Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Jan 1961, p. 18

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LL LY a Fy a - _ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Jonwery 4, 1961. 17. . ™ Pal > | lunicipalities Must OSERWE BOWLING ighten Their Belts | __= i a i Aan Lae and Tne Way ng tn Beat the Wah double todey with The Colle guenegnd § Wig By THE CANADIAN PRESS with very definite tax increases dent" the situation wold hm 70 PoE gl Sted a privig Bir fC ug JP Re pd Vinances--or the lack of them a opee prove, however, and sal he 9 me iowrth Place tied with the Jets --~were 8 ceniral topic as many She sa d the Otiaws Transpor- present situation shouldn't S100. Edane Wilson was the only 29 seore,! Bil Welsh, who hes found he Ontario municipal councils held lation Commission is faced with council from planning for the fu howling 20 Ed gh. the, esse With wi help their 1961 inaugural mestings a sieadily mounting buries of ture Fomie (shen tutor were Jokers 3 ng she en do . ne nigh Me Ene entry, taking the 4 . esddgine § opefuls 3 dieiond Kar whied " Tuesday. The consensus was Cosis WHR new . AL $1. Thomas, Wayor Vincent jesters 5. Siowpokes §; Seleiiites 3, game of the mat, » 25, contitees 0 fioyd Sabine paaed We Rison that belttightening 1s m order Mayor Lloyd Jackson warned A Barrie urged that counell un Wes Been | wad the sii ya 1 " tt is he A wad ood Windsor and Oftaws got the bis new Hamilton council the deriake only the most essential Santos -- devers 8, Jokers 5: Hom pr hara pr W Am WHR hat the drugaicts sre on the arch most ominous warming. Mayor city will have Ww posipone many spesding iB 1961 fuk 4. Hae Berne 4, Soiutlies 3; Wend | ner ot the drow fo the AVF Sob Gullogher smiek Patrick Windsor suggested a of Ws capital projects because of Prepurse musthe closed as ob . bowling belt and bos. whe Me E vor Char. hig 2 g " OF LEAGE Hate ier sb municipal sales tax. Mayor Char high interest rates. The cost of 0h os it is apparent the strain EASE r sir race and 1% is now very close lotte Whitton hinted at higher borrowing is high, he sald. be . in . Four of our Bowiers manages Results -- Cote B, Jota 6, Flows ¥, 2" pve way tie between the Yores fi the onthe faxpayer ie even BP topes sod look whe led Siew, wel Chiels 4, HWowks 6, Oliers 3, Eagies % footers taxes and higher bus fares for couse city must compete proeching the breaking pon," come back yioes. down Well 7) , Linas 8 Honk. Ba Ottawa residents with senior levels of government aid 251, Arg Green T48 (275, 105, 19% Final standings Eagles $8, Wawks anh Barnes sky A ood ! i he SE 253, 209), Harsee Werishors 66 (304, o for KA Wien Furniture with | Economy also was in the wind lor the investor's dollar Oni " of Co 2) Am Geman TAB (275, TINS) W, Chiefs Cotte 44, Bets 88, OUTS susie monn core, the Wig fellow in HamiMon St. Tiemas and He was "optimistic and confi- Only a system of pnonty Loe M. Faleons 1, |iows 18 have had © really Wig one. Hook Richards 725 (TH, 13, TH) ing ' { 7 4 Searborouds od CO spending a meek the moods oh" ur' ro sn san, vot sr 3 VT a TT TE 0 ly ht 8 Mayor Patrick did not aclually i fl ; Sis im the triples, please Kawier 367 (201), B. Welsh keen competition betwesn (hese long move the adoption of the sales Hott Br aks guarantee against astronomical. sw Triples Norm OReilly ' " WC Adar | chery y ¢ vi am, 9; New ' tax, but suggested in his nang a e tax boosts. The city took in 3, 20, Bi, 260. Rew Copy , AL. 6), 6. Wai Congratulations wre in ovder for ural remarks a two - per - cent 0 residents in 8 Jan. | annexs- Sol horn B13 1901 is Clans Huet ute finally cms tion 0 Dow HARMAN PARK LEAGUE ybinid ood Lidlidh boring » = » levy could raise sbowt $2500 00 T t hi J ' 5 ' Kerr #35 (225, 28), Joe Fiynn 624 (244, hi very hea a year for the ety Tus ees Pp Mayor Barrie predicted, Bow: me, ast Brows 508 (22. 