Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 23 Dec 1960, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT |Ottenbrites Hold | PRESENT WATCH TOW Witham Heron Io wp. righ he al rn Ree J am f Brock J aceem Cyr hed in 1 i wm J hie { £) [ i Mone forme Wai 1 fron Village wirden of he den Heron, of aceem on Thin Pickering 1] coumy Brock Fo the waleh he (2) ein warden ateh I engraved 1] Warden 1 wrist Zhi ARDEN flee i vil ef of the count veident 4 ' COR fro Pn end of th ) 0 elie m municipal politie al the ef hawa Time ouncil Approves igh School E nemin 1] mig no f fin required ind of district that were ecied rahe hu COUNCIL GETS BLAME matier ho men mo hi the school hoards, 1} gels the I yin gre going whal that council f inated at pent b end hieh om for an ane el, callin paintment The nell committer counen al hlame HT] id | he hiame doing prey "| ment n es a for omeone ol slien hy sharp in | he sald William Heron, of Township, and Depul ard Oyler, of Reach hoth disagreed, Mr. Oyle aid that if "a man is worthwhile he should tell the people how h [15 going lo spend their and should he asked 10 expl how. he spent it later Reeve Mary Reid, of " Max, thas there are good a ple elected and good ll had ple appointed. "Bul shi I don't think that people side the logal municipalitic hould he appointed to the hoards to possibly have the decid vithiing vote in any matier f |SHOULD BE ELECTED Any public hody with mone of funds, | spending powers should he elect to) ed ald Reeve Bherman Seol of Pickering Township Whi County f I ena y | f nation ch Unlaric ) Id hp Wherea 1h Boards and Triusies school Pistiriet under the present provisions of The Beeon dary Behools and Boards of Edu cation Act, appointed in office hy Counell or Councils of muni itis and are not elected, as are memhers of counel And Wherea there | trusted to such Boards the ng tor High Behonl purpose large portion of cipal taxe "And Whereas to enerally accepted prineiple ) ell government, the mem neh Boards, charged vith! mem } High are sal on pend ol a nul 0] he annual mun acuord neal ner Ihe pend hould he direct] and elected by the taxpayer Now Therefore il olved, County Clerk William that the Provincial authorities heipoinied out that it is paked to pass legislation to amend impossible to hold an I'he M hoo to name a county repres of Act tolto a distriet high of al There had heen a move to amen of f "re publi responsible hi Ie Manning electio eecondaly entatiy Fduen all member Behonl repre the present and Board provide that Distriet. H other - than af the ile Sehool elected hy nieipalit the repre One the reevi Fownship aluahl Maintenance Men Get Pay Increase | \ssncial \a ed that heen gr int tion n the af? ol entative the Bepar ing the county and separa! chool representatives also liabl Board, he directly (to election, He suggested tha the electors in the mu-[Ontarie County eonld scarcely thereof, which{ tamper with a resolution fram ar pointed tolother county aunty or par ent of Counell then approved the Fl nm County solution NEW RESOLUTION Later the name 1 Reeve Reid proposed a the rong alyecior Deputy Whithy complained nih ¢ hao re resolution w Heher Hi triel tn a Down, af that in Mi easion a mi date of the fir I formal pre yA) found id Al reat many ty qualified men were work ram three lo yeal It LE reach their maximum pay. Now + new employee hired with orientation period of six AL the conclusion of that On ar oo ne new employee is ted into the service or releases I retained, he goes im mediately to the pay of that ela Thi alto a joint recommen dation of the twa hodie he new trades In Highway Lands Works wher ment Mr dent the Civil 1 of Wh [R]} ental I wa that in mm hy the Hay Tl Iel arin ih tndla reas Lenanc The per cent Some Magee Civil Service Commi eration fe in ih o their rates of pay imilar ty PY. We mich helow ay The a it mission then proceeded on rate surveys of the situation urvevs were compared avd Mr. Mace e found to he amazingly similar Fhe assoc ation and the commission then recommended to Provincial Sec retary N. Allan that 1 salaries for the trade he vised upward Me. A Maes na n A RIN have ated maine group race eivel se raise atte month W Ve Ing ala we averaging 16 trade alo dM month period either fil the association asked the Whe rade alQup thal wed to nia erage vice, maint comp nin he | ale 0 private Was 0 and the cam f pay will alles the Departments Reform Institution and Forests Public andl to a lesser deg department of LOVED valses epa he Ad Mace, elected CIAO pre this year, 1s chawman association's bargaining