Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 23 Dec 1960, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 23, 1960 (CHILD GUIDANCE Four Ways To Improve A Child's School Marks By 6G. CLEVELAND MYERS sexmlbary oh We Rewspaper hy / A PARENTY QUESTIONS They lack 4 sei -discihine and hah 5 o hard nity in the United Plates" the fail Sone Yo a RA LEER IVES Mare the EIRGs Aow'L siudy BHigEmEy ow WaTH Many biishy a LAE WIRE over ther a - hem ang tr WRIA EVER " SUORRES Fines to wn wucessive, "0 for 196) have » hard theiry aright. | ERIE HAMPER ERYEIOpe 16 he How many bialies sie horn in 150 the number was 4.506 M4 , ts estimate in : EY id | Mes, Edne Yel ondhiin, Haylon Was # recent sarst of Wis, Bike BURKETON BURKETON Went Swndiy morning, Dec. 5 a 15 am witk be the farewell serviee for Bev, W,. A Logan helove Long wp duties in London PERSONAL NOTES Mr. wand Mrs, Thomas Hedge WEIR Belrdsy YEmng nests of Yr. and Mrs. George Carter and mitty, Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thoms end amity, Oshawe, were Sun ---- oy fests of Mr. mod Mee BB! sormmains DANGEROUS Mr. snd Mrs. Jwnes Lavery Matishatie showld he kept ont of Yoromtn, were Sunday guests of babys reach for they pre Wghby Mire. Enther Cornachion poisons, ensity shillowed and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard HEADQUARTERS FOR , . . Fad Mr. 0, Mace snd friend, To Fin, WEIR WESHERR EHEHSs oH Mr. and Wes. Glen Lowrey and family Sorry to report that Wis, Cys Achion is pot so well. We hope her Raion Wil som Te mp ey ed Your convespondamt wold Wie io take this opporianity of wish Ing the Editors, Stall Readers and the Oshawa Times & very Merry Chis mas # AUDLEY W fab were Sunday guests of Mr, and have an eyecrlehing coor 174 Ritson Rd. South, Oshawa Diamond Anniversary Dawns |THE STARS SAY | For Mr. And Mrs, Thomas A. Kerr 77 Married in Markdale Methodis Church on Christmas Day, 1909 Mr. and Mrs, 1. A, Kerr, Wilsos road south, will gitain Biness has east a shadow on what should be a joyous occasion In failing health Mr. Kerr w taken last week lo the Ques Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto Mrs with a daughter in order close to him The couple have heen making their home in Oshawa for the past two years and are hoth members of the local Gospel Hall Mr, Kerr was born nn Ireland al Mountmellick where his father kept a chemist shop, Bome year ago he made a tour to the land to be their Z diamond anniversary on Sunday. and pulled hy a team of wine ever, he realistic ang Kerr is staying in the city special raft was walling (0 ferry rove highly profitable MARRIED SIXT YEARS Among these RIE Way He dents of AVEIREE OF FHPERIOF mental aity. But hey have failed to cittivele good ways Mf Mrs. B. Hubbard MRS, FRED PUCKRIN Mr. Lawrence Carnochan was AUDLEY The WA held the # Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs i Christmas meeting at the chirch Harry Beauchamp, Song, CRIA on Wednesdoy of last week with Congratiiations to Mr, and Mrs Foremost simong thelr trowies oo president, Mrs, James Cow. Frink Mellon (nee Maryn fs that they have ReYEr REGRWES ie. presiding, A donstion 15 to he ONWVer), on thelr marriage om Set ood skills at reading, They may sent to the Sick Children's Hos wrday learned to Lake mental ial. The roll call was answered. Our chireh was fairly well af : cx op 10 doy", Mrs, Bert Guthrie pre- (ended on Sunday evening when or written notes well Wn Gass OF old" LT opriamas program the CGIT presented the Candle while reading homework asogn- Christmas Festival" depicting light Vesper Service ments, They may ry to TEMEm- the customs of ferent COMB iad (0 see Mrs B Breck from ber mere words OF SERIERCEs tries, She was assisted hy Mrs Kingston, who is making visits n heard in cass or read from the C. Clemence, Mrs, J, Cowie, 0 village this week, nA have {IBE, an distance wm Aays BREROE Wa ai ERFIMOUS The SPENCE th