Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Dec 1960, p. 15

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[AA Ah a (45--Beal Rotate Por Sole [50--Aticles for Sole (50---~Amicies For Sole = (S0---Asticles For Sole | | THE GIHAWA TIES, Thendey, Decomper 23, 1960 15 or Rent V ry ------ too, Whee ; -- nay spaciel, $99 down, od Bs FER CENT ot on of sppiancey, VACA ner 4 -- nt -- ------ RET ME, WREhErs, IIREIAIN (4 4 nod 50 Artigles spartiment; bal Jenanis We | SEVLER ons Stig of 3 footie and our fei mighad fn 76m Troe w a sheniace 4 4 for Sole 50-- Articles For Sole geminncns. WA BINH ov VE Wind ne pis . a : Pie wry id 4 . Trier rp hy Ioeates, 8 mi d i Aaah Eg ed, y pr A. " maton, sith mil "Vv, Fig Bn Bry De ation TANG, Awwnkows Bienes berger, Rewitar " URRY ras VI; vanity Geesenr + ONE Reser Kav, 7 J 1 yg {nne, BA Vi g , fai LTE VY Shopwing € 5 Just like new. Tatughone RA sn ation, Telephone KA : , RA sd I i FURNISHED (wo pe rLma, ray os LEAVING fost! Be! rigwy Wil aman rosy Agi iy ig Via ow LEASE frgeraion, 19 " cated, Apply a 12 inns ion, wills wily ' the # slaatria; hed Sie # i Eigse W A oy rent, of ome time ; wie fA i, Telephone BA Fy 7h be buying your own home, |Seairs, lemy, tables, Wa how A we CLEAN comioriable sovriment, wos ving # lahest of rowers, garden J aati wool ot a iri SHAEAG 4 duh, dt velrge a ar | WA WANTED, matare yomg ledy 1s shars| broom bingslon, o SOIVIERS Lay's Iusmiture. MO ApH Classitiad By A isher 4 iid Ea rlanent Cy lo yon dotrviep oF EM. » Wimes Clas "" Wi a. passe 4 3 Yikon $3057 ho A tis | Pg (wasnt machine with Top, 4 £8 of vi BA 55808 Hh # WAVE bles, Sovega gd or "big fost SE iene, wa ---- na Todies ov Wamie ' LAMSON ok Ee es Ha A Sacks or HA 30M fine of Iva deen welcoms veh STATE LY y hood Lid. Haw vo Wiens yo hy TY Sai 128 Ein oon REAL ¥ ATE | [2] wah lor amily oh tous; Includes W : " : - a nghiinn freaks wid ide i. AT il ontained thes - 199m | by down wt, Wor furthes WAOrme onom, brick home, econ od sparen guid Lacsion einssrrio WING es doe ors rl wr ed Two bedroom S10NE DUNG: {uw WA A944). Wy oman ae povption Ib Lt] Wad | vive mitiet, i per A your own hast thermos, free laundry h ith b fos EET furmiinre houaht sad Wesitars som Tachies, washing, #95, Kh haan. | Glow, ranch, with big gar. [LX rie he, hei ------ ¥he ard [oies Kao: HA" Vo0A, a PR; ; a "2 os mi hi3 # rent ov sale, new, He l AL WK conislned "eri 2 ARTHENY Wn pew htiding, wm B9 oil hegted. Bireet Kas iw I a 3 fins ie villa He, EL nin facili Montrave Avenue, = Isirigerston | ops. o ed. 85 by CRAY RCA Vier, Admire) od iat fe A We , vis |92 i Hien "avaiable Aaniviry WT Park stove, TY sensl, washer, Srysr, 200 good garden 10nd, [Vhe finest 5 19, Heft and vie {heap decd #" oo : he . Cr i } Avenue Ld ' % nd 1nd ing Contes. RA bois} | , ' Higheot trade-in sowanees wh " Yeriwey " is ond N b pyres, ; THREE room ment, henvy duty | FOUR large rooms. hath, hol | own. Television, 96 5 Street Worth, RABY Ingles, all colors, Lalking : a ruse A. i, Avaliable rohan be vevcned jor lghahane, vd can Whitby, Pickering town Cor Won pd oe} {iflers ih for fr ree oy na weil cone, p hoes joss 14 ¥ i 1 & fhm i i (Hons Cry! ddd o_o op ahd ore w Lafroine