Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 6 Jan 1961, p. 9

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SA. OSHAWA AQUARIUM SOCIETY ELECTS NEW EXECUTIVE ea ot of Community | from left, were: treasurer, H, Dyas; program director, Brian Paterson; junior representa- tive, Donald Long; secretary | March Of Dimes Drive | Set For January 30 Marching Mother for the March FFE EE -------- gy conn entirely upon voluntary ny Mo / 4 4 i oh f contributions to the March of of Dimes in Oshawa, today an : '] Dimes to provide medical and nounced the opening of the an ? "8 (raining programs for the dis nual March of Dimes Campaign abled and so equip them for more January is March of Dimes useful lives, There are many jobs Month in more than 200 On- in which physical disability need tarlo communities, Committees not be a handicap, continued throughout the province recruit Mrs, Starr "Experience has district captains, captains recruit shown that the majority of dis- marching mothers, merchants abled people can become gainful display coin collectors to finance ly employed the work of the Rehabilitation In order to mheet the cost of Foundation for 1061 providing rehabilitation to the The campaign culminates Jan province's disabled adults for 80 when the Marching Mothers 1061, the March of Dimes hopes call at every home collecting con to raise $650,000 from the Moth tributions in the one hour Moth ers' March campaign, To raise ers' March this amount, the local committee "We need volunteer Marching comprised of the members of the Mothers in Oshawa," sald Mrs, Kinette Club of Oshawa, need Starr, "and we appeal to all more volunteers mothers who have ome hour to If you can spare this hour on spare to offer their services to the evening of Jan. 30 call Mrs the March of Dimes Earle Southern, general chair "Rehabilitation of disabled man, at RA 50142, Marching adults becomes more successful Mothers make 10 to 15 calls in every year," sald Mrs, Starr James Paterson was re-elect. | at the Oshawa od president st the snnusl Recreation Association building meeting of the Oshawa and | Thursday night, Other mem- District Aquarium Society held ' hers elected at (he meeting, B Mrs, Michael Starr, Chief . . their own neighborhood, The cam- "Men and women disabled from, MRS. MICHAEL STARR paira lasts for an hour or less accidents, disease or inherited ed a record level and these handi.|anu the results of the March are causes are taking an active part capped people are proving their announced the same evening, in many phases of industry and! productivity in competitive indus. Remember the phone number commerce, The placement of dis. (ry and remember to call it if you abled workers in johs has reach. "The Rehabilitation Foundation can spare one short hour Week Of Prayer | Program Is Set The annual observance of the Week of Prayer for the city of Oshawa will be held Jan. 9 to 13 The pattern of the meetings has been changed for 1061 In former years the local min isteral association invited an out side preacher to come in as the guest, This year the preaching will be in the King Street Pente- will be done by local ministers. (costal Church. The theme willl B Also this year; Instead of meeting he "The Church and Her Charter" each evening in one downtown with the Rev. W. A McMillin, of church, the meetings will beiie Free Methodist Church, as Matthew's Anglican Church, Wil. son road south, The theme will be "The Church and Her Guide" and the preacher, the Rev, Ken: neth Matthews, the minister of the = St Luke's Presbyterian Church Thursday, Jan. 12, the meeting| REV, W, A, SMITH Will Tell Of Religion In India The annual missionary conven tion now in progress at the 'ocal Free Methodist Church, Erie street, off Simcoe south, features at its Saturday evening and Sunday services a ary couple from India, Rev Mrs, W. A Smith, Born and Mr, Smith has now ly 30 years with the interdenomi- national World Gospel Mission Until he and his family were driven out by the Communists in {1949, Mr, Smith spent sometime {in China, Since then the Smiths {have labored mainly in South {India in Bible school training, village evangelism and Christian {literature distribution. Early in 1960 Mr. Smith led a team of Indian Christians in dispensing 30,000 Gospels | Having ministered in 1959 in Formosa and having visited num erous areas in the Far East, he has had opportunity to evaluate much of the religious and philoso phical currents flowing in the Orient Both Saturday and Sunday street mission and served near held In the various distrists of (he preacher the city and each evening in a| Friday, Jan. 13. the meeting ation, Citadel, Simcoe street south, The Rev. R, B. Milroy, president of preacher willl be Rev, W. N act as chairman for the meetings Church. and the theme will bel and each evening will conduct the 'phe Church and Her Ministry On Monday, Jan. 9, the meel:| "Fach evening the host minister ing will be held in the Northmin- will conduct a pre-service prayer will be "The Church and Her! ohurches will provide the music Loi and the preacher will bel "wpa observance of the Week of of the Centre Street 1 hited year when the denominations can Church, In the selection of the gpaia in the worship and service the most recent arrival to the city fal1ow hip, witness lo essential represent his denomination unity of the common faith in the will be held in the Ukrainian Presbyterian Church Simcoe "The Church and Her Members' REPORT MISSING and the preacher the Rev, A st. GIRL IN CAFE Mark's Anglican Church y 3 he meet Wednesday, Jan. 11, the meet on ote" Ontario Pro- vinclal Police are investigats [ er, 13, of Toronto, was seen y l, 0 , Wa a: Auto Insurance in a restaurant at Uxbridge . The girl has been missing anges ite from her home since Thurs. search is being conducted hy of the Oshawa District Insurance . the Metropolitan Toronto and Agents Association was held at no lead is being discounted a record attendance Walter Famme, chairman, . each member introduce himself Court Gives The chairman called upon Har guest speaker, A. S. Hill, auto mobile superintendent of the pop PERRY (Special) a charge of careless driving against Mr. Hill spoke of the new auto " 8 mobile insurance policy which liam James Black, was with. drawn Thursday, after he. told The new policy will extra benefits io the public, for 14 go to qualify for a second MEhts Mr. Smith will be show safe driving award ering the hushand and spouse had a/Wife will be speaking in the Sun will also cover them while In an-/500,000omile safe driving trophy. day School and singing in several will be deductibles added to speci- careless driving charge In the convention's opening fied perils which can be deleted Bruce Affleck, assistant Crown service Thursday night, Rev He strongly urged the agents he dropped because Black had and shows pictures tonight. re to personally contact as many of travelled twice from Kingston to viewed Egypt's antiquity and the ing them of the changes "That would be a charitable across 60 years to its present The speaker was thanked by thing to do at this time of year," strength of 3000 members and church of a different denomin: will he In the Salvation Army the Ministerial Association, . willl Ajiken, of the Calvary Baptist] devotions and Mission ister United Church, The theme yoating and the choirs of the the Rev. W, G. Dickson, minister praver is ane of (he times of the preachers the practice is to have othe (hunch and, through their uesday, Jan. 10, the meeting rardship of Jesus Christ street south, The theme will be Woolcock, minister of the Members of the Whithy De. ing will be held in the Si ig ing a report that Helga Kaser- Thursday night day, Dec. 29. A widespread The monthly meeting of the provincial police forces and the Adelaide House, Jan, 4, with opened the meeting by having id Roughley to introd te Driver a 0! oughiey 0 Introduce e Iv Ire Travellers Insurance Company a Kingston transport driver, Wil. has been in force since Jan include the court he had only three miles example: medical expenses cov ing films after his address. His Black said he already other person's automobile. There He pleaded not guilty to the Services for an additional premium attorney, asked that the charge Norman Cooks, who also speaks their assureds as possible advis- have the charge dealt with growth of the mission there Hayward Murdech, Magistrate F., 8. Ebbs said. faver 80 preaching points, secretary, By Society raised in Scolland, | Conservation Projects Cited | A discussion of the type of con better