. 17 ~Monsy to Loon CLASSIFIED AD RATES we nave o a -- i ; Borgows, £4 BABB. ¥ nor pod wenn 7 doy he an. Morigs ee aged reas ior "a | mT ia og red OSHAWA T.V. 5 F BEWAR wed Co, Acomptants 25 words or fess sed Seepnd Com Cher Charge rots wi Gpphy sompiete lob & ration vient fo smal salt Tune. o4 RA $900 § foch illo! i abbre of i 36) GIBBONS: 57 as gf 47 44 rl oh ' IE day Glen Bag. , 11 Om 124 ee pA Ontarie. RA . Lal ot as has y Lome mes [peas 0 Be Boke 2s rid 2 le] S aan - o so SECTTIVE 225 248 r eI Jame ot 71 : Le SET RTR lr in Vo ET EET Your Christmas Bons 4 EETIO 4 mont. iowa Barve Fetes, f ja D. Wien, Ch; 6 PER TIONG CLIENT money to wan om lize me bs ro he a ad ly only te oF : 5 Yor a na ve naartions, | 4% SAMSON Skagit insertions ordered oF 8 HONEY svaliahie Ion 1688 OF second oo, iter dors ' Ae 3 raw onigegl | mortgages, snd Bes rahe ¥ ya VAN LEEUWEN, Borth sad Co, oor i 18 " te Box : a Y, nied be aucoustanis, Oehavs, On | vitessionel ord Business Nstings 7 lirther posts ps . fori, A 54855 7.50 per moots for 3 lines de ; RA B-8180 BOR I" CEARCYS Patan Tian Aeeouning | £.on 'additicnei ime § ongsss sels \ Wasasncs uh Tu word. Box charges | 5 64 ale = 0 whi i . - Yi | Vrieadi spher Taninr aed £5, A Classified Adv samen MONEY 10 SUPER) WN uid wit be 0 by 5 pm. the doy b a i Ee | gf yy ss cr A con " 4 srcopt Births ] APPL IANCE SERVICE p CAAA PAPE GR wi | 4 Yes : Map Ce oores vt an i" om LOAN Television - Redio - Ronge GIFTS FOR HER a GOOD EAT) GIFTS FOR ™ FAMILY MAS TREES GIFTS FOR MEN EF, ROPEING snd Company, Corl: " oof on Washers « Dryers and Oven 2--Borristers Y shawn a Be ER morgages on olf types of real Fost Service » Sensible Rotes NESBITT'S RESTAURANT FOR THE FAMILY Re Je ho Bo?" oe fas ied d y a Pe, A Hour iil ir | BoE ---------- prristers, Boles g's 4 Ale ors way pan 0 e Home Delivery end Pick-up DAVIDSON' S CHRISTMAS Pres S_-- oo pus ni TOY§ Phones. Office, BA $1177; fas for sale purchosed, Apply T.V. end RADIO our FRIENDLY service RA 8 0 8.4666 31 SIMCOE NORTH RA 5-331 bctheh Le bert, pri FLA eT er A A ---- . . See our complete display of: 1rench Benieh TBE and spruce trees) mortgages sryanged -- E LAMPS TE -------------------------------- POWELL'S OSHAWA FIXTURE | Choice of Hundreds | 80 King WRA 56801) ang wi ' 7 Concaliotions § 30 Hts Control Repgir Speciclists. < i Bieot Bas, oboe, WAL Veins oty 8-5, 5 Maries for aif types of mon PH, RA BABS JUST ARRIVED GRAND BEAT SANTA (Err sims Aras fos Vise 2e LY via REGULATIONS gages; for first and second 49 BURK STRFET New Dresses of AT HIS OWN GAMES 7 " by and Holman, § ments sim a estore including vacant fonds; ak Catering to Forties GIVE FOOTWEAR Ted Wesdrisatd Brite sal uy' 4 ROA) v mare ' short term mortgage of | cepvicE WHEN YOU WANT | Budser sccount privileges Bopauets ete THIS CHRISTMAS eye, OC; G, § Boychrh BA; W. AR incorrect of any adr builders; first ond second IT -- DAY OR NIGHT § Himan, LAB; #4 King Street East. |} Liserment o w- THEE morigoges ond agreemeunts 3 htt S.4004 ox Whit, WO B26; RA B98, BBB hap / Jo ond. Lop 33 KING ST EAGT a am---------- pi BBs i classify dy " yg . Swans. 