Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1961, p. 4

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Trustees Orono Police NEE EERET EEE ESE AEE EEE Town Mall which wes tastetlly| and gally decorated, One of the lergest of dancers, 175, enjoyed the evening with lively music being supplied, by Paul Minicola and bis eight 80 piece orchestra, J The hall was beautifully deco would be repurchased by them. [rated in the Christmes theme | The matter of insurance on the with sceents being provided by Millson were present, | A letter was received from Mrs, J, C. Tamblyn in connection with improving safety conditions on the streets in the area of the mended by the writer, The sec |retary was Instructed to reply to the letler stating that the frus- ltees were willing to eo-operste, |The trustees are slso to request proper roed signing in the ares by the Township of Clarke, | A letter was also received from {Mzr, A, Carruthers, MPP re motor vehicle permits being issued fn |Orono, Mr, Carruthers stated that| ithe matier was to be taken wp {by the Department of Transport {and thet he would be communi |eating further with the trustees, The new heating systéms are §| next, i] .\the New Year, [ELECT OFVICERS {son of Cobourg; 2nd vice - presi-| bulldizg was left over until the lighted omamental Christmas the intrees and snowflakes slong the walls, White and green stresm- ers formed 8 canopy over the dancers, These streamers origin he: Aw of the sted from 2 Fring ans season L. | plece to esc walls, Fach! berland and Durham Plowmen's. o indy depicted a large line Association, They Include: DOB grauing of the Eiffel Tower, The Budd of Port hope, Just presi stage with a background sithou-| dent; Gordon Metiot » ighion, eite of a dancing couple eom- president; Stanley o ono, pleted what proved to be a most! Ist vice - president; Bruce Esgle| oiin decor for the dance, : nbury of Lunch was served buffet-style iy Togas: lng ug where individus) Disectors of the Association'@Dies were also centred with are Reg, McCann of Brighton, © Wesley Down and Jack Dorland| Representation of the student of Hilton, Earl Drope of Har- body of the Orono School was wood, Gordon Macklin, Prank well shove average with every- Toney and Bev. Bickle of Co- one enjoying a most delightful bourg, Fdwin Wilson of Garden evening, The students are to be Hill, Mervin Heard of Port congratulated in their efforts and| Hope, Will Allin end Howard in the success of their annual| {Allin of Newcastle, Howa rd dance, Henry and Howard Quantrill Campbeliford, Howard Cryder. PERSONALS Officers have been elected for | Mrs, Lawra Gould, Woodstock, an of Bowmatiils A ng bd Po Christmas with her parents, | pnp d Mr, and Mrs, Herb, Burgess. , 000, The Increases were pitrib- oS a drs od a EE Tet ad a BSA EE Se Epa XRAY UNTY PREAKING TRADITION SAINT JOHN, N.B, (CP)~A! QUEBEC (CP) ~ The Quebes . 3. W, Linton 804 530,000 xray unit, first of its kind Catholic School Commission will j Dent Chrisimasii the Atlantic provisces, has bresk with tradition when 2 Mr. aad Mrs. : V, Coop. (een installed in Bt. Joseph's Hos opens & new high school in Upper er Mz, and pital here, The 150000-unit pro- Town next fall. For the first Mrs, Vance Cooper in Oshaws. |vides diagnostic serviee with a time here the school principel reduction in radiation, (will be a layman, Go by TRAIN and SAVE! weonesony JAN, 17-18 BARGAIN COACH FARES BETWEEN OSHAWA AND TORONTO, svvvrrsrrereee OTTAWA, .oovvrvsvrerens MONTR vrssrrrrarrnry Borgsin fares AND HAMILTON, .oovvvevrvnee LONDON, ovo vervreree OWEN veers rere WINDSOR. ,..ovvivevnvee Tickets valid on ofl trains Fores good to end from intermedicte points. Fores do not epply between Montreel, Vaudreuil-$t, Eugene and intermediote sotions, Reguior 150 1b, baggage ellowence, Wetdh for Bargain Children 5 ond under 12 Coach Fares ofinclive travel hall-fare; wnder 5 free FEB, 14.15 MARCH 14-15 with Mr. @ over were My, Bobby and Mr, and Mrs, J awa, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, W, Master Brion Boyd Boyd, Orillia, are siaying Mrs, Ken, Gamsby, 0 IN AND SAINT JOHN, NB. Cargo imports here in the first Il months of were more than double those in the cor- responding 1950 period, uted to large oil tonnage since the opening of sn ofl refinery here last summer, BACKACH When kidneys fail Lo remove excess acids nnd wastes backache, vired feeling, distw ten follow, presently being installed fn the, The Orono High School students | hy g {Community Centre and work islon Friday evening of last week | Mrs, O, SOwit, hens Sls H expected to he completed later met with great success in their| Mas Ar, and Mrs, Foster| this week, The secretary was in conual Christmas dance, The Bowe, Oshawa, Pi idneys to normal uty, You feel better --sleep bet ter, work better, Sx) 7 Prcific pos known 8s "La Danse| Mrs, Robert Allin spent Christ-| WINS TRAD The Danish polar freighter | sel into , Bhe sailed from Thora Dan tied up here today | Liverpool Dee, 22 and encoun to win the traditional gold-head- | tered pack ice 15 feet deep ed cane as first overseas ves- | some 12 miles