Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 3 Jan 1961, p. 4

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ay THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Jonuery 3, 196) FIRST Mrs, Jack Lyon of Hamp- ton proudly glances at her eight - pound son (as yet un- named) after his arrival at 5.03 am, New Year's Day in the | Bowmanville Memorial Hospi- tal, He was the only new ar- | i BOWMANVILLE BABY rival on New Year's Day at | the hospital. The baby's daddy paid that they would delay | naming him for a few hours because, "He'll have to carry the name for a long time -- s0 | we want it to be right." Only | J U.K. OPINION At Start By M. McINTYRE HOOD Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Another year Is has been full of contradictions, 2 rude jolt as certain sections of the British economy have ground down into slow motion, The great pronmilse with which 1960 started just 12 months ago has not been realized, either on the international scene or in the domestic field, And as the British little fear that their run of pros. perity may become a crawl has been a bad year for Britain, On the contrary, it has been a year of some great advances, But there has been a slowing |down of the pace of progress, | This is notable in the field of exports, which are vital to the life of the British economy, The year started well, but the early |pace was not maintained, | AUTO INDUSTRY SUFFERED | Chief loser in the battle for exports was the automobile in- | dustry, which suffered drastical. ly when sales of British cars dropped badly in the United States market, This coincided with a big decline in domestic demand, blamed on the instal ment buying restrictions imposed |at the middle of the year, Yet {it is a fact that this industry is | employing more people than ever |before, although at the moment p ort. have three other children, John, there is a good dial Bodhi 9, Terry, 4, and Judy, 7, of 1960, the number of people ~Oghawa Times Photo loyed by the motor industry New Year's baby last year at the hospital was a daughter, born to Mrs. Joyce Rowe of RR 5, Bowmanville, The Lyons Rev. R. H. At Service COLUMBUS A Christmas day dinner guests of Mr, Love ~ |was increased by some 40,000, AJAX PERSONALS [ori veo, tod or ne nevertheless, there are still 32, 5 " 000 more people on the industry's Holiday visitors in|payroll than there were a year in recent weeks, and short time working was introduced, But By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- town included, Mr, and Mrs, W.lago. Sotnik and family, of Coboconk, and Mr, and Mrs, A, Rottman, PROSPERITY BLAMED and Susan and Sharon, Detroit, with| It seems paradoxical to say Some Uneasiness Noted drawing to a close--a year that objective of curbing inflation at South Africa over the policies of of great hopes being blasted, of abroad, credit restrictions were been faced with one problem af- unbroken prosperity being given reimposed, the bank rate was ter another in various colonial people look forward to 1961, it is people employed than ever be-| greater measure of African par- with mixed feelings and not a fore, In spite of the layoffs men- ticipation in the government of This does not mean that 1960 ployment level of 1.6 per cent Of New Year |portable surpluses. There were|the limelight during the year, grave dangers of inflation as too end has given the government | much money chased too few much cause for concern, Start. goods for sale. With the double ing with the bloody riots in exports apartheid, the government has home and boosting lincreased, and curbs again| territories and sections of the | placed on instalment buying, One Commonwealth, There have been | objective, that of halting infla- some striking successes, such as {tion, has been achieved, The the achievement of ind ance other, that of boosting exports, by Nigeria, Tanganyika, Sierra lis still short of realization, |Leone and Somaliland, the adop- There still is prosperity in the tion of a pew constitution for country, There are still more Kenya, and the granting of a tioned, unemployment is still at Nyasaland, These have been the {what can be termed a full em- successes, | There are, however, serious {of the working force, Yet as the problems to be solved in the |year ends, there is a feeling of Federation of Rhodesia and uneasiness over what 1961 will