PETER a ih 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jonuary 4, 1961 Fi] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE 17--~Meoney to Loon 22--TVY - Radio Repoirs 36--~Female Help Wanted (44--Houses For Rent 44A--Apts, & Flots [I AmAON, 3 Flan [45--Re [Estate For Sele «4 -Accountents ce ' -- A SSIFIED AD RATES oF dow, off 1 or nt ONTEITR, WONTEVIR, KIER, sod cl : o P 7" | MONEY sveiiabia for loan 08 second xy, radis car rad repaice. A KEGUIRED ~ lady for Wavy sitting, | COSY hungs 4 heating, had For Re ---- JOHN A Hone. rr ' MOTIERGRS, ARE AIAG FUIERASE Of OVC pokes Thompson Flectemmies #1 Televhone RA S904 for, further intoy: (ERR, kasvy duty wieiog. semi m io rom apartment on Simeos UNFURNISHED ppsiairs twe » room . 2 [hastared Accwintonts Ld gages. Wine Box 307 Ovbews Times Eitiott Avemie, BA S9I9E (Fred) mation ser 5.30 p.m storm doors RA WIRGows, SRFREE, gy ig Hp me Beet Davt 1 yard, reasonsiie rent. Vacent. Street North, fully equipped. Telephone spaeiment, rangeiis supplied, wee of x dons WH 3-909 3 COM ' 8 for. Sarge partesgrs RELIABLE tymet for menersi wifice 142 Wilson Rond South, BA 43011 or BA RA 56343 hetwean § a.m, #54 5 Bw iciaghone.' washer, $15" monthly. WA Wdey , dd Figsy ad WMATIERERS ATTARE WE Baws A La a ree ¥ Five a Jason le oh Brier SUPERIOR dutian. Roviietping ici i1o nd he | +2, THREE - room spariment, heavy duly BE DEWAR and Co, Accosmtants : 2 . rd erred, Wt Rot Recosspry v remy WIFInG, WUICAR cuphonrds, ness show: TWO bedroom speriment, in modern J ithy Profese Building. MO 810% 4 NEW apwrimeants, "stares in new shop | Wi A ad Auditors, Cedar Glen Bidg., Ii On . dia wy Pi sional % APPL [AP JCE § ER VICE in sun handwriting to Box Ne. 0 GE DhaTh, ROWERS vensonaiie rent DIRE KERER, DYIVRte ERIERRCE, COBEN Strat, Oshawa, Owmisrie. RA ¢ pod » : t FIRST and second monigege, sale > Call Such Apgleny, BA 56546 or RA uous hot water, perking. Telephone PATKIRg TV 4 H Ons as ws Rr INSURANCE 0 agreements purchased and sid. Han Television - Radio - Range 37 Male Help Wanted 19908. Jon A, J. Bolwhood Lid. Resi BA B3055 P pm. 101 Croydon Rond. h yo 5 GF GIF mek Ana Menwick arrisiers, 3 a a r " - ses-- 4 BERBOWS, Chariered Ac ¢ y 27 Wgshers Dryers and Oven PRPERICRCED shoe salesman re. 167 : CENTRAL private sell contained iD eos ing South. Osh ertions erie i of Sonent Kaniy 3A 2778 - Control Repoir Specialists quired. Apply Mr. Freedman, Shoes ARGE furnished room for lady, fully apartment. three om. and hath, 448--Rooms | For Rent 167 SIMCOE S. son, CA; G. E41 Bp torn. orga ag tt OA = Wid Circle 144 pes #itached Kitehen, Private en. Sireet level, stove, relingersior Sup: - Pra wows, EA. RA 8297) Glas GOIR CONINIAR 6 Pew © 18e--Mortgages PH. RA 8-4873 FUEL off truck driver wanted. Harry dg ath, close to Gown tows plied, Kitchen snk and cuphonrds, NICELY tunianed, lary large at thie A RA 5 65 Fire FRIEDIANDER. WUNTER and " wiress fs . 49 BURK STREET 0. Perry 14d, 105 Bloor Street West, | or hospiel. RA 59128 Halas. RA S00. Ween, 45 Drew of HA BABE artery 430 -6544 Ca. Accountants and aaditors. |icensed $ . » Fost Service Sensible Rotes men 6 work, 9 howes per dny, COMFORTABLE four room hase {n FURNE sig 4 ron suitable for one LARGE So ng a ie "| 2nd and 3r light i Bankruptcy, #4 King Street 4 " : te work suisted), Wilds & wale Aiiet home a ass, Oshawn; B, 1. Yale, €As F.| mo $9 per wath, Also twa man lo work (WOMENS on overioneing ke, mandy WA BARTS of 100 Celina Bireet room, sable far one gentieman, «rn. DUPLEX - $1,000 DOWN §; Adiandes, B comm. , CPA ' SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT Box 502, Oshaws Times to is Hensonanie rent. Telephone BA yuppy room Aperiment, twe hed FURNIED Swe "rooms snt™ lik $, 1Wo kitchens = gars pr JIorRIns and Company, i id " 1 i" - DAY OR NIGHT | OFPPORTUNSIIY ~We pend » new deal S447 SPY : roy fosme and Fring BRA oun, wtie, ground Pag Fin A a a re] ©ge eling 5, Presently fd Pubic Accountants, 371 K | 1 4 or d es TV RADIO wr, full pr part time, to serve consum- | REASONABLE rent to responsi % [rigerator; also single furnished light! tenanted, asking only $9,900, Sibel East, Owhaws, Onisrie, 41 , and / ers in your vieinity, Fxperience and As, six large roomed house, available 538 p.m , wil ng Srv : iid " " apital not essential Write Rawleigh's, Jamiary 2, modern Ihroughowt in Bw SECOND Wack from SRODPInG CERITe, Reasonatie very comtes] You must see this one now, . p . TO PAY ALL CALL RA 8.5286 Det, AID GAS, $005 Richelieu, Mont. | Sibivision, Apply Ws Wosedule DIVE, jour rooms and private bath, PATKING. Centre Strest Coll Jack A p Ca 5 -- = trey thy 2 8 d North -------- He 2--Barristers y \ C All Work Guaranteed 3 : gen Hz Mavenson Road Nor $40 MONTHLY -- (wo clean unturnish-| 95-6544 or 3.3398, . 