Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Dec 1960, p. 1

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5 THOUGHT FOR TODAY 4 WEATHER REPORT A lot of motorists die with thee Cold weather, with snow is exe boots on on the accelerator, P pected to take a» firm hold on : southern Ontario today, 0 J) Price bot p ef Aother and Second Closes Mol Wi TY: yOL, 89----NO, 292 10 Conia Par Lowy ny FR gl Fost Office Depsriment, Ohions : T NTY-TWO PAGES 5 AIRLINERS COLLIDE »> x Tiger-C ats i -- | Chaotic Scenes 8 id, In Crash Area a J w Chan o I {ands NEW YORK (AP Two big "But we don't know what -- at " : airliners, probing for a landing (his moment," in a snowstorm, collided today! The disaster recalled a eolli HAMILTON (CP) Hamilton he (0 transform the club from a § oi and plunged Vike flaming rockets' sion over the Grand Canyon June Tiger-Cats' hoard of directors to- HON-profit, nontaxable company, oh G into the eity, with 124 helieved 36 1956, also hetween TWA and into a share capital hody whose § dead, : United airliners, with 128 persons earnings would be taxable, in ling The crashes loosed fire and ter: killed NO SURVEY ORS AT SCENE OF BROOKLYN CRASH {000 offer from a group of Hamil-| win 2" Big Four directive of two . I {1 ror on the ground TELLS OF CRABH ton men for purchase of the BIg years ago, The other clubs are will hl I ¥ p for n " i Ham Noble, & nearhy resi Four foothill clish on a taxable ba wpm residents could not even Be gon said he was in in The decision was reached| purchasers are Jake Gaudaur ' ' [guessed for the time being, ent hortly before eity controller-elect club general manager R W 7 " LS ) / p TEE When the wall cams In. ® C 4 ; : E d | * Fire Commissioner Edward ¥. My wife was thrown toward me . Opp # f Oh n ; Fis Pp 1 bo Haile Sel 1 Vie Copps oblained a court in Cooper, J, R, Fischer, ¥, M, Gih i Cavanagh Jr., said, however, at Then I heard a roar, We Fan junction fo hold up the sale for (hon, H. C, Hilton, C, C, Lawson 12:45 p.m., ahout two hours after gut," elght days, Copps, former sports GG, W, Lawson, J, (0, Rogers and : i the p a y ! he accident, that no dead had| . : a editor and managing editor of the H, A, Boule, The present dire i 4 Hy SH Ten buildings were reported : : be 44 heen found in 10. apartment. I n Timmins Press, said he felt citi- tors include Hillon, Cooper, Law foe houses and & church in Brooklyn zens should know more about the [eon and Gaudaus . (4 AAS involved either in the crash orl Today's disaster set off a holo. A ' : day announced accepting a $170 The extent of casualties among deal hefore it was consummated. | Part of the deal is that the sale ¢ fires resulting from it canst in Brooklyn ~ . i However, club lawyer John ¥F.iprice and the elub's accumulated | i LONDON (CP)--Haile Selassie Addis Ababa airport from the ever, The dispatch sald Be €1, Evans said the sale was con |earnings--totalling around $400 {able te dig through all the wreck fingered among the hulldings and flew back to Ethiopia today as rebels and that fighting had in- landed at Fort Lam iY | summated. before the indunction 00--will zo inte twa trust funds an 4 rose ominously like 8 black cloud troops loyal to him were re: ere ased tremendously in the night and. continued his Journe vas served Thursday night, HelOne of $200.000 will be used to vas olan, a United Air Lines anove the Tools ih al i ( i] FT I | UR 4 ! y |] R P| ported gaining ground in Addis| streets of the capital eastward, intending | ING 0s iso sald the directors knew noth-| de elop amateur foothall in the (DCH Jel lummeted inte n the midst of the inferno Ababa in fierce fighting with! Reports that Selassie had Asmara, Eritrea, where forces coon aquance ahout the litiga- district and the remainder will [jer ! Jb ed Aleould he seen 'the blackened eavily populated section of imelal of a plane fuselage, shout are Ii Brooklyn, setting an entire block 80 feet high, stretching the entire forces trying to push through janded in Ethiopia came earlier 0¥al join apparent Fg Mion he for "objects beneficial to the on h a lar a5 : their coup d'etat against (he) from several sources hut at (he CONITO fre 15a "aie Ail PA Main effect of the sale would community of apartment buildings and shops! width of a street, ablaze, Walls were shatiered,| Thick, dense f He sald firemen had nol heen nse smoke and flames emperor time were not confirmed here "1 hear : 4 / 4 i i { weard seveamin the The Ethiopian Emba n Lan The 68-wear-old King of Kings! Caire dispatch ald radin BOMB SUSPECT IN AIL {and debris scattered like hombithe smoke and ng In i ei i the emperor had left returned from South America af< communication ith Asmara . J ' i don said I } 4 a fragments Nick Ligelis, a 68-year-old flower Khartoum, in (he Sudan, foriter the reh I-controlled radio in airport were side en cut today n 1- e orces Richard Paul Paviick, retired | and the Press-elect, John ¥ A church was demolished shop operator, "It's a horrible Asmara, the eapital of Ethiopia's|Addis Ababa announced thal! Selassie landed briefly at Roh postal worker from Belmont, | Kennedy, Pavlick being held in | It was the first evash in North hing," Eritrea province treet hattles had broken out. erts Field in Liberia late Thurs . . , {6s $100,000 bail, the highest ever America of a pure Jet carrying| Mayor Robert Wagner issued His return to his gounts vas, Other hroadeasts and diplo | day on a flight from Brazil after N.H., who was picked up las set here, will he vemoved later |passengers, There were B3 per:| an appeal to New Yorkers to stay delayed when his plane de veloped malic aig indicate d power Hf ulting short a stale visit te that 11 11111 1g 1 | QAo0Ss night hy Becret Berviee agents | in the day to Miami, He is SONS ahoard |elear of the disaster areas, Coast engine trouble and had to stop {hrces Were Nning 4p nw Rist Bouth American county and charged with intending to | shown in his cell at the county | The other plane, a Trans World| Guard, police, fire departments at Fort Lamy, caplial of Chad {he feyouionary oy er amentl 'Gun battles raged in the nar VIENTIANE. Laos Reuter Communist guerrillas captured a WIR bimsclf into a human | jail station here Airline Constellation Jrith #8 and air force, hoth in the eily 3 sentral Africa Another, Prociaimes 1s ans 2 hy Wis "We { ts of Addis Ahah the FLIGNTIANE, Laos Wiers ammun BUETTHIAS eaplur 8 hor stro " AR y ¢ ahoard, raked over ie A er e, e ne wo aon [FO Khartoum to) eldest son two days ago capital, Thursday and the Efi Troops of American-hacked Gen | French garrison after a long and hamb__and_ destroy Wimael AP Wirephote Field section of Staten Island and ct acu | Sats pick him up, | The report of bi ey of he aplan radio said several civilians] Phoumi Nosavan toflay fPpeared bloody: slege.) struck in harbor water, It also" For (he DEA, It wa, the first " smperor eame from Gen, Merid! [005 ; to he gaining control of the major The A Embassy . tated fives in structures in the gp , lea wemed hy Haile CMperor vere killed or wounded in an f ie American Embassy In started fi § crash In North America of a pure Asmara io 41 "en, Abye/Mengesha, his defence minister: | innuman massacre," section of Vientiane, including the| vieptiane burned to the ground area, jel earrying passenger ithe I Belassig's son-in-law, hroade OF What a ad Bib . I ying passengers, although is & sironghold of/I0 8 broadeast ever what geamed alepart, in their batile against the Thursday when its roof caught ? a Boeing Jot wi nly a five Abebe, the emperor, Abehe/t he a plandestine radio station REPORT FIGHTING Jro-Communint forces of Capt] fige from a blaze next door, Lack BOY BURVIVES only » Lo Pe " : ; | {man grew aboard crashed on Support, Voday that all tFoapa tn|eain lit the former voice oo eparts keiek)ing fivough Of the LIA nersons on the tw fitand Sart vear be, ; po Le bases believe. te of firefighting equipment ham " Bh pEriOn BA the (wo Ton y 3 S48 a p ¥ ar; Ver ie | ha sf for ini A Asmara are loyal to Haile Gelas- Jronden hy anf fram ukaign dip- ality 2 sor fore Believe then red, efforts to save the hullding Vie For | ocal Li) oly Ji a 1 old ay ie United Alr Lines flight #26 sie and that supporters of the crAMS REBELS cur op LEE TR CER TEL FERC sudeess, Bridges ave down be.