2) Mi nd savies 804 var. on 4 le wry lean ime of i fis aim would be to lower ever, that 1961 will see an in 20 Singles -- Don Botnoeon T09, Wm and refreshments. The Roundabouts uy 5 naweomar ia thé ma property " 5 a res p Nermish I, Fred Gi 225, Lorene taxes while raising WINDSOR cP dames R. crease in welfare ¢ xpenditures Nasish 9 A far Sgn Be Nettie and the. Bupiike an sway on the right carrying # 200 average and this more money for education. 0 Hoffa international president of progress on an official Sevelop- Brown 218, Bark Pies 26, Pr dnsely followed by TE lm i mex shouting for Wis first yoor would be levied against luxury the Teamsters Union, Tuesday or- ment plan and 5 start on the peer bq i. ta ae, Mary | hon and Ravens whe each took three prog ATTEN he ; vite' " m1 4 thin | - " Gord ela the Joe Ka wae 1 items, not food, clothing, medi de ed Windsor Local B80 released city's first housing project for 7g le Wanked this week 88 secon Aoviniin ws Rraiad fhe Je Vic's Bashershop i their vetoes NEW TRANS ORT COMMAND PLANES cal supplies or automobiles He (rom Ws Iyearirusteeship and elgor cline the ather carte split the POMS Fricie tor the your 42 (29%, 258) with 'he Ed Wilson suiry snd this is 'favored such 8 tax rather thap 1s new officers installed. The Reeve Albert ( amphbell warned He ts 3 Go aris 9 Fagan 3, Dude his 296 representing the wight's high te the Kastner we know and move 4 attics 3 apoll tax or municipal income naugiral will take place Jan. 15 the Toro ue suburb of Bearbor he's a pf ry Wintite 1 " Single, Betty Hatechard vived yA BsnBiafigsidiigni GA tar 2 " ' of | oth (el i from 16 and rescue operations; Ameri [18% or 2 ough faccs & difficult year if 1" Musi ve too many goodies, WAidsss night's Vigh Ladies Single and Trigle with # nice triple score aod Treasure Command is in the process of | others [clockwise Ip & am 4 sain . Mayor Whitton, returning to of. An election Jast June was the is to avoid a tax increase. Con U something, but our howling hasw't sss (242) "Duteh" Luglenhurg topped putting these five new types of | left): Canadair CC-106 turbo- canbuilt ( 1308 Hercules trans ib oT first free vot the local ide aa - been wp to avernge. Hope you've feel | rug 608 Triples John Gow 650 Chow's Hestanrant club slong with Hag raft into full-scale opera rop; Caribou, now serving = port fice in the nation's capital after TEE Vole n neal since sideration will have to Be. GIVED ing much better Fans, and mee to 5 24, 211) and Nick Oleswk $47 (225, oid Ball. It must have heen executiy sligtalt inl ith 1 rees in (CP from National Defenae) four years out of politics, sald sstecship was imposed, Presi- to pli phases of municipal spend. Josn back 1h take wp some sack. 295) night as Alex Donsidson sie had Nata ) Others hitting the 200 mark included: 3 company The RCAF"s Air Transport | gine CC-109 Cosmopolitan The | Egypt; Albatross, for search ent $ -€ with United Nations forces in p y tion In centre is the twin-en i i It is going to be a question not dent-elect of the local is Leo La- ing, he said LANDER... SEAR "DIMI" u , : j STARE "© Ben Page 700, Ross Godirey 240, 20, The standing -- Lucky Strike # 4 Gerry Godfrey 238, Thelma Gow 209, 12, Oshaws Aute Tom 11, A Ag Phot of what we would like, por of bombard, a truck driver from Scarborough faces additional neighboring Harrow outlays for some capital pro The Eagles ended the year by hang Donne Blanchard 219, Wi, June Morne Drive in 9, College Hill IGA 9, al we want, but of whal we addi. mE on to capture the second section, 216, Denny Weiss 216, Bob Campbell pilaste 8, £4 Wilson Furniture §, '} * ' ' hi wallet will never go broke. Bach- ©" "" Under trust i ol der siz hid tt » oqaves eve Gn I Had oP afford Uo usteeship all financial jects, higher staff wage ing on, i ee 318, Dany het it: es Comenel Piste 8. £4 Wilson Formoes §: | nd , i ul and business §Wairs are