a Oshawa Times Published by Conadion Newspapers Limited, 86 King 5t. E., Oshawa, Ont oe Page 6 Wednesday, Jornuory 4, 1961 - soi ® Christmas Seal Mone Pays For Mass Surveys The success of the mass chest X-ray and skintest survey conducted in Osh- swe by the Ontario County Tuberculosis Association is gratifying, and it is to be hoped that the surveys now being plan ned for Whitby, Ajex end Pickering sress will be similarly successful, A total of 66.5 per cent of the population of Oshawa attended the clinic, making it the clinic with the highest community participation to date in Ontario, By 'contrast, participation in the 1955 clinic was 38 per cent, This participation, slong with such 'gontinuing tests as the routine chest X-rays of food handlers, hairdressers barbers and other special groups carried out by the city board of health and sup- ported by the Ontario County-Oshawa TB Association, means that a vigorous attack is being carried on against the disease in this community and district, and that the health of all is more ade 'quately safeguarded, It is = program that costs money, however -- and the money is obtained 'through the sale of Christmas seals, 'Once again in 1960 there was a generous response to the sale of seals, but there must still be many who have forgotten or neglected to send their money for the seals to the TB Association, We sppes| to these people to make amends for their forgetfulness, Christmas may be past, but the work of the association goes on, and the extent of that work depends on the finances provided by the sale of seals, Being a county organization, the Asso- ciation does not receive Community Chest funds. It must depend on the Christmas seals snd on the untiring work of the community-minded officials and lead the battle against the disease a battle that has seen great advances but which cannot he won until tuberculosis has been eradi- cated and not one cease can be found, Such a victory is possible -- if we assist and co-operate with the leaders in the fight Diiting the past few years, new cases of TB reported in Oshawa have ranged from 28 to 33 -- not many, but still too many when it is considered that this is a disease which can be wiped out, volunteers who 'Nuclear Clock At 11 out on the great Time running nuclear powers, Just a few days ago Sir Charles P. Snow, distinguished British writer and scientist, pointed out that unless some agreement is reached to control testing and production of nuclear weapons, the so-called nuclear club will be greatly enlarged during the next few years, and ss the number of nuclear weapons and the. number of nuclear powers grow, so does the probability of nuclear Unless there is some sort of check, in other words, the widespread possession of these weapons could make nuclear wai inevitable, There is no doubt that China in the next few years will have a nuclear capability, And the Israeli-French deal' indicates that much smaller powers could also join the nuclear club, Isarel has declared that it is building # nuclear reactor for peaceful purposes, But the reactor will have a capacity of 24,000 thermal units, a size that seems 1s wal to be well beyond peaceful needs --- and Israel has in operation a 100 kilo watt reactor, powered by nuclear fuel from the United States, for isotope pro- duction. As the Milwaukee Journal points out, Israel may some day need nuclear but "with oil from Iran and other Persian Gulf sources flowing freely through the Gulf of Akaba to Eilat, there is no power problem « in fact, Israel is trans-shipping oil" There has been considerable secrecy While there have the small on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, nothing was said about the big reactor until inquiry was made by the US. secretary of state, Apparently it was the U.8, Central Itelligence Agency that dig out the news As of course, Israel has every right to develop a nuc- power about the new reactor been many reports about reactor matters stand now, lear capacity, for war as well as peace. And technically, at least, it has the scien. tists and technicians to develop it, Israel could argue that it needs that capacity, surrounded as it is by hostile Arabs, But as the United States found out, possession of atomic weapons by one nations only spurs the ambition of a real or potential enemy to posses the same or better weapons, There is a much larger international responsibility, The more fingers there are poised to squeeze a nuclear trigger, the greater the likelihood that the trigger will be squeezed, China's Crop Failure A Chinese trade mission has come to Canada, apparently particularly interest ed in our wheat supply. China has suffered its second bad crop year in succession, and the worst since the Com- munists took over in 1949, It is bad enough to force the government to admit publicly that food stocks are depleted There may be no outright famine in China, but it seems certain that the Communists will be able to export no substantial