| Tefugees continued streaming plucked from the wreckage of the| "28 out of Chie if 70 pan emperor throughout the eountr® yn his broadeast. heard in ng In Aare capital of Britreal tween his Vientiane forces and| "it of Vientiane with belongings sengers and a wen: Ti : 2 crash - In Brooklyn, Harlier pe. a J] ve forcing his opponents to SUF Aden, Gen engesha elaimed| the main hod ' oc (8lung on shoulder poles, A few TORONTO (CP A major hai-/mittes to investigale charges of " } h ; ! plane was h i : he ¥ i Arar, Pp y of his troops at i rts of other survivors on Staten WM L ] ew 4 n render, Hue leaders of Wednesday's aun) nd Hara Be jana a thiek-falli 4 2 of lead wore lying hy the side of ) 5 (0 he shi he | Co § Itratin lo the y ha W " . Paksane and he needs the airport] H k tle appears to he shaping up mmunist infiltration inte Island were discounted wm of CLAIMA COUNTRY LOYAL Ere surrounded by "loyal Bhi] The thioplan mbias wor to {o keep up a supply ine, the id foray, : || Woe | Ao rival ol me " for on iio ] polit] ol fetion commit The orash came about 10 am lio The Twa itr 23 dastined He said all Ethiopian provinces opin 0rees Bin Te rea RH The observers noted, however Bupy A 0 Alida rige an tra of the &700-memher Loca 0, He sat ; 1 Rady usation [with a heavy snow. fogging the tol od Hud and heing ehhede Ahhede, Ethiopian ' \ l that artillery fram hoth sides had Water are running oul in Vien: 988 ot the Jaternatipngl Team Made a a closed se selon, Was watched on vadarseope as If io! 2 Uzeroed in' on the airport site, | ane Le nion tind) directed at one member of (he Nor the control of forces loyal| Nigeria also claimed that Selas and neutral He Fenated hat They said the runway may nol Four Britons on a medical] Wleetions for the Toranio-hased | SI%-Mman commitiee, whose name Lt Ma . inder tH . ie arrived in his homeland SUVS TORE SH 10 Wor] janger he in usable condition mission in Laos were helping tala eplace the (risteeship Was not made. public [was taken to Brooklyn Methodist], The ceiling at the time was 600 to the empero Thursday night pread that the emperor wa Fires blazed all over (he elty pick up the wounded and tend of (he International aven't until] Committee ehaleman Terry Hospital in eritieal condition Ww 21 The crew of an Ethiopian air NE : 0 hurrying home r Af hat poi J : : 1 ither Gen, Mengesha nor the after three days of fighting, The! them in hospital Tan. # nominations are set|Doherly denounced (he aceusa:l The Co i P At Just what point the planes Viner which arrived in Khartoum| po i ALR ar The Const Guard sald it had 81 iia Sqm St dee in Brooklyn ars y 1 that bitter from Asmara reported tha Addis Selassie landed, and their reports by the Ethiopian Kmha In the three days stands at 520 dear | i i going in aeal 038 trustee 1, J, (Duke) Rn Re Og a Asmara Were unconfirmed, Similar re. London to he massing troops and wounded YOU NAME IT Fhiomson, who heads the ane fae a Ay ta march behind the ports Thursday attributed to the loval ta the emperor outside the! Bhaumi threw a oordon around tion, confirmed Thursday -that|of the International Union's 40,:| Idlewild Airport sources sai with the exception of Addis, in ambassadordesignate at Lagos (rnment was 'non - Communist m lear pi W which the capital is located, ave Phe survivor was Identified as/C@me In, when the image sud Stephen Blatg, 11, of Chicago fle|fenly disappeared from view litical capital nd Staten Tstand for suey. And Staten Island are separated [lyn and State RIE. tor B [hy New York harbor, and at the i Outer Narrows, are a half-mile Ethiopian Embassy in Rome capital the heavily-erowded market area HE ATE IT Ine ; X , y wreck. Apart, 4 AA + capital Pdwin Banks has vesigned as|000 Canadian members «|the close proximity of the wreek A emperor into the capi proved false Ab At . where a group of Kong and ( | i adign members, has long I . - thiopian diplomat said where Cen. Mengesha was reported pgmber of known casualties for for Bunda