Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 23 Dec 1960, p. 13

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MeetTo = Men And Minerals Clarify ~~ Explored In 1960 (77% (Columbia | orraws (CP) Northern ex P ' Lloration--ol man and minerals Heherg OFFA h persondl| pushed to new frontiers in 1960 Aition ppvigny Fu Z iii My ond an Increased temps was [TOW wance Win Wg 6 eng a aed for 1951 er] fear pway Column Projects ranged rom @# Hive oa ada of -lgange a Meri, most BoriBerny among formant § Thursday settlement Ww the world, 19 BE (hers A letter hy § Fleming » GO LemIREInG hunt for Leaces of the age ie ing ol immedinily, asking Wimen whe firs occupied North igen meet Wr. Bennett ab the latier's Americ Maovinz KORY Eleni omeiiing DL. Biggest project was the Aman comtinien Fleming said Monday nthe expedition uRAeriaking # Pro phics Commons he wis wikhing 0 80 Losoed study of the polar comin: deps In another facet oF COMMIS opal shel sloping ou under the aey@opment justice M mister permanent ike of the Aretis Fulton gave reporters i Belaiedin coy from (he western flanks hut restrained restatement of Ihe of the archipelago federal case in Ws Gispule wih" the BC. government. It con There were scores of other trasied with bis ang L weeks | CEPOrs on parties from the de. biol sgn nm Victoria ¥ ed | pRrtmEnt of mines and techwical th ul : nsuceessiully to reach My. Ben Surveys, (he National Musewm of "0 wha regaried nets : Canada. oil compemies and pri- 22 Fhe FATE of the Mr. Fulton said hopes that Kirk ne Yeon pian Wy cave Bear whe 14 VESSELS AT W The hye vale scientific groups Aravelling ' h Fail 4 EaNAda a long sin realy with thelby vessel, plane, swamp Dugey United States will he yeady foriand on foot Bar ' government. approval helore The alk-purpose shelf party, vidal wo R d Sou ht Presidem elec Bennedy sleps first Jarge one since he inal rik gh. i war g ato the White House Jan. W. Be of 199, was in the field by March ogy, p | hoped k could hegin nla its headguariers on ENef 5. ¥ ' 1961 on the $457.000 00 Canadian Ripgnes Island, 2000 miles north , od St af ¥ or Heroine Program of Winnipeg the top of ir, Beoneit Is at odds With po g ON (CP Oltawa on two counts in prepar- STURDY ICE, TIDES 4 / the self liguidating Cana Oceanographers, Wologists, 70 : dro and food 0 5, physicists and glacinie ¢ Columgia, Bisis made studies phove @ ad Caledon fH tam rises in southeast B.C, and heiow the surface --eurvem of ROOKIE FIREMAN FIRED et ui he 03 Cokin, a, minor A He Fi] Wi 4 a8 i an tons and even a glacier helieved s ol of $172 500 Hi 3 he ol fed hy moisture from an open the Rookie fireman David Lang | operation toy ) 172 060) AH) ) Fisch ; don 0" fived from the Work | Langdon had heen working for | launching an appeal to i ve STAR and sid patch of tide-ripped wate) north of 8 the Flach The Season's Greetings fo cov hole cost | Balloon-tived airerafi--tive ac 7000 square : to our many friends and patrons, Township fire department lor « month's with the broken | job hack and 15 gis sling B 4 : hack hut the workmen's com the hoards ru an omright' companied the party in addition M0 ae incompetence last Autust, HE id " CEPoH ih é J no pr wh in hospital at Toronto after an | pensation hoard turned down CP Wirephoto) | 0 supply erat landed 0 ig H y aecused the fed: gpavel, mush and ice while polar Treat | siastord said sh # £ 10 hears «3d seals prowled cup a spinal fracture W OF a Provinens pusly around radio heacons ¢ Pope Asks Leaders = SE FE arly] wwe m wer -- ' l Wi * shifting hee ~ To 'Act Honorably od With VATICAN CITY Heuters means of the press, radio and tel-|eal and artiste forms---p Pope John Thursday night called! evision, 0 the cinema, by meet: journalism, teleyision--io on world leaders to act "honor: ings and exhibitions OF evel man's natural nelination ) wi + Eye Cancer ably" in the face of increasingly kind truth, of which eres he edifice of his noni and great CALGARY (CP Five-year rave glohal conthel \ \ gh appeal in the third Chris | TESTIFY Yo TRUTH ness old Angelica Kuester, who da mas message of his reign alse He said &ll Catholics should Do not avail yourselves of tors predicted seven months ago as directed al persons respon RIV testimon ta the truth them to drive to ruin consciences i nol survive a serous eye sible for public opinion hih| never lend yourselves 10 aie. ver unformed or waverin affliction, came hame in time fo) 1s being