Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Jan 1961, p. 3

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OFFICERS OF PENTALPHA CHAP were installed at the Oshawa Masonle Temple Tuesday night OBITUARIES principal G, Taylor J8. Back row, fro First Principal J Ross Jones, SE The new officers are: front row, from left, M, Gray, #8; V, Heu flett, PS; B. McKellvie, third prinelpal WwW. Boorman rst principal; L. Smale, f second sha. TER, Fast First Principal | Principal IMP and J, Magee, Mmunce: | BOARD BRIEFS i i us E & wi » No. 28, RAM, INSTALLED { Prineipsl ing officer v, DC of the master Temper st First install Past Wheeler tyler J. B third | of the second First | ton, Master sam masle B. Harper B fir J Jack left, Past J SN m veil Past of the Oshawa Times Photo, | LESLIE F, McLAUGHLIN GEORGE R. MEADOWS, SR, [La Bassie Canal, He was later In failing health for a number transferred to the Rallway Ope of years, George R, Meadows, tion Division of the Ho Br., of Newcastle, died in the Engines Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto The { Tuesday, Jan, 3 Ontario Regiment militia betwee Born in Wales, the deceased he wars and went active with) was in his 70th year, He was the regiment in 1939 and served u married in England during 1920, With the unit until discharged Ii Mr, Meadows has been living in 1941 on medical grounds Canada since 1921 and has re. He was a member of Branch) Prominent sided in the Bowmanville - New 43 of the Royal Canadian Leglon|community castle area for the past 25 years and Was a past president During his vears of residence wanch, He Was 8 membe in the Bowmanville - Newcastle [irét commitlee whicl area, Mr. Meadows was employ or) tors War od for sometime in Bowman: a and operated a bakery in New dd yhoii A castle for a mumbenof years diy 4 He was a member of George's Anglican Church castle and was member Branch 178, Royal Canadian Le glon, BESL., He was a member of the Durham Progressive Con servative Riding Association Mr, Meadows served In the! The memorial service will he armed forces during the First peld at the Armstrong Funeral World War and served in the Vel- flome at 2 p.m, Thursday, Jan erans' Guard during the Second! 5 followed by interment In Osh World War awa Union Cemetery, Rev The remains are at the ¥, ¥./K Moffat, minister of Manis Funeral Chapel Bowmas- Street United Church, , for service In the chapel, duet the services Friday, Jan. 6, at 3.30 pm, In terment will be in the family plet| in Bowmanville Cemetery, Rey MRS, JOHN A, CHRISTIE D. R, .Dewdney, rector of St.| The memorial service for Mrs George'#=Anglican Church, New-| John Alexander Christie; who all deceased ed the ser Vel 3 in the ife of Leslie of of the many of thelin formed aug) Veter Years WV chalrman the and § Osh 1 Con t Genera if the ~ mn le as also well known soceer fans as the Willys when MeL aughl n n Osh a Tew i ad to many patient Overland jy, Vita they coat f the St J ' New Domin of | 0 sthall [84] Were or Helo" Gen fo ih fina the ember bul red | n u on 1] he n the un trainer Foothall T 0 eral Molors éral years He 80 Local UAW ered a heart atiacl eel and §@ (he { FUNERAL FRIDAY I'he emain l Melntosh Home for Frida Jar John! peliord Simcoe will 0sp Nas & #@ member o 299 Ander service 6, Rey United Church, will Interment Union Ceme eon: services {Oshawa A masonic at the funeral home I'l Jan service FUNERAL 0OF ursday i] Mr MeLaunghlin castle, will conduct the nervices, [died at the Oshawa General Hos- deceased by his first em pital Saturday, Dee, 31, In her; . JOHN BURC n, 58. __ | 40th year, was held at the Arm: Orme 30 poor health for Je Phy strong Funeral Home at 3.15 p.m ' ' : Tuesday, Jan. 3 died at the Oshawa General Hos:| yr i00 "ym 'Rankin of the Salva ter Mrs, Lloyd ital Tuesday, Jan. 3. He was in) ion "Army conducted the ser.