Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Jan 1961, p. 9

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FIRST TEDDY B_THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnasdey, Sensory 4, 1981 (CHILD GUIDANCE - 'Some Tips On Buying Per TT] | he fn tay bear was made in 1902 by Maurice Michion, # How Can Grandparents High-Quality Bedding ] i V } | § i Sates, immigrant in ue aid 'Win Love And Respect? CH pty on Jovy itaee the 0,0. 0m 0 wel Do lEE time for many homemakers to : ' fi: replace worn bedding INSPECT NAP . - Now Many Weer By G, CLEVELAND MYERS strive toward higher levels of en f ' The blanket nap should be dee ' You parents whe read this eol. | deavor Hany household article re and close snd ap Ds fa gosh FALE 215 LP FALSE TEETH Ee aoacerod about Your : quires the utmost esution, both lose, and hel goes for umn . gre con y DON'T MANAGE THEM n selection and care, it is sleep the lightweight summer blanket, " With More Comfort BRING parents Unless you are ssked by the equipment, from blanket to mat Sheet-buying has been simpli- WIFE PRESERVERS You want Lo prove to them your parents, or forced by the 108s of tress pad fied now that so many manufac PASTERTH, 8 peasant Sikaling love and gratilude. You wentione or both of them to be re-| When you've hit upon #8 mat- 'Urers pre-package their product! Save time by preparing gravy Lol ini Be ent and Sal 48 moe these grandparents to be reson-| sponsible for the behavior of these tress that is just right ss to With the "count" listed ov the nour in advance, § eomiort, Just spike & iitle FAB ably comfortable, physically 8nd| grandchildren, try fo menage! firmness, then ehec y Wlity Plastic cover our in advance, Btir (Wo CUPS RETR on oviv plates Wo glmms | emotionally, You slso want your| fi had 4 on if irmness, then check for quality Foo : i ke _, Sifted flour in dry iron skillet over grey, pasty taste or Teng Checks {them no more, as & rule, then if Jepails Time was when a bomemsker y.odivwm flame until flour turse wan dentine Dresth) ist children to love and respect them. | you were a stranger, In this wey, A good masitress has the tieking| hed 10 check for the proper Bum- |g rich beige, Blore flour in Jar in Het any drug COURIER Now and then you reglize thet|you might hope to win the al" 4oing reinforced at the borders, ber of threads for muslin and for o dry place until needed, |you sre setting patterns for your| fection and esteem of your ell yauy good matiresses are even Percale, Bul, while percale is . é children in relation to yourself dren and grandchildren bordered with 8 steep spring #mooth and silky in texture, we'd jhe You wilt wave grown as oid) Otis wise patents, beginning' ive to give the edges the ut- rather have the highest quality ; 188 arents Are now, tw 4 grandchildren gre very . einf one muslin than percale of poor qual As & rule, it's better all around) YOURE, a win the grandparents most Seto so long ss ity, Just se. the fines quality You Save Cavh, Not Messy Samp' With Thess |§¢ grandparents with ressonable|!o the foregoing, In. some In-| WE "08 Brin Bg on Muskrat is preferable fo poor A ey : ve. We have the habit of sitting on ity mi a A hemselyes SUES y €an make 4 4 re the edge of the bed instead of quality mink, E v E R yy DAY 4 Ong as they GA . making use of the bedroom chair! This favors their Independence! Then there are some things you LEFT BEHIND end the independence of their ehil-| parents should try to do PILLOW FILLINGS | HAWERA New Zealand (CP dren Cultivate considerate and As to pillows there's » wide Marie inguin miles prot ) i HUMAN FRAILTIES kindly relations with your parents range of filling, the all-down ' d treat them as precious per- variety fetching t vice, But from home on her way to be ' Members and friends ; ; Whether grandparents 11v el?" Hv x vanety ing top pri ant | greeted by the Noble Grand, Suet ni x. y= paton | a Da Times Photo | 8lone oF with the families of heir sons; hoping your children might many of us re happy with foam bridesmaid at her aunt's wed- i . va