Phillips before | declaring the school officially | renamed, Shown above, Dr, Phillips and his wife, Florence, holding -a bouquet of roses presented her by a student at the school, admire a portrait NORTH SIMCOE PUBLIC | nearly 20 years. Members of SCHOOL was officially re- | 1960 Board of Education held an named Dr. 8. J. Phillips Pub- | official renaming ceremony at | lic School, to honor 8 man who | the school Wednesday night, has served as a member of the | Finance committee chairman, Oshawa Board of Education for ' Trustee 8, G, Saywell paid the | tribute to Dr, i of Dr, Phillips which was un- veiled at the ceremony, Board LE 'Renovating Interior Of Pa dhe " a fal & A RE Xs a Oshawa Tones Kresge Store' SECOND SECTION PAGE FIFTEEN OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1961 Sod The story behind the b front of the 5.5. Kresge store, Simeoe street south, in Oshawa, is that the store front and interior are undergoing drastic remodel ling. . ne Nancekivell, manager of the store, said the remodelling would be extensive in that the present method of operation would be changed to 8» "check out" system, "At present we have 30 cash registers in this store" Mr, Nancekivell said, "When we) change to 'check out' we propose fo have five," Questioned about a staff reduction, Mr, Nancekivell admitted that a few would have fo go. "But if we are to maintain our low prices and continue to add to our exist ing lines of merchandise, then our wage cost just has to come down," he said, "Check out" will mean a big ger assortment of existing mer-| chandise and some new depart ments such, as ladies' blouses, skirts and millinery, lamps and lamp shades, A rug display coun- ter and an enlarged horticultural display will also be in evidence, | Re-modelling costs will almost certainly exceed $100,000, and the store should be finished by March 10 of this year. Mr, Nancekivell said that the store would remain open sll through, but it will be necessary to close the snack bar Jan, 10 as a new "most modern' fountain, to seat 34 people, will be installed, New lighting, tile floor and air chairman, Trustee G, A. Flet- cher is displaying the portrait, The picture will hang in the school's main corridor ~4snawa Times Photo, conditioning will be other fea- tures of the new lay-out, as as all new interior fixtures, Dog Control Stolen Cars MANY HAPPY RETURN | | Sometime in the near future|leave Kingston at 6.05 p.m. and | Oshawa citizens may be able tolarrive in Montreal at 6.55 pm, | leave | 7 don and Windsor, Frank A, Jacobi, who is re- ceiving the congratulations of : | eation to Z| port serving the points of; Montreal,| a.m. and arrive in Osha Chamber To Support Air Line Application Chamber of Commerce who will travel to Ottawa will be: Herbert Oshawa Airport and ar- Leave Oshawa at 2 pm., arrive rive in Montreal five minutes at Kingston at 240 pm, leave later hay they would arrive In! Kingston at 2.50 p.m, and arrive Toronto if they took a bus from at Ottawa at 3.10 p.m. Leave the Oshawa Bus Terminal, {Oshawa at 9.50 am. and arrive son, visitors and convention-dele- Quebecair bas put in an appli-|in Windsor at 10.50 a.m, { gation chairman; William Ed- the Department of Incoming flights according fo wards, president of the Junior Transport for a licence to oper-| the proposed schedule read as fol- Chamber of Commerce; Kenneth ate a Class 1 scheduled com. lows: Leave Windsor st 12.50 Crone, membership chairman; i | mercial airlines service to trans- p.m. and arrive in Oshawa at Dr, W, J, Langmaid, past presi- persons, mails, and or goods, 1.50 p.m, Leave Montreal at 8 dent; Tom Russell, recruiting at 9.40 chairman; Douglas Fisher, gen. Kingston, Oshawa, Toronto, Lon-|a.m, Leave Montreal 6 p.m. | eral manager and Gordon Miles, and arrive in Oshawa at 7.35 community affairs chairman; Representatives of the Oshawa p.m, Leave Ottawa at 3.30 p.m,| Douglas Storie, industrial affairs City Council and members of the and arrive in Oshawa at 4.50 chairman and Fred Malloy, pub- Chamber of Commerce met re- p.m, Leave Kingston at 9 a.m.