Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Jan 1961, p. 6

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a BENEFIT NIGHT CONTRIBUTIONS AID LATE OPP COKST. RICHARDSON'S FAMILY |Baseball Briber 1" oowiws rus weer emer 4 196 3 = ws IT WO 'Sta ris Sentence | . hd an ears' Nt UAE : | PHILADELPHIA (AP) . Har. Minister Nebru has sppesied to Africa is cutting South Afries's old (Boomy) Friedman sur Indian farmers io cast sway tourist trade. Experts ®iimale belr antiquated plows. Nehru the decline in visitors will mesn told s community development a loss of at least $1L400000 to Tuesday to begin serving be conference India must "get out South Alricsns whe cater to tween 2% wend five years in of the rut of the cow-dung ege'" tourists, prison for trying to bribe a Ph --- adeiphia Phillies pitcher to lose 2 baseball game novinsen, wie wo | DODD & SOUTER Family Monuments H 4 L for the Phi es fastined gt the trial last June PAINT and thet Friedman offered him 81-1 WALLPAPER ST. 0 to lose the second game of] 109 gyno i A gh ' 8 doubleheader against Cineln- rn Crected To Ast | : insti Reds Sept. 22, 1659 0 ) Ingividuel ! Robinson won the geme 32. He M -5231 Requirements was lifted in the seventh inning YOUR for # pinch hitter C.IL. Paint Dealt STAFFORD BROS, inti onumento Ors | BOWLING NEWS Paattu 318 DUNDAS EAST | FRIDAY NITERS MO 8-3552 Team Blanding -- High Balls 13 | (87043); Die Hards 12 (37011 Dows 12 (36,406; Alley Oops 11 | (37-043; Spsrk Plugs 8 (35510; Molson Blue 7 (37,562; Bpry Sprucers 7 (34475) and Wizerds Fo WEEK of PRAYER Men's High Triple Ron Breage 0 763 (264, 236, 263), Men's High Single -- Jack Scott | 272, | Ladies' High Triple-- Ruby Lee The Ministerial Associetion of Whitby decided to ag tot? ich Sula hy L have one combined Prayer Service on Thursdey adies Sing \ Le : : 270 Bh Single~'ityy Lie night, January 5th, 1961, ot 8 p.m. in the 2 Fisk i v / wa Na GER 600 Triples -- George Childs Lid lL ; f y (263, 250); Ross Spencer 651 w S Cc U C RECEIVING BANK BOOK | at the Whithy Community | ardson, died following a hockey | YOUTHFUL MEMBERS of | box from which Fire Chief | Custom Club, sold approximate. | (258), HITBY BAPTI T H R H a 4 WT o Sr Corner is drawing the winning | ly 200 tickets for the Benefit Lemon Leag Roxy Sheare which reprresented the money | Arena, Tuesday night, Her hus , the Hi anes, Bar ats i y . t eli £mon League OXY Bheare (¢orner Colborne W. snd Contre 5.) raised during the Benefit Night | band, Constable Morley Rich | same recently, «© Hurricanes, Barry Watson | ope on 5 clock radio, The | Night, B84, Bert Foster 99, Bob Simpson --Oshawa Times Photo | and Gary Winters, hold up the | Hurricanes, a local Rod and Oshawa Times Photo 87 and Glenna Kirkwood 90 rendered to the district stiorney | Rev. A, M, Butler will conduct the service. F : N : K WHITBY PERSONALS Rev, J. YanHarmelen will preach the sermon 1remern 1P Oops Mr, and Mrs, Phillip Pinney! Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Hamilton "ABOVE THE NATIONS" {and family, of Chicago, spent the snent the Christmee holidays in Christmas Dondays with elf Brockville, guests of her mother The Whitby Baptist Church Choir will sing, mother, Mrs, Bessie Harden LJ nefit am selid street, and also with Mr,|Mrs, Robert Perkins, They also and Mrs, Ben Hanna and family, Visited Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ke - . nN { Guelph |sey and Mr, and Mrs, C, King Offering for the Canadian Bible Society of North Augnsta y ' ) " ats od che ' ag Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Hare, of A near-capacity crowd turned, Jim Corner and Jim Watson thrilled watchers with thelr pre . out at the Whitby Community! added two more for the Fire. entation Cresser street, had as their M» You id Mrs Wn A. Gray EVERYONE 15 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND AND Arena, Tuesday night for the fighters near the end of the sec-| Twelve teenagers climaxed the Christmas dinner guests, Mr, And family visited the pare nis TO PRAY FOR THE WORLD, Benefit game between the local ond period. skating with 'Pin Ups on and Mrs, E, Quinn and family, of Mrs J. B, Myers, and