261 kine 9 FA CALL RA 8-5286 RA 50832 1412 King E. Wpstgirg) | CHRISTMAS trees, heswiidsl full TOYLAND bor and notary public, 187; King Breet BE oy. adv A697 aE Al Wark Guerentesd FLODR CaS haaiir en i fice Leer Olen s Fmaw , Cost HA Sams BHA sed prvele A dipla g OSHAWA Sento Sages THE CANADIAN CORPS FLOOR AMPS BA 878 dis vid clinmt. Ses ". ih bpons Ad 5 "YARDLEY or TUSSEY" HALL, 30 Richmond St. W.l = CEILING FIXTURES i ! y, Warniniers, Boa] 1 pt re a ELECTRONICS Y AF . G JRES . fo - of es women, | 7 ¢ : " | HOLIDAY CASH | - ---- | A complete line o FOR RENT -- AND ROOM DIVIDERS ! Christmas Trees ! 3 COLLIS & SONS 4 y . # - ng me \ ' TOR | ! 5 A Kelly, (ssw ut, mim, form PHONE FOR A LOAN | 40' TOWERS $45 | £ ot p. SLIPPLY Pruned Scotch Pine er Church 5) i" Ingccinacies nn ony term ! f i ad 01 : ined coe soiddinid 4 y BALVN JowEs 3 wt Tome i | 1 "averisamens we 'comamned | $50 to $5,000 30° ROOF ANTENNAS $30.1 PRUG STORE "he ndgy thru F & LAMP SLIPK Other Yorieties | m-- ok W. BODIE, $i R09 ROOF ANTENNAS 322 rel] BL and FOR THAT 7) KING ST. W. RA 8-322 | TROMAS * HE ily Hg og rg Kies 12--Dressmoking Seaboard Finance Completely Installed LOOK YOUR BEST TRY OUR EXTRA SPECIAL GIFT | FREE DELIVERY : FOR 18) 0 3. OUE [} EN in Footwear and Luggege REICHTOR PASSER, DAVE Tod EAREMME thie Je War" OF CANADA LTD With 2-Year Warranty FOR CHRISTMAS | PARB-QUED CHICKEN 3 CHRISTMAS TREES | NG tor Pus Bank of Commerce Way, dre " A "Rind i Rg Eimgrovs | 29V2 SIMCOE ST, § / Have vor hair viol ot with trench iries, fish ond GIFT CERTIFICATE Professionally pruned Scotch T I-AN Ein ar oy rd 4 [Sat OSHAWA LEN & LOU'S WOODLY eh homourgh, bo digh gon pos te (ELECTRIC TRAINS v6. L Mardock, iin mort 13--Gardening & Supplies an - ! CITY T V BEAUTY NIN CE milk shokes BURNS SHOES OSHAWA Home A | ' Vo MODERN GRILL 5.46 WAvwG pS WERT EW AY bes nla Si" "MONEY TO LOAN BI SIMCOE I, RA 8.7878 | wg DELIVER---RA 5.3687 IAA | LOCATION: AL PRESTON SCALEXTRIC Solicitor, Notary. Money 19 loan. Aso: reasonable rule ' - IM RA 5.7844 Wi LIVE 5-3687 ; sus SN; ok PLO Rink in sions Vim RA S4897 OMPLETE $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for A OF § " For a complete line : o LITZ IF IN DOUBT RA 8.6366 = Free Delivery RACE CAR SETS Repidence, dial RA 3-439 C immediate foan on First and 802 SIMCOE ST. § SEWING MACHINES A GIFF CERTIFICATE FOR 8 = Free Pelwery DONALD BLAKE ponps Beisel GARDEN SERVICE Second Mortgages, Agree TV. Service Colle $3.00 FLOOR CARE Oshawa Shopping Centre HOES or SLIPPERS Enel : Nr TY, tae 1 - ; 5 § TOYS hopin "auttuin RA SH Wen A at EQUIPMENT Compare bits uality BL SLICK CHRISTMAS dence RA 88373 Gardens ploughed, disced impra property, $ DID YOU SEE OUR ord. risks 7 BICYCLES JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Qf hariisier, | londscaping, wood cut, trees tal and Industrial Ey pd NEW ALL GALVAMIZED Vist Your a TREES EE HL 8, OSH J | removed ar cottages ge SINGER SEWING | LITZ DELICATESSEN | DANCEY'S SHOES | =~ (MECS SKATES Resiasnie; BA §a46s | RA 8 1796 