com made ee. Last year, as vice presi the recommendation to Op: dent of the CSAQ, he was also taro eabine harman of that same commit The pay hike He 15 an employee at the Tuly 1, 1960 to be Ontario Hospital, Whithy James € of re an nit the elroa we lollee which happen NOW PLAYING -- COLOR wu A 3 i l05Twore ww BLN en S vow FOLEY ey OL SRS WET BROCK - - WHITBY in ge going appoint Town money ad peo: 0 { ald, | well nighinearly four months of school hoard Hoard, Elgin County's resolution hy mak Mrs lection wniLin noresolution a mt and sepa epresent alive j her ri fo af all ho alled election J Eipresent ative 1 the high hoard Deputy -reeve i eching 1 again vol Eom hi | members | and Peaple the righ didn' The most I alwa ihe le mone ( approval high m choot hoa { ridiewion do not alw pie the # mayhe eked im pend pil [| vhen tu poplar it he rer I one no nver-rule resolutin His objection and the Ontario County nl was passed fd allio Photo f } fi { he k ne i fl n {HIGH SCHOOL NEWS FREEVIEW SE POPE Joes EXEL. taet Pope lots ge Joon KEHLS THE OSHAWA TIMES, VPridey, December 13, 1960 § Rl Mercantile Lead Whithy We i aut feagne pation ond Piati to make the fing Hokey inghan MEA Raiwbwro Fan TTESBRITES ERIE HE SHEER dwn barry s fwn-pem TE wt the local prens the fwo flop Fah the plier gles Mele 5. (Hien Betrmied ame of NareRse he A in, LABRY'S # Wen's Wear weve peng 19 Weng thew Lah wren Fromget Wer we Fim to Eorne from will od aim ro ue s W Ee Vie 4-4 ata dl INI PESHENY fndependent Sz jusi tue Jeng Raintn per ia Honjsee hie pre tor Plax lend Nien ne' s trated 372 end of the first period # and Berson cred Tor Ehien Writes while Wisse HORE man and Beckman allied fo Vi Lary Kenrin perion HES Wuseetman EE hem a 5 wort ved & Hennessy and twa by Larry a borat t wt the Valiant ke BAINBOW 5 EIRIAES 7 WHI 3 LL Prd w Produ the 1rd Hien i ppetied 2 goal for have Kame for Jarry lend. Th i a ¢ LL 7% bh anid nl gave| y Fake i per ' eRe Lai Wn ihe | ded A ed to y I» WILSON'S CYCLE & SALES 106 COLBORNME E. -- WHITBY PT TTT TERT TTT TTY Ym SENTR v 7H whieh oH. vi ad we the margin # alate EE TURPIN | REE. TR BIT BN NR RE NN fn the seared twice SL pETIng eaeh Le HR entitles # 6 Martin and Gib io the second eal Pr id RECN for Indenendent] Oueniwites wh white pk and Tushing-14:-1 in the final period as seared tor Rainbow 10 make! snd Seymour each picked 42 al end ris Heflering tallied 1 Fhe final s Larry Barn sen wont ¥ ham the (9 ip Ewe he VE on thie o while ' In Gue eve threr ime and Hew Independem Filibuster Ends, Bylaw Is Passed f Larry then ended Santa Visits Patients At .. Ontario Hosp. Ima dig l 209th "we the third ol fe Wa sere Hohe fhe wig pH p I f F] m eh Y ipmnd did the while P ' Frav contin #l eof $1700 Gordon Hepditel third and final alter a nih halted the hil ' is heen ana repaing ng a ne a pay £5 EOF ed i Th Weds end of | God's blessing rest upon pou J. M. HICKS JEWELLER Celera > ' al, Whitt re ) will he Frida ol 7 nay nister on al f erved ir J ( i cod ne f I 4 nomination 1M a hospital vi the thir rida 109 DUNDAS WEST the ol thie ia Greetings to our Friends 318 DUNDAS EAST STAFFORD BROS. & STAFF WHITBY i WAVENEY Ww 10 led tribe | and go red | a his ff f given | a f wil vead- around the re 15 still fim y mr favor hn recorded required vil ETever hie or \ le in Christmas dinner 12.00 noon ih and Lurks of and al ard and el in hyla ere nl Quin irren (hjecting ne Heevs Dept ] mee KE Ire fies Fil is eres Ww and. Lh Saturda Dee Lima pudding 4 f al i th Ia Township f f Pepin f Ajax rept Ovier., of Reach sherman Seo Ross Ha Vawnship ment WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY he Ah il ting da On Chri ¢ place al ret Da BAO an i Chireh anil non 1] ma Peeve Fl Bevis i a 0 Ho im ind Dept nl Pi of the fe Heeve Feeve n the erviee of il 10.30 thorne Caomn hv ering 0m HO end on Ti m acl ahove oned have 1] aay, Dee. 27 ' ol he movi Damn nkees'" al 2 Ya ind 7 pan Fhronghout the Hospital many tocut mumth, the On tarin has heen and of Isited May peace and love m I we he ureh arganizations of trict whn Jail fill your haart and a Christma sid Prisimers al Count Il he treated dinner, official e Christmas partie In and carol nmging Varioms ards SOIVICes Ihe the Jail may the Christ Child's esterda I'he dinner fruit and plum pudding The Salvation Arm their usual appearance jail, distriboting chogolale nuts and oranges I inetd | turk blessings bring you vill make al the hais DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON 87, 6, WHITBY great joy this Christmas, By EILEEN PATTERSON holiday with the Year conu L