{ Wash snd fry the children's Christmas stockings, the fires skirt, the special wall hangings, and fold them away f(resh #nd clean DON'T IGNORE STAINS tossed 1 you allow dirt and stains (o and remain for a year, you'll have slim chance of removing | Useful Hints In Cleaning Storing Holiday Decorations i By ELEANOR ROSS decorations have been By now, usually, the tinsel is helter-skelter into boxes | |dragging, most of the needles shoved into a basement or attic but {have fallen off the tree snd the corer, it will mean twice as them, ' ] {mistletoe doesn't have 8 berry to much work next Christmas Doubtless your red and green Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 oh "men comes the time to {ake FIRST STEP le To - -- je Re. down the holiday decorations and. Fipst of all, dispose of the the washing machine any num- {pack them away until next year. things thal aren't going lo be ber of times during the holiday |" By the beginning of the New:saved, This will give you bresth- season, but if any stains linger, \Year, it's difficult to imagine Wg - and - working room, anditackie them now | |that there'll ever be another there'll be less risk of breaking wruit stains (oh, that pesky holiday season for a long, long|your favorite items, cherished cranberry sauce!) disappesr (while! But don't pack awsy your things that you love for sentl- when you pour boiling water {pretty things as if they weren't mental reasons, {through the stained portion of the | going to he opened for 8 genera: Have a pail of soap or deter- cloth, then launder as usual, {tion at least, gent suds ready, also a soft, Coffee and tea stains respond (0 Surfeited though you may be Clean towel, Sponge off eachithe same (reatment, {with all the holiday goings-on, bauble, dry it, wrap it in tissue| When your holiday accessories "remember that when December, OF newspaper or (ransparentiand {rappings come out of their {1061, rolls around, you'll again be Wrap an pack it gently away. wrappings in perfect shape next {eager to get out all the holiday. We save egg boxes for packing pre-Christmas season, you'll be glitter and beloved decorations small tree ornaments and have so very glad that you were fore- and ornaments, And if those found # a good Idea, sighted now! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Jonuery 3, 1961 PERSONALS Miss Lillian Mae Marsh Finn and Mr, returned on Saturday from a Bearborough Yuletide holiday spent in Buffalo New York, - Finn and Laurie of| | The Reverend 1. P, Martin of the Bociety of the Sacred Mis. Mr. and Mrs, James Mitchin- sion, Kelham, Nottingham, Eng son and daughters, Laurcen and land, and his mother, Mrs, John , (Gayle, of Montreal, have return Martin of Toronto, have been)? led home after spending the holi- the guests of his uncle and aun', |day season with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Parsons. {Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Mitchin- Nassau street, and other rela | Mr, and Mrs, Clyde Hein and | som, Kulalie avenue, and Mr. (ives, snd Mrs, Fred Sprager, Warren avenue, k J # : i | Mr. and Mrs, William Cral sons, Slephen anf Don, o Haat a hh "0, x Mr. o Mrs, alg ville, Maryland, are guests at the] ' land family of Maple Island, On- home pr id Hein's mother, | THIS IS BROTHER S BIRTHDAY tario, were Christmas guests al Mrs, A, J, Poerson, Saguenay : Celebrating his first birth. the home of their parents, Mr. street, and Mrs, James Craig, Russel day today is Alvin Reid War- ren who is seen surrounded avenue, | | by his proud sisters, Karen Heather, Constance Muriel and Wendy Lyn, They are the children of Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Warren, Scott road, grand: children of Mr; and Mrs, Clif ford Lane, Port Hope, and great.» grandchildren of Mrs Hannah Deavit, Toronto --Photo by Hornshy The Daughters of England Empress of India No, 26 held a Mrs, Fred J, Perry, McGregor Christmas party recently, Wor street, was a recent visitor at the thy president, Sister Mary Hurs! |home of their cousins, Mr, and welcomed the members and {Mrs, Hartley Long, Toronto, their guests. The Challenger Group of Albert Street United ojos jn Oshawa, The president, "DILLY" TURKEY SALAD Mr, and Mrs. James Craig, Church were very chic in theiriaeg [Lawrence Barteaux, wel: Left-over turkey is no prob ,Russett avenue, and Mrs, Albert showing of new spring hats, | omoed the guests and conducted lem with a few ideas on file for Bramley attended the funeral of Mrs, Clayton Lee's Sunday, "y,rship service, making quick main courses, An \their uncle, Mr, George Wager, | School Class presented a skit en- The guest speaker