|®Wai three grandchil sister, Mrs Gavin s Tind year . y rme: ns Osh A son of the late Arthur and] Union Jaterment Was In OShAWA| (Lily), of Oshawa, Rebecca Burch, the deceased wwe pallbearers were James " was born Jan, 5, 1889, st RIPIEY, grata Arthur Peeling, Vie [nORN AT SORRIR Derbyshire, England, and Was! piackler, Jack Pearce Clary in 1085. Mr 'MeLaug married in Derbyshire Feb. 18, King and Martin Moreau fin id, Mh o&) g MRS, ALERT W, RUNDLE wa, A vesident of Canada for 36| \ me. Burch had lived Ja) wa for ears and, prior Kae Tor Mr Vo bia retirement in 1986, was an| pike, "W" Hundle, King street Snployes of General Motors for} op , who died suddenly Satur : 3 tday, Dec, 81, in her 48rd year, 3 ~ the GM 25-Year Club, He vai 8 was held at the Armstrong Fu-| In March, 1922, member of Simcoe Street United! no a1 Home at 2 pm. Tuesday,|!n, With the late I Chureh, 'Jan. 3 {came to Oshawa fror He i mrvived by Rh life, the The services were conducted|rent, Sask, They for former FE 208; vy Rev, N, T, Holmes, daughter, Mrs Robert Bm |! Blof Harmony United Church, In the Argue A {hort} Ly "Bed {on On| terment was in Mount Lawn The peat ol Mr uren, both o / R¢ Cemetery | 1580 Ve e viving are three frandchildten, The pallbearers Earl Ms McLaughlin Mark and Cralg Bureh and Bobo oo 0 Murray K e n|business which ble Smith Percy Operate and expand know MeLaughl Limited former Mary Watson FUNERAL OF his education in the MeLaugl A part tod e were Gaunt Hoskin, Rundle Mr, Burch served overseas) Rundle, Howard trom 1914 to 1018 during the First Bent and Charles World War with the King's Royal Rifles, He took part in the re treat from Mons and was in the a She Seal SOCIO op battle of Ypres, Loos, Lens and 0 "rr Me ohard McNeil, of Hay COMING EVENTS | mis i fal Hospital Bond 4 n as Supplies One of Oshawa's 1 Mr in man MRS. RICHARD MeNEN The death occurred, following) ed va ais gentlemen tr J Ve { d organizations rector o Rowmanville Commer Vas pre e the daugh Born In Haydon Vas former Rhoda Co 1¢ the late John and Emma Cowling, of Haydon, Mrs, Mc was in her 81st year She married the A In Bowmany p couple Ui ling iden BINGO Union Hall Street Wednesday, January 4, pm 0 games #6 and $10. Share the Wealth ix $40 Jackpots Bathe Park, Eulalle Thursday 8 pom Euchre Saturday pom, Whist Monday 8 p.m of Y vell of Avenue [] ite Richard] Apri 15,| Tyrone, | to Ha l¢ el in 4 NDS {7nniskillen and returned WHITBY BAND to spend their reclining {don BINGO 5 years, Mr. MeNell predeceased CLUB BAYVIEW his wife 2 1060 Wednesday January 4th | Mrs, MeNell was a member of Special Gome $50, extra in United Church and | 52 Nes dock ts 32 ond 52. a number of nieces amd Bus leaves Oshawa Terminal at 7:30. Door Prizes NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts) Games $6, $12, $20 Jan the 8 sur vived by nephews PF man vhape Inter:| Ceme-| I'he remains Morris Funeral Che ville, for service Friday 6 ment in Hamptor 1 t, pa ed Chureh, will are the at 2 pn in Jan 2 will be Rey Un the serv 101 or ol yrone con | | duct lees I § morning nad g0n at minister of St Marian Hutchison survived by his second wife Short and Mrs, Rob: (served as chairman of a number Grand { ert McLaughlin, After receivingiof the club committees, and had lodge of Canada In the Province phe father refused to take her high schools of the township and) per county, he went to Western Can.