Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1961, p. 3

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LEAR EEEEIEE IEE EE Se es Er ti iam E 8», Och 5 75 I AT IN CRAS the centre median of Highway | still unconscious, to Toronts, 401, near Thornton's road early | Carroll vas alone in the car st | Wednesday evening, He suffer | the time of the accident, i was | ed head Injuries snd & frec- | investigated by PC Vie, Mal tured left leg. He was first lory of the Whithy detachment, taken to the Oshawa General = Ontario Provincial Police, Hospital and later transferred, | ~Oshawa Times Photo y Lake Erie, Lake Huron Ontario, Niagara, Georglar Haliburton, K Lake gions, Windsor ton, Toronto, North bury: Partly cloudy light saowflurries day, milder, Winds southwest 15 Frida Timmins Kapuskasing Cloud with Hamilton Catherines London, Hamil-| Yoronio Be Bud. Peterborough , with & few Trenion 25 1] i] today and Fri Killglos 15 Hght today, Muskoka reer 15 rkland snowfliurries years, Owens passing very FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 0 CONFIRMS 4 oy & ALSO ALL OTHER TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS longing thers, She has been painting for 15 years at an average of about 50 CANVASES A. Year, She returns to Canads every year to visit her (wo brothers, both of whom are doctors in the Montreal suburb of Jacques. Carter, A color reproduction of one of the paintings she displayed at her recent show appears in the current issue of the art revue dent of the American Circus | Association, died in hospital here Wednesday, Mr, Fursier ran | p 'Tribute Paid To [Gas Leak | uie rai oO 6] L. F. McLaughlin "Dangerous" ' » . following tributes 10 the ret thai + wained A the Geaih, eww life and work of the late Leslie of Leslie ¥, Mcleughlis, known 4 1 \F. Mclaughlin, who died st the/to Wis Intimate snd persons! |Oshaws General Hospital Wed friends as "les", He was re. Wenry Chapmen, City Plumb |nasday morning, have been re- specied and esteemed by sil who Ing Inspecior, said today thet ceived by The Oshaws Times: [Jmew Wim, 1 was privileged to natural gas discovered in The SEN know him for many years snd | Oshawa Times building basement ATOR W. A. FRASER, want to pay tribute to his press room Wednesdsy, *eould Trenton for his 2 charitable mématy gen- have esused serious trouble," "I am shocked and deeply erous deeds, Wis brosd-minded Mr, Chapman wes called to fn |Srievid to lenen of the Passing of thinking endesred him to those vestigate 8 smell, believed to be! id det. 8 loys! friend 1 have who knew him, The loss to his sewer gas, which was discovered no many Jeans tg #mly and the community sin the pressroom Tuesday night, ; Pe ery one of Wsiindeed » very grest one. After denying that the odor wes! outstanding etivens and those "| exiend to Mrs, MELougn| caused by sewer gos getting Into (Pho knew him so well have lost and family my hesrifell symps- he building, Mr, Chapman called Shrek ay vain 10 an|0W 1 théte" grant Joss." in 8 Consumers Gos detection air to his toratly " JUDGE 3, © erew. He said the crew discover. ] , €, ANDERSON | ed the fumes were caused by| WILLIAM 0, HARTY ! Belleville, Oni, natural gos escaping into the v "Your information regerding building, Mr, Chapman sald the , ; ay : 7 4 / " a Ch oC the passing of L 7. olcLaughiia pressroom atmosphere eontained | i , comes As a great # me. more than 50 t j Milder weather spreading ; 10 to 16 degrees milder then | Kght snow snd little change in AT pla La Vieclaig We were tl friends for so ges, POL. Cont. Batre scross the Grest Lakes will | yesterdsy, Warming trend is temperature is expecied, Hong , It is hard to believe x vi ' Bria ! Wr Sa CPW was a great shock to me, He and Harry Garniss, Consumers' Gas rig bi ogi Prgginnid oo | tod pang a Que oe P Wirephoto |ys,, Mel aughllnwere close thst he kas left us construction foreman this morn-| | y with temperatures ay ® VArianie cloudiness \friends of my mother and father| . was . grand senteman, a ing denied the 50 per cept elaim.