Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Jan 1961, p. 20

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Ce THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wodnesdey, Jomvery 4, 198) _1§ Death Claims |oices To Block Canadians Historic Views ! BORIS MISKEW mainly from Commonwesith By THE CANADIAN PRESS |(Bert) Buckland, 59, editordn- Press Stall Writer [comntries : Death reached into the spheres chief of the Toronto Telegram. [ONDON (CP)--As unborn in-| Among the Conadien contribu of pelitics, diplomacy, sport and| Pierre Esdras Terrien, 83, | truder to step between tors were Montres! financier show business fo claim many president apd general MARSRET | (yo |ondon J. WW. McConnell prominent Canadians during 1960, of Ottawa Le Droit who retired. antic ties Wadugiriafist H. Such famous names 8s Arthur in 1947; Eugene Lamarche, 74, dawn of Millen, ", eConue Meighen, Paul Sauve, Lester and former editor-in-chief of Montreal Llied the Frank Patrick and Mack Sennett! La Presse; Edward Blake Mac} , MacMillan were removed from the scene. Kay, #7, founder of the Port Ar Rt, Hon, Arthur Meighen, 86,|thur Daily News, later fhe News| ogg {wice prime minister during 23 Chronicle, and J, Alex (Bandy) pq years in Parliament and hailed Crocket, 74, former publisher of by pdmirers and foes slike as one|the Fredericton Gleaner, of 'Canada's great orators and Well-known Censdisn women, statesmen, died in his sleep inlincluded Mrs, R, J. Marshall, Toronto Aug. 3, president of the Canadian Assocl-| All Hallows Chureh, claim in my office at the Premier Paul Sauve of lation of Consumers; Mrs Frank tory starts in 675, ! Town of Whitby, ond to serve named less than four months Yeigh, 81, of Toronto who with| Tower officials feel sn alters + @ copy on the Applicont. |earlier to succeed the late Maur. ber late husband formed the Ca ion ip the plans affecting a small us | The address of the Applicant lice Duplessis, died of a heart nadian Save the Children und, comer of the project would pre-| chan for service isi \attack Jan, 2. Although in office and Miss Marjorie Payne, 61, of serve the view of the church for lonly 114 days, he had already Halifax, one of Canada's foremost the thousands of tourists who the church ean {made spectacular progress fo- women music authorities 80d yisit the tower snpually, the tower, Iward helping solve some complex | musical director of the CBC's "It is most important to pre. "The link betw problems, concentrating on the Atlantic region, serve the great historical hack- ome, The church ls thorny question of relations be-| Mack Sennett, a native of Dan- ground of the tower," said Lord older thas us , , . tween Ottawa and Quebec, {ville, Que, who was the brains Aj whe last October took England. For prisoners it wes Brooke Claxton, former Liberal behind the brainless Keystone! pver 8s Constable of the tower | last glimpse of freedom; for defence minister and MP for|Cops and discovered Charlie|for a five-yesr term, "I am very condemned final Montreal St, Lawrepce-8t, George! Chaplin in silent film days, died much opposed to sny obstruc- warsiilp, tion," Lor hy - oo " - vai rr ee ", ry vr J EEA eg Ge ¥ EW pr ES ENE, rv Aad ¥ v » FR S50--Asticles for Sole Go 45--Reol Estate For Sole (45--Res! Estate For Sole (50--Articles For Sole (# oom mAdern Brick income WASHING woece, LOTS FOR SALE [seas gmd tase Wet es" B pled with good tenents. Will geil this Foo rvnere Street South, Apt. 4, good investment property, very reason. 5 pm UY NOW FOR SPRING BUILDING $55.00 per ft. sty, Apply 200 Palace Bivest, Wl |giw™ piece wainei dining site $ib0s City lots el pre-poid LLOYD REALTY services LIST WITH LLOYD SPECIAL COUNTRY LOTS| THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 6 miles from downtown OL SE $999.00 SpciA DON HOWE If you wont pesce ond quiet then see this fully pgid for REALTOR RA 5-7732 67 KING ST, E ranch brick bungelow with ottached garage, Location Contact Me, Earle Allen evenings RA 5-7782 Adelaide and Thornton Rd, $395 DOWN N., lot landscaped with becu- tiful trees, Compare this price DETACHED--OIL HEAT $66,00 MONTHLY for value $11,500, only $1,500 down, Immediate pos- ONE N.HA. MORTGAGE Don't wait till prices go awey session, Phone Bill Millar of up, A limited number of bun- RA B-5123 Lloyd Reolty Ltd, Realtors lows still left or $12,295. our models ond have one RA 8.5123 RA B-5124 RA 8.5125 constructed in your choice of color [52--Legol anderenet | LAND TITLES ACT IN THE MATTER OF Port of Lot 1, Concession 