ed ld tet = St 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Theredey, Jonwery 8, 1961 OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS lr pcs rr 5 dn cis = Castro To Go addr d wm: iohmenn Ws, iid | on Ld Mosier 618 us, A Kuch 888 snd ©. Boyle 68 ony (38), Seisky Points ~~ Chime ner pres 18] Jack Brockaan $i (731, WH) | (363 DETROIT BACKS WORKOUT FOR BIG GAME Tions' backs, left to right; against the Cleveland Browns Jim Nipowskl, QB; Dan Lewis, in the Orange Bowl in Miami, WOO game Starting their frst in preparation for thelr Bowerd Cassedy | atetiies 15, Lovenest 14, Black Devils snd A Perey $12 a9) 13, Siow Pokes 11, gad : i i : bon Brows #52, Rose Kobeingk #90 lake 216, Jamieson $13, Raigh J Bitter 211 Rd Tepm Har Bins 24 : M rd fuss Bony Lil Elbow Benders, ieaders will week HR iwith the Alley Cats. (AP Wirephoto) |Ksiar with 8 very Led Gong ¥, Pia Piaker, wekaon 117 Bud Sorey #1, wiley RADIATOR PEFT ne followed by Doug Taylor #36 (30%), Trigles -- Vids Morey 158, Red wae. 200, a! Post. 138, Bm Se Ta Cr 8, a Koran i, , 1 hy 4 y ¥ Var ek yr wi, 24, Bowers Vere 25. Boyt Waite 2.5, oo Pesivies #15 we Merit ne, Pere Tom -- Kohwlnak 271, Arehie Ing it buderees " Olgs | dywme, sowed the Wigies snd sil bow 16] Boss Howard Yann and Jim Foor, Weer Fd 24, Dave Petties 216 #7 Gries] 1 oes 7% w 19, angie ge were howisd #7 40d Lotes Jock Wine 39. BR Romane 246, 5 y 238, Wels Fry 398, own ing 4 Smith 24, Hone Severson 314, Inck Deweon 311, wet Bill Butier 29%, George Wabwerd 3 snd Ebi " Frank Sprackett 192 Whe oily douiis Forests! In the lend of the lemons, we have # a of Rew Rimes Shia week ad Lea the pn mn with pin sastierings spectively or vo? ie Nim Groviens 76, #, Frank Barrom #2, 9, Bow Dove #0 and Boy ig Frark IW, Frank [ocke 95. Congratulations, men? Vd 254 end Dorothy Meindiess LEAGLE BUSH LEAGUE Len and Low's TV opened bp 3 Find lend over the Aces for section Rho nders 41, uy trimming Tris TV with # a | andings, Fihow Be Six Best 44, Alley Cate #1, Lucky Bix Jets 29, Guttersnipes 27, Sleepers 26 and te) ios 16 BK up-sndcoming howed lo the Bix Best 3 1p | Best sre now close on the heels of the He down the in the fingl game of the night, Taylor with & Big MB, greatly sseisted and Oshaws Glass 27 the Guiterspipes to gain & we High triple of the wight went to Frank | meny turned in $85 (238, 228),| god triples were cision while the Aess were GF the Kuch Bhoes 3 cheer Aces 1-15, Pickwick Clesners be out In full force next more Paving 213, Trio TV Hy A i te ng 8 wirk Cleaners (apm, whe crept right "oie Led by Frank Kelor, the lowly Hus third spot by their win, Jeiz in 8 very low se With "Sticky" Perry wielding the big hats, # two-all saw oH hg 4 ig Elbow Ben ir, Oly 14 hs a the two (same ae the Sleepers The Six Benity Haulage mansged 16 edge pot 1 snd Ashmore Paving were lucky to gain & 12 shit iw oh awa Glass, To finish the nl tivities Evans Sand snd dave pe saved in contention by toppling Flyers ¥1 #andings ~ Len wand Lavy 44 is, Ash' "| sand snd Gravel 3-12, Bestty Haus Dog | 318, Chim Fivers 16, Kuch Shoes 9 The Christmas hangover must hive still been hanging around ss Bob MID. Reading 712 (278), J CHR gov ONly one Wan with » good siege sad ug Bg Manilla with 2%) We had our angie of Lamon Lasguers 7 Daniels ©, € F. Ep with J. Smyth fewin #2, ©. Bowman MM sed miaki 48 ARR. 7, Taw Jorn Wall wae owier Iie week ie had we Segies and 18 Lemons. Tos much Chnstines Cheer, we guess! Yours traly wiehes every one In the league A Weppy New "a Dowiies =~ 4. Wall, 428 (249) M. Mahal 235 and £. Bur wm. Union Maids took 3 pwinte from Moon Bepme; Busy Bees took 3 points from J etias; Go