Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Jan 1961, p. 4

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» R, No. 28, RAM, - » McKinstry, IX master of the Harper, master B. Temper- the first ip J ? OFFICERS OF PENTALPHA The officers of Pentslpha " No. 28, Roysl Arch Masons, for the ensuing year were installed at the Oshawa Masonle Temple Tuesday night OBITUARIES GEORGE BR, MEADOWS, SR, La In falling health for a number ira of years, George RB, Meadows, BLOND Sr., of Newcastle, died the Eng neers Sunnybrook Hospital The dece th the Tuesday, Jan, 3 Ontario R p Born in Wales, the deceased the Wars ent acti! T was in his 70th -year, He wis the reg ment 1999 and f married in England during 1920, *"° the unit un : i Mr, Meadows has been living in bh on Rei al gro : 1 h re € Was nemper p Canada since 1921 ant hat re ¢ Royal Canadian Leglonicommun sided in the Bowmanville - New CAadian Legion cory castle area for the past 25 years presicént ol 118imar During his years of residence 8 me Bhe 0 fn the Bowmanville Newcastle ) area, Mr, Meadows was employ od for sometime in Bowmanville and operated a bakery In Nev castle for a number of years He was a member of George's Anglican Church, New castle and was a member of Branch 178, Royal Canadian Le gion, BESL, He was a member of the Durham Progressive Con servative Riding Association Mr, Meadows served In Phe memorial armed forces during the First jeg af the Armstrong ¥ World War and served In the Vet jiome at 2 p.m, Thursday, Jan erans" Guard during the Second 5 followed by interment in Osh World War awa Union Cemetery, Rev The remains are at the ¥. VK, Moffat, minister of Morris Funeral Chapel! Bowman-| Street United Chureh, ville, for service in the chapel, [duct the services Friday, Jan. 6, at 330 pm, In terment will be in the family plot » Principal W J. B. Jackson third veil; B of the second ve ton, Mas of The new officers are: front row, from left, M. Gray, 88; V. Hey lett, PS; B. McKellvie, third principal; W, Boorman principa IL. Smale, IMP and J. Magee, from left, Past J. Monncey, SA SF Past Fi rE, SACK Tow First Principa Ross Jone LJ LESLIE F. McLAUGHLIN " Leader ' er VE n Toronto giment militias petweer and went active served with ged anch "i Oshawa ¥, McLaugh hoard of Le chairman of was A pas He was commil y Years branch first 1 formed | Vete Coa plies (Gene tors War a Gene Mr to man} conch I Dominion Burch ws older so 0 Ho embe red 1€ Overland thes n ainer of Foothall St He cov hall " , thal ¢ fficien He € nome suf r rushed hack Ger fo the 1 ih Motors ersl was "99 iy € e £ x ) yen 46 H Local UAW € also 8 member FUNERAL FRIDAY ye the The will be service emain est gt the n Funeral t 230 pm Frida 6, Rev. Dr. George John pelford, m ter of St. Andrew's Simcoe United Chureh, will eonduct the will eon Interment will be in Union Cemetery Anders vice Melnto Home for se Jar a n (services Oshawa A masonie service will be held FUNERAL OF t the funeral home at 7.30 p.r in Bowmanville Cemetery, Rey MRS, JOHN A, CHRISTIE I tay. J Bad did p.m, D. RB. Dewdney, rector of St.| The memorial service for Mrs |'"Ur#aY, Jan e i George's Anglican Chureh, New:| John Alexander Christie, who Mr McLaughlin w pre castle, will conduct the services, [dled at the Oshawa General Hos- (deceased by his first pital Saturday, Dee, 31, in her, " whiz JOHN BURCH, SR. pla Yel: ony, Rees at the AF {former Marian Hutchison Ia poor health for five years .i,ong Funeral Home at 3.15 p.m John Burch, Sr. 78 John street,| py esday, Jan, 3 died at the Oshawa General Hos Major M, Rankin of the 8 ital Tuesday, Jan. 3. He was In i0n "Army conducted the is 730d year ices, Interment was in Oshawa A son of the late Arthur andi y,ion Cemetery Rebecca Burch, the deceased "pie pallbearers were J ame 5/pg was born Jan. 5, 1609, at Ripley, | giqth am. Arthur Peeling, Vie Derbyshire, England, end wasig i. ier' Jack Pearce married in Derbyshire Feb, 18, gins and Martin Moreau A resident of Canada for 36 , Mr, Burch had lived in wa for 34 years and, prior orltyes of General Motors. {0r| oyes of Genera 1) A | ' years. He was a member of 4." nec, 31, in her 48rd yoar,| 113 to 1917, In Suskatchewan the GM 25-Year Club, He was &| Lot vors' ot "the Armstrong Fu. In March, 1f Mr, MeLaughs member of Simcoe Street United) 01 fiome at 2 p.m. Tuesday! With. the late 1. E. Argue, Chureh, |Jan. 8 {eame to Oshawa from Swift Cur He is survived by his wile, the| pp. woryices p|rent, Sask, They formed a part.