Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Jan 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Jonuary 4, 1961 CNE BUILDING The Manufacturers' Building one of the oldest In Toronto's | National Exhibition goes up In flames Canadian grounds, iy ! | Tuesday night as firemen vain- ly pour in water. The fire, | which started in san adjoining restaurant, destroyed the build- INTERPRETING THE NEWS Canada Watches Laos Situation A civil war in a small princely kingdom halfway around the world from Canada Is being watched with interest and an xiety by the Canadian gover ment It was In Laos that Canadian soldiers ; helped maintain t years until provinces and diplomats the peace for four 1058 Canada again may have fo; play the role of fireman in the . Indochinese state where the con-|j flict between pro-West and pro- | Communist forces has heen de, scribed as "grave" by the US. iy Joven and as a "dangerous othed" of fire hy Soviet Pre mier Khrushchey For the Canadian government, it is a matter of waiting until the situation erystalizes and until there is a firm, official request from the Laos governmept for Canada's good offices TRUCE COMMISSION Canada's direct interest in Laos goes back to the Geneva confer. ence of 105 when Britain,|! France, Russia and Communist ® China set up machinery to keep the peace after the eight war in Indochina between the * French and the Communist Viet minh [ Truce supervisory commis sions, with Canada Poland as members, were sel up ¢ in each of the Indochina states of Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam, Over the years 50 Canadians from the defence and external affairs de partments, have served in these slates About #0 serving on the of Viet Nam, There the sketon commigsion still work ing In he commi sion in Laos was adjourned indef initely in July, 1058, on Canadian initiative with Indian support Canada took the lead for 1958 adjournment hee the commission in Laos had complished its purpose, A reason able stability of government ap peared tn have heen achieved with elections earlier that year and a reconciliation of the Com munist rebel forces and the gov erning royalist elements Hardly six months had passed after the commission. adjourned when India began a series of rep resentations to Canada to have it reconvened, But Canada's posi tion has been that the commis sion should not be re-established without the consent of Laos. And so far this has not heen forth coming Prime Minister. Diefenhaker and External Affairs Minister Green stated that position anew in the Commons before Christ mas when questioned hy the Lib erals about Prime Minister Nehru's latest call for reconven ing the commission Mr, Green, on Dee, 21, put It this way "The Canadian government has taken the position that it would not agree to the reconvening of the commission against the wishes of the Laotian govern. ment, That is still the situation The government of Laos has not | requested that the commission be reconvened, Should it so de cide, then of course, we would give further consideration to the| situation." SITUATION UNCHANGED Mr. Diefenbaker reiterated this| stand Tuesday amid reports that Britain favors resumption of the commission and that the royal Laotian government appears willing under certain conditions, | The reason for the Canadian| government's cautious approach is understandable. As one ex ternal affairs source said, the commission can't shoot Its way in. It must have the co-opera:l drawn Canadians still are mmission Ir only Cambodia the alse a state about which the size of the three Maritime mate government of Laos India and re more than day it felt tion of the local government if its work is to be of any value, and it is dependent on local authori ties for protection of commission personne) who carry no arms Then there is the question of faction forms the legiti There are rt least three which claim his distinetion, with Russia and he U.S, backing opposite forces Laos has only about 2,000,000 nhabitants spread over 01,000 quare miles of mountain and ungle, but this landlocked state % particularly strategic: It bor lers on six countries, including ted China, and is the gateway o Burma and Malaya, Catholic Close In COLOMBO (Reuters)--Most of he Ceylon's 700 Roman Catholic chools remained closed Tuesday na running fight against the year Bovernment' s takeover of state aided private schools The government assumed man agement of about' 2,600 such chools Dee, 1 but the move wa isted by Roman Catholics who ganized a "squatting" sit ampalgn in their schools I'his campaign continued Tue when the schools were due to reopen Catholic laymen in the drew barbed across the schools wire barricade gates. Black flags with drawn on them fluttered buildings A government spokesman sald officials would not use force to gain entry into the schools until they it new powers from parlia on the men he education ministry told pa rents with children in campaign