Ti d ville rd, M, Taylor and Mrs, te Grand (extreme right) an shawa Tim © | children, they incline to Dave( "PI Ne NOU. to be Kind tp Fuher pillows #3pecialiy the ding when she discovered she | some human frailties which can| "0 renic ac'if they were pet |army of a wn had left her frock at home. A | hinder their winning aby . Those wh | hind ir winning abundant de Those who telephone eall brought a local an Cou les Herald New Year SERGEANTS CELEBRATE | votion and personal esteem from| They need to feel they Are oh feather-stuffed pillow find that ] The New Year was heralded | their children and grandchildren, | 5718848 iredted vith Bracious-| "ring of chicken and turkey 8mbilence plane into action. It al the Armories on Baturday| Among these frailties is the in- ness, Yarmiy an honor feathers 1s less expensive than landed on an improvised sirstrip SUP RK » . " BiCorinthian Lodge Dance [Fitness suit tems tu, hm PARAS GUESONS fs sof rachel ae he modding sss wi ' n J 8 1h 0. je to Shap ] . ur AUENLET, WhO can BA) wrean y ; 4 y > sored by the Sergeants'. mess of of life of their children about as) the Seven Tine table as 8 whole giving long service frock and 12 - year « old Marie 174 RITSON RD. S. - OSHAWA Corinthian Ledge, 100F, held Mr. and Mrs, Carl Burns, Mr, (the Ontarlo Regiment. Approxi-ithey did when these children cannot say quickly how many, When purchasing a pillow, hold changed in a car, making the its annual New Year's Eve danceland Mrs, BR, D, Peel, Mr, gnd mately 400 members and friends were growing up, even in thei are 7 times B, for example t in the palm of your hand, Jf if wedding tn the nick of time at the OCVIL, (Mrs, F. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs, of the mess danced and sang 10 bringing up of the grandchildren.| A ype or write neatly for her droops, then it is not properly Open Daily fo 10 p.m. The guests were received by| George Ulrich, Mr, E, W. Wilson, the music of Ritold Godfrey 80d| A few suggestions to grand-|each unit of this table on & card filled Mr, J, M, Taylor, Noble Grand, Miss Jill Marks iis orchestra. Mess members in|, pene ~Iike 7x6 are 42, and shuffle the] Examine the ticking cover to FOR BEAUTIFUL and Mrs, Taylor, and Mr, W. G.| Mr, P, R, Miller, Mrs. Gall formal service dress threw them-| = oo. oie 1, your chil-|cards so they are not in order see that if is woven so tightly PORTRAITS Specials for Thurs., Fri., Sat, Barton, Vice Grand, and Mrs Marshal, Mr, R, Davies, Mr, selves whole - h riedly into the ; Then practice on these facts, us- Pd 4 . ' } y bu 5 aking py it aske em, L thet feathers t see ro Barton, {Paul Burnett, Mr. Douglas Col. business of making the evening fren not asked for by them, Let ing only a few at a sitting at (feathers can't seep through { WU 2 . | bourne, Mr, and Mrs, D, Taylor, 8 memorable one, Later in the them see tnat you are not trying Blanket-buying should be econ- 7, . i id or fhe dansing Was Mr and Mrs, G. McHugh Mr 'wee small hours" of New Year's to shape their ways of life or of fined to recognized brand names Ip ~7 1 GRADE Supplies (Ft a ar pin and Mrs, J, Simpson 4 Day refreshments were served bringing up their children, Prove STUFFING AND NO NONSENSE if possible, Then you're sure of £ J} A doz Cc d . orchestra with B yourself a lovely non-interfering| Treat your holiday bird -- be it the promised performance 1 nd MED. A heavy blanket isn't neces ~ 1th the vocalist, Mr, and Mrs, W. J, Oliver, Mr {person Spot dances were won by Miss and Mrs, R, J, Winter, Miss Carol THE STARS SAY As tor the % turkey, goose or chicken to al 4 f 4 oC? . of] s fo 1e grascchildren, con : sarily warmer than a light one P. Ryan, Mr, T. Rombough, Anne McCourt, Mr, Hugh Neill, egy tuni succulent new dressing by add-| { rice | Mr, and Mrs, J. Belle, Mr, and sider your great opportunity to : Two lightweight blankets are bet- 40 King ERA 5.015) HRISTIE BRO K IDE SLICED Miss D, Cornish, Mr, William n ! pie, Dir. ane By ESTRELLITA play up the best in them and to|ing 2 tablespoons of Canadian (er, and certainly more