below Quebec, ITIONAL CANE structed fo contact the gas com- pany fo see if the gas units dance Noel," was held in the Oronoimas weekend with Mr, and Mrs, | RI] But her skipper sald there was Bo difficulty, ~CP Wirephoto WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By GERRY BLAIR Bowmanville Shamrocks handed the Oshawa Majors their second straight defeat on Monday night at the Whitby Community arena, edging them 2-1, Three M Units Meets SOLINA The Three M Group met at the home of Ewart | and Clara Leask for the Christ-| mas meeting. The president, Doris Hills, conducted the busi-| ness discussion period, Donna! Johnston led the worship service, Clara Leask presented the slate of officers for 1961 which Is as follows: President, Stan and Mary Millson; vice - president, | This was the third setback in the last four outings for the Majors, who are having considerable diffi sulty finding the range, around the opposition's net, Before Ed Romanuk scored the lone Oshawa tally at 14.58 of the third period, the Majors had been held scoreless for slightly more than 134 minutes ~~ whith is the story in itself, why the Majors are in their present doldrums, The Shamrocks with their hard fought victory over the Majors, claimed sole possession of the leads ership in the OHA Lakeshore Intermediate league, Oshawa have slipped to third position: behind the Toronto Macedonians, The vastly improved Trenton RCAF Flyers ine vade the Community Arena on Monday night, Jane uary 9 to try and pull closer to the third rung pres ently held by Oshawa, Trenton, as of December 20, trailed Oshawa by only four points, Ted O'Connor, coach of the Oshawa Majors, is a little perturbed at the Ineffective performance of his forwards in their last two contests, =~ scoring only one goal, He says his rearguards are playing well enough to win, but the Major's inability to de~ posit the puck into the net is holding them back, Ken Courtney, making his debut in goal for the Majors on Monday night, did a splendid job, in keeping the Shamrocks to merely two goals, while stopping several other labelled blasts. His opponent in goal for Bowmanville, Vince Vanstone also kicked out Bruce and Jean Taylor; secre-| tary, Harvey and lols Yellow! lees; treasurer, Don and Joyce Taylor, | Court Whist was enjoyed dur. ing the social hour and a hountf- ful lunch was served by the group, | Communion service will he held] at the church service next Sunday, Jan, 8, at 11 o'clock, | A large crowd welcomed in| the New Year, 1961, at the New | Year's Eve party in Solina Com. munity Hall, The Women's Institute will meet on Thursday afternoon, January 12 at 2 o'clock in the Community Hall, The program in charge of the West Group will include plctures of their trip to England shown by Reverend F. J, Reed and Mrs, Reed, Several Solina young people enjoyed a New Year's Eve party at the home of Jim Coombes, Salem, Constable Ross Kossatz of the) Depot Division, RCMP, Regina, | Sask,, enjoyed several days leave | here visiting his sister Mrs, | Simpson and family and | also Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Davis and Pat, three or four apparent markers, He robbed Ernie Mills blind in the second period, Mills tried to draw Vanstone out and backhand the shot into the net, but Vince waited until the final moment, and swiped the puck off Ernie's stick, The officiating by Stan Boshier, proved infuriating at times to O'Connor, and munager Winse Bradley, as he seemed blased against the Oshawa club, handing out several border= line calls, Al Garrard, who was caught for three in= fractions became slightly incensed by a tripping penal ty handed him by Boshier in the third period, Gare rard promptly smashed his stick In two against the boards, which netted him an additional ten minutes, TOWN AND COUNTRY , .. All is not smooth in the city of Kingston, so far as the Frontenac hockey club, and the manager and coach, Wren Blair is con= cerned, Wren has temporarily appointed Bun Cook as coach so that he may huddle with Boston Bruin General manager, Lynn Patrick on several_matters, From there Wren will make a trek to Providence and Western Canada in seach of a player suitable for the Coaching position, and possibly try and make a deal for one or two of his present club who are not pro ducing wholeheartedly, The dual capacity of man= ager and coach Is préving too much of a strain. While coaching, it prevents him from rounding up a plaver or two who could help the club, and the 70- game schedule gives him little time in which to leave in search of same, Obviously there just isn't any available player help in the Boston Bruin organiza tion, so others have to be sought out, and trades are ranged with other National Hockey League clubs, Relations with the Winnipeg Warriors of the Western Hockey league should be at a pleasant level, as the Frontenacs sent two players to them earlier this season. Now it is quite possible that the favor can be returned, We certainly hope that something feasible can be engineered to give the highly enthused hocky fans of Kingston a contending club , , , , Saturday