| a8 well as other members of our| good citizen and a good friend to Mr, Garnise said "he wouldn't WEATHER FORECAST CITY AND family a large number who will Join sey there was 50 per cent otal) | "Mr, McLaughlin will be grest- with me in extending sympathy gas in the atmosphere', | DISTRICT {ly missed in the business life of to his bereaved family," He sald two different types of * | this community and especially in LYMAN A. GIFFORD detection metres are used by Con-| Donald Patrick Carroll, 32, of 1 er eat er STREFTS (1 the Oshawa Chamber of COM ils with deep regret that 1)°UMeTs' Gos employees when| 130 Colborne street, Oshaws, is _ NTREETS CLOSED merce, where he aitended sl, 8 WPS . 264 ing Peeking to determine whether gas! reported in only far condition The foliowing streets will be meeting as recently as last Pri.| itn PASSING is in an ares, He pointed out that| this morning in the Toronto * osed to traffic iodgy: Cadillac dey of les McLaughlin the detection metre used hy de a : Li f ( 'omin Here Ave, B from Crerar to Olive, "On behalf of the Chamber of He came to Oshawa from Bes-| tection survey crews, with s read. injuries bisa, wos ib Faas of Ave, Btevenson road south, from Commerce as well as personally, ketchewan some 40 years BED ing of 50 per cent "merely means. bound esr (shown st accident (Gibb street to the CPR; Steven I wish to express sincere sym. nd hos been linked with the busi- there is gas in the ares." soon) crashed gh tree in TORONTO (CP)--Forecasis ia-iand Friday, milder, Winds light Son Soul hii at the isi paths) $0 Mrs, McLaughlin snd the nina ie of this community ever! pooording 10 Mr, Garnlss, the - w---- wed at 4:30 a.m, EST today, southerly 15 Friday will be 5 to local traf " supervisor's metres are of a dif Syvopse -- Mider weather ls) Horeenst Temperatures |" 0 0m 10 Joo WHE | yg ompramuon, ac | oie vat 8 sanch Liberal andi torent tyve than those wed 'vy CAPSULE NEWS Cancer Research spreading aeross the Great Low tonight end High Friday; MINOR FIRES "Oshawa was shocked Wednes. port of the Libersl cause P-(hurvey man, therefore their read Lakes, Over the whole province Windsor ow 4 The Oshawa Fire Department dsy morning to learn of the sud" "vp Mrs MeLaughiin "dh ing would differ Allergy Theory today temperatures will be 10 to|8l, Thomas w E03 reported two minor fires Wed- den passing of Mr, "Les" Me s eid FAN . i : / 4 , daughter, 1 extend my persons) WAS NEAR 16 degrees milder than Wednes-| London 1] #6 |pesday night, Minor damage was Laughlin, In # long snd success: sympathy,' He declined to say what his PASADENA, Calif, (AP)--Can a Kitchener 4 6 |reporied in & kitchen grease fire|(ul business career in this eity he reading was and he declined to cer may be & form of siler Lake Wingham % 85 |al 256 Adelpide street. No dem-ihsd established himself strongly 5. ¥V. ENERSON say whether the gas was "danger-| a scinetist st the California | 4 Bay Ww 85 age was reporied when a furnace in the friendship and confidence! "I have known the late "Les" lous", Mr, Garniss did say, how- stitute of Technology sald Wed re w i. |fan-motor overk sated at h 1M of the Commercial and Fraternal McLaughlin almost since he first ever, that Consumers' Gas em | hd od . nesday, 30 Bala Drive, The Department 8is0ilife of the Community In the de- came to Oshawa, 1 have lost a|ployees do not want people to) If his theory is t sid Dr. 5 reported four routine ambulance velopment of which he had had| good friend and Oshawa has lost| think that because gas is present, | Albert *ryler n "The. oun) of . wg value his advice] good citizen," "it doesn't mean very much", the National Cancer Institute, re- DIES IN TORONTO land co-operation especially in the, ~~ WILLIAM DAVIDSON |, Ve always like to leave it up| search may show cancer can be North" Bay D Jolin J Coulter 8, 8 100 ory of the Rotary Club and of Whithy [to Sursetves to decide if the con! TORONTO (CP)--Norman D, ager