Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Dec 1960, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Pecomber 39, 1968 BIRTHS | in nenn ime wir Raper 9 Psi he won on Desermtoer 55 Victoria Hostel, Rayne Fommy. Wother na son FAIR AN Bog Lorian mirth of (he of the Resw A Breiher 19 wih we SEF AY panied a" Marid snd Doreen pre pnownen the sale a fresnsmier 1 Horo! # Sean and Perv doing Rne # son on Teste he Ounawn GERern Wgather for |ondn emmy aed aby ' Ho When yon AS kof vor coil wm The WINES of (he Aotice ¢ Bowk, Frmiy & GOON pews Wspew (he Fir Mehawa ad wer avaitanie tor Baby Liew Beenie and (8 mal vow ends FIRtIoRE 18 Those far way DIReEes oR ARR ment, al The fianawn Dimes Clasmhied,. phone DEATHS ory Entered reel im the Dek awa Leneral Hosprial on Wednesds frecember 18, 1960, Leslie Berhert Guy plover haswand of FInei (Whorme mains HF Mes. Walier Lande (Nethe of Danharton. i6 me Tith sewer. Resting nthe A Funeral Home. Own we Whe Depember W, # (shaw Lmion (eme wa Holi ORE Frid " Suddenty » To Fuesin fresemner How of Man beloved husband of and dear (ether of Lows wl Port Peavy i Forder) of On Perv and Vern ® Richardson) of Toros, in Resting al the ihapel of wit Panahaker, Port Peery, fo on Friday wt Interment yr ar om Wesley . Per oh wl Risse e of Torame ng i the Chapel of Mebie Port Perr wer wpm Inter men he 1h Chari ol Fo wn Wis Bed FOGLE. Charle pital. Port GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL beyond price within reach of all RA B-6226 KING STREET WE FLORIST and all Kindness vel 1 20) LOCKE'S ar eauITEMEr gements we for OSHAWA SHOPPING ENTRE PHONE SERY F EEE Jo Jo 24 HOUR CE RA IN MEMORIAM FOLILAKD gir son, Raonert oa idden Just when yo in loving memory of » Pollard, whe p 1 December 29. 1953 life was hrighiest Fale were hest this world of fst when you ¥ ere called from me af sternal rest his fnihe Yo # he pb ver remembered h of » whn " FOLLAKD in lo watiand and father suddenly INE misma Rober! Devemher dean pa 19 H parting wish We i in have heprd reathed in his fast paring word those whe have lost ahle tn tel pain in the heart In not saying farewell v Lovingly remembered dune, daughlers Susan anne son Bobhy sed Away And IL Ihe his wile and Jo ny Naney TERWILLEGAR Ll] of a dear father James, who passed away December 1900 and Lydia, December 29, 1940 Life goes on In various ways Bul memories cling 10 hygone days Always phered hy daughters Mi Hoh Simpson, Mrs, Gordon (lave and Mrs. Sam Jackson Jr CARD OF THANKS FELOW are thanks friends and In loving and mothe mem lohn 1 I wish (a express my sin many Kind relatives neighbors for the lavels Bowers gifts and cand SEAL 0 me Airing my stay in hospital, | would alse Whe to thank my neighbors far all their Kindness shown ta my family. Special Wianks (0 the many doctors and nur and siafl of the hospita Many the Ww Father Cotiey, Father Rreault Father Loe Mis Leonard Pelow | Please Note Deadlines this DEATHS 1 ths for new calumn in efiect AM. SAME DAY Bi Cards Thanks 2 AM DIAL Memeriams, of SAME DAY RA 3.3492 Holiday In U.S. Could Cost More TORONTO (Cp For the frst He in mare than four vears Canadians hound the United States may have (no pay extra to exchange their Canadian money for US of the same face value One ( tor funds in bank Wednesday started charging a premium for U.S. cash as the Canadian dollar in New York dropped 27-64 of a eent to $1.00 5:16, its lowest level since early April, 1956 In De one banking spokes man said millions of dollars have been traded in the past few days against a fluctuating market and he predicted the Canadian-dollay will dip beneath parity to regain trade advantage shot above its Ameri part five vears age opening Wednesday the De vere offering one half cent on Canadian premium dropped to eighth of ene per end nad ro foreign t when il ean Al trait of counte Dank one he money