quality timber frees | servation projects which might Seoleh pines are ful only for inaugurated during the coming Chi 18s trees, and they are of year was heard at a meeting of value only to a cerigin height {the Central Ontario Conservation. The defunct "Scheme One" was Anthority at city hall Thursday mentioned, and conservation au. might. No new business was Ii thority members wondered where tiated they had gime wrong in the pre 0. J. Presson questioned the sentation of this scheme to the possibility of restoring dams on community councils, It was men. small streams within the author tioned that perhaps the scheme ity, for the conigtl of water, A shouldnt' have heen rushed to get good example of Yhis type of con- it into the 1960 budget, and that servation project is the pond at perhaps the scheme should have Garden Hill in the Ganaraska been paid for over a period of watershed, The authority was 10ld (ime rather than in one year, that this pond proved to be & 7he possibility of acquiring for- community asset, est land that would suit multiple The authority discussed the purposes of animal conservation price of land in this area. It was water control, and minor recrea- noted that when the authority at- tional facilities was discussed, ee a and the sg BY & lose ot | MINUTES CORRECTED ! Authorization was granted fo {SEE LAND AVAILABLE secret ary-Areasurer to pay eur Reforestation on land should be rept expenses, and the minutes available in a few years when of the last meeting were correct | absentee owners find their Scotch ed to read that a grant of $100 | Pine Christmas tree plantations worth of feed for the Oshawa Fish | are getting out of hand. Authority and Game club would be granted | members felt that this type of in lieu of the cash grant, Con- land could he bought inexpensive. servation Officer Terry MeCauley ly, and could be rehabilitated with was authorized to ascertain the type of winter feed required, and purchase i, $10,000 Bail = ee ithorized to purchase a tand at a cost of $16 treasurer was type- [14 a Mrs, J. Palerson and recording Norman Usherwood Conservation held on Tues Lake Ontario ority will be Feh, 21 Set By Court day Plan Concert Sacred Music Glee Club and Choir from Moody Bible n Chicago will present sacred music in the| daptist Church, Centre treeis Oshawa, at iervice on Sunday p.m Executive Is Named Magistrate ¥. 8. Ebbs, today fixed bail at $10,000 for Harold William Hope, 28, of Toronto charged with the Det 20 attempted murder of Vielor Mazar, night manager of an Osh awa restaurant Hope wak charged with a tempted murder when Mazar was shot twice after ordering (he accused to leave the South End Hand Grill, Bimecoe street near Institute the CNR station a concert of w. Calva and John the an. 22, at 7 he Women's south, Allorney James Paterson was re-elecied Assistant Crown wip dE ( h president of the Oshawa and Bruce Affleck,' said (he District ~ Aquarium Society af complainant is still in Oshawa their annual meeting Thursday General Hospital and will under night at the Community Recrea- 80 an operation next Tuesda ; tion Centre Mr, Affleck said the crown is of ude i " ie arte unable to proceed with the the United a Deady we sarod charge until the complainant is foreign countries As 2 Shoit they bers, Membership now totals 58 able to appear in court to festiva § in Fi The year's activities were out.|€vidence, He sald Mazar's A that are Je a lined by the president, Mr, Pater. tor informed him it will be 1ood The Handbell of hoir, son who stated that the exhibi.- time in February before the functions as a part of the tion at the Oshawa Fair in August complainant will be of the very few was one of the highlights of the pear in court, this kind in club's activities The Crown proseculor Other members that "in fairness to the executive commitiee included: bail be set at $10,000 vice » president, Don Hambly;| The magistrate refused a re treasurer, H, Dyas; junior repre. quest by the accused. that the sentative, Donald Long; . secre- amount of bail he reduced in tary, Mrs, J. Paterson; record:|,gop (hat he may arrange for A" ing secretary, N Usherwood; |i, His Worship said he felt thirty-six perfectly program director, Brian Parkini| sis 000 was reasonable in view of Vening This musical group is