1, in the Township of East Whitby, now in the City of Oshows, better described in Schedule "A' gttgetled thereto; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thot The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Toronto have made an epplication to the Local Master of Titles ot Whitby for a certificate of title to this lend of which they claim to be the owner in fee simple free from olf en~ cumbrances | Best trade bn allow and Electric, 48 Bimeoe Breet Sou RCA Victor, Amira) | ELECTROBOME, § i and Ader finest service Hip it So wages ot Parkway | : , Barons' Bade Street South, | LAKESHOR, Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest priess peid, RA 54181, Ca Rh A . Easy (arms, a Ashburn, Brookiis, #6, ENCYCLOPAEDIAS, , 18 volumes World Atlas, 12 Wonks est Literature, with bookeade, Like new, RA 83925, Simeos Street North, Color TV on dispiey. ! A whose ro- date practically to the Vancouver English history, AWNINGS, plain or striped, Prompt We offer con RA 81131, ALUMINUM DOOR AND WINDOWS! Special Reduced Price, or We Sell, Cash ond Carry. CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAJDA 481 DREW ST, RA 3.9651 PLAN . Simeone North, SELLING furniture? Well buy LJ] stoves, ele. For cash tact 19 Prins | Serer, Phone INGLIR, (ally sulomatic washer, Al condition, inspection invited, Telephone RA 48664 for further information, WE pay highest es In the eity used Penitare retty's Used Fu ture Store, RA 33271, 444 Bimeoe South, Re (LARGE griection of recondiioned A WANTED -- Homes in various sections visions, Must clear now a or the city and suburbs, Clients walt prices ayer, Parkway is ing. Various down payments, Call IL. 8, |Wimeos North, Snelgrove Company, 144, RA 34810. |FYPEWRITERS, adding machines, ioe chairs, fireproof 47 --Automaobiles For Sole Hine canines, "BHI Hamiiton, i958 PONTIAC Laurentian 6, ule | coy FOOD & FREEZER ri matie, radio, wheel discs, two tone parts, attachments, bru guaran Wherefore ony other person having or claiming to hove ony title to or interest in the lend or gny pert thereof is required on or before the 20th dey of January, 1961, to file a statement of his Tor mi 101 N 46--Reol Estate Wanted Simcoe Messrs, Heighington, Symons and Grange, Barristers, efc., 220 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, DATED at Whitby this 20th day of December, 1960 . J. M, ROBLIN, Local Master of Titles ' THE LAND TITLES ACT SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR thot certain parcel or tract of lend and premises situated, lying ond being in the City of Osh- awa, in the County of Ontario and Province of Ontario, end being composed of part of Lot 1 in Concession 1 of the Township of East Whitby (now in the soid City of Osh. awa), the boundaries of the said parcel being described os follows: WE REPEAT One N.H.A, mortgoge corries for $66.00 monthly, WE REPEAT These bungalows are detachs ed with private drives, WE REPEAT These homes ore oil heated, six rooms and decorated in oils, Sewers, schools, shop- ping of your doorstep, AND $395 IS THE FULL| DOWN PAYMENT RA 5-883] W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD 4 from 1940 to 1954, died of cancer| in Hollywood, Alexander June 13 at 61, He wes Canada's] Aviation lost several noted Ca.| The church suffered severe| constable, The tow, first health minister and drafted nadians: Harold P, Ayres, 66, of bomb damage during the he family allowence legislation, mp. . . ro (World War but some interior fix- bles since 1078, Fin the family allowze gisia Toronto, first man to fly regular! : but a Yarliame) ' fures dating to Roman times ments were for life in After leaving Parliament he be- gina' corvice; James Erroll ( |eame ap insurance executive and, d, 68 Toronto ilot whe flew| "ere preserved, It was _rebullt|yesrs they have been for five unpaid chairman of the culture? fine' aon La after the war with contributions'year terms, ' PREMISING that the east~ erly limit of the said Lot | has a course of north seven- teen degrees twenty-eight minutes west (N17°28'W) and relating oll bearings herein thereto; CHEVROLET 8765 immaculate {i throughout, Telephone 84785 for further information, | 5 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, hydro: COMMENCING at an iron tube planted at a distance of seven hundred and fifty-five feet one inch (7551) meas- ured westerly on a course at right angles to the said egst- erly limit of Lot 1 from a point therein distant one thousand four hundred and forty-nine feet ten and