The a low cent Miners Killed By Explosion WwW. Va AP) on that sounded like ] real ust of wind" hough! wedy Wedne he nearby eo Newburg lames both about 24 and resi Newburg, were trapped Santord Phillips A Ras explosion of slate io freedom this area gantown we helore day s KINGWOOD MUNe explo day upon nmunity of imam Burke and den eto of deep within the tal mine when nrought down tons to lock n Weir route Re fram wie A Mao ! hodies shortly seuers as ory found belore md w Ihe mine had been wie Today's rose IS go AN. MINERS The Canadian Frese Pm % Sock Fackange fee GUA RBORE TR CORE REE MITE 7 fd lof. x8 Fa iaend, i ghia. Ew Rawhide INDUSTRIALS Wigh bow il a.m HV Ws 4 iy ark bi Aud hii Ap ATI Alte Gas Aly Alta Ala Alg Con wis Algamn him dd BS FFE FEET EE 3 3 eS 3) wad | | Coshammit Comb Fmt Con Gas Crown Trust 0¥ em fram fiom Fam Flast Fadation Froese A Gatinean Gal 5 pe saris » 2 8100 ow Stock Hook rw Goandoeny wr of. Pape Gr Weg vt Gurr Tr ris HWeghes 6 A tmp Life mp OW Imp Tow Imp Tow mr Aeenp Ingersoll A Inge ne Beowre inter PI ne Som A Seirs » i" wd # wn He #is 4" hd wi Ve wee Sal Drug NO Gar Sar Phone Sor Phone » Ocean Com PageWers Pow Corp Premium aN Gas on Reitman A foe AV Can Roval Bank wl Corp 2d SL Cp Aw Saluda s Salada wis Aeven Arte Ahawin shawn A pt #1 paone Bpartan aattma slater ind slater Ind wr a Fa Merl (on 5 Propane pi Swan Fes Yor Dom Your from F Fin A Can LL en BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Hopeful By FORBES RHUDE nadine Press Business Editor his season's happy new Is n business cirel con its with those of » year ago Lasl year's greetings were sald with confidence (hal the months ahead would see » sleady eco nomic elimb which might mount inte a hoom. Instead we gol wha! is generally seen as a re cession This year's with an sir of of ASSUrADEE muh can be id for 1961 Because we are nol expecting much we are not likely lo be disappointed; and there are pos sibilities of pleasant surprise While the year just closing showed weakness, perhaps the most striking thing abont it was is display of fundamental strengin COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE Given an economic slow-down the decline conld have heen mutch steeper and many ob SOPVErS. are surprised hy is mildness This perhaps reflects our very complex society, which almost demands a high level of activity to keep it operating at all. It reflects, too, high income levels and a population now accustomed to a high standard of hving hroughout the post-war years it has been said (hat recession and boom are never far apart Ir said han this wishes ale hope rather However, Notes | Heard For 61 Given a little falling off, we go what we think of as reces (liven a relatively little from such high levels and we can be back in 8 boom Probably no one is expecting hoom in 1961. Nevertheless A pick-up gels under develop momentum we may think OTHER PROBLEMS Perhaps we should worry other things than (he level of economic activity A considerable seclor of LLER for instance, finds with adequate activity, but narvowing profit, There is cern, too, about how we develop sufficient savings personal apd corporate, nance new undertakings Much of our foreboding tres around unemploymnel even a considerable increase activity is unlikely to effect a compleie cure Various factors suggest thal much of our unemployment | due to technological change and this suggests further (hal per haps remedies must be sought in other areas than those of simple economics Such areas may include training programs and tional programs which sire (hat those entering (he la hor force in the future will he fitted for the changing world in which they will live sion rise one way It can quicker (han ahont Actual his) self with van shal both in een and mn re educa will en School Concert Held In Church I'he Sehoo! the church with a