composed from many parts of tates and several Eive ng in music doe. cial concerts SOME which one able to ap. Glee Club travelling groups of the The ¢ io he vill come famed Foundry, the maker and the Liberty Bell countr asked accused citing new sound in featured at the con from hells cast in Whitechapel of Big Ben The set of tuned bells women range in weight from a few ounces to over and in size from two diameter, They rich, ringing cathedral caril elecied to the musi Britain's played hy the custo pro nehes in ime giant later than usual be the holiday season, the Oshawa Horticultural Society will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday, Jan, 9, at 8 p.m, in the E, A Lovell School, Centre street week ause of CAOAC representatives, J, Pater the seriousness of the charge son and N, Usherwood; editor, : nine pounds He remanded Hope in Roy Wilson and Donald Town-|dy to Jan have ' the send; judges, E, Kitchen and J,|vided, tones As Paterson; auditors, E, Whiteside lon | Club directors. elected were R.! | Club the group, is a member of the Wilson, D Townsend, y Jishers faculty at Moody Bible Institute wood Parkin and G, Luttik- and director of music at the his huis, Members on the nominat- toric Moody Church, Before join d lonary to Hawail for 15 Dyas .p ears, While there Mr, Carbaugh The purpose of the shawa vas first violinist with the Hono and District Aquarium Society is S ec e {lulu Symphony and organized and 1 fish hobby and fo study their Al, Adams was elected pre symphon breeding and feeding (Javits dent of the Oshawa Naval Club| Among the featured composi Meetings are held on (he first) yecently, Herb Maynard and Rob: tions to be performed by the {club is a member of the Cana-|didates : . (dian Association of Aquarium |" 'Merabers of the election com? Johannas Brahms and Ko] Clubs and also of The Inter: mittee were David Flynn, John (4}% 'Cease Your Bitter Weep. | ry ing", Also included in this sea- Societies | Other mmebers of the new |, : A . 18 Bright! A monthly draw for an|executive are; Harold Gallant Riown Boapel S008 Te Dright r J vice-president; the other can " kh Ww ie] aquarium was won by Brian| p lins and the lively spiritual| tended the meeting | LaHaye is the second vice-presi |dent, He was opposed by Greg|/Which will feature the Handbell | Rivers and John Maule, Ralph Choir performing with the Glee| Charles Dunk was alse nom | inated, ceived and a short address given| -. 'Hi h Scores director over Ivan Wigmore:| i 0 {while Ralph Harlowe defeated Following are the high scores Charles Dunk for the office of Jan, 3, by members of the Osh Offices filled by acclamation awa Duplicate Bridge Club at| Were Leaguer, Li] Clarke the Woodview Park Clubhouse, | Secretary, "Hus: Goyne; master Address Theme steward, Ed Quinn; entertain (i. Adams and §. Sheridan, ment director, Hugh Bracken A 118% points; Mrs, H. Hart-Mrs sick and welfare director, Lionel . Danie 0; Mr 3 N. Daniel, I rs, MR man, John Chiplick; director of Dr. and Mis. 8 P. Kandel | Ways and means, Harold Gallant 105%; T, Birze-F, Becker, 103, | | astro, Famed Pastor G., Luttikhuis; show chairmen, to 10 13, unless bail | and A, Pankiw | Robert Carbaugh, director of . ing committee were Roy Wilson, xecutive wg the staff at MBI, he served Norman - Usherwood and H A my for the betterment of the tropical directed the Honolulu Junior | Thursday of each month, The art Plowright were the other can Glee Club are "Behold All Felsh" ational Federation of Aquarium ' iree i 1 '| Heywood and Les, Green on's repertoire is the in, / 3 .|didate was Colin Wilson, Benny Parkin, About 30 members al.|d 0 "Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells", 'Bridge Club Harlowe is the publicity director, Club Colin Wilson was elected sports go (he pastor, the Rev, W, Niven for games played on Tuesday, bulletin editor House Plants at arms, Charles Dunk; chief bay NORTH-SOUTH Cayer; house committee chair Clarke-Mrs, E, Wadsworth, 109; { The executive feels very forty J. Buchanan.J. MacLachlan, nate in being able to secure John 110%; points; D MacKellar-G, E.