of Garden Brothers eireus felieved with such drugs As cor- a mer United Church pastor, 7 ent of gas in the atmosphere is «0 Toronto Transit|to settle here sone or antihistamines, reglon; | Sudbury n hospital in Toronto Wednesday| (he, Chamber of Commitee Ri Tt was with deep regret that dangerous. Any leak we discover, hai I A for 40 ' wh h . | Dr, Tyler, professor of embry- today' Kapuskasing after a few weeks illness, He had| I learned of the passing of "Les" | We work on until it is stopped," yesrs and designer of the Yosge| 'COME BACK, AMERICA' |oiopy, admits his thoery Is con been in the ministry for more "gl will be remembered as one McLaughlin, one of Oshawa's| Mr. Garniss ssid Street subway, resigned Wednes-| TORONTO (CP)~Dr, Marcus troversial, but calls i "more than B0 yesrs, @nd had eld) re made & valushle contribution greatest oitizens, "He was widely| Mr. Chapman told The Oshawa day. In & letter to the commis-|Long, University of Toronto phil- reasonable than existing theor- OBITUARIES | charges at 1 Sprldes. Ny pil the success and welfare of our| and most favorably k io Times today that the gas was sp- sion, Mr, Wilson noted that the osophy professor, says the United| les," | Bruce Mines. ookstows, community Iife mown "parently escaping into the build-|character of the board's work|Siates should rejoin the British| Tyler and most investigators Sarnia, and 1 onl, ol i the DR. CECI CANNON wind pusinens pAdministeation, ing through an old gas pipe, in- had changed and Rd Yas Commonwealth, 18, a, addton, believe eancer starts with ' ELIA : ddl ids Te tte ( ' » CECIL widely known in fraternal circles stalled in the building several |largely concerned with construc Dr, Long sal nesday Com-| change In one or more cells Torn sea ets atl inne "gn Hamper, of Core ology from Victoria Collew®, To chtef Director of Education |and took a keen interest a poll-[Y68rs ago and unknown to the tion practice rather than the orig-(munist forces are taking advan-|which causes them fo grow abr 8 p.m, for Agnes Amelia Corris|ent Order of Odd Selon Spend | roto, a 19 ' Province of Ontarlo a totes | present occupants inal design and Planning with|tage ot the vacuum Fesulting| normally. The change can be Sod ai Rar papidatt 601 | rec yaar tau MENDS OWENS "I was very sorry, indeed, to|™" | ¥ : which he was most familiar, from the change of presidents, If caused by radiation, chemicals, he gh s hat " neg Hey fh sived hie " oe jewel trom A , OMMENDS owe outdoors| learn that my friend of a) As a man he was & friend tn| 10 S004 0 clrculating iA near [the U.S, Joined the Common or a Virus of bacteria, Only one hid yi I TR Ha wr Rg A %270 AF columnist Pete McGillens, recent: ears' standing, "Les" MeLaugh| dead (0 fom in ated, ny Osh. coming, dispensed the vas PLAN BIG BUILDING {wealth, it would be less vulnera:| cell need be altered to start a a oh 1¢ was in ber ¢ odge, 27 0 ! REIT | ution . ! ™ ' | | her 83rd year, She had been in/and AM and some years ago was | commended William Bill in Jd Lrawd sway, ' J pr will Yon RP arr through the basement and did not TORONTO (CP)~A Swiss com- (ble during such periods, | tumor, falling health since October 1960, presented with his 60-year jewel, Owens of 9 Cadillac 8, Oshawa,| ~~ BUghUA His wise counsel was sought by|PeMit It to form "pockets", pany Is planning to build & $-| po peer gus pRIVERS | Tyler's theory differs in the Born in England, she wes the|He was also a member of Pen. for his work in the field of con-|to Oshawa sboul the same time) =0 PFJ ' Which would have been extreme-|000,000 office structure above the| TO (C {kind of change that ocours, One daughter of the late Edward and|talpha Chapter, No. 28, Royal servation, He eited the education.|!n the middle "20's and ft was MANY ly dangerous, subway station at Eglinton Ave,| TORONTO (CP) Ontario Jane Griffiths, Married at Liver-| Arch Masons; St. John the Al al work done in the aid of con.