Summerland Securities Lin R A D E 9 S CENTER RA B-1111 IN A SHAWA ond Fir (AR WAL ted. 112 Simcoe Street ? -- USE OUR 77 PARK RD, § 497 SIMCOE ST. S. esa Nin MRehonee ha 30 | AURORA SAND & North, Oshaws. Phone TOWERS ceanin om 35980" "| VISIT ALBANY | [Av AWAY PLAN PHONE RA 58-6409 RA 5.3979 Mirphy and MacDonald, Bor GRAVEI TBRESHS------------ . OPEN TILL 12 PM GREER, Murphy ha Notaries povie] Bh Cad Sine TT ory Expert workmonship Combination floor pelisher, RESTAURANT FOR GIFT SLIPPERS 5 irvhy 'snd James A MacDonald Road Gravel, Pit Run TTI Srerag ru TRENT 1961 All Wave Antennas ya apple bigs oe om For European cooking. Take SHOES AND WINTER BOOTS CHRISTMAS TREES SANTA'S SH. CASE BOWMAN, DAVID fir RAS wien. "how VALLEY FARM RD LEAVING Tinemhar @ for quit wis.] 03 YO Reign That Ws SINGER SEWING oul ordes BURNS SHOES se RSERY SROWN SE fall dnid AY tor, 3% Bimeor South 9 he ¢ A 6, Roo lor three Fave Some Day Service e 5 AE & otch Pine, Spruce end dence, RA 8-004 Phone Mobile Opergtor pork ere. Comet RA FX " Employ expert Technicians CENTER 454 SIMCOE SOUTH POWNTOWN OSHAWA Io y v Balsam lickors, clang unde Sonal bo TEmple 9.2541 TRANSPORTATION required o To Take Service Calls till 8:30 \5-Ontaria 81. Rh 55443 RA 5-3433 RA Bedfl) Rie oA Aer SET ARTIST rest Noi ------ rrr | FHA vin pund 8.15 a.m ein » 3 1 ; | " Vn RY a Rrddy a -- ~ lity Parliament and Garrard Telephone | pm . ep ------ ES -------- - SE HORWICH INGSWA # ors SUPPLIES Edgar F. Bastedn, GC OWEN BROTHERS CO, LTD, |BA 3-00 | TRY US A Chri : CHILDREN' 5 CLOTHES 67. " HYGIENIC supplies | ristmas wrprise Hh he y RA B-518) 3==Nutting Services TREE EXPERTS impies so, pul Fe, mie, sot T.R.1.O MONDAY, TUESDAYS CREDIT JEWELLERS |-- Sb Easels, Point Sets OI Colon, (rubber goods) velopes with price ist. Six samples 1 ; Ry SONNVORAE, (formerly Andes) of We specialize In tree prun 2 cents; 24 ol yf 00. Mall Order | AND WEDNESDAYS HURRY! FOF $1 00 : fasels. Point Ss | | Colon, nals Rosser snd 2 D 5 doy. F more form 12 CHURCH ST. RA 3.7624 A Cir, 1 (masiate, Barrister al sora | therein. RA B.6283 al : } vn SIMCOE ST NORTH f Oley RA 555) 4 £ CHURCH 5 - 7624 DOWNTOWN OSHAWA | SUDDARD' S 4 PRUNED eople uhbe M . . : ' H MA Sets, Gif Mo did Oshawa. Cars tor elderly pe pie. RN ing, tree planting, tree re Betws: bo Nov-R hb d Co., Box 01, TELEVISION PERMANENTS $5 A LOVELY GIFT OPENS A Cc RIST [1 TREES ets, Gift Wall able rates, RA 5-3530. maving, cavity work To \ Florines Beaut Shor CHARGE ACCOUNT | Gift Certificates, Potted Plants ' 6---Optometrists PHONE RA 5.5287 ELECTROLYSIS 171 BOND ST. EAST 2 orines Heauty Diu KIDDY SITY GE ACC VAN BELLE EDGAR 7A PAINT # TIEWARD LACK oT - cinissi| TA--Household Repairs -- Removal of superflucus hair RA 8-678 CHRISTMAS SALE RA B8:266] e RS anapping Cantre, ang GARDENS & WALLPAPER ork Ry eed Baan (FURNITURE repalred and ye-uphol Marie Murduft will be In 10% TO 50% OFF USE GUR LAY AWAY PLAN Watches, rings, silverware HWY. 2 BOWMANVILLE f ; 0 n 4 Kl 87 0. W. TOOK, Ro, oplometrisl Please Hered Bes Our, lon 1s Charles] Oshawa, Dee. 20th