14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharsdey, Decomber 33, 1960 5a THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS i A EET ri RE LE SOLVE nlm. Shopping Pecblettis Through Onrie ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous her Ea pg -- Marie Murdutt will bs In - Oshawa, Jon. 10th and 11th ly il 4 A Phone Genoshe Hotel on hal cits CR these doles for nt, oo For Form, me On Cortese 2] Fuel & Wood i, Wo AA Hl dk eu 34 805,35 3 Artiches" ro GIFTS FOR HER GOOD EATING GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY | CHRISTMAS ER tind id Fanawl . a . 7 - EG PT eS aa GRAND PATINA, | Ovi Tram | coplpim Own Times will not be | PERK PAN Wirsery Behond, oWaTen 31--Aricio Wanted ug New Dresses o RESTAURANT Ae ON ' holes of ads i i wire, Monday fo Frides B00 (0 WANTED: = for 1056 Dodie NESBIT | S oh i bor #18 #i mowihly fotiact Bp a, pA od ot "491, Bewok Catering to Parties, Varieties Hobby > HOP upplion aniben mete then Bimens Slrset North, WA jn Budger account privileges Banausts ele THIS CHRISTMAS H.0. reliweys, toys, ad rE inecariet ar Si Th Yh COINE Wanted, Canadian iver dotiars) ASO lay-g-way plan We Home Del vor and Pick-up DAVIDSON' S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 4] " aif Samant, wr iy Ma, AL PA AND CRYSTAL ° I 16545, 1047, 186, For prices seh SINCERELY, iavite you te ry Orders 2 7) KING 5ST, W, RA 8-322) RA 8-363! Y$ Bway LY serv) § HE XA obo the advertigmant in emign wist | READINGS { - ---- OW TRIENDLY Sprites RA 8 4066 31 SIMCOE NORTH RA 8-33) FREE DELIVERY Bond | Bottare) Wom. |} 96ers, And gles reserve he 1 ! . RA BA: W. A | 19 classily advertising assording 16 RA 5.0532 14; Ki E, Wpstairs) % Mag Siraet. Kast | Ho own hE by MAS, ANN | WANTED j -- -- Ses our complete display of; CHRISTMAS 1REES TOYS 1 in the ses of display advertie: adviser on all aflairs of lite, | Sa . e tou ow Somos ding ud ng Boi pid held Ne appointment necessary LPAP TRON, POULTRY Jia py fuss SEY" a oN IADIAN CORPS _ At] LAMP Professionally I wer | Open dally from 10 am. 18 AND FEATHER TICKS A 30. od 5 / fom ys CAMERON, barrister, site Ww which the ache Pon. wlishars endeavour { Holid TURNMNEF A complete Nine al FOI R F N T - GND oom Bivibens TOYLAND notary ple, Kink rent pif 1 advertish va 1 Specie ol day | JRMNER ig 4 A LANDICAPING Baal Way nh od woe 1 amie, 4 Sen Hr | Rooalrgr, $100, 140 Sime | oo 00 DORMER POWELL'S Cornring 10 banaue ang | OSHAWA FIXTURE | Location: AL PRESTON. | Oshawa's fines. 0 IRGEELIREIN: In 15 | _ Sos South al , : GREER ond bring iad sais i Big Pu oY re leollset) DRUG STORE parties Manday thry Fri & LAMP SUIPPLY wie STAT Ov ICS Complete Selection of "Ton neem pia -- 5/4 SIMCOE 87, MORTH day. For more Informatio ¥ Giraar, WA, go 7 Ter iL, SCHAPELH o IMAN SHAW RA 65-4734 1 He Eos s Oley, WA 5.293) 12 CHURCH 5, RA 3.7624 I, COLLIS & SONS ones V. Kelly, FA, wal COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING ---- ---- 5 King WeRA 85-6311 ALP J ng ud ey YiSuviiving & Turple: sevict, incon ax wi. | (070 WRECKING £0. 