|lic affairs chairman, will prob. | cently at Hotel Genosha with rep-land arrive in Oshawa at ably also attend, | resentatives of Quebecair, During 9.40 a.m, Leave Kingston at 4.10 Mayor Christine Thomas and the meeting E. Johnston of Que- p.m, and arrive in Oshawa atl at least one member of the city becair explained the firm's pres- 4.50 p.m, Leave Kingston at 7 council will also attend, his host of friends on the cele- bration of his 84th birthday to- day, Mr. Jacobi takes keen de- light in his membership in the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club and the Oshawa Curling Club where he spends many happy hours, *' Recover Two _|one hour and 35 minutes to fly port p : = i Osh t 7.35 entation to the Board of Trans- p.m. and arrive in Oshawa a SERVES NORTH SHORE port Commissions, p.m. | Quebecair routes now cover SCHEDULE PRESENTED PROMISE STRONG SUPPORT (2150 miles, serving Montreal, A proposed schedule, should At the meeting, the Oshawa| Quebec City, Riviere - du - Loup, |Quebecair get the licence, was Chamber of Commerce strongly Rimouski, Mont Joli, Matane, presented at the meeting, Aceord- supported the idea -of airline Forestville, Baie Comeau, Seven |ing to the schedule it would take services from and to Oshawa Alr-| Islands, Wabush Lake, Gagnon, According to the proposed Port Menier, Schefferville and from Oshawa Airport to Mont. schedule there will be four in-| Gaspe, { real, one hour and 10 minutes to coming flights and four out-going, Quebecair was formed in 1053 Ottawa, one hour to Windsor and | flights daily from the airport, {when Rimouski Airlines and Gulf 40 minutes to Kingston, The hearing of the proposed Aviation were amalgamated, The The number of inaugural pro- air service will be on Monday, company flies new Fairchild ¥.27 posed flights is limited, Follow- Jan. 16 at 10 a.m. at the Charles and Canadair 540 airliners on its ing is a time schedule proposed |Camsell Hall in Ottawa by the scheduled routes in Quebec, Pis- Two ears and a briefcase from by Quebecair; Leave Oshawa atl Air Transport Board, A delega- another car were reported stolen|7 a.m, arrive at Kingston at 7.35 tion of Oshawa C of C members to the Oshawa Police Department| a,m., leave Kingston at 7.50 a.m. | will go to Ottawa to support the ton engine DC 3s are also used. The airline became the first of the local service carriers in Can. PR Toronto Pastor Officer Is Dinner Speaker Wednesday morning. By 2 arrive in Montreal at 8.35 move to bring commercial air/ada to offer turboprop service N. Simcoe Public School Now Dr. S.J. Phillips School'... .. ... Busy Man Board of Education finance| effort of planning for the best and Phillips said he was deeply con- and District are looking forward administrator for the City of Osh-| J all had been recovered by the a.m, Leave Oshawa at 5.15 p.m,, | service to Oshawa, when it introduced the F.27 in Oshawa Police Department, arrive at Kingston at 5.55 p.m.,| Among the delegates of the|Oclober 1958, his driveway at 842 Masson St, | sometime between 10.15 p.m, Jan. | committee chairman, Trustee Ste-| highest possible educational stan-|scious of the great honor the with anticipation to their first| 2 2 3 and 8 a.m. Jan, 4, The car was phen G, Saywell, Wednesday dards for the children of Osh- Board of Education has done him meeting of the new year in the SUA, in Dis Svan Teper. Sais ' P | partment The car was recover-| rograms be changed to the Dr, 8. J, Phil-| and chairman of the appoinmtent so much to so many people, he| The sneaker will be Dr. A. W. 4 h ed at 1.07 pm, by PC Dowdall| veryone S u Y lips Public School, committee, he was vitally inter- could not attempt to list all of pp ep bei of the Avenue Road I Ry amount | Short Simcoe street at the » Before a capacity crowd in the| ested in securing the best possible them Individually, Christian and Missionary Alllance| 837 dog licences. In addition $11 suggestions To Africa Nick Knapp, 90 Patricia Ave,,|cidents than from any single di-|to follow are: for the 20 years he served on the attitude would have a pronounced appreciation, The first of these 2 ~~ Yah Torar $ " {reported his son's car stolen from |8€ase, If the rate is to be re-| where there Is no footpath, OTTAWA (CP)--The CBC has Board of Fducation. He sald effect on growing boys and girls. was the Oshawa