Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 23 Dec 1960, p. 3

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awe oM EXECUTIVES INSPECT NEW TILT-CAB TRUCKS the Rew Lah Fucks Inspecting of GME T00 nace) Til which General Motors of Cape 80a 1s now hullding in Hs Osh awa plant are GM President E Walker, left and EK. 1 vice-president and ai GM previously ype of truck from ales | BH | Umphrey | rector of spies ! imporien this the United Bt hut demana OBITUARIES JACOB Jacoh died a MRS, CATHERINE F Catherine Elizabeth the Bow Hospital on W # eg, %l he BE Lhe 17 Bilas Bradley J he wi I Y | PP Brocklehurst fariorie) of Lsh awa: Leorge M. of Don Mills WwW. Walter of Port Hope ane Mrs, W. Hom Hazel of Mont real, Edmund of Din, ¥ior da; Arthur 0 Ont Bradley of Panta an I'he hod vs Ross Hope rhapel I am Union Cemeler MRS, IVY HILLMAN HOOEY Mrs Hillman Hooey died gt the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital on Thursday Dee, 8 in her 78Lh year was a resident at North Nestleton, Bhe was the wife of the late Edmund Hooey She 1s survived hy three daugh ters: Mrs. William Wallis, (Hel: | ene; Mrs. Lloyd Yen, (Hetty) al Memor) Fung Windsor # iT Part Ie Phe will he Funeral Chapel in the i", al nthe Ahere se CR am Balurda Interment Big and Mys, Harold Welsh, (Mary), | deo he is alse survived hy a som, e hody Is vesting al the Wap: ris Funeral Chapel in Bowman ville: Bewvies will he In the Chapel at 2 p.m, Saturday, Der 2M, Interment will he al the Cad mus Union Cemetery FUNERAL OF WILLIAM F, MeCLENNEN The funeral service far Wil liam Frederick MeClennen, 160 Winona drive, wha died the Oshawa General Hospital on Sun day, Des 14 held the Melntosh Anderson Funeral Home al pm Wednesday Dee, 21 Rev. Dy il ey Ll Chureh { al Was al George Teltord Andrew's | onducted Interment w n Cemetery he Latta, George edly, A, Esser I. MeDonald FUNERAL OF LILLIAN PEAR] YARTY he funeral Pearl Val vho dll esl of a Pes Blpeet P min nited SRI tIshawa of i: leas [) Union pallbearers were Clarence Ken ind fhinasher R. Vines I service W Han if dent day J) a5 held the NIMeos COMING EVENTS BINGO nocastal Churel HANDICRAFTS FROM INDIA Brass va ile bells other | Rosewood elephants ham birds, large af goftee tables iewellery, dolls 800 items onagdisplay OPEN EVERY EVENING 6.30 PM TO-10.30 PM ALL DAY DEC. 23 and © PLEASE BHONE RA 5.2947 LITTLE BUCKARQO RANCH RIDING CLUB'S NEW YEAR'S EVE emi, als Putty tment many asia lamps 190, 8 silks Over Dance Party Top Hits and $35 0 couple; Mw Noisemaken, APY 3a in Hk nembers Balt Hat vances ONG RESERVATK PHONE RA 3203 and 2 al the Mu Home ondueted Thursday, Dee ele at 5.50 The remains Intosh Fhe servi He / CRUVen pin Anderson Funeria WETE Pieres Interment wa y pastor of Hie mn Oshawa Union Cemeler (3 | Bateman 1 Mortal Cowie palinearers were Haber! Sr Molfatl Gif A Ana Ni FUNERAL OF ALEXANDER (8COTTY) REID Ihe Ale der Lakevyie sha da v Homie ge Hed, 7 funeral sey Bent Pallers Hosp held an ¥ ursna eral 1) As Ander pm. 1 va 08 bec Intash Al 2 I'he service He H A Mell Northminster United Chureh sisted hy Rev, Waoolenek of Bt. Mark's Anglican | Interment minister a recon Church Oshawa Union |Cemeler vhere Padre Woolcoek of Branch 43 of the Royal Cana |dian Legion paid tribute to 088660 The pallbearers were Peters, Alfred Brishols, Bowen, Jack MeConkey, Brawn and Wally Wilson MES, DD, M, WALTER TORONTO Funeral services vere held far Mrs. Maud {Beatrice Annis Walter, #7 Venue road, widow of COrme {Madison Walter, She died Tues day at Bi: Michael's Hospital Born in Oshawa tuto 8 ploneer family of United Empire Loyal 1818, Mrs, Walter spent mueh of her lifetime in Oshawa, later Hy ing In London, Ont, and Bie was a member of the Women's Canadian Club and of the Timothy Eaton Memorial Chureh Her wha Lhe WAS In Vern Han today of M