Mrs, M. ( Firefighters and Police Constable Ernie Stoneman re-| Parade Highland Creek Gray, of Kingston for the New Proceeds of the game whichi waived his second penalty of the Highlight of the in-between Wr. and WA iY Hamil Year's holidays amounted to approximagely same when he was heaved off Period progrom was the presen RE 7 i am Wire. Holo Vudze of Bi. Ji $1700 were given to the wife of I " tation to Mrs. Richardson, She 98 SOE Li iristmas holidays » ' dat ste OPP constable Morley Rich lor tripping received a bank book containing in Windsor as the g of My |New Brunswick, Is spending the Jats ies i a at oi : TUT and My Fre Boughton and winier months at the home of v § Stoneman atoned for his sins | ardson Constable Richardson " d I Haare the amount collected ! win died following a charity hockey by he ting 1a i a ice to She thanked the large audience, #50 mn Detroit, visiting Mr. Syd ue cousing Mr. and Mo ¥ red ween the two teams B'® EOAI ai Ue MIAWRY POEL OO) the OPP, Whitby Police and the Bey Boughton Jollymore, of Greenwood eres match belween he WH5 the third period. Constable Fred DIES 2 A ph recently Baker insists he assisted on the Mrs. M. Beriver spent Christ Ww Bevion, gn lng She first Jd goal! nating the Benefit Night pos mas with her daughter and son Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Lintor team scoring SLEEPER PLAYER POLICE Const, Whitehead) 08 Wig nd " 3 Mac. a Rn 3m Ne iy Suen ; . ? SLEEPE ' A } po " ys sendricks an amily of es ¥ Inner on NN rears Referees 'Punch' Imlach and The (OPP); Sgt. Partington and son Hil " Whithy Pirefighters were pen ) i ed at dinn : : King Clancy kept a close watch rd Fireliguiors iid Jad Allan; Const, Nicholson; Const ins ; ig from and ize e third period . w on the sprawling players and) '*€f Io uHag Lad HY orl va Ni Baker: Const, Stoneman, Const ut of town handed out three penalties in the a 'clown obby on ' ht Erickson Cpl Barter Const y Mes Aa "Ba first period fused 'Punch' Imlach into think Hooker, Meat Robinson. Richard Bought (Gas Mr. and Mr Herman Jone YOUR CHOICE ' Firefighters for their efforts in| ing Bob was 8a member of the go. = ' : 4 heir son Edward and daughter : . Police aund Sandford, Cpl, Middleton, Const Faith spent' New Year's holidays FRIENDLY FRACAS | i Robinson (OPP), Const, Shep A friendly fracas between Les| Between period entertainment pardson it North aN Visiting Mr, and With Beadle of the Firefighters and was supplied by Whithy Rotary FIREFIGHTERS Ww. Jordan 0 one Mie hg ler, parents o Cpl, Jim Barter resulted in both| Skating elub members Bruce Corner, Fred Hatch Doug ' rs, Jone - A . men getting the gate for ""Un-| gigi . year « old Linda Pilkey| Allan, G, Stephen, Bud Heard Mr, and Mrs, P. J. King spent T d - gentlemenly conduct,' en ! raae-in unigue number way the 14-slep { way through the second period) qanee by six coupled ner, Will Martin, Jim Corner, D,| Mr. and Mrs. J, D, Kadwell, of | od ; : i. : ' $4.65 theft , ¥ g 4 » " when he flicked a fast one op Paul and Susan ) Huenergard' Pallister, Blair and Jim Watson, Toronta aha Shargs Matus ollie trem. pasting Po STORE WIDE CLEARANCE [+] i i A d or 's Eve | Lcd " 4 ¢ : ' pct WE ' vonstable White} he OPP uth, a 'PUNCH' IMLACH SIGNS a | night. 'Punch' and King Clancy | Constable Whitehead of { P| Magistrate's Court, Tuesday ty h \ Maple Leaf Hockey fan's auto vere referees In the hockey Half a minute later, the Fire Michael John Jones, 21, of 132 party, | HOCKEY EQUIPMENT A twe e local Police an tallied again, Dan Pallister : Gamble avenue. F dl a ara ton the Whit | Uf piven, tie oes Poe in LER Pie Land Value Dropping ame, tonic, Cath Xo ul Mow. Witt "ined "Yo Community Arena, Tuesday | ~Oshawa Times Photo | head, ed away from Service Station! | sure ¢ fT vois-Rivie: es, Que- | {owner C., Flieler without PAYING pee. for the No aii ' : THIS THURS., FRI, SAT. ONLY | for his gas on Dee, §, : ' S aX 0 ec or Flieler stated that "all 1 want| Mr, and Mrs, W, Kzanoskl and W HITBY A d DISTRIC T " Mivgistrate. ih ting tn Rijchoner as the guests of Mr. ' agistrate Ebbs, commenting in Kitchener as the guests of Mr n In his annual report to coun. collected was 