| ada and spent five years, (1912 to 1017, in Saskatchewan Mr minister Nership in a business Leader In Community © 1 Attack of the ers Fata ess and Oshawa for McLaugh f Mc 14 General busin served as chalrma YB 1 8 trustee of the chur DATE 0 Keenly interested in the velopment and busine My. McLaugh as a director of the Canadian Re tall Coal Association from- 1936 1950 and was president of the ganization U 1937 als the Board of ipplies Lim elfare of the fue AWA nse been a al i] To Gener eeks in 1 1936 and ficient] He da ied hack re suf of Yas ronto PROMINENT MASON A pillar of the me Oshawa, Mr A clation memher Trade 0 a of me T onl ier elL.aughlin's asso vith the erall to 1011 when he was accepted int Forest Lodge, Al AM, Ir Wroxeter, Opt. He a charter member and Past Master Temple Lodge, AF and AM 640, Oshawa, He was also a mem her of Pentalpha Chapter, No, 28 Roval Arch Masons; the Lodge of Perfection, the goes ha rest at t gor Funeral 2.30 Dr + and p.m VAK George 1 Andrew's the in 0 N jo conduet will be of ery will he held a Taronte at 7.80 pm. |Consistory, Hamilton, He was als a member of the Royal Order of |8eotland His service to the recognized with his in 1047 as Grand Steward of the of thellirand Lodge of Canada In the the de. Province of Ontario. A member o associated with the Scottish Rite, he was a direc was pre] LESLIE F, MeLAUGHLIN wife, the County Unit of the Canadian Can He 15 cer Societ | thel.. .... a daugh. ACTIVE IN ROTARY Osh-| An active member and a!Rotary Club of Oshawa became order | i of drer Davidson | ceased {vent in 1019 and after moving to/Club. A 33rd degree mason, he | ron County hlin Oshawa elub in 1025, He was a made honorary inspector general was A past director of the club and had|In July Steward of the public and | always been an ardent club mem-|of Ontario A man with e¢lear Christian | promoters of the Oshawa Mason from | ideals, Mr, McLaughlin was a de-|lo Temple which was opened Ir voted member of St MeLaugh-| United Church, He was a8 mem: | Temple Buildings | Argue, ber of the board of stewards of served as its president mn Swift Cur. | the church from 1680 to 1947 and! 1050 and 1951 med a part| known as| | unl | CAPSULE NEWS Herska | "i Woman Held In Killing is NELSON, R( cp B0-|drowning Nina Perepolkin grandmother was/child of Mrs, Ann Perepolkin y charged Tuesday In provincial New Year's Eve # community here with the murder of bath house at Glade, 18 mile five-year-old granddaughter, west of here. She was remanded le until Jan, 12 FEDERAL OTTAWA A S40 000 | federal grant has been made the Ontario Research Foundatior for continued research on im proved methods of disposing of household sewage, it was an {nounced Tuesday, It brings | $155,020 the total grants foundation for the project { | BANKER RESIGNS { TORONTO (CP) Kenneth M Sedgewick Tuesday submitted his resignation as director anc Limited anc in 1040 and today in Coal nost respect MeLaughlin Oshawa and He set Oshaws ce from 1036 t of He al f the OQ He t &d A only 1a 1e! year-old ol Hdawalcourt vas also! her 1 Ontario Mary ehokoff {8 accused of GRANT MADF cp zy to the | vice-chairman of the Roval Rank of Canada in charge | Mr. Sedgewick, 49 no plans for the ture, He declined of Ontario sald he h immediate comment fu o " d from 1934 to 1047, He was elecled Toronto Chapter of Rose Croix and Moore was appointment Rotary International at Swift Cur-|tor of the Oshawa Scottish Rite daughter, Adrienne Oshawa became a member of the| was honored in 1047 when he was| CAS they left a