Gallery look 3 points fromm Blow Ouls Happy Gong took | pants fron Iuckine Teams Sanding: Go Getlers 8, Boppy aie 5, Union Maids 4, Luckies 3, Busy 7, Blow Owe 3, Jo'etieg | and Baa Beams 9 PLAZA FAMILY BOUBLES Harry Foyle sgein hesded the lesgue ir of AL am, LA 219) snd Audrey Key, , 204, 20%) ling 660 and over 98, 28); Twi 48, Mois Ges, Teylor #99 Wis WB Baker 081 (183, 208); Pegsie Fovie 068 (292, 237); Bill Gutsstl #81 (268, 223); Harold Perey 807 (211, 250); Gutset] 864 (243, , 25 Tom Fae 600 (302); BA. Lawtie 664 (217, 271); Fegpie Branton 646 (252, 46); FEde Rynn 848 (257. 281)5 Reign Shemiit 647 (213, 45); Boh Glover B41 (237, 218) Stan Paradise 608 (233, W715 Olive Me: Intosh #27 (38, 7); Mavis Taylor 833 (256); Mave Bavia 817 (210, 223); Bark (244, 201); Jim Huxtable 868 (213, 206); Chemilt #16 (226); Ray Branton 613 triples, Bowling Edna Baker 605 (284, 208) snd Flo Love Hateheon 715 (289), | lock #91 (78) Haband 718° 200 snd over games ~ Thelma Lasiie .% Within 90 Days : a MIAMI, Fis (AP)~The leader pd rl 748 o meer the Cuban Democratic Reve warren 146, or ¥ : fon fitionary. ¥eont predicied Wed phen roid (orninn 2. Alex y t Premier Fidel Cas Alensder 238 Al. Waiey 2% end Bor trg's regime will be crushed by Priots wore - tives. wal, an internal uprising within 90 Winks being the ory Inn oo tatled to O8ys Covinn took 4, Eurekas 3, Ter 4 Manuel Antonio de Varons Z is 1, Heats 1, Date 21 Gaons told & press conference the detis 3; Tumblers |, Barienders | United States' action in breaking Eashers 1, Bandits 1; Beehess 1, Jets 3, diplomatic relations with Cuba would touch off 8 new r tio ALBERT STREET UNITED CWURDN oo (fof a Fi iil) volytion The fnvietas sre one . Joiat ghead of Although the FRD is reported invasion force In firsining 'nm Central Ameries, Varons sald the over throw of Castro would be secom J 0 with hana Mare plished by the Cuban under. AR. Lid hed Burst od TT. a4 (868) Final Vast, | $7000, vy Gis 5 Meri, APES 6; Mariel Maunder 9, Pearl Cooper 29, 108 Grace Locke 228, YONDON (CP)--Amid lsughter 26 617); Betty Fayior 225; Dorothy | Colonial Secretary Macleod (old Cindvs ay Fit piri the ne of Como hat ihe Helen Corman 998; Vesrl Marlow 24, #08 on the rock of Gibralter sre we wn Wien Barnett wm maintaining themselves without im Beall was Wgh for the sersieh | difficult r bowlers with bis seores of 2%, 26 (821) jae u 4 » thes Los sitors . Frag Coleman 25, 215 (104); Bi 46; Bill Grandy Ut "we Mae Barnett | 28, 218 (618) Well over 296 Ay) Labons #1 Erie whe acklin 293, rd, Shami i with 225, 315 (818); JA bisran 0 A i] J] 2145 Roy. Corbman lw 20s Peres Bent 204; Andy Marlow 303 to ahyone and Ernie Rundle 203 "this Monday i and Lucky Six! 12, Canaries and Sudiaid Li Marg. Juckiin wee the fowier for the ladies with » floids of 4 Everyone must be slarting off the New Year right, except Gladys Clark first lemon of the ir high score of 88 Christen would you see Betty Toyly went, Fla., here Baturday are these | HB; Nick Pietrosanto, FB, and ED WILSON'S ... BREAKING THE PRICE BARRIER!! You Can Fly High Wide and Handsome With Your Dollars At This Sensational Event! MAMMOTH REDUCTIONS ee fF QI) ees 30% to 60% STORE-WIDE By M, MeINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON »~ An agreement has been reached hy the six countries of the European Common Market which may have a direct bearing on possible increased exports for Canadian tobacco, This agree ment has solved one of the most troublesome problems of the Com mon Market, The tobacco monop olies which have long existed in France and Italy posed a differ ent problem to be overcome, bul an agreement now been reached fo