Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 23 Dec 1960, p. 12

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$2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Beceber 23, 1960 Africans, Elections 'Made News In 1960 By DAVID ROWNTREE Beak to sticwmpt & coup dctat Fine to the throne, Feb, 19; a son Canadion Press Soll Wiker |The efiort fated but the death (0 the shal of Tran and lis queen | Jule haos And swEng ma tol In & twedey reign of terror Oct, 35; and # son to President WORLD NEWS BRIEFS Chambers hed sways sold he was 'los young' 'to ATL, Now 95, ne Wm nis kasper, Mrs, Elizabeth Polley, 8, NEW USES cred from smwgiders by the hd 4 iarmese ewstoms authordties has View ned gilding Baddwini temples, and making medals for independence Day awards PLASTIC TENTS for NORTH BAY, Ont. ( | Theresa Callahan, a (Dionne quintuplets, Wirth to her third som, concrele hus - loading RANGOON (Reuters) -- Gold Warm hile the cement DIONNE FAMILY form AID TO FMRS Slstiom} REGISA (CP) ~ Class A fairs Saskatchewan will get $115.008 5 provinciel government fm this year, Grants to class B lalrs CPI =~Mr5. will total 829000, and to clases € sinter of the aus $20.09 has given -- "INDONESIAN OTL tiomafiam kept the world's atien was officially estimated at 2000, dlect snd Mrs, Kennedy Nov, 25 tion focused on Afrien owing, Syngman Rice resigned #5 The year also noted the iy mine of 100 It the year's Wg oreiddent of South Keres Wn Ihe riges of Princess Margaret, 23 | gest single news event was the lace of Stdent - Jed gon nd 0 & Commoner, Amony Arm, Election of & new American presi (i arges of election rad strong Jones. § ering ! dent Turkey, sudents Protasian Core mimetor AVhey 3 gh sii at Nearly # score of new nationsion: evil and political Tibérties Disasters ¢ aimed thousand were crested in Aries during thelThe army selzed power, remov [sives, An niin wi ag #0 fast 12 months, The Wirth pangsing Adnan Menderes from office | ol kitted po a TI Drsons of one, The Congo, were partie) A United Blatesdapanese seliqny oooe bi fu hapater, ld larly vidlent and even row theicirity (reaty wigned In Washing | Moroccan: sesort 1 ated "Fledgling nation's continued lite is|lon In January hore IMLer sum por oan oo 3 "a and LW A REETIAIn, mer fry, Rioters angry at (he nM id your, Belgivm completed its hasty commiry's involvement in the cold RC ay, R series of earth Landover of Tesponsiviiity for\wer loveed Premier Hotmeuke|IHEKES, huge mountain slides lthet sprawling land on June 30 (Kishi to ask President Kiser | volcEmie eruptions and fida | Six days later the mrmy mulhower lo cancel a planned (our ves took perhaps 6090 lives in itimied, Belgivm sent fn pera OF Japan, Kishi then resigned ie troopers 19 resiore order andly oc sooonn BLOW Fyohoons and tidal waves protect Hyes t" The humiliation for Eisenhower| Jimed on estimated 12000 vie The Congolese asked the United tims In East Pakistan in the fal! Just belove Christmas, two sir! A 4 # v/s Oi: production us Indonesia rose OLD EXOUGH from 6500000 tons In 195% to RNIA, Ont, (CP) ~ Thomas 14,260 900 tons In 1959, PETERBOROUGH, Ont, (CP), A construction company here) sed plastic coverings to keep 8 4! h Nations tor help, setting off lor te sig A ah. 5 Ey y f a 4 4 4 Soiense of SVE that nae naisscace plane wes shot down mers collided over New York, ' pt 4 he uf or pir A to eep inside Soviet territory while WHR one of them falling into # wee from half # A sides. (U8 B spying mission, two weeks populated part of the city, And| | Sout of The Congo, the white|"elore the long-awaited summicils Munich, Germany, a U.S, Ail 3 Sout o The ( ge ment lconterence ot Faris Koree plane crashed on tog of a! Prime in Lh "Hendrick Ver It wis never held Khrushchev chided sirectior. One hundeen Bo on idan | FERC 0 begin the talks unless| ERY tour persons died in these Et anna 1c. (1c loctornte agreed South FEmoner formally apologized) Fukedies which were quickly foi Af fowld become 6 repuptic, |r, the U2 incident owed by a fire aboard a still un wale i HEY id An attempt to repair th mpledd aircraft carder wm any or I NeLEiis DH ered hopes of a summit meeting Yew York, taking nearly % more ted at a IRE law wie A when wold leaders converged w ilves, at } UN Assembly cqnives 1 ary hes f mes. Sho re i com In Solem prac we F ee Vere 4 "WE }) ul aed more than 200 wounded when! 7 Ther th mi i MANCHESTER palice fired on demonstrators at 7" PAMECAINE, ARE BIFISIEN Sharpeville March 21 and 22 ho Angered one dey that hi fia a . pitied off a shoe and hanged Wis) agp nonp or ER Ne ASSASSINATION TRY desk with | munity. was shocked to lesen o ' J : f d : wd othe qr ocked to lesrn of On April 9, Verwoerd, opening. On GISAFMEment ar ithe sudden desth on Monday of P ii 64 s UJ pr J ' ne oi inniversary of the Union of South | Mr. Murray Wilson is able to {he home from Ajax hospital Murray received hurns while at ork at sn Ajax plant Mr, and Mrs. Fred Christie ea t BRITISH AUTO EXPORTS DRCP these heing loaded at Foe | England whieh have made ! | | | prof Bath ¢ ' General { @ allected hy the mcession and increased from home-produced ecompaet alos (CP Photo from UKIO) headed fo downturn in 1961 | Ww and nN ex Britain pppears BR ELOBROGMIN BE CEDOFL MRIKELS production levels off ports of small ears--sueh ps | Unemployment Top Problem For Worry 1961 | By ROBERT RICE Canadian Press Stall Writer OTTAWA EF Barring war or an unexpected the eannom Ihe of the unempl ada tap a good That's had year lose Toward the end of th ar the federal government stepped In h what it eslled & 5 attack on the problem deen painti symptom More eeonom Americ I tivit ofl M he competition Wig impact in Canada in rezemt years are down, Bales of Brit fi ears in North America are i that the tional Irede policy insurance fund taxation, even the the Kitty thet provides help io! The chief accent out-of-work people would dry he moves to holster demand up. It dropped helow $300.000,000 For Trade Minister Hees, this in mid- 1960 ~under the safe level, means pushing Canadian snales iid a ad: abroad. ¥or Works Minizier Ker It means more money g terms for home-hullding hor Minister Starr this more skills the wernment promised meas Lahor suggested more govern res in strengthen the fund andiment spending, deficit financing ndicated aetion to thwart tho lif necessary, In order to prime ha milked Jt for all they ecould,! ihe pump, to get the economy {atten legaily valling ahead once more But the problem of Business more nd unemployment self th commit capital to new) to be wrapped up In a bigger ail: works, lower (axes (a free money produe: ment recession slowing Can- for investments, a hetter interest tn ad [ all th, The rate, a lower premium on ution to this involves interna Canadian dollar fe 30 GRENFELL ST. Christmas In : OSHAWA ~ ONTARIO E y rived in due time with gifts from f A R - ALUMINUM WINDOWS, DOORS ira " 4 1 "The Antarctic en AWNINGS, SIDING, ETC, Last Baturday, Ivan Haugen eniital chartered a bus and took his! drinkable water can he liber: aled as steam, staff of twenty-two to the 0 Keefe Centre, Toronto, and later| SPEED IN KPACE fipace ships heading toward | to dinner, Venus, Mars or the other plan els must develop speeds some #5 times the speed of sound to | pull away from the earth But the speed complicates the problem of approaching and NEW WESTMINSTER, (cp) A 13%foot Douglas fin, | N ge § \ Sen ; " Re Jiietion Secime ester, ual 4 » hor sid to be the world's largest © © : + + + Wish to express their Sincere "THANKS" for the (© Brawih of the lahar force owl Ww found an the moon, says Christmas tree, has been strung De, Roy 6, Brereton of Aerajel : ) d d f | teers splendid response of the many hundreds of volun landing at the destination planet, Now General Klectrie stripped the number of new } i with 423 lights in Moody Park ereated hy the economy Goneral Corp, By heating these i ghis In 00dly av 2700 degrees, here, | who helped to make the Mass Tuberculin Survey the tremendous success that it was! monetary weather appeared to ment, there were fears unemployment Oh LORD, * Let there be Peace on Earth "THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF" Doupe spurt in uncle olen vanks yed wi in ( domaoest promiem of 1961 mitlook | rem i for special husiness-lahor legm easier Vor "ma means ory . In the Bline fall part the for nl 1960 draws | HA throne §t speech of apemin J 4] Ld sslon Parliament other prime minister recovered The voters' choice, hy an ex dum early in 1961 that may give man Catholic elected to the office mas holidays peans and 116 Moslems were "0.6 per cent and the other candi-|"Y appealing message on Bun prevailing governments i win Ji jor the girly school at Africa, was shot twice In the ihe American presidential elec head hy a white farmer, The Hon In Algeria, the nationalist re- ceedingly slim margin, was (he heltion against France dragged Democratic pay ty's selection [po oie O00 [i h i Susan left on Wedne into its seveath year, President John F. Kennedy, ot 43 the goo 10) Winnipeg for he ol i de Gawlle's plan for a veferen youngest man and (he first Ro 4 " a 3 Pia Algerians greater political auton Of nearly 69,000.000 voles cast ry and nes Kverett omy proved unpopular with right. Keinedy received M07 per cent |o ied le Ynere of his ving politicians and European| Vice-President Nixon, the He ™ on the weekend itlers in Algeria, Right Euro. publican standard - beaver, got] Bev, Mr, Braham brought a killed during furious December dates picked up the remaining 7|d6y marning The church was rioting Iner cent, Kennedy received on) eel decoraied with lights and : fi 4 iristmas tree, The children sew ) 8 were electoral eollege votes out of al" 4 : a hee, Jorg Aon wisibl 537, He needed 260 (o|"®*Ponded generously with white Georgetown Opponents of Halle Selassie W BABIES Mr, and elzed (he opportunity of the It was a year of some notable Carnarvon, Ettiiopian Emperor's shsence Inibirths: Prince Andrew, second In " Mrs Miss Carrie Gland Martha