amount of grain during the next several months -- been the export used by the Mao regime in finance in custrialization, and grain has one of commodities There has been bad crop news in the Soviet Union, too, In Moscow recently a plenary session of the Central Com The Oshaton Times T. L, WILSON, Publisher end General Manager € GWYN KINSEY, Editor The Oshawa Times and dally The testablished 1871) and the Whitby te Cheanigls (established 1863), 1s linea (Sundays and statutory holidays excepfed) Members of Canadian Daily Newspapers Publishers Amociation. The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Ontario Probincial Dailies Asse ciation, The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all wws despatched in the poper credited to it or tg The Associated Press or Reuters, and alse the local news published therein, All rights of special despatches are alse reserved Offices: Thomson Building, 423 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario; 640 Cathcart Street, Montreal, PQ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daliverad by qarrien In Oshawa, Whithy, Ajax Pickering, Bowmanville, Brooklin, ort Perry, Prince Albert, Maple Grove, Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, Liverpool, Taunton, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen, Orona. Leskard, Brougham, Burketon, Clgrement, Columbus, Greenwood, Kinsale, Raglan, Blafkstock Manchester, Pontypool and Newcastle, not aver 4% por week. By mail (in province of Ontario) outside carriers delivery ereas 12.00; ehsewhers 1500 per year Oshawa Times combining Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 mittee of the Communist party was con- vened to survey the problems and pros- pects of Soviet agriculture, Last year the harvest was poor, and Nikolai Belyayev, sponsor of the virgin-lands scheme in Kazahkstan, paid for it with dismissal from the party's Praesidium, Now indi- cations are that results of the 1960 har- vest in the Soviet Union have little, if any, better than in 1959, Again, been this does not mean famine, since it appears that basic foodstuffs are fairly plentiful in Russia and there has been some improvement in supplies of meat, vegetables, milk and eggs. But it does mean that if Soviet agriculture is approach North American output of major farm products to surpass or even in the present decade, it has a long, long way to go. One report from Europe points out that European countries which once fed themselves and had grain, meat and potatoes left to sell are partly dependent now on imports of food from the Soviet Union, This may be partly the result of unfavorable weather, but the major factor remains peasant opposition to the collectivizing of their farms, It seems that dictatorships may be efficient in munitions making, but as one of our colleagues points out, if they hope to attract converts to Marx- ism by its over-all performance it must be on the rather dubious theory that people would rather fight than eat, throughout eastern Bible Thought He hath made every thing beautiful in his time.--Ecclesiastes 3:11 At a certain time of the year gold and copper hues of the woodland sym bolize the beauty of autumn, The beauty of is different spring Every season's splendor declares the glory of God. OTTAWA REPORT 'l CAN RIDE ANY HORSE ON THE RANGE Disloyalty Charge In Civil Service By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA--Is there a Fifth Col umn fighting the Conservative government inside the walls of Ottawa's government offices? Many Conservative MPs and supporters tell of significant epi sodes, in which their reasonable requests and hopes have heen blocked by the bureaucratic ma chine, Many blame "the govern ment' when an edge which they might reasonably have expected to enjoy has Instead been given to a Liberal by the red-tape worm Our civil service is sometimes praised as 'the hest in the world." It would not be an over statement to say that when it is good, it is very good It is helped in this by enjoying security of employment, regard less of a change in the political party in power, But in return for~ this security from political haz ards, each civil servant is mor. ally and contractually obligated at all times to deliver the best performance of which he is cap able, whether or not his private political beliefs coincide with those of his minister, and whether or not he subscribes to the policies decided upon by the Cabinet It is hard fo believe that this cardinal rule has always been observed by all civil servants during the past 3% years since the Liberals were defeated This may in part be atiribut- able to the fact that one party remained in power in Ottawa through 22 unbroken years, In that time, the size of the civil service was more than tripled Many among this huge increase owed their appointment to delib erate choice by the Liberals Even when a vacancy was filled by alleged "open competition," it sometimes happened that the re quirements for the job were