nierchange of tobacco cigars rets and pipe lobaceo belween Lhe six countries None of the six countries is any where near being sell-supporting in relation to lobaceo, and the making ol agreement, there was in tobacco producis them, With France and Italy opening their doors to the tobacen products of Germany, Belg and the Netherlands, the produce of imported find larger and richer market The following Is a summary of Burketon WA Holds Meeting Year's with Mr, and Mrs Stephenson and family Miss Bonnie Mountjoy, stock, visited Miss Elsie for a few days has EVERYTHING IN THE STORE Featuring Hundreds of Fabulous Bargains For The Home ! the free abou produets, embracing clgn ench wer 19,000 inti eountries thi products has little new for limited per Haly | 1 Common Market's Arges grower of tobacco pro ducing 60,000 tons, which are sup 11,000 tons a year lobaceo, Here again finished hited on the same France trade Veen bet now um | plemented by of imported tohaceos W mporiation of fobaceo mpoi DASIS As pro nf LOVELY 3.PCL WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE $99 3.PCH. SEAMIST OR WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE =. $148 January 3.PCE. Clearance MOKA OR WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE Double dresser, chest and bookcase bed, Reg, $239 JANUARY $1 Wi SALE PRICE TRIPLE DRESSER BEDROOM SUITE Also bookcase bed and large chest of drawers. HURRY FOR THIS! $184 Cash & Carry BROADLOOM SCATTERMATS High quality ma a JANUARY PRICE DOOR-BUSTER IPECIAL 1.99 | 1.00 FREE STORAGE & DELIVERY ¢ MANY ITEMS BELOW COST WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST. RA 3-3211 MANY -ONE-OF-A-KIND SOME SLIGHTLY MARKED OR SOILED 22 ONLY -- CHROME KITCHEN CHAIRS 3 09 Voluss to 12.95 * WALNUT AND BLONDE END TABLES- 4 00 Reg, to 24.95 » GENUINE INLAID LINOLEUM 77c¢ Limited quantity, Reg. 2.49 a 39¢ 12.00 89 7.00 26.00 15.00 17.00 20.00 DINETTE SUITES Inlay arbarite table, 4 chairs with mpring TT 66.00 UNPAINTED BOOKCASE ONLY 99c With the Purchase of Any Piece of Unfinished Furniture CHEST OF DRAWERS 17.00 DESKS inane 14.00 BOOKCASES 5.99 VANITY DRESSERS 26.00 ROOM DIVIDERS 19.00 e A Store samp Reg. $189. Smash Bargain RURKETON The Burketor WA will meet on Wednesda evening Jan. 11 at 8 pm, in the ehureh hall A social evening on Friday night, Jan, 15, st 6pm at the home of Mr. and" Mps George Allison. A cordial invita tian 1s extended Pro ceeds go towards work PERSONALS LISTED Mrs, Beatrice Taylor and Stan ley spent New Year's with Mr and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and fam fly Black Smith will he held yord LAMP SHADES «= For Hoor and table lamps Values to 12,95. While They Last HELCHAIRS 5 only == Reg. 19.95 ODDS 'N' ENDS IN BOUDOIR LAMPS While They Lest TRIAITE FLOOR LAMPS with shades Values to 29.93 CONTINENTAL BEDS «Sing! Values to 49.95, Complete SPRING. FILLED MATTRESSES all sixes Reg. 29.93 KROEHLER T.V, OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Reg, 34.95, Malt Price BABY CRIBS ull panel, Roxatons, large sine Half Price FLOOR COVERINGS Por Foor te & ehureh CHROME Full sides Toronto Mr, and Mr pent Allan Larmer New Year's with Mrs. Harold Larmer Mr, Lorne Dean left by plane for Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, to attend the funeral of his aunt Sympathy is extended to them in thelr sadness * Mp, and Mps and family, Mrs spent New Year's Mrs, Frank Allison Oshawa Mp, and M and Janice Year's with Mr, and Hubbard and Alden Mr, and Mrs, A, E, Riley spent New Year's. with Miss Florence Riley, Baltimore Mr, and Mrs to les with George Allison to his Pearl Avery with Mr. and and family Oshawa, Pear