Shrast line just north of new fit tumiture? Well way 6, War | 28 Em Sireet East, B er, Irons de AE ~ inigerators, TV's, washers, Fanos, THREY [LH fr? "Pvels TWH bedpoiin Bpariment 18 modern | woven, sie, For oh, [bath snd entyanes, to hue, cone vo nt aiding, svillaite how 1et| "rige on 401, Name your [57% 50 1, Phone BA 441, ALUMINUM | DOOR 9 Ontarta vert Ohews. |ephone wlier 5 pw. or Fol Bo AR rs so sit. hn | Crim Sune, ot 5. wit, | down payment ull price (WH ve bes prices n he ir lal AND WINDOWS! ene, WA S900) 97 BA BIO, gomad: clase to. schacts. bus at darts --. 5 {Lire Bare. BA 39071, 444 mene Both BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS 0m bunisiow of hosted, TV vo RA 4904 vy 2 Dine "svemee| Three room bament $12,500. No agents. Call | BANKRCRT sock of chidren's sons, Specie) Faduced Price : ji" ol rar Nolet on ov |g con. gal comtined t ot MO 8-8734 Bovis "Weta, ois. Widlaan, Fwemint or We Sell, Cash FIBRE GLASS BOAT » an 2 - : let, of ibity Lire ed level. Stove and re apartment, private en BRN | (1d igi Bea Bry Wiihy, MO ond Carry COVERING KITS "wy Fenive, Hn room Ge tetor, supped, Come \oention trance, three piece both, ed] Bross screws, enchor fost wt # oimount Avene, | Alitainers i476 i | \ \CHOOBE "your new ser Wl fn \ ils. Boots repeired, paint) laundry facilities, every- LLOYD REALTY | Wh) [7 w oh b trom ou CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ne 4 repaired, pointing Mot Vivatner's, 8 wing, PRIVATE ap i, these roams, lor large selection of Wisetrohom 4 it Grentell Wrest Pace bath, washer, Lana eng thing included, $55 fia? and eA ot Parkway Televison ALEX VAJ DA and verishing, or ser A Bleast| Available January its. Apply 208] Ir 98 Simeone North ion do, Ng a te | monthly, Telephone RA | "Lior win wove , teachers wr murses. Telophone WAL GROUND Moor = Tour room "wr | B-6522 THEN 'CALL YOUR MOVER condition, Telephone MO BI tor fur ment, stove and refrigersiorn, heat, I ther indnrm ation TIVE better slass five room [i #0 Lon-gar Yoaled 44B.~Rooms For Rent NORTHWEST AREA |STOOK taking sale = heb pines "a WAIT se , paved driveway, ergs ge: |Werags, KA 37008 Do ed hath sets, $70; Joi systems, $0 , Bimane Street gi A ¥ daa TWO . room well furnished ARSriment {FURNIRHED room, sulable for one DOWN $2,000 WN {Shows salinets, 518; stainless shin) ary | Teisphone RA (with refrigerator, laundry facilities, soft| gentleman, tn auiet home. BA B909.0 Buus this 2 veer old custom sinks and cabinets; Sunhesm Mis IRACTIVE three - bedroom Wings | wales, central, suitable lor couple, twa 200 Celine | built home with paved drives maser; piping ond Hi id tall kinds) Betore you look # ewners, 168 us soy thenks with @ Xmas Gift ly bn wil det for mine months, Grand. |Kentiemen or Tadic, Apply © ANOLE or cs™ niu mished 00mm, Fess 4 completely decorated |TIE8 EA wit ! ase, Chinn's Hen Gardens Oceupancy early Jang, Pirest East while rent. 28 Vrines Street "ay ; mpie WA rg {Wilinide_ and vars Fond, WA 37088 | | WOE " y oy. HA 9 [CENTRAL ~ twn + mom spariment, | Sonia rrivE clesn furnished pea] T17ONGNOH : MONQGOaR | unERE taken for storm sashes, wood ABSOLUTELY FREE EN room brick home, Tesluring |Iarge warm, private, wot walcr