comfort: hd 501% . $ OKS ' 4 Mrs, J. Ulrich, Mr, and Mrs, A 1 | Nell ME. and irs, James Bed Lymburner, Mr 2d Mrs L.A inspire them with ambition to Sherry per 5 cups of stuffing able, than one heavy blanket, | ' \ tro Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert FOR TOMORROW -- - - n---- or c g | Cameron Neil Sandy, Miss A Armstrong, - and Mrs. Gordon| Initiative and enterprise will Mr. E, Bradley reeman, Mr \mor (Wight, Mr, and Mrs, James/pay off now, but don't try to GLECOFF RAND om pri Among those seen dancing WETE poll, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Miller,|force your opinions on others, Any Mr. and Mrs, J, M, Taylor, Mr, | 4 My 5 4 f d , Mr. and Mrs, Fred Newman, Mr, display of over - aggressiveness | Ww ig W. Sim, Mr. ad Mrs and Mrs. R., Weatherbee, Mr. will work to your detriment, Use ® t ] BU ER Ib 66¢ 7 TT » Barton sparion, Miss Mariche and Mrs. B, Snowden, Mr. and tact and diplomacy in putting and Mrs, W, H, J, Harmer, Mr, | M58: J. Dwyer over [deat W. Holloway, Mr. and Mrs, M Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark FOR THE BIRTHDAY Morrison, Miss Evelyn Green Mr, and Mrs, L, Brown, Mr, and If tomorrow is your birthday ough, Mr. Howard Hurst, Mr, Mre, R, Buzzell, Mr, and Mrs... 00c00pe indicates a satis and Mrs, Lynn Pearce, Mr, and|D. Cosburn, Mr. and Mrs. H. |p. 00 0" but not a spectacular Mrs, Maxie Yourth, Mr, and Mrs Allen, Mr, and Mrs, A, Thomas yoRr. Job affairs will be under James Bedford, Mr, and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Harmer, 0 od Joneots "hut you will have James Cox, Mr, and Mrs, Don. Mr. and Mrs, B, Chambers, Mr. [27000 bom' vour full attention ald Myles, Mr. and Mrs, Harry @nd Mrs. Ted Johns, Mr, and De "He voard" 1 vial 4 Mrs, John Heath, Mr, and Mrs, |D0nt "Bo OVErhoarc. In BOA Hutton ' activities or let feelings of rest ok Zowoh " | 8am Jackson, Mr. and Mrs, Wil Midis 4 Mr, Jack Graham, Miss Fall| yoo werocki' Miss Linda Fursey, | /essness throw you off your FROZEN BIRD'S EYE Mine Shiriey Fielding, Mr." and Mr, Wayne Patterson otras Suing. the ues) Woe REG. 2 for 39% . Mrs, Alan Devine, Mr. and Mrs,| Miss Jeanne Kellar, Mr, Mich "yeou ng June will be fine for PKG. Mr. and Mrs, B,|ael Fair, Mr, and Mrs Lawrence! ; Shand ) pt BO Mo ol (Homer, Mr. and Mrs, W, ( |romance and next September will 3 ! ' bring promise of gratifying re FROZEN TURKEY, CHICKEN & BEEF : Mrs. W. Rusnell, Mr, | Hutcheson, Mr. and Mrs, William | C a. . Ma K. Graham, Miss Joy Pascoe, Mr, and Mrs, Stanley wares Jor past Sarees oforts Ais TV DINNERS . yr a drat os | BVO ixiety > > Wicks, Mr, and Mrs. J, Freeman, | Hoskin, Mr, Daniel Pratt Miss | 2 on in November, however | Mr. and Mrs, 1, Perrin, Mr. and| Maren Stewart, Mr, and Mrs, H 4 Mrs a" J. Mason, Mr, and Mrs Schmid, Mr, and Mrs, William| Early in February you may be D. C. Collins, Miss A, Robb, Mr Weroski, Miss Grace Stanley, pleasantly surprised at an unus Peter Laing, Miss Catherine/ Mr. Norman Weales, Miss Lori(ual opportunity for furthering Mason, Mr, George Lawrence, |dgecombe, Mr. Jim Botsford, job and monetary interests, and Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Mason, Jr {Miss Diane Wilson, Mr, R, Me.|your chart also presages travel A hid ed Mo Kinzey, Miss Beity Arnold, Mr, [either next July or August |K Mas Carolyn Harding, Mies Bar| Noel Henning, A child born on this day will Mary Lazan, Mr Mr, and Mrs, Gerry Weir, be sensitive, Intuitive and en a ! and Mrs, Brian P. Logeman, Mr,| Miss Donna Elliott, Mr, Lau. dowed with a great sense of jus W. H, Mason, Mr, and Mrs, T, rence Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Jack|tice, SWEET, PICKLED, BONELESS Gordon, Mr, Robert Jones, Miss| fob, Mr, and Mrs. George I -------- ™ Leona Thompson, Mr, and Mrs, | Cunningham, Miss Mary Ellen) BEST PRESEN | | 2 Herbert Knap, Mr. and Mrs, R,| Armstrong, Mr, Jim McCam:| yanmon hi i ? M J " » " 0 Ss Cc Bryant, Miss Ruth Romanick, mond, ho and Mrs, 8 Furey, , © "0 oo " , di a : . Mr Steve Yeo, Miss Wendy Mr. Neil Flett, Miss Joan Mather, | John Kujawa has received what Parks Mr. Robert Olliffe, My | Miss Jeanette Zambonelli, Mr. she calls 'the best Christmas] I SCHNEIDER'S, READY-TO-SERVE and Mrs, J. Allin, Miss Judy|Danlel Riordan, Miss Barbara present." Her 22-year-old son, | REG, 98¢ LB, SPECIAL Turpin, | Cochrane, Mr, Bob MacDonald,| . he had in 18 * |Miss Elinor Richards, Mr, Nor. Whom she hac not seen 'n : SI d ao STB: Yt Mota Fone, Mt Se ron ar, AN vices 'yashed on moked Hams c YM Wig Mr. R. Brown, Mr, and Mrs {mas bring ng with Aim his w | . path, Mr, and Mrs, John Cum.