complet. tional firemen because of reduc: points, as Jim Thomson come through 206, Mary Carey 216, Boh Lewis 24, Crow's Restaurant 7, Vic's Barbershop spouses. Married women will be CITY EXPENSES MOUNT ely in the hands of the interna tion in the work week and a new »n v oy with Pn ine od Claire McFall 203 and Marion Tyrrell 5 Dunn's Clothes 5, Crowiord Ineus triple. They now join the Hawks; who 293 b & ane » blessed with children The growth rate har slackened tions) fire hall were first section winners, leaving twe There are six members ia the the bread in their purse ¢ blessing ceremony held off recently and commercial as. Trusteeship was imposed in play-off positions to be won in the new Lemon League this week High individual scores = --~Bob posed y logher #57, Hank Sarnoveky 769, The blessing s e on in the chapel dedicated in Sle. sessments have been almost 1954 when the local was losing FOREIGN VISH Ge Sanding in the new section: Round 7 oe I m IGN VISIT George Warding, of the Chists, was |ahouts 4,.Beatolks 4, Seven Dwaris 8, Morvhy 753, Jack Kren 749, Joe Ki : ner 749, Clarke Hubbell 730, Harold Genevieve, one of two in thetic, she said, But eivie expenses membership and suffering many, BONN Germany (AP For. high man again this week rolling a Ravens 3, Happy Gang |, Ssppy Seven church The other is dedicated have continued to grow and ssl- finsncial ills, The group today! eig inister Heinrich Yon Bren solid 608 score but his team-mates |, Mibis © and Herring Chokers 0 Ball 729, John WHrico 788, to the Virgm Mary in whose increases are swtomatic for has 5,000 b C ign mister Hl nD fy "ora Cot" and thus latled 10 take a0 el Tr Ere Satine 01, Fred Herd d gn Ma nw . i J members in 16 Cana-\tano will leave Bonn Jan. 22 for iivantsse of the Eagles, whe were MOTOR CITY MEN'S MAsox Heli 711, Loyd Sabine 797, ¥ ng Wi, Ron Jay 1 QUEBEC (CP 5 J » nadian provinces requested a terfropi churehn, bul ur 4 pain" from the church o the church is named, eivie employees dian communities and isiofficial visits to Burma, the also below pay Lucky Birike Grill took over first French - English colonial b . y : v last yea Notre Dame des Victoiries means. "Consequently, it appears In- regarded as one of th ti Ma a " The seventh place Falcons supplied place by defeating Oshaws Auto Trim, High single games Bob Mu ties and restored after hea ¥ gl y as one of e strongest Malay States, Indonesia and Cey- ." or bg J ' 5 4 2 PY g . g gi urprise of he night by picking College Hill IGA walloped the A 329, Bob Gallaghe damage from General Wolle's Legend hai it that those carry- Our Lady of Victories in English, evitable that this city Is faced Teamster locals lon, the foreign office reports. lup 9 points se Gord MeCormick (568) W, Drivedn chub and moved mio flor 318 id Kastner on, ies Do i eannon, Tuesday night was the io - - > RE 0 pd -- Mh thelr rivals and Photo 353, Bill Bradbury 391. scene of a tradition imported by! » the French seitler and dating SAAR RRR RR RR RRR RRR RRR RRRAAY 1 back more than 1.500 years The blessings of the little loaves I \ m Notre Dame. des Vicioires | \ SURPRISE CASTI SURPRISE STORY! Church commemorates the deed) a PRIZE-PACKAGE COMEDY! of Bite. Genevieve who whisked LD, out, of Paris besieged by the ' COLUMBIA PICTURES sesstss 4 STANLEY DONEN suspen Franks in 451 AD and came ; back with five boat loads of wheat from which bread was 1 made permitting the eity lo sur » vive. The maiden Genevieve be-| : came patron saint of Paris be-| ho, eause of the deed j Some 500,000 little loaves, the : size of a little finger nail were} blessed Tuesday night by Curate] Btanislas Paradis. The loaves! "petits pains are made of un leavened flour, water and salt They are made by the people of| 22° ong Notre-Dame des Vicloires parish and others in the city LADY MADE 50,000 ? ] One lady, who. refused to be § named, made 80,000 this