fre Walley ident of fied Madison recent Hank of Canada few weeks LL leaves Idanghter, Darathy 0. Walter |hrarian at the Ontario College Education « Fire Damages "Vacant House A blawe, at fd W arly this Morning Look mare han twa hours ta ext Oshawa Fire Depa ed Five H the fire po Al overheated HOUSE WAR vacant old owned i] King street west I'he Hretlghiers les to the house al 4 glum tat bie wit AW, Boke Was extensive sun was the Hoyal # Agn slmaunt strepl inguish, the tment report R Hohh larieq Chief Aid ny I'he report 1h Was race It wa Riouin hy ol 1 id Aamage war Ihe ne deparimer Alarm morning. It 0 here were four routine amb lance calls during that time 'Cape Hatteras 'A Graveyard CAPE HATTERAS, No ney AR {They eall it the graveyard of the ("whieh last yeay Space af hrutal sea { Atlantic, the that Baws past MOROrY this histarie pro ree {winds have heen responsible | eonntless Wreoks and sea disas [ters 10 the one Wednes {day which saw the fretghier Ridge break in two, There Known survivors the oy similar ine are of orew Mstarian David Stick A he area vessels lost along the North olina Coast from 1328 through There Deon Many nes The Warm Gull walers and als Whleh flow sometimes a5 20 wiles from shore of violent weather have tuirents as ole are he cause seientists There are many shift DAFS and strong TORS area. The hat uli aly mines with 130 00M alr fram the shore aus WME ITeQUeRl COMMOTION Wm Ihe at WOsphere. ay and Foranta, | did not B48 {taxable recorded rapid expans AIAMERT BM heen heen has found Buna them PFONEIRE truck the 1/7606 far he # great, Ihe iw practies Canada GM SERIES of Ihe runs LAN PRIY ih n wn the | i i Gar ICED CREAM I'he helow thermometer dipped Windsor providing this eal real and Windsor Blar dack Dalgleish hur vith Phntog vith era al a rapher Thomas Predicts ; New Depression member n Bn. Thoma Cob for Oshawa Hiding, had { Hing things (0 sa) dehals ment mitario Leg In reply. to Hon "W K. Warrinder frientinre il (ame he the during an unemploy in Alu Ihe min uh Lhe mn hg WwEument that alles hom gram h My nter works mi v the past two year As Bald FAILS PROVIDE hres JORN OF aur eve ol nL, he ta unemployment JOVeT me munleipalities are Lhe of an im Hh pa hey feel the ofl number al 1g} feel pact an the 1nevea families on relief, and Wm the number of property own 1] ime ereasin unable to pay thelr taxes the fpcroase ile when Ineo an the wanden made NO ain mand Hy Her works As &0 Oven to he a dismal faltuve (le Ia Johs 0 signe ant he palities eould aol Hed 10 pie vide ex ANN ten facet 1s that the maniel afford 1; and his Year 1s uo exception In prosiueing figures Aent of of toial all muni gleaned fram the 1980 report of the Depart Munieipal Affairs, and DACK tax Higures Amaunied Wo Anat patities tatistical meni wf comparative My that 19 19 Thomas May aw ERE dicted pre us on Hg with depress storms and lashing ues NEED CLOSE LOOK '4 think @ 100K a good look situation Wm Ontay olay Thomas went an. "Ours is Iv instustvialised provinee mediate time La RELIL ELEY My a high and the SAW industries heey gov hot we Al the is 0 postwar of aur Ae AY 100 rapid, And Although the erament like blake nereased hove VOATS A an perhaps have ered Oat aurme say hal 0 any PO's prosperity years, 1 veal WOK have had 0 Powe we faken place cane Ms go ARERL GOSeTVes hat he gover oH taken something woul! have eae What dope during HOSP YOArs of proses was WB pan ahead, 10 ansure What axpan Mave JR YN shold have iy al Camm THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Becomber 33, 1860 3 ---- ty CAPSULE NEWS i Peace March To Ottawa FORONTYO (CF PY RTBIY SHAME PERE FRET ORE CERT BERT IRRIRENE Clie mins I the Commtpied En Iv BCE FIA hE Hh EF RENE fromm ww ersiies wn Toromes Montreal pir Erpeiien, aaa IW from Western uriveveities SUE FIRED MissiE CAPE