and 21st 24--Market Basket ALL DRESSES PUSS saa essse®| luggage, cameras, feney pen Evenings 34 KING WEST fur secounte 4 dowhiowh Dominion Street, BA 37219 Phone Genosha Hotel on flows v ohile. Winker ond olden, Make her happy with a GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY china SE RA 3.735) ank or I] Jauid or 0088S I 3 3 A Ln hy A fA & amined at home, Dial RA 5.4587, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re these dates for appointment 268 Ritson Road North. Phine THA Wonderful | Gift . GEE EEE EE ER EE IEE | luge NI IR R Y GRI( WN €oveled like fh. Got the host for less -- baud EL EGA! ICE i PORTRAITS Arann or ! hinted mrs CHRISTMAS FOWL ug PROFESSIONALLY HO BIES 7--Surveyors ce | Bout, Call RA 36401 for a free eli CHILD FOR APPLES = Husset, Spy, Melntosh, De LADIES' WEAR [Areigngd, or Span ment, CONCH qu IERIE SEE PRUNED J Crt HawroN ad [ox ons. Ei | mal ADOPTION Tih King Sirest Bast Eau HA 'Baias | 9 BOND ST, ERA 8.333) FRR RAIS a ug Ved | Christmas Fowl > ny 0 and uirveyo eal " ---- i - d drawn or Ll] i L 2 0 glnanring, 30 Dendas Sirest Weak OWESTRRFIELDE rebuilt, recovered Delivery designed. For informations eal RAL Capons and Turkeys Scotch Pine; Alse ose" oe more [1 le ie huiny, MO sgl. Mix Tb is i Mistacton guaranteed. | CHRISTIE == a lively, pretty CARROTS, 41h, hag, Thos Moe, Pushel FOR CHRISTMAS -- -- Dressed and Delivered Spruce and Balsam, SHOP DONEVAN AND FLEISORMAN, On bullt, Oshawa Upholstery] 8 year old girl is waiting for IBring baskets. Eyman Bros. RR 2 : prio, 13 Beer dionnr "ant, "RA Ca 0 Bond "Wireel West, Dis RA| parents of her awn, She has Whithy, Go non on No. 18 Wehway| Have Your Hair Styled | evening in furniture "and : Colored, White, Fie Ei Drown yet, an oe compler, 1 BAH Shon $a ene ir aontancas, Wes hoa ory | FRANK HOAG | Gore Silver Bele | tobbv kin. stot moot " po "and Tyaliie: Ontarte Te PROFESSIONAL Painter, Jevernanger, jon and Jo that is mas Beton tO ---- HI FASHIONS item till Christmat ROSSLAND ROAD WEST ar Pink Table and no railways, tes. Lay-away Bury 218 Adelal venus Eas _ black. Christie Ie a healthy --P el vesto . . an Phone RA base] Al Conroy, RA #006 ral id ard wi ar ' " ' i =| BEAUTY SALON STARR FURNITURE DIAL RA 56837 apariment size 4 RA 8.3631 ¢ N ni & Pe ot ec sy Grae OF SALE -- One six month.old Ger 0 y 8---Building Trades PAINTI 0, ne Agi i work " ee a rode hie year man Shepherd and two year-old Chi. 109 BYRON STREET § IUTH AND APPLIANCES Christmas and New Year's A Ww RUNDLE 16 Bond Bt. W " Tre ving "and healing surpiley. | Guaranteed i low prices, RA 80818 ith h nau rd hi huahus, both brown. Telephone MO WHITBY MO 8.3621 pi Rd. 5. RA Bna3 qs TURKEYS plumbing an LL} -- 4 tary of blindness in ristie"s #3075 --_-- " -- Ritson Rd. § GARDEN CENTRE wal, Harold RB. Stark AINTING DECORATING | . J hu . 