formed or deformed' hy counterfeiting of the truth. Have di apparent) F or of that." mass communication and other! ® horror of tha Do not avail yourselve ol} these marvelous gifts of God The Pope's appeal to "act hon urably'" was direcied al heads of tate and other civic leader parents and teacher to all who Know how to huild h quiet of the storms which rage work ith head, or hand or perseverance and unbiving en heart deavor the conditions tar hell some part of he arid ¥ . moves us in this Christmas ap. Wel 8 light and sound and color, times, healthier, more ju more y rout | i ristme 1 waking immigrant pare and thelr applications in lechni- secure i But hahhling happily in Bwed peal to direct a ord ta those wha have the highest responsibil 1, an animated Angelica took) ities in the public and' social harge of a tearful reunion at the sphere and to invite them. in Lhe Calgary airport name of Chrsi ha place hel (o] L4 1 don't understand a word hands on their hreast an ac ou are saying," she told par honorably in these days ef gen ents and friends, "1 only speak eral danger' I C b S 1t Swedish now Her exchanges with her par: " REA ood Shor SEhroaian n ros Y ul ents and four year - oid wiatey not only fhe sola order Buti. boing formed or deformed by) Davis (estitied he first met Gahriele Vive Aus alee i hi more important, many souls! LOS ANGELES (AP) --Another|Mys: Scott in a har in Decem egian fone thy te weak and unstable rather than of ce" SEC Thursday he thinks ber, 1956, and (hat they went (0 0ite who last §.e pte ag ind will or wicked fie may be the father of the ehild|a motel. He said they again. i ed 4 compal in Phat faised "We happen to he living be: thal a divorcee says was fathered vi ited the motel in February Shan 16 oY pe child's Oper: tween two concepts of human hy crooner Bing Croshy's son, [1037 ation and ATeatms at that her par ways of living together: on the Dennis, 26 In May, 1858. when newspapers ents, Mr. and Mrs, Helmut Kues one side the reality of the world "1 never saw that man before|first published the account of|ter, could not aftord examined, studied and reduced i, oy fife!" said the divoreee,|Mrs, Scott's contention thal ! ~ to practice according as It is Intyiee™ Marily: Miller Scott, 28, \voung Croshy was the father the design of God: on the other goon pearing testimony hy Ed: Davis recognized her photograph K Ww we are not afraid (0 repeat l= ang 1 Davi 34. Tears ranihe testified eeps arm > rie b | he sumer of this sme, teak own ho chook, an he buried | 1 went to ave hor Botie | : ts made easy by teohnical ski i ace' inher hands aust mavee "ne ohid ver [11 Jail Now Hanfronted hy the four fold The tall hrunetie SECTeLAry (mine he tald the jury I told X ideal of thinkings, honoring say:|@sks a superior Court jury te de-fhey that if the child was mine | NEWMARKET Ont. (CM ing and doing what is true, and clare Dennis the father of her would marry her and support Earl MacKay, 20, was remanded the dally spectacle of the open daughter Denise Michelle, 8 them, But she said she just in custody Tuesday for sentene ar masked hetraval of this ideal Dennis denied being the father|Wanted to be left alone ing Dec. 27 for theft of a pair of the heart fails to vesirain (shut admitted on the witness| Mrs: Scott burst into tear A gloves. He said he stole them be anguish and our own voicelstand Wednesday thal he once tremble vas intimate with Mvs. Scott Earlier Thursday, a drug ex His case ativactod so many ofs Also referred to fn (he Christ: after consuming 16 to 20 drinks pert testified that if Dennis fers of clothing, homes and jobs age were those respon: of vodka, The size of each drink drank as much as he sald hg did{that Thursday Magistrate O. 8 on the night in question, he! Hollinrake told MacKay he will couldn't have fathered the child, not have to spend Christmas in Dr. Thomas J. Haley, profes. jail sor of pharmacology and tox Mhe magistrate decided to al Blue Ra ha t cology at United College at Los low MacKay to spend Christmas . Angeles said it's physically im-lat the Salvation Army's Coneord possible to consummate love: House in Taranto, ene of the making after 16 or 20 drinks of agencie whieh offered to help Q uite A C tiv e tot tee OOOO Y [1] 10 Have a scared tervor of Christmas Thi preading those germ hich on hey Wy fo desecrate love, hreak up the tam Mier a ¢ operation in i mock religion oosen the 20 [0 remove a caneerou