i as an attempt to make "po: hoats searching vaters off Brook Local 048, largest single group vers or hodies tien nor of and a complete air force wing in Chad In sontral Africa Made it has y that h § provinee remain d! troops were reported hiding whe made a medical ehdekup (expected to contest the loeal's| for same time with I, M, (Casey) ately who had actually witnessed Divorce Case Asmara "all loyal to Haile Se Aiki Bah h ide , 6rn petor under Contra and loyal to the 'reps SWEEP SHACKS on a mental patient be Ase ho | Vek hr idee pit Filining mate Dodds Hie Unions Oanadian di (the wo planes smashing to assie : I'wa fires swept the wooden i ) swollen [to Kenneth ( WEA rector, MeDougall is known together Abebe alse reported in a tele hack slums of Vietnamese and| files recovered 23 ahject have Dodds' tacit support in his| Thousands of spectators rushed . i ( is slo WINS COURT RULING Wl 18ANe ors Fused gram received hy the Ethiopian . . Chinese shopkeepers in the east tram his tamach {Moh i i ( d hid for re-election {tn the Brooklyn disaster avea,| Embassy in Bonn that loyal on Septal of tia iy. Thuiada heir report, published today { " Ai WE Wah 4 iid tb Phe lacal's jurisdiction extends Roadways leading to the scene : A! n qa u : Niafldy ) isto allowing a ruling hy i ot } H Jaa Ethiopian troops are foreing se 1 ' gos a V 1a night, making thousands home a ht ural o the American Tham i Hand ald have dis. from just west of here fo the|were choked with traffio, Emer } smder| . lea oelation, Hale ¥ i) ¢ Nd ¢ lassie's. epponents to surrender Ie 8 ( rhe \ 5 8 {gency vehicles had difficulty get ) these amang items recovered: |aualified him from seeking re Quebec horder In the east Andie if ve Riel LY Ll and the country will soon he un:| > Kong's troops fired over the Fo ans | 2 fe alectiol as president anit Ste, Marie in the north, [Hing throug en 1 12 pr p € wor's y al ps @ 5 evs, d8 natl files A hi bh rn der the emperor's control again Give Con Pl Low With howitger In the direc! io "Sol Or akan. heads, 16 | Thomson is expected fo "pick 15 RODIES FOUND an 0 10UINES empiac | i | ", SAY AIRPORT CAPTURED (6) an Faraday mint hut miltars ool Teligious medals, one bracelet, [husiness agent William Prust a : In RW {wh hours after] TORONTO (OP) = A woman The crew of the airline hich \ orvers vail Tatiree moa gaa orl ane ne ek 1a oe, three metal hi ¥ indidate for president 0 iceman [the erash, the hodies of 16 per-iwho elaims her pieture was used eel arrived in Khartoum sald thel UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. (CP) on id tit would!nist forces stopped mortar and| CVAINE, One heer ean opener, lions from Rin 1 ton ons had heen taken to vaca in divorce case evidence without imperial guard had captured india and Yugoslavia moved to:[eonstitute interference in the do- howitzer fire hy 10 p.m one Kkifo blade, four nail elip: [leamsiers that he WMI a fore sefving Aa Morgles 1 her knowledge was identified to. ) ] go deadle std ) § pers, three pairs of tweegers [leeship -- invoked 13 months ago Sho is Sus e t vietims were 11 men and four|qay as Mrs, Dorothy Brymer day to break the Congo deadlock! mestic affairs of The Conga, The (Military pecialist in Thai a | far # 60-day period on A Mem 0 0 a # vy Brymer here with a plan that would place Russians are against giving anylland said the accuracy of sor tried eoains ) hi r in Martini, A Ha o H Af Aeturacy of Kany hership vote, hut extended as a The TWA plane flight 226 was Mrs, Martini Congolese troops under UN eam: more authority to Seer y \ \ y ne tussian| An amorphous mass of TOR 3 1 \ sald her pleture Pope Names mand and ha Patrice Lu: eral Dag Hammarski o Al Ail of Me fire hy Reng Russian eroded metal sludge" weighing result o the EEN i atl PORONTO (CP) William &. [hound n_from Dayton and Corlwas weed as that of the oe mumba. The plan was given lil: operation heing manned by soldiers other] MOTe than three pounds alsa (Vel Mel on i iy Hey Monek, 20, was shot through the lumbus, Ohio, and Eroping for A |vespondent in the Albert E, Bens tle chance of winning suppor : than Laotians. But new arrivals] Vas 3 naved hy surgery Anant na dotator Mp, WOR ich early today after a man landing at La Guardia J irport, nett divoree last December from East or Wes! WOULD FREE PRISONERS in Hangkok fram the scene of the The man was a patient in the | brushed aside hy hems lussled with a police ponstable The United Air Lines fight 820 "the case was hrowght to light our ew | The resolution was scheduled, The plan would alsa fighting said they saw no evi.