one- quarter inches (1,449'104') measured southerly there» along from the southerly limit of the Kingston Road, now known as King Street, passing through the said Lot; NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the estate of FLOR ERicE MABLE BURTON, late of the village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or ahout the 22nd day of July, 1960, are required to send the same to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of January, 1961, after which date the estate will be dis. tributed having regard only to such claims as have then been received. Dated the 22nd day of De- cember, 1960, HOURIGAN & HOURIGAN, 566 Brant Street, BURLINGTON, Ontario Soligitors for the Executors NOTHING 1S TOO BIG or too SMALL GET THAT FREE ESTIMATE On that worn out bathroom today, phone Guscott Plumbing RA 5.5132 207 Simcoe S$ oh SEWING MACHINES CLEARANCE SALE SAVE UP TO $150.00 ® FLOOR MODELS ® DEMONSTRATORS PORTABLES CONSOLE MODELS, forward and re- verse stitch, Zigzag ond fully autematic, INCLUDING CHERNEY'S AND WHITE 20 YEAR GUARANTEE CHERNEY'S WHITE SEWING CENTRE 80 KING ST, E DOWNTOWN OSHAWA leage, sh m condition, CAR You may have tried the rest, ve tinaneed, HA S812 eed Febullt machiies Estimates gree| Now try the best, Eot better RECONDITIONED moor 8d Ports |ice RA B01 anytime for less 80% proceries supe 1950 Chev., snow tires, radio, ete, {CHOOSE your B hil from eur lied, all well-known pros 8400 or apply 106 Hunter Breet, ay oe" Erectrohome, CIalF: 9s highest quality meats, WET, deluxe coach, le: tone, and HCA st Parkway Television, Life-time warranty freezer, ig Omri Van Hedsen. Motors, 91s Simeos North -- - the only one gueronteed by opposite Brewery on King i fg Baggy Sale 1a Aus Good Housekee, ing. No YW 1860 Vo in ! 5, | 71 fege hedrnor , double own payment, Coll now for ing ot Imvotce peice. ime" ont" | pesserhookense. ved, chfloner, hait| Demonstration -- no oblige: Corts Brees on ng Ht ol, Souter | VO Cansdian wre A rain i $190; twp z . the first non-stop Canadian air ---- ' TO ay sme wie eri i Bg foam RA 5-3709 { promoting Canada Council, {mail 0 Britein n 1930, who died | ne owner, Just ha comple Ld i + i $144 -l . A ' tien : A ¢ Jo Col WS Ven use Moors, Coe ur Gavenpart, two only 991 S1=bott & Found FORMER PREMIER DIVO Vnvthor Conley. 0, of Winpew, . Au p ds, © te with mi pr .r p ie op . v , 10, 5 CHEVROLET station wagon, Failo,| trevens, $96; Be omer" beds, single | OWE ~ "Xi black short haired male Among other political Dergonal who piloted 175 types of aircraft Cc 5 tie 4 ission, low mileage, | ; filled mattresses, all|PUppy, South General Motors district, ities who died in 1960 were: sutomatie rans om, low milenge. | size, $24; spring fille ma Taras' full | children's pet, Telephone RA 32101 James A, Murray, 95, Conserve- and flew a jet for the first time Wal Ts tor further IMO: | iat py erie. half price $20; spring. | MOBT ~ Beagle female, went of Konya, p § v5 ore lat 62; Air Viee-Marshal Keith! Jiaval " 4 Dane) hay thie. es, alt Price, $6 |on Monday, January 2, Telephone RA | tive premier of New Brunswick i | . sion p-- en floor coverings, re.|33578 with any information did in 1017; -Benator Frederick Mur-|L. B Hodson, 44, deputy chief of Youd FONTIAC neler " Jomutls duced to 25¢ & foot; unpainted furniture (GERMAN Pointer, female, found east ray Bois, 66, former Conservative the orth American Air Defence rand #8 ele mons RA 85-4420 for sreatly reduced, Five-piece chrome kit-lend of Oshawa. Owner may have same leader. in the Nova Beotia legis-| Command at Colorado Springs, concilion. chen suite, 829; chrome kitchen ehairs, (for cost of ad and expenses, Frank 4 more information ! y be Laren. Colo, killed when his parachute $3.09, Hundreds of fabulous bargains. |Burdas, 16 Birch Crescent, Ajax lature; Mayor D, L, MacLaren, | ' WI VOLKSWAGEN with beater, radlo, | Wilson Purniture, 20 Church Bireet, |e s= a mon ose aren, 66, of Baint John, NB, and|falled to open after bailing oul! OPTAWA (CP) -- The right of amputstion, appendectomy, ster ing Birect 'Cast ov further parvicu. PAINT, interior, enterior, 92.05 Gallon. | December 26, one large black, tan and former provincial lleutenant-goy- of 8 Jet, and Air Commodore senovah's Witnesses' to refuse|ilization, [lars EE A ante Charms mle hounds Le eS reatunt 44% 014 ernor, and Eric Hamber, 80, for-|J, G, (foe) Stephenson of Wind-liolid transfusions and to deny| "Who is going to accept liabll {io street, RA 37604 a a ST greed mer lieutenant-governor of Brit. sor, Ont, chief of personnel ser- them to their children in times|ity when the 'men of science' PIREE with this ad, rubber heels oF Ly 10 COIAF, north £ast oF Beagrave, ish Columbia, [lee at RCAF headquarters, who!os medical emergency Is strongly hand a corpse back to lifls with every pair of halt goles re Phone collect RA 3-902, Death took three sitting mem. died with five others 3 2 fu upheld by Toronto lawyerGlen parents and announce with seien- alle Hower ee ing, rads, padded any hetine. 