Board of Educa. erence, AR fll syle Ho pas aption of the driveway between 11,30 p,m, |duced it will depend upon good walk on the left hand edge of the school was being renamed to Dr. Phillips has always had a tion, According to Dr, Phillips, all is one of the most widely quoted tion of animals. Jan, 3 and 6 a.m, Jan 4, The er, reported his car stolen from il f I CBCT Be licence were in the glove com-| of North Simcoe Public School| "For many years, as member school after him, He said he owes night, A total of $5951 was turned over| der, More children die in traffic ac-, Some other good well paid tribute to Dr. Phillips knowing that their influence and groups to which he expressed his ly known pastor, author and con- duplicate dog tags, Other revenue | language radio broadcasts to by parents and teachers, the (raffic, | Alfred Michell, an OCCI teach. = sasty I -- {not locked and the permit and night officially declared the name awa," Mr. Saywell said and his family, in renaming the Masonic Temple next Monday | picked up during 1960, ) [ 7 3 [CNR tracks in good running school auditorium, Trustee Say. teachers for the board's staff Dr Church; Toronto, An international-| was realized from the sale of 44 or 1 heen instructed to stop its muti. example and persistent training the roadway, facing on - coming pay tribute 'to a man whose life in members of boards of education has been one of service and con cern for his fellow man." keen interest young people and he has ever sought to help and encourage them in their have been devoted people in. terested only In the welfare of In paying tribute to Dr, Phil- effort to secure an education school children lips, Trustee Saywell said, "This, "During his vears on the He said he hoped that Oshawa Is a very auspicious occasion Board, and after, he gave of his will continue to have these dedi-| and one which many of us have professional services to literally cated men and women offer their looked forward to for some con hundreds of Oshawa school chil-| services on the board of educa-| siderable time, dren on the basis of their need," tion, Dr, Phillips noted the 1960 "It is a time of re-dedication, al Trustee Saywell noted, |board held 142 meetings, which time of declaring the full worth] The finance committee chair-\meant to its members, about of a man whose life has been one man quoted from the citation, in- three evenings out a week, of service and concern for his| corporated in a motion by Board] Dr. Phillips noted that when he fellow man, recognition for a man enamored| with a burning desire to live to the full the life God has given him, not for any sell glorification, but that others who follow after {te board Simcoe 1959, at which time the voted to rename North School, The citation reads: agues and those "His col who know It Is the hour of Chairman G A. Fletcher, Oct, 27,\was first elected to the board in 1980, the hoard wag a union hoard, with a budget of $338,000, In 1050, when he retired from the board, its budget was $736,000 and in 1960, the board's budget was! may take heart and courage on| Stanley J, Phillips well would say $4,000,000 their journey through life "Such Is the man, Stanley J. Phillips. Will Allen Dromgoole, in| thing that he thinks Is in thé in- In his poem, "The Bridge Builder," exemplifies in my thinking, the heard to say a word against any some 1100 people, Dr that he is a fine Christian gentle man, He always stands for some- rarely terest of others and is In 1030, there were 98 teachers in the city schools and 150 in 1950 1960 there were some 550) teachers and the board employs Phillips true spirit of Dr Phillips," Trus-| action, except his own honest con-| pointed out tee Saywell sald Mr, Saywell pointed out Dr Phillips is a native of Dundalk, but Oshawa has been his adopted heme for more than 40 viction, MOST PLEASANT "In opposition, he can be more years, pleasant than most men are In|.pidren | Despité a life of service fo the|support of an idea, because hel oqchor's influence community and a keen interest|simply seeks the truth and has al qron ig of gre He expressed appreciation to the teachers for their skill and de- votion to thelr duty, "Theirs is not an easy task. The welfare of our | § Important and the on our chil.