| Budd, of Toronto, as their speak Clark, 90%; Mr, and Mrs, W 0 Ad ress el | Mr Heron, 93%: R, White-D, Cal Budd is considered one of houn, 93; Mrs. KE, .Timminsg-Mrs CBMC Group hest authorities on the sub. Dr. A 8. Sheridan, 92 ject of house plants and with in door plants being the only sub A. W. Tozer, internation | CELEBRATING ally known author, lecturer and BIRTHDAYS speaker at the regular of the Oshawa and jects of garden interest at this eason of the year with which we conference speaker, is to he the can work, it is expected that Mr meeting | Budd will give out a wealth of Distriet information and timely hints Congratulations and best |[CBMC in the Masonic Hall, Cen All those interested in this wishes to the following resi tre street, Monday, Jan. 9, at 6.30 phase of gardening are cordially dents of Oshawa and district (p.m invited to attend who are celebrating birth Dr. Tozer who is the editor of days today the Alliance Witness, a religious Walter Greer, 8 Windsor [publication with a large eircula - street, Ajax; Catherine | tion, and the author of many Car Thiet Edmondson, 593 Gibbons [books, is well known throughout G Y the | street; Reg Manns, Perry [the English speaking world for | eet, Port Perry: Diane [his interest in youth work and as 197 Verdun street; [a missionary conference speaker Marge Yurchi, 30 Gliddon |as well as for his many. books Gordon Bryant, 18. of 487 Or avenue; Randy Vienneau, 209 [and editorials tono avenue, was sentenced to Muriel avenue; Raeamelia | For 30 years he was the pas one year definite and three Waskas, 681 Howard street: [tor of the large South Side Al manths indefinite in the Ontario Mrs, Barbara Quesnel, 130 fliance Church, Chicago, before Reformatory today when he ap Tyler crescent; Cindy Ford, [transferring to Toronto recently neared for sontence before Mag | 134% Simcoe street south: |where he is pastor of Avenue trate F. 8. Ebbs on a charge Mrs, DD. A, Tilk 1036 Ravine [Road Alliance Chureh of ear theft ; road Arthur Waldron, 10 Dr, Tozer's sermons and writ Rrvant ister appeared on his Ash street: Phyllis and Phil. ings, which have been a blessing pe half and said he "lacked com. lip Russell, twins, Oshawa [to untold thousands, have madi panionship 'at Thbiie." She said and Louis Mayhew, 520 Emer him one of the most quoted men since he has heen out on bail and ald avenue of our time and the local gfoup living with her for a week he The first five persons to in. (are particularly fortunate in ob y il the companionship he form The Oshawa Times of [taining the services of this em it home their birthdays each day will [nent man It ister said she never had receive double tickets to The Special musical numbers are 1g te m what time to be in Regent Theatre, good for a [te be provided by the Hooper Bro and he was always in four-week period, 'Ihe current [thers Quartet and with a good hy 11 pm attraction is Elvis Presley in [meal by the ladies group for the agistrate Ebbs commented "GI Blues in Technicolor small sum of $1, this promises "he wasn't at home at 11 on the Reports on birthdays will [10 be an outstanding evening for in question." His Worship be received only hetween the the men of Oshawa ed out the accused "has hours of 8 am, and 10 am. | You are urged to attend and to very bad record and is pending Phone RA 3344 | notify the officials as soon as pos: 'a charge before a higher court | sible, for breaking, entering and theft." {factory lahorers registered un well: | A free will offering will be re (1 | The Oshawa Times | SECOND SECTION FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 196) PAGE NINE 381 DONORS CONTRIBUTE AT BLOOD CLINIC Don Howe, president of the | Ellis, Reg, N. Robert Stroud, Oshawa Branch of the Cana chairman of the clinie, voiced dian Red Cross Society, is seen | appreciation of the fact that 381 here giving blood at the clinic | pints of glood were donated, He held Thursday in St. Gregory's | said the clinic compared favor. Auditorium, With him is K, M, | ably with the 263 pints given in Fewer Job Applicants Reported In December Members of the Oshawa advi-| motion has vet to be felt as post-| was sory Employment Committee, to gether with three officers of the National Employment Service heard Thursday that colder Jenuary of last year, He said the clinic (0 be held on the first Thursday in February had an objective of 400 pints of blood, ~Oghawa Times Phoot a force to he reckoned with, ers were still in the process of and