Hubbard spent New Mrs. RB Ross I'rénton Many patterns and colon Kenneth Vickery and Debbie, Whitby, Mr. and Mps, Wayne Weston and Mark Nestleton, Mrs, Esther Caro chan and family, M Thomas Trick, Mr. and Mys. Stanley Mq Cullough and family, spent New UPA ily reunion Monday Mr, and Mrs. John Metrailler, Philip and Kathy Hampton sted Mr, and Mrs, Gerry Glas pell Christmas Eve Christmas dinner ¥ rie I Fisher and Mry Oshawa A. Fisher a fy Rey, 239.00 ouT IT GOES ! Reg. $249 January Sale Cash _& Carry FOLDING CARD TABLES Strong end sturdy Reg. 490 Cash _& Carry SHREDDED FOAM PILLOWS Quire EXTRA VALUE! Lowest Prices Ever S-PCE. CHROME KITCHEN SUITES Colorful arbarite tops nd 3 ney "WEL "Randa n wi v I IRN LLL W N(@ -7 vars. Nonsallergenis 1% only from ands Ren. 2.7% such Reg, 4.93, and Fred Cameron | Frank tami. nd fabeie sambis "a ® MISSING GIRL eity and he seni out to al Helga's paren SAON Why LI re off voluntarily phate has Deen Omtario police here 18 20 would have Helga Kasserer, 13, whe van | ished Dec. 290 after she had an Argument with a sister In her nome Police are sections of the the home of Mr, and Mis, R, C, Mrs, Ruby Grineil, | Harry Poloz end Blephen, Mi: Seen In Europe | Cheryl Anne and Mr, snd Mrs, | Mrs, A, McMaster, Joan and the tobacco situation in the Nive Ross, Mrs, ¥, B, Glaspell were Germany produces some 20000 Mr, and Mrs, George Hiltz, Osh- over $0000 tons, Duties are, Mr, and Mrs, A. Fisher levied only on manufactured to-|George and Forbes, enjoyed a Belgium's total tobacco produc- gathering on Monday with Mr! of |ithe - country's consumption, Wy, Little Britain Here again, duties are levied only! Christmas dinner visitors with| In the Netherlands, iobacco pro- Were: Mr, and Mrs, Arthur taatl Mr, and Mrs, Archie Keith, Osh tically all of the consumption \ ' 29,000 tons, is imported awa; Miss Ada Pascoe, Port Wh Sleep and family, Coldwater; LONE BR yeal m Overseas countries neue Mecullough, Mr, Ron Dick of the FJ Community, and inson Mr, Dave Rickard all ano I'ne import of finished Mr. and Mrs, A, Fisher had onal use with Mr, and Mrs, A, Parrinder Myrtle, and visiting gues. was USA had Christmas dinner with Mr, | Russell Perkins and Margaret Oshawa, were Christmas Day | Bull | Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Fisher, Fisher, Friday evening 2.pCE, tended a family gathering Sun DAVENPORT SUITE day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. | Mr, and Mrs, A, T, Siainton, | Reg. $239 Catherine, Peterborough Miss| 9 $ Bernice Chapman, Toronto, Miss! visitors at Mr, and Mrs, T, So Reduced . .,. Our choir enjoyed going to En. Mr. and Mra, N, Leach attend.) and|®d the golden wedding anniver| Were very pleased to hear see Dr. M. B. and Mrs. Green| 88d Mrs, Louls Cryderman SECTIONAL SUITE Mie RK. Davey spent' New ham, Oubawa; Mr. Join Free & | 4 3 Year's with Mr, and Mrs, Sam. ¥ "Foam Cushions" and ""Friene Upholstery" Mr, and Mrs. John Welsh and | 98Y family, Tweed, Mr Charles and Mrs, P, .W, Davidson were Reg. $349 Proutt and family, Bowmanville Mr, and Mis Elmer Down, & were New Year's guests of My and Mrs, C, Terry and Laurie, d Mrs, Cyrus ; / Ld gh SMASHOUT iss I Knight spent the 2 hithy Mrs, A; Thompson's in Oshawa Thomas and My and. Mrs. | Mr. Fred Carter has returned George Fogg, Orono, on Christ E i Abending tw weeks Mr. Jack Lavergne SOFAB D SET rs Carter |v visited Mr, and Mrs, ¥ Scandia style, "Cathay vinyl" covering Mr, and Mrs, Norman Leach spent Christmas Day with the $199 ZION Mr, and Mrs, Gerpy|Kivell, Solina Gilaspell and family Mr, and Mr, and Mrs, O, Knapp, Mar Donald Veduwloes attended the Knapp, Pontypool, Monday Special