| at importance, Dr, in a wide variety of fields, he is thorough respect for every man Phillips stated quiet, unassuming man, who and his right to think and speak Dr, Phillips - sald one group shuns the spotlight, Trustee Say-|for himself, If it can be sald that| ph is often forgotten is the ad. well sald SERVE TOGETHER Outlining some of Dr, Phillips' civie contributions, Mr, Saywell sald he was an executive mem ber of the Oshawa Generals' hockey club, a member of the senate of the University of To ronto, a representative of District claring that henceforth this school p00 Board of the Royal Dental No College 2 on (he of Surgeons, a we owe a rental for our room on {earth, the words, 'Paid in Full', could be marked against his ac count, "In view of this long service in the Phillips, and with the power vest ed in me by the Board of Educa tion, I have great pleasure in de- hall bear the name of this noble citizen and be known as the Dr, fine character of Dr, 8. J, , ministration group of the hoard of education, He paid tribute to] this group and "took his first op- portunity to publically express his appreciation to the press of Osh. awa Dr, Phillips Issued a challenge to the present and future students at the school renamed in hig "to become outstanding men of his time, CELEBRATING | BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the .following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth. days today: Helen Glendinning, 320 French street; Debbie Jane Glover, 620 Christie 8t.; Richard Dingman, 132 LaSalle Ave,; Irene Samkovas, 12564 Simcoe St, south; Katherine Van De Walker, 209 Huron Crescent; Larry Corneal, 346 Mitchell Ave,; Leighton Akin, 956 Chevrolet 8t.; Philip Lam- bert, 211 Rosedale Dr,, Whit. by; Mrs. George Riddell, 126 | Westmount St.; Richard Zar- oda, 646 Wilson road south; Ann Sheremeta, 72 Tecum- seh; Ed Lintner, 259 Wilson road north; Mrs R. W. Greer, 320 Cadillac south; Maurice Cardinal, 567 Wil. son road north; Mrs, Eliza- | beth Graham, 353 Colborne St, east; Mary Cook, 520 Kent St, Whitby; Judy Vail. | lancourt, 488 Nipigon St; Sherry Lee Dickson, 381 Elm Grove Ave.; Craig Rivers, 511 Stewart St, Whitby; Coreen Whynot, 335 Simcoe 8t., south; Jimmy Woolley, 405 Beurling Ave,; Mrs, Arthur Bouckleyr, 124 Thornton's road were brought in and 257 were|l retrieved by their owners, were sold while 892 were de troyed, 1] Two hundred and fourteen cals stroyed, "That the duties of the control officer are far from routine Is indicated by the fact that 20 birds were picked up, One hundred and fifty other| animals were picked up either| dead or destroyed, While some months were bus- ler than others, September was one of the husiest of the year with 222 dogs and cats picked up, | May was a close second with 215 pickups, Tax Clerk Took Money TORONTO (CP)~A clerk in the gasoline tax rebate division of the Ontario treasury depart-|; ment pleaded guilty Wednesday |) to defrauding the government of $39,440 during eight of the nine years he was in the civil serv- ice, John Wilson McMurren, 35, was remanded a week for sen. t tence, The court was told he had i sold his house and made restitu. tion of $8,806, Police witnesses testified that dG (t F t Township Clerk L, T, Johnston, The report states that 307 dogs| car was found by PC Homes at 2.40 p.m, Wednesday in front of| Two a house on Mary street In good hundred and ninety-eight dogs shape, Thomas Milner, 770 Glenforest street, reported a briefcase stolen |from his car containing insurance : were brought in, 84 were placed papers, $28 in cash and a cheque Program for child safety must in new homes and 1131 were de-|for $27, The briefcase was found carried further, Parents, [in the car stolen from Mr, Knapp. | Increases Majority In Recount By MRS, ELSA STORRY BROUGHAM ~ Judge A. R.