Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 3 Jan 1961, p. 14

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ig » 15 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Jonuery 3, 1986) ' - meme Pls! KO $164 OF BEs6'E, THO, ones | : 03 WA TELEVISION LOG | AER er | APE Ri | BOWLING NEWS WOR IV Channel 2-Buifale WBENAY Channel $--Bullale ' 4 TREES + GOW iP : -- ad "Cit L iol Wi y 1 RENTED 4 ROOM 4 TW : -- CHOCH-TY Channel 11--Hamilton CBLEIY Channel Toronto MOTE. , TORE OPEN THE | H ~~ . ¥ MN { PARTS 4% srmricH ) VREW- IY Channel T--Buliale WEOCAY Channel 5--~Rochestier MATTRYSS, Ib SOD, | ? ; 3 i i , PRR la ' p 196 with some Sood score; E€FTOTY Channel 5--Toronto CEVRTY Channel 3--Barrie wm a, % 5 it Ser section and lial points maintained { their margins. We are now at the Ral way mark in the season's senedile wn everything points to another off ou § famous streteh drives, with #5 teas serambiing for a Wit of glory. A coup fi of teams are Sil having troubles they will have their tern yet, 6 Dewars 0 AW di ins The two teams at the top of he o + i DAY tion met dead-on and spin 22, so Cadi LL, 1 oy LK fees are still three points in front of yi PY ht Rid WEDNESDAY EVE, , J Ts Tt ca To ; 3 = hy Ti : . {with the help of two spares won 308 : AY 2 bie an il {from Oldsmotiles and now lead in tote! 5 PM 4 4 7 The Lone Ranger points by four. Maple Leals robe « iil = nh ry Again to trovnce Vaushalls 40 and » li a : 5 " ' back in the race for section honor pep TUVBDAY "VE, 12:56 P.M iPM a ay y fhestee WEDNESDAY ! B:00 AM BUZ SAWYER f # 2-Here's Hw 4 © TR Kop Presta Sywiiatn we. W i , : "Sis PA i GWC's aise had » good might ' : ni E™ apse po sg TT sige turned back Buicks 31 as Buicks hav : : : ; ' J ; trouble steadying out. Diesels are #5 Gra J " rin Her a i ~ Hagued by some pa ra they only § u Cook AA 4 ' 5 ABOU E / § oF PT THERE MY their wsusl single point. They i - » { ay 4 " ; id ! rt? better than some teams hut were " #1 te Pontiacs, Two young fetiows came out of retire wri ment as spares and showed up the Patio . i me QOONERS fol Decemibe " he ¥ " | p WHY W i : oe 6:15 P.M, 3 ow hen : - YOL COME ALL HAS THAT | find. They were Ernie Sweet 772 (247, Bea 19:5 AM Fos oe Cat THE WAY DOWN J GOT TO 246, 21%) and Sim Armstrong 728 (U6, Dr. |} oP SM HERE TO SEE { & . TN WITH Mi 226, 24). Others trailing behind were bib PM at ys WEE 6:00 P.M, ER a 4 1Cy Tayior 687 (285. 235), John Gow #84 "i at Naren ve Wes (218, 235, 239), Rows Coulson 644 (296), Gus Mercier $42 (238, 223), Blake Walle 640 (25, 299), Fred Fusco 631 (311), Jack Dell #31 (249), Harry Zovik 630 (24, 231), John Sianley #15 (292), and Hugh Mcleod S02 (208, 202), With their handicaps Ved Vusco 333 single and Cy Taylor 79 triple are in the running for some prize money snd will he tough 100 AM 6:45 PM Morning s Right JANE ARDEN C0 AM ean . 