' 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Jonvery 3, 1981 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN GLECOFF NURTURES RATEPAYERS PLAN Memo To City Council: Remember those recent display ads in The Oshawa --- Larger St. Catharines | ST. CATHARINES (CP)--Thi | Niagara Peninsula city, joined or | New Year's Day by its three ma Jor suburbs, Monday elected ar} mayor a suburban reeve whe| backed the amalgamation that Elects New Mayor Romaine K. Ross, incumbent mayor Wilird R. Bald and six ther candidates Including one woman, Mrs. Jean King, who ran last in the voting sistent The new mayor first entered poooressive Conservative qu New Party Boss To Be A PC? leader Hazen Argue, himself a candidate, who continues fo Bb OTTAWA (CP)--There"s a per- dicate he has sound reasons for Jia at, fn some bid believing Mr. Douglas can't be , ar. talked out of his decision to stick By ARCH MacKENZIE Canadian Press Staff Writer Times calling for the establishment of a city ratepayers' doubled its population municipal polities in Grantham..." 1020 premier Douglas of "ih the province of which be association? The man behind this is none other than one of your old acquaintances, a candidate who missed Joining ot circle in the Dec, 5 election by a hair's- a Surely you remember Andrew Henry Glecoff, the ~year-old-food merchant who piled up an impressive total of 4928 votes (in running 14th) in what was his maiden run for a public office? Mr. Glecoff irked such people ss Alderman Albert V. Walker by campaigning for the removal of half-hour parking meters downtown ("Can you imagine a woman trying to pick out a pair of shoes in a half hour?"), His brochure, "Let's Get Acquainted" contained a wide array of proposals for civic improvements, such as the establishment of a YMCA, a lower mill rate, public washrooms ("Lack of these sre a disgrace to a city this size") and more drinking fountains ("Oshawa deserves a few drinking fountains, even horses used to have drinking fountains, why not citizens?"), : ; Mr. Glecoff is delighted with the response to his Times ads -- more than 43 people wrote in, and he is in the process of organizing ag ratepayers group, He will attend a meeting of the Darlirigton Ratepayers' Association Jan, 13, together with supporters, to get some {ips on organization, Don't dismiss Andrew Henry Glecoff from the muni- cipal scene -- his political star is getting brighter, | Dalhousie into the enlarged city. DEFEATS MAYOR He defeated veteran sldrma | Nickel Price 'Gets A Boost TORONTO (CP) Interna- tional Nickel Comyg of Can ada Ad. announced an increase of 2% cents a pound jn the price of electrolytically-refined nickel for consumption in Canada, ef- fective Jan. 1 f The increase in the Canadian price, the company states, is to | compensate for recent ch in [foreign exchanges rates and to]... keep the domestic price in se. {cord with the basic export price. | The increase raises the price| from 70 cents to 72% cents (Ca- {nadian currency) basis Port Col-| {borne refinery, The change does not alter the company's price of nickel for the United States or any other mar- CITY OF OSHAWA CHRISTMAS TREE PICK-UP In order to facilitate the disposal of Christmes Trees discarded after the Holiday Seoson in the City of Oshowe, the City Works Department hes orranged o speciol collection during the week of JANUARY Sth fo 13th INCLUSIVE Christmos Trees should be put out during the above- mentioned week only ond at the same time and in the same place os the garbage for the regular collection. NO CHRISTMAS TREES WILL BE COLLECTED AT TIMES OTHER THAN AS DESCRIBED ABOVE, A record turnout of nearly 60) township, where he was horn andi. ui ben on can be drafted for hes been premier since 1944. per cent of he "mo eligible has lived aif Mylits, in 1941 when jo derchip of the New party or, Argue's pinion govesrs ave lv ¥ Pp : ment ocy A S2.year-oid sgsicuturist and nur. |cll. He served Unree Eats 58.1" rocountion to. the isel tha though, as one put Hi, 8 chase {#ery operator, a plurality of councillor, seven as deputy re€Ve Tommy Douglas at th telm of of heart by Mr. Dowgias would sbout 6000 votes in what may and four as reeve. the New Party would be bad a "pleassnt surprise." have been the most hotly-con-| Married with