Christmas dinner and Viee fam-| Mr, and Mrs, James Stalnton John Barlow and children, visit ed Mr, and Mrs, D Skinner Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Peeling LIVING ROOM and family visited Mr, W, Gibbs ENSEMBLE | Mr, and Mrs, O, Bull and fam ily were guests with Mi and and step table, table lamp and shade, magasine Monday Master Jim Tuesday Mr, and Mrs, RC. Stalnton | Columbus, Christmas Eve Mr. and Mrs, D. Knapp, Mr, | . Ren Jr, Oshawa; Mr, Walter) Tickle, Oshawa; Mr, Ivan What Value! ------ mas Day visitors with Mr, and Mrs, O. Knapp, visited Mr, and Mrs, Norman CHAIRS Wood, Oshawa and Brian, Osh were Christ. mas Day visitors with Mr, Mr, and Mrs Mrs. Morris Sleep and family JANUARY GLIAROUY Kenneth MeQuarrie, mvale; | and Mrs. Ron Jackson, Parl, Stainton, Monday, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Thomas, {were Christmas dinner guests on Monday with Mr, and Mrs Rus. | Mrs, Morris Sleep and family, | days with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Pascoe home of Mr, and Mra, Ray Cam. | eron were: Mims Eva Carruth from Sweden, Mrs. Ines Henry Hamilton, Mr, and Mrs, Donald |Stalnton were Mr, and Mrs, H (®) QACCO ar £ {¥. Mepien, Mr, George Mephen, y G Mr, and Mrs \and Mrs, James Hambly and Ted Colliss, all from Oshawa countries mentioned Christmas dinner guests with tons of tobacco and Imports over awa bacco and finished products Christies dinner and family tion represents only 10 per eent and Mrs, H, Webster and fam on finished products Mr, and Mrs, Frank Pascoe duction is negligible, and prac. Moore and Keith, Enniskillen; | French tobacco output is 55, Credit Mr, and Mrs, Morris 000 tons fre supplemented by 10, Miss Jean Pascoe, Whitby; Mr ong from OWEr| from Newcastle heen banned except christmas dinner on Saturday Miss Emma Fisher, New York, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Stainton Mr, and Mrs, H, J. Buekwell, {visitors with Mr, and Mm, O, Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs, A Mr, and Mrs, Tom Sob! at Ros Lee, Kedron | Trmimad with fabrilite, A real basuty, Mr, and Mrs, Adam Hawley and| Greotly Inge Goebel, Soest, Germany hil, Monday niskil nm Si yrnl Were very pleased to fan® anc | sary held in Hampton hall of Mr.| 3-PCE, SERTA and family from Kingston Mr, and Mrs, William Bran uel Grant and family, Oshawa Mr, and Mrs, O° Knapp, Mon A deluxe suite ot a fabulows saving Christmas Day visitors with Mr Wood, Tweed WM Vincent Larry and Roger, Ebenezer; Mr.l]l JANUARY and Mrs, Cyrus Ashion and Roy Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, George Brown, Toronto, and Mr. and) visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert 2.PCE. Toronto resume stud mas. Day | rault, Monday ZION Guaranteed spring sonstruetion family at the home of Mr, J January Mrs, George (iibson and Mrs, | garet and Jack, visited Mr, I, eld at Solina hall on/and children Mr, and Mrs COMPLETE 10-PCE, Oshawa, Monday night visi tors at Oshawa, on Christmas Day Includes davenport and chair, Arborite cotter Ars, Gene Rull, Scarborough en rack, fo and 2 toss cushions visited My visited Mr, and Mrs, Steve Sobil, {and Mrs, BR, Angl, Sylvia and Tickle, Pontypool; were Christ RECLINER Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Wood) onday, Mr, and Mrs, Aubrey Hircock| HALE PRICE 'a Mrs, Coldwater, were supper guests) on Monday with Mr, and Mrs, | Moore, Enniskillen Mrs, I. Shaw, Oshaw Mrs. | fhe " 4 DOZEN ONLY were callers on Mr, and Mra, J Kim and Debbie, Scarborough, | {sell Stainton, | Coldwater, is spending a few Christmas Day visitors at the | ers, Cooksville, a girl friend Prout and Donsie, Bowmanville