year In| # 7 thanksgiving for a favor received i 3 E after prayer i ni L tp A Nw More than 5,000 persons from the United States and outside Ca- SIX PHEASANTS anon | EEE with lasting value in every feature BIRR, Republic of Ireland (AP) Princess Margaret's party went shooting here Tues. day and bagged six pheasants and a policeman | The marksman was the prin. cess' onetime escort Billy Wal lace. He downed two birds, but z 3 ; with his second successful shot ; a 3 Thor CANA Bit he sprayed pellets into the i clothing of a detective who was " "SILLY SCIENCE" helping to form a security ring vik ji $ : "New Color Cartoon around the royal party "THE BIG A" I'he detective jumped in ; (FEATURE SHOWN DAILY alarm, So did everyone else i #4 A [| 1530 « 3:30 - 5:38 - 7:40 - 9:48 including Margaret's husband Antony Armstrong-Jones The princess herself saw the near tragedy from a window of Wingfield House, the shoot ing lodge of Birr Castle where she is staying She leaped out of her chal and got ready to run out to the rescue But her sisterdn-law, Coun tess Susan de Vescl, rushed in to tell her the policeman was all right. Only his clothes were hit The princess was expecied to take part In the shoot, but stayed indoors because It was | 0 , " eold Ce ------ ; i : JAILBREAKERS starrin As for Armstrong-Jones, he or . _ § ROBERT HUTTON ¢ MARY § TL a v didn't score a hit | § 4 gx we Pd : ih , 4 4 * ? V SMOKING SMOKIN Se at LOGES LOGE s . | Mayor Whitton | : | Truck owners, truck operators--increased efficiency and downright dependability are Last Day 'THE BELLBOY' & 'TARZAN THE MAGNIFICENT' : A PARAMOUNT RELL Challenges : Control Board engineering and design play such an important part in GMC"s new 1961 Trucks. In é OTTAWA (CP)--Mayor Char. : these superb trucks you'll find many hard-working features that add miles of con. THE PRISON-CAMP HELL lotte Whitton challenged almost Seary Som on Ihe agenda, of bes W.. tinuous maintenance-free service--features that make GMC's the stand-out leaders OF WORLD WAR 2! ing Tuesday and said a new pol-| espn : a i THE RAW COURAGE OF GIRL. ley on tenders wil have to be LF TT Each hen Hope in value and profit-making efficiency for years to come. See your GMC dealer today! HUNGRY MEN WHO TRIGGERED She objected particularly to = rately, GMC's re- THE MOS NA ay TaN : lack of details in the purchasing silient torsion bar branch recommendation for front springs soak A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE, materials I up jolts to smooth MARLAG '0' In one case Miss Whitton re the roughest road ferred the price of sulphate of alumina to the justice depart RISON - CAMP ment's combines branch because > With ANTHONY STEEL « JACK WARNER the only two bids were identical Allied Chemicals of Canada, road-proven power. ROBERT BEATTY ! | | Montreal, and the Nunn) This rugged 6- AA y C any f Canad Ottawa, n ' dry Te awe avlindar obimasler & : True! Thrilling! Terrific! She was also suspicious of re-| shging typifies th : 3 ¥.. duests for compassionate leave] Mazin nee d : THE from city hall employees and] bhi TLR i JN c L TL sald it was strange so many peo t ple died during the festivey sea with SYStY aN | angine for "61. lh aver development Ms From ¥2 ion to 60 ton...GMC leads the way STORY Whitton said she will ask city il ly for pm be council to apply for a member Glial With IAN CARMICHAEL ship for the mayor of Ottawa on the National Capital Commission JOHN MILLS Miss Whitton also announced ERIC POPTMAN portfolios for the new board of control. Controller Paul Tardif, CLIFF MILLS MOTORS 4 " Liberal MP for Russell riding LIM D 74 who had demanded the water. works portfolio or nothing, 'got d 3 | DN piling 8th Tevet," 266 KING ST. W,, OSHAWA WHITBY, ONT. the backbone of your success in the competitive trucking field. That's why advanced TTY o «@

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