carried on by himself In, He travelled at about four m a hy the Old Ridge vod and Danforth road. He y guided the anchor and cannon a far Holland Landing where a NXER day As them across the river, A ewirent wept the I shout and the anchor was lost overhoard It was retrieved later and now stands In Holland Landing Park a flew miles north of Toronto Mr. Kerr retired in 194) forty years association with Eaton Compan made their home VE aller the and couple inf printed pages Instead of twining Mrs, Bill Guthrie, Mrs, Bob se "Kien Larmer, Toronto these inte few meanngil Pardon, Mrs, W, H, Guthrie and spent the weekend with Wis par of their own. They maYiMrs, Fred Puckrin, Mrs, Gop Mr, ond Mrs rd Lraiety or never review wat hey Astley sang # solo, "0 Holy Li ll, iy oe ' have learned unth just-hetore en Night", Three litle girls, Wilma AEINEY, announced time for examinations. Guthrie, Debbie Hurihert and # Wiras By ESTRELIITA TOMORROW {OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. Last Minute Shopping Tips! CHRISTIES BREAD «co 2 « 29° FIRST GRADE BUTTER » 66° POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES -. 3.09 Bi Sale Now On 10-PIECE LIVING ROOM GROUP 148.00 Wilson Furniture 20 CHURCH 57, ! Wendy Izatt wlso took part in 1g the program which included a TH candle-hghting service, The east group served refreshments The following children were ¢ presented for haptism during the church service on Bunday after noon: Robert Alan Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs, Hongld Cox, Wil iam Dwight, son of Mr, and Mrs to explain forthe Bill Guthrie, Phyllis Elizabeth Af dig it out from Gaughter of Mr. and Mrs, Irvin or seference hook PYEKIn fully periods A pumber from here atiended the evening service at Pickering during United Church on Sunday. Th stimulating and Invigorating SOME SUGGESTIONS day, with personal matier 0 "H cial setivities EOmmuUnY affairs yILEnerons ond Aspects lle } and Ww IE the you who Ws effectively nomew nk hE and under especial If making ' fet mare his fef al me plans, how a ze si in patient} yourself to he ger nm VE VE FOR BIRTHDAY ¥ fact YOur outlook for the VErY encouraging, The of your skills and talent or idea Is you don't un either ask the legener W BOM ped and " J kh A Si an Gh SWEETEN FESTIVE is { 54 * eould de then he Ire not onl or iatey ake your ARP from the standpoint of vancement, but a'so as relate your poekethook, Especially opportunities to sdyvancs financial interests will oh tn good BUring A ou i chool or at home Fi your 0eeur YOUF SHEE KRESGE'S 1h Fi Lami; wh as bi lak Vida om lok Swift's Premium "BUTTERBALL" TURKEYS We also have Turkeys from 6 ro 20 Ibs, os well as @ good selection of Roasting Chickens, Capons, Geese ond Ducks; | Ay ' { 4 Large Breasted Over 20-Ibs, UP YOUR SEASON of how Audley male choir assisted with Yered or the music item considered. The community welcomes had heen and Mrs, Ligdemann who have moved into Mr. Harvey's home Dr, Lindemann teaches music at the ¢ will throughout the next nine Be consery operations however, and do avoid extrava during next March period in Lerm you £ouia have ans months ive in wel you could or | MeCORMICK'S ZANCE whether you August 1961 should he high and there called on or not He pecially alert when as Himula CHOCOLATE DROPS 1b, 39° li " . of his birth and found the old shop!!'"