schools to send their youngsters to the nearest govern ment school DISCUSS LEGISLATION Parliament was expected to meet in about 10 days to discuss legislation" empowering the gov ernment to take title to the pri. vale schools without compensa tion, A bill empowering the govern. ment to take over control and management of the schools was passed by parliament last No vember, But on Monday a Cey lon magistrate granted injune tions to the Catholic owners of 23 Colombo separate schools re nosed straining any persons from enter. | ing their hlondshed When the November bill came into force Dee, | Catholie parents were already squatting In the schools and. two persons were premises, to prevent Emer "DESTROYED BY FIRE ing, There was no estimate of the loss. No injuries were re- | ported, | ~--(CP Wirephoto) |Road Deaths Take Drop TORONTO (CP) The 1960 death toll on the 80,000 miles of highway patrolled by the Ontario Provincial Police was the lowest since 1954, the OPP announced Tuesday, Assistant Commissioner T, H Trimble said traffic accidents claimed 722 lives--566 fewer than in 1959. The toll in the previous five years: 1058, 739; 1057, 850 1056, B08; 1055, B04; and 1054 68 Mr, Trimble noled the reduc tion was achieved despite a 37.2 per-cent increase in provincial motor vehicle registrations and a 33.9-per-cent jump in licensed drivers in the six-year period He sald the number of accel dents and persons injured also declined in 1960, Totals for the two categories have not yet heen compiled, Schools Ceylon killed Dec, 21 when police fired Into a Catholie erowd hurling stones and grenades Prime Minister Mrs, Sirimavo Bandaranalke campaigned on a 'national education policy' when her Sri Lanka Freedom Party in creased its parliamentary repre sentation to 75 seats--an absolute majority---in the July, 1060, elec tion HAPPINESS FOR HELKE TORONTO (CP) Kucke, 21 « year night club singer Canada wed was married other man I'h® blonde singer portation last month she decided she Immigration sponsor after But she may have satis fled the Immigration depart {ment hy marrying another Ca- nadian resident, Claudio De Madeiros, He is not a Cana dian citizen "I married the man I lave," Miss Kucke said of the 21.year- old Portuguese accord: lon-player, Her visa required her to marry the man who had sponsored her within 45 days or she would have to re- turn to her native Hamburg, Miss Kucke appealed a de- portation order, but the appeal Is still pending, Immigration officials indicated her mar. riage Tuesday did not change her legal status, And what of fiancee? "He's pretty angry," Helke, gry" aM Helke old German who came to fo an old Tuesday heau, to an faced de hecause did not love her all her former gent Meeting TEMPLE LODGE AF, & A.M. 649 All Masonic brothren are urgently requested to attend o Masonic Service for our late V. Wor. Bro. L, F, McLAUGHLIN Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home THURS. 7:30 P.M, JAN, 5, 1961 Masonic V. Wor. Bro, 0, D, Friend Secretary Clothing B. J). Stredwick Wor. Master Polish Art Guard Kept Secret Well QUEBEL Walter Du chesnay, the men who guarded the #6000800 Polish (reassures for the Quebec government, kept his secret 12 years | The longtime bodyguard of the {late Premier Maurice Duplessis disclosed for the first time Tues day his rile in the secrecy shrouded movements of the ari treasures, brought to Canada for safekeeping during the Second {World War No other men knew the combi nation of the provincial museum vault where the historical relics were kept at a carefully main tained temperature of 45 degrees farenheit, under a 24-hour police 'guard, Even after the death of Mr Duplessis in September, 1957 and the change of government last June, Mr, Duchesnay held the Hawker-Siddeley Shakeup Seen LONDON (CP) ~The Dail Mail says a major shakeup imminent in the giant Hawker Siddeley group which has holdings throughout the monwealth "Sir Roy Dobson, the 68-year old managing director and dri ing force behind the group since ithe war, is expected to Lake over shortly as chairman," says the newspaper | "This day-to-day control of the company would pass to Sir Aub rey Burke, 56, former de Havil land chief, who joined the group only last February when it took over his firm," The Mail says the changes "which would involve »' sweep ing reorganization of Hawker Siddeley," hinge: on an . offer made to Air Marshal Sir Harry Broadhurst, now eommander-in {chief of allied air forces in cen tral Europe, The story says Sir Harry, 55 has been offered a directorship {with responsibility for the air 'eraft, rocket and engine inter ests, His present RAF appoint ment ends in April, New Party Convention TORONTO (CP)--The Onlario wing of the proposed New Party will be established at a conven tion Oct, 7-9 in Niagara Falls, it was announced Tuesday The national party, backed by the CCP and the Canadian La bor Congress, will be founded at a convention in Ottawa in Aug ust that will