was Mrs. J example of a "quickie" is "Dilly" at Maple Island, on December titled "Sammy, the Snowman' k : : "Turkey Salad, Combine cubed 20 FRIEND OF CANADIAN TOURISTS 'Miss Mac' Of Canada House Retiring After 43 Years' Service By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP)--After 43 years, "Miss Mac of Canada House" has retired, Many Canadians will miss her Miss Mae real name (Ellie) MeLoughlin---has Canada in London continuously since 1917, a record nobody still at Canada House can match When Christmas came, (this capable, straighdorward woman signed her last letter as social secretary and went looking for a quiet retreat on the Sussex coast, "somewhere 1 can really relax." Born a "farmer's daughter" in Ireland's County Sligo around the beginning of the century, she arrived in London one Sunday afternoon in 1917, heard there was a job going with the Cana. dian government and started work en Tuesday. ¥rom that beginning as a shy girl of 17, she watched Canada's growth from government offices FOR TOMORROW first in Victoria and then in the| A fine aspect governs all SPORTSWEAR Lid. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE BE HERE EARLY-FOR OUR GREAT The Tune-buster Kitchen Band Hanford, who has hoen a mis. . nar o : from Brooklin played old time sionary in China and Hong Kong eovked lurker, diced eslety, shop tunes and Christmas carols, Sev. for the past 23 years, She gave a ped dill pic rs, Sredae fice Mrs, Fred J, Perry, McGregor eral games were played, There very interesting address and and salad dressing or mason street, had as New Year's eve was an exchange of gifts and re- showed slides of the work in nase. This salad may 3 Pou d guests, her niece, Mrs. Roy'freshments which she had been engaged in a ed in an oiled ring mo! or in OTS CLES, ATHILIARIES ur Ear and served unmoulded on crisp After the meeting everyone jettyee or just pile lightly in lel assembled in the Sunday School (ee Jined salad howl or on salad room where refreshments were plates and garnish with slices of served, dill plekle and a sprinkling of ARVILLA McGREGOR AUX, [were returned by acclamation paprika The Arvilla McGregor Mis- Past president, Miss Grace Ken sionary Auxiliary of Knox Pres. nedy; presidents, Miss Madeline) : byterian Church held its regular Sinclair; first vice president, Guild held their December meel-| oo pry peigh is ideal for meeting in the primary room, Mrs. A, J. McDonald; second ing recently with the Reverend cleaning food from the sharp phd A pot luck supper with the newly vice-president, Mrs, George! Mrs, R.A, Sharp as Guests. | ong "of a grater, There were only two times Inj ponre "ve vie Cormack group/Hamilton; secretary, Mrs, The customary «Christmas pol your life the warning and the , guests was enjoyed followed James W, Heath; treasurer, Ck supper was enjoyed all-clear ' by the singing of carols Mrs. Bert Montgomery; supply! Mrs, G, A. Turion, president Miss Mac is handing over to, miss Madeline Sinclair presid- secretary, Mrs, Arthur Camp thanked the executive and mem Mrs, Jean Halton, widow of Matt oq and opened with a poem en- bell; Welcome, welfare and bers for their support in the past| Halon, Canadian newspaper man titled "Humility, Love and home helpers, Mrs, Bruce Mc.|year and the 1961 executive was and tadia, commentator who died Hope", Giregor, Miss Grace Kennedy and installed by Mr Sharp, The offis| Sik After the reading of the scrip. MTs W, J. MacDonald; Glad cers of the Guild for 1961 will be res Mrs, William Callison led Tidings secretary, Mrs, Wil- Mrs, G, A, Turton, president; THE STARS SAY prayer, Mrs, A. J, McDonald liam Callison, "Mrs, Harold McCabe, vice-presl- By ESTRELLITA 6,000 people passed through the office "I'l miss the job and the peo- ple, of course, After 43 years, that's only natural, But it will be nice to have a private life of Ellen one's own for a change. I'll have served @ lot more leisure, and I'll be able to do some gardening." That will be a change from the wartime days when all you heard was "bang-bang-bang," snatched a couple of hours sleep and then hurried back to work ST. MATTHEW'S GUILD $1, Matthew's Anglican Church HOUSHOLD HINT erend and Mrs, Sharp with a Christmas gift from the Guild, FOR BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS STARTING TOMORROW 9:30 AM. $50,000 Stock of in ul US ar), Nirith RA 5.0151 ve a "Message of Hope" me- "dent; Mrs. W. A. Dowson, secre-| itation, Miss Grace Kennedy SOUTHMINSTER WF tary and Mrs, Robert Mothersill, {sh d slides on Formosa, Mrs., The Woman's Federation of lreasurer, | William McRoberts of Toronto, Southminsier United Church re-| The group sang Christmas cre.'