95.6 per cent of the {on his decision to dismiss the and Mys, Tony Danyluk, Sportsman & Corner ell, Whitby's tax Solletiop Forbes total tax oll $44,200.00 was| Charge, said there was 490 me n tel fr M McEwen states that the value ol "During ) yet '88 doubt whether Jones understood| The many friends of re land in the town is gradually be-| collected In tax arrears out of al that he was not supposed to leave W, J. H, Richardson, 304 Centre| 105 BYRON STREET SOUTH WHITBY ing driven down as the market for| total of $583,700.00, leaving a bal: the station, Flieler testified in| street north, who was injured re-| \d C ouncillors Res ond ime decreases. The report was| ance outstanding of 9.500.00, and| pour that he had suggested to|cently In an accident, will be| 1 block west of four corners next to Dodd and Souter filed with council at its first busi. | the percentage collected B2.4 peri y oq that they jack the ear up|pleased to learn that she is pro ness meeting of 1061, held on cent. In 1050, 81.2 por cent of the io drain the gas out | gressing favorably at the Oshawa Open Till 9 P.M. Thursday ond Friday Tuesday evening, {tax arrears were collected, of the d |General Hospital but will be sorry $0,500.00 outstanding in tax ar to learn that she will be hospital ' His report follows o King bax "I wish to advise you that dur. rears, approximately 30 per cen S d Off led. for some time yet M or ho) TeSS ing 1060, tax collections amount.|is represented in one bankrupt | econ ence led to $1,128,000.00 out of a total|property where the municipal roll of Fi 184000. leaving 1a les" lerosts are ful pioleced, Brings 14 Days | INVENTORY SALE ® INVENTORY SALE ® INVENTORY SALE ouncll start EMO Co-ordinator Col, F. 8. Wot Deputy-reeve Warren Mowat taxes uncollected at the end i i that he felt council's first|the vear amounting to $66,000.00, naturally slow its second lap on Tuesday with : office 0 ad wot! or 94 5 ner cent of the total roll] *'It was necessary. to use the) A Pickering man was Tuesday an inaugural meeting at a.m, SORE SUBJECT p He re- collected. In 1969, the p nlage| services of a Bailiff during 1960] sentenced to 14 days In the County TAPPAN GAS RANGE 154.00 pleased the audience with her| Les Beadle Harold Bonnetta the New Year's in Montreal with Ken Corner opened up the prsatile skating routine, Another| Harold Brown, Warren Mowal I0 ar e | friends, scoring for the Firefighters mid Fd Bryant, Bud Dilling, Ken Cor | | A | Vhithy's 1960-6 ton sald and their hopes fo 961 Lig he than it now \ He said that he was going to they liked talking to counci | of land is graudally being driven| Police Court that he was driving Follow 48 : ol Er d recommend to council that a spe: MEMORABLE YEAR | e t ar ée down: and the market for homes! While impaired on Sept, 23 | seticucted ol Y cial committee be set u study| It had been a memorable year is decreasing, 1 intend to use| GOI Sate i Found of the Pick helt astor of a 4 t adboiet bl add " Han ag bel nA Bl a ag fy ering ywnship lice testified he Church Mayo San : count assessment 3 ! a ects ie sald and cited some of the every effort to collect taxe from h; I} OHLE Admitting he stole a tool box|ihis source as I believe the Muni-| 58W Noble driving slowly in Dun-| delivered h inaugural A Ho o naing vents of he fown re oulstand ¢ barton | 1e \ gasolin If p ) she be placed in Hi 5 1 35 the year. These included the opening and a quantity of gasoline, ( laude cipality should not . ; | cor { {uj wn hall the 11 || Meadus, 17, of 97 Hurley road,|a position of financing these own. He followed Noble's car to own's special committee set Ubiof a new town hall, the 11 mi ; " Rosebank road where he stopped to study annexation of part of {ax rise, the presentation of the Aax, was fined $10 and costs or) ers in a a Ne ' Mops | | v T € Al hat r p unty equali 10 days by Magistrate ¥ 8 ne car which Noble wa Be mark in its two.year mandate Whitby Town i» H 3 1 that gfficial plan, the county equaliz eS a ae ats | Noble, the officer said, smell:| { 1 tee d no TORTS" | a sessme! appeal. whi 8 8 165 ~ i J : ! Reeve Everett Quantrill s¢ the comm too ad EAN . coi ed he ses ment apie \ oh a toa COUNCIL BRIEFS | ed strongly of alcohol and had dif-| that 1960 had been a busy and|t9. 