perhaps should be looked being distributed into, He claimed knowledge of a | d RURAL AREA SITUATION sweeper working for a local firm 4 who sells i p weather accounted for the sea Townships came into the lime. io, 2el in, don ae sonal increase in the number of light foo at the meeting when "And . unemployed construction work. Mr. Hanewich revealed that a | nd lots of guys I know, would ers, The meeting took place at total of 196 placements were willingly lay sod for less money the National Employment Serv. made by the NES last year, on Nan 1 would have to pay through ice building, Simcoe street south,|behalf of various municipalities NOTA labor channels," Mr, Ban- Oshawa undertaking work under (hel eld said, The committee chairman, Dr.|Municipal Winter Works Incen.| 'Yes, but can he do it better?" A. FB. O'Neill, welcomed Frank! tive Program Dr. O'Neill queried McCallum, chairman of the Na In answer to Dr, O'Neill's ecom.| Dr. O'Neill said in summation tional Employment Committee,| ment that most of these johs|that "moonlighting" was a very 8s a guest were temporary and would pro. difficult area to define, hut that J, Hanewich read a report re. Vide no permanent relief, My, |certainly "industry should he the lating to local employment con.|Hanewich replied in effect, that|/first to initiate some sort of ditions last December 8 indicat: it was a start--from small apples, action," ing a moderate increase in the big apples grow, Mr, MeCallum said "Moonlight. over-all applicant load for the hile Ng 1s a very difficult problem in month, although the total num- MOONLIGHTING PROBLEM the light of our present employ ber of applicants was lower than! A, W. Banfield, employer rep-/ment difficulties, But you ean't for the same month last year resentative, in later discussion, | condemn a man for wanting to The total number of applicants SWB8ested that moonlighting"! make a little extra money," registered for employment at the - - dis FE local office was 5037, This com a Many Guests At +% Navy Club Social 101 PERSONS PLACED wich indicated that there were learned also that 101 persons] Many elvie dignitaries attend. 422 construction laborers and 550 were placed in temporary jobs| ®d the annual open house held by tario Regiment, He lamented the to handle mail at the Post Ofice|the Oshawa Navy Club Tuesday, fact that all ton few citizens of at Christmas Jan, 2, One hundred and forty-| the city realize that the regiment In reviewing the recent adver |5€ven were on hand early enough, is considered the finest armored tising and promotion for the "'Doll0 partake af We hot punch Whller unit in Canada, t Now" winter employment cam.| Well over 200 visitors were wel: Herb Maynard. resident of paign, Mr, Hanewich said that|comed later in the day, Allthe Canadian Eg vr PR two 15-minute public service pres. Adams, president of the club,| brought greetings from that body. entations were. broadcast re. Welcomed the visitors and intro. | Included among ti of cently over (he air, and fhat a duced the distinguished guests, |, A¢ded an ne ; io vigitars of total of 26% column inches in| 'Michael Starr, minister of dent of the RSS Con WRF editorial and paid advertisements| labor for Canada, headed the list! dock Graham a of ik had appeared in the 'Times. of dignitaries, He expressed best Oshawa and Distriet Dart employed in December, 1060, at course on the attributes of the On. CO-STARS Two postage meter advertising| wishes to the elub for a Prosper: League; Don Iverson, president and streamers had been distribut-| T, D, Thomas, MPP, stated| Bulletin; Bill Sanford, entertain. Aid d Cit Jan Derkacs created quite a|the RCAF Association; D, Smart, 1 e t 4 taken for the prime minister of Warrant Officer 2, J, R. Holmes, bakre, He spoke briefly wishing! Many favorable commen t 3 Retiring Toronto Subway De [ful buffet lunch, It was reported In February, 1942, Mr, Wilson| Her Worship Mayor Christine a haoklet, called "Elements of a Ald, Gordon Attersley, Credit for the fine repast is street extensions, a basic zoning such distinguished company and/ ments were made mainly hy root Widening 0ivie eenim 4 : stree idening, eivie cenire de ing to the Navy Club where the ed at six am, and who labored were implemented in pushing of the city, rangements were Ivan Wigmore, as a major east-west traffic ar. A i : . the Sergeants' Mess, gave a dis.) The musical entertainment Baumgartner and Jim Essex of of the road to allow for future | 10 D T Following open house the . 