CABAVERAL, Fla The BUGERE SHMRINE E. Lee Thuistsy launched 7 Poiane mis wibner ged beneath the Alani 40 miles At Cape Canaveral. The | the third United Bats siimnaring 1 launch & Polaris i Lost ERErE here, The Coorge Washinglon BTEdy is G6 PRFG with 1 Baclerr-armed rocket and the Pririck Henry will go ow elaltim her VREPAKING REPORY TORONTO (CP port weing prepared lor Haver od » figs LANE LET FINE fo ERR PRE RVR the VINiom CETIRsG freigmiar Ptai gale (Tes Harvww, Estimate Bae yet Deen GHAR A RARER (6H TRE BG pers inating PRE EREEN OF IRE i BUSINESSES DESTROYED SHERBROOKE, Gue. (CF) Pies destroyed we » sey iting ing Thies Business EH ERISHIREN and the RPE ments Tharsdsy on he WEsiern cutsiints of Swermmooke, Fire Chief Perey Conahne estimated jose in encess A $100 .006, FIRE CLAIMS THREE ROBERVAL, Gls, (CP)~Three small children died Tharsdey Wn # firewhich destroyed thelr home at Ste, Hedwidge, & few miles weet of this community 190 miles worthwest of Quehee City, Dend laure Sylvie, 8, Daniel 16 months Kiwpit Wh Wi Lake par IRI #M (Riawe BRE REROVIREREG A EPHESIRANR IH Universities (am [HERITARINER Fay dant way 28g Licht Ahiivi ir # aia for A Frey yes ald » Ben AP Fkner HORS 9 oy THE WEATHER OFFICE | temperntures fre expected 10 says extremely cold mir wiih | moderate shightly in southern covers Wh of Ontario snd Que: | Ontario Seturdey, Baturdey hee is expected tn remain bit | will be mostly sunny with some ! Andre memithe the WEATHER FORECAST cites wd Milder Weather CROSSWALK FATALITY For Christmas TORONTO (CF)~Mrs, Edith / Thursday TORONTO (CP ¢ thei didlby + fe while fhe , reo doudiness towards oy and sentiered snowflurries ed (CP Wirepholo) | Sleeping Man |Shot In Head CROSS LAKE, Om (CP) Thomas Coulss, 38, was killed | Thursday when shot through the thead ns he slept In bis home here His #-yesr-old wile Is being snowflurries © od ay, Bela for auestioning by provins so cold Saturday Pee, Cross Lake is 6 smal the miter community 120 miles west of OL wh Police said Mr, Coulas, a trek driver and the father of four was shot in the hesd with 8 22 calibre rifle 4 WE anf 4 frmrth ar ney Aen ma Fe el wn 4 nary -- nik York fy County ener Ahk with Queen's Froelo fn began Phisrsday WR CRSES Pep rep H i" Hed a Fie WW B ear on Yoroeasts. arioenttered v Cloudy and not ith snowiiurr Hoon ENG eYERIRE west 16 to Western Lake ¥rie region, increas Windsor: Sunny with cloudy pe tempera: riods and a few scattered snow this Ourries today, Baturdey overcast ight snow, Not quite so cold Winds southwest 15 to York Town Joniidl Listh trafic flue and LWie « } riety of ang m it ued hy th otfiee sl a.m, E87 Bynopsis -- A PrRIvIEs ane in a vi "n his vest ! ' Winds south BI AME NEST (AP) A er 4 Iransmis SEER XIE in to Lakes re pet anee wn expected dist on LommineEtie fice CRSLETH iE ANS Gresl bringing and mioer dren in thelr AeCompanying emda) he dead ¢ disturbance will Likely spread with Whee Gren were Annice, 11; Ricky, 8B ime the White River and Windsor 0 irdiny art Baluraay nird's the ent ho move nto BUILDING BHIPY AD ' SAINT JOHN, NB, Phi Aug John Bhi hn K y Dick Co, 14d, announced de y of # gig The Batirds nw iamed oh gion for Ine i Bhorw ng ek Es § IME iy ih TEACHERS GET RAISE MONTREAL (CP)~The Mont real Catholic School Commission eastern Thursday signed a two-year con northern Lake treet granting teachers salary regions: Cloudy 'nerenses ranging from $600 , to today and Sat- $2,000 annually and recognition irday. Nol quite so cold Batur-tu two teachers' union, The day. Winds southwest 15 to 2 agreement increases the annual _ Northern Georgian Bay region, wage scale to $3200-86200 haged CITY AND ; HESIGNED Poul Wil vorth Bay, Sudbury Variable on experience and scademis MW) DIS RI apped and grehed in he I C I oudiness with a few snowllur- qualification, It is