5 ; LIL engineer ORL interior oF xleror = own family, but she has been TERRIER . tipies tor sale. Dively NEW BEL AIR Freshly killed, dressed and 1015 KING ST. EAST PETS FOR SALE ing. 955 Simeoe' Street South tone work guaranteed. Fros estimates examined yearly since birth |ivarked, reasonable. Bix weeks old SEWING MACHINE 25% SALE delivered special price en Open Evenings a 66401610 000 BULLDOZING and excavating Dai RA 82388 and doctors feel there is ithe Telephone RA 5:0583 for more Informa (PORTABLE) o 0 26 lbs. and over RA 5.1764 MINIATURE Poodles far sale, Black 5612. Free estimates. Taylor Bro nde d put chance of her becoming blind & Ta] Ry % Willows Drive, Whithy TITHW ad WA hi nding We think Christte will trina REGTRTERED fachshind nu 8, hres Regular $79 20 SAMSON SKAT ES Ww E LYMER 3 Ti -- oF whith: dle show RPRISS: aefgrte AL Types Building repairs, vooflnk:| YOUR focal chimney oieanar. Ohm | delight to the couple wha [Menthe oid Wil hold unt Christmas. Special $49.50 Children and adult sizes. All AT MAPLE GROVE S FOR } MEN derley Kennels OF. 5-487, Lavesirout. ehitnps, | kepl aces, Hide have built and Tepalied, das Jinings In adpots her, fully aware of particulars NEW BEL AIR ZIG-ZAG fishing tackle on hand Paul's MA 3-5049 os ------ ---- -- A --_--_--_ ail A i pipes, fit 5. RA 03097 background and able to ar PURERREN Imported ong haired Ger SEWING MACHINE Sporting Goods, 589 Albert " figs fahren: ow and weed chang Ie A oATPEnIer, cupboards] cept it man painter pinpies. Five manthy old, (PORTABLE) St, RA 5.5798 TURKEYS FOR THE LITTLE 4 phn asan ! ; Best selection, style and ing from wepile tank A stairways, trim, floor tiles laid, all work] Roman Catholic couples want Lonclal ph asant Tsostrr W dogs iiad Regular $135.00 re Freshiv killed. youna tends! y BUCKAROO cia ALSO § TWEAR & Information snd euimales free on any Wusranieed. Teirtoss BA REM. _c_| ting to inquire further with |Bireet, Pickering. WH 3 Special $89.50 ALL GIFTS and tasty, delivered oven | Quality for that Man you | oy your CHRISTMAS LIST type of plumbing, Dial RA 54841 ROOMS papers an 3 a vie o adop ' BEAUTIFUL baby biden: redy for 25.vear Written Guarantee REDUCED IN PRICF fea Year round supply admire A REGISTERED WATERPROOFING soe aiots Weal To| given free, Can furnished materials at Broad, 114 Elgin Street Bagh. with bath machines BIG DISCOUNTS Sd BAPE PEOPLE'S ie Bowman ae mitment, Write Bo PUBLIC WELFARE IN TIME for Christmas, English Paint FABRIC TOWN SHET LAND PONY in vi TORONTO : , . - FURNITURE CO -- -- 16 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3.3612 oibars: " "Wiloourt rive Whitby, AND SERVICE Fans an Tnonthe di. b7 wach Toru: RA 5.6579 76 KING W. RA 5.0332 GFESE iii RIS TMAS | H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd oF a N Setvive BOARDING, trimming, hating, Reflow: Order now for Christmas and GERALD FULTON RA 5.5954 FOR Wicks wid deliver CTT CO i RT RR GOOD EATING "KENWOOD! BULKIES, BAN-LONS TRANSPORTATION | 3 A ] , Safe Way te Celebrate strahle Honest F tabor. shit Barts HALE Raving 2 er Tully sduin [sonanle. Telephone RA 86087 for far FOR TOP QUALITY EL read Villon | SAM ROTILH The Way i i a 3 labor plus parts [Whit Reasasabin thie Falls equip: ipo inigrmation FROM 6.50 TO $2095 Goose id Bb oi MEN'S WEAR the Haldev Jeasen SEGERS [ob too small, reasonable rates. RA Rubinies Jad _Srown Nek Jaeittered WARD'S Phone Oliver 5.4606 7 King §t. E RA 52453 Mercury Taxi RUG and UPHOLSTERY Ef mat AT nil nena, frown doth [FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING | 3, <imeoE ST. SRA 5.115) 3 ; FREE RA 5-477) Ceramic tiled bathroom sum R DO IT YOURSE L F TEL hy hudgies ready for At Low Hee Oshawa's Mest | Medern : bed, ately RA 5.7488 RENT A TRUCK {Broad 114 Elgin Street East TRY US CALL AT TURKEYS CHRISTMAS ih psd a 0c sq A clogh rug looks better and Trucks of all size [26--Farmer's Column PALLOCK PARK VIEW STORE At lowest, market prices BONUS anvtime <> 45 KING STREET EAST {Phone collect, Hamifan, Olas 3.9781 ball & Ibs. 10 25 Ib. weights 4 \ A . MNEYS? Lind Rel fas 05, C a vo RA 81177 4 gH WEY RA 5.6553 Natywilt Yur Porm, Tyron ORCHARDS ae an SHOP AND SAVE ed. padi 6 - | High 12 East Sid Ch i Go > TED VEENHOF REPAIRS OR REMODELLING | FORVRAITS drawd or painted. wurdly| |RY Wardutsd ends, suitabe for fi ge a BE HAPPIER GLECOFF'S feed of " Well Digging LARGE OR SMALL 1 For Uifarmation eall RA io q delivered. Phone RA 8.0818 PARTY B St IPERMARKET DUNN S MO R F ging - BRT Hardwood sds. suitable for fur All Year Round With MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR Compresor Work RA A.510% 3:30. mom $18 monthly. 'Contact Sup [S41 delivered Thos 'BA Soaw | ter Yorn a In ae all HOME ECONOMICS FOOD OSHAWA R 8-3844 110 KING SY. E., OSHAWA --- -- 1 | Water by week 88 For infarmation with ne obli J S A 8 PALM AND CRYSTAL accomodates wir Beatie' Phan MA RA 8.4361 gation Dial RA 5.3700 | TURKEY BOLAMHOOD'S DAYS C { TE --m-- BETTE A NEW LOOK at ONSTRUCTION LIMITED by MRS ANN 31--Articles For Rent THE ACRES FOR A PRAGY ICAL BOER SPORTSHAVEN Genuine ceramic 'wall tile ine 15 Instruction gdvisor on all affairs of He. [SANGA Claus silts for rent Tels ad G EARLY FOR YOUR UNTIL fi. Copper tile for Rar anther, fluent saunalios daily from 10 am, te -- GIFT CERTIFICATES HOLIDAY Everything for avery sport wl ath $1.95 sq ft. Coll after [11 naw RA 31084 | 10 pm Special Holida 32 Articles Wanted Fe T. K Ish on £ UM a he vear ound e H R | S T M AS EVCLTAN Mas NAT Sas Sai tir.| Reding. $1.00 140 Sy | GRAANE waned = Soave shoe "svi sem is Be ty MODEL SHOF STORE FRESHLY KILLED §1 KING EAST RA'3.2711 AM 1.1323 Slardis. Masons Th ha -- eo -- 7 : BANQUET Corner of Athol St - ~ lland shar sow, 4M King West RA! COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SCRAP IRON. POULTRY Parties, Christmas Rinna: and It's Your Best Buy® By hatin Ate iv an - SERVICE INCOME TAX RE 3 D RATER LI New Year's Dinne LET US HELP 3 3! Bu pa . | LEARN TO DRIVE] 636 OSLER STREET, | _, . Jo. "Ra 3.3374 8 an Ne specialise in dove TURKEY RANCH 3.2 | Phone Ta. Sw. Fully trained Instructors - RA 3.9944 ° Sm ---- Ee} 'Se Automatic SHAW . w-- -- TURKEY AND FOWL ' DRESSMAKER YY "* [22-TV . Rede Repain RESERVE NOW [mora cy Sas SPECIALS! CHURCHES. BANQUETS The Birth of Your Son or Daughter® Tals Tova, TARA Pa ath Won con for weckig | DANCE PARTIFS |} CIAL RICE, ay