This happy young man Is | Oshawa, and great-grandson of Daniel Robert, son of Mr. and | Mr and Mrs. William Boda Mrs, William Dzikewich, Gar- | oop and M and Sis ward toad, One-year-old Danny | PNE'*KY anc Wr. ane =¥ $s the grandson of Mr, and Mrs, | Harry Kotyk of Oshawa and John Zatwduiey ana Mr. and | Mrs. Paul Zabudsky, Montreal Mrs. Joseph wich, all of Photo by Hornsh OWNLern; Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial BA 3.3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 4, 1961 7 Challenger Groups Holds Annual Capsule Sister Banquet The Challenger group of the WA| members. who were {ll and shut of Albert Street United Chureh|in held Its annual Capsule Sister Games and contests were ar banquet recently in the lower hall! ranged by Mrs. Alex Maracle and of the Church, The banquet was Mrs, Thomas Peters, The lucky prepared and served by the Pearl plate prize was won hy Mrs group of the WA Harry Longbottom, Mrs. Percy The devotional period included Bent won the lucky cup prize and earol singing and Mrs, George Mrs. Sidney Pike, the lucky des Ford read the scripture lesson, A sert dish prize. Mrs. John Me 'Shought for the day' was read | Knight won the 'most year's" Mrs, Alex Maracle. The min- prize and Mrs, Reginald Pike, es were read by Mrs, Harry(the hidden spool prize Mrs ghottom and Mrs, Clayton Lee Harry Crouter drew (he attend. ve the treasurer's report for|ance prize and the "looking right' year, contest was won hy Mrs. Reg. Each member gave the name inald Pike and Mrs, George Ford she had as capsule sister during| The hean count prize was won hy| the year of 1960, The names of Mrs, Percy Bent and Mrs. Reg new capsule sisters were chosen inald Pike was first in guessing| for the New Year also good the mystery box, The TV com.| wishes wers expressed for the mercial prize was won by Mrs, S---------------- - ~| Harry Longbottom and Mrs. Alex Maracle was prize winner of the Oshawa Curlers surprise package Members were reminded that : there is a quilt to he done and Hail New Year that the next regular meeting | would be held on Thursday, Jan. At Merry Revel uary 5 at 2 o'clock, It was decided that all officers Members of the Oshawa Curl remain in office for the year of tng Club and their guests danced 1961 | the New Year in with light-heart-| The officers are as follows ed good fellowship in their club-| Honorary president, Mrs, Lanry rooms on Baturday night. Ho, ; president, Mrs, Fred » y Chairman of the committee in 1 first vice charge, Oscar Parker, plan. Mrs. Victor Phair; second vice he festive event with the| president, Mrs. David MeCann; eA of his team which included secretary, Mrs, Harry Longhot- Messrs. L. Harrison, J, Perry, R tom; ti urer, Mrs, Joseph Wilt. Fair. G, H. Campbell, G. Gould | shire; isting treasurer, Mrs ing, 'Peter Simmons, 8. Piper and Clayton Lee; press, Mrs, Edward G. Henderson Holland; pianist, Mrs, 'Joseph Those attending included Wiltshire; assisting, Mrs, Clayton Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Parker hee Cavk " Tt C veacock, Mr, and Mrs. | eam Captains, Mrs homas bb A "Mr Gordon: Law, Peters and Mrs, Sidney Pike Miss Margaret Parker, Mi wil.| sick committee, Mrs Arthur 1 Mr Mrs. Keith) Walker and Mrs, Harry Longhot au Web id and Roy Whit. | tom, hirthday cards, Mrs. George tington Mr. and Mrs. A. 8 Mep. Ford capsule sisters, Mrs. Frank Cooper; devotions, Mrs, Thomas stead, Mr. ' and Mrs. Lloyd Peters; catering, Mrs, Harry Hoopes, Me. and Ms. ©. Ak Yar Longbottom and Mrs, George Mr. and Mrs. William Burnett, Ford Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Nichols Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Cox, randMn wR Cox | SOCIAL NOTICE and Mrs. EK. Allen, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Henderson, Mr. and AT HOME Mrs A. F. Davey. Mr. and Mrs Mr and Mrs, William Waassell Leslie Harrison, Mr, and Mrs. L. 751 Gifford street, will he at M. Wakely, Mr, and Mrs, Bruce home to their relatives, friends Jackson, Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth and neighbors on Saturday, Jan Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. R, BR. uary 7, from 2 to 4 pm. on the Mackay, Mr. and Mrs, W. F. occasion of their 25th wedding Frobel, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Salter, anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goch Mr. and Mrs. A J. Johansen Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stéphenson,| GROUPS, CLUBS Mr. and Mrs. Dean McLaughlin, | Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Jenkin, Mr