17 50K YOUR BEST RY OUR EXTRA SPECIAL GIFT CHRISTMAS Met Er vost Host, HA $4400.) AURORA SAND & ! arTs ior $000, Wo wrap. rl A AR-B.QUED CHICKEN y Fogiwear and Marigane lone srorime "© MRORA DA 686 OSLER STREET ond mera econ oven | FOR CHRISTMAS Bans id - ory | [loved ld Luppogs TREES TY a a THOMAS. BUNDLE, harrison. sill | , OSHAWA, ONT Saturday all day, Phone Move your hair sivied of with french fries, fish and GIFT CERTIFICATE Charge Seoteh Ping, Spruce SUDDARD'S citer and notary public, 35% Wing! Brick, Sand, Crushed Stone, Ry Wo Wy Koad Grove, MI Run RA 5.9953 RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E WOODLYN Ships, hamburgy, hot dogs from "7 PARK RD, §, ee ----r --- k shakes FOR GGA PRASKN, DRYNAN 04 VALLEY FARM RD NM ~~ BEAUTY LOUNGE | mikwoker = BURNS SH(JES PHONE RA 8.6469 Fa SoA a vg Tmple 9 341 NOTICE Te ee a AL Bcoe W, Ka 87878 _| oy JSORAR E34 sory NT x volt 1 TRI-ANG reighian GC) NE. Fraser, 6) 6 K. imple 5 0 all our mam costomers [10 private home; Apply 105 Patiala For a complete line of - ' -- a did fo -- Tn OAT i Cro {anti diwiie sin sie son service] SEWING MACHINES LITZ IF IN DOUBT! CHRISTMAS 'REES [ELECTRIC TRAINS MANNING F, SWART E Barrister] OWEN BROTHERS CO. LTD. 451 Simcoe 91, 8, tation. und HIvewsys, very reason: | FLOOR CARE Oshawa Shopping Centre | A GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR NURSERY GROWN ALEXTRI fi blo iL db a, ploy TREE EXPERTS 'Oppesite Mill St." wn Felephune Glenn Munros, KA EQUIPMENT Compare Lite quality SHOES or SLIPPERS Sooreh Pine. $1 Spruce end sC Cc is King Si wt Fan, CLOSED 5 -PERFEC wden re dis] RA 54089. We specialize In tree prun- DECEMBER 25th ANOWPLOWING wood quilting, jroes Visit Your and prices 15 'PERFECT Rive 5 oggion fv PR RACE CAR SETS ni D BLAKE ol Barrister D WEAKE DODDS Wrinar| ing 'rea planing, ies re | "MERRY CHRISTMAS" |e wood for sels, Telephone SINGER SEWING LITZ DELICATESSEN | DANCEY'S SHOES Aaatihone: Runes WA 340). Re oi IVY Nk 22-77 - Radio Repairs | 36=--Female Help Wanted CENTER RA B:1111 | IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Kio ng ar "on a pA MAY G0, harrisier, IY, radio, or radio repairs, Al RELIARLE womat to fake pomplets| achines and vacuum ES ng Shreet Eel Ounewa, HA BoM 14---~Household Repairs vem si ren, " Fite A fy ALA WA Bohs fo yi po dk-Bag sity Py Ty 4 VISIT ALBANY HORWICH PRUNE i BA 53408 A ore to vemslis | MOO IRfarmation Combination floor polisher, CHRISTMAS TREES SKATES ity FURNITURE repaired sad vehi |TECEVINON. "WLP, radio ropgirs | RESTAURANT | CREDIT JEWELLERS ts Ui We Bos A ro et op BOO Lr SIRE 0 Stat Fs le Wi sv, Sh duet ii vox apeler and Bug Sham | RC Teka Gift Contificates, Potted Plants Dies Ka KA 54741, eaten r HA 58548 wa hits R: Dalton, 1s Curios Hiren) Weal, HA 8-44 ' 8 Sh able ong Whman i aks harks peo, ab low as $39 pio 2 paar 0 $1 00 VAN BELLE 497 SIMCOE ST. 5 i a. I ------. PTY the hooks, management, welling i fan son he Malaise Buble | omBaTERPYELDY "poi revered fo Toes, 1 oft Pn Auvwly in veran to Howard ones