lawyer's office 1049, he was appointed legal separation Grand other to take the child, Mr, McLaughlin was bne of the the warmly-wrapped baby on Andrew's | 1028, He was a director of Oshawa enue 10 AS SEPARATE SCHOOL THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesley, Janvery §, 1961 3 Trustees Jack Lawrence, snd the be next THE WEATHER OFFICE says 8 disturbance causing stow over northwestern Ontario today is moving eastward snd - 3 result in milder westher | forecast for most of Quebes most of the province | Thursday, Thursday, Colder weather is | wi LP Wirephots CITY AND DISTRICT No YER Bro past Frank Baron were sppoinied Tuesday to make RrrTaniemen's The regular board meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month month of Jenusry will Sundey st | pm 'Mount Zio BROOKLIN On Bt, John's ght a large number of Masons from Brook and distriet geth rite of the installation of the Worshipful Master and the inves titure of the officers of Mount Wor J. Patterson hy masters of th emplified the a ed WEATHER FORECAST ' Sunny Today in aLioy for the annus! dinner of the Osh awa Separate School Board WEETINGS ARRANGED MEET NEXT SUNDAY The regulsr meeting for Officers Are ered at the Masonle Temple Erooklin, to witness the ancient Zion Lodge 9, AV spd AM for the 1961 The follow officers stalled and Inve fed ir id HOSPITAL REPORT Foll Oshawa Genera! Hospital for the eek ending Dee, 31: admissions 271; births, male 24, female 23; discharges, 201 newborn dis y charges, male female 21 B 0: major surgery, 50; minor surgery f Wor, (64: eve nose and throat, 46 Director ¢oaiments and examinations Jd. Pot bx. 3 Bro, 1 Sons wT Bro, 4 Bro gro, Cb ma W Wor past Dé (reer § Wa Bro I Trea hompso Wm, GO of Ceremonies De De den haplain 15 ¢ Wor C8 Secretory Mann ng W Bro ear 3ro 0 105 treatments Gui Brews | rd 1 ! Inner br ATTEND CONVENTION : B R Jack Judge, Central Collegiate Cul Institute; Miss Eileen Rusk Bro, J, Btark y ued eon. grand O'Neill Collegiate and Vocationa ff Institute and Jack Kaine, Whith trict H 300 delegates the three-day Ontario Tenche fowhra Hamilt Wileos on Di hh Behoo who the ponded toa Lodge stressed Masor nour pecially in this day urged memhers regular) It 1 ¢ members will fate and from the teachings of the he said ario, re mnis peor annual Bs hecondary ir He the dally and rand : the need of Federation life y last week Attend during in Decem her TT " the ? on I il ittenda tha the ' henefi! dey Brake} INAUGURAL MEETING The East Whithy Townshiy Counell will 'hold its Inaugura meeting in the township munie pal offices at Columbus, Monday Jan, 9 at 11 a.m, Township Cler) George Farncomb sald this morn ing appre Baby Left On Street TORONTO (CP) The future 18-month-old girl| Tron and Metals Lid eet | BITEEL, af 1140 pm, The damage was minor partment answered four routin ambulance calls since Tuesda | morning RUBBISH FIRE The Oshawa Fire Departmen answered a call to a fire ) of a chubb found Friday on must be decided by Children's Ald iesday The welfare agency elty stree Tuesday a judge, the Society ruled a f refused to wing is the report of the therapy Vere among tended of foronto Kapuskasing in a rubbish drum at Cedardale Serap| cloudiness and on Annis! Aurries today The de With Some Cloud CP)~Forecasis weather office snowflurries Thurs day, milder. Winds light, becom ing southerly 15 to 20 this after s will be & blend noon snd deereasing light! cloud over South- overnight and snowflurry Forecast Temperatures he confined Low tonight and high Thursds helt southeast ndsor ry Lake Huron and Ceorgler Thomas A