2 . . . YOUR BILLS | Work Guarante YOUNG man, 71 to 0 yewrs for sates FURNISHED house, in excellent «ondi-| cony (hres © room well heated, sell. ed rooms with Bath Ty onianrurnish, CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNSAN and | © oh Gnd oO SHAWA pamimistrative work at our head oifice tion for about four months, oi he contained apartment, central, VACORE washing machine and telephone, Apply LOW DOWN BLRBOCH Barristers, Solietiors, So i ' TO PAY OFF - vou AEE REKFRSHVE, Rave ® Sood ? CENEnl, ABSENCES, TEIRIERERS, wow "S56 monthly, Phone RA 37244 wa dill Bouin after § Bank of Commerce Bldg f y # phi -- ELECTRONIC sos f i A 29 Charlies Street EACH Ae Boil after 8. TE ' ! acudemic Wackiround and a Iiking for FOUR room apartment, including $97.00 monthly includes Wy gr 6K : . 9 A MORTGAGE ales work, send me B decent eer, npw nome for vent, furnished or wn ou Sl TOE Ee Ng args, wnlurnised OOM, TORSORl taxes for this 6-room bune . 4 ' 4 . . which will he considred confidenting furnished, children welcomed, $65! 00 ; | Ale ren ce Blree $ Murdoch, "BHA mor F 4 - TO BU Y A HOME ouihning yl qualifications and ex |p, onthly immediate possession Tele a vies a Rod or Further TWO jarge rooms, unfurnished ground galow, Hordwood ond file a! y 4 perience, Good salery ARd us pene hme mo B04 for further IRIOFIMA | suio mation floor, private entrance, heated, three floors, fully decorated with To TTY s Why Yh ; of ony ~FOR ANY General waies Sanoner. The Pediny| NEW modern apart. Minutes lo new General Motors Forl vanity in bathroom, finished t . room nd So a King Street we hed room ui 5 4 f { RPOS c E f- suppor wer, FPeapie 114, Oshawa $45 MONTHLY ~~ In Brookiin - four: en ne apartment building, re. MOTE intormation telephone RA 37877, rec-room, storms ond screens, awh, OMA an 4 ; PURPOS ' | Supher} igs room, howe, two Bedrvome hears ir (ike. ur "and 'wave, paved passins, AVTRAGEIVE Wrnianed 1ommer Sail) Fike randy Screens, FANES A HaeDOSALD, BA, L " y . di wg, TY outlet, garage, shstainers, Va. igoe in ies walk to General Motors, abie in private home #2 Park Rosd os ' EBassisier nd Soler and Notary p ) ' Low Month ompiete with new Morin WE ARE cant. OF, 54548 95 monthly, 255 Malags Rosd. RA North, 5-7 pm, BA $8671 back, only 2 left ot this low thoy The Commercial Bulag. 298 King | 15 cigusify ody G : LOW Monthly é) ol - channel antenna FIVE - room bungalow, oil heating, on 56674 I NICELY Tarnished single room wang] Price. Coll now, esk for Bill # Jshaws, Ontarie, CHER Parsing ) : Pa yments otal price, installed bis Vine, newly decorated. Apply 31 wgwi¥ decorated furnished apart for Iady or gentleman, Apply 303 Chad.| Sworbrick ef RA 5.6544 er sii . ' Adve guaranteed for year $59.95, | SEEKING Githans Street. Telephone RA 51815. | pent" slectrieally equipped, in privite hum Street, RA 37370, 5.8342 WL wine SWARTZ, Barrister t No Bonus Also prompt ser service h SPECIAL, self-contained three . room home, central. Telephone RA 88402, | Cromerus eine nar 0 loan. Asse 1, Weross from Norih of in ! ch Apartment, Kood location, Telrikerstor, yp, ywENy two large rooms, plant, ideal Tor Generar Mot work WHITBY . EAST EN Was y Henry ' N) - . fs peluded, TV outlet, plenty © , 4 _ En . D a Br RA 2468 | | y ' No Extra Charges TV Enterprise [3 ecid iperior sales rep pve inl v vO builtin cuphourds and sink Ih Kilehen, ers, Ali conveniences, ample. DATKING | 4 K ing Street Ka 3 7 H pies ec dda dd at a r the Oshowe pi k ne, immediate possession. WA Lous furnished share bath, $12 week. RA B.2472 2 five-room brick bungalows dots I $245 " sie 0 3 : . 263 Drew Wrap Th Daitich which iy, includes heat and hydro, private To ; - . These homes A A no astet ' Tony 1 Rebates for RA ' ted ten, which "| ums KLENA Seven-room | entrance. KA 85217 ik BLL a rams bi ys og by po . 2 po BCCI aK oe y RA 3-3553 j tec i bs ; ingle / le . 5 use, /! 2 2 y King birast Eas ¥ y Prepa yment ' requ: or a horiise a het Immediate posssssion, THREF room unfurnished apartment, Apply 322 Albert Street. RA 52340 constructed The Ye is I -- Ap : . sired 3" 0 capable © §75 month elephone S407 private bath and entrance in apart hiddbiordds y) Priv sath an Wr H y . w HA £597 oans g 23--Women's Column orking > without 'loca INT ~ nearly new brick hunga. ment building, downtown, near Beil ONE lovely furnished room for gentle rion 10 inspect call Anthon oons Life Insurec ithout local | FOR BRENT -- nearly m tek hung man, private home, Apply 444 Fern. 4 y JOSEPH FP. MANGAN. QC. bai ster low, Spotless condition, Immediate pos. | Telephone, handy to everything Adults ute (IVER DOES Siblock RA 5.6544 or itor fone 0 loan. Office SPEC PIA} PEFMANEnt waves, 8 F on, Telephone RA 54330 only. Avallable immediately, $60 4 i IPEIVIsic 5.4367 H atoneY i A wore Bom mn i oi ay RY : monthly. BA 37590 CLEAN bright fur) " " 34362 King Bir Lt} at, | Oshawe. RA 92 9. 