® Ontario for 17 yea still in business in order to he nearer their family y came Lo Oshawa in 1958 Mrs Keri They have two daughters in To Elizabeth dane rontn Vy Norman Purves scended from an old French (Eileen) and Mrs, Prank Skinner Canadian family that settled inl, yiraic A son. Mr. T Bearboro some two hundred year y at Ringwood, near '5€8 ALO r tivities for Kerr 1 touffville and another son, the| "2c Ii Her great - grandfather 8, Kerr is pastor of" nhve lines A child born on thi Pierre Reverend E Pelletier, who later changed his Snowdon Baptist Church in Mon name to Peter Pilkey, was en- treal, There are 12 grandchildren!Pe endowed with fine gaged in transporting a hig and great. grandchildren, | APILY and resourcefi anchor from Rouge River (0 Pen: the youngest, a girl Wy ton elang by way of Holland Land: horn last Monday where personal are concerned bring you nossihly ng Febru some eh roman Lhe the forme Ricketts, is de of a August : Ne Claude Yext | some brand-new those in er [t seven A nw tery he haby wa u re Travel is encouraged in september susceptih made Ajax High Bchool Ronald and Mrs, Cox mental a vitten family visited on Sunday y item considered in home of Ron's father vou think important. Make Cox, Neweastle did Fitten hort andl A Merry Christmas to all and state facts your words. may . all the blessings of (his Repd your written notes CAEN Christmas season he yours evening on heginning your home work and recall the main thing you learned that day Znments IHG MAKE. NOTES new 2, Make ol are al ary on and Hr w LOWNEY'S fil Mr ont fe nature note yer prom pote Career Ae own and ealive CHOCOLATES, GUMS, J Merry Mix Ass i | da 1] MASCOT DIES (udying your outside KITCHENER, Ont (CP) eeuf hut f ne 2, On a PETITE HENRY Qodles of juicy Christmas Tengerines, Ore Tongelos, Grapes, Nuts, Chocolates and Candie Christmas CRACKERS 49c 79: 98c per Pug. The Management and Staff of Glecotf's extend to all, Best Wishes for a Ib. 59° ELLYS oriment Ib, 39° turn each paragraph Blackout, a Belgian pomeranian more of Your which hecame a wartime celeb. to flat: signments entenee oy When have into a yi word you Gifts For Patients Displayed At Hospital Auxiliary Meeting The Christmas spirit pervaded the meeting of the Women's Aux iliary of the Oshawa General Hos pital on Monday, A gaily decor-| ated hall, and Christmas tree, a Christmas reading by Mrs, James R, Walker, and two heautifully rendered solos hy Mrs, BE, G Storie, accompanied al the plano hy Mrs, George Fleming, pleased the many members present, The 'president, Mrs, R. W, Bas sett, presided and welcomed all After the reading of the minutes hy the secretary, Mrs. Neil Felt and the treasurer's veport hy Mrs, Charles M, Elliott, Mrs, J I. Beaton displayed the gift items British H. Greer, They also spoke of plans for equipping a playroom for child patients in the new wing| of the hospital when it Is com pleted | A pleasing note of the afternoon was the presentation to the past president of our auxiliary, Mrs C, D, Russell, of a past presi dent's pin, Mrs, G, D, Conant paid Hlowing tribute to Mrs, Russell! for her endeavors and presented the pin, after which Mrs, Russell expressed her sincere thanks Sundry items were dealt with one hundred dollars will he sent to the Oshawa Library Board for the purehase of hooks, in appre | nadign Institute of Realtor ampleted YEAr course rity here, has died al the age of 20. The dog hecame a mascot to ABO servicemen and women in the war years when its owner, Mrs very William (Mom) Bmith held open house here and later in Waler assignment. recall of yours, paus the mast impor eovered he these statements ing to memaoriz "tant ems 4 If FIRST FEMALY VANCOUVER (CP) lacqueline Roxburgh is the Columbia woman Fellowship in Vy fh to the POWNTOWN OSHAWA hi Ca ou read lowly and have trouble getting yi ine ranted a we find 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS Shop and Save at GLECOFF'S CLOSED MONDAY, DECEMBER 26th OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 8 Bhe eaning from the printed page, 00: weoesstully practice in private for ten or 15| a three minutes a day at reading male rial much easier to read than WAXWORKS FOUNDER your texthooks Madame Tussaud, founder ofl (You may find more the famous waxworks, was horn tions in my bulletins Tips for in. Paris in 1760 and was an art| Students' and Home Helps for instructor to the sister of Louis Poor Readers 11, to be had hy Vi, sending a