night at the Whithy Community arena, the Belleville MacFarlands tangle with the Whitby Hillerests, Game time is 8:30 p.m, The Hillcrests were victims of a close and seldom seen, 1-0 result at the hands of the Peterborough Canucks, The one Peterborough marker was an unfortunate break for goaltender Cliff God ridge. The puck was shot from behind the net, and bounced off the back of Cliff's leg , , , . City Hall Comets, continued their mastery of the United Union League In Port Perry, as they drubbed the second place Public Utilities Local 2028 crew, 7-3, Classification Talks Heard that classification # hes are very important as they tend to create closer fellowship among the members, Using a sample watch case as {an example, Mr, Harris gave a DUNBARTON DUNBARTON --- Miss Betty Payton of Gananoque spent part of her school vacation with her sister, Mrs, Dugald Thompson, and family, Mrs, Peggy England visited friends in Long Lake, Baysville, last week, Mrs, James Harris, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Willis and fami) visited Mr, and Mrs, Walter Wil. lis last Saturday, Mr, Leslie Guy, brother of Mrs, Walter Lynde, died sud. denly in Oshawa General Hospl- tal last Wednesday, Sympathy ls extended to the family, Congratulations of the com. ig are extended to Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Cossar of Pembroke on the recent birth of their son, We're sorry to hear of. the car accident during the holidays of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Owens, Mrs, Owens is recovering nicely at Bradford, but Mr, Owens is confined to hospital in Newmar ket with two badly fractured legs, Mr, and Mrs, Keith Gibb and Warren of Oshawa visited Mrs, Oliver Gibb on Sunday, The regular monthly meeting of the WA was held on Thursday af. ternoon at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Frank White, Friends of Mr, Frank Conquer. good, formerly of Glendale drive, were shocked to hear of his sud. dendeath on New Year's Day at his home In Brighton, The sym. pathy of the community is ex- tended to his widow and five young children, Dr. W, A, McKay, the minister, at Dunbarton United Church conducted the New Year's Da: service assisted by Mrs, H Stroud at the organ, FESTIVAL ATTENDANCE EDINBURGH (CP)-A record number of Canadlans--4283---at. tended the Edinburgh Interna. tional Festival last summer, This compares with 3,929 in 1959, The total number of overseas visitors was 35,000, nearly half of whom came from the United States. WARMS BRIDES complete rundown on the thought behind the design, development and completion of the producing BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Encouragement of classification speaking by all members was the |in the porch of the Holy Apostles LEICESTER, England (CP)-- An infra-red heater has been put Church, It is to warm newly-wi SHOP CHERNEY'S THIS WEEK . ,. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED DOWNTOWN OSHAWA , .. FREE STORESIDE PARKING eit BEDDING SALE qos 2 ll a Z Aer v Tos? ' Pres LCT [14 W SEE BOTH UNITS NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW SHOP IN PERSON . . . PHONE . . . MAIL--ORDER TODAY Double Bone TRADE-IN 20 TRADE-IN for your old mattress and springs re- gardless of age, make or condition! Cl LOW PRICE smooth top mattress and matching box spring at ONE low. price! REGULAR $99.00 LESS 'TRADE $20. SMOOTH-TOF 252 coll unit smooth top mattress with matching box springs. Exceptional velue In SERTA luwury quality smooth top with pre«bilt border, Not a button or wit te disturb your rest, 252 electrically tempered coll springs with layer on layer of fine white felted sotton, Features heavyeduty ticking, ervsheproof borders, fancy fuming hendies, Yeu get BOTH mattress and matching box spring ot ONE low price PLUS $20, for your old mattress end springs, $ REGULAR $109.00 LESS TRADE $20 QUILT TOP The ultimate in comfort and quality Hondsome ticking with pre-built borders, fancy tuming handles, ventilators, heavy sisal pads ond layer on layer of white felted cotton to prevent "Coll Feel" You Get Both Mattress and Box Spring At One Low Price~--Plus $20 Trade-in gram sponsored by the Whitby wanis Club at the regular meet. ing of the Bowmanville Kiwanis, Wednesday night. Vern Harris, incoming seere- tary of the Whitby club and guest speaker for the evening, first poted to members and ¥ of the jewelry case, President Ted Hutton welcomed | back Kiwanlan Gord Beech who! has been absent from the meet. | ings due to illness, | Terry McCauley, secretary, completed the program mention. log to the Bowmaaville member brides while having their photos taken at the church entrance. ship that they held last place in the Inter-club bowling competi t lon played last Thursday at the) {Liberty Bowl, 1b MAIL ORDERS ... PHONE ORDERS . . . PROMPTLY FILLED Start the New Year right , , , Sleep Better! Feel Better! Every day of the year, Trade-in your old mattress and spring -- regardless of condition, Trade-in mattresses of any value will be donated to charity, others destroyed by fire,

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