5 north-south street ay erms tice on two charges # 3 » te ¢ 0 charges dnd remand: jam Anderson, publicity direc: was never submitted to the On. Canadian Corps and Ralph Har. became law work dress, pleaded guilty to years, until we put our present| Magistrate Ebbs sentenced him the proceedings "Much of what he proposed we dress, also chose a 10 day jai Ey Christopher Plummer will oo often referred to and had a-semi:| Nick Brown, of Oshawa, was star with Dame Edith Adams in meters had been in use by both|ous new year and asked all pres: Y i L we. yaar 8 8 | of the C i city and General Motors plants|ent to join him in taking an optim+| Ander. anadian Leglon; William locally, and "Plan Now" posters istic viewpoint for 1081 ance Second vice-president Ys : Slers 1s F ' {and Editor of the Canadian Corps ed to several large local busi: ths ) | { at he hoped all would pull to: ment ¢ F y nesses, The full value of this pro-| gether / y pr J: X a J chairman of the Canadian gether and co-operate for a Corps; Don Winn, George Whit peaceful 1061, (bread and H, Ramshaw, all of stir as he was frequently mis. Ontario Regiment Association; |Canada, Jan is president of the CP: Sgt, G, Reynard and SSM . Polish Vets and bears a remark./ Ray Clapp of the Sergeant's n anning able resemblance to John Diefen. Mess, all a happy new year, were heard regarding the hounti signer Norman DD, Wilson con: CIVIC GREETINGS ly tops aver all served at any of tirbuted two studies lo Oshawa's Greetings from the City of Osh: the Open House events among city planning in the 1940's awa and personal greetings from|the service veterans clubs, submitted a study in the form of Thomas were conveyed through MANY ASSISTED C '¢ r Oshawa" § 8 \ p bh 1a for Savant, dead Frank Davis, representing the due Na Hugh Bracken, Benny La covered a wide ran oof tohia Canadian Corps, stated that alll Haye, Pete Tullock and Charles g POS! | should he proud to associate with) Dunk, Pre Open House ar anges map, intersection improvements, said that he always enjoys com. John Chiplick whose day start. ve nt a rarious 3 ; , Felopm " dod varios engineer: coniability is always tops, He/throughout the day despite sufs a ghost ns, sheet. axienzion asked for a closer comradeship fering with two 'broken ribs, as § ! among the various service elubs| Assisting Mr. Chilick with ars Adelaide avenue across the city ' ins y »| Sgt, Major Milne, president of Tom Robinson and others ery M His thoughts on street widening {was terrifie. It was provided by found acceptance with the push the Griffinaires, headed hy Jim ing back of the Simcoe street Two Men Get Griffin and his son, Robert, Emil south property line on hoth sides| i \ the Caledonia Pipe Band road widening of this city's main Athjeun Street, oh ap work party was ably led n IN§, Mp son drew up al we oicin Y ¢ hy Frank Beacoek, assisted hy an 20ning by law which the eity coun.|,, NAgistrate Ebbs dispensed jus: editorial staff, consisting of Wil cil of the day passed. However, it Aied one ma n 0 ' gig. ny hu ant Oihawa Magis: tor and bulletin editor: at the tario "Municipal Board so never|' 9' hursday, John O'Brien, of po fixed ad. lowe, publicity director and bul \ good deal of this being letin editor at the Navy Club, guided the city for the next 12 Intoxicated in a public place, Jim Griffin also lent a hand to zoning bylaw into effect," says to 10 days or a $10 fine. Mr C Stew \ Planning Director G, A, Wand-/O'Brien chose the jail sentence. |. hief : ward Ed Quinn gave let Horace B. Sivil of y assistance behind the bar during ess ace KE, Sivil, of no fixed | the day followed through. It was full of sentence when he was convieted| excellent suggestions and an ex-/of disorderly oafiduct on Centre cellent job. The 143° study was! street on Jan official status with the city plan: remanded to Jan, 10 on a charge the NBC TV adaption of the Jean ning and engineering depart-iof hreak-in, entering and theft, Anouilh comedy Time Remems ments." thy Magistrate Whe Wridav (hared Fah 10 i i

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