| lay session Jan, 4, recounted the | ballots for the position of Deputy. |reeve of | Which were cast Pickering Township, in the Dec, 3 ownship municipal election, | Judge Willmott certified to he result of the recount was wil lam M, Fairgrieve, 652, Edgar *herson, 1116, Mr, James' majority over Mrs. | McPherson, according to the re- . count, was 62, whereas according| 0 the original returns, his major. | ty was 52, | The recount lost votes for all| hree candidates in the race for alertness of drivers and caution on the part of the children At signal lights, cross on the green or "walk' signal only, It some parts of Western Europe and instead start beaming Eng- lish- and French-language pro- grams to Africa, The switch was ordered by the external affairs department fol. lowing a cabinet decision to cut $500,000 from the $1,900,000 ap; propriation the corporation sought te operate its interna. tional service this year, Effective Jan, 28, the CBC will discontinue the broadcasts it first themselves, Ontario school teachers are making a big contribution by| Got ino out of a cur. Hom tress traffic fety, but the| %"€ " ' stressing traffic safety, bu be the curb side, not the street side, too,| See that the way is clear be- have a large share of responsib-|fore getting on or off a bus or [ility for the training and protec-| streetcar, Teach the children to tion of their children, |obey the police and safety patrol Pre-school children should be officers, is an offence to cross against the red signal, kept away from streets and roadways unless attended, See that they play in safe places, away from fraffic, Showing a good example is important, When walking with a child be sure to follow good traffic practices and point "them out over and over| again, SAFETY RULES Here are some rules that may Willmott, of Cobourg, in an all./5erve as a guide: Before you cross the road, stop | at the curb,look left, then right,| then left again, Do not cross until the way Is clear; then| cross at right angles, keeping a careful lookout all the time. | Cross only when you have a clear view in each direction. Take ex- tra care near parked vehicles Intersections, not in between in-| tersections, and always watch for turning vehicles, Charlotte Whitton INATURALLY IMPULSIVE | Children are naturally impul- sive, They get an idea and act on it immediately, This is part of being young, They depend on the driver to protect them, Some good rules for. drivers to follow in regards to safety for children are; Slow down in residential areas, near schools or playgrounds or when passing parked cars, Drive with added care when you see children near the roadway, Make extra allowance for children on bicycles. Always expect the un. ,expected from children, Drive as if every child were your own, Motor vehicle accidents in On- tario are responsible for one of [R. James, 1176 and Jean L, Me. Or Other obstructions, Cross at|every four deaths in age group five to 14 years, and for 30 per cent of those between 15 and 19 years of age, began in 1945 to Italy, The Neth- erlands, Sweden, Norway and Denmark, The following day it will begin an African service de. signed to reach all parts of that continent south of the Sahara, with speclal emphasis on Ghana and Nigeria, It will mean dropping 21 em- ployees from the international service's staff in Montreal, where the informational-type pro. grams are prepared and trans. lated for foreign listeners, Milk League Tables Motion On Butter Price TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Whole Milk Producers League tabled a resolution Wednesday that called for butterfat differen. tials in the price of whole milk to be dep t on the wholesal price of butter, member of the Governors of the §, J, Phillips Public School," Mr, HONORS FRIEND Board chairman G Canadian Dental Association, a representative of Ontario on the Board of Examiners of Dental studies with Canada and the Unit ed States, a fellow of the Ameri can College of Dentists and a member of the Oshawa Board of Education for nearly 20 year and honored with the chalrmon ship of that hoard on three dif feredt occasions Saywell declared "May it be that vears as boys and through these through girls the countenance of Dr, § lips, It will suggest to them the joy and satisfaction that vith a life of service, that they honoring tonight too may. dedicate themselves to le he higher and finer things of fife," Trustee Saywell said as a A citizens of the community", ) Fletcher the said there was no greater pleas- pass