13 Gardening & Supplies SUPERIOR a Nr. Dialing Mies. re $i ind traning FIVE . room house, oil heating, Taun. | Tone ¥ 7 right furnished double rooms Wh twin beds: also single room fur RA soles force dry tubs, heavy wiring, viose to Shop [PRIVATE apartment, three rooms he SALMERS BA, barrister, solic hb -- hi : Ding Contre, avaranle now. Telephone | washer, aerial, parking, near Shopping "ohed. central, Telephone RA 88402 $1,000 DOWN . 7 ROOMS g k weve Birest North OWE? Xe THE rh, | Disc ount L imited 24----Market Basket A b ' be n RA 3.3345 for further information Centre. Available January 185, adults. [TWO unfurnished light housekeeping Good clean a TREE EX > Apply 2i2 Stevenson South rooms, all conveniences, Parking space home, lorge th oup, prefer CENTRALLY located, six mom brick oo nt ply ° rooms clos fo #nd Machonsh THE FASTEST GROWI! HONEY ~ White, amber and golden Group, | house, newly decorated, four - piece MODERN four room well-contained | 1's mnt. Abi 3 Ritson Road North pbb ¢ fo Ritson Rd and Notaries Publis AAP oy . quid or processed, RK. P. Anderson ap 4 # hath, extes basin and stool in base Rpartment containing refrigerator, bed Vacant possession, RA 54717, Ru sp r ee pr All ANADIAN LOAN CO, Ritson Road North. Phone RA f ment, oll heated, garage. Will allow stove, dy and washer, Avallabie | LARGE furnished housekeeping room, asking only $8,900 with easy 4 James A Machonsid. tre ple irée 18 7 SIA ( g 3 UU 4 Oe , i i subletting to reliable tenants, imme. Feb, 1 nable rent. Apply Mrs, cupboards sink refrigerator stove t ¥ C Lonnie so ving. coviv v id ig ht $Y ' rere Tn .- es 4 ) dite possession, BA 5-008 Blank Gainer Cresvent new fome, parking, KA B8409 before RAS 5 hoi ' fi Td South. RA 59502, Res , B did 25---Pets and Livestock 860 MONTHLY, six - room house, no TWO apartments, 560 a month each or alter § pm ' uf 54 PHONE RA 5.5287 ec y } " . i furnace hut space heater, on 9 Nas Vacant middle of Janunry, all conven | FURNISHED bedroom, in private M oturd | ¢ FERINGESE py 4 } " y ' vee ai Mires. Telephone KA 50832 for ences. furmshed or unfurnished. Apply home, suitable for one gentieman. ab 'ember of Oshawa and MeGIBBON and BASTEDD, Barristers 20 . old. May he . ) , ? nr Ta orm a after § pom, 13% Rosehill Blvd stainer, Telephone RA 34078 District Real Estote Boord Aotmitars Client funds available for Ts f ME ] é nroughout 3 Patio Barbecue during hi 3 " ! pages. 30 Simene Strest North alles id STORE could be used for offices, Also TWO nicely furnished rooms, bedsit- [TWO unfurnished rooms, sink, cup a 6 Charles ( McGibhon, Qf Te melt e 4 "2 BOARDING, trimming, bhathin tel ® nd 4 4 | } [ We provide siu-room house, hath, heated, very cen. Ung room and Kitchen, refrigerator, boards, gas stove, upstairs, suitable for | Fd, Fo Bastedn, Q( here 30 t . foster ond 19--Personal ne. Waubena Kennels, RA ¢ " ond board tral. parking. Telephone RA 5-530 eve. |cuphoards and ik, abstainers only Lounle $40 monthly, RA 57783, 128] w } mes fo ane 3 W Shephard puppies. 8 " ? non find fs i465 Telephone HA 50278 for further for: Barrie Avenue HUMPHREYS, Bo hyn snd Hillman ' than Rock 3a o Toronto near Kastern GERMAN Shepherd puppie . mings. RA B40 pho 78 fo ul 3 : ore powerful the alr Pr pack, Pp ref ' d training mall r dia PRA ob € pe ' caving Oshawa, 7 a.m, Tele 01d, ali bia purebred J 9 FRRER megan roped U1) ROOM for lady 45 to 80, kitchen and hres 8. Boyehyn, BA; W. A abor costs eliminated, har h A A808 able. Telephone RA 35444 I N | rooms, combination Kitchen and din. [UNFURNISHED three « room apart. (washing wrivileges, central. RA sins] Insurance Associates Ltd, REMUNERATION ' oy Hitiman, 6. King Street East ess 10 sidewalks ond pave . " CHIBUARUA puppies and adult w " elie, two years old, $05 monthl Apply (ment, private hath entrance, and park between 7 and 9 p.m | Phones: © ] 1177 Ras, Ba ment Free Demonstration RESERVE NOW smooth and long costs. Variel . ray against ' ( WB Stevenson's Road North, after 6 ng. utilitios paid, $5 montnly, ddd ONE bright, spacious, bed-sitting room REG AKER PRES B04 or Whitby, MO 82761; RA i DIAL RA 3.9020 4 colors. Championship oc Jesister plus over-ride, plus to ROWMANVILLE -- three ram base. | GUY wiring iphone with modern furniture in clean home, BILL McFEETERS VICE PRES Maney to loan Si EIGHRIDING & wd ephone MO ia, With, ant payable from of ment apartment in quiet district, laun [TWO warm furnished rooms on | cooking facilities if desired one min 00 MEN needed! 