yur SINGER EWING 454 SIMCOE SOUTH OPENS A GARDENS RA 5.3979 bi hi finer, Waciondl tr ramon, Eilon wii ALS "ine He tuan, BA §o18) bran ' L128 hoiisekaener to| 16 Ontario 81, RA 5.5443 RA 5-3433 CHARGE nish NY ey. , CH ACR OY ad " PY iti tl Rardater salle} 1c Co, 10 Bond Street West, Dial Re look after home with ons child, live in -- lg Oshawa Shopping Centre and cd ANTAS SHOWCASE oe Mo, SAMSON Dutles 10 cammence after Cirlstmas ni : ' nos pad HL. Aine 5 Nursing Services PROPRAIONAY water wperhan "i T V TOWERS Telephon A wl hairdresser A Christmas Surprise SHILDRINT SLoTH1s Worhes Min Bn NURSERY GROWN NO more shop %, i ome 0 ed wo nateriale A Tele | LL A Vo aig, Jonaary 1 "iieshone Wan, New| MON DA NESOAYS ~ HURRY! FOR lugoage, cameras, foncy | PROFESSIONALLY |} do i) ie heii a Ny RA 8.8160 Male Fly Wanted PERMANENT $8 A LOVELY GIFT | PRUNED [Hi wi' vin 00, ld, Airis vent Fre Toe. onl OSHAWA T.V. [Wire amen ew| Florines Beaut hop KIDDY CITY | CHRISTMAS FOWL Scotch Pine: Also or vINSY diane i . 261 GIBBONS ST, (Rhowtment os fo does satl fat. 318 KING €, ; LL 2 SIMCOE N uu Spruce and Balsam, ARTIST Rn py oa [us ran nh Teri a fl ish, SUPERIOR AE nd 10 Hox RS SALE RA B.2661 PW in Toray Colo' ed, White, SUPPLIES a Nimane Nae arth AY MR ved, Po wr| APPLIANCE SERVICE BOVE spply now far s Globe el 10% TO 30% OFF USE CUR LAY-AWAY PLAN Dressed and Delivered Gold, Silver, Blue --_ "aplomelrin. pa Ive runt one Ted i Bin Television « Radio . Range [paper sete Earn plenty 0 ta ALL DRESSES ns oe hi or Pink, Table and Easels, Paint Sets, OiliCalom, ot ow prices. RA 57897, Washers Dryers and Oven Maney and still have after sehool' hours Make her happy with ¢ IFT FOR THE FAMILY rushes, Paint by umber Ba Ba Invi " TURN storage Moods Ite J "oath, Congrol Repair Specialists, in" fun aid sports," Telephony 1a Wonderful Gift , + , GIFTS rrr) FRANK HOAG RV RU size ots, Gift Wall Plagues, Advertise them for dls in ee PH RA 8.4873 ELEGANCE PORTRAITS drawn or painted, murals ROSSLAND ROAD WEST A. Ww, RUNDLE 1 T-=Surveyors action Oshaws Times Crasiied 49 BURK STREET 39-~Agents Wanted LADIES' WEAR designed, For appoiniment, contest DIAL RA 5.6837 GARDEN ¢ NAL Fl EW TRRTON sod varios Bi Call BA 53404 now to Place your LL | Fast Service = Sensible Rates [MEN = Piensant outdoor work, 7 Aver 0 BOND ST, E. RAB EEL Mrs, Zilla Brewster, HA 83016 | ---- "nis KIN EDGAR S PAINT farie | Land Sorvanars Professional En age #2 per hour No ssperiens: | PORTRAITS Arawn or painted Murals Christmas and New Yeor's Coon ing Gh Ht, Bi ve | FURNACE SALES. [unc won vo wnt [30 SE [FOR CHRISTMAS [fied For iomeionr uh" #4 TURKEYS RL 81768 & WALLPAPER BONRVAN ann viemoman, on] AND SERVICE IT == DAY OR NIGHT! |GHKINTMAR fara swore WalT Tan | H vy Hair Styled | rr erm---- po killed, dressed and gua hs ATT To 34 KING ST. WEST pnt, 14 ows free BAN BH H, M, Mdckie Co. Ld T.V. and RADIO Heeling sare, Over 30 Gard to ¢hoaws ave Your y Everything In furnityre and delivered, Special price on [Want 'Ads (id the thy aha ant A a fod RA 3.7351 and