| Brookiyvi, N.Y, state hospital I've never wanted to he a A police ponsa out of Chicago was headed | oavlior this week and the ais to go hefore the assembly when| 1. Take immediate steps for gence of uniformed Russians orl . Pespite the large amount of [Yustee and 1 oan not recall ever, He was charged on two eounts through the murk fox Tlowild {apney general's department is it meets to give a full aiving ta release of all 'political prisoners, | Chinese assisting Kong's troops | 700 mals ial oxidizing in the Making 3 Wik " ophaation 10 af shapbreaking and one each of (Field, [investigating 10 membersiip 10 Sf {111 : the explosive Congo question eluding Lumumba, deposed The Thai ohserver aid. the man's stomach he was suffey receiving stolen elothing and pos The flelds ave ahout 10 Miles The Bennett divorce cannot he al na S | 'the Indian-Yugoslay propesal| Conga premier. The West would! powitzer gunner might weil bel !M @ moderate anemia, a con. day essing burglar's tools apart, Idlewild near the S0uth | yovaked because it has been closely resembled the peace plan) also appose thi Communist North Viet Nam| ition sometimes due 16 i¥08 {props RED CHARGES Constable Edwin Harvey said] ide Ful Long Island 0 Queens, made absolute by a eourt, My, VATICAN CITY (AR) Pape Whig h $ exlon and Tunisia ried 2. Take immediate Men ta ve: (raps, trained at the artillery] defiolen In a separate move Thomson Ne was standing on a wsed ear an | @ Guardia near the north Reanett, th father of 11 ehildven, § ; A four new card. 10 put through the Security Coun: convene the Congo Parliament. | sehoal at Dien Bien Phu where . ' Wi 4) i I lot when he saw (Wwe men enter \ ta pl 8 remarties Joba ay named | wd ell earlier this week ht led The United States has insisted announced he will set up a com a ol, Sait Normally two Planes appronel Police were looking today for Twa South Americans. an Ital. back when they failed to maser that it is only a ram parliament volver Harvey entered the res.| DH he two Lields wou 4 he Sem (John J, Anture, Toronto private suppart fram either side \ 3 AS Ad \ arated hy being assigned to dil toteotiv oh layed 4 aa Sid on American Were ele Sul and that many af the depute UGH LAArAnt and grappled With & man ened Bb DEINE assigned to dif detective who payed a part in vated hy the pontilf One new feature in the current won't come out of hiding heeaus danding near the cash register a i) ao} A pd fhe 4 Jas \Hthe divorce, They said they hes They are Most Rev. Luis Con. Peselution is the recommendation they have heen terrorised , HIVOR points an the ARPrOaches|jieve Anture can ell them where ace 1 ap \ he man began fo run away. Jat different times ; \ \ ¢hbishe jo. 10 place Congo troops under the) gy occ ok + | \ | to find Martha Crossman, the cha Cordoba, Ar SRIHANOR La United Nations. The Western na assembly voted 1a rece The constable fired two shots in| "Hut obviensly- something went|waman named as on-vespondent N Be L } gota, Calombia 08¢ e. 20 and reconvene Mareh 7 Abby vrong," an Idlewild Field o \ : \ chbisha powers are expected ta appose "hi , : g the air and a third at the man, [WINE HOWHA Field eam in the Bennett divorce, oii Ruinieee id M i Hl . hy A h. The Soviet hu od munications spokesman sald | " -- - aracas, 4 ¢ 1 4 8 ] p : ' SORDE gil a m A "hv lgates back Jan. 23 . Ht a ro Chest Total airs | Loses His Battle | Te _, Sly ¥ i) At A Glance On Warpath TORONTO (OM) The hevaie 8 James Anglican Cathedral] For three weeks Rose hovered Ped he four ne \ Creation ol } I a EN ra 4) uggle fap life of British immi: here al a special prayer service