|mY good fortune to meet him In Mr, Garniss said Cons (and Yonge St. Promenade Swiss school bus drivers will be re-| currently popular idea 1s thet ol, England, to the laie George Rameses Shrine, Toronto servation by Owens during the many avenues of civic life, He W. A. GOODFELLOW Gas crews stopped the gH |Tnvestments Limited sald Wed. quired to take tests on both the| tumors result from infection of iiiam Corris, who predeceased| He is survived by his wife, the! past 20 recently| Was an outstanding citizen and) Minister of Agriculture, nesday ee pl A dL a pesday, construction is planned regular driving manual and 8!.e cell by a virus, Tyler's con her 38 years ago former Lillie Terwiliegnr: two Petived as the chairman of thelone of the best friends that a a Queen's Park ae a manu n, 8 4 oy ugh start in March, Two-storey special school bus drivers' man ols that the change must be A resident of Whitby for the daughters, Mrs, Morley Jacobi|Ceniral Lake Ontario Consery-|Man could have, It Is with regret that I have yuo sail of the building and fo parking facilities for 450 cars are|usl, It was announced Wednes:| he loss of a certain type of gens st four years, she had lived In|(Lorraine) and Mrs, Percy Can-|ation Authority I regret his learned of Les McLaughlin's) are cutting the f he to be included day, Besides tests on the special| the loss 0 arry Sound most of her life, |ning (Marjorie) and a 'son. Gor NEY {mueh," passing, It was always [1 pleasure [ll Rich A "0 Bi from fe manual, not yet whiten, drivets rom the cell, ber of the P Sound |d | STEAL MO | to meet him from time to time 4 ' " | N Y RDERS will also face special visual ai pA Rmber sg Phos Mull Bain Drew. all of Oshawa. sister,| Two Wednesday night pay MAYOR CHRISTINE THOMAS nnd I am sure he will be greatly" ** of Its origin, OR I OR one-week | riving tests, nded the Pentecostal Taber: Mrs, T. B, J ' }| phone break-ins were reported by| "It was with a feeling of re- missed," He ssid the only way to take tai od he en ol Taber iMis. 1. 8, Jaimas sara) OF | Fe Witithy detachment of the On| =m Er ------------ rommeeeees | 0 0d line ot of the bullding| training course for 35 new mem. WRITE CASTRO PLAY Survived by four daughters; | Jacobi, 'Alan dager Glens | (Flo Provincial Police. Unknown . . Would be to break the wall, That, huis of safle o CA uid LONDON (Reuters) -- Two Mrs, J Turner (Eva) of Glas {Drew and a great-grandson, Mark Amounts of money were taken | ' he sald, would not be necessary YY 4 oe 11, across national | Scotémen have written a musi- lyn, Sask; Mrs, ¥. MacDonsld|Canning, all of Oshawa from smashed phones at the ana an Tr 18 " how, ah ens ded arters, Attending| Cal comedy based on Premier (Pearl) of Whithy; Mrs, H, Fish:| The funeral service will be heid| Manchester Garage, Manchester, the course are 34 young women' idel Castro's Cuban revolution, or (Grace) of Parry Sound; Mrs, | trom the Melntosh -Andersonond in front of the Brooklin a one TAN. says The Daily Mirror, The W, Buskey (Marg) of Kindersley (Funeral Home at 2 p.m, Satur.| House, Brooklin, hd ar et Plans an show, State of Emergency, was Sask.; and four sons, Albert of day, Jan. 7, followed by inter Y ¥ PLOYMENT UP written by Charles Gergusson, i dal | , CARS COLLIDE UNEMPLOYME rg ert Raymond then 3 Ontava Haim Comatery Less than 30 minutes after a N d Scruti TORONTO (CP)~-Natlonal Em 1: yo Somposes yg Sule, pd 0 "Sound; Rob n+ Rev, John K.. Moffat, minister o y 4 i s brother, am Fergusson, old both of Whithy; 35 grand-|Simeoe Street United Church, wil) | Motorist hit & tree on Highway PARIS (CP) = Christmas was to the Dominican fa: ee ny ployment Service figures re- pt HEE ACH CA children; and 19 great-grand: conduct the services, 401 Logg ag were in| made mersy for Canadian TORONTO (CP) - Everett leased Wednesday show that 00. ehildren The family will be at the tu. PORIAY BIE, Lo0 KO ersection, Painter Marcelle Ferron by the Biggs, Ontario's deputy miner. persons are out of work in BLAST KILLS 13 Funeral services were held