Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1961, p. 25

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2% TELEVISION LOG WGRIY Channel 2-Bullslo WHBENTY Channel 4--Biflale CHCHATY Channel 1l-Mamilion CBLT/AV Channel 6-Toronis wREBW LV Channel T~Bulfale WROCTY Channel 5--Rochesier CFTOTY Channel 5-Toronte CRVRTY Channel 3~Barrie THURSDAY EVE, 12:05 P.M, | $8 ihe Room For 500 PM. 8-Mews: Weather i1=Family Theatre hports Te-Rocky and Wis 2% PM, Friends ¥ Epilogue be-Boio Phe £onn RIDAY lr : ; : dann rit ad " A go" 2-Thres Stooges y Lug mm 3=Bire's Helena . = 15 P90, | $2-Tude Junior Round-up PE = 4 Tam ; $- Mischief Makers--~ | s_ Rise "NN" Shine VRILAY Ld A : / Heian Po, 8:00 AM, 5100 PM, ' Bua rome Labay A a ' loi 4s 4 TO $i Family Thesire ; / ; ford 14 heluaherts, "h 7 4 Al 7~Avanty res of Rin Murr he ' A ad "B= Phiay hon Five 4-Capiain Kangaron 5 apeye 2 2 "Wound 9100 AM, Learn About YE how ~Romper Room Yesterday Pry rm, ~Coflen Binph 2-Big Basosls ' oe | A-Popeye's Playhouse 515 0M, Metro Mews My Lite Margie 6 Mischief Makers Her Sheldon Mo. 4-Diama Series ighway Patrol : ¥ mw PM. . 6:15 PM, _-- Sen Hawk 5 Barre Beh 4 You nd hing Family | Karty 6:30 PM, ee 4 1 A Five i ay 0:00 AM, Big Mae Show : Fol a News: Weather vi Bay When Ramer of the Jungle b A ; z y Ss Sports December Bride 6:00 PM, ' ' 3 [dy fo uw. Bots $3 News. Weather nes HER 6:45 PM, oy h Hudson' » Journ im f ' " / 1 ZA y EH (14 y's 2, 52 ay Your Hume ~Mackendie's Raiders ---------- Fos 0 4 * " b=Huntiey Brinkley + Viden on age Highway Patrol -- p A A . q Wellermg's 8 2, Siare's 7, A's » : 1:00 AM, (15 ».M, . A . i Local 7--Marning Court The Phil Siivers \ Gr, IV -- Beal's #1, Oshaws TY 4 i Wanted Dead or Vi-Friee Is Right | Show ----. - ebbing EE ---- EE 3 3 Fred's 5, Mesde's 93, Belisrens 18, Alive =1 Tove lacy Hi PM, | \ A v Visser's 15, $-Beit of the Post 11:80 AM, 11 News CROSSWORD : b-Bevenn-One 7--Love That Boh 8-News-Weather . H B~Leave It To Beaver | 53 -Concentration 0 as isis . 4~Topper Comedy~ 4-The Clear Horizon 2 ewan; Sports i A -Fhotgun Slade 12:00 NOON fF 5PM, f--Wugs Bunny ul f wis Bunny 5.5.40 News T-The Texan 52- Truth or 7:00 PM, po Consequences 11Guestward Ho | 1, Cluster ACROSS B, Elevator Gist Val EP Ay CEDAR CREEK --- Depuly- cage of A (AIO ICE A V mi ---------- . A i ---- , -- ---------- | reeve, Sam ay let ended i 4-News; Weather, a--Htrietly Cool 5. Young cow 6, Overhead story LIES # _-- Svanty Council st itby last 1-Guestward Hot Aposts A--Levan-0-One 9. Mikado's 7. Theater Stripe TOA week, 6 Bachelor Father 12:15 PM, B~Tha Sunt Blones advisers Boats 23, Half ITI AA PTY YTV Vn ; Davie Mosienko Is home from 1 Aw 8 Your Spec ! ND LUNTEER §} ' i . I a rtww. | 3=--Yuus Specie! Day Brothers Brannagan | 10, Above 8, Number ems A 40 ---------- ; Ra PRM Tg AIP ENCE | Na ATA Toronto University for the holi 00 PI A--Bpeaker of the House 5m (dial 9, Fuel 26. Cireus JACI | MICKEY! A PH y y or 4 days, WL TR 12:30 2M Ness Woonh 2. Allovi Mesied iH J RINGS OR A eR wo Ie : r, and Mrs, Gerald Btinson I A T=News; Weather 12. Alleviate Meshed per or 1 WO XING ¥ ih IP Life , §--Playhouse 7:90 PM 13. Rascal fabric former (if * L TA A » . J : 4 iy and family of Kedron visited