Nyasaland, and in Uganda, The bring, The answers rest to a conference on Rhodesia and Nya- large extent with the "govern-saland, adjourned until the ment, If it were decided now to gpring, revealed the deep-rooted end the instalment buying re- differences between the Euro- strictions, there would be an Im- pean and African leaders, There mediate stimulus to the produc. were some unfortunate things tion and sale of consumer goods,!ahout the conference, The walk |including cars, but possibly at out of African leaders was badly Ithe expense of a measure of in- advised and ill-timed, The British| flation, The British people just government is full: yaware of the| |ean't have their cake and eat it,| difficulties to be faced when the too, |conference is Fesumed, ¥, | ore i § » ¢ e | MIXED POLITICS | Mere bs alll] hope thet | onion, In the political world, the sifu-| fC may come @ substantial ation has become much more oo" agreement as to the fu-| {confused than it was a year ago.|, oor (he Pederatioin, {Tn the House of Commons, owing | {to the strife Within_the Labor WEATHER OUTRAGEOUS party, there is no effective op-| ear has been one of Brit- | position, no cohesive body kewp.| | This yen 2 many years in the {ing a tight and critical grip oni wo Tr eather, particularly the doings on the government. | Worl on ine vear, Even in {Hugh Gaitskell is leader of only| 0 wo" there was an pili {about 60 per cent of the Labor|,, 4.006 of rain, and very lit- (members, The other 40 per cent| =o py oioh sunshine, The fall] oppose him as avidly as they coo" the country visited by| {oppose the government, |steady rain for weeks, and by | This has not been conducive to| (ioc ands in many areas, sound government, It has a ten-\ye "or the crops were not har- {dency io Seale complacency in vested because of the floods, | government ranks, There is ni : g Bove that this position will change| But the British people are op very much in 1961, Indeed, | : might become worse with the ther. {present trend towards the split. We¢ ting of Labor into two parties, t€l : | p p had two really bumper crops in| one of the right and one of the Roy that of 178 and 8 tl They remind me the dian dancer, Doyle, of South Africa, are Car Goes Out of Control Two Oshawa men, John Bradica, 22, of 589 Howard Michael Quinn, of 14% King street | east, were taken to the Bowman-| first ville Sunday morning accident on Highway { which their car went t|timistic when it comes to Wea tro] and rolled over. | sterners in Canada who used to| the Bowmanville OPP office at|8'r! at Ottawa and a boy at Tor- I me that the west has only 4.25 a.m, A "CANADIAN DANCER IN LONDON Lynn Seymour, young Cana- | shown at the Royal Opera | hearsal for the new ballet, and Desmond | House, Covent Garden, London, | "The Invitation" in which Miss Dee, 20, during a dress re- | Beymour has the leading role. First Baby rr In Montreal By THE CANADIAN PRESS The honor of being Canada's baby of 1061 appears fo Hospital early have gone to an B%-pound girl, following an horn "exactly at midnight" Sun- No. 2 inday to Mr, and Mrs, Gerard out of eon-| Poirier of Montreal, Just one second behind came a Vancouver, 8t, John's, Nfd,, and Edmonton all reported births {within the first minute of the | new year, 'BOWMANVILLE (Staff) street, and| Memorial The accident occurred east of] (onto, The girl, born to Mr, and The car was a total wreck, {Mrs, Robert McVeity of Ottawa, Bradica injured his ribs and tipped the scales at eight pounds, their sister and husband, Mr. |that Britain's high level ol pros. left, If that happens, the annua and Mrs, Harry Brock, King's perity has been responsible for, ronferenc Octo-| years ' A A nity y oro Be A Po Lo Ton Labor gusty séufore Le Oe ulers feel about thelr weather,| "Const, H, Wight of the OPP|of Mrs, Ivan MacMillan weighed| Mrs, M. Reid, Etobicoke, spent balance of payments, Domestic the party from disruption, After the deluge of 1960, they investigated, (three ounces less Christmas with her son and fam-| demand for all kinds of consumer| are looking forward to a glorious carol service was held on Sunday Mrs, Steve Sobil apd family, morning In Columbus United/ Rev, C. A. Mustard of Toronto Church, The Rev. Ronald H. spent Christmas day with the Rev. conducted theservice and and Mrs, Ronald Love and fam- hose as his Christmas message lly. The Light of