so phrased as to sult only the one pre-selected candidate Thus by appointment and by long practice, the bureaucracy was conditioned to association with Liberal hosses and to agree ment with Liberal policies, many of which eivil servants had them selves largely framed, The pre. REPORT FROM U.K. Special Surface For Tough Guards By MMcINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON Last summer, in order to protect the Guardsmen from the sometimes embarrassing attentions of tourists, the Royal guards at Buckingham Palace were moved from the front of the Palace walls, and stationed inside the forecourt, This has produced an entirely unexpected problem which was not foreseen at the time the change was made, It appears that the Guardsmen who patrol their beats in the forecourt of the palace are heavy on thelr feet, All their marching and counter-marching and stamp» ing of feet as they do the regi mental turns or come to attention, {t has been discovered, soon roughs up the surface of the hard est ground HARD ON PRECISION It did not take the Royal guards long, after they were moved in side the palace railings, to make quite a mess of the asphalt along the front of the palace, And the unevenness caused in the terrain made their precision marching rather difficult So science had to be called lo the aid of the briskly-moving sentries and they are now step ping oul again with all their former confidence A British research laboratory was called in to provide the an swer to this Buckingham Palace problem As a result, it has de veloped a new type of surfacing material known as Stonhard Poly. mer, It is guaranteed to stand up to the flercest footwork with. out wearing or chipping Twostrips of this material, each 458 yards long and a yard wide, have been laid between the sentry hoxes in the palace forecourt as an experiment, While they march to and fro on sentry duty, the Guardsmen are actually putting the material through an exhaust ive test THOROUGH POUNDING According to G Ashworth manager of the construction div ision of the London firm which in vented the surface material, i could not have a more thorough pounding, A recent examination VALUABLE PLANT Besides providing writing ma terial, the papyrus of ancient Egypt was used fon andal mats and cloth, and its pith wa edible, the firm's highest hopes for their product, which may have a great future as standing ground for Jet aireraft It has several advantages, It can be laid more quickly than ordinary concrete, It is not easily damaged by chemicals, It does not crack under the most severe of weather conditions, It will withstand heavy pounding and It ean be laid in a variety of dif- ferent colors The new palace sentry walk Is reddish-brown In color, QUEEN'S PARK has raised cipitale departure of thelr friends, and in some cases their puppets, ealled for a mental re. adjustment which was rendered the more difficult through its unexpectedness But the time for making al lowances has long passed Civil servants who (oday ex hibit disloyalty to the govern ment in deed or word or thought do not deserve fo continue to enjoy the Immense benefits con ferred by employment by the tax payers at the remarkably gen erous terms and under the uniquely easy - going' conditions which mark employment in the average government office Yet such disloyalty appears to he a frequent occurrence. The tale of some fresh example can be heard any day in the Parlia mentary cafeteria, where anec- dotes come in B package deal with the dime coffee, And at the festive season, when the cheap tax-free diplomatic liguor flows freely at late afternoon recep- tions at various embassies here, the observant eye and acute ear may locate some senior eivil servant whose tongue has been inwisely loosened (o the point where he becothesyghe braggart vi anxious to boast of Ms improper political triumph, ok (o offer as his contribution te the general entertainment some parody of a cabinet minister at work, TOO SOFT TODAY In history books, we read cases where a punishment has heen made to fit the crime by determined leaders, For ex- ample, when Henri Christophe's workers - complained that they «ould not drag the heavy guns up to his mountain citadel, he lined them up and had every tenth man shot; the remaining 90 per cent finished the job in satisfactory manner, When Ad miral Byng retreated after fail ing to defeat his country's ene- mies, he was hanged from the mast of his own ship "to encour ag€ other admirals." Recent apd reportedly planneed changes here Indicate a contrasting softness The "welfare state' equivalent of execution is a gentle kick upstairs, But experience shows that this unhappily gives the wrong kind of encouragement to others If historians are ever called upon to describe the decline and fall of the Diefenbaker govern ment, they are likely to deduce the lesson that such kicks should be "in the teeth,' not 'upstairs.' of Many Have Eyes For Leadership By DON O'HEARN TORONTO «= The personality