Mr, Jotione hors ! ' Ifans he k - 11=The Teal MeCove 1". Hit, hard 17. Poetry 27, Mosale® 15 TET W imei) Lo 700 ' El AT he 4 » ; A 5 and Mrs, Frank Harris last Sun Angel Comedy i It Could Be You S--Leave it to Beaver 15, Color grees Green piece | ; ' 4 A 3 "y evening, Beries Search for Tomorrow 7--8en Hunt ». Color green 18 . , £Y\¥ J 5 y ab 5 L r rs, Gary Tummonds 8:30 PM 12:45 PM, f-Bport Huddle (her) Mountain 50, Indian Yesterday's Answer / ) : ; i 7 We of Port Perry and and Mrs, 16 Kiondike News mnie, Westar 16, Civilian State mulberry 36, Thirst 1 ' i av J Norman Birkett and Murray of 7~Real MeCoys Guiding. Light 8:00 PM, clothes (abbr) 1, Thighbone quenchers | i 4 7 4 . rn $4 % Raglan were Saturday dinner Diy Pail ane ay, 114=Country Hoedown (slang) b ome 32, Rejoice 87 + Bea | | Ag ll 5 1) o/h guests of Miss Viossle Spencer Grey Theatre gd A Sam Backus 20, Bhort, socks = forth 48, Girl's 9, Beam a i y 3 5 rr and brother, Richard, Richard is 9:00 PM, T--About Faces a0 PM on 22, Exist Arab name 40, Boy's . ) J - . | if home gain' after bel atient I~Junior OHA Hockey | ¥ Laature Movie 11.6 Perry Mason 24, Purchaser garment 84. Chinese wax nickname . Sr Wy SS ! AM in Oshawa General Hospital for i ean " Mid-dsy Matinee Brothers Brannigan 26, The Devil -- i L h three weeks and is improving, $--Fancy Pree 1:30 P.M, 11 We etatanes 28, Jewish 5 Mr, and Mrs, Vietor Lari ue ' stinghouse Play / i - " $a Bachelor} ather Women's Show house ; month { i had their family home for Chri 9:30 P.M { ~The World Turns | * A 20, Unident!- | L mas, Miss Carol Laracque fr 9 Wyatt Barn 2.00 PM, io PY, led flying r, and Mrs, Manson Woods Nt eR, Ernie | he Thentee 3-Two Faces West objects : boys of Epsom and Mr, and Mrs, nid | 1-Day in Court ame Telephone 81, Antennas _---- _-- ---------------------------- -------------------------- n me Bruce Cummings and children, 1=The Untouchables | 6--Chez Helene Heir 38. To Mr, and Mrs, Elgin White of 10:00 P.M S2-Jdan Murray Show Pp 2-The Rebel Full Circle f:30 PM, 35, Enkers : co Mpa Perry were Christmas Veter Gunn 2:15 PM, {14 Danger Man 38, Hesitate 4 . 4 -- guests o ge Kilpatrick, §3The Groucho Show |11-6-Nursery School | $-Contiy Bvie | 40, White . "7 (GOLLY, I BETCHA] | | 6HE JUST TRIPPED ON ; ; BEFORE GHE COULD CALM Charles and Sam Parm were Edward 1. Murrow Time Advening poplar GRANDMA NEVER | | | MY LARIAT AN' FELL FIFTY 0 . HERSELF DOWN, Christmas guests of Mr, and i T_T A he. 16 oie P.M, 10:00 ~~~ 41, Bird's . WAS 80 MAD FLAT IN TH MUR/ data n Mrs, George Parm and daughs nk of &# Number | pen He 4 ' Noe We the yo Runt To Reality A= Have Gun Wil abnormal | \ vy ot ohana, wis 5. Cholbtmas Sports $2 Loretta Young rave win | / " " -- 7 I Call The T8=Tha Detect K a ) ' : += Toronia vie ' nahestte | 4 Twilight' Zi 42, Disclosed | f r fest of Mr, a and Mrs, Phil Mar ~Man Hunt o PM, iehael Shane 3. Greenwic ' / Ee ; ? A-The Fre Man | 4 rn ou ~ 10:30 PM, Vinge h Va ' a . Mr, a Mrs, Frank Harris ' M, 58-Dr. Mal I. | a 8 : were Christmas guests 11-788-42~News; Sports 4 Millionaire " ce Tike | and Mrs, Alw MacRae and $-Better Late 130 P.M Sports 44, Outeasts 11:15 PM 3:30 P.M, 1~Pony Express i > , family at Oshawa, T~Late Show 11=Rublic Service Guide | gon The Beene { Gen) / = 4 ah > Mrs, Tom Balley and Mr, and §=Yiewpoint Sie Vern | brdwe brated} JDOWN , / oud Ar, i i ' Mrs, Bid Bailey "and amily of fparisree Yo ; ' o£. GEN Ly g % } Dshawa were Boxin ests 11:30 P.M, 52-From These Roots 11:00 PM, archer ! : 1 : : - : g : of Mr, and Mrs. 3 olthy HeLate Show 4100 PM, 17:8:54.2-News; Sports 2. 