heuiad nom, central, hot waler, spring mat] corries for $88 0 _Imeien (or Wumminum. _ fren" slimpies, terms bedrooms, madern kitchen, living | reasonable rent, RA 39311 or WA tress, parking, 14 Kigin Slreet East principal and taxes, For more (Phone BA 34989 With purchase « 9 dining room. Wiesly ducorsied, FIVE room apartments, heated, good [KA 39767 {| information cell Jim Cryiks |APARTME NE sue Plans, ven OO, oo pu hoe Sa 80 or-more, one aluminum lawn chelr or ---- BArage, pnvals driveway, Pos: | jo. otion king, close bus. Apply ' I g : v 5123 w reduced to $595 for limied time) - g 1956 0 fi J ie A Pos | ocation, par ty BOY \SENGLE furnished healed mom: wise! shanks at RA 8.5123 door grill value $9.95 = With purchase of $100.00 or more 6 Ton AN - Wensonable onl. | 5 786 Bimeos Sirest Bouth for further | {furnished room with small wits on, Wee luply! Thee ars full keshonrd| name-brand table radio velue $19.95 I ans . 0 Teiephors ' information of telephone, sentra). 180 Bruce | LLOYD REALTY LIMITED fon ol AL wei of Mason Fd Self-storing doors from $39.50 THREE roam spariment private |g GRTTERER Tooms. 8b per wesk Gen REALTORS oh Sain Ba | bath and entrance, henvy duly wines. |i oy only, Telophons BA 3-0 RA B.8 MH 're 8.5124 RistiAS. 334 Simane South | Self-storing windows ,.,,.. from $17.00 WO BEDROOM North of Bhopping Centie, three root - v FREE with Mia ad, rubber heels orl TV apartment, private bath snd entrance, | ROOMERE ~~ good clean somiortahile RA B.5125 itis with every pair of half soles Je towers ; from $59.50 heavy duly electric range, continuous | reams, single beds, seniral, #6 weekly, iO) SIMCOE ST. N | paired men's mw Ladies, time APARTMENTS [i iss smi wikis Som te sai a 47 KaromabllesFor Fale 1 igh 5 Be a DIAL ALUMA SEAL CO. RA 59365 REABONABLE thes room apart: | Telephone BA BT8L for further Infor y FUR cost, Mouion, dark brown Exeslient Joe ation, new build ment, privals eniranee, bath, centisl, | mation [748 FONTIAC and "52 Poptise, excellent length "18 to 16, in good condition, | ing, with or without lease Ik rye Solemn, | GENTRAYL, Vocallon, eomioriatly fuk: (motors, 400d tires, cheap reliable trans Reasonable, Telephone RA 8-870, ANYTIME w or witho feds NOM. Children welcome, Vaoant: | nished single bedroom for clean, re portation. Make & good second family FOR RENT Telavisiog i " HA 86697 - ; a speciable. person, Apply 77 Ontanelcer. Phone WHitehsll 84570 lomps, de Damidifters, wil og ag) LLOYD REALTY THREE room modern apariment, | Brest, . ie CHEVROLET, 800, good motor, #te, Meagher's, § King Sires Wen private hath and Anirance, newly deg AFTRAUTIVE furnished rooms, avall body fair oh Fark Rosd din afer BISKATER, new and used, sold snd 5 arated, -groun oor, pa Kk h AFI in private hams, #2 Park Koad ip.m. RA 5-6000 |ehanued. Luraest selection in tows. | RA 8.5123 wiring, near bis, NG Motors. KA 59887| S08, DEVORE BOS. ri RECONDITIONED malar "snd pars, | Draston's Cygls, 204 Bond Stress East. | % THREE - pam apartment, heavy duly | assis Fines Classified Ads wt 1650 Chev, snow Hn radio, ate, BA THREE ROOMS of furniture, only $099, | AA 2 Flat Minny hut in hubhents iM ak, reise your stindards of living! Sel 1400 or