near death. An operation was inals wil bad) 8 hi i Vids $210 000 rant Alan Rose ended Thursday tor Rose performed Dee, 2 far a perio of the, at re ox lege 4 ho : " night Mrs. Rose, who had gone alone ated weer Another operation oli ureh to an al { N Man lathatl He died at 9:20 pan. in Tor 10 the Chureh of St Aidan, was performed three days later 4 : . i time record of #6 the y wl \ \ 8 5 i A x y There was no indication today $200,000 ¢ POR ante General Hospital, almost aiP aved only that "If it is God's! when his breathing was blocked QUEENS that the Pape would make publ ted fram: the week alter doctors had given up WY Aan be taken, his fight he hy muons gathering in his throat ls fen members } Ulg ended without more suffering hest all 3 aving ¥ \ '¢ wtiering And ehe at the Jan. 16 con y $175.000 A od 3 aolammation all hope of saving him FORT DUCHESNE, Utah (APR IA band of Indians wi call bl names of the thro the re. American oli Rose, 26, had been in hospital ineredible hattle for lif In a desperate attempt to stem i JAMAICA i aanated in pectory days after he was trapped fo tavied Nov, 19 ane hour before the poisons Roding his system designated oh 2b. 1960 a $150,000 9 hours hy .a mine cave-in atlas Saturday shift was 10 end atjdootars amputate d part of time the pope named ven nev \ \ oral Pimmins, in Northern Ontario. [he Hollinger Consolidated Gold] Rose right leg a week ago i vibe a he | al go { H lumi ) tos bexl lors cardinals which brought th $125,000 ~ - the 8 Kg ¥ Mh Doctors said only his ragged M A : \ plum oh hy trade, he Rose fa todd 10 rally Do lors sald lege to a total of p } he Wi ah N wiry hy am constitution Kept him alive sa NAG heen working in the Mine six last weekend that the end wa three "in pectare $100 000 ] 8 en will be g Wl 10] jong Works lo save enough money 1 nea The latter, after 1 an " | iq of \ ME MAE His wife Shiney. flown here| to yin WIE BR INOVEAEOMD A fouchour nse of the atti er : \ |Zoha \ on { } \ uN ark, 10 Canada i p hurs Were , oD rg . are mage hh ; hi fram Manchester, England, afte ' bo field Kidney Thursday severely, # S1Gaea \ a en whe $75.000 ouray-R \ the accident. was at his hedsidel Rose was working at the 1.700 taxed his "strength, Later he 1210e of the college si 1 \ % ns are eligible Pl when the end came. Doctors said! 100 level with John MePhail, rallied slightly--as he had time date. $50 000 i y Ingians, Qisteid cha "taok it lke a brick. Tt was VE1O0a0n havdrock miner, when] and Ain during his three weeks STATEN ISLAND . V MW y families through a tribal! od she wowkl take the body began ta fall. Rose jumped but doetars said id s! on X ho VRS |: he pointed ut BIC tp Ria fas Tabs the wrong way and was trapped \ Was hopeless unless CITY EMERGENCY $25,000 | June "trae Ue" up oN % 4 i d t fu his legs pianed hy timbers his Kidneys resumed their ao TWA CRASH | BE. a group of 30 or 40 rebels We Immediate cause af death nal une n PHONE NUMBERS | sod tribal council office Co was hemorrhage of the bowel] COMPLICATIONS SET IN | Your Greater Oshawa 00 Tribal council aitices herelgue to kidney infection, plus] When rescued, Rose seemed to PUT IN TENT --- and held they for four days complications of infection, Dur-fhe in fair shape, but kiiney As his © condition gradually POLICE RA 5.1133 COMMUNITY CHEST Some were | od and sentenced ag his stay in Nospital R se) wnplications set im and he was! worsened doctor placed | w 2 DEPT. RA 53-6374 Big hiked had been attached to dn a clali flown ta Torante. He was soonlRose in an ¢ h ont {| FIRE DEPT. R bb d Needs Your Su ort : ru AT Were Rokidney a record nine tim joined hy his wife and son, flown! The constant internal heeding | HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 PP Dad he 10 oa this week's) Death came only a few hours a Toronta newspaper [required 150 § of blood and ns and voudin AV treaties or Pr agreement between the . |secession proclamation {after 1,000 potsons had kuelt in The Telegram, 114 units of frozen blood oR LOCATION OF CRASHED AIRLINERS IN NEW YORK

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