476 Bimees iret BONN, 52-- Lego! bers of parliament and one for In Lake Michigan April 20, How tific assurance that 'the operation dash, whitewalls and 'washers, $1475, [next to Ba A | Lt. mer MP: Hayden Stanton, 62, nee 70 SCIENCE Mr, How, who has often de \was a success, but the patient Tuga BA ga | TRED paris and repairs for ail makes|l, Alfred G, Glilham, of 1711 Charles PC member for Leeds; Gordon | fended Jehovah's Witnesses in|died? , , , CLASSIFIED Roky alriane Wh cometies of wringss tyes washers, Y ho motors] Sireet, Por i aR TR Fraser, 69, PC representative for| Malcolm McMutachy, n hs court cases, wrote in the Cans:| Are we prepared to accept the io, in immaculate conditio 1 5 anteed 7 P del f , BY, BF ily 00 on Vo alr. Thephone stare oars Poser' Memes dace, 8 ov Lime J At Peterborough since 104; Wiliam GEESE, Vito lopment of the 01h, Bar Journal What (he sighis| NasiSparianiheory that 5-901 _| Hampton, CO 3-2 Rs % 4 " h 4, ouck, | elong to sta 80, what TOR RENT wo Six room house. all con. | 1686 WILLYR Jeep, one ion, four-wheel | DOMINION Appliances (a division of suthorisstion Niagara ¥alls, and Clarie Gillis,|[ust «= resistant Selkirk varlety, o.o neing trampled on in this|supervision or state control 1s pro- veniences, central location. Telephone 07ive, §ood mechanical condition, rea: Beatty Bros.) mow sold at Paddy's 65, former CCF member for Cape |died in Hamiota, Man, George issue," nees, mira, neatio Ll sonable, For more information, tele: Market, Hampton. A complete line of B o' 'Alexander Walters, 86, editor: 7 ' p people from ' Rp | phone YU 5.2451 {appliances at hard fo beat prices, CO reton South, | he Yor whe designed The One province -- Manitoba--has or do doctors FOR REN andy 0 tH Tedroam | gy "54 JAGUAR, while, immaculate 33241, The sports world lost two| ane i Bvemey traffic Hane died PAssed a statute dealing With now become state officials with: ping centre, decorated to your shoice of (condition $1900. Has lo be seen to be |= hockey greats, Lester Patrick, 76, T¥& BEES Be owns na. #UCh cases, "and other statutory out control and vested with une enlors, private entrance, main floor, RA | Appreciated, RA 51656 the "Silver Fox" who climbed|!n ¥Fairlieid, ' amendments have been de|jimited discretion? 82693, ee. | 100 PORD two door, many accessor: from stick boy to boss of New|tive of Canfield, Ont, manded, particularly in Ontario] vprecdom of worship is fi 0] pp! 29 2, |] LJ] FOR RENT ~ Tete snd four poomed Jit "0% Li Ro BP Bd York Rangers, died in Vancouver| Frank Eugene Lathe, 77, of La- and in Sgskatchewan," anteed by the constitution and Space Apply 900 High Birest: Whithy "| bunday : : July 1, Four weeks later Frank colle, Que, who retired I 1 The emotional response whefe|y. "be J¥ ote Cate great seer LOWY: Large young hound. dog, light ALESTATE Auto Insurance. Save up fo Patrick died st 74, Both Pat. as director of the division 8 a child isinvolved is; "Take the vilice. Does it Row weigh so little tan, white chest, also some white on|30 per cent, Six months to pay kor ricks had won spots in hockey's| search information of the N&|child away from the parents and 4 and of tail, Answers fo Sandy, ast seen | Personal service at your home, call Hall of Fame tional Research Council, died in|let the doctors use their own '™ he vealed of ust by to : : / | carcely merit ment those George Dudley, 66, Midland, England, Dr, Andrew McKellar, judgment, They know best! In| ' ' Ont, lawyer and secretary-trea- president of the Royal Astronomi-| fact, the Issue Is not just that whe Jo the vane of Jeioton' 4 surer of the Canadian Amateur| cal Society of Canada, died at 50.