foundation of the acial op. timar of the eye, Angelica had dey covey year-old pontiff urged Roman Catholies to have a "ho re of counterteiting of he truth The ne ever more pent hive months in that coun iy recuperatin She had forgotten all the Eng Hah she Kin id even the ha ji topgue of her' German EE a hh. recess was called cause he was cold mas Ine sible far public opinion which was not specified J Ay VRS, CHARLES H, REESOR Presiding Patron Hugh Espie ¥ PORT PERRY During the !P with Past Matron Marion y a aonth. Boe Ray: Chapter | Sandison performing the duties ¥ has heen auite active and from 0! the installing marshall, The 4 annual reports how that the Benevolent Committee was au: § work of the order has been cars|! ( to go ahead with their vied out successfully during the Christmas planning and the Eun {1 past year flectainment Comumitiee announe | ed that plans were being made to Y the new oliicers for 1980-6) wa hold a Christmas party and ex '§ out in regular form with change of gilts at the last meet the Worthy Matron Adelia White ng in December, Before closing nrosiding. the Worthy Matron | the Chapter the officers and had the pleasure of welcoming! Members took part in the cere five past matrons and twa pas mony of draping the charter to matrons of Blue Ray to the Bast commemorate the memory of ow Rules the ovenid sovernl Ha beloved past matron Helen Col portant matters were taken care hear, Who at the time of hey wissing was the secretary on Alue Ray Chapter, She will al ways hold a special place in the hearts of the members of Blue Ray Chapter, as through the years she carried on the work Loahatd Colbear. Was varied out 204 mgly, holding some kind ol by Past Patron James Sandison uitice ove itce the aatiution of J I ) \ ay , fo \ A small gil ax a memento aff Sel I TEE HER BE he We're aglow with that intangible thing called happy days spent in Bart POY |o hone af this Chapter. Fond Christmas spirit -- and wish all our friends was given to Mrs. Florence Wil . son, hy Past Matron Margaret memories linger on. The Warthy PRY \ A || \ Carnegie, on behalf of the Chap |e" thanked the serutineers A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ter, Mis. Wilson has moved tof 3 Audrey McKenzie, Mrs FROM \liee Barthau and past matron Oshawa to live but intends to sul Margaret H Ta 4 4 he a staunch member of Blye EAN ood Tar Supervising : Ray Chapié he election amd also the pages |] ico oors an fa 5 1] A a "4 W Several members attended the MUS: Olive Painter and Mrs, Es Christmas party held ai Durham |'her Chapman There were Chapter. Sincere sympathy is|Members in attendance Two We extend best wishes for the Christmas Season to oxtended to the bereaved. The in| ™ i auditors - were Mo elected all our patrons and friends and hope we may con at thi eeling mely, 5 h spection dor the Chapler is Hy Bs J ne yay Ie Th tinue ta enjoy our pleasant relations in the coming scheduled for January 13, 1961 [5 4 Makai FS, Jen years | { Eu ] Several invitations have been! tonerison ' & «ab "SFE » § received and accepted. Mem The 5 Waplet Is Seen indeht ! We are now equipped to supply and ins tall all types » i ! ; stallation held od 10 Past Matran Myrtle Palmer | . who attended the installation held ¥d 10 Fast Matron tle Palmer of resilient floaring in Armstrong, BP, Flintkote : » atl Sunlangt Chapter report a won: Who so Kindly stepped inte the = ner. 1 4 ; dertul evenng breach and fulfilled the offices of etc. Also Ceramic and Plastic Wall Tile . 3 a m : Al the last meet ) aecretary fou the past two he Hirst regular meeting to of among which was the installa i tional the Associate Patron, Leo nard Colbear, by Past Patrou George Palmer Presentation of the Jewel and Gilt from the Chapter to the retiring patron \§ the ONCE MORE SEASON'S GREETINGS Chapter, it was necessary lo WMoRhs nominate and eleer a new se he Farewell was given hy retary, results finally obtained, Past Matron Ethel Nottingham Wally Maclrthur y Past Matron Margarel Carnegie and the méeting closed in regu A Phi . was installed as that atfiger for lar form. Refreshments were \ ' ba 5 4 h | fl the ensuing term. The Installing served hy ry piri IM Roaa Endicott ; 4 enjoy t ¢ meliow avour of a quality ale! Matron and Patron were Past charge and a social halt-hour en i Matron Ethel Nottingham and joved I SAR R Rr. Beenie Beis Buby Re BoB RRB BB Bh Beilin

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