full RURKKETON Concert was held in on Thursday evening attendance Santa Claws arvived brought the concert te an end Many thanks are exiended lo Rev. Logan for being chairman Mrs, Wonacul for the music and 10 Miss LL, Knight as teacher and to all the children and parents who helped 10 make the evening a line success Rev, W, A Logan decliverad a fine sermon on Christmas morn ing, The, church was well filled to hear his farewell sermon. Rev and Mrs, W. A, Logan and fam ily will he greatly missed from this charge Mrs, A Lod NVI With jrelatives last CHRINTMAS VISITORS Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Smith and family spending the Christmas holidays with relatives in Smith's Falls Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Beech and family spent Christmas with My and My, Donald Cary and family Bowmariville My. and Mrs attended a Sil visited Caries meeting and week Jasper Vanden Bos and Nellie Enniskillen, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Cornelius VanDam and fam ily Mis Davey spent Chvistmas with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Davey and family, Rowmanville Murs, A Carter and Fred spent Christmas with Me and Mrs George Carter and family, Bow manville LIST FRIENDS Mrs, Ethel Bryan spent Christ mas with Mrs, Florence Green: wood and family, Kendal Mr. and Mrs. KG. Roblin spent Christmas with friends in Cherry Valley and Picton Mr and Mrs, Harry Grace and family spent Chyistmas with Mrs A Grace, Eatield Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith spent Christmas with. Mr. and Mrs Orvus Smith and family, Oshawa Me. and Mrs. A KE. Ribey speat Christmas with Miss F. Ri bey In Raltimove Mr. and Mrs R Murray Arent several days Wednesday iobae sonal, days because of but employees eo bring owt the hall entared ome Christmas Mrs I'o bald and family spent with Mrs. A. Hughes Rilda Stevenson and ronto Mr. Fred Carnochan ily, Port Perry, Mi Stanley MeCullough Mr, Eddie Brown, Toronto spent Christmas with Esther Carnochan and family Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weston and Mark, Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Vickery and Deb bie, Whithy; Mr, Larry Riddell Rradiord, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, A, C Stephenson and family Mr. and Mrs, W. Vanderley ang family spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. P family LAC Gerald Ward, Camp Bor aen, spent Christmas with My and Mrs, Rill Pedersen and fam ty Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Tromblie and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs J. A Turnbull and girls spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs RG. Harvey and family Mr. and Mrs, Ross Hubbard and Janice, Trenton, spent Christ mas with Mr, and Mrs, B. Hub bard and Alden Mr. and Mis and family spent Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bobby, Oshawa Mr, and Mrs family spent Mix, Beatrice ey Abom mas with Larme: Mp, and Mis and family, Toronto, My Mitehell, and Mrs Mitehell Christmas Mr, and R family Mr. and and family and fam and Mrs and family George Allison Christmas with Rell and and with Stan Leslie Taylm Christmas Taylor and RB guests Mi. and spent Mrs Christ Harold Norman Mitchell William Morris with Argue and My pent Mrs. L Mrs, Muni and family, Bowmanville Christmas with Mr. and Howard . Abbott and Don't ship at morning speaker cordially Your cervespondent would 0 lake this opportumity of ing the readers, editors and sail on the Oshawa Times, A Ve Happy and Prosperous New {Year A bbott spent Mrs an family Won Sunday forget our Church LIS am, on There will be for this Sunday invited to attend a specia You are 1S wish Wigh bow if a.m EW ge | A Lurned Diuvesteyn and | Hot . Mork Pr, i919 Frans Mt 75 mon Ae 2h Un Aer 2 pr 125 Un Gas Fuel A Walk CW Weston A Waston F Weston 8 wi " § ~ Yr Can 4 Home Ov HEOG Ii Pete La Faint 'Advance Made A hite Gift Service Held By Industrials ro gher day Fono Indust tock mar moderale climbed h the ke Wedne (rade on amid ied AH on Index heir Ind al il 2200 nee last Ie he highest I'he al point ny Ul with 1960) have Januar than se Points st Ded 3 left in APPERTS market mov las alone Bl a tand on hind lo still fw I'he trading da market a bull ndustrigl 1 month Hin Kase {als 150.87 gold fl at BO.15 Wes 16 at BOT) Goodyear tire had (he best da the industrial board with a point al 125. Dominion may al K7% for a new high Ven! dated Paper reached a new high vith a gain of 1 'at 42 i did MelLaren Pulp and Paper A up % at 21 Power A and ahead 1! 0 into the index ahead pointe in the December me while Vere up tern oils failed on five Kain "anced 1's the Consol for anced 1's al wd ol Carp Ford at 1356, Dominion Foun dries and Steel gained | at Ab and Crown Zellerbach climbed 1% at 53 International Nickel gained 'i and moved Wy the highest in the hi of the company Falconbridge gained one point al 19 for & new high Other winners Noranda, up % al 40'4 and Dome with a gain at 20% Duty Followed By St, Laurent QUEREC (CP Rt, Hon, Loul Laurent sald Wednesday he voted for conscription during he 1944 conseription orl because he preferred his duly to "pass ing political unpopularity in Quehed I'he spoke Canadas wa Also tn tory of % Si minister dinner Preemie former' prime al a service club attended bh Quehe dean Lesage Mi arent minister the Mackenzie King cabinet during the crisis, brough! army reserves in Ku {0 dange levels and replacements were Std Vas Justice n when rope fel insutticient volunteering I'he governmen shaken a {decided 16,000 men for over the objections on hadly con OVOrNeax ol Wis 0 crip arvice Quebec Mr. St id he knew his support of conscription would he politically embarrassing In Quehed But I also knew 1 had the moral duty te do my part {o has ten the end of the war in Europe and | convinced that in vol ing ax 1 did, 1 would do some thing that would hasten the final end of the great slaughter "1 had to choose between pass ng political unpopularity and the feeling that would have haunted me so much had 1 lived to have failed to do my utmost to save lives which did not need to be sacrificed Ice Decreases | Niagara Flow NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y he spectacle of a froren Niag ara Falls was a possibility here Wednesday far the first time in M Laurent was AP Vears:' An ice leading foot wide jam in the east channel to the brink af the 1.000 American section of the cataract cut the flaw to (wo narrow streams. It was believed that continued winlry weather contd oft the flow com pletely within the next few days I'he larger Horses Falls Canadian side of Goat not affected It ne completely choke much on the Island, is ver has heen rosen Park no element ol uation the hig 0 carry In there was in the sit shoe Falls the whole addition the water level buted to the ice pile nal east channel sened the danger of shore due to olticials said dang since Horse enough the flow o river they id low which con min the alsa le damage on line ice RIG STADIUM Sirahov Stadium Pra AE y the world, w 1954 with speciators completed in room for 240.000 Wigh Low am Education Hall ed Church for pageant bers of with opened ng carol two Child un moved ahead ( hild Magnificat n days, comprised tev, 8 J I'hompson loyee Ney Hawkesley, Alves Batty erley Hawkesley, Susan Mena Ken land ardson on Brown planists Mrs United Chureh leader presented carols Herald Come Come Sng Primary Class tones Magnificat Middleton solo Gounod Schubert, ively Gambell with as service closed with the carol to the pronounced the hymn Pp Mrs Lloyd Stephenson Cooper son appreciation te all who assisted in this Mrs, J Mrs Batty for time and labor given so willingly costumes