mark the disap pearance of the CCF as a politi cal party, The Ontario convention is ex pected to draw 1000 to 1200 del egates, CCF Leader Donald Mac Donald Is considered a prime candidate for the New Party' op vas! Com . out combination of the secret lock built sceording to hay specifica tions in 1043 after the tressures were placed in the custody of the provincial government Tuesday night, after the tres ures had all been packed into two trucks, Mr. Duchesnay locked the heavy steel door into place and bid Polish government represen tatives goodbye, Mr, Duchesnay's special assignment was com pleted BENT TO BOSTON The tressures were escorted to the Vermont border by the RCMP and state police accom panied them to Boston for ship- ment to Poland. They were io 'have gone on New Year's Day but a snowstorm delayed the op eration and a tip from a Mont real Polish group disclosed the Quebee government had eon sented to the return of the tress ures to Poland Mr, Duchesnay, a blue - eyed white-haired special officer with the attorney general's depart ment, was the man who carried Mr, Duplessis' orders Feb 28, 1948, although he had no inkl Ing he Arranging the trans port of a controversial treasure Vir. Duplessis called me one was Wider Seaway Promised By 1970 MONTREAL (CP) H L Land, chief engineer of the Ht Lawrence River channel, said Tuesday shipping between Mont real and Quebec will have nearly 5 per cent more channel width to operate in by 1970 In a progress report, Mr, Land sald A general widening and straightening . program for the 550-foot-wide channel is now well under way, When completed, the 139-mile channel will be #800 feet wide Under the program, the chan nel will also have many of iis sharpest curves eliminated day and 'told me to take 8 lejler to the superior of the Hotel Dieu Hospital "The mother superior read the letter sn asked who Duchesnsy was, "That's me," | replied "Phe mother rang & bell and 8 little sister came and escorted me through dark corridors and staircases until we were finally in a stone cellar, She showed me 24 trunks and said; 'Here it Is' GIVEN HIS ORDERS "Lf went hack to Mr. Duplessis and he told me; 'Get them out of there before 4 pm, 1 dow't care how you do it, get them out Bring them to the museum, Take Il necessary precautions, This is hly secret and there is a» for- tupe in those trunks," The treasure was moved into the centuries-old vaults of Hotel Dieu for safekeeping after being tored for several years in # monastery at nearby Ste, Anne de Beaupre Mr, Duchesnay srranged f{o have four men guard the (reas gre once it had been shifted to the museum, "Later i plessis) w fr, Duchesnay told me Twice a year representatives of the Polish governmentin - exile, fio had arvangedior provineial government custody of the tress would bring out the (reas air them and spray special powders over some objects Until his death, Mr, Duplessis opposed any move to return the treasures to Poland, He said the treasures should remain in Can ada as long as a Communist government was in office in Po land i His successors, however, didn't share his views and within months of his death negotiations were started to relurn the treas ures to Poland, Under the agree: ment finally signed the treasures are being returned to Wawel Mu eum in Warsaw, not to the Po lish government, sked him (Mr, Du- as in the trunks," said, "Then he ures, ures, SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT 18" to 36" 2.75 "0¥ up 16 CELINA ST, SIDEWALK SCRAPERS . . . . . 2.09 Epover Smith ca SNOW SHOVELS Aluminum or steel 21 AND up RA 3.2312 Ontario leadership, b¥ RINGS Nae i) Now AT Blacks SALE You are cordially invited to attend a LAST LENGTHS SALE Imported suitings custom tailored to your measurements at a substantial discount y Every suit sold in this sale is hand tailored and finely detailed to the Warren K. 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RED AND WHITE HOMOGENIZER SAVE~RED & WHITE EVAPORATED MILK 6 16-02, 79¢ TINS SAVE--SUN SPUN SALAD DRESSING 01. ag JAR COUNTRY FRESH MEDIUM GRADE "A" EGGS ® STORE HOURS e Corner King and Ritson OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS TILL 10 O'CLOCK Corner Simcoe and Mill OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS AMPLE PARKING DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE SAVE KRAFT DINNERS 2 for 29° i133 0 1 A SIFTO -- 20.LB, CARRYING CASES ICE SALT 69° Wl{ DAILY a 2% 12 GALLON 39- 24.02, TIN AUNT MARY'S FRESH SLICED 19+ COFFEE HYATTS CHOICE QUALITY 29¢ BEEF STEW Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables wi 10.LB, BAG 29¢ YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE BREAD "0 RED & WHITE INSTANT 99° VALUES GALORE PEAS @ 10¢c OFF SWIFT'S 39¢ GENTLE FELLS LIQUID DETERGENT ".. 73¢ SELECTED QUALITY BANANAS o 10° gt ONTARIO YELLOW COOKING NEW BRUNSWICK NO. 1 POTATOES .... 1.39 PROULE FOR FOODS THAT QUALIFY AT PRICES TH

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