ure than to participate as chair- halls of learning man at his last function in the and gaze from time to time on duty that he loves, "honoring a J, Phil- friend", "Many of the board members comes have served with this man we are It has been a on to those that have served south; J. Norman Thickson, 372 King St, east, The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The curent attraction is Elvis Presley in "GI Blues" in Technicolor, Reports on birthdays will be received only between the boxes with him, Serving with Dr, Phil lips hours of 8 am, and 10 am, Phone RA 3.3474, {McMurren opened post office and bank accounts in {Mount Forest, Arthur, Palmer. (ston, Listowel, Acton, Milverton, Brampton, Georgetown, Norval and Hamilton, He gave fictitious names and converted to his own use 130 claims for gasoline tax rebates, These are given to industrial users in agriculture and farmers, McMurren was arrested at Fergus, éd in the recount, deputy-reeve, The original returns showed Fairgrieve with 682, James with 1199 and Mrs. Me. Pherson with 1147, Mrs, McPherson demanded the| recount, claiming that a number of ballots were marked with a "V" or a tick, rather required "X" markedwith more t had been accepted All such ballots were disallow. H, 8, Polak, of Ajax, solicitor .|as Canada's newsiest woman, Stays In OTTAWA '(CP) «= Charlotte Whitton must be considered a firm favorite to retain her title The civic election Dee, 1 re- turned her to the mayor's office after a four-year voluntary re. tirement, | In the preliminary taking over The measure -- should it be agreed to by the league and dis. tributors -- would amost double the current differential of 3.5 cents from each one-tenth of one per cent variation in butterfat content from the 3.4-per-cent standard, The idea has received support from Holstein and Ayrshire breeders, who contend the pres. ent system of differentials, en- courages distributors to seek out News metro government for the Of tawa area, 2, Revealed that the city-owned transit system is in financial dif- ficulty and said a fare increase is needed, 3, Challenged almost every item on the agenda of the first board of control meeting and re. milk from cattle producing richer milk, such as Jerseys and It was my privilege to serw has taught us to serve bet.) ferred two Identical tenders to the justice department's com. bines branch. opposing the move suggest it HITS WAGE DEMANDS | would price them out of the 4, Called the wage demands of| Whole milk market, the fire department "stunning,"| League officials in recommend. calculated their estimated cost at| Ing that the resolution be tabled $750,000 would mean a 1.5 in. | said it might adversely affect crease in the tax rate, something| current negotiations wih the dis "ihe city Just cannot take one" |tributors on a new differential, Civic employees also have felt| the impact of the Whitton admin: | istration, She questioned their overtime requests, a is. | [tor Mrs, McPherson, contended {that the result of the recount showed a lack of uniformity in Guernseys, Jersey and Guernsey owners in KEMPTVILLE (CP)-The On. tario department of agriculture now employs one professional sudden ri person for every 100 farmers in|iP8 d d for comp te | Th the province and is modernizing leave during the Christmas-New ore an diculous" a request from |its service to farmers, T. R, Hil.| Year's holidays, and termed > |liard, assistant deputy minister Wo for producti id ,(members of the traffic depart: t ts iy on, sad Wednesday | ent for permission to attend y an on en Addressing a banquet of the Washington conference. GUELPH (CP)--A delegate to In future only one department the Ontario Agricultur Col. lege's marketing and co-opera. Eastern Ontario Soil and Crop| Improvement Association, Mr, member will attend such conven.| tive conference asked an OAC | professor Wednesday why the Hilliard said that because of the tions and conferences, Mayor rapid technical growth of farm.