| simple," i liberties without Jockey Association, died May 8. Dr, Alan Brown, 78, physiclan-lwuon: neaw Lives a . At what point, asks Mr, How,| Mr, How says that instead of "do we decide that the natural,|the law being extended by gl God-given control of children by| professional men * further at Lot 31, Concession 8, Whitby Town. 32802 ship. Reward. MO #3914, Issac Puck: ---- rin THENCE south eighty-twe de- grees eight minutes west 582°08'W) four hundred and thirty-one feet three and one- quarter inches (431' 314") 1o the beginning of a curve to the left; BUYING OR SELLING SEE | TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, == OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res, 5.5574 FREE rent for taking care of iwo school age children, suitable for couple, For further information eall MO 8:4030 after 6 p.m FOR RENT =~ Two furnished house: keeping rooms, complete with refriger ator and stove, near shopping area Telephone MO §-4625 after 4 p.m FOR RENT = Three.room apartment, refrigerator, stove and private bath, | $65 monthly, 707 Brock South, Tele phone MO 8.8604 THENCE SOUTHERLY along a curve to the right, having a radius of eight hundred and thirty-three feet (833°), an arc distance of one hundred and eighty-two feet one and one-quarter inches (182' 174") more or less to its ine tersection with a line drawn parallel te and distant two hundred feet (200) measured southerly at right angles from the northerly limit of the lands herein discribed; THENCE NORTH eighty-twe degrees eight minutes east (NB2°08E) three hundred ond seventy feet one inch (3701); ' fle was also president of the In-|{n.chief at Toronto's Hospital for ternational Ice Hockey Federa- Sick Children who gained inter tion, national fame as one of three thelr own parents who lovethem and have their welfare at heart shall be overruled? " doctors who develdped the for KILLED IN ACCIDENTS mula for precooked infant cer Tom Foley, 88, Ottawa radio eal, died Sept, 7, Dr, Harry Dow garcutive known alidaly. thivugh O'Brien, 69, president of the Med "Will the proposed rn ¥ iis between » period comme: 4 medic on hockey telecasts from Mont. ical Council of Canada, died in cretion be confined to blood trans. fusion, or will professional men|" now be judges and masters to perform at will any operation Halifax, March 17, Ted Hogan. 30. of Tor.| Passing from the diplomatic A Priest's Epilogue onto, one of the country's top|World were Edmond Turcotte,62, oa pio drivers, died Nov. 3 ambassador to Switzerland who in a plane crash in LakeOntario [died in Bern, and Thomas C. Sport stars of the past who Davis, 70, former high commis died Included Robert Cheyne, 93,|sloner to Australia and ambassa- a member of the original world|dor to China, West Germany and champion New Westminster Sal-|Japan, who died in Vancouver monbellies lacrosse team; Jack| Lucien Pacaud, 81, Liberal MP OTTAWA (CP) «= The thoughts of a young Roman Catholic priest on She ove of his death oe re- corde: A poem found among parliament has come out for the his personal papers , introduction of titles .for Cana. Rev, Laurence Moleski, 80, 8|dians who have 'contributed lecturer in the University of Ol-|oup eountry over and above tawa's theology faculty, died|iine of duty," Laviolette, 80, star defenceman|from 1011 to 1921 and later acting with Montreal Canadiens from high commissioner to London, Nov, 30, A native of Kirkland Lake, Ont,, he had heen suffering oatargarst Allen. Ln ive bi CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W, 'SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT Tel: RAndelph 3 346) tioneer now available for the Whitby area. Call Allen Curtis, at MO 8-6743, EXPERIENCED fine and rough oarpen- ter. Just moved into town, Cupboards, floors, ceilings, rec-rooms, ete. No job too small, Allen Curtis, MO 8.8743, FOR SALE ~ Fireplace wood, cut in lengths of 18" and 24", Free delivery Phone MO 8.5067 after 5 p.m, ROOM and board for gentlemen, Apply 901 Walnut Street, Whitby, FOR RENT or for sale ew TAnCh | style bungalow, with garage, available Telephone MOhawk 8-4182 for tur. information now ther In Canada TORONTO (CP)--~A member DEALER in live poultry and feathers. Contact Jake Parker, MO 8.56844 collect FOR RENT -- One partly furnished bedroom: centrally located; available immediately, Telephone MO 8-4487 be. tween 5 and 7 p.m FOR RENT January 1st or before, two headroom apartment (apartment butlding), parking; refrigerator, stove; also three bedroom house. MO 8-350) FON "ENT ~ Anartment, two nicely furnished rooms, bed sitting room, kit: chen, refrigerator and stove heat, light and water supplied, Private entrance SALES AN DSERVICE 23! Palace Street : CLEARANCE Sale Botween now and| 408 KING W,, OSHAWA 2 New Year We are cleaving our used RA 5.7132 heavy duty stoves, $10 up; 2 stock, at new low prices, Refrigerators a --------"-- a -- $10 up: 48---Automobiles Wanted | $40 up like new. - television $49 up; chesterfield New five piece chrame suites, $37.05 $ SPOT CASH repossersed bedroom suites Terms available Midtown Furniture, | - ) PAID FOR THENCE NORTH seven de« grees fifty-two minutes west Nr S2'wi one hundred feet 00°); tobe sold ina ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES - BENZ DKW All aluminum products Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving One contract, nothing down, For free estimates call Aluma Seal Co. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME THENCE SOUTH eighty-twe degrees eight minutes west (SH2°08'W) five feet nine and one-quarter inches (5° LA SH classified ad 1910 to 1019, and George (Buck)|died March 5, from a chronie blood disease for er, makes the suggestion in her The capabilities of classified Boucher, 65, National Hockey| Rdward L, Diefenbaker, 88, a League player and coach from school teacher who saw his ne- 1016 to 1034 and a member of the phew and pupil become prime Hall of Fame, , |minister, died in Regina, and Rt, Rev. Philip R, Bealtle, al| Jean Vanier, 67, brother of the 48 one of the youngest bishops Governor-General, died in 8t, several years, The poem, entitled Peacemaker] °01imn in the Toronto Telegram, in a reference to Edward VII and| "Hf I were ihe prime minister pencilled on a piece of scrap|®f Canada there is one thing 1 paper, was found on his desk af-|Would do forthwith," she writes, ter his death, It reads: 1 would Introduce titles into our way of life," of the Anglican Church of Can<|Lambert, QQueq, ada, died Sept, 9» at Kelowna,| I3,C, He was elected bishop of the! Kootenays in 165, 6 | Rt, Rev, Antonio d'Escham:| bault, 63, chairman of the his: toric sites wd monuments board) gt rd, Sed Nay JLo 8: pad 1 ay Founger, the title She would not revive British who died included Bishop John| Held for me great fascination, |tities but rather Introduce a dis Wurz, 81, world spiritual leader| R envied the hero of English tngtive Caadian tile, be horad of the Hutterites, at Wilson Hut Slory who pussessed i itary, only for the lifetime of the 1 coveted it for myself, recipient, They would carry with What is in a Name? them the letters M, of C,--Merit If it had been given me to live|0f Canada, They would also carry "till wisdom came, the prefix Sir or Lady," I should have strived to make| British titles have not been that name bestowed In Canada since 1938, The practice went out of style Disturb " terite colony in Alberta; Rev, 1 ren Benjamin Spence, 93, United The very substance of my liv ing, the Gi of 2 when the late W, L, Mackensle King formed a Liberal govern: Church minister whe founded the] REGINA (CP)--Embury House Canadian Prohibition Bureau in/is conducting an experiment in 1026, and Rt, Rev, Willlam|kindness, It isa home for emo Charles White, 86, scholar and|tionally disturbed children, first Anglican bishop of Honan | vgooiety has thrown them out This, then, is the story of a flame quenched, ment that year. A field blighted, a forest con.| Miss Aitken says the titl would not be political, I woul have one well-known person from each province form a committee China, but we can't," says J. 8, White, Among prominent ROWARAPET| deputy minister of soclal welfare of 10 which would recommend the recipient to the Queen of men who died were: A, W, J.|in saskatchewan. Canada who would then bestow The institution, along with five others of the same type across Canada, Is seeking an answer to the problem of dealing with and treating emotionally disturbed youngsters, +» the M, of C, Nor would the God's triumph, spouse of the recipient have any It 1s perhaps the beginning of|right to the title unless he or she | had earned one, It would be' 4.4 For God's victory is Man's sal:|John and Mrs, Doe or Mr, J vation, and Lady Mary Doe." Home Helps are almost limitless. You can THENCE NORTH six degrees eleven minutes east (N6*11' E) one hundred and three feet one inch (103'1") more or less to the point of com. mencement buy (or sell) big things like 4 houses or ten-ton trucks, if Variety of 15" car wheels $3 each, also body solder and plastic solder, SHAW AUTO WRECKING 89 BLOOR EAST RA 5.2311 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS BOATS FIBRE GLASS BOAT COVERING KITS Brass screws, anchor fast nails, Boats repaired, painting and varnishing, Motor store age, HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 RAY ST RA 8.8853 you wish, And, just as easily, you'll find buyers for more TOGETHER WITH a right