| and daughter, | Clarence Udell, mins, Mr, and Mrs, Walter| rem -------- Logue, Mr, and Mrs, 0. Conlin | Miss Sherry Wise, Mr, Bill | é $ : FRESH, MINCED Miss Judy Walters, Mr, Jim| Swan, Miss Judy White, Mr | HA BURG 3 Ib s1 | M Ss. Hooey, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Burns, | Larry Higgins, Miss Gail Wil Mr, and Mrs, L, Pederson, Migs | lams, Mr, John Van Dyk, Miss, Ellen Densmore, Mr, William Jdoyce Milne, Mr, W, A. Sabo, 2 Britton, Mr, Mrs. R. Flutte | Miss Dianne Cornish, Mr, Bill | on, Mr. end Mrs, R. Flu | Neal, Miss Donna Topping, Mr ® » 1 FRESH, SLICED ; | Beef Bologna 3 lbs. $1 | Amphiem Snider, Mr, and Mrs.| 4623 Marvin Colvin, Miss Joan Wil| | Hams, Mr, and Mrs, James | fm ONE SIZE | Rombough, Trenton, Mr. Terry i 2 | (Ov, MEDIUM | Rombough [ ESSORIES I . Miss P. A FRESH AND CLEAN Ryan, Toronto, Miss | Carol Edwards, Mr, Jolin Keys, | | I Jr,, Miss Grace Toaze, Mr, Don.| ald Thompson, Mr, Bob Bolssoin, Miss Vivian Clark, Miss Isabel Thexton, Mr, Martin Hanley, | | Miss Catherine Gibbens, Mr, Don-| |ald Petre, Miss June Hall Mr.| Creml, HAIR TINT {John Thompson, Miss Sylvia Strynatka, Mr, Keith Kaine, Mr.| golors and conditions in one | ONTARIO \ | Jouglas AlN 0 a ahd Mrs Fong, application, Matches natural . POTATOES 50.18 1 39 Oshawa, and others | haircolor or gives desired color Hl . -- -- | change, Completely covers visi HURRIED HOME | ble gray. 24 colors 1.00 | HARD ¢ ST, CATHARINES, Ont: (CP)--| 3 ; CABBAGE 3 HEADS 29 | A man who drove through a red light has been fled $11.50 in| | CHOICE WAXED magistrate's court. Edward Choe. | R! , I aloski said he didn't wait for the " | TURNIPS 4+ light to change because he wanted Nucor 37. N | " to get some ice cream home to his | "a g 5 I RIPE children before it melted CELLO | TOMATOES he 23 THE ONIONS COOKING 3.8. CELLO 1 5¢ ® | BAG HOME DAIRY REG, 2c PKG, SPECIAL OSHAWA AND Adax SHREDDED WHEAT... 16* THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY It's January and time to save, save, save , . . on Winter fashions, while mest POPULAR BRANDS PENNY-SAVERS | SPECIALS SUNS SON 1 Nuts Gora. Huy in, he wr Si Mieeron ot 31S). SAYINGS CIGARETTES .... 3:09 By ANNE ADAMS FRESH TONI HOME PERMANENTS REG. 2,00 1 69 YOUR CHOICE . anh ot poms eves | CHERRY PIE 49+ ALL SALES FINAL -- ALTERATIONS EXTRA SILEIVE. REG. Boe PRE: take little fabric, stitch up in a jiffy, Use remnants and trim with! scraps of bias binding or ruffling BL B DES 5 4 00 for gay accent BAN AN A ¢ a . Printed Pattern 4633: Misses' UE 1 A MONARCH 7-18. Medium size only, See pattern) ; : um, ; MADE WITH FRESH BANANA | \g aa FORTY CENTS (40 ¢) fn . * FLOU ASare 148 57 i i t be te soins (stamps CABO ase ori | FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR DRY YEAST 4 19+ PKGS. lainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, W ' diy TYLE NUMBER, + Shop at the bakery with the_ large variety, "For Discriminating W " Send order to ANNE ADAMS, 9 omen care ot The Oshawa" Times, Pat. Specials are Also Available At 26 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5.2722 Shop & Save al GLECOFF'S ND NOW! Big, beautiful, . CORRINC Fall Fand Winter BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and Pattern Catalog has over 100 THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe Street North OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 o'CLOCK Open Daily to 10 Pp m styles to sew -- school, career, balf-sizes. Only 35 cents |

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