apply 108 Hunter Birest {This includes chesterfield, chrome set, -- '] ats heal, water supplie 85 month Your na longer used articles pit 14 Call » Reurahee, Bave up (o|hedroom sulle, maliress, SFTIRG: ep || : pir 83 Royal Strest or RA 81138 HA 33407 to place your ad A ho7 TE Ail Tasraie to pay. por 8nd softee tables, howdolr and' table | RR | Rent THREE large rooms, newly decorsled | Sgr jn Gog single room, syllable | | pasha servic st your homes, ell WA | lamps, pillows; ste. $25 down olives A p Feirige or and stove, elase , bus and |"Gunranterd best valug!" NEW three foom apartment, private r RA 53344 oF or #antieman Apply 30% Chad | Homa Furnishings, 44 Bimgos ped "Farman MARINE sALes a Ferrin os ii Ih bita| 481 DREW SY, RA RA 3-985) 1 20 RAY ST. Wh £6883 i ly, Rear South General Motors, 254 Malaga Rosd Ahr. Svallab AWAGHN, "condi HA 0.6606, oe [108 VOLESWA £0) on, | Bout . - a= = [GROUND floor, private Aptranes, ' 0 sun top, Jou few tires, [27 Telephones vo ® ® . ® SIX room slarey and hall brigk hous, WAND naw Abgpiimentt, Waa? h A furnish vd fooms, Ti sigd, ose ta Svorth | after 5, KA hana! flection of reconditioned 18: | ™ ¢ rooms, hroadisom roughout, Orel rr now a he low: LA Taronone a insists Phe slave, refrigerator, New hullding. 1m: Oihawh, " Av n On rd fe 14.4, " station Wagon, #X: prices ever Television, #8! T mediate pos; on. Adelaide West, KA L |enliont running sondition, new Hie, Bimeoe North TWO furnished housekeeping vooms, custom radio, trade considered, terms : S Yunvisngp four-room apartment: 5.8089, A it 9 Adelaide West mmediste Posseseian, | rine. Apply Janitor, 39 . bedroom and kitehen with refrigerator, | avaliable Wifltap Motors, WA §-8801 TYPEWRITERS adding machines, | Mou AROVND floor, threes room unfurnleb, A 156 A Birest ol registers, office chairs, whee fd $48 monly "x gpd Bid Bag i By PATking space. Apply res SURES 15h PONTIAC La 5, fling eabinet, Wil wiles | UNFURNISHED _ F0om SPAT (hath, gan range; alse two room fur LEEPING room, across (rom North | matic, radio, wheel , twa lone ste, pI ment, Mepvy wiring, TV outlet, bus Une, (od spartment, Apply 730 Simeoe Street (plant, ideal for | Motors work: |low m condition COR SUNN, ami nd Biunfl 908 n > {Shona slorage space adults. FA | go wih, ory, All convenien ample parking. (be finan w Ag Bi wR BRL hr wi | LL Wihone Mrent " RA #4478 [TWO wrecks, 1051 Chav, WIE In leit own Dominion Tire Store, WWO furnished rooms with large mod ONE lovely room far (we genilemen, front, new motor snd five new fires, Blast West. KA A511 | orn kitchen, sink, cupboards, ranges, APARTMENT varnished, single beds, central location, [1057 Word # siriane, twoed ir a rb [Sent Ae ad rod Pa orator, use of washing machine Apply 338 Albert Street, WA 53945. railed over, Low mil [1 of winger A An Jenin " makes Avwly 14 Lorie Avene a Lorge two-bedroom, electrls |ONE lovely fom. [oom or wanlie| Hyg y ld Yor, ' lo, suaranieed vragen | 3 modern roams and sun. man, private home, Apply orn r x On and stoves, Paddy's Markel, § minutes bo downtown,| 0lly equipped, use of washer EIR" CATER 0 . my do Metrapollian handle nl Hamplon, CO 39841 / : Avaliable, RA| and dryer free, in new apart» OWE Snails toon - Chev, panel truck, both § lop st ' W a bed, #4 weekly, OWFRTERVINEDN and bedroom ment building, near Shopping near Bouth End, convenient ta down | money Ft Lai nar, Li '" tment, nes Cont Apply 213 Men: town. Nultable for gentleman, KA| Yio 8 p.m Whils they Tast! Terrific savings u d ¥ jo 'wove, stig TR go lor 3 er) hay CHEVROLET foi "Hour + door, i. joo Don't Moles Thess Ly ih d I | J : a. ai ----. a [dar Fangmieg asy terms, Barony' Home Puri (A i {a ng AVAIARIS, RAL re rr -- EARGE sloan Tiki fF hausekesning "H Var on he iy iy A ue Rimes aa ng N ) v phone KA § Sonn, Wag, BUCKINGHAM al )! ik | wh LX Taam, Sil Iadies or BUR roe fH wing | y irate" Fr MANOR th Wa, ike new, "Runde te, flood \ ) La a i wh APARTMENTS oo on, 0 fam hon aid we ele: | $3478 oF est street sonahe 'Moving. Telephone Poli? ko J sleririon in 2-hedroam Apartments, elec Phone RA 81507 Was - OFFICE furniture, Two (are filing sab: enti, 8 aiterte Heo Ww PURNIWED tw Toor vals ar 1980 ORRYALER fy vl tt al ree | A : a y WA A8145, Call Mrs, Trens Wein trically equipped, best logos sedan, VA sutomatie ger BA 37044 on Ae, Failcas Mao turnished single house: | CoU sieering, - suslom ¥ how: (Van Heusen Motors, 186 Kin spariment, filed bath Simcoe St. North, Apt. 18; ral) Weasonabie: Apply 98 Conire ain. eondition, terms av RA Oshawa. wh rated, 'pr FV vate h, Strange, oon: RA 8 676 Street, oe . rp ------------ MATERNITY Slothing, sae 16, Black - -- woe | ROOMS for gentlemen, single heds wonl shir red eotduroy 0p, green ito hinek from li Gonirey| Also for family, use of kitchen, nes? BUYING oR SELLING SEE thao AGEL Niitehie lor Miiiday stash hain fn BR | ADARTMENT [0 fa le st TED CAMPIN mation ELEOTRIO rasor repairs, Culling A most welcome gift SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND ' Tg TE aif PURNIHED room suitable for one or MOTORS heads, corde, ste. for all makes of slog: ' TW ) ( X WA Five ro , stove, refrigera: 8 PErsans, cookin tric ragors, fast service, Mangh ] sf BEDR tor Psi 4 hon Ty y RR king TY Moed King Slresl West. RA 33435, ae & ; and a daily reminder 37 Mantrave Avenus 607 KING ST. = OSHAWA and King Sireel APARTMENTS S100. MONTHLY T5Wma fost of Wilken Road) | STORM WINDOWS, : g RA 53302 [Tpiesl isle Wrst 7 yur, fos of vor tent | SRN HALON J of friendship and 0 on Excellent location, New bulld Hifios, RA 5-491 -------------- ---- Prices on request Ing, with or without lease, |= A sin Prompt Service, " y / ONE MONTH RINAATOW ie or vent, Taw dls CASH pt co | A poo, 4h Dorsal Bove", WE JERMYN'S oodwill for your LLOYD REALTY | FREE RENT |Fish, ur wri il ro | FOR YOUR CAR Ti, 1H 0 RA 8. 5128 Modern one end two bed: [BE DOWN: B70 manta will fet vou VAN HEUSEN [Ph MO 8:8554 or MO 83895 | Xv A \ friends and relatives room apartments, $85 and |ggreement for 8 15-year term { -- -- " up, best location, Telephone Newall, Broker, Plakering, WH 2.4770 MOTORS BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS BOATS FIBRE G fia 3 Oshawa's Finest RA 8-8676 JOHN A, J 149 KING STW DONT CovinIRE GLASS | be away from home, . 