Alterations, remodeling a nee Parts + a oF \ rs Fe Li as AA 3 and mates i i fiz} am 22 ROWE ST A a ate Teurine fhe oy "on # Saturday all day. Phene | Little Buckaroo Ranch | WESTERN SHOE STORE AND PROCESSING MLANT DIALING RA 3 3402 - Foley only. Painting and repairs. Estimates] 0 training, 'alking strain. Apply Mrs, ial prices for churches x [low prices. RA 57207 THE MINISTER a ! " h a ip 0 er pups. Telephone (obourg Franklin M. COLLIS ourtice urkey Rance CLOTHING STORE BUTERGANG CRE FURNACE SALES PARLIAMENT Bu DINGS 13.5156 or write Box 8, Cobourg OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE - : RA 8.5392 | RA 5-1348 20---Cartage phone RA 53637 for mare Information MEN'S SWEATERS, SHAGS, New Years Fresh killed x ATA SE registere 50 1 - FROM $8.95 Rt WELL DRILL! NG Cleanout Service {hae a Moving and Storage, Oshawa Lgl iy registered i: LUXURY BLANKET young spring geese. Delivered tract, we RA 8.4067" water FOR WIRE stake truck and driver, no| POODLES beautiful white miniature APPLES RIDE WITH Will hold until Christmas. Cedarview : y = ING? ALI LH I Bushel and shals "BUILDERS CLEANERS MOV N ¥ hel and hel FOR A LOVELY GIFT YOUR CHRISTMAS 45 KING E plied and fixed, complete First class tradesman. Phone lasts longer . Call TILDEN [DEAR farm slack plgked up promptly 28 OLIVE AVE Grade 'A' Premium, Butter with your purchase of a suit 0 N L Y DECORATING A HALL? 21--Personal Service 27--Fuel & Wood One Mile North Whith ole h AT lutely FREE. Your Credit is Cleanouts & Deepening [CALL AJAX-~ THAT'S ALL FEVER FAR NISL" cHITan | Weds "tela, franisoes. ss 8 ards : 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Wire Said Meo Shop ervisor S81 Simcoe Street North, RA | Ly A FREE a AN ohn - HH THE MOULIN ROUGE ND FREEZER PI | Kd g Lo SHOPPING GIVE YOUR BATHROOM AJAX REPAIR ANE READINGS an et B. | vou Malled by an sxpert $0¢ iM ATE teacher, student oounsellor, | Bo Wi pointment necessary Phone avenings only, RA 3-1 RESTAL IRANT SHOES SLIPPERS OR FOR THIS SPORTING GIFTS AMMERST TILE SERVICE [dancing school, ballel, tap. baton, ae! coe South dition. Box 117, The Oshawa Nim LL | DINNERS, LUNCHES 32 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH YOUNG TURKEY es Delivered Oven-Ready TO Sharpening Servien [fon Boa Sotho rate Ng L. SC HAPELHOUMAN | WANTED fosane oon for Cisne | FOR CHRISTMAS | "Bue Tha on PARENTS |! Tass 700 atm Wem TURNS 1 TURNER 3 Bas AVITH YOUR "PLANS TOWNIL INE ANNOUNCE hi A So r v i 242 o » " TRRATRE = Far coats 3nd Taoheis.| At the Oshawa Driving School OSHAWA, ONT . B. : oh p | 4 " Thatteain Teri fos Licensed by the Police Grraitaion RA 5.9953 : _. (ealleet) BE "Prop ter: My yal Ishi Tony Construction RA 5-423 i YOUR HAPPY EVENT J J . ] RA 8.0091 GEORGES TV marvies serials. AUTO WRECKING co SLEIGHRIDING & N CHILDREN'S SHOE "MAS PARTIES in the Oshawa Times Birth Column AND FURRIER aarwhers a sity eR rat a et bought. Open | FOR JAN AND FEE 3 Ab AAS { by PHONE RA 8.6706 |RrSl=™ Sv RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E RA 5.2737 | 84 kING STW. RA S.4203 | 117 Bloor St & RA 3.4722