two sons and (wo news for the Conservatives, In! At 36, Premier has tested election in St, Catharines' daughters, he was a member of formants say. | proven vote-catehing ability and 84-year history as a city, the Bt, Chtharines industrial com-| yg ourpes only up to a point! national stature backers In a plebiscite held Jointly with mission for three years and iis oo "00 openly-ex view| say, w pack more punch the election, voters plumped chairman for two and has been a of | than anything else in earning strongly for Sunday movies, director of the St. Catharines and! Mr, Douglas is! electoral support for the New Mr, Buchanan and his 12man District Chamber of Commeree|y,, choice, however much| Party amalgam of CCF, labor, council will sdminister a city| since 197, he continues to insist he isn't in- farm and othr Interests, whose populftion jumped Jith ua. 89. mn didervaan tot terested, 1 Conservative obmervers see Ws amalgamation to 82 rom unl ears, i i ry to fata it the sixth largest mayor two years ago, He sub-| A eonviction that Ms. oDougias leadership as a threst to both in Ontaro, sequently was re - elected for| oo "up Tion of centre party 1s| Conservative and Liberal parties He was reeve of Grantham "hat Jou have been i. Iwo-| co unded in convention here, is|at 8 lime when the government absorbed along with| YERF CH Ja th fg fama, government observers is making 8 special effort lo a ry. Al (with Vines out to Saskatchewan. |paich up differences with west. Serving with Mayor Buchanan! It's a view not shared by CCFiern farm groups. for two years will be a il PD elected from among 27 candi "dates. They are James C. Me- | Nulty, Robert M. Johnston, Rob- 'ert H, Bell, H. Dennis Anderson, Fred A. Beattie, Arthur C Beach, W. Harry Gale, Arthur) '. Wallis, Mackenzie A. Chown,| ' » E ¥ 19 Joseph L. Reid, William J. Mar-| : ' shall and Jack G, McNaughton, | [Loli x vo 5 il ned. 1 BLAST WRECKS MONTREAL HOUSE An explosion believed caused by natural gas wrecked this two-storey brick triplex in east-end Montreal but 14 per- ¥ ~ Did You Know . . , In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you con hove o Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95¢c. TRIBUTE TO A GOOD TEACHER i A tribute to one of our most-respected (buf least~ publicized) citizens was intended several columns ago. She is Miss Marie Shantz, of 113 Gibb street, Hundreds of students passed through her Com- mercial classes at OCVI during a 30-year teaching career that terminated last June with her retirement, She had an enviable reputation as a teacher, She never sought favor or popularity, yet she was one of the most beloved of teachers, She maintained the highest standards, was a stickler for detail, and insisted most firmly that students measure up to her own stiff scholastic yardsticks before she would rec ommend them for either employment or certificates, She did all within her power, without fear or favor, to prepare them for the rugged road of life, not to men- tion the exacting duties of a good stenographer. There was a nice touch to the reunion dinner given to her last November, when she was given a standing ovation and handsome gifts -- many of the 150 former students present had not seen her for several years, some dating back to the early 1030's, This was not only a tribute to Miss Shantz, it was a tribute to the studepts themselves for being so thoughtful in remembering 'a good teacher, sons miraculously escaped ser- | family had finished New Year's fous Injury. The explosion oc- | pay ¢ curred just after Mr, and Mrs, y turkey supper Joseph Beaupariant and their Political Era Ends, 'Hon. C. D. Howe Dies MONTREAL A large|created Trans-Canada ir Lines. (board sof . group of government officials|He set up the National Harbors! Limited, ket, The U.S, price Is 74 cents {and top Canadian businessmen Board and played a major role| Oddly, for & man so closely, V/S:) Including the U.S Import | {are expected to attend the fu-/in the establishment of the|identified with Canada, he was duty of 1% cents, | {neral of Clarence Decatur Howe|Canadian Broadcasting Corpora- born an American citizen in| More than 95 per cent of Cana- Wednesday ; tion Waltham, Mass, Jan. 15, 1887,|dian nickel production is sold in Ie, controversial