| former Elizabeth Haddon; 8io. peu" NT, Holmes, minister nership in a business known as) daughter, Mrs, Robert Smith b yomnony United Church, In.|the Argue - McLaughlin Coal Co (Doreen) and a son, W. John|go. wont was in Mount Lawn|The death of Mr, Argue in 1927| Burch, both of Oshawa, Also sur Cemetery dissolved the partnership and viving are three grandchildren, "myo banpearers Mr, McLaughlin took over the| Mark and Cralg Burch and Bobo ooo 0 Murray bus vhich continded to ble Smith. | Rundle, Howard oper and expand and today is Mr, Burch served ; and Charles MeLaughlin Coal and trom 1914 to 19108 during the Firs mited World War with the King's Royal Rifles, He took part in the re treat from Mons and was in the| battle of Ypres, Loos, Lens LESLIE ¥. McLAUGHLIN as the He Is wife, the wo . a daugh. ACTIVE IN ROTARY Mrs, Lloyd Short Osh-| An active member three grandchildren and al Rotary Club of Oshawa, the de sister Mrs Gavin Davidson ceased became associated with | (Lily), of Oshawa, Rotary International at Swit Cur | |rent in 1019 and after reoving to IRN AT GORRIE Oshawa became a nv wo." Born at Gorrle, Huron County, Oshawa elub In 1023 Claryiin 1885, Mr, McLaughlin was & past director of the club and had son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Rob-|gerved as chairman of a number wife \ wile County Unit of the Canadian Can cer Boclety fved by his second former Mary Watson SU { bt the t ter of |v { FUNERAL OF MRS. ALERT W, RUNDLE The memorial service for Mrs Albert W., Rundle, King stree east, who dled suddenly Satur his education in the public and|glways been an ardent club mem- {high schools of the township and | her {| county, he went to Western Can. | |nda and spent five years, from ideals, Mr voted member of St United Church, He was a mem ber of the board of stewards of the church from 1080 to 1947 and CAPSULE NEWS McLaughlin was a de- were conducted Earl Ken Percy were Gaunt Hoskin, Rundle ness he e Known Aas L of Oshawa's gentlemen, Mr In many organizatio eas avers us Bent p : Supplies One ed most McLaughlin 1 served Oshaw al MRS. RICHARD MeNEN respect-| The death occurred, following a lengthy iliness, Tuesday, Jan y and) "Mrs. Richard McNeil, of Hay: district in the Memor Oshawa anc Te to the Commerce from president of 1 1938, He lent of the Qs} 1048 Va ol her t » Ontario Mary [ ne direc 0 don Bowmanville COMING EVENTS "soils asaon former Rhoda Cowling BINGO Union Streets jor of the late John and Emma eaday, January 4 8 pan S010,0ling, of Haydon, Mrs, MeNel 10, Share the Wealth vling, ay Boo "hcrpors was In her Blst year ix 840 Jackpots BINGO Bathe Park, Eulalle Avenue She married the late Richard) McNell in Bowmanville, April 15, Thursday 8 pom Euchre Saturday # 1909. The couple livel in Tyrone,| pom, Whist Monday 8 pm 7oniskilléen and returned to Ha to spend thelr reclining vears. Mr. McNeill predeceased his wife, Jan. 3, 1950 Mrs, McNell was a member of | the United Church and Is vived by a number of nieces and 19, NELSON, B.( cP A veur-old grandmother o| charged Tuesday provin here with murder of five-year-old thier Chamb to 194% 50 and wa the he in the granddau oy 1907 ¢ the daug! ' WWa court Wall Bond J ehokoff is accused of i! WHITBY BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW Wednesday, January 4th | Special Gome $50, extra in 82 Nos, Jackpots 52 and 52 Bus leaves Oshawa Termir at 7:30 Door Prizes NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM at ST. GEORGE'S HALL Albert and Jacks Sts.) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $100 JACKPOT INCLUDED | Door prize $15 don A PA------ Q nephews I'he remains Morris Funeral Chape ville, for service the Friday, Jan. 6 al p.m ment will be In Hamptor Rev. Gi, Lokhorst, pa yrone Unlied Chureh ll a chapel Inter.