retroactive to today and Saturday. Not so Sept, 1, 1960 Bennedy sioditerranean earlier this week ' 144 BAGS OF PARCELS Saturday, Winds light, be Royal Sendoff Phe from Toronto sunny southwest '15 to 25 Bal. | wought ag additional 144 bags of ness I Haree For The Queen per oran fi Postmaster Moran | ih LONDON n packing Liverpool Thursday and! The houted Ch elosed Queen Elizabeth and members of road the Royal Family left to spend to Shakes) FOOD | ihe Christmas holidays pg +800 road enn from Gibb street| Wingham Masks ingham, Norfolk in the CPR; Stevenson south Hamilton ' i HYONL OF Ce Queen, accompanied hy | closed at the CNR; Rossland road o \ aiherines J (8 bank and an escape ROO) po, Tpiilip Pringe Charles, east, closed from Greta eves: SOENS oo {Fhursday were senlent ed 10 Bipoineess Anne and 10-month-old cent, to Ritson north, Whenever : tetho) ER seerne total of 18 years In penitentiary |p inos "andrew, arrived a few possible these streets will hel Grenion Hugh H Machonaid, 3, WAE BEN: | nutes before thelr train was open to local raffle fenced (a eight years on Iwo ue 1 AvE Muskoka leharges of armed robbery and North Bay , one of conspiring ta roh wife! hree other me iors of thelr C arac er Sudbury : ' Queen Mother Eligabeth, h t sanfield, %4, received four Kapuskasing i conspiring with MacDonald Margaret and her hus N " io vob a hank Antony Armstrong-Jones arrived shortly atterwards V LOS ANGELES (AP)-Cavole| Tregoff will play the role of an| today She will take the part in one of two Christmas plays to be pre \ sented hy 16 women al the county TORONTO (CP) A -10:year | il old hoy, who trudged almost half] Miss Tregoff a mile thyough snow in his bare o hristmas Day feel eareyin his sever onl p y hd WELL YeRnany given the name Carole, phe Is codefendant, with Dr heroism, Onfalo Welfae Minis: g "recnaed Finch, on charges of | te Cecile said Thusday murder in the slaying of the Kenneth Irving borin, | ohusioian's wife, Barbara Jean miles southwest Nipigon, Is There were hung juries in two icheduled to be released from previous trials, A third is pend. hospital today, fully recovered ' ing from frostbite § we GIFT SHOPPING IS A SNAP Gin a i ime Thursday hill Fhursdn mili pr mn y 18F Expansion Program 9 (he gid, its BOG Blane 4 month mw Jahn shi maaern company pytirg Jnphel ed Ontarie, south Fastern Lake Eris southern Georg Lom Bunny 8 few Lake Huron Bay, Haliburton regions Poronto, Hamilton with eloudy pe and We PROTESTS LODGED eri PARIS Ger il) nave with France ove of ves ol the gern Kasi Lake Lake Huron with Omeario, ViaEara snowflurries Hewters) --Wes an man Funisia hoth aon of { 4 lodged rote i] H employs 5 sels by coast was Ng German Freneh ception BAVA" Unis he Alle Vige Ta Wine We Hickmers KENNEDY iy PALM BEACH, Via Pres dohn ¥ Fhursda re from I" United Blales jes Ielghien tom SHEEP NOT SCARCE a Italy=with & population of 0, Timmins-Kapuskasing: Mainly today, Ineressing cloud). "0000--has more than 9,000,000 Saturday overcast| Mead of sheep, Big Sale Now On! CHROME HI-CHAIRS 12.00 Wilson Furniture 20 CHURCH 57. ming irda epi-eieol igned Bisiale elie mimedinte wenned glirma Fan 0 i letter of re husetls Gove ella, who tonight "quite today, southwest Eaturday Forecast Temperatures Low. tonight and high Saturday | Windsor Bt, Thomas avenue | London eave avenue; Steven. Kitchener signation to Ma ror Voster mal hawa this nit 80 Norman cleared ng hopes NTREETS CLOSED klreets will be today Wilson annmineed he will friend Benjamin to ha ia have them ol he smi appoint old premdent-elec, of nedy |ale alternom {Heulers) Crowds Gloucester, weeed Ken street Biation waved follo 1 auth ners ing trafic from % 2% 20 happ Linas fs FOUND WITH GUNN | TORONTO (CP) I'wo who were grvesied " containing loaded and maps showing the Crervar men wn guns al ol rereee