Christmas", Mr, and Mrs. John Miller held Special music was provided by Christmas on Sunday and had as the choir under the direction oftheir guests Mr. and Mrs, M, Me- Irs. H.Piho'with Miss Elizabeth Millan and Scott and Lisa from es at the organ. { Toronto, Mrs, E, Salter, Debbie HOLD PARTY and David from Oshawa and Mr 4 Peter Banks from Yorkshire, The members of the Explorers England, njoyed a Christmas Party on| Wednesday evening at the home! of Mrs, John Wilson, Games were played and present exchanged and a lovely lunch was served by ho s. PERSONALS That is how the British-| Quinn his arms and elbows, six ounces, The Toronto boy, son Love re ------------ - Christmas dinner guests at the me of Mr, and Mrs, Harry Mountenay Included Miss Jean Newnham of Prince Albert, and Miss Grace Webber, Columbus, | Mrs, Thomas Flett held Christ. {mas dinner on Monday with mem- Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Naylor bers of the family present. Guests and boys celebrated Christmas|included Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Saturday evening, Their gay fes- Flett and Peter from Toronto, ity was enjoyed by Miss Carol Mr, and Mrs, John Flett, Can- Nesbitt, Columbus; Mrs, Harvey dace and Julie, from Fraserville, Oshawa; Mr, and|Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Flett, Mur- lly, Mr. and Mrs, D, J, Reid,|goods reached so high a level AFRICA IN THE NEWS year of weather in 1061, And so Emperor street, that it was cutting into the ex-' Africa has been very much ini mote it be Mrs, M. Campbell and daughe | gr S-------------- N-------- " S-- ter, Whitby, were also guests | . Mr, Charlie Reed, our town sland 2 Cars Hit foreman, together with Mrs. Reed and the family are spending two F H rt weeks' holidays in New Orleans, | our u Miss Connie Thom, York eo are as < street, spent Christmas with Three members of an Oshawa! . .C By JOE DUPUIS Classes are held weekly In first family and Ludwig Rienstra, of or Br gen or oh] of he ne Canadian Press Staff Writer laid, electrical work, woodwork-|the 6th Line of Clarke Township, a Christmas party at the home| BELL ISLAND, Nfld, (CPF) |ing, cooking, modelling, drawing re all treated for minor lacer- of Mr, and Mrs W. Pike |Government statisticians usually| and mechanics, In the gym thelations and possible fractures at Admiral road, Members an d stick close to hard, dry facts, But youths enjoy basketball, tum. the Bowmanville Memorial Hosp} and dancing, and a delicious tur- partment compiled its annual/skates, badminton, indoor base 1, after a two-car collision atl key buffet supper was 'served| report about Bell Island, on Can. ball and volleyball {the corner of Taunton road and | under the direction of Miss An-|ada's eastern shores, it included! In the summer, the club op: the Clarke - Darlington Township drea Walker and her committee, [this bright little paragraph: | erates the island's little leagues ling The regular meetings will, com-| «1; this rather unpretentious and pony leagues which attract| The three Oshawa people are: mence again on January 8, 62, of 80 Farewell with the Reids, | h33 11 I BOWMANVILLE (Staff) friends in Port Perry, | their councillors enjoyed games|when the province's welfare de- bling, floor hockey on rollerital early Sunday moraing, Jan, | organization lies a real solution more than 150 baseball players,| George Day wife, Rose, 56 Crossman, Mrs, Cecil Pascoe, Mr, and Mrs ray, Marie and Linda, from So- Boyd Ayre and family; Mr, and! lina, and Mr, and Mrs, Robert Mrs, Charles Naylor and Janet, Flett, Jane and Isobel, Columbus. ad J » » . t ' y and Mr, and Mrs, Walter Haass Mr. Peter: Banks ftom York all of Hampton, bos : ___Ighire, England, is spending Christ Mr, and Mrs, Stafford Cosway mas week at the home of his cou- and boys spent their holiday | sekend at Mado visiting Mr,|*% Mrs. John Miller, Wegken " "| Mr. and Mrs. Peter Heney, {West Hill, were Monday visitors and Mrs, Samuel Wickens, | Mr, and Mrs, Walter Holliday) Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Naylor " Mr, and Mrs, John Miller spent and Gordon held Christmas din-| Christmas Eve at the home of ner on Monday with the follow. uests -- Mr, and Mrs, Rob-| yp "ang rg Murray McMillan {of Don Mills, Fire Damages --_- [to one of the most vexing prob-| An Innovation is the Mother's avenue, and h |1ems of modern industrial