stakes here this year should be a good race and a lot of fun Will John nose ahead of Donald, will Kelso stay in front of Hob, will anyone gain from that pack coming up behind? Politics is people the most Interesting usually is And (his year POLITICS UPSET There are men in (his legisla ture who go to sleer thinking of their fellow man and his welfare, But there are others--and at present a goodly crew of them-- who stay awake worrying if the other fellow's welfare Isn't get. fing a bit too hep Our Ontario politics are in a high state of internal indigestion al this particular point And so long as you aren't part of it, indigestion, for once, can he entertaining ALL ONE The Conservatives are in a re markable state of all for one and one for all The next PC leadership vention if and when it comes should see the biggest entry list in history All members. are united behind Premier Frost. Bul each silver hair in the premier's head is a signal to those around him that one day he will be retiring And from the number of those Jumping for the lure the premier Or al leas part of Il should be & bonus con Is showing quite a head of bait, There are at least eight men In the house who mentally try hig seal out for size, And while they do stand fast by him it is wonderful watching what they are trying to do to each other, par ticularly when it comes to steal ing the limelight THE OPPOSITION On the other aide of the house there is a situation which at times could confuse a chess master The two party leaders, John Wintermeyer of the Liberals and Donald MacDonald of the CCF, must have as their first target Mr. Frost and the government, But sometimes they, and par ticularly Mr. MacDonald, are not at all sure that the first target shouldn't be themselves And on top of this Mr, Winter meyer, already somewhat dizzy with one eye across the house and another to his left, must make sure that somebody doesn't hit him with a brick-bat from be hind For there are those in the Lib eral ranks not far from dreams of glory And though they don't go out boldly to belt down their leader they aren't at all shy at showing off their own abilities As the old philosophers used lo av: that's the way it goes--one man's throat is another man's stepping stone "watery READERS' VIEWS Plea To Avoid Profane Words Degr Sir Oftentimes | wish | could write so well that everyone would be able to understand what | mean with my writing We as human beings sre led so easy to put our own thoughts inte what other's write. We do this even with the Bible which we believe to he inspired by fhe Holy Ghost $0 it is questioned at limes "What does it mean: Do nol take the name of the Lord in vain?" Here is meant the unnecessary, the thoughtless use of the name of our God. When one is working and things do not go the way he wants them to go, he often uses the name of the Lord profanely. Why? If he believes in Jesus, n the Lord God Almighty, in His Holiness, why does he use thal name while in his belief he is taught not to use thal name in vain! And why does he use that name if he does not believe at all? Then that name does not exist for him, does 17 Over and over agsin, we have to ask ourselves "Do 1 please the Lord,, with what I am doing and saying?" The ministers have to preach as servants of the Lord the true of, and according to to awaken us and to aware of what God to do. And if we as meaning the Bible make u wanis us INSIDE YOU part fence people listen and obey, Gods blessings will be bestowed upon us 8s a nation and personsily In the spirit of tolerance it is well to remember that there are men who fear and serve (he Lord, who feel the injustice done to the name of the Lord, Have respect for their convictions! Please do not swear! Use the Lord's name, but not in vain Let there be 8 prayer on our lips instead, as in Psalm 19:14; "Let the Words of my mouth and the meditation of my, hesrt be ac. ceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." the pu out to 1 the car, and on informed me it wo exira to open the to the opersior I had to leave my car over the sidewnlk. The operator , filled a can, walked street, itn of this he be 8 dollar pumps As far as I'm concerned this is plain highwey robbery, | am originally from Lindsay, and you of gas after nine and express viewpol what they read therein, sre In most peoples' view, eons crackpots But at the risk of . fed to this category, w it not be wiser for folks to do reading for themselves, Yours f; A Bowmanville H. HOLKEMA AFTER-HOURS GAS While enroute from Lindsay fo Toronto recently | decided to fill my car up with gasoline st Osh. awa as | had to make a call In your city. Unfortunately 1 did not have enough to take me in to Toronlo it was nine pm. when | reached the city, Every station was closed except one and would not sell gas after nine pm. He claimed it was a city law and he would be subject to a heavy fine i he opened his pumps, so | asked where | could get gas and he direcied me lo the city suburbs, or