Christma here and the new are the old JE WhHHS Stree! end o (ere nal the old Hem asses al known Behool | I'he Henry inn doubl he ver) Slmave into our new Clon Anderson street happier than we Breet High he he other sleep until noon al fi am for our fir However and we will he selvel real the of searlet and grey TIME FOR With such a sium tinfetahle, the anly date have heen hoys' morning haskethall games girls' volleyhall. Sinee there will he mare time fe parts in the L vear, this program will ex pand tn mnastic ting and girl haskethall mn Crease In sports need for cheerleaders. The to he chosen immediately a street student happy Lo see se hool loca But not the tudent 1] nehonl wil hilt could at lea We had to gel uy n chaol on time | lass at 7:45! 1061 will end all that ahle to call ow school gel no i] color SPORTS erawded gymna Naturday I) ne wees The The first and higgest dance of tribution our At-Home For held on Jan, 27 to he Hawailan Holiday the new year y mal, will he theme | ADDITIONAL ON PAGE 1 Appoint Five To High School Bds. Five appointments Ontario County Coun high school hoards in the fhe appointments were made on Thursday at the elosing session of 'the 1960 gouneil Walter Heath was named coun tv representative on the East Whithy High School Board Charles Haddon was named to the Brack Distriet High Seleol Board: Harald Hopely was named to the Central Ontario High School Boavd Arthur Robertson was named in the Whithy District High School Board: and Mrs. Laois Wheeler was named to tie Piek ering District High School Board In all the appointments hut the ast, only one name was pat For Piekering hoard, the of Dr. William Bosch wa hy Deputy-reeve Mary Reid Ajax County council members vated on the twa name When the voting was over and Wheeler selected, Deputy Thomas Harris, of Port commented This paints Wf were made h 1 to dis wil county Naw ArORSed \ of foVe Pery Wn } \ \ iewlonsn ta wnt ARPA Ment high hoy hoards We have na kno choles ledzahle veel these twa people. DE Ready To Move To New High School Ht almost from any previous formal. This is heginning of [the only f | now High will [held on ed dent any Anderson | Pared by the committer hoasting told sparts to pedia and the will vesuit in the the Retarded Children The total WHITRY NEWS goiect the taken hy i ® MO 8-5231 YOUR C.I.L, Paint Dealer Fainting & Decorating Contractor Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Wall Murals 110 DUNDAS EAST WHITBY ible | vill he as different as poss | chool dance that is open! ATT TTTTTIVRRVWRNNRWYN {] : Hoppy Holidays *oe 117 BROCK NORTH {AAA HH AHHH A ' TTCTLTR ta the publie; so use this appol tunity fo see the new school he fare ils official opening I'n celebrate the last day school for 1060, an assemhly Thursday, Dee, 22 Aludent Committee Ine Malinowski, was ahd the program wa of was Our presi in the ehaly pre Opening exercises ducted hy R hy a Christma were con Royehyn followed reading hy Helen MeKnight, Carols and songs were led hy Mr, Fallaise with Sheryl Law and Peggy Neal al the piano and Mr, Gentry on the violin, Va lous members of the committe of Christmas customs and OVIging Andrew pre Miss Priest the 20 of Hritannica their Mi hrarian nme ol ented our NH with one vol I'he Eneyela our school's Hest gift. Another innovation was first ight of Anderson school crest which was shown an the screen to the stall 1] dent hody Instead of the ing gifts anid tudents pxehan money was enllected for Buildin Fund. There was much rivalry among the classes for the top eon Grade 12 won. with nearly half of the $84.00 Grade 10 ranked close second with $40.43 Mr. Gentry played an interest ng violin solo in which we eonld notes of the euekon A highlight of the earal singing the Latin earol Venite Adaramn the sala parts heing Sutherland. Mr. Fal was song leader fav the meng, which elased with Christmas song. "1 Wish You Merry Christmas $34.73, a vis My aral he WHITBY AUTO TRIM THENOMEOF GOOD CAR KEEPING MO § §/2/ DUNDAS STW : Here Comes Santa, Bringing = Qur Best Wishes for A Happy Holiday.. WW esi STI _TIRE & AUTO on ASSOCIATE STORE Bowmanville 85 KING ST. W, Al Boyd Whitby 125 BROCK '$ Don Pindar Oshawa 145 KING John Kent Mohawk Body Sop 301 DUNDAS 5ST. W, MO 8.4009 WHITRY 150 COLBORNE ST, EAST 22 2S a Eh hha Le Shree Ee Se COURTICE PHARMACY HBBBBIIID A merry christmas' WHITBY CLEANERS LTD, & STAFF bbb Thr TR hr Ther Th J THD TN oy NR NES 2s » 2 2 2s WHITBY AAA WHITBY this calm and buj 107 COLBORNE WEST Christmas be Patterson Electronics WHITBY t

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