so-|ggroup, formed by 32 housewives and their daughter, Vickey, 16 ciety, namely juvenile delin-|Who perform such tasks as ke¢p- Day was driving one car, Rien:| quency." |ing the club clean and staging stra the other. None wi orl | . » This annual tribute to the 525./card parties to raise funds, |"'% Mi OIE, HONE Was serious: District Home | member Bell Island Boys Club, They've paid for.vacation trips ly hurt lone of 60 affiliated youth groups|0f several groups and financed BOWMANVILLE (Staff) =|in Canada is not unusual, Since| the club's out-of-town basketball Approximately $1500 damage was iy was organized in June, 1955, (Eames. done to the residence of Edward qiector Ernie Cotton's club has| Says housewife Mrs, James Rienstra, with scalp lacera tions, is being held in Bowman: ville Memorial Hospital, Both vehicles were damagedextensive.| y "We've given up GOING WITHOUT for New Year's" iret | "Qur New Year resolutions this vear {sald ne "So this year, we'll all have to watch our pennies a little more closely, but it's a challenge and the whole family is going to pitch in. Mother's the keenest of all It's hard to say whether it's the life insurance pro- tecting the loan, or the prospect of a new stove, that pleases her most, "Anyway, we're one family who fig. » 4 ures we've found the ideal New Year's W BANK resolution for 1961. How about you? meee Isn't it time you considered giving up going without? Science Now Shrinks Piles Without Pain Or Discomfort | Db a Tro oi, aay ledyned gu enviable reputation. |Adavs: "We have 4 lot of un ay a0: : ' | Iris Venton, popular 8. au-|yo! ow, : a Jha Joan Waves, Sulday oruise by fire of un. thor of teen-age fiction, this year - " t Perry; Mrs, E, ouse, Mr, 4 y sla Nurs ase on and Mrs, Lioyd Prouse and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Powell and| Furniture was removed before wii®, IWG0G WEN ARC, BE and Mrs, G. Prouse and family enjoyed Sunday evening the arrival of the Bowmanville| oye "oe id ihare runs a ew eqac er all of Brooklin. {dinner with Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Fire Department |vein of purest silver," " Jessie Webber, Brooklin,| Pascoe, Whitby Firemen cut a hole in the roof and Mrs, Leo Webber and Mar-| Mr. and Mrs. Alan Scott|t0 get at the blaze. | FOUNDER HONORED ' 2 ' Whitby, were Christmas| brought their new daughter, Lio-| STRATEGIC. ARF lg Horbat PY Dlokey, whe) Ire xcellent dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs p e from the hos-| AC A ounded e club while vas | rant Webber and family, Cor.(C3 Dwayze, om by wld Recent research has carried general manager of Dominion | mbu i pital on Christmas day, She Isle, o history of Cyprus in the east. Wabana Ore Company Limited TORONTO (CP)---Only 46 of Nipigon-Red Rock. North Rav. | Mr, and Mrs. Fred Winn and the first grandchild of Mrs, Wal- ern Mediter Tanean back as fay|liefe, seceived the rare, Silver Ontario : 67 high ks hool boards| Northumberland Kast, Oakville.! have a lot more to do with getting rather fro t ille were Sun-|lace Scott, as about 3700 BC, ey | are ed as excellent in a con-| Trafalge Osnabr J | ivi 5 an from Stouffville were Sun face Boot ream -- RA. - - - | banquet in 1959 for *'outstonding |fidential survey of teachers re Parry Sound Pe hg LLL than giving up . . , thanks to the B of M and extraordinary service to leased last week by the Ontario|Saugeen, South River-Sundridge. | "Seems that for many Old Years past boys." It was presented on be-| Secondary School Teachers Fed. Sparta, Terrace Bay, Thornbury our morn » 1 i 8 ITV half of the Boys Club of Canada, | eration Tillsonburg, Wallaceburg, Water. | money appeared to just melt away Twenty-one boys in the o-12 The survey, based on replies to| ford, Wiarton and Wingham when there were so many things wanted age bracket, the group with a questionnaire issued last spring! mhe Canadis Fd x which Mr. Cotton's club is chiefly |and returned by 9 per cent of hi » anadian Press JSrTone. around the house . , , a modern stove . .. a concerned although the age limit|the province's high school teach ih pe Hig X % Ee 3 story desk for Dad's den , , , a decent TV. Finally, is 21, were adjudged delinquent ers, sought opinions on three | aii zg (ho or 0G heen rate was Dad wh. i Marre ar in 1955.56 by the welfare depart-| questions of each board. These jailing te leach rs' test on all) ft wa 0 put his foot down, ment, Last year, in the same Siked rout the board's attitude | Thes bos i Wich tag | * 'Starting with the New Year, said Dad. 