| Ceme-| A or or of SON Ww on duet the services MISS MARY W, BROCKMAN | Miss Mary Winnlired Brock man died at Oshawa General hospital on Tuesda Jan, 3, In her 45th year, She had been seri | ously Ul for the past two weeks, | She was the daughter of Mrs, Mabel and the late Charles! Brockman and resided at 201 Simeoe streel south, She was a resident of Oshawa all her She was employed by General] Motors ie Oshawa for years, | RC : Sie Was an active member ol} Holy Cross Church and a previ| ous member of Si Gregory's church, She bowled for both the General Motors League and the Canadian Legion League She is survived by her mother a sister, Mrs. A. Prout, (Lor raine) of Oshawa; a brother! {Charles Brockman, of Oshawa;| {four nieces, Mary Lou and Shir} lley Prout and Marilyn and Susan { Brockman. She also survived by a nephew, Neill Brockman | The body will be at t {strong Funeral Ho {ing Thursday evening. Requiem {High Mass will be sung by Rev Dr. P, Dwyer in St. Gregory's Roman Catholie Church Satur day, Jan, 7, at 10 am, Inter: will be at St A tery ST. MARY'S BINGO WEDNESDAY, JAN BPM MARY'S OF THI PEOPLE AUDITORIUM ath life ST J] TEVENSON AT MARION King street bug at door Bus will be waiting ot auditorium after bingo is over 16 GAMES OF $8 1 GAME EACH OF $10 $20, $30, $40 SHARE THE WEALTH $50 EXTRA- 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1 ADMISSION 25¢ PER GARD UNDER DMITTED : TING TREE WORK "STAR \€ em afflicted Hydro Commission pruning trees, | Ken Hooper At | of trees have to be removed from the vicinity of Hydro's. centr & elim" and nape € 0 Powe 3 power lines in busy is area from Bronte to Oshawa and Newoas Lie Ws ne top Thousands | CHILDREN NOT Gregory's ) : A ping a diseased olm Ortario Hydre Photo INSTALLED atal Attack ert McLaughlin, After recelvingiof the club commitiees, and had| was| child of Mrs al| New f | Sedgewick = Frank Tuesd f Lawrence, and Baron were appointed te make arrangements 2 I dinner of the Osh mistees Jack or ft awa Separate School Board WEETINGS ARRANGED The regular board meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month MEET NEXT SUNDAY The regular meeting for the month of Jasuzry wili be next Sunday at 1 pm a » Past Wheeler Firs install &r J. Waller Principal ng officer J Oshawa Times Photo served as chairman of the boss from 1924 to 1947, He was elected at ee of the n 1948 ae ek ted n ihe far ALE y a dire he Canadian Re Coal Association from 1936 to 1950 and was president of the or ganization a Keen nteres ' d velopmen re n ser Mr Me L tor « or 0 19 and of 0 a member ronto Board of Trade PROMINENT MASON A pillar of the mason) Oshawa, Mr. MeLaugh ciation with the eralt to 1011 when he Forest Lodge Wroxeter, Ont member and Past Master of Temple Lodge, AF and AM, No 649, Oshawa, He was also a mem ber of Pentalpha Chapter, No, 28, Royal Arch Masons; the Toronto Lodge of Perfection, the Toronto Chapter of Rose Croix apd Moore Consistory, Hamilton, HE was also a member of the Royal Order of Scotland His service to the order was recognized with his appointment in 1047 ds Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Canada In the Province of Ontario. A member of the Scottish Rite, he was a direc. tor of the Oshawa Scottish Rite Club. A 33rd degree mason, he ie order in n"s asso goes hack accepted into AM n a charter AV He was and wember of the was honored in 1947 when he was! CAS they left a lawyer's office He was a made honorary inspector genera In July, 1049, he was appointed Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Canada In the Province of Ontario Mr, McLaughlin was one of the A man with clear Christian promoters of the Oshawa Mason- ground against a building at the Temple which was opened In Andrew's! 1028, He was a director of Oshawa enue Temple Buildings Limited and served as its president In 1049, 1950 and 1951 [ | Woman Held In Killing | drowning Nina Perepolkin Ann Perepolkin Year's Eve in a community bath house at Glade, 18 miles west of here. She was remanded until Jan, 12 only on FEDERAL GRANT MADE OTTAWA (CP A $48,900 federal grant has been made to the Ontario Research Foundation for continued research on im {proved methods of disposing of household sewage, it was an {nounced