28 far as he had wished DU lost, talks on amalgamation, an : the [ficulty getting his licence and : id he as certain the ome finally council's acceptance of a] Sgt. Thomas Chambers of the ownership out of his wallet, The merete will arise out of nes yellow fire trac Ajax Police testified le invest FOR CHURCH BUS LINES [constable stated that, In his opin tive term as a membe I this year Number one problem in the new gated a theft of a tool box andl Two petitions were presenfed|ion, Noble was intoxicated | bY coun and-§ ¢ Quant also 0d year, he sald, was to hold the mill gasoline from a local construction! and two spokesmen appeared ask Magistrate E bbs suspended i LLLH anc ' a ' councils were t 0 proceed w plans 0 pate at its present level. He said|company.on Nov, 8 lng the town's assistance in sup. Noble's licence for one year. It busier every yeai lind oul the vings to the town that he would like to see it drop] The approximate value of the oni of 'the newlv-started Church! was Noble's second conviction for ) { it were separated from Ontario py that this seemed unlikely, box and gasoline was $5, sald Bus Lines Look ng towards 13961, he s County. He saia that the pas Councillor Paul Coath thanked the office that he was rtain that « I'S he has been approached on ene Mayor Martin for the leadership tee on bus lines will meet with » five-year paving program, aimed sie by those who tell him Now he lad given a councll made UD og support of every elected body|Chureh Lines at a tater dnie| Name Committees A nleted to Tnuen the town saves be belong: of persons of such diverse inter- i, the town to maintain a satis.| The town now has too much bus own, migh we completed In ine to the county system ests. On the matter of a sugges . srvice A DDOAIL ' . 1} ve factory tax level this year, Coun. Service, it appears On 61 Council ee year n the oth ide, he reported, tion that a private hill be sought ¢il, he forecast, would meet this As chairman of the town's Em lerk John Frost advises to allow Whitby to secede from|.,iianee i SHOKT MEETING ergency Measures Orgaization, him that the town loses money be Ontario County, Councillor Coath which was reported on this page on Tuesday, His Worship noted that council was at the half-way MODEL WKCV-1224 agement I y sreater exten 8 8 us | Jail after pleadipg guilty to a presided over Mayor Stanley County 8 essmen a SOT€ oalled some of the meetings over to a greater extent than was used I K i hin ability iarmonion | he was stant in 1950, however, this method of | charge of driving MODEL WKCRAV-1330 Martin, During the meeting, H ihe me,' said the I : " 3 1 that i Worship aid ever m nb 8 feel that if we had nol ho D y oy Wi ' neal of vith 3 collection was used with digere®| Was impaired 3 Spsuip. and 3 a of That county: appeal, oul though many had appear ow 1ne n tion. Collection of taxes from land! Donald Alan Noble, of Rose | council | é : I A egitimate _ problen ome hac house hank road south, admitted before GENERAL ELECTRIC 00 L REFRIGERATOR - 12 ft. b dress, coverin he work of assessment would have heen developers, and builders addressed council simply because continues to be slow' as the value Magistrate F, 8, Ebbs. in Whitby GENERAL ELECTRIC 00 TELEVISION - 21" 199. CARPET SWEEPERS 8.95 In town. Councillor impaired driving | George Hrooks' special eommit | | : ere has been no change in gen hey A Councillor Harry Inkpen, in his| Councillors expressed the hope|ihe committees of councl' as set the Reeve reported that an EMO belonging to the county, It mayisaid that the appl cation has | address to the mayor and: eoun that Tuesday night's meeting up last vear in Whitby, the first organization had been set up in cost up to $200 to find out who is more than just merit cil, given at the evening meeting would set a pattern for future year of council's two-year term the town with deputy clerk 'right, he said, but he felt council] Councillor George Brooks said| aia that he would recommend Meetings, It was all over by 9 20 The committees were named on Forbes McEwen as chairman. should