'we've category, only one youth was towards ec ucational im prove ose yoards, whie actual Yi A . whe i By AL_COLLETTI | Why did the market decline in| Telegraph Co. "Ma Bell," as the rated as delinquent. ments, relations between teach. failed to pass only the question going to get some of the things we've gone without for Canadian Press Staff Writer {1960 ? Nv. 'Wall. 8 X SOMaany know 7 reiged &| The club should have a $20,000 ie sod the board, and conditions of working Sonditions, Dut which far too long, We're going to finance all the things we "Bw YORK (CP)--Wall Street| Apparently, all Street was|dividend and gave its almost-- y ive but| © Work. pn 1. Die v e| . hae as NEW yosg CP) in 1960 FATT to anticipate future business |2,000,000 stockholders a chance to abel udge hy Plog a Rated as excellent in all cate. Other subjects, were: really need under a new purchase plan I've been looks ness slumped It tried to pull/ conditions much better than the buy more stock at a bargain Mr. Cotton. "A swimming gor in were Barrie, Bruce Mines,| Bradford, Burford, Cartwright ing into = the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan 88 " Ad un rofessionals : wen! n, a A Rian: and Burlington, Chesley, C n T 8 lasselma ams. | ' ' ; 2 F together by mid-year, but profssonais A sump had bect price." \ (oo 200 WOd Den essing. and LurLngtan, Chesey, Cobden Township. Cassiiman, Cam Is @ modern plan thas designed fir people just like Pg i » feede: 4 ) | we federal government took {here also is A ring our > ' Mek Loh Labi] 4 aley, Co J ) er Ride the first year of Wall Street was aware of it. |geveral steps to help "the eco- Lek iid dh en to bring ous ton, Elmira, Elora, Erin, Etobl- balt Dufferin Centre, Eastview, us. Come the January sales, we'll get what we need at 'he so.called "golden sixties" was The year began with high hopes nomy, but Wall Street expressed!" abitale {eoke, Fergus, Forest Hill Vil. Grimsby, Haileybury, Hamilton, bargain prices and do our ) ) ) ) h o-galled Sgaldca Sa for the!for a boom on the stock market, |jittle confidence in them. Govern-! With facilities worth $100,000, lage, Grenville South, Grey Cen-| Little Current, Lucknow, Mani. 8 p aa ou paying for what we buy with a poor pik Prices were lower The costly eight-month-long steel ment moves led to some Wal|th €lub's funds come chiefly | tre, Hanover, Harrow, Iroquois| towaning, Mountain, Osgood e a single payment each month A ifvide di smaller. Commis. strike was settled and industrial | Street rallies, but there was no| "om government and company Falls, Kitchener - Waterloo, Lin: Township, Petrolia Plantagenet, pi less, {averages were<the highest ever permanency in the uplift, grants, financial drives and con South, London, Marathon, Rideau, Rockland, Russell, Sch.| sion men maa a the New York on the second day of trading. | The Federal Reserve Board memberships, Although neither| Meaford, Midland - Penetangui-| reiber, Seaforth, Simcoe and Stack Exchange totalled about| Suddenly, a downward splurge |... cut its discount rate 2a a ol onlin Xi 5] fenerally | shone, Jags, Nagata Falls, Stormont North 44) 000.000. about 50,000,000 less hit the market. A temporary low |), or three per cent, This is the Keown hat the 0 iF ig is oT i -- 763, D0 58 was reached March 8, followed by basic interest rate charged by pany, the island's only Industry, han 1 lull -- the word re. |a recovery of around two-thirds of yo "government to federal re.|Poy® Mr, Cotton's Salary. a easion was being used freely -at the losses In early June. s61ve Danis ? lA graduate of Moun pMlison cess | a a 3 : | University, Sackville, N.B,, Mr the year's end--had set in and it Jsother Fecovely was Hale late} The government cut the stock|Cotton has bgen with the club | figured to carry into the new in August, but the market skid|purchase margins to 70 per cent|from the start, coming here after ded again until Oct, 25 when it P " A | ) | WO ver ched its lowest level since! om 90 per cent, putting the(10 years of youth work with the But there could be a recovery rea Sd, ! "down payment" for stocks at a| YMCA in Montreal, Halifax, Saint 7 3 t. A lot depends on'Nov. 26, 1958. | low are " { * on Wall Street, . {lower