to a local taxi cab office. Now this is the Aspirin May Be Rid In Diabetes By BURTON HW. FERN, MD THOSE same aspirin tablets whieh eool Junior's fever may some day freeze future suffer ing by relegating the insulin syringe fo cold storage. Aspirin apparently helps the diabetes vietim keep warm Our bodies still burn biological bonfires of food for heat and energy, Until our heating sys tems are hrought up-to-date, we'll go on burning dextrose for quick energy. Insulin is the magic match which ignites this dex- rose, and without insulin our bod ies would simply stockpile un burned sugar in the bloodstream LIVER PRODUCES DEXTROSE This sugar accumulation doesn't depend on your sweet tooth, hecause when sugar im- ports are down, your body calls on the liver for domestic produc. tion, With the magic of a medie- val alchemist, your liver trans. forms fats and proteins into dex. rose Although an insulin shortage keeps the diabetes sufferer from burning up dextrose, sugar pro- duction hack at the liver goes on as usual, Pound after pound of dextrose accumulates In his bloodstream, He actually starves for dextrose in the midst of plenty. FATS HAZARDOUS He 'doesn't freeze, because his body throws rich greasy fats on the fires keeping him warm, Fats can burn without insulin, BY-GONE DAYS 25 YEARS AGO Dr. D Holg, medical super intendent of Oshawa General Hospital since Its inception, was tendered a testimonial dinner, His Honor, Lt-Gov, H, A, Bruce SEAM 'aaniipuadxa ozo'pzls Bunuos aides 'spwged Rupping esayl and Mrs. Bruce were in attend ance 8 Building during the year showed steady improvement Twenty the greatest total since 1031 Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Brown Brougham, oldest native born couple in the district, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary W. Ross Strike, Bowmanville mayor, was returned by ac- clamation, Mayor Albert Jackson, Reeve Fred Rowe, Whithy and Lyman Gifford, Reeve of East Whitby township, were given ac- clamations, E. A. Lovell, J, C. Anderson and Dr, B, A, Brown were elect. ed to the Oshawa Board of Educa. tion by acclamation A private exhibition of paint ings by Isabel McLaughlin, Rody Kenny of Courtice, Paraskeva Clark, Kathleen Daly and Yvonné McKague was held at the J Merritt Malloney Galleries, To ronto Public Utilities passed a reso lution, exempting home owners from the customary deposit for ervices. Tenants were the only ones. who were required to pay the deposits Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson, pio neer residents of the Columbus district, celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary Approximately 11,000 persons were entitled to vote in the Osh. awa municipal elections The annual week of prayer in Oshawa was arranged under the auspices of Oshawa Ministerial Association to commence on dan. 5 in Christ Church with Rev F. M. Wootton as the speaker The problem of water frontage rates on vacant lots supposed to be collected by the eity and turn ed over to the Public Utilities Commission under a special act of legislature, passed in 1923 was settled. City Council decided to accept the increased charge for hydrant rentals and PUC wiped off a $11,307.08 deh Ren Jacklin re-elected president of the Oshawa hranch of the Canadian Legion for 1936 va but he pays dearly for these greasy calories, Burning fais change Into poisonous acids which cause nausea, vomiting, coma and sometimes even death, Insulin can prevent this acid poisoning, With daily insulin in. jections he no longer has to slide along mainly on fats; he can once again burn dextrose, The size of his blood sugar stockpile determines how much insulin he needs -- the larger the stockpile, the bigger the injection Ever since the days of Valen. tino's sweet sticky love scenes, insulin has saved countless dia betes sufferers and helped them lead normal, active lives, To- day's bitter beatniks can often beat thelr diabetes without dally insulin, They simply gulp a few pills and it's like great, man! ASPIRIN MAY WORK These pills represent the com- bined efforts of modern pharma- ceutical industry looking for an orl substitute for insulin needles, Now 'iL appears that simple old aspirin may work as well Doctors have known for years that large doses of aspirin lower the blood sugar, but not until # year or so ago did an English doctor try to pul this knowledge to work. He (reated a group of diabetes victims with aspirin instead -of insulin, He claims that aspirin' worked fine and that up to fifty units of insulin could be replaced by aspirin tablets. NOT OUTMODED But syringes. and needles did not become souvenirs of the past, Because the aspirin treatment required repeated blood tests, bigger syringes with longer needles had to be jabbed into each patient! No one knows why aspirin low: ers the blood sugar, If the drug merely poisons the liver, halt: ing dextrose production, the tests may improve, but the patient doesn't, He can't burn any more sugar than