3 - - - ZZ 111 | -- > ' 1 4 [to beat 4 " "athe 5 f | 7 Top single was Doug Morrises 271, 12:00 NOON Sport ROSSWORD 1 po \ . a 1212 over George Narthey 253, W, Pols , aiid 8 ep ! --_ : Z X Ml [tery 250, Warvey Kozel 209, 223, Ernie oA i Th yd 2 } -- | . Rundle (retived) 26. Reg Piper 235, Baad ne [2 A } : 204, Vari Verguson 203, ra Hobos » 4 + ------ - J 231, 200, Wert Kane 228, Les Gray , ACROSS 2. Own 2%. Bn : : 4 : | f ' 0. Ferguson 226, 203. Jim MeCuteheon 1, Strangle 3. Extra pay tracted ak) ITH (21 (22 E, Lymburner 223, ¥. Bryant 28 6. Muscular Know 25, Loiter ATT El i 3 i Ernie Bialy 220, John Brady 220, Ral : a 1g <I - " -- gi EE - Day 219, Ross Cooper 213 and severs contraction (Beot,) 26, Uncle V foi AL hit 200 or hetter 11, Asylum , Half (dial,) / } A this time we wou d Whe fo_s¥iand 2 ng re gos . best wishes for a Happy New Year lo 2. Brain le an om 2 me, : A He he An Alga 4 sh I DON'T CARE IF YOU he Times Sports Department for thai ule , The sard's =! {4 00 » cooperation on our behalf ga theater pyor ae WOUND vy { Second Section and Total Point Hie 14, Paleness Friend At gd ) ing -- CadiWaes 1849, Corvairs 15.4 Could Be ¥ RA PA 15. Through 3, Dexteroys MA "SY Bi WSTAKE! . | Chevrolels 15-32, Maple Leals 13 v 1 GMCs 13.28, GMC's 12.34, Oldsmobi 18, Choking bit Poky dis. " =H) (1133, Pontiaes 1131, Vaushalls 10-8 : | . for J 12:45 P.M 4 (hs 17, Female Only tance Yesterdny's Answer fn Au | Buicks 9.25, Diesels 6:13 Sung ' K Be sheep Tables 32. ¥amily 100 PM 5:2 W ean 18, Tennis , Bmall member 39, Bor. fovie Matinee he Aguinaits great valley 33, Btrike rowed 7:45 P.M ' #1, Thinks 9, Pointless 34, Fog money [ 0 a 28 Voided Peace prize Wheaten Detective iy F Son esciitcheon 1, Bphere Tour (sla The gals are on top with high bowie of the evening, Jackie Collins 58% (221% nice going Jackie, Shirley Shelenkolf 527, Onda Gunn 7, Fairley Bouck) 506 (200), Mavis Taylor 501, Jo Geor {490, Pauline Horchuk 473, Janet P, #46, Mary Cole 438, Verns Harding 435 27, Latin 2 op (Ind p | Bermee Differ 426, Marlene Mason 413 . ) ' gd he nd.) Simian | f " Marg Appleton 409, Irene Revers 407, "PM 28, Opposite the Raven' Girl's Bone I Muriel Judge and Donne Mason 403 i Parson middle suthor name (Anat) | Men 450 and_ over Pou Cole e W ' Rl de of ship' - (208), George Reid 571 (208) 2:00 PM J3.The § Is Righ hip's Y | Holding 555 (214), Gary Vaughan 5 alre Yanied Dead or Alive side . | (202), George Turner 535 (200), Stew i 4:00 P.M 29, Existed Malloy 533, Dave Barnes 316, ¥Fred {ele J Como Ward 504, Bill Baxter 408, Dave Collins ' 30, Exact 495 (200), A Mason 494, John Mase Gms Beries : he Hawi an ¥ satisfac. - - ---- --~ ----- ---------- 403, Ki Neal 492, Ron Pierce 495, Wi "BIPM Mista een tion for smith 483, Jim Le n a 2:30 PM 81, Embrace 1474, Chuck Peel i 0 dove Got A Be { - - ¥ % --- {Him Wallace 466, Gord Coppin 10:00 PW (var) T "Ta | [Wiv.1 HAVEN'T FELT 50 AfL-] yy : a [0 PPEE y {Frank Guglielmi 455, Bill Gardner 4 Winston Oh 38, Bhinto "\ fig) . 4 SOUL STRENGTH TONIC, AN ° and Nick Differ 453 3 WORKIN MYGELF am anding hy The silent temple k | Tear Standing Subway Lunch 17, WA | EANTWAY LANES MIXED LEAGUE WH : Face #~£ MICKEY MOUSE re) I nes id WPM e Hearing Dead 6-5-2 Pe HL. H | A 4 Hwroamizzv// - aked City 36, Man's name u Sandi | t ea at pane Mary | 37, Building A - - \ | Eastway Lanes 7, Marian Auto 7, M¢ Murt In 5 H Real Estate 5, Tri AFM 5, Untouc les 5, Vaughan's House Pa | 9 dition , T 3:00 P.V 10:30 P.M ad : - ' [tom's Men's Wea Trailers 2, A P Weather 40, Opposed to \ b | 4 7" I . ' ACW Howie's BA 2, Bowl Em Overs 2, Hef. "former" . ge . ¥ il | { fering's Imperial 0, Gazers 0 and Bo- . A irs) ny | <3 ?