percentage. John and Sussex N.B. whether President-elect John Ken-| with the election of a Democrat| Leading commercial banks re-| nedy will adopt a deficit-spending ag president, traditionally-Repub-| duced their prime lending rate to VOLUNTEERS HELP policy to stimulate the United 1ican Wall Street reacted favor-'4'; per cent from five per cent. | The club has a games room for States economy. {ably and the market moved This is the interest charged to/checkers, darts and playing Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain | And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids Toronto, Ont, (Special) --For the first time science has found a that sufferers were able to make such statements as 'Piles have Many Wall Street people, Judg- higher, ing by one frporiant share! Some Wall Streeters called it statistic, eve "|""the Kennedy bull market," but elect will Tesolt to deficit apen "the list was far below its bull ing akes , 20, Ing A as is the short-interest market dup 2a the gh her position on the big board. It T08e|yoenh P, Kennedy, are among to almost 4,500,000 shares in De-lyye five richest families in the cember, the highest level in tWO|rpnited States, and Kennedy Sen years, or tote who for is a big Wall Street man him. The short traders -- sell, sold stock they don't own in the| hope of buying it back later at a| PROFIT SQUEEZE ower level -- presumably are} Investors reacted to the bearish about the course of the | squeeze on corporate profits and raarket and the economy in the disappointing earnings, Many first few months of 1961. | blue ships had record sales but 'he me back into|lower earnings. Still, many is But when they co | A ) he market -- as they must -- sues were considered too high tie mat stimulating or priced for what they earned. they may act as a stimu Lo ficial force. Their covering An exception was the biggest a npn may be just the tonic|private investment in the world, Es alling market needs. the American Telephone and the' biggest borrowers with the|cards and an 800-book library highest credit rating. [staffed by volunteers, FIND OUT TODAY W YOU CAN FINIS HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME IN SPARE TIME I If you are 17 or over and have dropped out of school, write for FREE Lesson and FREE Booklet, AMERICAN SCHOOL, 100 Dundas St., Deseronto, Ont, Send me your free 55-page High School Booklet, 2g Nome « Age .. | Address EL TERT This is o Canadian Migh Scheo! Course. OUR 63rd YEAR new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain and itching, Thousands i been relieved with this inexpensive substance right in the privacy of their own home without any discomfort or inconvenience, In one hemorrhoid case after another, "very striking improve ment" waa reported and verified by doctors' observations, Pain was promptly relieved, And 'while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place, And most amazing of allthis improvement was maintained in cases where doctors' observations were continued over a period of many months! ceased to be a problem!" And among these sufferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid cone ditions, some of even 10 to 20 years standing, All this, without the use of nar cotics, anesthetics or astringents of any kind, The secret is a new heals ing substance (Bio-Dyne)--the discovery of a famous scientific ine stitute, Already, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue on all parts of the body, This new healing substance is offered in suppository or einkment form called Preparation H, Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation H Suppositories or Preparation H ointment with special applicator, Preparation H is sold at all drug stores. Satisfaction guaranteed or money __In fact, results were so thorough refunded, ) Canadas Pirat Bank... WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK Similar Happy New Year Resolutions may be put into force for YOUR family at your neighbourhood branch of the BANK oF MONTREAL commencing January 3, 1961, 3 Oshawa Branch, 20 Simcoe St, North; JAMES McCANSH, Manager Oshawa Shopping Centre Branch, King Street West; NORMAN McALPINE, Manager HUGH HUSTLER, Manager JAMES BELL, Manager COLIN SUTHERLAND, Manager Ajax Branch: Bowmanville Branch: Whithy Branch: OF LIFE SINCE T0YY i

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