1 te the Oshawa . & BEAGLE puppies 34 months, ¥ trai we rio dry facilities. Apply 31 Prince Street ground floor, refrigerator, sink, rang. ule to shopping centre gentleman only GOOD VALUE Times Classified Ads now to find s 14----Mousehold Repairs DANCE PARTIES tered field tris stock.' Ideal Chit Pe or telephone MA 35100 ette, Avaliable now. Apply 163 Simcoe 36 Fernhill Bivd, RA 5.7295 NH.A RESALE batter job 1 gift. K. HH. Stephenson RR | Orone + - Street South for further information CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re OR AN, AND 3 » BRIG | | VIEWS w FOR RENT or for sale, two-bedroom Large 2 veer ol JOHN A, CAMERON, barrister, $0icl covered fike new det vie best far Ion FOR JAN, AND FEB Fhana 18810 ( a bungalow with many extras, immediate LOVELY home, threeroom furnished 45----Real Estote For Sale oid od Big and notary public, 185 King Street) oi "sion" Uphols iz mmeoe Little Buckaroo Ranch BEAUTIFUL bab { A ho mn Wedr possession, Telephone RA 8-120] apartment, business couple or wungalow locoted on ed selling in elderly ' Ma00 CUTE and tid 6 room Punga. " a 2 NHA and vate waning talkin nuary 10th, 196 ouple, abstainers, Immediate ney ung Rossland Rd i Fast iL Jum. HA and pr South, Call RA 86481 for & free eat RA 5.2737 raining AIKINE atria) day, J NEW bunkalow for emt Shree hei, |£0UDle plEsinrs, minadibie 00H: | lo in College Hill Dew. oh Tyee Rosslond Re E 3 bedrooms, rls mate \ J 3 ! i i ne 5 rooms, heat and water, in Whithy, | [ir ation faxes S100. Warage. aluminim storma,| LYNG fa 'm, large kitchen GREER and Kelly, Barrister Soliei - -- " telephone Bowmanville MA 3.5272 rey fenced yard, Joseph Bosco, Realtor x J, 4 pc. tile ath tory, ele Simeoe Street South FURNITURE repaired and re.ipho -- 26---Farmer's Column TWO bedroom apartment modern KA 59870 c letely ta d b ial san Hesdence wiones, Hered. hee up mien lo reser ELECTROLYSIS nd phone ' TWO furnished rooms, Kitchen "and [gy ETON SISHMEL IE mO0CE omplefely landscaped and J veer. BA, Sc, RA 53368; Ter Bruce R. Dalton; 78 Charles Street ol Sl& BOO Teas moa wearer 0 ; Sov . bedroom, three minutes from town, | idle 4 er 5 hm WELL cared for dupie: on Mary Street decorated. List price $13,600 ence Ceily BCL. RA 85832 $218 | delivered. Telephone Orono 34 B14 mitable for one or APPLY - 311. "apply 161 Cravdon Round Apl. 5 Iwi kit shen, two ha hs, oil heat Ask down payment $2,850 : v : a --vared} havies Street after 6 p.m i 00 down. Best rental ares ' RALPH JONES, BA, snd Thomas H. CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered Re al of fluous hair | DEAD farm stock picked up prompt) YO! : UPATAIRR flat, (hreeroom, Shree: Joseph Bosco Realtor RA 59670 Monthly payments of $70 'Breer, Associate Barrister and Soli. ke new Why pay more? Our rales Phone collect, Hampton, COUax 3-272) : d Five room house at Columbus, Wot |, op "hon oom nletel ate, hard | > eitors, 130 King Street East, RA 8.6246, 2/¢ reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed Moris Murduff will be in Marawill Fur Farm. TT. rage ---- Te | 4nd cold witter, cupboards, heavy wir-|0E SRL CORRE se of base 109 ACRES, good soil, six room house,| PINcipo ond interest, Call Mortgage loans aveilable, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholster ddd Ass debi 38---Male or Female Help ink Avaianie Jan. 1. Phone RA sum97, | Ch TUE CERT supplied, 365 M1 conveniences, good barn, hydro and| Don Jtrades ski, evenings RA TIRE Co., 10 Band Street West, Dial RA Oshowa. Jor Oth and 11th w he i upp "water, 812,500. Terms, or exchange for 8.842 THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soll: 5.0311 : 27 --Fuel & Wood { Wanted FULLY furnished home, Simcoe Street monthly. 58 Albert street ity property, Tindall Real Estate, RA 0 and OLAry bl 26% in none ( 4] Hot or th | rent to group of busines » decorat hasemen i i RArost Eas , Phone RA 8.1763 ' PRACTICAL gift headquarters in the " e . VI ANOW PLOWING. wood eniling. trees 1 ARORATORY techni eqirived | Ki teachers or nurses, Telephone RA FRE n ¥ ) he ar i" IR RANCH BUNGALOW ; Gift Spotter in Classified. Shop it these dates for appointment yemoved, wood for sale, Telephone RA March #1. Kxoellent annel pol 1 bath. ft twined. no condensatic MUST BE SO MANNING F, SWARTZ, Barrister, right from your easy ehair now, Gifts 9727 \ Administ Ainx And | OURS . Phil. abconiiined, no Ady Eatin Bb ] E S0LD Hokeiio Not, Mone: to loan. Asso: that ie EVErYON " 1 u Is Ld ef OF Shie new riple id m ered Advis hid MAR | JE rabl. tl i] 3 iy Bu * pin BA Henry at ans Sryone 20--Cartage DRY hardwood ends, s d f ekering General Hospital, AJax, On: 'voams, $85 Phone WA 41632 or write | nished or unfurnished, 348 Stevenson rat y north west location, 2% King Street East, RA 3.4697, YOUR local chimney cleaner, Chim OT na