disturbance causing snow London northwestern Ontario this Kitchener morning is moving eastward and u in am I milder weather ove Hamilton most of the province Thursday, |g stharines I | Lake Ontario, N Toronto . agara, Northern Georglan Ba) | Peterborough Halibu eastern Timmins Trenton regions, Windsor Killaloe Toronto, North Bay,| ye coke Mainly sunny today | no. Bay periods and widely snowflurries, Inereas-| Today's Special! cloudiness this evening and TOP QUALITY with intermittent snow and Thursday morni to flurries in the (No. 1119, Sliced Walnut solor only) afternoon Cold today, hecoming milder Thursday Winds light ideal for Kitchen Cupboards Counter Tops, Recreation hecoming southerly 15 to 26 this evening and shifting to westerly around noon Thursday Room Bars, etc (2 x 8 ond # only) Lake Huron, southern Georgian 39 . Bay regions, London: Variable ' scattered spow 'While present stosk lest) TORONTO sued by the 4:30 am, EST Synopsis Bk of sunshine and ern Ontario todey fx is with & few ] to ould to the snow mainl of Bay over 15 81 5 wm h 4] J 1 2 1 , 15 4 ease } 1 f 1 1h ton Hamilton Sudbury ith cloud caftered ng 1 overenst overn decreasing ) ht { Overcast with in termittent snow tonight, becom ing cloudy with snowflurries be- 0 noon Thursday, milder on y Thursday, Winds light, inereas.| ine to southerly 15 to 28 tonight xh sheets hand the child back to either Emile Hunt of Toronto or his f estranged wife Irene, Both have pleaded for custody of thelr AUTO MAKER LAUNCHES BOAT Volkswagen 1s entering pleasure » boat business; the German car manufacturer Is introducing Volks-Liner, a 17 foot inboard, powered by a 36 hp engine, Sell your boat or fishin gear with a fast-action Classi: fied Ad, Call RA 38402 to place your ad Hunt and his wile told the Friday night afier discussing a Kach urged the ut he ground against a building at the VV midiown corner of Spadina Av and. College Street and | and drove away, The mother | and shifting to wesierly 20 Thurs. a ( Western Timmins » ing region; Inereasin this morning, with Kapuskas- cloudiness ntermil now [nections before noon and spread. ing eastward during the after. noon, Know decreasing to flur- ries overnight and mainly cloudy Iloaught a street car | Later Mrs, Hunt rushed back|--- but the baby had gone, A park- ing attendant had called police! {and the baby had been placed In the carve of the Children's Ald, | Lloyd Richardson," CAS execu-| tive director, sald the case was| sufficiently serious to warrant] court action, He said the soclely vill ask a juvenile and family eourt to rule on the ehild's future uraday The Child Welfare Act provides for temporary or permanent re moval of a child from parent's custody 'Our hope that the able to ' Mr charges either vew NU-WAY RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners, | | $ baby 1 eventually be return to a reunited home Richardson sald No laid wi been pareni | Installation by our own mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8-468) Bt a TO PROVIDE HAIRCUTS Members of the Oshawa branch the Ontario Barbers' Assocla tion will provide haircuts free of charge to dents of Hillsdale Manor. Starting at 1 p.m. today harbers of the association will be on hand at the barbershop at Hillsdale Manor on Wednesdays | to provide free haircuts | ) of f BULLETIN! All current stock at Nesbitt's Ladies' Wear is offered to ing Nesbitt's Annu the public at unusu- ally low prices dur al January Clear ance Sale, Storewlde lanuary Clearance Car Coats Reduced to for les than cont, -------------------- SKIRTS DRESSES Reg, 24.95 and 