ofsway in commen with all those now or hereafter en- titled thereto over, along and upon that part of the seid Lot | described as follows: COMMENCING at the south. west angle of Eastlawn Street os described in Instrument Number 19757 East Whitby, which said paint is distant five hundred and sixty-four feet one inch (564'1') more or less measured southerly along the westerly limit of sald Eastlowm Street from an iron bar marking the south. east angle of Lot 11, accord- ing to a Plan filed in the Registry Office for the said County as Number 547; THENCE EASTERLY along the said southerly limit of Eastlawn Street sixty-six feet (66°) to the south-east angle thereof; . modest-sized items like jewels lery or roller skates or baby 11 (Brock Street, North. MO 490), FULLY furnished apartment, Including lex, nice location. 509 Colborne West | Good clean cars, Trade up Whitby MO 8.5379 or down. Liens paid off SEPT tanks cleaned the sanitary way, | b : 0 h " . i ugoies, One thing that isn't Chestnut West. Phone MO 82569 { 314 PARK'RD, §, 90 9 HOLIDAY Special open 24 hours, Let RA 3-942] big is the cost of classified, us do the driving Quick efficient serv tH mAD A, HOQUSTON'S GARAGE stove and refrigerator, ele, in new tris new tanks mstalled. Walter Ward, 204 DODD MO TOR SALES fee. Downey Cab, MO #8151 Fon RENT - ix Foam apariment,| AND SERVICE STATION trally located, hol a eated, | g " . Rossession February 1. MO 8.3603 after] BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. $:30 pm Sa _|PLETE BRAKE SERVICE APARTMENT 'n apartment building, MOTOR TUNE.UP GENERAL REPAIRS three rooms, heavy duty wiring, park ing, 960 monthly, available Necember | 7 KING ST. W RA 3.7822 Ialephone RA 8.3214 CASH FOR RENT = Furnished room with private entra ce, in respectable home For any choice clean car Trade up or down Call MO 8.4257 MACKIE'S MOTORS FOR RENT ~ Large (we room apart ment, with sun veom, ground floor | BKING ST. E, VARCOE'S RD, 5.5743 fridge and stove. Sell contained, Phone CASH FOR YOUR CAR MO 8.2108 Trade Up or Down Liens Paid Oft WILBAK MOTORS 137 King W. RA 5.0732 |50---Articles For Sale USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up, BF. Goodrich Stores, RA 5.4543, GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup: plies, new and used, terms 10 Tr oent down, Dominion Tire Store, 48 'Bond Street West, RA 5.6311, GL Bouin Bi, mem -- BANKRUPT stock of children's shoes, selling at only $1.99 Name brands, Savage. Walcot, eto, Midtown Furniture 111 Brock Street North, Whithy, MO 84081 Only 213 cents per word for twenty-five words (minimum) ---- ------ | for six consecutive insertions, AND umed, Three cents per ward for three A spring dried up, a river dammed, A hope cut short, This is therefore the story of a failure But heause Man's failure is Automatic Car Starter | MONTREAL (CP) -- Taventor|,.o'vnowe all the answers," says George Sturbois says he has the \ answer to winter motorists' | Joseph Cels, a trained social worker who is super of Yarmup problems a autamatie| pL House evice that st | : Cael tarts the engine at "Rit In 1910 and used wnt Mr, Sturbois, 31, who came to|1%7 as a children's aid shelter, Montreal 'five 'years ago after|it was named after Judge Em: getting an engineering degree in|bury, father of Regina lawyer Paris, developed the device in 4'4|A, W, Embury, It can accommo- yars of research, date 20 children, The staff num. It also will defrost the wind: |bers 18, three of whom are social shield and melt ice off the doors, land case workers, all while the motorist is eating| 'We attempt to expose the chil: breakfast, [dren to a completely different The Invention looks like a tran-|gart of adult," said Mr. Cels. sistor radio with an aerial and a| nip. Cels feels each youngster dial similar to that on a tele: 5 to he approached from his phone, The dial is set at any awn level amp lationshi time up to 18 ours before the Wh eve Of human reationsip. oar is to he used. = With some you can only make Safety-controlled by an electra: start by. playing sports; with thermic mechanism, it provides Others, through a verbal ap. protection against battery dis.