0 5 © ; -- -- -- . Brass screws anchor - fast Park Lane Apts. ONE MONTH BOLAHOOD TT ay waar pai, Sects rpoiec,' pink atin Ing PRR. starage 2 ['] . : = LARGE | BEDROOM FREE RENT REALTOR INSURANG MERCEDRS BENZ 20 Ray 8 pay 1 Call The Circulation Dept. The Oshawa Times w LARGE 2 BEDROOM 167 - -- BACHELORS 67 Simcoe 5 SALES AND SERVICE th Only two one-bedroom suites 8 KING WW. OSHAWA ALUMINUM WINDOWS CONTACT radar snotlaasiv b [40 N A apart uing. Con RA 56544 | ™ "pa shaa' | DOORS, AWNINGS" J! ON HOWE pri Bilin taundrs Te THOMAS ST y tactured locally, Free estls - commodes grutches and canes, also roll-away beds REAL ESTATE ties, Phone Only 8 yrs, old, 54% NHA, | SABYAN MOTOR Pie re obligation morigage, 3 bedroom, 54 olonial Aluminum Sales 87 KING ST. § MO 8 4770 room brick bungalow with SALES LTD RA B-4614 : : RA 5.7732 - partly finished rec. room $ After hours RA 5.5378 n ey | C pon our ns ruc ions Very clean, carries for only STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN pe -- on $76. per month, interest, SALES and SERVICE pi TOL principal and taxes included 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH ALE OR Reasonable down payment OSHAWA, ONT Aluminum Products of the Call Jack Appleby, RA 5 Tel: RAndolph 3.344) best quality at the best 6544 or 3.3398 aries fully guaranteed y FAMILY Hom | W0--Automobiles Wanted | Buttle nig' wiiow any Com lete and mail this fo rm below: BALE = Used hed, spring, mat FREE © LAKERHORE "Auto Wreckers want $18. Call now LJ hp WATATAI Finish, xvollant soniitin, | woth for Tomita; Rout Dicken Wawe| 7 room brick bungalow with fe or wrecking, Highest prioss paid, Lymer Aluminum Co Ohaly 88; rieyele, medium ise, 851 inghouss Freeser and Sohnelder's food) @arage, One 4.room apt. and [R Ep" RA 8.5385 Fall sleigh. MO 8358 IL No down payment. For further] one 3 room apt. on same ANT Yo | One-0wner, URAeronal fs Large three roam un Fro Phone MO 8.3381 ne oblh[ floor, Cut expenses by buying "i tor. Pave, RA FAT do Kart lens 5 UIPME contained front apart | this lovely income property ad + HA " a ICKROOM EQUIPMENT very central. Telephong MO ruLLY furnished aanmen, Ineluding in the Southeeast divtrict 1 4 HOUSTON'S GARAGE FOR RENT or FOR SALE Please Send A Christmas Gift Subscription of The Oshawa Times -- stove and refrigerator y I new inl « ALE = Plana, in good condition, Wax, nos vention 300 Colborne. Weil Rabact sal Anthony Slolock AND SERVICE STATION Haspital beds, wheel chair, Wan" Telephone MO 8.2657 after | Whithy, MO 3-539. or BRAKE SPECIALISTS. COM. invalid walkers, bedsides, " FOR SALE = New sow ¢ : RENT Apartment, heated, $30; alsa new poh ahd he Sapna: 2 FAMILY HOMES ROTOR TUNE LP AND poomed seit contained, laundry in phone MO 8.343 afier 5 pm. for in DUPLEX y : i \_ avaliable January 1 Apply | formation GENERAL REPAIRS Phone Aid Rentals RA 5.1644 [th Street. MO 44379 hr mg ene yg $1,000 DOWN 67 KING ST. W ---- A -------- an » ' Iamiry 18 ar before. now f{anka a ane Walter ard. 304 SALE PRICE $9,900 RA 3.7822 ALUMINUM DOORS i TR, A ah a Chestnut West. Fhone MO 8.3363 Kitchen, living room and 1 --- pe-bedronim house MO 358) | WormAY Special open 3 hours. Lot] bedroom with ane apartment AND WINDOWS ! AR ren vu el fa do the driving. Quick tHticien sory and 2 bedrooms. living room C A S H roams, hed sitting roan Thad tah, MO 4-814 