® guest and former minister's cently held a special Thank. hymns accompanied by Mrs, | closed 40 King E. ative, scientific hig building on Trafalgar Square, and inventive Wile Present site of Canada House She served as secretary to such eminent Canadians as Sir George Perley, Peter Larkin, Howard Ferguson, Vincent Massey, Nor man Robertson, Dana Wilgress and the present high commis. wloner, George Drew, FITTED NEW POST matters. Influences in the PM suggest that you do nothing to impair popularity or prestige, the meeting with|offering meeting in the church.|W, A, Dawson at the piano, After| prayer, Guests were women from vari-|gifts were exchanged Mrs, W.8, | The officers for the auxiliary ous Women's Missionary Soci McCullough presented the Rev: FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow Is your birthday, your horoscope Indicates that job matters should show an uptrend now, and that the successful ac- complishment many 'gonls UNTIL 14th JANUARY, 1961 IE UNTIL 14th JANU ARY, 1961 When the post of social secre. could be reached by early spring tary was created after the Sec. if you put forth your best efforts ond World War to cope with the and show a willingness to handle u With the otra eth increasing of C resp ties ~-- even If visitors, Miss Mac fitted natur.|they should happen to involve a ally into the new groove, hands of environment, January x and February will not be too sue- fa She yom, banding Soust. cessful where job and financial more Canadian friends than most| Matters are concerned. Avoid extravagance and post. Canadians have, Sh celves | hundreds oF iat ar ver pone new ventures until mid-1061, Chany oar and mary people heh you wil ener 8 more pre write p y | y THe Lo her persong'y Trfvel opportunities are indicated What is her toughest assign. dyfring the present month, also oe ais any Trooping ndxt July and August, and social blag Bb io . are av '|aftivities and romance should ahle, atter how much drafiprove highly stimulating during vou have, and Canada House May and June, Generally speak- usually has to resort to a hallot| ing July, October and September SY im to decide who will be wii] he your best months in 1961 privileged to attend the annual % " + A child born on this day will the Ho . ee oie Guards PA" he determined and consclentlous, "Thi h } and could succeed as an interior ngs have changed a lot|gecorator or musician, since my young days," she re. - called, "Visitors used to stay put and you knew where to get in touch with them. Now they hop around so much." (CP)--The city's separate school CORONATION BUSY board announced it will extend its Sometimes she got letters from| French classes to Include public] people saying they were going 10 ychool students. The classes are| be in London for 'so many hours" and what could Miss Mac|®Xtremely popular in the separate schools with more than 500 stu. do for them? Probably her busiest time was dents taking part in the Saturday before the 1953 Coronation when morning classes, YOU HAVE... until the 14th OF JAN. 1961 Home Appliances (Oshawa) Ltd. is very pleased to announce the continuation of the Pre- Christmas "Special Prices" until the 14th January, 1961, on the "ALL-NEW"" 1961 FRIGIDAIRE WASHERS & DRYERS So if you are in the Market for a Washer, Dryer, or Washer and Dryer Be Sure To Take Advantage Of These REAL SALE PRICES Before the 14th January, 1961 UP TO 507 AND LESS SWEATERS SKIRTS SLIMS BLOUSES SHIRTS VAN HEUSEN VESTS OR JERKINS CARCOATS KNIT-SUITS DRESSES COATS Ly CAMEL HAIR HARRIS TWEED SCARVES Silk or Weol BERETS Angora CUDDLE CAPS-Woeol GLOVES, MITTS-Angora FRENCH CLASSES SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont, The Largest Stock--The Greatest Values in Oshawa AT THESE TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS ALL SALES FINAL PLEASE No Phone -- C.0.D.'s or Mail Orders -- Please A Deposit will hold any Purchase SEIGNEUR'S UNTIL 14th JANUARY, 1961 EEE UNTIL 14th JANUARY, 1961 SEEN UNTIL 14th JANUARY, 1961 1961 'AdvnNyr wi TIANN BEE 1961 'AsvaNvr wri TIINN EE 1961 'AAVANYT $91 TIIND HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. WINTER TRAVEL COAT 90 SIMCOE ST. S. * Your Frigidaire Deaier in Oshawa for 23 Years * RA 5.5332 breasted styling with the huge bertha collar trimmed with res | movable mink. Small | waistcoat pockets on each side, | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Beige and white wool tweed coat by Lanvia + Castillo. The lightweight pure wool=fabric 1s particularly soft and comfort able in this straight double beige UNTIL 14th JANUARY, 1961 JE UNTIL 14th JANUARY, 1961