19.95 CLEARANCE PRICE 1 1 #4 OVERSEAS IN 1961? Sailing dates now n May be doubled or tripled $100 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door prize $15 ST. MARY'S BINGO WEDNESDAY, JAN 8PM < ath ST. MARY'S OF THt PEOPLE AUDITORIUM STEVENSON RD AT MARION A King street bus at door, Bus will be waiting at auditorium after bingo is over 16 GAMES OF $8 | GAME EACH OF $10 $20, $30, $40 SHARE THE WEALTH $50 EXTRA 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1 ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARD UNDER 16 NOT CHILDREN , ADMITTED 1 ¥ MISS MARY W, BROCKMAN Miss Mary Winnlived Brock man died at Oshawa General wspital on Tuesday, Jan, 3, in} her 43th year, She had been seri | 1 for past two weeks, | She was the daug r of Mrs. | Mabe! and the Charles| Brockman and resided at 201 Simeoe street south, She was a resident of Oshawa all her life. | She was employed by General Motors in Oshawa for years | She an active member Holy Cross Church and previ | ous member of St, Gregory's] church, She bowled for both the (General Motors League "and the {Canadian Legion League | She is survived by a sister, Mrs, A rane) of Oshawa a brother, Charles Brockman, of Oshawa;| | four nieces, Mary Lou and Shir Hey Prout and Marilyn and Susan {Brockman, She so survived {by a nephew, Nelll Brockman The body will be at t strong Funeral Home {ing Thursday evening, Requiem {High Mass will be sung by Rev {Dr, P, Dwyer in Si Gregory's {Roman Catholic Church Satur day, Jan at 10 am. Intermen will be at St. Gus § tery, ously he late bo] was of} mother (Lor | her Prou 8 & Arm commen i Day COMBE months Umtar em Hydro Commission pruning trees Ken Hooper At wosees Elect will Here of the io Power busy « be - Forester ' g sted by gory me h kK ares { ping a diseased olm K {of affticted elm and maple trees have to be removed from the vicinity of lines in Hx Bro power 1 wo's central area from the reason for his resignation PALS MOTHER RETTER SASKATOON (CP) of Prime Minister mother continues her persomal Baltzan said Tuesday Diefenbaker, 88, was {the critical list near available~Book Early SEE DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Condition Diefenhaker's to er physician, D. M Mrs, W. 7 placed on the end of WHITBY. OSHAWA . BROOKLIN PHONE MO 8.3304 Reg. 8.98 and 6.98 CLEARANCE PRICE 4.98 and 3.98 COATS Reg. 65.00 and 59.95 CLEARANCE PRICE 49.00 & 39.95 SWEATERS LONG SLEEVE | November BULKIES CARDIGANS CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA Tox Prepayment receipts, to he presented in payment for 1941, may naw be purchased in multiples of $10.00 in accordance with the following sehadule Cost in January Coat in February Amount Ind. 16th _ 17eh.230d 1st. 6th Teh: | 3th 24th. 1st 14th«2 8th X " 49.52 99.03 495.13 90.25 10.00 50.00 100.00 300.00 1,000.00 2.80 9.4 24.85 494.2% 00.50 *% a%47 Ww. 494.63 Wes $92 49.55 9.10 495.50 ALAR 1 495.95 "in The discount allowed above is for the use of money rom the periods shown te date of the Hs instalment and in ne way affects the customary discount aring on the tax hill entitling er to receive an allowance tor paying addditionsl instalments with the first instalment . Purchase carly and obtain the maximum discount NE TRIPP City Treasurer Reg. 4.98 and 6.90 CLEARANCE PRICE While They Last Reg. 6.98 and 490 CLEARANCE PRICE 2.98 (1 per sustomer) All Other Stock Reduced To Unbelievable Low Prices, SPECIAL BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE NESBITT' LADIES' WEAR 33 KING 57. & RA 5.0532 I ---- p----

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