| Whitton declared. ing, the department will have to| So far, however, she has kept/ abel on a can of tomatoes costs discontinue some old - fashioned her New Year's resolution to fol. More than the contents and why services. Priority will begiven to/low the 141st psalm which reads| 2 cellophane bag costs more than other phases of agriculture, in-|"Set a watch, O Lord, before my| he Vegetables it contains, cluding farm management, de- mouth; keep the door of my| He Was told it didn't matter. velopment of foreign markets, |}ips." What does matter, said Profes- agricultural education and farm| sor D, R, Campbell, is that the CAN'T KEEP IT consumer Is willing to pay for | safety, y But on the course Miss Whit.| the frills, More work will be done with] 4H clubs and junior farmer or-|ton has set, city hall observers| Another delegate who asked why economists urged that farms izations, {feel the resolution is doomed. Sanizations {should become larger was told with him as I sat beside him, for| portrait of Dr, Phillips, which will ter for the interests of our school of office and in the first few a few of the years he was a he mounted in the main corridor, children," chairman Fletcher | " : V 1. Forecast higher taxes '"'at of himselt unsparingly to the! In responding to his tribute, Dr He futtodured the board nein. Will Receive dealing with the ballots which once" and hinted at a form of| ers assembled on stage and sev. were wrongly marked, -- -- - ° ence of Mayor Christine Thomas | Total $195,009 fter b nee ay: ristine Thomas, . (alter box was opened, His Honor Little I heatre wb ulated I RGR A gy Fellowship [commented on the efficiency and | | School Principal L, T Savery | nounced that donaMons have now| MONTREAL (CP)--The Royal manner i v | : noted the renaming of North Sim- exceeded $195,000. The total now College of Physcans and Se hmaner ox Wich the election was| In Agriculture coe School "is certainly an im-|stands at $193,009.90, geons will admit 174 doctors as| His Honor said that Mrs. Me. | history and growth." i y He reviewed the 36 year history prev fously acknowledged, fol . the college in Ottawa Jan. 2% [fied in asking for the recount and ows L ordered that the monies which AJAX (Staff) The Pickering bert and Nigel Hood,, Betty the built in 1923, on land donated to . S . Township Little Theatre group| maid, and Charles the butler, are the city by the late George Me. |. H. Tonkin (Tamblyn's) 15.00 pussed Le lellowship examina: ovity in the amount of $200, be 25.00 A : Moffatta returned to her, | 74 oct days of her administration she: member of the Board, He gave was unveiled sald, Chest Donations 1 D ors eral board employees, In the ab. On the other hand, as ballot box | Professionals ings on her hehalf awa Community Chest has an- order of the documents and the by | Plans Play [portant milestone in the school's) pp 1ist of contributions, not!Fellows at the annual convention Pherson, in his opinion, was justi-| { North Si Sch vhich was : i of Nort meoe School which was H, L. Kells (Tamblyn's) 10.00! Names of the 174 doctors who jad been deposited by her as se- will present a three-act play en each affected by the charming Laughlin, Mechanical Advetising Ontario -- John H 4 $ H, H, Elliott, solicitor, was in titled "Miranda", in the Parkside| ways of Miranda, but two acts| He said when the school first| Walter Marks : Public School, Ajax, Friday and! and three weeks later the fishy opened, the staff consisted of five! (Arthur Murray Studio) Saturday nights, tale ends happily for all as teachers and 10 classrooms. Two Nat. Union Pub, Service The Little Theatre group was Miranda embarks for Majorca. of the original teachers have de. Employees Local 50 organized in 1958 under the aus-| "Miranda" lives up to the repu- ceased, two are still living in Osh-| Queen Mary Lodge No, ¢ pices of the Pickering Township tation of current English humor awa and one is now living in| LOBA Recreation Committee, Miranda for amiability and mildness. Blienham Post Employees (addit.) is the group's fifth presentation.| The entire action of the play, "Ag the city expanded north-| Harold R. Robinson At the Orono Drama Festival |takes place in the sitting room of ward, in the 'boom years', fol. C. I. Richards held in connection with the Dur.