stoves, fireplace 8 | LJ 263 Broadview Avenue. Toronto Road North ' 3 yrs. old, 6 room brick bung 26% Ki 1 A i in- JOHN'S Moving and Storage, Oshaw hone 618 M Residence, dial RA 3.4029 Bens ait Aud Jepuifed, sas Fane Whithy, Reroaati sate) Me p. load delivered. Phone RA CENTRALLY located five-room apart. THREE unfurnished rooms, ground GOWER alow, Featuring hot water 3 Chi ai mates. RA 3.2997 ped and insured. Phone RA 5-366 32 Articles Wanted OP POR TUNITY ent, private hath and entrance, Tele. floor, hea Iring separate entrance heating, stone fireplace -- -- phone RA 8.218 new! decorated $30 ever two week iropo ists First #8 carpenter euphoards ok Large bright kitchen and din . includes everything, Telephone RA E O H. FW. BROWNLEE, Doster of Chir. stairways, trim, floor tiles aid, all work MOVING? AKI boots, size 5 or 6, wanted. Please MODERN two - bedroom huingalow on 4000 v 0 KR AkT R ing 10am, 000d: size. Nving opractic. Moved to Park Road gusvanieed, Telephone RA 8.2838 phone RA 5.7662 with ahy information irierson Street, corner lot. stove, ve room, 3 bedrooms, with large South, Oshawa. RA 37443 ROOMK papered, #8 and up, abot DO-IT-YOURSELF COINS wanted, Canadian silver dollars FOR MALE shindig Re | BE ; RA B.4651 closet space, 4 pc. tiled both only, Painting and repairs, Estimates 098; 1945, 1047, 1048, For prices eal! X Three room basement Divided basement, attached $--Oplometristy Ri ortees, Rasmus viairwis st) RENT A TRUCK (fis gobo OR_FEMALLE apartment, private en: 41 GLADSTONE AVE gorge. Beautiful lor with ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom 5y; ava ; RTT of 11 CAS OR ~m - i N.H.A fruit trees, convenient to the examinaiion of eves, contact \avrive' them for sie in the fol L gil TILDEN TCAD FOR XC experien NEW STORE trance, three piece bath, hopping, schools, bus, Owner lenses, 136 Simeoe North at Colborne) ana y y P 3 2 ternf resale Full price | f action Osh Times Classified Ads N laundry facilities, ever eaving city, will take as low evenings hy appointment, RA 34181, go p CSREES Un ace your ad KING STREET EAS ; A - aundry y Yi § ! . k STE A ATT k . - ® - . LRE ly $12,500, fully equipped as $3,500 down. Call Russ € HW. TUCK, RO, optometrist, Please i dd PAPER, RAGS, Et dbl rrmen f OR R EN [ thing included, $55 rated, landscaped. Rea Reeve, evenings RA 5.4840 pe accounts ®t downtown Dominion ! % ay accounts ut downtown Dominio FURNACE SALES Br SRE Oren ULE : \BBly in-person : : 7 W " mi nthly Telephone RA nable down payment re smined &t home, Dial RA 54587 8-6522 quired," monthly payments NORTH END BUNGALOW M GREENBERG & SONS ample par coe p . PETER PAN N y School, ehildy Ie "A BR.190 Wy $82 p wh at 5% & MUST BE SOLD 7--Surveyors AND SERVICE Es ours Monday lo Vilas Wh 10 LTD ZELLER'S LTD, one RA 8.1254 | & 2 BEDROOM Bod iil 3) REDUCED IN PRICE f."PiiM and Trollope, Ontario Land H. M. Mackie Co, Ltd Bho trom Simos Street Norn Ra! RA 3.7333 308 BfGor § ------ : APARTMENT this office toda Excellent opportunity fer veyors, 3 ven: 2600 21 |= . | someone w 3 Wier RA 2 a" en RA 5 5954 is po ¢ Ont Of ICE SPACE AT BUS PECIAL $700 DOWN de ie LAL weslantel fi. ® HORTON and Associates, On Cleanout TRY OUR WANTED howe, Linteri FOR RENT SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND Only $75.00 monthly with fine 6 reom ranch bungalow Arle Land Surve Professional En labor i Or | . 9 50( 8 - . bend pall i Be ite PR $7 laber plus pa BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN SCRAP (RON. POU 4)---Room & Board full price $9,500, 5 room with 2 car attached garage Whithy, MO 55001, Ajax 728 | ROOM rh y i ted J refrigerator | bungalow with, garage, hot This home has been reduced Chicken pla wolf chi ' . d hoard, gentleman wanter . : Y | : A PABEVAN AND FLEISONMAN, On ADD A ROOM? u i f ale ho ' hicken AND FEATHER TICKS and beds, lunches packed Pg ¢ ¢ ' water "heating with oil. Im in price by $2,000. Extras A5bo, Land Surveyor, coramercial hiue KITCHEN with french fries, fish and I. TURNER ¢, parking, Reasonable Ne all AAR mediate possession. Call now include, 2 baths, completed fling, 13 Bloor ' Street East. RA PANEL. A WALL chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, . Shien , # 708 Carnegie Avenue p i wn ¢ RA 5-3302 for appoiniment. ask for Pat rec room, with built in. bar we REPAIRS Of milk shake RA 3-2043 RA 3.3 ROOM for one or two gentlemen wih 0 \ a Ow Patterson at RA 8.4651 and sink, Stone fireplace, y THT { or ithout board, single hed Apply ei a " 8---~Building Trades | REMODELLING MODERN GRILL (collect Vis Mill Street. Telephone RA 3.5400 ol DUPLES aluminum storms and screens . - ; LARGE OR SMALL WE DELIVER RA 5.3887 , ROOM and board In oloan heme as BUCKINGHAM EX Immediate possession, call ALLS plumbing and heating supplies THAW id board in clean home, home " =O . Two. complete apartments Bill. McFeeters, aveniras Ra Phone RA 5.0521, Harold R. Stark LL AJAX THAT'S ALL cooked meals, abstainers only. Bus stoy - do MANOR touble attached Go i i I} Lid, plumbing. heating and engineer: GA A 1/ y A L. SCHAPELHOUMAN | AUTO WRECKING ( at door, Telephone RA 51339 - APARTMENTS double attached garage, cen 1726 n Simcoe Street South RA 8-5103 ) - 4 Warts gars # wg, ROOM and hoard in new hame, mri BUILDING / ) tral; good. income, full .price YERR . BULLDOZING and excavating. Dial A ; COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING p / vate room, home privileges, $18 per . 