worn in the pageants and adults at will Needy COUPLES CLUB of given their spare time during the busy festive mas cakes plates production Market Listings on Toronto MINES Wigh 1406 196 Yet ngs i» Sock Advec nie Agmien ARAEON Ang Rowen Aa Sino Banklieid Barnat Kae ad "wy Toon lad ion Lad nn Yd Hetals 2550 700 a Ld on Hor 1540 ad ad TH00 wo 7 700 ron Fenf Ball Ank Cattnme Camp Chi Helleken hee © Halliwell € Marten Con M and 8 | © Maorvison © Mosher Con Negus Cowieh Cragme 1 Arngon BHOOKLIN I'he Christian of Brooklin Unit was filled to capacity White Gift Service and presented™ the mem sunday School Mr, Lloyd the sltepnenson extended welcome to one and all, Service with the singing of a Gentle Mary Laid Her and The Lord's Prayer in on Ihe Ihe sented in Prophec I'he Christ all attired of Biblical narrators Mr. Ralph Christ three I'he pageant VE pre I'he and characters costume the Hillier, vel ections Cast of colorful Angels: Gloria Jean Dennis, Carol Roberts enson, Carol Greer and Gandy Heralds: Tom Agar Tom Kirkwood portrayed by Carolyn Joseph: Ralph Milner Children, robed In white: Bev Carol Crawford Kathy Wilson, Nancy Mitchell John Medland, Hall Billy Bobby Cooper Gall Carol Schnabel Alexander Mary Carnwith, I'hompron Shepherds Lambert, Bill Little Shepherds Grant Roberts, hy I'he Med Rich for an I'ne Three Donald I'helr pages evnolds, Ricky he © first Wise Men Duncan, Mr, Marks Donny Batty, Ivan Mount joy gilt-giver Huy Hod Patti Soloist: Mrs. Ronald Mrs. Lynn Alfred Wilson Junior Choir Brooklin divected hy their Mrs, Kenneth Holliday, the musical numbers Appear by Gounod Silent Night Hark the Angels Sing I'he First As We Three Kings 0 All Ye Faithiul and "0 Little Children' Selection "Away in a Manger' hs pupils from the in sweet and clear Gambell Middleton Che ol for Lavely six al ol I'he Mrs, Lynn planoforie by Bach During 'the portray planist played a Ave Maria solo, "Ave Maria", hy Was SUNG Very exress soloist, Mrs, Ronald Mrs. Alfred Wilson Vocal hy planist Al the conclusion of the pageant Igy Rev, 8. J. Hillier benediction ard sang the Vesper Now in Every World the Chol Is Junior "Joy lace The commitles comprising | Kenneth: Holliday, Mrs. | Mrs. Albert Ralph Thomp thanks and Mrs heartfelt and extend serviee: special thanks to H. McKinney, Mrs, Cole Mervyn Bird and Mrs, John in making the beautiful given by While Gift fon the seniors Serviee world's Contributions he used The United Links Couples €lub Brooklin United Church, have willingly and eagerly of season, in selling Christ puddings, and church (featuring an etching-like of BRrooklin United Churehy From manners donated | Brooklin United Church AFTERNOON AUXILIARY The WMS of held its December meeting in the Christian Education Hall The chaired the meeting, opening with di] impressive service commitiee around the setting of Christmas price Bible Mrs tion, Mrs Night lam from An book Let's prayer closed worship. Mrs session, Virs ed $387.14 raised up to date receipts January Mrs Christian article "The Spirit of Christmas'; sdonary J books from WMS bookshelf, Mrs Charles ceived from Presbyterial Supply Secretary, allocation for include * Archer Lamont Mrs reference (0 new organizations to be formed by uniting the Woman's sociation donary 1962 Woman's Organizations of United Church Women' Secretaries present annual reports at the Jan meeting Listed below 1961 vice-president, and vice-president Wilson Ruby Martin and press secretary Elliott; Lloyd ardship Christian Citizenship, Mrs, Krnest Acton Mrs Jones " Charles Charles Elliott Uary WA Monthly pianist, Mission neth Arksey Exchange Net Sule Wigh Low 11 a.m. Ch ge 0 BW BW ! me 12 12 2 " 7166 7 1000 we won Nd Hoew Kilemine Kogan Landis 1, Dwifauit I. Shore Latin Am faite faxindin 1 Lae funanet Yactie Wadsen Wareon Waritime Martin Yaobhrun Yeintyre ew nt Mentor Merrill Viti Mf