sssoeintes Lid, Alas, Ont from. Special business oards, Write for ll) o-- appliances, 'We will held any 26 Ibs, and over reading ol F R - 9 4 CALL RA 8.5286 your free album today, WL, Smith . i "rls a rr ey RAS | CALL RA B52 2 SAT ty | om wh Crm RO Ca et =) ia ¥ $7 labor plus parts OSHAWA 41--Room & Board 109 BYRON STREET SOUTH STARR FURN// RS MA 3.5049 PPP ALLL RAL a0 BR PETS FOR SALE hd ing rades . -- " ELECTRONICS ROOM and hoard In private home, --- 3621 w TT ------------ Tbe and healing dpiies SEGERS -- w(tvate bath. wiling "te vhare, sentra | WHITBY == MD §:362) | 00s Ne aA 303340 TURKEYS Best selection, style and [samwavon mewtever, mae. grin BA pambing." haan 'snd sosineer PHOLSTERY 40" TOWERS $45 BOARD Wd voomwuitanfe for fw NEW BEL AIR ° Freshly killed, young tender | quality for that Man you [far Ghsisimas, Telephons RA 8-554 f eda RUG and U H 130° ROOF ANTE S $3 Cty awly rhe: SEWING MACHINE 25 yA SALE ond tasty, delivered sven admire more Information BULLDORING and _exchvaing Dial CLEANERS NTENNAS $30, |Rotson Tanaetk, newly decorated, (PORTABLE) oadv, Year round uBelv x [0 WF Posie Ld aie Bike 0 §A618 Free estimates, Taviar Bro g / i Heserve on y ' : ' nard for one o Regul 79.50 S S SKATES Special prices for churches i pie ommend RA 5.7488 20° ROOF ANTENNAS $22(M0M tbr gi mn et| Rewlar 47830 SAMSON SKATES | Grin ew DEORE S ne [this aff Ta om Wr *avesirough, shimneys (i TR aide. A tlear tocks batter ond central, HA 50404 for further informa NEW EL AIR ZIG-ZAG Children and adult ha Courtice Turkey Ranch : | ---------- walks, stoops. HA 8.0804 Gordon May ean rg Completely Installed Hon fishing tackle on hand; Paul's es 8.5392 36 SIMCOE ST, N, RA 3:3612 FOR THE LI IN LE FLUMRING and Testing Plpes. Nt ous loge a GENTLEMEN boarders wanted in SEWING JAACHINE dporting Quads 589 Alber , fixBives, new And used, Ona ! ] ) i, R 5 | te from sepile tank vo sewer a whe] CHIMNEYS? [nil after @ a'clock, HA A786" or 340 a $138 00 : : GEESE IDEAL GIFTS BUCKAROQO Ld With 2-Year Warranty English spgaking home, Telephone or Drew Street laity. Installations al reasonable vales gh J 2 Information and estimates free an any REC ROOMS? L Ou OM and hoard for gentieme S clal $89 50 ALL GIFTS rder now f "hris d . ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST fin, shine BMA 1480") DECORATING A WALLY & LOU'S i ek TE TR 25yuar Writer Guorons | REDUEED IN PRICE | Rov eons rein Sieg | OQ KART ENGINES A REGISTERED ---- REPAIRS $8 3s 0ELL ING C TY T.V. we Teleiighe iat (Li CT with bath machines BIG DISCOUNTS young spring geese, Delivered SNOW BLOWERS SHETLAND PONY GERALD FULTON OR RA 5-7844 Ee, RE Ti, FABRIC TOWN M, COLLIS Bow Jeaey. Wiley doe | 0 CENTRAL PARK BLVD RA 5.1348 --- / GC - cose Ranch, Myrtle Station, WELL DRILLING CALL AIAX THAT S ALL 802 SIMCOE ST S BOARD and, room, slose to North GM CENA SHERRI Th FURNITURE C 0 Seeks Oliver AA fon 3 . vi and hospital, home eonoked meals biook 76 KING 5.033% -- hafiiladi Ad rr ---------- iin Ti gi RA 83103 eV: Service Cally, $3.00 lin bus. Telephone