atineral home to receive friends ©2510 Al the RAI success of her second solo exhibl- f agr p p the Toronto area ~ some 4000 the W. C, Towne Funeral chapel/from 7 to 9 p.m, today and from OFT \nvestigators gave the arive| gi, of agriculture in charge of mar more than last year at this time,/ DORTMUND (Reuters) --- At at 2 p.m. today, and were con-(2 to 4 pm. and 7 to 8 p.m. Friday, | 2" Names as Fredurick Mastin, She had 20 paintings on display foting Said Wedneiday the OV: he figures also show 201,309 un-|least 12 persons died In an ex ducted by Rev, John Bcarr, pas: : ¥'| Vietory erescen Ry Netwod | from Nov, 18 to Dec, 15 in the Products: Aang oF de employed in Ontario, compared plosion which shattered a steel tor of the Whitby Pentecostal| ALBERT EDWARD BELL [and Cecll Jones, RR 1, NorWood. new salon of Ursula Girardon 0 cholce hat t ng O88 'ol A% with 160,080 last year, mill oxygen plant in this West Tabernacle | In failing health for the past : \CIDENT who also played host to her first on it to exercise close German Ruhr town Wednesday, . ] hy : CAR ACCIDE vigilance over marketing plans. a-- The remains will he taken to| year, Albert Edward Bell dled In| oo 1oted "damages resulted) show. Mr. Biggs told ote of CIRCUS MAN DIES the Alex Logan funeral home at| Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa on Wed./, "" to mecident at| Miss Ferron is an abstraction: ontiaks 1010 A meeting of oy KERTON (CP) ~ Herbert biel) . # ato nesday Jant rom a § p.m, auto ' i the Ontario Cheese Producers ho : Parry Bound for services on Sat-|nesday, January 4, In his 84th Claremont Wednesday An OPP/Ist painter and a professed fol Marketing Board the go t| (Pop) Fursier, 83, former presi- urday, Jan, 7, at 2 p.m |vear, Mr. Bell had been in fail.| the drivers' names/lower of Emile Borduas, noted 8 government| report gave the dr French abatractionist who died Is as Interested as producers In| F RICHARD as Dr, Nelson Tomlinson, of in 1960 marketing legislation . / Me Interment will be In the Hill|ing health for the past vear.| crest cemetery, Parry Sound, |His Oshawa residence was But in almost every case, he , Minister conducting the services Church street will be Rev. Albert Crook ofl Son of the late William and Parry Sound {Hanna Bell, he was born on Oct | 25, 1877, In_Floss Township, On| ARTHUR J, DREW tarlo, He was predeceased by his| The death occurred at the Osh-| wife, the former Jean Dunn awa General Hospital Wednes-| whom he married In Midland day, Jan. 4, of Arthur J, Drew, Ont, op Oct, 25, 1099 211 King street east, The de For 38 of his 45 years in Osh ceased, who had been in falling awa, he owned and operated the health for some time, was in his business known as Bell's Tax 9nd year Service f Born in Oshawa Jan 1869 He is survived by one daugh-|, Mr, Drew was a son of the ale tre, Mrs Daniel and Louisa Drew, He was ronto; a grandson, James Rag married at Columbus Jan, 31inall, of Oakville, and a grand: | 164 and had been a lifelong resl| daughter, Reverly Bagnall of dent of the community Oakville Sanford Bowman Mr, Drew took ove Ather's| Oshawa, a nephew, also coal yard and vives the deceased. ness for 0 '| The remains are at the Arm out to rong Funeral Home, Oshawa then pureha until the memorial service in the Stable, Simcoe si chapel on Friday, Jan, 6, at 2 sur od the Brooks Liver eet north, and of g | ? | Claremont, and Frank Marinelli, 'Timmy' Door Steal Goods WHITRY (Staff) Money, shirts. and overcoats were stolen rom Ottenbrite Men's Wear store mn Dundas street west Wednesday Lilllan Bagnall, of To. afternoon Police Chief George Rankine reported that the rear door of the store was jmmied open ometime between noon and 3 pm, Wednesday and an uns (own quantity of goods and money taken Sgt. Gerald Robinson is investi: gating later converied the business into) m. Rev. M, A, Bury, of the| A Jowit ey. King Street United Church, willl : ¢ was n¢ Ll conduet the service, Interment] Stree I 1 And WAS 21 will be In the