self-addressed, UB SUERES elation. of the help given weekly hy the library staff; all annual | committee reports must he in the! hands of the secretary hy Janu ary 7. to he mimeographed and placed in the hands of all mem hers; Mrs, J, Balter intro duced Mrs, George Jewell who will be in charge of staffing the shop for 1061; the resignation of the third vieespresident Mrs Peter Simpson was accepted with regrel which the auxiliary will present to the patients in hospital at Christ mas, The committee conveners out lined their work of the past month Mrs, Earl Mann, sewing; Mrs H, B. James, cards and knitting membership, Mrs, L. WW. M Conkey: Mrs, J. G, Carter, gift shop, who stated that Miss Vera Moyse will staff the shop for the next period The evening group of the aux Four new memhers iliary was represented hy Mrs. | duced, Mrs. Ben 1 Ray Lunn, Mrs, T, BE, Sutherland! 1, 11. Currie. Mrs, R. © and Mrs, Jordon Curley, Their| and Mrs. DD. H. Moore chapter will sponsor a dance Jan.| adjournment, the tea 'nost 28, under the convener, Mrs, 1 esses Mrs. 1. J. Metcalfe and Mrs C, L. Cousins were in charge of the Christmas refreshments, and Mp, C.D. Russell presided at the tea tahle | The executive wished all it members and friends a Merry | Christmas and happy holiday sea | 800 | PRAM PARKING I AT. ALBANS, England (CP) Mathers here ave afraid their hahies may he Kidnapped when they are left outside shops, They have asked the Hertfordshire council ta provide a pram park ing lot with baby-minders were intro M Rowes Fach Christmas and years-end is for most of us a time at which we assess progress over the past years, As we grow older our sense of values somes how revolve more and more around people rather than things, This year as we once again consider our changing views and ats titudes we feel even further indebted to customers and employees who have taught us thati-- the younger generation is an improvement aver the older, NEW SCHOOL SAULT STE MARIE, Ont [(C9=A new school opened at nearby Korah has been named after Isabel Fletcher, one of the first white babies born after the township was settled our employees work just as hard and faithfully, although net quite as long, as did our father's employees, a dollar lost today for a principle, somaliow has a way of ting H up temorrow, MANY SURVIVORS PETERBOROUGH, Ont, (CP) Mrs. Lavina Jane Riel 83, who died here following a lengthy ill ness, left 117 survivors. They in cluded 59 great grandehildren and five greal - great - grandehil 1) en KY 30 Book Condensed : First Men To The Moon Rocket expert Wernher von Hraun, whose predictions have heen amazingly accurate, relates the amazing account of two astronauts who hurtle through space at 25.000 wm.ph. Read this Long book condensation in January Reader's Digest of the exciting daya spent ex. ploring the moon's mysteries! Share tense moments on the | return trip to earth which may | de a common event in the next generation! Get your January Reader's Digest today articles of lasting interest nearly everyone wants ta he fair but some find it mare difficult than others, hs, in spite of some evidence to the contrary we helieve the world is improving, given half a chance life can be well worth while, At Christmas may the blessings of the Season be with you, and bring you deep and abiding happiness, A May 1961 Be The Happiest Ever For You and Yours FOR GRANDMA Wishing a Merry Christmas is Geraldine Jane Gerrits granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs Peter Webbing, Cochrane street east, Whithy, Diany is cele brating her second birthday to morrow. She is the daughter of My, and Mrs, Henk Gerrits of Los Angeles, California, merly of Oshawa Photo hy Jon van Boxtel Whithy LES EVENISS SALES 15 PRINCE ST, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OPEN TOMORROW 9 A.M. 'TIL 6 P.M. 0) RA 5.4632

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