WA 4308 - BW Aan MEN'S SWEATERS, SHAGS, CHRIST AS trae, RA gue water 110 KING 87, ,, OSHAWA men Maritime hie BT ne GOOD EATING "KENWOOD" ORDER NOW BULKIES, BAN.LONS, ae NANSPORTATION ' eral Motors, HA 408 FROM $8.95 FRI OMETRUC HON Lies TV TOWERS [fie ti wass or Tor quay] LUXURY BLANKET ht SAM ROTISH The Safe Wav ts Colebrate ATHROOM CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ivy Bo WR WR 4 BB " . TURKEYS - the Holiday Season TY / A ' GIVE YOUR B 40:11. self-supporting tower, [Sidi PATKinE Anply FROM 6.50 TO $2095 | MEN'S WEAR RIDE WITH A NEW LOOK 15-=Instruction Hot dip galvanized. Ne paint ROOM hare ior Tentamen With APPLES At lowest. market riges, . Genuine ceramic wall tle ine [0 mil qu -- Complete with new Marina [ROH prviekss. ARply 808 a Simone WARD'S Grade 'A' Premium, Butters 7 King §t, &, RA $243 M 1 stalled by an expert #06 3a. [Gantihy shoul, aiel, an bara a 6) all channel antenna. [Aireet Hooth or teiothane RA 84581 FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING ; ball 6 Ibs, to 25 Ib, weights |= -- ercury axl ft, Copper tile for kitchen [robatle, preschool, oharacter, Friday] Total price, installed and [RoOM and hoard for sentiamen. om: A 31 SIMCOE ST. § RA S115} SHOP AND SAVE RA S470 splash ¥) 95 sq. ft. Call after Sptuwdoy, Masonlp Temple, RA 37853, guaranteed far year $59.95 tinuous hat water, home privileges, Bushel and hali bushels 3 FREE A 4 4 IFRIVALE teacher, student counselor, Also prompt set service Apniy 341 Ritson Road south At Lowest Prices. FOR A LOVELY GIFT ; 16 years' experience By INSrview ORLY, . ' Oshawa's Most Modern AMHERST 1H, ERvIce Act now RA & 1084 TV Enterprises den Brive' heme, "se u phe often, TRY US CALL AT GLECOFF S CHRISTMAS -- rE ------------r-- HARVEY DANCE ACAREMY Raton, BY [JAMES BAYS ACHETER) wid PARK VIEW STORE | SUPERMARKET r Yo=Shaninie Sorview 00], or SH | TR SLY 44--Hones Por Rant PALLOCK 98 OLIVE AVE, ATR, JOUTH | wi - Ons van | SUBSCRIPTION | 80. TONEY 10 sharpen your knives -- TEE = renin. (hres bedroom rick ORCHARDS Religious articles, statues, |_ for Dad, will receive a hare to fo any years Please phon | 1 Gem NSUFANA DID YOU SEE OUR pig RL ORC nativity sets, bibles, rosary, : To Coat 'or Cor Coat obser 10 THe 10 am or 610 pm ALERVATE Auto Tamirance. Bove unl NEW ALL GALVANIZED [possession Cali Liayd Metoalf, Real] One Mile North Whitby == ale, TURKEYS dtely FREE, Your Credit i OSHAWA TIMES ag *y py pio Wh Estate Lid, RA S467 Hi hway 12 East Side 12-Dressmaking RR he Some ah + [FIVE 7 room house, gas heated, he 9 hee Ni Ties 9 dreaming and alterations RA +H R A D E S S diy wings pre Hotes san WN BE HAPPIER hi DUNN'S L] eh Ram Hu ToT sina | 1T=--Money to Loan T 0 WwW E R S {pom PARTY All Year Round With MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR ound gif Ll " Alterations on ladies' wear, alse ohil (MONEY avaliable for loan 68 second aw RENE ae iivers ame he For Your Christmas and HOME ECONOMICS FOOD 4 ERIN EAST wb ity A BMT, gor of Elmgrove mortgages. an Also purohase of mort ie : " venus, Park Road Ingen Write a HT Die mes] Expert workmanship tached gavage. Desirable location, $138] New Year's Reservations Co AND FREEZER PLAN HOLIDAY In bon B wil fr your ronen -- and relatives w are os per month. Phone RA 33065. Navry ARPATNE For" sods. SW Javkoty, (01. MrUY partioutars, w= 1961 All Wave Antennas [El on. svenings RA Pall sonoteid| THE MQULIN ROUGE shoavienin atierat Ty Feat able FIRST and second mans sale Did You Know That We surance Associates Lid : For information with RO abil: FRESHLY KILL ED ¢ away Brest Hast RA 3 a a i fe w=tlave Same Day Service --_-- RA 8-4361 ~aotien Dial RA 8.3709 Vo BOLAHOOD S from : YOUNG TURKEY [Sweet East, R w=Employ expert Technicians FOR A PRACTICA Rema. DRESSMAKER BF TAVE lr, Tot Cran we conrnase | NEW STORE THE ACRES OR A PRACTICAL |, Dried Oven SPORTSHAVEN THE CIGLLATION Hk ey A ER FOR RENT RESTAURANT GIFT EAA " MaVour set at | SPORTING GIFTS DEFY, Hyman, Alterations, remodeling SCT King Best East, Oshawa, BA TRY US About: 1.900 "square 4} Everything for avery port KING ST. EAST. OSHAWA ample. parkin i Chet T. K. Ishii hd "A WIR £6 ploaied torr PHONE RA 8 (706 [of ppg < TRIO. | ping dm |g Sine" (cues MOORL SHOE store | TOWNLINE | o oRuSt Bary |" ivan we T3--Gardeni & Supplies (rion. Fane "bon wi Sw TELEVISION OFFICE SP ACE BANQUETS Cont -- RA 5.4233 Ye ne 171 BOND ST, EAST Reserve Sow tor pShistmos FOR RISTMAS. PARENTS | | | MONEY 10 RA 86781 | FOR RENT | RAW. e | TufRus WeLbe | Tuned ano row, COMPLETE Passenger elevator servies Sun, to Thums, 8 am | eh a ' SMAS PARTIES ANNOUNCE GARDEN SERVICE LOAN 25--Pets & Livestock New building. Centrally dor | Ba Fel. +Sat & am. to 2 SPECIAL PRICES, best ENGLINE Sulton puppies. mate andl cated in downtown area am, Phone Coltax 3.2421, " "YOUR HAPPY EVENT" Gardens ploughed, disced, Monies for all types of morte [male ae x UAL Registered, | Moderate rent. Leases now __ Proprietor: Mr, Roval Ishii RA 3 nstruction Litz Poultry orm TH: WHE rh YW 1 uu tor to ne, ved rR eae wae 0| available i 096d AND PROCESSING PLANT way Ne Ractgages snail types ai ret ST RESERVE NOW CHRISTMAS 8 V7 Bloor $1 6 RA 34722 "The Birth of Your Son or Doughter* estate including vacont lands; TRIWTANA muni RT SPECIALS! RA 8.1798 short term mor for ameeth ad i A THE TIMES SLEIGHRIDING & PAN | | 3 SHOES, in the Oshawa Times Birth Column TETowebeld Repein des ow, = second sn i amatatin Nott Weiter BUILDING * DANCE PAR ES A ho FOX ly POR CHRISTMAS TREES LADME for sale purchased. Apply » Tine mo hd Pat | FOR JAN AND FEB Ny MEN by TORIC a CK Cobourg Frankia | wet TL WILSON "1 CHRISTMA » beautiful) TT fet oo -- o Hb M Swartz, 2615 King Street Tali write 3, Cobourg Contact ¥ WH. Rant h WESTERN at STORE weaneh Sooo hi ~ rt on Moder er East, Oshawa, Telephone RA TL Little Buckaro. i ; " 0 A ba Rll RA B64 a het ool a vhawe elephone SOTRRNG | wing, pv fer Phone R4 A 5 3 3.3474 | RA 5.2737 | 4 KING ST, W. 0 5.4208 1 oJraahiy oil 1 Annis Street DIALING RA 3.3492 \ rales 4 Ea. LL Tig Agreements purchased a > ----- re ---- 3