statesman, Shortly alter he outbreak 2 and though he later became com. export markets, who. for more than 20 years/the Second World War he be-ipletely Canadian in outlook hel played a leading role in both gov: eame minister of the newly never lost his characte stic ! . . | ernment and business circles, created department of munitions England accent. aractenstic New ESCAPED BAD DAMAGE | died New Year's Eve of a heart|and supply and supervised the! Howe received a degree | HALIFAX (CP) -- Except for| attack, He was 75, spending of more than $200,000, engineering from the M gree Ml iravelling inconveniences and al Prime Minister Diefenbaker-- 000 on capital equipment, In 1044 oy Cu 7000 Tat EORNRENUS | 0 hed Christmas decors. * | for years one of Howe's bitterest he took on: the reconstruction ;g07 and a year Tipe no ORY nifew slas bi : C0) [opponents in Parliament--is ex-|portfolio as well and began plan-| por where Vy et moved o|tions, the Atlantic provinces ap-| | pected to lead a large contingent|ning for Canada's post-war fu fessor of elvfl H Was BR Dro-| eared to have escaped serious | [of Progressive Conservative cab- ture, otis i civil engineering at Dal. f howl} Inter | ; By . fd ie University for five years, |damage from a howling winter inet ministers to the service, fo| In 1048 he became minister of | "yoo ™ po ron tad the C, Dp. storm that pounded the area dur- start at ? pm. EST at Christ trade and commerce and Jeld Howe Engineering Company [Ing the New Year's weekend. No Church Cathedral in downtown this portfolio until his political specializing "| death " buted to the yo pA | 2 in the construction of [deaths were attribute to e| Montreal. defeat in 1957, and throughout train elevator storm which brought winds up! Many of the ministers also/the Korean War was minister of gra Rey aiory, Qoek, pulp mills losin miles an ugh and -- either were targets for Howe's defence production as well 5 | " {acid comments in Parliament or| An engineer first and a poltic.| Mr. Howe is survived by his | drifting snow In some areas, {had in their turn attacked him.|ian second, Mr, Howe often had |*fe, the former Alice Worcester, |rain in others, lashed Nova Sco Opposition Leader Pearson, a litle patience with the niceties of (daughter of his first employer in{!ia, New Brunswick ad, Prince cabinet colleague of Howe, also parliamentary practice or per. Boston, two sons, William and [Edward Island New Year's night Is expected fo attend, sonal diplomacy |John, and three daughters, Eliz.|and ploughed into western New- YRBUTES YOUR IN His critics called him "minis. @beth, Barbara and Mary, |foundland Monday. vi I ter of everything' and "crar of | men . Mr, Diefenbaker, one of Mr. oars J, M, Macdonnell former! # Howe's most persistent critics proorassive Conservative finan. a during the stormy pipeline de-|oia1" oritie, described him as a PB 14 bate of 1956 which closed out his "fascist but a nice fascist." ' political career, praised his great ability, indomitable courage and HIS LAS TBATTLE energy' during the Second World| His last battle centred around War when he directed the coun-the famous pipeline bill of 1956 try's economy. in which he proposed that the| Mr, Pearson and former CCF government help a private com-| , Leader M, J, Coldwell both sald pany build a pipeline from the | "Canada has lost one of her| Alberta oil fields to Eastern Can. greatest citizens." ada Rt, Hon. Louis St. Laurent,| When debate switched to a dis. prime minister of Canada dur-|cugsion of parliamentary rules ing Mr. Howe's last nine years Mr, Howe, as Impatient of op. in the cabinet, said; position as ever, fixed a dead- "Like most Canadiens, 1 am/|line for passage of the bill and {convinced Mr, Howe's place in|the little-used closure rule for Ihistory will be a lasting heritage cutting off debate was Invoked to his family and friends," to help meet it, A millionaire engineer at 40,0 Packed galleries witnessed he was brought into politics by|some of the stormiest scenes in the late prime minister Macken. |the history of the Canadian Par. {zle King and was made minis. lament and the uproar over the ter of rallways and canals and|blll was partially blamed for his minister of marine as soon as helown defeat and that of the gov- won Port Arthur constituency in|ernment in the subsequent gen. the 1935 general election. A vear/eral election later he merged two depart.