| Sir Paul Marten's flat in Chelsea. lowing the First World War, the] ¥. J. H. Foley ham Central Agricultural So-| People connected with the play, 10 classrooms were filled. By! Cherny Bros. ciety's 108th annual Orono Falllbut working behind the scene in-(1929, the school had 11 teachers). E. Harris Fair, last September, this group|clude: Cynthia Haggitt, director; but in 1932, the staff dropped back! Total to Date won the Best Diction Award in| John Haggitt, stage manager; Dr./to 10," Mr. Savery said. -- the annual drama competition, . | Gordon Fam, lighting and! "Again, in the 'boom vears' fol. h d 14 i d "Miranda", by Peter Black-| audio: Pauline Brown, prompter; lowing the Second World War, the have graduated from it and are|\p™ do more revolves around the com. Cynthia Haggitt, and make-up staff was Increased and the in. |now filling important positions, It OBrien, Jasin; Lillian M, Beat: | plications which arise when Sir|artist, crease in students necessitated|ls seeing these pupils' accom. '® St. Thomas, Paul Martin, a Harley Street sur-| Allan Anderson is Little Theatre the building of the school's south |Plishments Wuich makes the 10.00 Galt; Leslie S. Valberg, King "|ston; John R. Sehl Kitchener; | 95.00 Robert J. Watson, Lindsay; ship. Mr, James who will be # Hugh J. Dempsey, Wallace J.[SWorn in as deputy-reeve at the 10.00! Troup, Francis J, Conklin, Alex. inaugural meeting of council to- "lander G. Watson, Louis-Philippe day, William M. Fairgrieve and » no |Charbonneau, Georges-Guy La- Harry 8, Pearce, assistant town. 2.00| framboise, Patrick G. Murphy, ship clerk, also witnessed the re 5 00 Ottawa; {count, 6.00] Wilbert W. Belch, Alexander M.| -- ree. 230,00 | peterborough; Christo phe rN. Ship Wins Gold C 45.00 Burnett, Charles E. A. Cragg, . $195,009.90 Best, Thomas J. wie | Danish QUEBEC (CP) -- The first {Peter J, Koblenzer, Frank J. ocean vessel to dock at Quebec attendance on behalf of the town- V7 Lone, Port Arthur; Frederick F.| geon, returns home from a fish. ing trip with a wheel chair pa-| tient in the form of young and] beautiful Miranda, As the tale unfolds it appears| president, George Dallin is vice president, Cynthia Haggitt is sec. retary and Ann Cramm is treas. urer, Don Clarke, Ann Cramm and wing, Five years later, the north teacher's life a happy one and wing had to be built and now four one of pride for having been asso. new auxiliary classrooms have ciated had to be constructed. There are Parents and the board of educa- original estimate of the damage! now 27 teachers on the staff and tion," Mr, Savery concluded. with these pupils, their LOWER FIRE ESTIMATE WASHINGTON (AP)---The US.! navy Wednesday trimmed its) done to the new carrier Constel| in 1961 sailed into port Wednes- day with a 4,400-ton cargo from Britain and continental Europe. The 5000-ton Danish polar freigh- The H. H, McNish award for good farm practices was pre sented to Oscar Parks of Prince Edward County, father of D, L.| Parkers, head of the field hus-| Miss Whitton has also let City | po Prof. Campbell that produes council in on her funeral plans. |: ib. wa She said she wants a funeral with| S08, Sele Ben Leer ower. full civic honors, farms. ter Thora Dan won the tradi. hea Jus "I want a good show and it] He said it was for this reason bandry division of the agricul: won't cost you a cent," she told that farm equipment manufactur tural school councillors, She said her will has| ers had amalgamated because of Arden Baker of Brockville was a bequest to reimburse any conte) the lower costs of production on } elected president, {to the city. a bigger scale there is something "fishy' about| Allan Aldridge take charge of the the patient who is receiving 'spe group's advertising and public cial nursing" from Nurse Cary. [relations and Ann Cramm takes Wife Clare, friends Isobel Lam-| care of the stage props more than 800 pupils," Mr. Saver. Entertainment was supplied by lation in a fire at New York last| tional gold-headed cane awarded said the Grade 7 pupils' choir. Re. month to about $47,042,000, Offi- each year to the master of the "During the 36 years this school | freshments were served at the tials first estimated the repair first ocean ship to dock at Que- ¢ (has been opened, many pupilsiclose of the regaming ceremony, [job might cost $75,000,000, | bee "