, and Mrs, Glynn Eastwood alsa threehodraom hous, MO #3501 | WIDNNR Wwanied, Whithy 10 Toronto, 7.room brick bungalow with ; Mrs, MacLean, Oshawa; Mr.|and Linda attended the Roblin ra ENT - Atbriment, We wealy | RAving Pb wis For farther infarma 2-001 garage This ultra BUICK 2.door Hardtop, You wen't find a rattle or a INSTR TS-------- TENDERS Lawrence MeOuat, Mirtle au family Jot » tefethor " Sev Fished roams, hed sitting veom, ki Ls | ma om i queak in this tep-perferming ¢ Its finished in a dark "ie Mr, and Mrs, Albert Cooper and| Year's Day at the home of Mrs 4 Bi Mi at i - . : modern homa featires a liv squeak | Wi tap-pertarming car, in a dar BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS i shen, Telrigerator and save head gh Faothed RESUS Arg mane un vee | ing room 13 x 20. Huge green with whitewall tires and an extra clean matching w HOATS o FOR THE SUPPLY OF |tamily, Brooklin, George Pastwood and Clarence 81 Palage Street Wiring, 1nundvy in basement A) Month kitehen 11'4 x 22' with twostane green interior, Other equipment includes eustom FIBRE GLASS A Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Webber and Mrs, Hewson at Whitby, OLEARANGE Sale: Between now and (Iv, ARIE 10F Keith, MO 8-43 builtsin: oven and counter top fadio, automatie transmission, window washers, ete, Try RR hae OAT COACH OPERATORS a family ited Monday at thel At the annual school meeting, rind hho MRL We {itary ta hy ao vist stove, Separate dining area a ride in this beauty, Brass screws, anchor fast UNIFORMS home of Mr, and Mrs, E, R,(Wm, E, Clark was elected the ri 4 , 9 whi heavy duty stoves, $18 uni 81° [ing Tuctitlns, alot bras ial modihly with builtin ching cabinet, 3 FORD Fairlane Tudor Hardtop, H no tavel nails, Boats repaired, painting Sealed tenders oddressed |Myers, Toronto, mew trustee, i ---------- television $49 uni chasterfloids $14 Wii | ¥elephane MO 83220 afior good-size bedrooms, 2 baths N © Tudor Hardtop, Here is a honey; lovely "ye varnishing, Meter stor to Mr, G, F, Shreve, General Uronisated Ledwam wiles, like wow | pouty ie nl RE TIONS, 3pACiont Tamily too ; 2-tone green, custom radio, power brakes, whitewall tires, M d Secretary, TI RRY MENAGERIE Torn five ace Fie lol. iE AFaviment, handy tn NEhway and shone] This Ivey home will be load ete, Beautiful green interior just like new, This car ANNAN MARINE SALES Nonager and | arta, The ME 11 Brogh Siresl, North, MO 84801, na eens, diverted fo Jue Shien of scoped front end back and drives the way it looks, it's extremely clean, If you are 20 RAY ST RA 8.8853 100 Simcoe Street South, SEPTIC Anke sleanod (he Sanitary wav, (3633 © ante Man Yoo completely decorated to pure ultra-particular about a car, this is the ene to buy, : Oshawa, Ontario, will be re: Distributed by King Features Byndioats, han Nv iuiatied. Waller Ware {FoR RENT = Three and four reamed | €haser's choice of colours: SPECIAL SALE OF CHEAPIES SALE fied until 12 ¢ 'clock noon, partments, el hoals, B A 0) HOLIMAY Special anon 34 hours. Lol ihace. 'Abily 300 High Street, Whitny £0 sequnve h Bh chan 1933 Ford; 1953 Plymouth; 1981 Chevrolet; 1981 Studebaker, | Auminum Products of the Ton 1 onde. January : o . a the dr ne Mo Bas SHtielom WIV OR RENT = Twa furaished house evenings, RA 5.1724 ole, just sitting and waiting to give you CS aed 2nd ear trans best elity at the best Specifications as to color portation, Prices range from $40.00 to $75.00 == for these full y Brices, ully guaranteed, out, buttons, lining, ete., may APARTMENT Wn a hallding, pias od Fadi eomblele With teftiger vices yo n't ol IV ay i hy p C Ny 0 ¢ hres tamu heavy dle wiring, park' Telopiione MO 4688 ater 4 nn "| OFF SIMCOE ST, SOUTH h YOU CONE 90 wiong uble hung windows enly be obtained at the office of Fah mental vali 0 ecolber |. Fan RENT = Threo:roony snaviaioal| A Very desirable 814 sroom MANY OTHER MAKES AND MODELS $18, Call now the Tans sportation Superins FOR NENT Farad Toa win {eivigeraton sive and private hath, ved brick bungalow, ideally TO CHOOSE F Lymer Aluminum Co, tendent, 185 Hilleroft Street, pie HI othiy. fat, Bree uth, Tele Niuates df 0 any ie emp oved ROM RA 8.5388 Oshawa, Ontorn d ! 0 ) al HO bd NERC, GG Lot ary at "Nehooh TER MS SICKROGM bi TQUIPME not Recemanily ccomted y FOR RENT == Box, boat and [avea. Call Alin Curls, a MO 88743 transportation and shopping ; FOR 'RENT QUINT G. F, SHREVE, cabin trailers, chain saws, |EXPERIENOER fine and tough cavpen | PlOZ20, Aluminum windows hi General Manager shill saws, coment mixers, [jar Jus moved inle \own. Cupboard end doors, high sry basement 36 MONTHS TO PAY Hospital beds, wheel chairs, _and Secretary. % floes, collings, rec-reoms, ete Ne ol f invalid walk bedside: ---- -- paint sprayers, shotguns, | small. Alien MH Mo Sia wired for dryer, Will sell for atkers, edides, titles, etc --- . . =| $2,000 down or offer, Please 10% DOWN commodes, crutches and CLUR SOLD WILDE RENTAL fall Russ Reeve, evenings, sanes, aio roll-away beds, CHICAGO (AP) -- Final court JViLDE RENTAL FEMALE HELP wh 5.4840 for further de. NO PAYMENTS TILL MARCH Phone Aid Rentals RA 8-1644 _ lapnraval was given Thursday to Dundas 0 8-3224 o ority pl ¥ iLL WANTED | omen vo ALUMINUM DOORS | tof mabey sock an Ror ice SE WwW Y AND WINDOWS Finley, a Gary, Ind, insurance HELP THE NEEDY LADY FOR Member of Oshawa and A A We Sell the Best executive, We need children's clothing, GENERAL OFFICE WORK | Pistrict Real Estate Board and Repair the Rest Probate Judge Robert J, Duel tous, Moves, beds, shoes, fur Typing necessary, permanent 46==Real Estate Wanted MO O R Replacing Glass, Screens, ete, ne's aoa ay a routine » 3 Ree 3 WANTED oe, OHI F hom . on as all parties previously ha 137 BROCK ST. § position, full time, benefits, * JHACERE at ance older home a FOR FA iERICIENT agreed to the sale of the 5 perf ws 4 Motos tart immediately law, Janes Real Estate, RA 56413 or SALVATION ARMY | ° WA #186 LIMITED cent of the stock ewned by the | Q WANTED = Homes In various seclions late Arnold Johnson of Chicago. | WELFARE STORE WRITE BOX 904 af he oily and hry Clients wait JIM ELLIOTT Finley's RA has been oq eT et come later |} MO 8.8002 OSHAWA TIMES, WHITBY (iigvare etm ten Gk 200 DUNDAS ST, W.,, WHITBY MO 8-3331 RA 3.2866 proved by the American League.

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