| Mr. Howe himself {ments into the department of|feated by Douglas Fisher, a {transport schoolteacher and CCF candi. | {date and forthwith retired from |CREATE TCA active participation in polities, As transport minister he re He then accepted directorships {organized the debt-ridden Cana- in a dozen large Canadian com- {dian National Railways andipanies and was chairman of the INTERPRETING THE NEWS British, U. S. Views Differ By ALAN HARVEY | The alarms have proved false Canadian Press Staff Writer in the past, but despite the soft: | The latest crisis In Laos pedal at the foreign office it Is catches Britain and the United freely acknowledged that this | |States looking through different time it could be the real thing. ends of the political telescope Laos 1s the buffer state par ex. | SRP TR ¢ From the state department oy window, there is detected a for- cellence. Its 91,000 square miles elgn troops movement of un.|flt like a stitetto into a sheath ARMED CUBAN WOMEN MARC known proportions." formed by six neighboring states | Ciban women in workers' Britain's diplomats, on (he _Byrma, Mainland China, Thai.| militia carry Czech-made auto. other hand, say they have no/land, Cambodia and the two Viet] matic weapons as they parti- confirmation. Nams. It is wide open for infiltra- cipate in parade in Havana Thus, not for the first time, tion from any of these bordering| Monday, Parade celebrated the Anglo . American attitudes on powers, : | second anniversary of Fidel Asia are at variance, p------ ane ---- In some respects the position recalls the tense days in April, 1984, when American bombers) stood ready in Manila to move against Viet Minh Communists "|besieging Dien Bien Phu. If the strike had taken place, (CP Wirephoto) at FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL CONFIRMS You oN THE SPOT cr Ogilvie Flour Mills ALSC ALL OTHER TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS RA 8-6201 | Dealer's leftover stock of trees will not be taken, F. KE Crome, P. Eng., City Engineer, LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE The city has requested the Provincial government to pass legislation to legalize Sunday movies, also plays "Of a high-grade cultural nature". Both items | were endorsed in a plebiscite vote Dec, 5 , , . . The ambulance service of the City Fire Department has been working overtime, sometimes using both am- bulances and two auxiliary cars, There were 137 calls up to last Wednesday, and seven calls in one 80-min- ute period recently The recent appeal here for a piano for mental therapy work/ at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, resulted in several offers being sent to the Oshawa-Ontario County branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association . , , . Ed, Kolodzie (one of our favorite beefers) writes: "Once again civic leaders whether forgot, or overlooked, Oshawa's outstanding hockey players. Four Oshawans (Etcher, Attersley, Sin- "den and Samolenko) were members of the Canadian "Olympic hockey team at Squaw Valley last February. The team placed second in world competition and members received silver medals, This is definitely the best accomplishment of any Oshawa athlete during 1960" , . John M. Black is a happy fellow today and Jittle wonder =~ he won the December 50-50 draw ponsored by Branch 43, the Royal Canadian Legion. John Is getting ready to fullfill a lifelong ambition -- a trip to Ireland next summer where he has scores of relatives COMPANY BORROW $1600 .." up PAY AS LITTLE AS $40.00 PER MONTH ! If You Need Money To . . . * PAY TAXES * PAY OFF YOUR CAR * PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE * PAY MEDICAL BILLS GREER WELL UP IN BOARD RACE John Greer, one of four newly-elected members of Board of Education, says he was one of the most surprised men in Oshawa last Dec. 5 when he was elected, Je didn't expect to make it in what was his first bid for public office, but he ran fourth with 6003 votes. 