™Y Peep Restaurant 0 4 ' Lalla pl 42, Irish ex. £5 J } 4 Co § J I Will the peop e who have been away 11:15 P.M . a ia NORA : A elamation » J * y y | ~~ [for two weeks please contact Secretary ' w LY naire Best Of The Pos : LA - "1 - al 55001 or ch our captain, 1 mt J 3:50 PM 1:00 P.M (var) rey Ad ; n | Ir the team mot to ask for a ve 11:30 PM. ' . Le NAws 48, Mexican \ } | z ] -- placement if you intend to quit, or try . a bie athe Sports Indian i: \ | \ Ab, and howl off i you intend to howl, ig Rou Better Late #4, "Alda" ass \ Thank You! Jack Pa Yo i 11:15 PM -- i " | / . ner | 5.2-F These Ro Lite Show lik L $:00 PM §-~Viewpoint ' " prea a rapeve With Capt 1:30 P.M, 46, Style of da y TURTLE TROUBLE ow automobile LONDON - (CP) =~ Labor MP DOWN | |Tom Driberg has asked the 1. Mince {health minister to check on lor. toises arriving in Britain from the Sahara. He says French atomic tests may have made A New Car with No Maintenance Problems! [© "" ®00 (a A} ® -- 'SALLY'S SALLIES ' \ alr mepert % 4 i, Doreen's Beat 2, John Pres na 1:00 P.M, ' a-------- Late e H Awa Irackd can Bandstand 6-Sweet Success Investigate the savings in time and money available with one or two year leases. 266 KING ST. W. CLIFF MILLS AUTO LEASE PHONE RA 3-4634 | iim L. Aly iY iy 7 HEN PARTY WILL NOW COME TO ORDER. TULIP ) BLIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING ) READ THEM, TVE | AH JEST GOT ONE ' y : YOU HAVE THE FLOOR, TELL US PANTING GIRLS GAID ITAND LEFT NO ROOM FOR. | § GOT 70 GO WORD TO SAY, BEFO a BY HOV (TFEELS To BE IN LOVE ANDACTUALLY. A| [AMATEURS LIKE ME, CHILDREN. // TROUGSEAL _ YO' ENTERS TH' LION'S b yi 4 PLANNING TO GET MARRIED, AND = y=" Hl ||T% IN HER BONNETS FROM HUNTING, DEN -" GOODNIGHT 1 al | f= ie porTucuese", 1 I]! ( see vou. ) IRENE 77 : fer ] of you, dearie, regardless..." SKATE EXCHANGE F ACH y WHAT 010M Fie EGY YOU MEAN ALL THA NEW AND USED 3 OS X want 10 THE X vou ger 3 RGYPTIAN J JEWELRY 'N'STUFF YEA EY SHY Suna hs BAUER AND C.C.M. ; p USEUM THEY DUG UP WITH | oo oe Thou > EW STA } 1's YEARS OLD : ; x on » | Cor. King and Burk Sa, : / Ph. RA 3.3228 ---------- 1 R IN ER S k RA 5-1191 "on j The Best In Town" " 3 L KNOWN As THE SHERIFF WATCHES FROM Al MEANWHILE, THE LONE RAN! AUNT SALLY * PREPARES TO START FOR WN == PLACE OF CONCEALMENT, MESSAGE GOES TO A HIG : ni am ag _ OV OFFICIAL IN WASHINGTON, i MUGGS AND SKEETER THE LONE RANGER MASTER FEEDS OSHAWA YOUR ONE STOP CENTRE FOR ~~ WILD BIRD FEED mt. - : " TE ---- EE i || ® WILD BIRD FEEDERS J ---- T ITTYNTI Y Ee -------- oe " -- gun im BUT YOU HAVEN'T Sap JI BUT THATS THE Way { SHE TALKS THE FIR i / MAK CLAIMS \ B a AA ( Hac WNIS WON'T HAVE A MINERAL ICE SALT ("wwe $i HH TON Manu Te . va en To sy po MUST CARRY : REPORT FROM YOUR PROPERTY {are vou'\) TOOTSIE i ee N ig J" FITANILM IN SOME FORM i \ FOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS, SUFFOSE | WATER SOFTENER SALT » wl TALKING J Wooo EY Nn A Y SONEHN | FAKNED i WE RELAX ON THE TOWN 4 £3 TO? py & { sb OF THI AND REPRESENTING | rem 3 A Asir POW SuoveLs di ~v( 9% . 4) + & 5] ! ri 4 | $ HS NS | or " : RABBIT PELLETS / - \ : : MASTER DOG FOODS 2 AN AIR > ) | ; VANUACTURER. 1 NG x | BULK CEREALS WEANWHLE, HE ATTEMPTED ) . © BUY THE CLAMS { ] - p \' 54 CHURCH ST. FROM YX! FOR A racnovormar (8 ~(1 JL, || DIAL Ra 3-2220 LARRY BRANNON 0 Free. Customer Parking

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