know whether or not itithat he never realized there was|iai oquncil wive serious consid. PM Puesday morning at the conclu The pw organization, he sald, gains by belonging to the county so much going on in a town until eration to turn police department sion of the inaugural meeting for has already had one meeting with isystem he had served on council. Me . inal hack to council 'UE TRAINING the second year of the term | forecast that one of the major This is not because 1 feel that! A was received from the They are as follows, The first problems for the town in the new |. police comppission has not Emergency Measures Organiza: named is the chairman and the mw year would be its dealings in gone' a good job but because 1 tion asking the town to appoint a mayor, reeve and deputy-reeve . county council think council should have control Person to take a rescue training are ex-officio members of every ERS "I think this town must make of all the departments that it is| Course at Arnprior. Reeve Everett) committee R \ up its mind what it is going 10| esnonsible for." Quantrill, chairman of the town's! Finanace and subdivisions: Wil (WHITBY) - GREAT BEST do," he said |" Reporting for his committee, | EMO committee, said that no|liam Davidson, Paul Coath and Now Playing BETTER LIGHTING health and welfare, Councillor Ink money would be spent in this) George Brooks : . Evening Shows Councillor Joyce Burns sald pen said that the new sewage at Without Saunt i's ap Bylaws and applications: Paul a that in the coming year she would |treatment plant would be ready proval, whe n asked If the town) (oath. George Brooks and Wil Start---6:55 P.M, like to see improved street light-/for town management in two or would have 0 engage someone liam Davidson | ing in the older section of the three weeks. He sald that there 10 take such a training Protection " potions and prop town and also improvements in would remain some cleaning up DOG CONTROL OFFICER erty Wie Ee Brooks Paul Coath the parks in order that people|to do when spring arrives, An ofl Ww John Greer. of 208 Cravdon A ah TRHGIOR: * Mrs sank ake greate: 0 hese ficial 2 ha ™ A Ayu I § é : mrs a oy Re ey. He gg sald, will come| road, Whitby, was appointed the Joyce Burns, Harry Inkpen and Introduced by Mayor Martin as| Councillo Robert Hastings jowh 8 Juv dog control office r, 10| Rohert Hastings the Dean of Council, Councillor also reporting at the evening ro oi ph Ee Bl os Streets: Robert Hastings, Mrs : f § urns and He Witiam Davidson said that 1961 meeting, said that he had nothing has been Rp he by bioighe Burns and Harry Inkpen --- would be a time for thoughtful/but satisfaction from the town|!a dog confrol officer since the planning and a time for personal engineer's department. Councillor] resignation of the former officer RADAR BA 1 inventory. He said that the chal. Hastings is chalrman of streets.|about one month ago KAMLOOPS, B.C. (CP)--Mount - BROS. lenge of ever-increasing costs of He said that the road program| Lolo radar base, 13 miles north. ECHNICOLOR® administration, roads ang other for the future is well mapped out! BORROW MILLION east of here, is one of 20 Pinetree services, must be faced this year and there is almost an automatic Council authorized the maveriradar stations which soom will be Wa RUXIK] yi he a and 'that it seemed ¢ the program ahead which will see and clerk to borrow up to one/laken over by Canadian person i Yq hide ud ¢ ograr ahea { \ anc Dy to borro up (0 one td 0 t anadis ro 3 A KH MRA greatest challenge yet 3 ad in \ . a CHESTERFIELDS, CHAIRS, BEDROOM SUITES ond many other items all at... BIG, BIG REDUCTIONS INDEPENDENT SALES & SERVICE (WHITBY) LTD, WHITBY PLAZA MO 8.2081 ® FREE PARKING ® INVENTORY SALE ® INVENTORY SALE ® INVENTORY SALE ® INVENTORY SALE FTIVS AYOLNIANI ® FTVS ANOLNIANI ® FTVS AYOINIANI ® FTVS AYOINIANI e every street Whitby in million dollars to meet current[nel. The base now is operated by INVENTORY SALE © INVENTORY SALE © INVENTORY SALE It wild require the wholebeart-|a very few ye texpenses until taxes are collected. [the US. Alr Force, |

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