[Proach, If they talk In slang, charge in case of motor failure, You've got to answer them that If it should fail, all circuits are Way, automatically cut off. | "Yesterday a boy who had been consectutive insertions and four cents per word for one or two insertions, Call The Osh. "This is a new field and no awa Times Classified RA 3. FOR RENT -- Box, boat and 3492 if you have something cabin trailers, chain saws, skill sgws, cement mixers, paint sprayers, shotguns, rifles, etc WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas E. MO 8.3226 HELP US HELP THE NEEDY We need children's clothing, toys, stoves, beds, shoes, furs niture 137 BROCK ST. §. SALVATION ARMY WELFARE STORE MO 8-8002 to sell. Read the classified for anything to buy _RA SM? 01d School Tie Losing Popularity ? LONDON (CP)--When it comes to neckwear, says the Tie Manu: | facturers' Association, Britons are among the least clothes-con- sclous men In the world MERRY MENAGERIE THENCE SOUTH seventeen degrees thirty-two minutes east (S17°32°E) two hundred and forty-seven feet one inch (2471) more or less to the production easterly of the northerly limit of the lands herein firstly described; THENCE SOUTH eighty-two degrees eight minutes west (582°08'W) along the' seid production and along the said northerly limit six hundred and seven feet ten and three Wi quarter inches (6071034); In a report, the association) yHENCE NORTH AL Hl says the average Canadian buysi oo. fi i 10 new ties a year, just two less| IN 52M Ata pio than the average American, | (66 re TW But the average Briton, it pain. SALE Aluminum, Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed. Double hung windows enly $18, Call now, Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8.5385 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT or FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs, invalid walkers, bedsides, commodes, crutches and canes, also roll-away beds. | | | FEMALE HELP WANTED LADY FO GENERAL OFFICE WORK Typing necessary, permanent position, full time, benefits, start immediately. WRITE BOX 904 OSHAWA TIMES, WHITBY KNITTING machine, "Rapidex", new, in leather case, 330; Universal World reference encyclopaedia, 15 vol umes, walnut -bookease, 350. RA 2.2004 WESTINGHOUSE refriger y Approx mately 8 cubit feel, in excellent con. dition, Apply 863 Thickson Road North USED washing machine in Food condi. tion. Apply 63 Thickson Roa PHILCO TV, bedroom suite, chest of drawers, coffee and end tables, play pen, small electric appliances, garden tools, ete. MO 8.3068, SKATES, new and used, sold and ex changed. Largest selection in town Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond Street East, |B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5434, Phone Aid Rentals RA 5:1644 _ ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS We Sell the Best and Repair the Rest Replacing Glass, Screens, ete, FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE JIM ELLIOTT RA 3-2866 fully adds, buys fewer than three, | The association secretary, MK, | Reid, |Ing.' "Why Britain should stand so appallingly low is a mystery.| Ties here are infinitely less ex.| pensive than almost anywhere else in the world, | "When you remember that you can buy a tie for the price of a | terms the figures "soher. {packet of cigarets and yet gel a national average of less than three ties a year, one begins to wonder whether we have not lost all sense of proportion," THENCE NORTH eighty-twe degrees eight minutes east (N82°08'E) five hundred and twenty-nine feet eight and one-half inches (529'8)4%') more or less to a line drawn on a course of south sevens teen degrees thirty-two min. utes- east (S17°32°F) through the point of commencement; THENCE NORTH seventeen degrees thirtytwo minutes west (N17°32'W) one hun dred and sixty-eight feet ten and three - quarter inches (168'1034") more or less to How about someone driving with us a year put his hand on away in your ear? {my ' shoulder, This is the first It can't be done, says Sturbols, time he has shown trust in any. His invention has a safety device one in all this time." {which stops the engine as soon| Mildred Rattel, director of the {as the car B put bh, Sear, The provincial child welfare branch, owner must 1 Sh Ute bis own KeY(said: "We do not ean they will Jeole, Te motor wn Te all be mature adults when they y antian EPOW Up but they' will have the omen rated the, vention Fuk "sone th robe determined number his car, Of ETOWIng up, parked 100 feet away, started. Fmbury House treatment is But, h said, if everyone had such/basically Kindness, patience and a starter they would all have to/understanding, The children knew use different numbers to avoid!little pleasure at home; had no the point of cement, lincentive to please, S05 * dh wpa "He's a watchdog on & Texas ranchl®,

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