rrrerEny sreRreRrEns VERPE pari / Prine band eee PRODUCTION MONTREAL (CP newsprint produetion ther amounted to 604,158 ton linerease of 40.830 tons over the F B H loorresponding month in 1080, the or oy ero Newsprint - Association of Canada announeed Thursda Bhipments totalled 644.774 tons, an CP Wirepholo [of 80205 November uy Canadian in Novem Reward Planned | | angel FOR KITTY oll | pret plete. The we an herman for Hie eal) milar temperatures Auring next few da was horn on} 1986, and was| neYeuss aver ah DIEN OF old slates PORONTO (CF) Beatt, ab, wile Alex sutlered WELL Tire Larones Mrs, Sool was A MOKIng BURNS Mi distriel led rile ire M of of Fhursday of when her bed! Dr. kK. Ali apparently Lied hcoll (af burns ald hay, elad only in his under battled 17 helow orn weather summon help when the family home burned Dee, 12 His father was at work in a lum her and while his mother and brothers and sisters shivered outside the blazing! home, he roused neighbors Mr, Ceclle sald he wrote Royal Canadian Humane elation In Hamilton ting Kenneth he recogition on Wn the kept wnitacturing indus: Wikl, ATTEND WEDDING LONDON (Reuters) Princess Marg AlLony Armsirong-lones attend he Norway's Prin 13, Buekingham I'he Kliga princess and represent her at after ng i to ry ViLh expansion in the Ish up ust 1) ld have iret and husband played a le n the part oa Han lo Hal \ opamp in Class! chest of SUgEen shop right easy chair and to please every The 10d 18 gift selections tons You from your plok presents one Spotter reasure and dustry to avoid the pres ith and Wn'th peak NOW ol efdding al oe Astrid Jan Palace annonneement asked the four ent cones Hon he Hul ! did not da those virtua! neglect hursday Queen 4 Announeed tM ! oan hin the Wernmel ! LAL sald 10 the Ass Thursday Even spe hots had hay the The Joy of Christmas is yours to capture and to share, must aeee major shape hshand to the Diame ent SUEEOS elal woking rece ram an Nou ployment ov isis invitation the King IMPORTS DAMAGING h\ N in {roe leet Ontario Woof eampetition Ay In quoting J an 1 SHIP DAMAGED QUERRKC (CP)--Firemen from Quehed City an man af the Hy | i Vey He mm low Thomas Wherever you are AT A PARTY IN THE HOME ON THE HIGHWAY ~=remember your responsibility ~especially when driving, Your happiness and the safety of others is largely UP TO YOU! three stations quest) cauntrie Our Wage fd Mparts no those ald, "Ry purohasing power Thoma the unemployment nol inoreasing of those on pen and Wniries & mand Ha came LLL fram the Insurance 0 aren ie world b Ameriea worth mothers' allowances are lEnoring 4 market anadian product that end oo N son nied le Wed aE fou in tha | flunta | Dunean \ TLE | At ed 1s WON, We on aur helipye the present unemployment ntinues Will not be all across words Win hetore the country. In other such a reduction in the pay envelopes af those un approximately 10 per population Asirous effect ong ¥ on mpovted count 15 doing and wied from He damage 10 ow the pe 8 he incluatrie weekly wl ORR img HELP CURB THE MOUNTING HIGHWAY TOLL employed of the S000 have a dis poanamy. WON rele ENOring ent WOPrKIng wlleve \ home 0, thal we will narket are the AE lon ow Make Christmas a Christian Holiday ~NOT AN ALCONOLIDAY! This HOLIDAY PERIOD Play It REAL SAFE CALL United-Taxi RA 5-3541 24 HRS A DAY PROP, N, RICHARDS We at United Taxi wish to extend the "SEASON. GREETINGS" to our many customers and friends, Travelling Overseas WHY NOT FLY bi For information regarding any form of travel , , . DIAL RA 3.944) We have & dest Toroate telephone Wine fot prampt Alhine Rerervahom MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA PIAL RA 3.844) Duasd and aperated by Thames Meadow and Go, Canade \W ERWINNE'S SPECIALTY SHOPS 11 SIMCOE ST, §, RA 3.7400

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