Tuesday. It brings to | $155,020 the total grants to the | foundation for the project BANKER RESIGNS | TORONTO (CPi Kenneth M Tuesday submitted his resignation as director and vice-chairman of the Royal Bank {of Canada In charge of Ontario [Mr Sedgewick, 49, sald he no plans for the Immediate (ture, He declined comment |the reason for his resignation PMS MOTHER BETTER SASKATOON (CP) Condition Prime Minister Diefenbaker's {mother continues to {improve her personal physician, D. M Baltzan said Tuesday, Mrs; W. T Diefenbaker, 88, was placed on {the critical list near the end of | November | | | has fu on pe Brooklin titure fo Wilco daughter, Mount Zion Officers Are Installed BROOKLIN On $t. John's Night 2 large number of Masons district gath nie Temple, witness the ancient installation of fhe rom Brooklis ed the to of the ' at rite ~ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesley, Jonvery 4, 1961 3 THE WEATHER OFFICE says 2 disturbance causing snow over northwestern Ontario today is moving eastward and ster and the inves officers of Mount 29, AF and AM 1901 Patterson, Yorshipful Ms of the Zion Lodge, No the Wor ear Bro. J CITYAND | DISTRICT ! ! () » 0mpson G { Ceremonies Sr. Deaco Deacon Wir Bro. Bre eTSOT p Han I ( Institute attend lodge Ww regu on ie members appreciate gnd from the teachings of the he sald { benefit order meetin HOSPITAL REPORT wing is the report of the a Genera! Hospital for the k ending Dec, 31: admissi births, male 24, female p 21; newborn dis male 15, female 21; najor surgery, 50; minor surgery eve, nose and throat, 48; atments and examinations oi 7 phy reatments ne "i 29; siotherapy iotherapy ATTEND CONVENTION Jack Judge Central Collegiate Miss Eileen Rusk legiate and Vocationa and Jack Kaine, Whith) riet High School, were among 300 delegates attended ay annual assembly of Ontario Secondary Schoo! Federation in Toronto ep last week in Decem natitute; Nell who INAUGURAL MEETING The Whitby Township ounce , hold fits Inaugural g in the township munie pal offices at Columbus, Monday, Jan, 9 at 11 a.m,, Township Cler) East 1 Bab Left (ieorge Farncomb sald this morn ng On Street TORONTO (CP) The fut chubb 18-mont found Friday on a cl must be decided by a judge, the Children's Ald Society ruled Tuesday The welfare agency refused to hand the child back to either) Emile Hunt of Torohte or his estranged wife Irene. Both have pleaded for custody of thelr Adrienne, his wife told the Hunt and Friday night after discussing legal separation, Each urged the other to take the child, The father refused to take her and drove away, The mother put the warmly-wrapped baby on the midiown corner of Spadina Av | and College Street and] al' RUBBISH FIRE The Oshawa Fire Depajtment answered a call to a fire in a . rubbigh drum at Cedardale Scrap Iron and Metals Lid, on Annis street, at 1140 p.m, Tuesday. The damage was minor, The de- partment answered four ambulance calls since Tuesday morning levening and shifting to westerly routine! 07 forecast for most of Quebee Thursday. ~CP Wirephote in milder weather of the province Colder weather Is | WEATHER FORECAST Sunny Today With Some Cloud CP)--Forecasts weather office a! will result ' most ay. Thursd snowfurries Thurs Winds light, becom 15 to 20 this after to light TORONTO sued by the 4:30 am, EST Synopsis--Skies will be a blend of sunsh and cloud over South ern Ontario today and snowilurry activity should be confined to the snowhell southeast ak Huron and Ceorglan Bay. A disturbance caus! W| London over northwestern On Kitehener morning is moving eastward and Wing ham will cause milder ami most of the province Thursday Hamlio® ait Lake FE Lake Ontario, Ni-ipe o¢ 0 agara, Northern Georglan Bay Peterborough Haliburton, eastern Timmins Trenton Kapuskasing regions, Windsor, | iniaise Hamilton, Toronto, North Bay, Muskoka Sudbury Main! sunny today North Bay with cloudy periods -and widely!' A scattered snowflurries, Increas-| ng cloudiness this evening and overcast with intermittent snow overnight and Thursday morni decreasing to flurries fn the afternoon Cold today, becoming milder Thursday, Winds light, becoming southerly 15 to 25 this with a few day, milder ing southerly noon and deereasing overnight Forecast Temperatures Low tonight and high Thursds Windsor 15 37 St. Thomas £ ne 22 ' tou Today's Special! 