AUXILIARIES and Mrs, Norman Sack, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Granik, Mr, and Mrs -- Howard T. Saywell, Mr, and Mrs UKRAINIAN BR & P AUX, K. Mason, Oakville; Mr. Donald The December meeting of the Livingston, Toronto; Mr, Peter Ukrainian Professional and Busi Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ness Ladies Auxiliary was held Whittington al the home of Mrs. Peter Zak Mr. and Mrs. John Rickard, arow Mr. and Mrs James Baxter, Mr The president, Mrs. Michael and Mrs hy H. Campbell Mr Swortk, presided. The secretary ? GG. Tribble. My Ake r rs. Peter Zakarow, read the and Mrs. RT Smith, Mr. and minutes and Mrs George Bo Mu R Powers a and Mrs chyn, the treasurer. gave her re V oung r and Mrs port Phipps, Mr. and Mrs. John 1t 0 Nicholls, Mr. and Mr Stanley o Pibay decided to Sonate 3200 Clark, Mr. and Mrs Verne Me. Sehool™ N Mrs ) | y Laughs. oh a, Ne Avie! Elections were held for the com i. CR ing year of 1961, and the slate of Mr. C. B. Closs, Mr. and Mrs C. C. Baxter, Mr, and Mrs. | new officers are: past president Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rus Ne. Mie hael Sworlk; president he --- s. Stephen Mandryk; vice sell, Vineland; Mr. and Mrs. M president Mr G W, Sutton, Mrs, Edgar Mackie! hon I aay Boy Mr. and Mrs. DJ Henry Mr.| peleshok treast: " : | H er, Mrs, John and Mrs, Ted Slane, NS Rac Hal'| Chmara; sick convenors, Mrs leran, Mr and , Renke I rad: Michael Starr and Mrs. Donald oi] Dr Er 3h Mr a Met Sadoway telephoning committee d § a 2 rs. Harry Peleshok, Mrs. Erast George Huskiog, ag and ik Huculak, Mrs. Joseph Olinyk James Naylor, Mrs. Eileen Mac executive, Mrs. John Dutchak Ned, MY : E Senta we | MI William Boyko, Mrs. Jo Mr. a rs. Earl Parry r | seph Olinyk and Mrs. Lloyd Oke, Mr, and , . : Mrs. H. N. Richards, Mr. and an TS, EXE Mroeting will be held Mrs. William Jack, Mr, and Mrs bi Mr uar hol St at the home Fred Fordham, Mr. and Mrs . cae AT Thomas Pollitt, Mr. and Mrs ; John Lovell, Mr. and Mrs. W. F ROUSEHOLD HINT Robson, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas) Vitamin D is necessary in the Chesstibugh, Mr Fi hl 3 diet to help the body absorb and a 9 Xitehen, Mr py Donald J, ie calcium and phosphorn Crothers, Mr and Mrs. E 1. Dis Foods which contain vitamin D ney, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Con nclude salmon, tuna, he ring Ln-and many others, 'mackerel and milk, ¥ you clean up! We clear out! HURRY ! BIGGEST SAVINGS OF THE YEAR! FASHIONS TO WEAR FOR SEASONS TO COME! 3 18.\ ES i jr R% Prices on all Winfer Merchandise slashed 20% fo 50% and more ... EVERYTHING MUST BE CLEARED, fo make room for Spring Merchandise, SALE STARTS TOMORROW at 9A. M. BETTER GROUP OF DRESSES | Party DRESSES | fi Maternity Yor. Seer Weer == Hain Howe oma tunly ed tx) Fashions K/isone from en anormous group. et iyits 10 weal Regular 29.95 to 39.95 A ' right now and inte Spring These are dresses that Lower Level tops and skirts were priced dollars more, Sizes; Misses 12 to 20 Juniors 9 to 19, Women's 16: to 24%. Hurry NOW ON . «v. you'll want 2 or 3 at these savings . Many attractive 2-piece suits and separate y 8% Regular from 16.95 to 59.95 SALE NOW ON OW ON. SALE OTHER PARTY DRESSES REDUCED | a 034% 20% fo 334% 37% 33% CL pe SPORTSWEAR now 5.00 to 12.97 ASSORTMENT OF SLIMS "SPORTRITE" PLEATED CAR COA ! S Authentic Jarton Plaids, famous makes. izes 0 N REVERSIBLES Lower Level Reg. 12.95 : Reg. 16.95 In discontinued patterns. Sizes 8, 10 and 12 only Rogulor 25,00. Regular to 25.00 00 + SALE NOW ON SALE . . 1495 | how on sae |): 000 170 * BLOUSES 35" STROLLER COATS To spruce up your Winter Py In. Suedella, 2 famous makes OTHERS REDUCED AT GREAT SAVINGS Regular from 5.95 to 8, Now on Sale 2.97 10 5.49 § Now'on'sae ............ 19.95 CO-ORDINATED SETS REDUCED PRICE RACK! MELA, Odds and Ends Group of Dressmaker and Stroller SUITS Main Floor vay for spring with a Gigantic Clearance of Wauitere Cod: Wedther Akeod.! Big Savings Now! - COATS Main Fleor W What excitement for you , , . to select from our large assortment suits, fur trimmed and untrimmed also of this season's high fashion Coats, fur trimmed and untrimmed in pring suits Regular from 39.95 to 79.95 NOW ON SALE 00 95 NOW ON SALE 0 to 49 g.95 to 89.9% the latest fabrics and colors , , . AT LOW, LOW JANUARY PRICES « with plenty of winter ahead, you'll have weeks to enjoy the beauty of your coat, Regular from 39.95 to 139.95 LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 All Sales Final -- Alterations Extra 7 Open Friday Evening Until 9 o'clock N