44-year-old lawyer was born in Cochrane, Ont, and lived in Timmins for several years. He came to Oshawa in 1050 and entered into a law partnership with the late Arthur W, 8. Greer, his uncle who died in 1955 He entered the board race because he has long been interested in education matters, and this does not stem alone from the fact that he has four children. He is anxious to find out if some standardization system can not be effected in the building of public schools, especially in the way of architecural plans that vould be used for more than one school. He doesn't pretend to know the answers to such complex problems, but he would like to know why it would not bé feasible to set up technical training shops in the schools with the assistance of large industrial and manufacturing firms (such as General Motors). »He says too many technical school grads must be ro-trained and he feels there is a great need for an over haul in some aspects of the technical training system, hit "he wants to investigate more before taking any definite stand on the subject. Greer was graduated from the University of To- tonto in 1040, with a Bachelor of Applied Science de- gree, and from Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, in i TH was an RCAF pilot on anti-submarine patrol duty on the East Coast and Newfoundland and during the Second World War, x: ithe was de. | he If you are a Home-Owner, you may consolidate all of your bills into one low-cost mortgage loan. ha---- * FAST CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE * NO CO-SIGNERS NECESSARY * FREE INFORMATION * LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Phone RA 3-3993 Today! Castro's revolution and featured | a display of arms imported from the Soviet Union and | Czechoslovakia. --(AP Wirephoto) CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA Tax prepay ipts, to be p in pay for 1961, may now be purchased in multiples of $10.00 in accordance with the following schedule: We Buy Existing governments as well as private India-US. Balloon Tests BOMBAY (CP)--India and the United States will jointly carry qut early In 1961 a series of 40 10 80 high-altitude balloon fights to study cosmic ray activity In equatorial reglons. wan The pu of the 3 he pr pore April in Hydera- bad in south India by scientists of the two countries, 1s to gain new knowledge of cosmic rays and their frequency in equatorial research groups will conduct the program, designed to provide data for comparison of cosmie ray activity in tropical and tem- perate zones, Balloons to be used In the ex. periments will vary in diameter from 80 to 90 feet and will carry payloads of scientific malerial ranging in weight from 200 to 900 pounds. The balloons will rise to alti tudes of around 100,000 feet, Al these heights, nuclear emulsion film packs on board will record the presence of cosmic rays he. it might have caused a world war, But State Secretary John Foster Dulles regarded British 4bprovel as essential, and Brit-| ain, perhaps influenced in pari by Canadian diplomatic pressure, rejected the idea. Today, Britain again is urging restraint in Indochina while America chafes for action, CRIED 'WOLF' REFORE Since the Geneva agreements of July, 1954 there have been re. Cost in January Amount 2nd-16th 17¢th-23vd 24th-3 1st 1st-6th Cost in February One of our courteous representatives will be pleased to discuss your problems with you . , , NO OBLIGATION Mortgages and Agreements Tth:13th 14th-28th 9.89 49.43 98.85 494.25 988.50 9.90 49.47 98.93 494.63 989.25 9.91 49.52 99.03 495.13 990.25 10,00 50.00 100.00 500.00 1,000.00 curring alarms about C | infiltration into Laos, a primitive country whose smiling, lackadai- sical people are more at home with their traditional white um reglons, Scientific agencies of the two fore the rays collide with atoms in denser air below, brellas than with modern engines {of War, and in no way effects iva:an ol obtain the maximum discount ° poy to Purchase early and 991.00 The discount allowed above is for the use of money from the periods shown te date of the first i | the customary discount appearing on the tax bill entitling for paying eddditional instalments with the first instalment, 9.92 49.60 99.19 495.95 291.90 9.94 49.67 99.33 496.65 993.30 LLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY 51 KING STREET EAST H. E, TRIPP, City Treasurer MEMBERS OF , . . ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS ASSOCIATION