4 TOP QUALITY ARBORITE (Ne, 1119, Sliced Walnut solor only) ideal for Kitchen Cupboards, Counter Tops, Recreation Room Bars, etc, (2 «8 and 4 x ¥ sheets only] 99° While present stosk lasts) around noon Thursday, Lake Huron, southern Georgian Bay regions, London: Variable cloudiness snd scattered snow- flurries today. Overcast with in. termittent snow tonight, becom. ing cloudy with snowflurries be- noon Thursday, milder on Thursday, Winds light, Inereas-| to southerly 15 to 25 tonight and shifting to westerly 20 Thurs. AUTO MAKER LAUNCHES BOAT Volkswagen 1s entering ure - boat business; the German car manufacturer ls introducing Volks-Liner, a 17 foot inboard, powered by a 36 hp engine, ¢ Sell your boat or fishing genr with a fast-action Classi- fied Ad, Call RA 33402 to place your ad. caught a street car, | Later Mrs, Hunt rushed back| but the baby had gone, A park-| ing attendant had called police! and the baby had been placed in the care of the Children's Ald Lloyd Richardson, CAS execu-| tive director, sald the case was sufficiently serious to warrant| court action, He sald the soclety will ask a juvenile and famlly court to rule on the child's future Thursday The Child Welfare Act provides for temporary or permanent re moval of a child from parent's custody, "Our hope is that the baby will eventually be able to return to a reunited home," Mr tichardson said No charges been lald against either parent TO PROVIDE HAIRCUTS Members of the Oshawa branch of the Ontario Barbers' Assocla tion will provide haircuts free of charge to residents of Hillsdale Manor, Starting at 1 p.m. today barbers of the association will be on hand at the barbershop at| Hillsdale Manor on Wednesdays | ta provide free haircuts | RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners. Installation by our own mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8-468] id Sail Mr. Macleonnan Manager WHITBY -- OSHAW available~Book Early DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE MO 8-3304 "OVERSEAS IN 1961? | ing dates now SEE A -- BROOKLIN Tox prepayment 2nd. 16th Amount receipts, to be Cost in January 17th-23vd CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA 24rh-3 | ot 1 at. 6th esented in payment for 1961, may new be purchased in multiples of $10.00 in accordance with the following schedule: Cost in February Tth- 13th 14¢h-28th McCULLOUGH | LUMBER 1270 SIMCOE ST. ay, Western Timmins - Kapuskas- ing region: Increasing cloudiness this morning, with intermit now v in the sections 'ore noon and spread- ing eastward during the after. | noon. Snow decreasing to flur- ries overnight and mainly cloudy BULLETIN! All current stock at Nesbitt's Ladies' Wear is offered to ing Nesbitt's Annu- the public at unusu- ally low prices dur- al January Clear ance Sale. | Storewide 'January Clearance Car Coats Reduced to for lame then cost, DRESSES Reg. 24.95 end 19.95 CLEARANCE PRICE 12.95 & 10.95 || COATS SKIRTS Reg. 8.98 and 6.98 CLEARANCE PRICE 4.98 and 3.98 Reg. 65.00 and 59.95 CLEARANCE PRICE 49.00 & iiss! oN SWEATERS BULKIES Reg. 8.98 and 6.98 CLEARANCE PRICE 5.98 & 4.98 LONG SLEEVE CARDIGANS (While They Last) Reg. 6.98 and 4.98 CLEARANCE PRICE 2.98 (1 per customer) All Other Stock Reduced To Unbelievable Low Prices. 10.00 50.00 100,00 500.00 1,000.00 2.89 49.4) 98.85 494.25 88.50 Purchase carly and obtain the 9.9% 49.47 98.93 494.63 ; "9.25 "rn 49.52 99.03 495.13 990.25 9.92 49.55 99.10 495.50 991.00 The discount allowad above is tor the use of money from the periods shown te date of the Hirst instalment and in no way affects the customary discount o ayer to recéive an allowance tor paying addditional instalmen maximum discount aring on the tax bill entitling 92 49.60 99.19 495.95 991.9% 2.94 49.67 99.33 496.65 93.30 ts with the first instalment. HE TRIPP City Treasurer SPECIAL BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE NESBITT'S LADIES' WEAR 33 KING ST. & RA 5.0532 {

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