1il- : be a . = h 2 ' Midnight Metre LPopeve With Capt, | =Betier Late , Jll-omened : : oho n ur \) and family, $3--Jack Parr a 1115 PM, | 8, Delicate J J SLi - J Charles' Parm returned to To- &=Play Of The Week | ¢_The Hideaway HiwNows: Wonthar 4 Plaything ronto on Thursday, after visiting 11:45 P.M, 7A Bandstand | 7--Late § #--Glencannon | 3=pmpticon Bondsang | I-Site Show his son, Sam, for' ten days, SLEIGH TRAINS TOKYO (AP)~Red China ra. ® » 3 dio reports the Chinese people ew «Oar... Wi hd ainfenance FPropRiems. |. ua, winter where regular highways ® don't exist, It says ditches are (dug end filled with water, When Investigate the savings in time and money available with one or two year leases. (they freeze over, animals and tractors draw sleigh trains over 266 KING ST. W. CLIFF MILLS AUTO LEASE HONE RA 3.4634 | cr VICTORIA (CP) ~ British Co- i g umbia's ut tree hyd earned COME TH' REMAINS TeaVLP-HAIN'T BOOMCHIK!! = IT'S | AH §POSE, OH, AH HAD 2 7 BUT, MRS, MANSARD, ) THEN YOU WEAR THEM, MOTHER! F TULIP = A 12,500,000 8 Joa HE BOOMER 7 MAH CHILE fo SO'DIDN'T PLENTY O' TIME, ' LOOK AT THE yom" FT TTHINK THEY'RE SCROUNGY! 1 ie against $9,000,000 in 1969, A los | jo "DIDN'T ' Jit 3 " =, WORKMANSHIP, THINK. EVERYTHING IN THIS A returned about $7,600,000, § HIT J DOT HAE TH gl po OR. 'shome 5 scrouneyi | | ToAeT., io" more than 1 the previous { if fol PEAR | y , 5 - yeah n THEY ARE | BOOMCHIK GUTS ~ d BACK? ar JULIET JONES THEN GIVE ME A ERO IN DEPORTMENT) 1 DIDN'T LIKE THE JUNK AND THAT'S THAT] _ Ee 2 lbs, ay bY) [2 ra-- "Here's how much it would eost to support me for the first yoar., SKATE EXCHANGE NEW AND USED BAUER AND C.C.M, STAN'S ; i Cor, King and Burk Sts, MUGGS AND SKEETER iii yd iL po . . TONTO, AWAITING THE LONE RANGER IN] = / CANT, TONTO! /M WAITING FOR Ph, RA 3.3224 WA is 1g ME 70 BE HIS wl a. FRONT OF THE TRAGRAPH OFFICE, SEES "AUNT SALLY" 3 re A REPLY TO MY MESSAGE 70 PRIVE INTO TOWN WITH DANNY, OR THE WEEK END! MASTER FEEDS OSHAWA YOUR ONE STOP CENTRE FOR WILD BIRD FEED WILD BIRD FEEDERS LISTEN, AGATHA, ICE SALT ) YOU HAVE POWE 5 FORE T G0 BACK NORTH IN DISTRESS ESPECALLY ATi JOU HAR DONER WATER SOFTENER SALT T WANT 70 THANK YOU BOTH WHEN IT 15 ALSO IN wi if THIS PROPER YOUR ALUABLE HLF JIE INTERESTS OF RL 1 fog amed ¥ \ ou vapid MEW Sova AND PERSONAL INTEREST || ONES ANTE LANA B | iva rake IT AND I WONT RABBIT PELLETS i { 1TWAS A 3 5 | oway § 4 ~ MASTER DOG FOODS PLEASE VES, PEALTIEUL NUE ELDERLY ! . // i WOMEN ANG RARE Wipow 18 3 bi BULK CEREALS mens awesony | | £56 VITAL TO CWADA'S 54 CHURCH Sv. DIAL RA 3-2220 FUTURE GREATNESS, Free Customer Parking i ---- ND GET IN * - ---- THAT TUB biodA yl Toa Sus, I TIT liffix ver Loose UI VOU BHNTITHINK ALWAYS FLEAS 1 fo STOP IT, EL. MER LET GO =~ NP TON | A TO TAKE YOUR BATH! rT oR si 5 LARRY BRANNON B 555 Poscsess we

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