Sew Alger Sew (al N Mytama Nickel WS Yorn Opemiska Ormsby Fick Crow hdd law fam. Chae me iL] +7 s3 a 2800 7% BET POT CI Hove EL] u" #1 13% "a wy Sherritt sil Miller Bisco Steap RB sud Cont Sullivan Teck Temas Territory hom | Tinrn I Ashestis Un Keno Upp Can Vandoo Vents Wills Yk Bear Young WG Sales to | MARKET PRICES TORONTO (CP) were quoted today PEI 1.90 NB 3 To bag wo LZ2] 124 LH 125 12 LL WMA 00 Potato prices al: off truck bags, $2; N.B W-pound bags, 1.40 P.E.l. 10-pound bags 7h-pound PEI 1.26 NB. the trade: PEI. 75-pound range, 2.256:2.35; N.B.. 2.10 2.25. PEL BH0-pound bag range, 1.60; NB 35-140. PEL 10 pound bag range, 37.38; NB 3 in order lo raise funds proceeds raised in this the amount of $400 was o (he building fund of Afternoon Auxiliary of the Brooklin United Church TORONTO (CP) Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices at 11:30 a.m. today were: Apples Mcintosh $3.50-4 a bushel, Spies 44.50, delicious 3.50450, green 2.00-2.75; beans, green 4-450 a hamper; beets, 1-1.25 a bushel brussels sprouts a drum; broceoll, carrots: unwashed 11.25, washed 1.25:1.50; cabbage, 80:1 a erate cauliflower, American 12s 3.754 cranberries box; celery crate; Kinsman "The December 5 24s 3.76.4; leeks, 11.25 per of Long Ago"; Mrs. Wil-lguam basket; mushrooms, 2.25 Medland read the scripture 3 40 per 5.pound basket: onions, Matthew's Gospel, 1-11.15, American spanish 3.35 interesting extract from a 3.50; parsley, American 11.25 a written by Peter Marshall, dozen; pears, B.C. anjoy 6.50; Keep Christmas' and radish, cellos 1.25165; pepper 150-175 a bushel, hard 2, butternuf | ; tomatoes hot house, No, 1 large 5:3.25 per reveal: 10-pound crate, No, 1 small Total 2: turnips, unwaxed 1, waxed in 1.25-1.35; vegetable Marrow 781 a bushel, TORONTO (CP) tinued under pressure at prices steady to the week's decline at the Ontario public stockyards to day Butcher heifers were in fair demand at steady prices and cows traded actively at prices strong to the advance. Veal calves sold ac tively at strong prices on a lght supply and hog prices were steady. Slaughter steers 24.50 20.50; good common 16:20; 30; medium 20-21; 19; cholee fed yearlings 26,50 with odd sales to 27 20.04; good cows 17.17.50; me- dium 15,50-16,50; common 14.50. 15,50; canner and cutter cows 10+ 14; good heavy bologna bulls 18. 18.50; common and medium light bulls 14:17 Replacement cattle handywelght = stockers common and medium 20. Calves 40: Choice vealers 34 37: good M0 medium 20:29; common 20:25 president, Mrs, E, Kay "Peace at Christinas"', An Christmas worship was presented hy the 4.20 a case candles, the poinsetlias, and "Open Holy K.. Acton read the medita the business report, KE. Kay led The treasurer's Martin Routley, to be given for year . 8. Thompson Steers con Stewardship, December Mis. magazine, Mrs, recommended reporting read from Monthly McKinney letter r Osha Elliott read a Mrs. Down, re 1061, and request to Vacation School Packet" Memorial Hospital, at Alberta E. Kay read literature in cattle 1,200: Choice \ with sales 24; medium 21.23; good heifers 21,50. common 15 24.50 good Woman's Mis into one group in known as "The and Society fo be are requested lo officers for E. Kay: Ist S.J. Hillier: Mrs, Charles drd vice-president, Mrs, Sonley treasurer, Mrs, Routley corresponding Mrs, Arthur] crotary, Mrs, are Mrs Mrs president 200: Good g 8 recording {be (United States dollar {time since the early 1950s. It had (one-third of | the American 4-4.50 American 4.25450 a California 3.50-3.75 a lettuce, American 30s 2.75. 