before I'hen again, maybe aspirin really works, Modern anti-dia betic pills pep up insulin produc: tion, Can aspirin? Dr, Fern's mailbox open for letters from readers, While he cannot undertake fo answer Individual letters, he will use readers' questions In his column whenever possible and when they are of general Inter. est, Address your letters to Dr, Fern in care of this newspaper, in wide f the why and fore of what {he} suid. instance pr tery, is found in the book Daniel, Here for some myster ious reason we find that in the last yesrs of this dispensation man oe been given the numer cs! number as 666, The reasoning is thet if men he given number, thes fi is #5 likely that he is contr the number 3 (or) the power the Divinity known to us (God) the father (God) the Son (God) the Holy Spirit, Putting stich reasoning on aper, we create a sum as follows: 666 (or) the amount of years, 3 allotted to man in this dis- dispensation period 1996 Taking the resorting further, we are told that it the Son A of His ers, und By of this years (33) from our sum total 998, we get a result as the EA 8s to the time of ' Could this be what the prophet Daniel was trying to get 8cross to us people, lvl in the year to start as 19617 1965 show a change in heart of men all over this world, towards the brotherhood of man, Or will it he the start of a worldwide war, between good and evil, as is spoken of by Paul Bunysn in his book, "The Pligrim's Pro ress'? Brooktin READER Wonder Drugs Save Timber WASHINGTON (AP)--Wonder drugs, such as those used for human ailments, show great promise for treatment of a dis- ease which has killed billions of dollars worth of timber, Officials of the U.S, forest service report antibiotics have been used successfully against blister rust, the deadly fungus which has spread through mil lions of white pine trees in the United States. Tests in Idaho and Montana have been so successful that the antibiotics are expected to save millions of trees. This would save millions of dollars, A large (ree contains hundreds of board feet of lumber, Good white pine sells at retail in U.S, lumber yards for between $400 and $500 per 1,000 board feet The drugs had an advantage over some used on humans, They have no harmful side effects. No harmful effects were found after 10,000,000 white pine trees in Idaho and Montana were treated, Antibiotics are sprayed on the trees from the ground and from the air. They attack and stop the spread of rust-colored cancer-like growths which ring and kill the trees, WISDOM PARAGRAPHICAL Today's helpful hint; Warts can he removed with a blows torch, "The average girl makes a poor wife," says a sociologist Maybe so, but she probably makes a better wife than the average man deserves, DIVISION OF UNIV BUSINESS AN The lectures In business man this course will be THEM BUYING AND SELLING REAL The course | stitute for legal advice. Students w successful lecturer The following courses sponsored by lectures in each course. Interested but registration must be made at October ACCOUNTING 1 INDUSTRIAL LEGISLATION INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION AND FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION Other cqurses of Industry Extension programme, may \ utficiant demand and suggestions about courses of t such courses are the following ECONOMICS AN INTRODUCTION MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS IN BUSINESS WRITTEN EFFECTIVE SPEECH IN BUSINESS HUMAN RELATIONS IN ADMINISTRATION Applications or requests tor G. L. ROBERTS, PRINCIPAL, O'NEILL COLLEGIATE AN 101 SIMCOE STREET N OSHAWA will be held at tha O'Nall ( THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO IN_CO-OPERATION WITH THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION OFFERS A PROGRAMME OF COURSES IN MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1961 Included in the topics which will bs dealt with are ELEMENTARY TAXATION PROBLEMS TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISES PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATION TRUCTURE, DUTIES OF DIRECTORS, AND SEVERAL OTHERS. designed to be practical and informative but net a sub and projects will be assigned to them Accountants, Oshawa Chapter, are now in operation. red by the University and If suitable staff are avaliable tormation should be sent directly 10iwe DW ORTH. ERSITY EXTENSION D INDUSTRY aimed ot counselling the average AND WAYS OF FINANCING STAT ; LAW, ORGANIZATION, SHARE ill be given sources of information Mr, Trivett is a dynamic ana Fee $20.00 the Society of Industrial and Cost There are twenty s students, session in persons are welcome: the beginning of ' Mr. Gordon Riehl Mr, Neil Fraser MANAGEMENT Mr. Morley Finley f Toronto in its Business and be established in Oshawa If there Enquir! his type are invited, Examples of TAXATION - PERSONAL AND CORPORATE + INVESTMENT IN SECURITIES PUBLIC RELATIONS PURCHASING OFFICE MANAGEMENT OCATIONAL INSTITUTE, silegiate and Vocational institute