2-bedroom Apartments, elec to suit your budget with a ERRIFIC BUY MH B56 Free estimates. Tayior Bre 110 KING T OSHAWA FRVICE, INCOME TAX RE arts tor ale, 1 ip iron week. Telephone MO 8.4517 trically equipped, best loca low as $3,000 down, immed MUST BE SOLD thaws, 26 Hilléourt Drive, Whithy AJAX REPAIR ANI TURN and metals, etc bought. Open Room and hoard, sentiemen, single Contact T WILSO! 1 ) $100 Apply 498 late possession. Don't wait IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Simcoe ALL types building repairs, roofing CONSTRUCTION LIMITED : 48 ) R STR 4 aturday all day, Phone and share, lunches packed, parking, 97 St. North, Apt. 15; moke your appointment to Large 8 year old, 7 roor A staans. Ta Rosia Gordon May: oo HAWA GREET RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E, [iets sitesi. Telephone RA 44437 Phone RA 3 3474 RA 8.8676 204 Fight awa brick home, located in a very MAMRING re HE TS instruction ) A R00 and hoard for gentleman: slo YY iy Te Fe Flots FULL $12.000 PRICE qu el desirable neighborhood, wa ; - LL $12 close to schools, b tinge fixtures, "new and used, chang: (LLC ILE Le RA K.9953 35--Employment Wanted continuous hat water, parking, bus ai p! ONE MONTH e to schools, bus service ho (door, B1 Park Road South 2 new N.HA bungalows os 4 bedroom lots of 5 ations al reasonable raigk, Tap, Royal Academy, Hallet, High EXPERIENCED single man desires For Rent 8, lots of clase! . ~r fuetip / . Y -- I ---- ROOM an a re ( eo ow as $600 down. Loaded ace \ na and estimates free on ind land. Register now, 424 King Wes! 22--7TV - Radio Repo: work on farm, preferably for widow "OOM an doard far two gentlemen GOOD deal, second floor apartment FREE RENT I ith 8 Ver Pod oy pace. Living and dining end of plumbing. Dial RA $4241, J, 56122 J = Kadio Kepairs with children, Telephone RA 5.7005 included, in private nome. Telephone ree roams, self contained, private en « ery quiet arec kitchen are very jeatious enry PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor YOUNG woman requires work, prefer-|MO' 8.0296 tance, Reavy duly wining, | Viedite Modern ene and $8" bed: Low manthy paymen) all + $2,000 'down, call ¥ 16 years' experience, by interview only ably office work, four ears' high! pg Rosse Ll contra elephone room apartment h85 anc services. Se them right away Stinson, evenings RA 5.024 W._ WARD ACC mow. RA 3306s DID YOU SEE OUR [ichool or anvining considered. Tele: ROOM And Vara, for goniiouion. with 13d up, best location. Telephone y 024 ome Wwivileges ply ih Simeoe | WELL DIGGING BY SPANINH guitar instruction, A limited NEW ALL GALVANIZED [hone RA 3.4825 Street South or telephone RA 3.8255, | FW modern two bedroom apartment, | Call List Co-op through this office number of students will be accepted MIDDLE-AGED couple desire position R new apartment bullding, refrigera - Sally Wallace Pat Patterso MACHINE for private individual instruction, Rent Nh tarelaner Ror ure, Lusi ACCOMMODATION for two elderly Ia-|tor, stove, paved parking. One block to RA 8 8676 ty 4 qiierson mainte -- fn ies, Priva P . 8 1 . Dssie Martin Mary Clarke Member of Oshawa and : 1 guilt lable. Whithy, MO 8.3206 Login oferences 1108 private home, separate rooms, school or' shopping, $0 § monthly, 72 C C ry a BPECIALIZING IN 30 TILE | Suitar available y KR A D E S S Rance and Anat repairs, References yong central, MONK 84303, Whithy | Westmount Avant' na a 610s RA 8.465) District Real Estate Board WHITBY, ONTARIO LILLIAN Mae Mash dance _stucatar, hy wens | ROOM and board less than five min: | THREE rooms and bath, self-contained / -- -- MO 363 MO 8.1809 rater in Bg ORR 1 0 WwW E je S 36-Female Help Wanted ates from South General Motors, home private entrance, on bus line. adults TWO BEDROOM y tap a i Th 725 privileges, lunches packed, parking. abstainers, 147 Huron. RA §.5260 ¥ - CHESTNUT ST, W, Saturday. Masonic Temple. RA 3.7253 HOUSEKEEPER required to take full Telephone RA #4920 for norm ation APARTMENT -- : : ; APARTMENTS | | S SN El GROVE CO LTD PO. BOX 329 Qc ~=Expert workmanship charge for family of four while Par QNE furnished room with or without hath, $70 HER Pris " yes ' y - ' : es sg LEARN HAIRDRESSING | 1961 All Wave Antennae [tas aie on vacation, live in. Phone lnguya, for ane gentleman, in new hame. | North or. phone HA $3118 or RA 31103 11e--Business Opportunities Women vanted, greatest dy f That: W RA 5.4060 Houd meals. Telephone RA 8-5477, 587 Excellent location, New build 43 PARK RD. S. i ow We GRO NB floor, four room apartment EARN 323 weekly plus a free ward. Dean Avenoe I b l pase INVESTORS wanted. by. local Hivm appertunity, better pay, plea lave Same Dav Service rahe in your spare time Just HOW GENTLEMEN stove and refrigerator, heat, light and ing, with or without lease GUN YN oded for business expansion ant w catalogue free Employ Expert Technician Fashion Frocks to friends. No invest. [jo oH EEREN boarders Wanted, good Water wo an heated . FOR SALE OR RENT Wille Hox 301 Oshawa Times Write Moivel Hairdressing \ A / Tore Bar alls till 8:30 ment, canvassing, experience neces: naked. Contalhs Ro LLOYD REALTY i 10 buy, imme pSSIO! c . MIEENT partner, $10.000 needed for by vice Wola NH 30 ie NC Axia: Fashion [Locked Central, near North GM and GuoUND floor duplex, with four Taras With of 0 buy, immediate possession, brick bunge oc ranches, Hamilton ONpita Colbo ; ; eperator business, ATlantic 41395 Ch Branches, Hamilte pm, Frocks, Lid, 3435 Industrial Boulevard, | PUL 8 Colborne East. RA 3.7687. | 000 olored bath, modern Kitehen | low where the work has been done, central location, large mods Ottawa. 'Canada's National TRY US Dept. G-1637 Montreal 39 NICE clean warm rooms, hoard mm /One block from bus. Telephone RA RA 8 5123 ern kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms and 4-piece tiled bathe Li Svs \ cluded entlemen only, ngle and 3-422) » 12---Dressmaking syster MAKE up to $5.00 an hou WJemanairat rv penta ADRlY after Saturday NTTRAGOIVE tie: Fe room; some of the many extras include; fully decorated, alumis ye ing Studio Girl Cosmetics rite for de. gz he oe y; Aree ronmed se Con ; m. storms ¢ % . ave a ae All types of dressmaking and alterations 1 6__neuranes | R | 0 tails, Peter Calhoun SAI Murray Stee' 197 Albert Street Malad apartment hep Nota San num storms and screens, paved drive, garage, landscaped and Felephone RA 8-0533 * via . Peterborough, Ontario. {automatic washer, oil heating, suit busi | ONE MONTH fenced yard, further particulars and appointment by calling ALTERATIONS of all kinds for men, OSHAWA'S newest Insurance Agency LADIES! Make money af hone Tate |42--Room & Board Wanted fess couple. Available February 1. RA | Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810 womeh and children. Formal drestes,| THRKING of Insurance of Real Bstite T Fl -V |S] N {duce to vou friends and neighbors, new (WE are looking for a home in Oshawa © after &, | : regersible skirts a specialty. RA 33486, Think of Ur Joswdh- Bodte Realtor oy method of "Better House Kleening'. or district far father with two children, | VEYRA-modern 2 bedroom apartment FREE RENT NORTH EAST SECTION eneral Insurance REVERSIRLE skirts a specialty. Minor | 171 BOND ST. EAST Phey will he delighted, We show you | where landlady is willing ba for | brand new. Close to King and Gibbons | . - } gentleman; clean altarations on ladies' wear, alse ohils! ALLNTATE Auto Insurance. Save up| how. Far full particulars and free de. the children while father wofks, Apply Slients it Rlopping centre. ¢ all Me Brick and stone bungalow with an income, just a few years old. disn"s RA 53473, corner of Eimgrove to 20 per gent, six Monthy 0 pay Fat manstration phone Kleener Service Hox 348 Oshawa Times i EPO ad Tog RI ! John Only two one-bedroom suites immaculate condition throughout, ultra-modern kitchen with tile Avenue, Park Road South Personal service at your home, ca RA 8-678] on, hi 3 tlessly kept wolls, 4-piece tiled bathroom, room for income, forced a 3.7413 HOUSEKEEPER wanted for part time TWO furnished rooms, large closet] IN 0 modern, spotlessly key h a , to 13--Gardenin & Supplie - in home. live out. For information tele 43--Wanted To Rent private entrance, ventral, vacant, ab apartment building Cen. | air by oil heating, nicely landscaped. Asking $15,500 with 9 ------ 17---Money to Loan phone MO 84212 after 12 noon and WANTED furnished apartment, land. Stainers, close to Shopping Centre and located nies terms. Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761, or evenings RA 5.4162. ANY kina of waran O'R Dy expen . y 40' TOWERS $45 after & {lady to care for twa children in eve downtown. Apply 51 Nassau Street saved parking, laundry facili PORT PE Y SPE reNsmhanie 1a & 1334 WE HAVE clients' monies available = HOUSEKEEPER to look aft . ninks while mother works, would con | RRIGHT le or 4 4 2) ' N WK part h HT, clean upper duplex, self-con tie Phone I w= for loans on first and second mortgages 30° ROOF ANTENNAS $30 MER With twa Preschool hae chikiron, |r shaving. Phone RA' 8:4685 after | tained, living room bodincn Haat ' 0 ERRY SPECIAL AURORA SAND & {and alse purchase of morigages 4 pom and ile y N ph kitehen, modern sink Apboards. bath $2,000 down, one monthly payment on balance spacious 7-room --- agreements of anise. Louis 3. Hyman 20 ROOF ANTE NNAS $22 while mother work live in, 520 week ---- « i i cupboard hath | i vy Telepho \ 162 room, good location, parking, January wngale | ade kiteh IY r GRAVEL affenmenis of dale Lou 3. Hyman, § ty 1 hone 1621 rym Housas For "Rent foam, good lecation, y t ungalow, large m fe rn kitchen, dining room, large living room B 3 1 rushed Stone 1.4843 Completely Instdlled EXPERIENCED hairdresser required ! with apen fireplace, J bedrooms, laundry room, large family room 5 nd: Cra 3 ympletely Install t ¢ J T | 3 \ immediately, Telephone R 13344 or STO for OWRLOW moeoe | FURNISHED two room apartment and 4-piece tiled bathroc olore TY Is . Road Gravel, Pit Run CLIENTS money tg loan on first mort. | With 2-Year Warranty RA 3.8075 Tor furihe & BA Ia " FTonn Rabi Fi RVRIOWR 'Han | (adies preferred), bullt in cupboards \d 4-piece tiled bat Mm with colored fixtures, fullsize base t # ¢ ¢ » location ment with natural fireplace; large lot located on Queen St., call gage. Morigage an eement of sale ' L |} i Pp & BR J] arage it) VALLEY FARM RD purchased. NHA p Wh arranged - ' WAITRESS, experienced, full fime,| 80 ant oler small business. Phone RA 800 SU SVEN SAEEIC0, arate if PARKWOOD | Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810 Creighton, Fraser yaan and Mu LEN & L U shift work. Apply South End Restau er han from Simeoe Bus, 736 Gifford Street . | Pi wg Mobile Operator dueh rant, 3 Bloor Street Kast TWO room unfurnished apartment, RA 5.6799 Pr -- ; . inits, Overy convenience, reirigerato CADILLAC AVE. N TEmple 9-254) CITY T.V rl aleve math tenet, rofriEorROr | FUR. voum apartment: RTA MANOR : ; I . . + Va - . RA S000 pvontbs RATS 00 private entrance and bath, parking. | m executive type brick home, 23:ft. living room, 16-ft, . c] One child welcome. Apply 1168 Adelaide oe a aor 16 kitchen, 2 splace any e Ss ir | MONEY TO RA 5.7844 SECRETARY hy wovuans: som tose. a Wohi lh i it APARTMENTS | ding som 16 Ehren reoce many suas heii A . y. onveniences. Call Mr. Bolahood. RA | ore ois oo wo Trae Riteropn | Iie hugly i 4 9 MY = hod is ARAL Bh SNOW REMOVAL STENOGRAPHER [itn "I" Wht AAR pe the tinct o | n frice of SI7900, with iow down, payment." Coll Kenn 80 SIMC OF ST c bath Aull couple ang or twa Senile. hs f Als } 6 ar evenings ~ J 04 SIDEWALKS CLEANED . . ' tok a e r p | -- a v Maniss for all typ At V. Service Calls, $3.00 of nanufacturin J So aa Condition ew Hut SPE ¢ AL, self-contained three roam SAGUENAY AVENUE 50 ACRE FARM " PANY av Jartment, good location. refrigerate N ) a FAST SERVICE goges; for f an 5 I : h 3 oom, bungalow for rent, close [stove incuied TV. outlet, © plenty of (PARK RD. & KING ST it oft 14 Highway at Myrtle, nice workable land, ideal mortgages o q : . SAMSON and, ¢ \ " haals and: hb four-piece bath, parking. . Possession Janvary 1° RA DISTRICT f out or duck pond. 2-tamily home with conveniences 24 ~ agtate including vacant p ¥ Y % nediate possession. Phone RA 5.3307 3 A 2 barns with running water, wonderful location for hobby tarme. ( )ISHAWA HOME shiyrt term mortgage for T V TOWERS ou day week after pom MODERN four - roam apartment, near Quiet, residential street, ing or General Motors man, open to offer with substantial cosh, builders first and second . . } ' competent FOUR-room two-bedroom bungalow, hot [Shopping Centre: vefrigevatar, stove 1° & 2:-bedroom Apartments coll Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810 : enoar or . . a water heating conveniences. Rea: bamboo drapes, parking. Available. RA - . T\ * ANDSCAPINC | mortgages and agreemeunts RA 8.8180 sonable ren Wit small family. Tele: 34379 or RA 50101 1 outlet { for . sale purchase A y ewa qf v i \ hune RA 5.0049 § mare infarmation. | Nn RLY ei vs _-- dh : ; 28 ACRES M. Swart ¢ 4 ( NS n weit Five OH ol 4 os y . hiv : pave ud in guod location A GLUE | Daim en AWA T.V. a! Bh dh ih os, CEA UE I don, nd 0 dd od 34697 361 GIBBONS ST OSHAWA TIMES plumbing, available immediately. Apply (tor RA 83145 Call' Mrs. Irons. Wein \ UO per ac an offer, cc eith Peters RA 178 Taunton Road East berger RA 3.7344, R ; 5.8761, or evenings RA 5.4162 \ Aa Xxecutive | oom hrick house with gar (men. Apply 72 Cadillac Avenue South