Cranley Lo Geo, Cowan Cowan i Foren were weekend guests of the Hoach family The hall well filled on Monday evening on the occasion eh public general i aated the fund ight ineen med tives of hn allment gripping Novth £ f wis of di-man hod of efliclen prod and push Canada's tien ahead and, As A PE open up more johs It also offered a enrol to huild more workers for the spendamnre federal nivse eent of the nal ripal od up A 1] { council, a 0 of the annual Christmas concert Much eredit Mrs, Medd and pupils Bandison, thelr singing Is due and Mrs teacher it, to fa thi Banta sen6n provinees tn prepare mation era gram with the ting up 73 per enls for Vith A TELEPHONE RA 5-243" voeat fihon! its Christmas dinner in the Antarctic, executives plugged into the wall, and water from moon stones are subjects this week for selence at work, arker lant to small generous mort and other mi ney mare m | hu gare | ¥ 1 housty legislation, the I to Injeet new iile 1 ernment Ho th "un [ € NEED JORS 1 na found th alle hut less them } n jale | i We ne \ah the yavemher ANTARCTIC Just Christm mder CHRISTMAS four yi two nm ago this ientists sat hrilliant Antaretie supped on cocoa, marmalade and biscuits--food left behind in 1012 hy an ex plorer's tragedy he food, preserved hy the cold, had heen left hehind hy | | British explorer Robert Scott, wha perished within 60 miles of camp after becoming the second person to reach the south pole Ned Osteno and Charles Rent ley of Wiscon found the food In condition, the. original hullding still standing loaf bread partially sliced on a table inside | WIRED FOR ACTION fl fa NOW lamentary. appn } the un and ed ned 0) for shock tunnel that can produce | these extreme speeds and the atmospheres believed to exist on Mars and Venus, They will study the effects escape speeds on varlous shapes lo help In designing space ships 'Boy Rescues Three Sisters SPRINGFIELD Firemen eredited hoy with saving h {irom a blaze which destroyed his parent this village 16 mile Thomas Derek outside as fame hurning Chylstmas turned to the hla {telephoned the fire department and carried his pet hudgle out, locking the front door hehind him to ent down the dreanght Damage to the frame house of Mr and - My (Mifard Seavey was estimated at §4,000. The par ware at work when the fire farted tain winter fasting nem of th can't his hase two University In selentist camp and a of Ont, (OM an 1l-year-old three sisters Wednesday house in cast of Bi nell ply the he Husiness executives in world of the future nay plugged Into a computer The SAVEIRM J It could speed deelslon-mak out the old 1 ndard ing in large organizations hy 10 ure of unemnlovment, coming up| Mes, say scientists at Looh With a new vardstick Yhat has for! Need's missile and space di: the first time official sanction, It] Vision, m pean! ithout jobs The computer acts as a vast and work, plus these! community pool of fact, Ry wha are laid « tem wily plugging into the eomputer | from his office, the executive | JUNE REST MONTH can draw on any set of facts Ry this n ndard he needs to make his deelsion @ unemployed when th started. At its lowest. point ON THE ROCKS June, th was 115,000, In Yan may not he able to get Novemhey per eent of th blood fram a turnip, hut thove | total wark foree of 6,450,000 were, are signs that earthmen on the out of All signs pointed tal moon may get water from rook an increase In the total before Some rocks, known to contain up to five per cent water, may { peaple ave nx on th Noarey led his sisters proad from a tree, Ho re ng huilding, meg LIKES CARPENTRY YLT Mrs the Gordon Stronach, wile of new mayor of London, Ont, piders carpentry and | conching a peewee hockey team to high heels and house work, She dees mest of her nit carpentry in the kitehen of her suburban house, A tall, slim brunette, she took aver hockey coaching when her hushand campalgned for election Dee | 12 (Cr Photo) 1h} 7,000 Wwe u ont figure | no, GIANT FIR work seientists have developed a And with higher unemploy: rocks to about The Citizens of Oshawa are to be commended for the manner in which they responded to the Mass Tuberculin We wish you and yours a Surve very Merry Christmas . . , and extend our urvey thanks for your loyal patronage. . Remember! , . . Tuberculosis CAN BE erased only through the co-operation of all people everywhere! The TB Committee at this time also extends to all citi- zens of Oshawa and Vicinity best Wishes for a Merry Christmas . , . and the hope that Good Health will be theirs throughout the coming year! We | MARBO STONE LTD. 1437 KING EAST RA 5.3189 BACK MANNED FIGHTER I a maler departure fram | an important rele in the RAF original plans, British defence | Complete change-over from strate have decided man | manned alrevaft to mechanical ned panes play | missiles has been postponed, | This piloted Swit Jet AR Altoalr missile ta its wing veady for (CP Photo from carries attached firing URIO) ists ghey

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