11. squash, | hub~ 1.75) and yearlings | week's | Lo British Assess Canada's Budget LOSDON (CP experts are awaiting further in fo. mation from Canada before trying to assess the economic ef fee of Canada's supplementary budget Tne budget, hrought down lasi week by Finance Minister Flem ing, was aimed primarily at re siricting foreign investment. is effects were speedy The Canadian dollar appears to on the point of reaching or dropping below parity with (he for the first Financial whittled down to a premium of one per cemt when London market closed Wed nesday The Daily Telegraph says the [supplementary budgel has given two potential advantages to Ca nadiagn business by causing the premium on the Canadian dollar almost to disappear EXPORTERS BENEFIT It will help Canadian exporters {particularly of commodities such a% newsprint, whose are often expressed in | lars, the Conservative new says It will also ald certain Cana dian manufacturers, who have frequently found themselves at a disadvantage against outside competition In thelr home mar ket when the premium has been high The Financial - Times reshaping of Canada's payments situation' ciuse the Canadian embarrassment, how cial it may be in the falling off in from the U contracts 8S. dol spaper ways the external could well authorities ver benef) longer run the capital inflow 8. should sirengthen the country's eurrent weonnt payments, the influential newspaper adds A fall in the value of the Cana. dian dollar in the wake of a contraction in the capital inflow ought to boost Canadian exports and discourage imports in some measure "But it could be some little while before Canada began to benefit on » large Neale from these processes, , . Minister Sure He's Honorable QUEBEC (CP) aull, Quebec Bona Arsen. minister of lands and forests, sald Wednesday his department has been instructed to return to the sender marked inconny" unknown any mail received which does not bear the title "honorable" before his name Mr. Arsenaull's instruction te his staff follows a recent legisla. ture decision (0 do away with the title in official records of pro- ceedings in the legislative ase sembly He sald abolition of the title in assembly proceedings has given some people the mistaken impression that it has been done away. with altogether I decided to act before civil crvants in my department be- gan calling me 'Comrade Arsen. ault the lands and forests min ister said Mr. Arsenault said members of the provincial cabinet are still entitled to be called honorable' outside the assembly while they are in office ADULY FEATURE TIMES FOR YOUR HOLIDAY PLEASURE 0B HOPE # LUCILLE BALL ws» PANAMA & FRANK - 1:45 . UFE 3:40 - 5:40 - 7:35 - 9:35 FORGET A GIFT? Why Not A BOOK OF TICKETS ll | 1 | MARK oe MIDDLETON FARE won Sy 30 ri = 0GAR KUNA TOUARY FRANZ SP WOMEN STISAN TOMORROW TONY CURIS PIPER LAURIE Last Day "BAMBI" pLus "ABBOTT & COSTELLO" JOHN , STEWART War E- GRANGER | Kovacs: FABIAN FUN LOVING GIANTS LAUGHING AND Christian Stew S. Thompson: Bradley Mrs, C JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist HARE OPTICAL 8 BOND ST EAST, RA 3.4811 community friendship, Heron, Mrs, Harold associate members, Mrs, Pilkey; supply, Mrs, literature, Mrs McKinney: Missionary | Mrs, William Medland; Mrs, . S. Thompson; Rand leader, Mrs, Ken. Chairman Named For Subsidiaries TORONTO Coventry chairman of British Motor Indus. try in Canada, a group of 10 Ca nadian automobile' and component man utacturers My rector (Canada) sidiary of the British Smith firm, producers of instrumentation for automobiles and aircraft, Altred J appointed op has been subsidiaries of British Coventry of § Lid is managing di. Smith and Sons Canadian sub: hoe | 'WONDERFUL HOLIDAY WEEK SHOW! VIBRANT WITH ACTION AND YOUTHFUL ROMANCE! ri HT ro UT And just for FUN! ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET CAPTAIN KIDD BILTMORER. 7 PRES? TECHNICOLOR FUN Feature Daily ot | 1:45.41 140.9: / New Year's DANCE U.AW. HALL $8. per Couple Tickets available at Local 222 Office, Bond E. + + + IN COLOR, TOO © Prizes © Notions © Refreshments -

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