dining room and kitchen with hg Wea Sell the Best . rigerator and stove heat ho" T in apartment "RalidiAR, the other apartment, Stov For any choice clean cor and Repair the Rest : supplied Private snivance [Wiese rooms, heavy duly wiring, park: and automatic Fd hb Trade up or down Replacing Glass, Screens, ete, | ee Street [Ing 360 monthly available December |, isles be {ialaphone RA 53814 ed, Located on Celina St MACKIE'S MOTORS FOR FAST EFFICIENT \ Service M13 Dundas Shee Pon RENT -- Furnished room with] Garage; oil fumace, good KING ST. E VARCOE'S RD SERVICE rivale entra ce, in respectable home income home, low taxes. To Three bedroom house, all MO 3433 inspect call Jack Appleby, RA RA 5 3743 " vam And roomy Kitohen [IN WIRteT months dwring mild seal, 5.6544 or 3.3398 ne ------------ JIM ELLIOT ni dining ares attached gar [owtaide work can he done iy skille phone MS 3443 I ad etna ales" Pee Kt LADIES ! CASH FOR YOUR CAR | RA 3.2866 .. Mark The Christmas Card As Follows i . ™ of sid Are itt i eine Meavien new and ing "kad wuinitn hI Haren, 8) WANT A BETTER HOME Yrade Un or B Ab: rade Up or Down fan leaving Groen, Whithy, MO #4358 N h iy Toa = ay TWO ! W 1s the time to get your Liens Paid Off Variety of 15" car whi¥ls EY TT Ee TE TT I EA TE ER NEE WLM oy SA ups ohestortields $18 was |Meat buliding, heated, clase to sohoals, ome for the New Year, Our . y jon CT Wien, lke now [Shopping parking, OL 5.3411, Brookiin special for to.day + & room WILBAK MOTORS $3 each, also body soi jer Ver TH \ SATAN (CARH paid fo a! W revi ug bck with cement block : ol hy ratlable ho AL Why Re hen an ww Ni garage, all large rooms, only 137 King W RA 5.0732 and plastic solder 1} ¥ ticle town uralture, 111 rook $11,800. Men! Why not © - SHAW AUTO WRE ~K Nardi NO baat [ $n Ww nat buy - RECKING | Vo Ehciosed Faymen ea ome ress HELP US [FOR WENT - Lares two foam apart| YOU Wile a real Christmas SPOT CASH 89 BLOOR EAST | : ment, With sun ¥ ground floor | Present. Call Anthany Siblock PAID FOR RA 5.231) I I wl y-- ARe-hedraam apartments, apart | HELP THE NEEDY [fata "ov Seif contained. + A B63 : Good cioan cuit. Trade: up ee We feed children's clothing, wmdnm------_ 410.000. FULL PRICE ar down. Liens paid oft SEE HOME APPLIANCES d Q 0 mw ald Hive room brie \ Wh Stoves, beds, shoes, is FOR RENT Box, boat ond One year old # brick DODD MOTOL SALES OSHAWA LTD; SUBSCRIPTION MAIL RATES: cobin trollem, chain saws, bungalow with full basement . . skill saws, cement - mixers oil heat, private drive. Ven He Re SD S 90 SIMCOE SOUTH LVATION ARMY Mier qnravers, shotguns, [ arcioun fo ik Call Bil S0--Article ". "sae | FOR FRIGIDAIRE Prov, of Ontario $12.00 ~ 1 year $6.50 - 6 months $3.50 - 3 months ) Righit re thicles For Se | SALES AND SER | 5 LFARE STORE WILDE RENTAL MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND 198 WNCYELORARMIAS woh sitis| TALES AND SERMICE Other Prov. & Foreign $15.00 -) year $8.00 -6 months $4.25-3 months I : 4 L and Sales [31] WY mes World Alas. 12 Warki's Great t and Corvmercial 2 i yy vat v M00 A 0 8.8002 1413 Dundas E., MO §- 3234 REAL BS ATE BOARD RA Soa Ye WAR vahonn, Like nui) R A 2-3332

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