Oshawa Union staunch | 1 polit Cemetery | Active In ernal cireles, Mr ent of Simcoe FUNERAL OF MRS, KENNETH C, WATSON | The funeral service for Mrs COMING EVENTS Kenneth C. Watson, 16 Jones --_-- avenue, who died at the Oshawa Ene Aire Sire: United | General Hospital Monday, Jan, 2, Chutoh, Friday, Jan, 6, 10.30 a.m was held at the MecIntosh-Ander TANNERY Ladies Anxill Bingo, | 50n Funeral Home at 2 pm, Wed Avalon Thursday, & pow, Six Jackpots. [nesday, Jan, 4 EUCHRE Scout Hall, Gibbons, and) The services were conducted HOLD MORTGAGE ON VOLCANO The Rank of Hawall has a mortgage on the destructive voleano Mt, Kilauea, When the veleano erupts, it creates new land Create new business profits by advertising in the Oshawa Times Classified Section the proven business bullder Call RA 3:3402 now, Her canvasses for this show ranged In size from B50 square inches to 48 square feet, Six were sold opening night and one of the larger ones was bought later by a Dutch cigaret manu. facturer to decorate bis office {wall In Amsterdam, | The Girardon salon handled the exhibition in the traditional fashion, The public was admitted only two days a week, The rest {of the time people came by ap: pointment, The purpose Is to | give collectors a chance to study and choose quietly, PROMINENT VISITORS Among the leading French col. lectors who attended were Gene. vieve Maillard, owner of more than 600 paintings, and James de | Rothsehild, Other prominent vial tors included Mme, Pierre Du- uy, wife of the Canadian am- assador, Jean » Paul Delile, Canadian cultural attache, and Kugene Bussier, secrelary of the Canada Counell | Miss Ferron came to Paris In | 10563 after studying at Quebec City's Ecole des Beaux Arts, Her first exposition here took place in 1085 In a modest gallery be. Rid Sought sens Vista ARIATY §. Admission hy LL. B, Bonham of the Fipst Chureh of Christ Sclentist, In - Ter 3) 4 5 p, y NOVEL BINGO jlo went ; n Oshawa Union THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM The pallbearers were ot ST. GEORGE'S MALL | Parker, Lorne Thompson, A My) Gibson, Cliff Theberge, $20 Mann and Cliff Rundle, The service at the funeral home was largely attended and [the many floral tributes indicat ed the esteem In which the de. was Stuart Fred wrt and Jackson Sam $6, $12 Games May be doubled or tripled $100 JACKPOT INCLUDED D prige $15 BINGO HARMAN PARK ASSOCIAY ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner of Bloor and loan 6% * MRS, ELSIE OLDHAM In falling health for the past {year, Mrs, Elsie Oldham of Osh {awa died In the Oshawa General Hospital, Thursday, Jan, § Her esidence was 48 Orchard View houlevard, Oshawa acy The former Elsie Rozell, was horn In North East Hope E DANCE | Township Sept, 23, 1891. Coming x {here from Mount Albert, On. |tario, she was an Oshawa resi dent for the past 18 years A Jehovah's Witness, the de. ceased was an active mamber at n Hall until her ION [ Simcoe Friday 8.pm $10 OLD TIM At Thomton's Comers Community Hall SATURDAY, JAN Naga MONT IRCHESTRA | oath Adults $1 Students 50s | She was predeceased by her 7th Oshawa WOMERY haw foeased was held of 8 she |= service first hushand, Rentley Willlam. gon, In 1912, and by her second husband, Abel Oldham, who died ln 1047 She is survived by three daugh: ters, Mrs, May Greenlaw, of India and Mrs, Eva Hackney of Lindsay, Ontario, Also surviving are three sons, Willlam Willlam. son of Toronto; Frnest Oldham Catharines, Ontario, and Chesley Oldham of Zephyr, On tavio Two brothers, Stanley Rozell of Port Arthur, Ontario, and Ren Rozell, Elks Lake, Ontario, also survive the deceased, as do grandehildren and four great inddehildren The remains are resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home for service in the chapel Saturday, Jan. 7, at 1 p.m, Mr, Fred, Van Horn of Oshawa will take the Temporary interment vill be at the Mount Albert Vaults and permanent burial, later, at Hartman's Cemetery, Mount Albert, For China VICTORIA (CP) -- Dr, Brock {Chisnoim, former head of the | World Health Organization, [Joined a group of Britons Wed: | nesday in an appeal to the West Oshawai- Mrs, Hetty Soams of to offer massive ald to famine | stricken Communist China, "The fact that China is ex- cluded from the United Nations doesn't make the Chinese people less human," he said. "Food should be offered for humanitar- lan reasons." In London, a petition issued from the office of Canon L, J, Collins of St Paul's Cathedral is being circulated urging the West to send food to masses of China, ernment has considered giving surplus wheat to Communist ma China, External a conference wiih Mr, Hamilton, sald he had not heard of the | proposal, "Aujourd'hui" and there is talk of an exposition in Belgium next winter Miss Ferron has also studied engraving and did the sketches for a recently published book of ms by French author Ges {enault, Top Liberals State Problems sald, there were some farmers opposed to the compulsory schemes For this reason, as well as the great control. over pro. ducers and an industry Involved in the plans, vigilance was neces: sary, Hector Arnold of Campbellford, chairman of the Cheese Pro. ducers' Board, told the meeting most of Canada's cheese surplus would disappear if it weren't for a United States quota limiting | OTTAWA (CP) - Opposition leader Pearson and Paul Hellyer, chief organizer of next week's Liberal party national rally, de- clared Wednesday night that un. employment and the state of the economy are the two big issues facing the country, Their speeches on the CBC tel. evision network free time politi cal series, The Nation's Busi. nies, appeared to set the tone for the rally which opens Mon. day and in expected to draw 2000 delegates, Mr, Pearson criticized the Dief- enbaker government for failing to regard the present economie- unemployment situation as an emergency, Douglas Will Not Lead New Party REGINA (CP)-CCF Premier T, C, Douglas Wednesday reaf- firmed his determination to stay in Saskatchewan and not become leader of the New Party, The premier has sald previ. ously he hax a job to finish in Saskatchewan, "My position is unchanged," he said in an inter. view Hé described as a "pipe dream" speculation he may be come leader of the New Party, | WELCOME RETURN WARSAW (AP) The Polish the starving communist organ Trybuna Ludu| In Ottawa, Agriculture Minis.| Wednesday halled the return of | ter Alvin Hamilton declined to|/Poland's national treasures from | say whether the Canadian gov: Canada as having put an end to ["the wuarrels" hampering nor relations between Poland & Affairs Minister/and Canada, The news of the re | Green, also questioned as he 10M yun of the treasures was carried! on the front pages of all Youn! newspapers, imports of Canadian cheese to 500,000 pounds a year, away from home at the age of 14 to Join the circus, and spent the next 57 years in the business, He retired 12 years ago as man- Did You Know , « « In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you con have a Pull-gourse Dinner for ONLY 95a. 136 SIMCOE N, AT COLBORNE The Examination of eyes Fitting of Contact Lenses And Glasses Children's Visual Training EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT For Appointment Please Call RA 3-419] THE 'ARISTOCRAT OF PRIME RIB CUT FROM RED BRAND BEEF STEAKS e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS ROASTS SIRLOIN, T-BONE & WING RED BRAND BEEF LB, 2 FANCY -. Mixed GRADE "A" LEAN MEATY BLADE LEAN CROSSCUT SHORT RIB LEAN BONELESS BRISKET STANDING 6th & 7th PRIME RIB 39 69 49 FRESH PORK BUTT FRESH PORK ¢ Ib LAMB | LEGS SHOULDER LAMB SHOULDER WHOLE OR HALF ¢ Ib 909 45 49 39 GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS LOOSE OR IN YOUR CONTAINER DAVID'S CHOCOLATE MAXWELL HOUSE INST, COFFEE "i JAR BLUE RIBBON «= 100's TEA BAGS FOOD MARKET 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ws. JO Nuts 39: =" 39 Doz, 29: 99: 79: 59

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